why is my husband’s kneejerk reaction to me throwing any article of my clothing at him to snatch it with force and inhale deeply like his life depends on it. Bizarre man
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miss the days you could show up on the docks without a penny to your name, wringing your hat in your hands and the captain of the ship would squint down at you and begrudgingly yell, “eh well, get on lad we need an extra set of hands” and you’d go aboard and set off to god knows where, but you wouldn’t care as long as it was away from here. it would be hard work — harder than anything you’d ever done in your life — your hands would turn raw and callused from the long days of labour at sea. but slowly you would earn the respect of not only the crew but the first mate and one day when the rest of the crew goes ashore to spend their pay, you and the first mate stay back to watch the ship and suddenly he’s looking at you like the sea isn’t the only thing he worships anymore
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God I miss the days when you could show up to a stranger’s farm and he’d say “What’s your name, boy?” and you’d take off your hat and hold it to your chest to better let him see your face and reply “Why I ain’t got none, sir, on account of my mammy passed on before she could give me one” and he’d tell you he’s real damn sorry to hear that and ask what he can do you for and you’d tell him that you can’t read nor even write neither but you’re mighty good with horses and can mend them fallen fence posts what you saw on your way in and won’t ask for nothing much more than a hot meal and a warm barn to sleep in and he’d keep his wife and daughters inside but send his boy who ain’t got married yet even though his mama tells him he needs a woman out with a lantern and some stew at night and the two of you’d get to talkin and he’d throw you his flask to take a swig from and watch you drinkin from it while he leant against the door frame and when he finally got called back on up to the house again he’d take a sip from it too real slow-like like it weren’t the whiskey what he were tryna savour
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Human rights protest circa 1935
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CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER 2014 | dir. Joe Russo, Anthony Russo
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Ive watched it but i havent heard the songs. i muted every time they started singing i dont like musicals. epic story though
I just learned that a friend of mine has not seen spies are forever but has listened to the album. I do not know of anyone else ever having experienced the show this way. it's the most incorrect way of going about it and I will be hopefully soon showing him the actual show
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Every superhero is inherently queer, I will not be taking any further questions at this time.
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Piggybacking off of this, I think that ultimately this means that Joseph found happiness afterlife, even though he died such a tragic death and the actual existence of a heaven isn't ever confirmed in canon (unless you count the existence of Jesus himself as proof enough). For years he gave himself and he was dried and wilted and bruised and abandoned, but after his death he has a whole field stemmed from him. He may not have lived a happy life but you cannot deny the flower symbolism behind not being given a tree but a bed of wild flowers
Back on my Joseph Poppy posting. Thinking about how instead of being laid to rest beneath a tree, a stranger finds him and planted flowers instead. Do you think they knew. Do you think they understand just how ill this makes me
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There's something so intimate about Joseph giving flowers to the people he likes romantically,,, he's literally just saying "here is a piece of my identity for you, my body and soul given to you in such a delicate way." And then he was always abandoned to wilt or pressed and dried to the extent of distortion and I really can't think of a more in character thing
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I really think that in a kinder life Joseph could have been an artist. We see him making wood carvings throughout the book and I think if given the opportunity he could have been quite happy doing that for the rest of his life. We know he's skilled bc he was able to use one of his carvings in place of money during a night of gambling that one time, plus he was able to make his own set of silverware when his spoon was stolen? He should have done rhaf more tbh maybe Jesus wouldn't hate him so much if he did
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Rip to Joseph poppy you would have loved nightitme cold medicine
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I think one of the biggest differences between book Joseph and movie Joseph are just, the sense of isolation he feels, the helplessness.
In the book, there is a scene where he is just a boy, and they run out of firewood in the dead of winter. His brother is sick, his mother far too old to even consider getting more wood herself. His father had died shortly before- and that just leaves him. He wraps up in any spare layers he can find, which aren't a lot, as his older brother is using most of them, and he gets the old ax from behind the house. He has to treck through feet of snow to try and find a tree he could manage to get, and drag as much wood as possible home for their fires. His gloves have holes in them and he almost gets lost, bc fresh snow nearly covers his tracks completely. It takes him hours, out in the freezing weather, before he has enough chopped and makes his way home. His brother is cruel to him, but he has never been more terrified of losing someone, because even if his brother is better at him than anything, he can't help but love him
His brother lives, and everything stays the same. In the movie, years later, we see Joseph in the middle of the war, snow falling down, abandoned by his leader, with holes in his gloves and half a days rations. He can't start a fire because it would only show their enemies where they were, and he is alone. He is so, so lonely and scared, but I think without the context of the book it could be written off as just the horrors of war. But Joseph has seen this before, the cruelty and loneliness and the cold. Idk idk, I think I could talk about it forever
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"Suffer, Joseph Poppy.
You're one of a million and you'll endure anything. It's not true that rock is the hardest and that iron is the mightiest, no. The truth is that the most will be endured by the ordinary man."
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"the most will be endured by ordinary man" yes yes I know but have you considered he's Jesus'personal little meow meow
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"Suffer, Joseph Poppy.
You're one of a million and you'll endure anything. It's not true that rock is the hardest and that iron is the mightiest, no. The truth is that the most will be endured by the ordinary man."
"Joseph Poppy, an ordinary man, one of a million, for whom nothing in the world awaits and whom no one will remember, when he returns from life.
Joseph Poppy: one of a million. Who's remembered only as humanity, and never as a human being."
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"Joseph Poppy, an ordinary man, one of a million, for whom nothing in the world awaits and whom no one will remember, when he returns from life.
Joseph Poppy: one of a million. Who's remembered only as humanity, and never as a human being."
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I know he started working in the mines *after* jula married his brother but do you think that he thought about getting her back still, maybe with a ring made from the very iron he surrounded himself with bc he knew he could never afford the nice one his brother got him? Do you think he breathed in the ash and dust and dreamt of a world where she waited, and even poor as dirt he would have been enough
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