baysresearchentries · 3 years
So what exactly are you planning to do with this blog?
I wanted to make some monster hunter content. I thought journal entries would be interesting. I'm working on making art to go with them.
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baysresearchentries · 3 years
Journal Entry #2: Into the Unknown.
I couldn't sleep much during the night. My mind raced faster than a Valstrax on a sugar rush. I kept thinking about the texts and why only I could read them. And I don't mean because I was able to translate them.
I read them, as if I knew the language from birth. Which is impossible. How can I know something if I've never seen it?
The texts were written in a dead language on a degraded scroll. Long predating the fall of Schrade thousands of years ago. Not even Wyverian scholars or His Immenseness could read it. But I have a hypothesis.
Scholars and researchers theorized that information passed down from generations could remain dormant within a creatures mind and become awakened with certain stimuli or a change in their environment. It is what's known as instinct.
Could the same be said for humans?
There's no way of knowing if my ability to read the texts is because of instinct or not. But it's the best lead I have.
Perhaps an Ancient Wyverian couple decipher some clues. The Guild knows of one located within the Everwood. Luckily, I wrote down what little I could read from the texts for further study.
How I'm going to find it in a forest that is constantly changing is anyone's guess. But it's worth the risk.
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baysresearchentries · 3 years
Journal Entry #1: A new dawn, brings a new day.
Cheesy line, I know. But it seemed fitting, given what had just happened.
I broke into the archives of the Elder Observation Center in Dundorma and stole confidential information. Eventually I was caught and I expected the worst. Yet instead, my hunting license was revoked and I was placed on probation.
I didn't understand why. The Guild heads then told me they will allow me to continue my research as long as I submit all my findings to them. And they stressed everything.
Should I withhold information I will immediately be placed under arrest and sent to life in prison.
I had no choice but accept.
I was to now journey the world to observe and document. Luckily I won't be taking this quest alone. By my side I will have my trusty Palico and Palamute, Pico and Ruka.
We leave in the morning. To wherever the wind may take us.
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