bambibonez · 2 years
guys i can feel it this month is gonna be ours
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bambibonez · 2 years
Reblog to give yourself bigger tits
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bambibonez · 2 years
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bambibonez · 2 years
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bambibonez · 2 years
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eggs - roughly 70 cal per egg
spinach - roughly 7 cal per 30gs
fat free greek yogurt - roughly 80 cals per 3/4 cups
popcorn - roughly 30 cals per cup
water melon - roughly 30 cals per 100gs
tofu - roughly 90 cals per serving
frozen fruits - roughly 60+ cals per cup depending on fruit
oats - roughly 148 cals per 1/2 cup
chia seeds - roughly 137 cals per 28gs
fish - roughly 70 cals per 85gs depending on fish
cottage cheese - roughly 163 cals per cup
potato - roughly 161 cals per potato
legumes - roughly 230 cals per cup
white rice - roughly 205 cals per cup
avocado - roughly 160 cals per 100gs
miso soup - roughly 40 cals per serving (other soups are also really good! but cals depend on soups)
vegan food - even if you aren’t vegan or vegetarian, some vegan foods and non dairy foods/drinks can be very good for you
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bambibonez · 2 years
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fasts don’t need to be forever (i have my fast tracker goal set to 16 hours. ideally, i’d like to reach this goal or even go beyond. sometimes things happen and we can’t. there’s been plenty of times i’ve only made it 2-4 hours in and i end up having to break it. i try to keep control over the guilt by still tracking my little “fasts” as it helps me realize i wasn’t binging and seeing the improvement helps me a lot)
calories are fuel, and we kinda need that (men are supposed to average 2,500cals per day and women are supposed to average 2,000cals per day. calories can be scary, counting and restricting them are a HUGE part of a lot of eds, but they are what fuels are bodies and keep us going. therefore i like to think that even if i over go my limit, or break my fast, i’m just fueling myself a little extra. calories are more important in WHAT you eat rather than how MUCH you eat. if you get 100cals of pistachios, you’re going to get different results than 100cals of 3 bites of cake)
nothings better than a walk (if you feel like you over did it, feel bloated, feel disgusted, not quite satisfied, or just bored, go on a walk! go on a run! take a hike! these are all amazing and such simple workouts with so many benefits. the longer you go, or the more challenging path you take, will burn more calories and fat)
people watching in public (sometimes when i’m in public, i like to people watch. by doing this, i often compare myself to others. this can give you irl thinspos from seeing other beautiful people, see clothing you can look forward to having, or see others who are bigger than you. i don’t like to fatshame people, i think all shapes and sizes can be beautiful, but imaging myself to be as huge as some people i’ve seen, it gives me motivation to work harder or not feel guilty because i’m not that big)
don’t count binge cals (i know this one might be hard and seem dumb, but we all know if you binge and count, you’re gonna cause yourself more distress. if you count your binge, you may over restrict or over exercise yourself. this can cause you to put yourself and others at risk with such a drastic change. you could pass out and hurt yourself, or suppose you faint at the wheel of a car and crash into someone? i know all you can think about is the numbers and the guilt as you track them, so instead, take a walk to clear your head and drink lots of water. make an estimated guess of how much you THINK you ate, and for ever 100cals drink a full water bottle and walk for 30 mins)
safe & fear foods (making a list of safe & fear foods has helped me a lot tbh. if i’m craving something i know will lead to a binge if i eat it, and usually it’s something unhealthy, i try to label it as a “fear/bad” food so i can stay away from it, or barely eat any of it if i do. a lot of my safe foods are low cal stuff, and it’s not always super healthy. apples vs. popcorn for example, one is obviously healthier, but popcorn can have low calories depending on the one you get. these can be good foods to curve cravings/binges by still getting something close to what you want)
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bambibonez · 2 years
I don’t think enough people talk about the social hierarchy of eating disorders.
So, this is simply a reminder that Bulimia is NOT “failed anorexia.” Binge-Eating Disorder is NOT laziness and voluntary lack of self discipline. OSFED is NOT any less valid that anorexia. ARFID is NOT just “being picky.” And, Anorexia is NOT cute or desirable.
These are all horrible and deadly disorders, and there is no way to “fail” at having a mental illness. We are all suffering is different ways and that is always valid and deserving of help.
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bambibonez · 2 years
"You don't have an eating disorder, everyone your age hates their body"
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bambibonez · 2 years
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brush teeth when hungry
drink a lot of water (great for skin!)
go on walks (longer walk = more burnt cals!)
help & clean around house (can burn cals!)
do homework/study (if in any type of schooling)
take naps
read (make goals like “i have to finish __ chapter(s)”)
listen to an album start to finish
writing (a story, a diary, etc.)
watch, smell, clean something gross
film yourself eating
eat vv low cal foods (baby puffs, yogurt, rice cakes, etc.)
chew ice or gum
read the whole nutrition label
paint your nails
watch a movie/show
be outside away from food
drink more teas
make schedules for when you can eat/snack
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