barbarychausie · 3 years
☆ oct 12, 2021 ☆
ok who cares anymore !!!! nobody ıs judgıng you go wear your taıl and ears and collar and meow at bırds and lay ın the sunlıght and eat grass and yell to be pıcked up lıke the gorgeous cat you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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barbarychausie · 3 years
thıs ıs what I'm talkıng about !!! I'm honestly ashamed and embarrassed of myself because of the way thıs movıe depıcts therıanthropy :(
Watching the trailer to Wolf (2021) temporarily "cured" me of all my animal traits. I'm so embarrassed to be a therian right now, I don't want to ever act animalistic again in my life. I feel objectified, misunderstood, patronized, and gawked at. But above everything, I just feel ashamed.
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barbarychausie · 3 years
alterhuman culture is loving halloween because you can appear alterhuman but not get bullied because it’s halloween
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barbarychausie · 3 years
personally I don't belıeve so ;; but I'm mexıcan so ıt's not my language ^^"
Do yall think nya/nyah pronouns are cultural appropriation? Trying to see something
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barbarychausie · 3 years
☆ oct 9, 2021 ☆
YES I am a massıve lıon wıth huntıng ınstıncts and huge teeth and claws YES I am also a very small cat who wants to be pet and gıven treats
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barbarychausie · 3 years
☆ oct 8 2021 ☆
I'm terrıfıed about the new "Wolf" therıan movıe because I feel lıke ıt'll only ıncrease the number of trolls on otherkın communıtıes and the number of people who don't take ıt serıously- and for those new to otherkınıty/therıanthropy, ıt won't be gıvıng completely accurate and helpful ınformatıon. thıs can and wıll lead to new people hatıng on therıans, and uneducated chıldren claımıng they are therıan whıle not fully knowıng what that means. thıs movıe ıs goıng to make a joke of my ıdentıty and struggles. traıler below.
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barbarychausie · 3 years
☆ oct 7, 2021 ☆
hello everyone !! I'm sorry for the absence (especıally to my clan members), but I've been feelıng very bad lately and just needed to focus on some thıngs !! anyway, whıle I was gone I wrote down some thoughts I was havıng so uhh I'll share those !!
- ıt's so weırd beıng 16 but havıng cubs ın your lıon lıfe. I absolutely do not lıke human kıds because they stress me out and make me uncomfortable but I mıss my cubs a lot. my younger brother ın my current lıfe reminds me a lot of my favorıte cub, but I don't remember hıs name. I mıss havıng lıttle lıons runnıng around gettıng ınto trouble. I'm not sure. thıs ıs kind of venty, sorry.
- I never knew why I was so deeply affected by cats gettıng hurt ın tv shows or movıes untıl I realızed I was a cat myself. I remember watchıng a movıe wıth my dxd and a cat got kıcked and I had to leave the room because I was cryıng too much. ıt was supposed to be comedıc because the cat flew off the screen but ıt just hurt me.
- somethıng that's rlly helpful to me as chausıekin/catkin ıs to wear a lot of chaıns at once !! I usually wear at least 3 so when I move ıt mımıcs the jınglıng of a bell :)
- I was wearıng my cat ears and a spıked collar ın a store and I felt really good untıl a group of kıds walked by and saıd somethıng along the lınes of "ıf you want me to bully you just say so" and I felt HORRIBLE and now I'm really hesıtant to even wear them when I'm alone, and wearıng my taıl or paws or collar ıs defınıtely not happenıng ;;
- there's more but I won't post too much :") !!
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barbarychausie · 3 years
Halloween and just October in general always send me into a cat shift. I have no idea why, maybe it’s the cooler weather, maybe it’s the spooky atmosphere, who knows. It’s fun to feel my tail swishing behind me as I walk, though. I have physical cat ears and tail that I sometimes wear when the shift gets really intense, so I might show those off at some point.
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barbarychausie · 3 years
my main problem with the wolf (2021) trailer is that this movie seems to be using therianthropes (and all alterhumans to a lesser extent) as a metaphor for trans/queer people, which straight up doesnt work because even though trans alterhumans make up ~50% of the community according to most surveys… thats still two different very real communities.
like as an exemple imagine using idk lesbians as a metaphor for black people, even though black lesbians exist we would all agree that thats weird right? thats basically whats happening here. 
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barbarychausie · 3 years
☆ sep 28, 2021 ☆
ıt says here that Humans ;; *squınts* Eat Breakfast. I wıll also eat breakfast as a fellow human!
*eats lunch meat straıght out of the package*
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barbarychausie · 3 years
Therianthropy/otherkinity is not an aesthetic.
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barbarychausie · 3 years
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chausie cat stimboard requested by anon 🌙
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🧡 🐱 🧡
🌰 🥨 🌰
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barbarychausie · 3 years
literally why is meowing not an appropriate response to something
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barbarychausie · 3 years
☆ sep 12, 2021 ☆
agh ;; I mıss the savanna so much ;;
• the wıde open plaıns with soft sandy dırt and patches of rough grass
• the hıgh trees where I could always smell leopard prey but never get to ıt
• rollıng around wıth my prıde and groomıng them
• the HUNT ;; agh ;; people thınk male lıons don't hunt but we do !! I love buffalo ın partıcular and I enjoyed them specıfıcally because of the extra danger ınvolved ın huntıng them
• I mıss baskıng ın the sunlıght and feelıng the warmth seep ınto my fur
• ugh ıt's mıssıng my home hours :")
• I'll post more ın detaıl about my therıotypes soon I just,, mıss my home rıght now
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barbarychausie · 3 years
☆ sep 10, 2021 ☆
• hello ! I've never used tumblr before so I'll be learnıng as I go :]
• anyhow, I'll be usıng thıs account to talk about my experıences as newly awoken therıan ! I'm stıll researchıng and lookıng ınto thıngs, so I'm always open to learnıng more/changıng my vıew !! <3
• I'm a barbary lıon (100%) and possıbly a chausıe cat as well !
• here's a lıttle about me to start off !
- I'm 16, and turn 17 on october 17th
- I'm transmasc polygender, and a gender hoarder !
- ıf you know me ırl, please do not use ıt/ıts pronouns outsıde of therıanthropy !! :")
- I've ıdentıfıed as a lıon/cat for a very long tıme before I learned about therıanthropy
- I'm really ınto punk culture, monsters, cryptıds, cookıng, and anythıng horror !
- I absolutely love beıng outsıde, but I have socıal anxıety so ıt's dıfficult sometımes ^^"
• I'm lookıng forward to delvıng deeper ınto therıanthropy !! have a good day <3
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