bigbroforum · 6 years
Watch The First 3 Minutes of The Amazing Race 30 Premiere!
The 30th season of The Amazing Race begins tomorrow, Wednesday January 3rd but you can watch the first three minutes now! This season features Big Brother 19 stars Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf, former NBA players, Goat Yoga instructors, Indy Car racers and more! https://twitter.com/AmazingRaceCBS/status/947799589716836353
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bigbroforum · 7 years
[Day 32] Live Feed Update: House Attacks Jessica And Cody
3,000+ words. Might lag your phone.
Dont forget you can view live feed updates on our forums!
2:00 PM BBT
Christmas/Paul currently coaching Josh on what to say/do to Cody and tell Josh to call Cody a bully. They want him to use words like "be a man" and "you're a coward" etc.
Matt is still trying to talk them out of it. He doesn't think it's good to do this to incite a physical reaction. Paul isn't there so Christmas/Raven are agreeing that i might be too far. He doesn't think it's smart to crack a person who has killed other people before. Matt, mostly ranting out loud, doesn't want to do it. Christmas tells him that she's on the same page so to stop talking to her about it. He leaves. Raven explains Matt isn't mad at her. Christmas still wants him to stop talking to her about it.
Jessica is telling Cody about her plan B: two weeks safety with getting Alex out.
Josh is now going in on Cody: Tells him that he should have thrown the battle back to Cameron, Jessica put a muzzle around Cody's mouth so he cannot talk, Mocks his age, Says he doesn't have social game. Jessica tells Josh to leave. Cody tells her that the deal for Plan B is probably fake and to not trust it. She says it was just a back up plan in case he truly wanted to leave. They agree they've been through the worst already so they need to go out swinging. Josh still screaming down the hallway about how Cody is a huge bully: Jody start making out.
Josh now yelling to Cody that he's going to self evict or they will make him deal with hell all week long. He tells him to pull a Megan and says Megan was more entertaining that Cody. He keeps yelling PULL A MEGAN.  He keeps yelling at Cody to go pull the handle to self evict. He says he won't attack him personally but will torment him until he pulls that handle.  Paul's just staring Cody down. It's fucking weird.
Jason/Mark commenting how uncomfortable they are with this keeping on happening. Mark says he's trying to hard to no intervene in the situation. Jason says he is too and he would have ended it if he was in this situation... by not being in this situation to begin with.  Cody didn't give a POV ceremony speech. Josh now saying Cody doesn't deserve to be there because of it and he disrespected America by not giving one. In reality: Cody couldn't care less, goes to get a pizza to cook. Josh had to pee but was too scared to go into the bathroom where Cody/Jess were.
3:00 PM BBT
Meanwhile, Paul is telling Elena how she needs to jump ship because the house is done with Cody and Jess, especially after she uses the Hex.  Paul and Alex now telling Jason that he wants him to go to Cody and question his dog tags. Once he does that, Paul will jump in if it gets hairy.  They really doubt that he was in the Marines/Army. They think he is just a farm boy. Paul asking Jason what Mark said to him earlier. Jason says they talked about how he doesn't have a target on his back now.
Raven is now "triggered" by her conversation with Cody/Jessica from earlier. She says it brings up bad memories of her being sexually abused (the conversation with Jess/Cody wasn't aggressive or rude or anything. It was just a normal conversation) and now Raven is playing it up. Paul says this is why he wants Cody out so bad. He thinks Cody doesn't do anything and doesn't deserve to be in the game because he's just there, not doing anything.
He wants Jess to see that Cody is being hostile in the environment so she doesn't use the hex.
Josh now questioning if America gave Jessica the temptation because Paul&Minions are being seen as bullies/are not liked. Paul says no way. Josh now apologizing to his mother on the feeds. He wants her to excuse his actions because he normally doesn't act that way. He says Jody made it personal so he's going to have some fun with them.
Paul now asking Jessica about Cody's "aggressive" behaviour that Raven is claiming. Jessica is saying that Cody wasn't in there when Jessica talked to Raven and Raven cleared it up afterward. She says Raven even hugged/kissed Cody after the conversation is APSR. She brings up Jason's veto speech. Pau denies having anything to do with that.
4:00 PM BBT
Paul keeps denying having power of others in the house. He asks for an example and she says he's playing a psychological game on the house. Jessica says he tells people what to do and they do it. He denies because he told Josh to "pump the breaks" and he never did. Jess says it's funny how Josh is now playing the victim but he didn't care when he was screaming at Jessica.  She asks for the personal attacks to stop.
He doesn't understand how she thinks he's playing such a great game but she has him pegged and explains his game to a T. She says he uses being a vet to a bunch of people who seek approval and he uses that to get what he wants. He doesn't think his game is as good as she's claiming but she says it's easy for Paul in the game since all eyes are on her/Cody. She explains that Cody save him last week by talking her out of going after Paul. He says the war between the two of them is over but he (paul) didn't initiate it in any way. She really doubts that Jason came up with that speech on his own. She knows Paul told him to say it, Paul denying.
He's now trying to turn this back on her. He says she's in this spot because she tried to cut a deal with the whole entire house, making deals and getting them to turn on each other because she tried to get safety for her and Cody. He tells her people lie in the game and she says that's clear. He's now saying that it's her own fault for staying up in HOH or in whatever room while the rest of the house is elsewhere.  He tells her to use the Hex if she wants. She says she is going to use it because Cody is the only person she trusts. He says that's up to her. He says he doesn't appreciate his name being tossed around behind his back. She flat out asks when.
Paul is silent. He finally says all 9 people must be lying to him then. She says she doesn't even talk to 9 people in the house. He says he over hears things. She tells him then 9 number doesn't work with her. He says they all overheard things and told him. He says he doesn't go around the house whispering in corners. He says he doesn't want to be seen as a psychological manipulator. She says that's not negative. He says he still doesn't understand what she means by that.  She's said she's explained it several times: he's a vet, people like that, so he uses that and they do what he says. He says he's playing his own game and isn't telling people what to do.
He says he has no choice but to play because the house changes their plans every week. She says her agenda has been clear the whole time.  She says Cody made one decision in the second week [and it's still haunting him] but others have been lying for 5 weeks straight.
She says she now knows from things people have said things to her that Paul has thrown her under the bus and her name has come out of his house. She tells him that she's not ignorant to things in the house. He says he never said that but says other people are manipulators in this house [so don't believe what he's said about her]. She thinks it's funny now because everything is so over the top. Paul thanks her for the chat and leaves.
Paul now telling everyone that the Hex is being used. He's telling them how Jess told him how people relay information back to her about him. He says she called them all liars and manipulators in the house. Paul now vowing the make Cody's life hell this week now that he knows the Hex is being used. Paul keeps freaking out that people are telling Jessica stuff. Jessica was referencing Kevin and Kevin keeps talking up... IDK if Paul is catching on to it or not.
Paul now tells them that jury isn't guaranteed for them because of this. Paul tells Josh to ramp up the antics and to get them started.
Meanwhile, Jessica wants to leave the game. She doesn't think there's anything else she can do in the house. Cody is actually being supportive in his weird way. She explains how the game is really stressing her out. Meanwhile to this, Paul is still on about his retell of the conversation. Of course he is acting like he stood up to Jess blah blah blah. Paul again tells Raven that people were telling Jessica things. Raven says she doesn't feel well (dunno if he was trying to implicate her or not) Paul again keeps repeating that none of them are getting to jury but he's tried all he could.
Josh enters APSR. Sits in the chair. Tells them that he knows they're falling in love but their love isn't worth it because others deserve to be here over Cody since he didn't give a speech.
Cody says he didn't give a speech because he clearly doesn't have a fan base so it's not going to happen. Josh says he wants the security. Jess says he should get it himself. He says he has it. She's laughing. Paul is waiting outside the door listening. Cody asks what Josh's issue is. Josh says cause they made it personal.
Josh tells Cody that his personality sucks. Cody just walks up in leaves. Jessica asks what his deal is. Josh says he doesn't have a deal. He says Jess was so good. Jess says that everyone then stabbed her in the back so every thing means ZERO to her in the game. Josh says that Cody controls everything that Jess does. Jess says she feels bad for Josh if he thinks that.
Paul now starting in on Cody. He asks if Cody still thinks he's a character on TV. Cody says he has no words and stays hush.   Jess and Josh keep going at it. She says she nominated Josh because he attacked her at the pool, so both of them made personal moves.Paul thinks that since Cody walked away without engaging, he's gone to cry alone in the bedroom. Paul walks into the room with Jessica and Josh and asks if Josh if he told him to do that. Josh says no. PAUL LITERALLY TOLD HIM WHAT TO DO AND WHAT TO SAY.
Josh thinks that jessica should care more about the rest of the house than cody by getting them to Jury. He now brings up her word and she says that she swore on her fathers life about her word. She keeps asking him to leave but he's not leaving the room. He keeps running his mouth, she keeps asking him to leave and says she is making his life hell by attacking Cody/bashing pots.
5:00 PM BBT
Other feed has Alex confronting Cody in front of a large group of people. She asks if he's just going to let Jessica "do that", He says he didn't let Jess "do anything:. She says that she warned him that Jess was coming after her and either Jess is lying to him or her.  Cody comes back to Jess and they keep trying to get Josh to leave.
Cody now tells Jessica about how Alex confronted him about a secret deal to get her out. They are laughing since the whole house was in on the deal. He mentions how Christmas confirmed a deal. He says they're trying their best to make them break but its not going to work.
Paul now says that since he's got psychological control over them, his dogs, he wants to sniff things out. He wants to call a house meeting.
Meanwhile, Kevin and Jason are now just hearing about the (fake) deal to get Alex out. They're pissed.
Paul and Josh are getting their tutu's on for the house meeting. Josh quickly tells Paul about his conversation with Jessica.
Kevin trying to find out more details about the Alex deal. Mark says it was all bullshit just to get Jessica to not use the hex.
Josh is running around bashing pots and singing. He opens APSR and tries to get Jess/Cody out of the room for some "fun". Paul is calling for him to come out and answer questions in front of the house so they can "actually play the game"
Jess bites. Alex starts yelling at her for flopping votes. Alex doesn't get why Jess wants her out. Jess says she nominated her. Alex says the vote was 10-0 for Dom and they could have got her out. Jess ays that's cause Dom had a meltdown.
Alex says no and asks for backup. The "group" agrees that isn't true. Alex thinks Jessica should be grateful about keeping her.
Paul wants Jessica to tell Cody about the deal. She says she already told Cody about the deal. Paul says so she's a liar. She syas she told Cody about the deal AFTER POV.
Paul now wants Matt to bring up how Cody wanted Jason/Alex to take Jess out week one. She says that's not a question. They keep talking over her. She wants to answer their questions so tells them to stop talking. She says she and Cody have cleared this up. Alex now asks about her ears. jessica says she didn't hide them. Raven is accused of hiding Alex's ears. pretty sure Raven IS the one who did it. She starts losing her shit on Jessica, calling her a fucking bitch, a c*nt. Paul high fives her and says that's his girl.  Alex now bringing Mark into the cat ears things.
Paul now saying their jury spots are over now just because of Jody. Alex keeps bring Mark into it. Mark is confused IDEK know what it's about honesty.
Cody came and dragged Jessica outside mid screaming match with Raven. Josh is now outside bashing pots an singing to annoy them. Paul has now joined in. The group has follow Jody outside. Raven keeps screaming WOOF WOOF MOTHER FUCKING WOOF because she's allegedly Paul's dog. Jason/paul/Alex now hoping that Cody or Jessica swing at one of them to get kicked out. In reality: jess and cody are quietly talking on the hammock while the rest are screaming, yelling, dancing, bashing pots and doing whatever else they can think of to get a reaction.
5:30 BBT
Paul called to the DR. He now comes back and is making comments about how they cannot verbally say they are planning on enticing someone into violence in order to get kicked out. Josh again comments that America is going to hate them. Paul says there is no way because 9 vs 2 is for a reason (wtf?) Meanwhile Cody says she better use the hex and she says there's no way she was never going to not use it.
ALEX AND RAVEN ARE ACTING LIKE PUPPIES IN THE BACKYARD. Alex now calling Jess a sexual predator. Matt has an issue with them going after Raven. He was cool with it until then.
One feed finally turns off the BY to Mark and Elena. He is still pissed that he was brought into that for no reason. She leaves to go watch and make sure they aren't brought up in anything. She goes to Paul and asks what was going on. Alex says she is okay with the deal. Elena is cool with that. Alex says thats BB and is cool with it but what isnt cool is Jessica making personal attacks because shes insecure about Cody (IDK either)
Paul, Josh and Alex are still screaming stuff across the backyard to Jody, who are quielty chatting on the hammock. Paul keeps encouraging others to drop personal digs at Jess/Cody.
Chirstmas and Alex now chime in, per Paul. Bring up Cody being in the Marines because the American flag was on the floor (hard to hear over the hammock rocking). Cody says they dont know what they're doing by bringing up the Marines. He says thats such a bad thing to do about it. jess says she did it (the flag on the floor) by accident and didn't know she was being disrespectful. He says it's nothing to worry about.
Cody asks if she's okay. She says she is and is glad it's finally in the open instead of it being whispered. He says he's said so much nice stuff about everyone else but this is how they treat them. LMAO Paul now trying to claim that Dominique was attempting to say Jessica was the snake and not him.
Josh and Paul start dancing around the BY again
Jessica just asked if he wants to talk from the show at the same time as her. he says he's down to do whatever she wants. She is worried about her job on the outside. She doesn't know if she can handle staying another week dealing with these antics and her leaving (albiet sacrificing her $$) is more worth it to her if her job is still there.
In the background, Raven is screaming about how "bad" Jessica is for talking about how big Cody's dick is. Jody are dying laughing on the hammock and he thanks her.
Paul now vaselineing the door handle to Jess/Codys bedroom. Tells Kevin that he must never be seen talking to Jess/Cody or else. Cody is trying to talk Jess into staying and is telling her things will be okay on the outside.
6:00 PM BBT
Paul put vaseline on the doorknob. Cody opened the door then wiped the vaseline on Josh's bed. Josh is now upset and threatening to dump ranch/mustard/bbq sauce on them ever day for messing with his bed. Jess says she wants to go to the DR with him to talk about walking together. They go outside. Josh to the DR Sounds like Paul/Josh got told to stop by production. Paul telling Josh that they shouldnt' do childish shit to "stoop down to Cody's level" - Cody and Jess are still chilling on the hammock talking about quitting. They haven't reacted or done anything.  
7:00 PM BBT
Mark is requesting it to stop. Josh doesn't like him defending Jody. Mark says he's not defending Jody, he'd be saying the same thing regardless. He says he is drained and Josh agrees to take it easy. Meanwhile, Paul is telling Elena to not go around Cody/Jess at all any more. He is still sure Jess wont use the Hex now to stop the tormenting. Mark joins. They talk about how they will go after Jess/Cody next week (Mark already told Jessica that he is done with this side but will act like he is going after Jess/Cody, even to Elena).
Someone with a bullhorn has just yelled over the wall. Something about how America loves Jessica and something inaudible about Paul being a bully.
House called on indoor lockdown. FISH
Feeds come back. Paul and Minions are locked in HOH wondering what is being shown that America likes Jody over them. Jody are locked downstairs for now.
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bigbroforum · 7 years
Week Four: Josh vs Ramses Eviction RESULTS!
It's time for either Josh or Ramses to be evicted. Is the blindside still on?
Find out the results.
Ramses has been evicted 7-3 (Mark, Elena, Cody).
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bigbroforum · 7 years
[Day 24] Live Feed Recap:  House Plans To Flip On Mark and Elena
About This Morning
Pretty slow morning so far. Jason spoke to Cody about how he didn't vote to keep him here two weeks ago, among other things like working together moving forward. Cody went to Jessica afterwards and they figured out it was Christmas who voted to keep him last week. He told her that Kevin admitted to him that he was the third vote for him to stay. The duo pieced together that Kevin also evicted Jillian in week one.
Paul spoke to Jason and told him the plan is to get Ramses out because he wants to use Josh as a tool to get Mark, Cody and Jessica out. He stresses to Jason to NOT tell Mark and Elena the plan, which Jason has not been doing (Mark and Jason spoke before going to bed and Jason never said anything, but Mark was on getting Josh out)
It's noon. Big Brother has been hounding wake up calls but most are still in bed.
In the Afternoon
Christmas and Matt are talking about how they are so sure Elena and Mark threw the HOH competition [so that's why they are turning on them this week]. They are sure Mark/Elena have a deal with Cody/Jessica. He is upset because he thinks Mark and Elena are huge floaters. She goes over how much Mark bullies Ramses and Josh. She thinks that Elena only started being close with Ramses two days ago when Cody returned to the house. Talk turns to throwing HOH to Alex or Jason so they can make a move against Elena/Mark.
Jessica is quickly speaking to Ramses about promising she will do all she can to make sure he is safe this week. She's now talking to Alex about sending Josh home because he is a huge distraction to her in the game. Alex says she's not happy with noms but Jess assures she's not playing both sides, she just wants Josh out. Alex promises her she told Jason that he cannot use the POV but didn't confirm how she'd vote this week.
Mark and Cody are talking about moving forward in the game for a long while now. Cody says he's happy with his new team. Mark says he was very excited that Cody was back in the game. They try to guess who has the temptation, Mark is sure it's Jessicam and talk changes to Christmas/Raven. Cody would have a very hard time nominating them because he feels bad for them.
Alex is telling Jason about her conversation with Jess and is stressing that he not confirm a vote with Cody/Jessica just yet. They agree they are going to team up with Paul and Kevin moving forward and plan to blame Mark if the vote is close and Josh goes home.
Feeds go down for the comp.
5:00 PM BBT
Feeds return from the comp.
Jessica won and is telling Cody that Christmas obviously threw it. He doesn't care and thinks there was no reason for Christmas to win it anyway.
Downstairs, Paul is talking to Raven about how Jessica already told Christmas she is keeping nominations the same.  They plan to evict Ramses. She calls Jessica dumb for just assuming they have the votes and not consulting with anyone first.
Mark and Paul talk about nominations staying the same. Mark says Jessica and Cody want to mend fences with the house so they won't be using it. Mark begins explaining that he and Cody cleared the air but Paul thinks Mark is talking about Josh. Mark says no. Paul tells him that Josh has screwed up so much and there's no way he'll be safe this week. Mark agrees.
Cody is talking to Jessica about his conversation with Mark from earlier in the afternoon. Cody says he was lying through the whole thing. He brings up how Mark thinks that Jessica has the temptation but he played it off like she doesn't. She thinks that means Mark is trying to play him for information and she is mad at that. He talks about how he refuses to be friends with anyone outside of the house because they all backstabbed him week one.
Not much happening. Veto players are showering/getting cleaned up. Others hanging out in the kitchen or laying down.
Jessica and Cody are hanging out in the apple room. She tells them that if she gets any hint that they are going up next week, she will reveal that she has the Hex.  
6:00 PM BBT
Most are hanging out. Cody and Jessica are talking about the past weeks, getting Josh out and how he is ready to fight in a war on American soil.
The other room has Paul telling Kevin, Alex and Jason that Josh is safe this week even though Jessica wants him out. They talk about getting Mark and Elena out next week because they sided with Cody and Jessica. Sounds like Jason wants to side with Cody/Jessica because they were loyal to him week one but Alex wants to be loyal to Paul. Paul tells them to plan on telling Jessica/Cody/Mark/Elena that Josh is going home no matter what this week because they don't want nominations to change.
Kevin tells Christmas that they need to relax. He is worried that the other group will realize what is going on and change the nominations. He thinks that Jessica will take Ramses off. He asks her if Matt was up, would he leave. Christmas says no and she thinks that Josh would leave in that case. They break off.
Everyone is hanging in the kitchen eating, hanging out. Josh is now alone in the apple room talking about how he's going to put respect on his name this week and call people out. He's going to stand on the sofa eviction night and call people out. He plans on calling out Mark for flip flopping. He plans on sending Cody out next week so Jessica can be all alone again (Halting Hex says HAAAAAY GIRL!)
8:00 PM BBT
Not much going on but a BOOOOZE DELIVERY! Paul is already dictating how the booze should be distributed. He chugs from a bottle but gets upset when others try to do the same. He wants it all in a pitcher. He's also upset that Jessica/Cody are drinking this booze and not the booze that she got in her HOH room. They make sangria.
Cody and Jess are talking about who they trust. He cannot wait for the house to see that Paul is in the middle of everything. They talk about trusting Elena but don't know if they can trust Mark.
Meanwhile, downstairs is celebrating their blindside being in place and Paul is telling the group that they can go after Mark next week.
Paul now asking Elena if Mark is freaking out. She says she doesn't think so. Paul asks why Mark asked him (Paul) if everything is still on track. She doesn't know. He asks if she knows about the POV being used. She says she doesn't know.
Mark joins Cody and Jess. He is so happy they are back together. They talk about Josh and Jessica suspects the vote will be unanimous to evict him. Mark agrees. Elena joins. Meanwhile, downstairs notices that they are in HOH and whispers start.
9:00 PM BBT
Matt is now unsure if they should go through with the plan. Raven thinks they should. He is worried that if they go against Cody, Mark and Elena that they could go home next week if one of them wins HOH. She thinks it won't matter. He disagrees. He thinks this move helps the group but not him and Raven specifically. Matt is now repeating his concerns to Paul. Paul doesn't care and thinks they only have to worry about Cody winning since he doesn't think Elena would go after them and thinks Mark cannot win a competition. Matt doesn't want to risk the competition. Paul is confident he can beat Cody. Matt asks if Paul remembers the last comp (LMAO!) Matt doesn't want to lie to Jess/Cody. He thinks they can get Ramses out next week. Paul says no. He (Ramses) has to go this week because this will affect the evicting Mark, Cody, Jessica plans. Paul tells them this will all be in their favour. He says Josh will always be a shield for them and he's also not afraid of going after the other side. Paul says it's clear that he's the one behind all of this so if one of those three win next week, he will take all the heat for it. Matt doesn't want Paul to go home.  Paul explains that Jessica and Cody are trying to make amends instead of taking a shot at the numbers so they (Paul and Co) have to capitalize on that mistake.
10:00 PM BBT
Still hanging out.
Josh and Jess spoke and she told him she is cool with him having a good week.
Josh talks to Christmas about how he plans on blowing up on Thursday. He wants Mark gone. She agrees and says she has been watching him for weeks and knows he's up to something.
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bigbroforum · 7 years
…paul just said he can’t go home cause he can beat cody in competitions and “for other reasons i cannot disclose” how much more obvious are they gonna make this
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bigbroforum · 7 years
[Day 24] Live Feed Recap: Paul Plans To Flip The Target
9:00 PM BBT
Feeds return. Jason and Paul are talking about evicting Ramses this week instead of Josh. Paul wants to tell Josh that all he has to do is lay low and he is good.
On the other feed, Jessica and Cody are in the HOH bed making out. He talks about the army. Paul makes his way up to HOH. He thanks Jessica for not nominating him. He talks about Josh and says that he's been crying alone in the backroom. They talk about how Josh "deserves" this and did it to himself.*
 *NOTE: A user on Reddit correctly spoiled all the outcomes of the HOH. During the competition, Josh allgedly harasses Cody the entire time.
The competition came down to Christmas and Jessica, having it last over 3 hours. Christmas also turned down deals from Jessica. 
Not too much happening. A few are eating, rest hanging out.
Camera swaps to Josh, who is not crying, but laughing. He tells us he is loyal and it's going to get him so far in the game. He says he's done being nice, gives Cody a middle finger and tells us Mark is super shady, too. He tells us that Mark is going home.
On the other feed, Christmas is asking Maven if they should get rid of Ramses and keep Josh. They agree that they are open to getting Ramses out and to talk after the POV is over. Raven said this is what Paul wants (so she agrees to do it).
Alex and Christmas are in bed, talking about HOH. Christmas says she only made a deal to not be a have not. They both think Mark threw it.  Christmas feels responsible for sending someone out the door since she lost. She brings up keeping Josh instead of Ramses. They talk about jury. Alex is worried that if Jessica and Cody are in jury, they will be bitter. Paul joins. They talk about how he's been to everyone and confirmed keeping Josh over Ramses.
Paul meets Mark in the SR. He asks if there's any plan to backdoor him. Mark says no and even if there was, Paul has the votes no matter what.
Kevin, Jason and Paul go to start a new talk show.
10:00 PM BBT
House hanging out. No game talk.
Matt and Raven are alone talking in the kitchen while everyone else is hanging out. He thinks they are in a good spot with Jessica and Cody, and with whoever wins HOH next week, even though they are planning on flipping the vote against Jessica and Cody's wishes. She wants to vote with the house and doesn't care if Mark, Elena, Cody and Jessica are mad if they evict Ramses over Josh. He plans on being good with Ramses just in case. They talk about how Josh doesn't know he is staying and they go over how Mark was getting mad that Josh was saying things to Cody/Jess during the HOH competition to make them drop out. He starts going on abut how mark and Elena are floaters. He thinks that if they nominate Jessica and Cody that Mark and Elena will vote with them. They want to keep Josh for the numbers (Marlena want Josh out). Christmas joins. Matt asks if they tell Mark and Elena that they are flipping the target. Christmas and Raven both say no. He wants to know next weeks plans. Christmas says they're not going to talk about that yet.
Cody and Jess break off from the group and head to HOH. They think they're good with the group for next week as long as they remain sociable. He says he still hates everyone. She agrees and says she knew exactly why Dominique chose to isolate herself last week; it's because of all the bullshit. They turn off the lights and get into the shower together so......
11:00 PM BBT
House still hanging out but have since split off.
Jason just teared up when speaking of his son. Josh is comforting him. Jason says he shouldn't have told Josh the plan is to evict Ramses and says it sucks they have to stay separated all week.
Josh joins Alex, Christmas and Kevin. They warn him to lay low and not say a word otherwise the deal is off.
House waiting for have nots to be over. A few are cooking for them while they wait for midnight.
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bigbroforum · 7 years
Week Four: Battle Back Cameron vs Cody vs Dominique vs Jillian RESULTS!
It's time for the first four evicted house guests to battle for a spot back in the house.
It will be broken down in to three competitions.
First Competition Results: Maze Race
The first competition has all four house guests completing a giant ball maze. First two to complete the maze will progress on to the next round.
Winners: Cody and Cameron move on to the next round.
Jillian and Dominique are eliminated and heading home.
Second Competition Results: Billboard Bashers
The second competition has Cameron and Cody facing off against each other. The winner will take on a house challenge for a chance to get back in the game. In this challenge, the two house guests will use a slingshot to shoot down 10 panels. First house guest to shoot down all ten advances to the final round.
Cameron takes an early lead, with 7 panels down, but Cody catches up and starts to surpass him.
Winner: Cody
Final Competition Results
In the final competition, Cody will take on Paul in an altered version of Maze Race. If Cody wins, he returns to the house. If Paul wins, Cody is eliminated and goes home.
Winner: Cody!
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bigbroforum · 7 years
Week Three: Jessica vs Dominique + Halting Hex Eviction RESULTS!
It's time for either Dominique or Jessica to be evicted - or will the temptation 'Halting Hex' come in to play.
Find out all the juicy details NOW!
Jessica won the Halting Hex. She did NOT use it.
Josh votes to evict Dominique Kevin votes to evict Dominique Mark votes to evict Dominique Christmas votes to evict Dominique Jason votes to evict Dominique Raven votes to evict Dominique Matt votes to evict Dominique Elena votes to evict Dominique Paul votes to evict Dominique Ramses votes to evict Dominque
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bigbroforum · 7 years
I think she's closer to 40 and lied about her age. It was outed somewhere in a past fitness article. But I could be wrong.
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Isn’t Christmas born in like 1981/1982? Aka she’s an older millennial herself??
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bigbroforum · 7 years
[Day 22] Live Feed Recap: Halting Hex Throws Paul Into Overdrive
I want to remind you guys that even if there isn't enough content for me to publish a recap (anything in the 500 words rage for the entire day isn't worth your time to me) you can find awesome live feed updates on our forum!
About yesterday
Another slow day in the house. Tension between Mark and Josh remained throughout the day due to their fight the previous day but the pair "made up"  at the end of the night. Afterward, Josh ran to HOH to tell Alex/Jason that he plans to take out Matt or Elena if he wins HOH. Matt because he's his target. Elena because he thinks she's too good of a player.
Alex and Jason had a good chat last night as well. They talked about various things, like how they believe Dominique is innocent and how they think she is being bullied in the house (because she is). Both continued to share their information they have on Kevin and continued to plan to try to catch Paul in the act of protecting/instructing Kevin.
Raven/Matt grew upset with Elena and Mark because Elena admitted she would have a hard time nominating Jessica next week if she won. They think that Mark and Elena make bad game decisions and must play better soon.
Ramses spoke to the camera and tried to tell us that he was the reason Dominique was on the block. We laughed and then the BB Gods laughed by starting a grease fire in the house.
1:00 PM BBT
Feeds down still.
Feeds come back. The Temptation has been accepted. Most trying to find out who has it and what the curse would be. No cameras on Dom but a lot focusing on Jessica.
Alex and Jason head upstairs. They talk about keeping Matt and Raven around. He really wants to evict Christmas. She wants Jessica out.
2:00 PM
Jessica talks to Mark in to HN. She asks if she is safe. He says he is and confirms he is evicting Dom. Elena joins. She also confirms that she is evicting Dom. Jess doesn't want to be blindsided and they would tell her if something changed. She thanks them and tells them they are safe she wins HOH.
Paul runs upstairs to tell Alex and Jason he thinks Jessica won because she just pulled Marlena into the HN room.
Paul now with Marlena in the bathroom. He's speculating the week will reset. Paul asks if Jessica has it. Mark says no because Jess only asked about his vote. They continue to speculate. Paul is so certain that Jess has it. They tell him they don't think she does because she is certain she was going to be blindsided and was tearing up talking about it. Paul is surprised. They don't want Cody to come back in to the house.
Upstairs, Josh confirms he didn't get the temptation and wonders if Kevin got it. They doubt he would say even if he did.
3:00 PM BBT
Ramses asks Marlena to kiss. They do. Jess starts screaming and says she's happy. Paul comes in sprinting asking what happened and why Jess is so happy. He's obviously super paranoid that she won it. He is now going around telling people Jessica won.  He starts his Dom bashing.
Dom just said that she's going to step on snakes and she cannot wait for the moment to put that little reptile on the block! Maybe she got it!
4:00 PM BBT
Jess is up talking with Alex. They speculate about the curse and she wonders if Cody is coming back in per something Paul said. Alex doubts it. She doesn't think they'd add anymore people back in. They talk about who they'd want to come back and think Cody is best. Jess is still worried about the votes and they talk about how Dom will be going. They are unsure of Josh's vote but speculate he will vote to evict Jessica. Jessica says she didn't win and asks Alex if anyone told her yet. Alex says they didn't.
5:00 PM BBT
Paul is still certain that Jess won the temptation and Dominique did NOT. Elena isn't sure. She wonders if Raven got it. Paul thinks that's possible.
Mark and Elena are cuddling. Paul barges in and says that Jessica is going around saying he's scared Cody would come back. He wants to call Jessica out.
Feed swaps upstairs. Ramses is speculating with Alex/Jason about Dom having the Temptation. He doubts she got it because all she does is preach to America. Kevin joins - convo changes.
Paul asks Alex what Jess is saying. She says that Jess said he'd work with Cody because he's scared. Paul says she's lying and wants to make a comment about know this right before HOH to throw her off. Alex doesn't want to stir the pot because she doesn't want the vote to flip. Paul thinks Jess keeps saying Cody could return specifically because she knows the curse (via having the temptation) and wants to razzle her before to throw her off. The room (Christmas, Maven, Josh) agree to vote out Dominique no matter what.
Paul ruses upstairs to tell the others the plan of getting Christmas or someone to razzle Jess into saying something about him and Cody aligning if he returns. He says if she does that, then he will call her out on it.
HOH: casual chatter. Talk about getting Jessica out next.
Other feed: Matt and Raven want to throw HOH to Paul so he can take people out. Paul told her earlier that Jessica was talking shit about her, so now she wants Jessica out. She doesn't like that Jessica is saying that Raven hid Alex's coke/cat ears earlier*
Maybe Jess doesn't have the temptation. She's telling Christmas she will start to get worried if the curse isn't announced tonight. Christmas is fishing for information about the Cody thing. Jessica says her and Alex don't talk game. She says she and Alex talked about Josh possibly flopping votes but he told Alex that he is evicting Dom so he isn't accused of posting hinky votes.
She asks if she's talking to Josh about his vote. Jess says no and she's the one person she doesn't want to talk to. She doesn't think anything he says is real because he plays both sides. She says the same thing about Paul.
Christmas is trying her hardest to bait Jess into saying that shit about Cody. Jess says she's never got in the middle of Cody/Paul due to testosterone. Christmas asks if she knows what Cody told Paul before he left (Cody wants to work with Paul if he ever returns). Jess asks if it's the same thing Cody told her (Christmas) before he left. That's not what Christmas is referring to so she twists the conversation to get Jessica to keep talking. Talk changes to how Mark/Cody fell out and Jess doesn't think Mark voted for Cody. Christmas doesn't think so either. Christmas says she felt Cody was trying to stir up the house, she told her as such. She says that Cody made amends in cause he comes back to the house. Jessica asks if she thinks Cody is coming back. Christmas says she thinks there's a chance of that and so he set up votes/allies for when he does.
Christmas is STILL trying to bait Jessica into saying the Paul thing but Jessica is acting normal. Christmas now asking if Alex said anything about her. Jessica again says they don't talk game. Christmas now fucking asks directly about the temptation. Jessica says she hopes something happens with it soon and they speculate what it could be. Christmas: what about if Cody comes back. Jess says she won't be in with him because he made her life hell by making so many enemies. She's lonely but she doesn't want drama or arguments.
6:00 PM BBT
Christmas crawls all the way up to HOH, rings the doorbell, joins. Reports her conversation with Jessica about how she didn't get any intel.
They speculate that Jess is purposefully trying to get evicted to use the Temptation. They agree to evict Dom no matter what.
Pauls now with Marlena who were making out. He's telling them how he wants to call Jess out if he gets cross confirmation (which he didn't get from Christmas)
Paul moves on to Maven. They tell him that Marlena and them are no longer on the same page since they want Josh out but Paul/Raven/Matt want Jessica out. Josh comes out so the convo stops.
Josh leaves the HOH conversation. Christmas continues to spill her conversation with Jessica to the room. Christmas says that Jessica mentions Paul but not in a negative way. Christmas talks about all the ways she tried to bait Jessica into admitting Paul is scared but she never said it.
7:00 PM BBT
Not much happening. Cams on Paul and Christmas working out.
Mark and Jason talking about the curse. If someone comes back, they agree to send them right back out. They both talk about how annoying Christmas is and Jason wants her out of the house. Mark assures him that Christmas won't be in the house that much longer (she made an agreement to be 1st jury member when she was first injured)
Paul checks in on Dom to see if she's okay. She says she is and is not sad but is taking it personally because people are not talking to her.
Paul runs to the group and tells him about his chat with Dom. He says there's no way she can say she's being isolated because she chose to isolate herself (this ass really said that).
8:00 PM BBT
He's now with Marlena telling them about the Dom convo now (which he initiated) and says she only told him a 'fuck you' so he's going to wear a snake costume tomorrow to the eviction and plans on telling her fuck you as Dom walks out the door. He keeps trashing Dominique, calling her a fucking bitch, among other things but claims he's a very nice person.
Other feed has Raven telling Ramses about how EXPLOSIVE her and Matt are going to be (sexually) when they get out of the house because the chemistry is so strong. She starts describing their first kiss.
11:00 PM BBT
House hanging out but Matt has been flirting with Jessica for a while tonight (basically since Cody left) Raven now wants Jessica out this week and she is running the idea by Paul. He wants to sleep on it.
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bigbroforum · 7 years
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bigbroforum · 7 years
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bigbroforum · 7 years
i was hoping they’d get some booze tonight cause there really hasnt been anything to recap the past two days (aside from Josh but y’all already know about that)
But Ramses had to start a fire sooo i guess thats out the window
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bigbroforum · 7 years
100% - this is what people need to understand despite Paul’s “intentions”. 
He could literally vaseline his entire body and slither across the floor to the fucking G-damn ceremony and that’d still be a better idea painting his face black to challenge Dominque. 
For those who keep saying it’s a “snake costume.”
Someone comes up to you wearing a dress, leggings and black (facial) mask, hissing and mocking you. 
And you’re a black woman. 
You really think you’re going to see this person and make the connection ‘oh he’s a snake.” 
NO, you’re going to think, “Oh, he’s wearing a dress, he painted his face black, he’s mocking me.”
“He’s dressing up as me.” 
I guaran-damn-tee you, Dom is not going to see a “snake” she’s going to see some white man dressing up as a black woman just to mock his black houseguest. 
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bigbroforum · 7 years
[Day 20] Live Feed Recap: To use the POV or not to - that is the question!
About Yesterday
Lord, I needed a break after the day before.  Thankfully, the house was pretty quiet game chat wise today. Jason and Alex continued to waiver on using the POV. As you can guess, Paul got it back on track, once and for all.
Alex and Jason also figured out that Kevin is playing them. They hope to catch him, without letting Paul know, and go after him. They are also aware Christmas was the third vote for Ramses.
After Dominique and Paul's fight, Paul has been going out of his way to make sure Dominique is exiled by the house. She wishes to have one last talk show, to let the house guests know some things about her (she had a breast cancer and brain cancer scare; she also wishes to announce her profession to the house) but Paul has more or less banished everyone one from attending - why, you ask? Because he knows she is planning to call him out at the POV ceremony/live show. He doesn't want the rest of the house catching on to his schemes if she announces in front of the house.
As you've also probably heard, Paul plans to dress up as a "snake" by wearing a snake skin print dress, black tights, a black leather jacket - and putting a mud mask on his face, with a whip as a tail to the ceremony to intimidate Dominique. Unaware how utterly STUPID and offensive this is, he continued to this plan to "to shut the clown down".
Jason continued to want Raven up but Alex feared she would go home. Paul wasn't so sure Raven would go but Alex told him people want her out but don't want to nominate the "sick girl". He was surprised by this (he and Raven have met before they show; not entirely sure of their relationship_.
12:00 AM BBT
Kevin and Christmas have been getting closer. He is currently telling her "his side's" targets and tells her that they are going to go after Ramses and Jessica next week, but they wanted to make a move against "the guys" this week. He cannot keep his mouth shut to save his life, so he dropped some hints that POV would be used and Mark would be going up. She continued to play it off and talked about how it would be stupid to use the POV this week. She thinks it's dumb to make useless targets.
After, Kevin goes to Jason and lets him know he's unsure if it's a good move to use the POV (Kevin was previously in favour of it because Paul told him to be). Jason is continuing to waiver on if he should use it or not. He asks Kevin for advice. Kevin says he doesn't know what to do. He says it's irrelevant to put someone new up if Dominique is going to go home regardless. Jason agrees. Christmas is brought into the conversation. She is the voice of damn reason and tells them naming a new pawn just to assure votes (the rogue voter is a concern for some reason) is a very stupid thing to do because it is only going to piss off the pawn. She assures the guys that no one is going to vote out Jessica over Dominique, especially after this week. Kevin keeps denying to Jason that he's the one who told Christmas. They continue talking about if they should use it or not. Jason says he doesn't want to, it's Alex who wants to. Kevin thinks he shouldn't use it. Jason is now certain that they are going to flip the vote and evict Jessica. That's the only reason he can think of as to why Christmas would be talking about it and why she would want nominations to be kept the same.
1:00 AM BBT
Mark is now brought into this. He's pissed that Christmas is the one stirring the pot. He thinks she's trying to get him evicted. Elena and Jason say no and try to get him to calm down. Elena wants to know more about what happened. Jason says he thinks Kevin said something to Christmas and she learned from Kevin. He says he doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't want to use the veto now without knowing what is going on. She tells him to not use it if he's not sure. He says he won't use it. He now vows he is not using it and this will be his FINAL decision. He says he is going to tell Alex and that will be the end of it - no more going back and forth. Mark assures Jason that he trusts Alex and him but he just doesn't trust the vote, especially after Christmas is doing this. He is very mad, especially at Christmas (who was really trying to save him). Jason assures him that Alex doesn't want him to leave. Mark says he doesn't get why Alex wants him as a pawn so badly if something else isn't in the works. Jason wants to go tell her. Elena and Mark tell him not to, they think she will just change his mind. Jason says he won't. He and Mark shake hands. They keep trying to find the reason as to why Mark MUST be the pawn. Mark tells Jason to ask the person who wants this "why?" to see if they give a straight answer. He thinks the voting reason makes 0 sense.
2:00 AM BBT
Jason cannot listen for any reason and is heading up to tell Alex he is not using the POV. She asks why. He says he doesn't know. She starts swearing at him. He asks if it's necessary to use. She says yes. He asks why. She says so they can know who voted where. He says he doesn't care about that anymore.  She says she cares and wants to know the votes. He says there's no way people are going to keep Dominique and he's been assured the votes to go. She doesn't know about that. He reads out the votes. Paul is his annoying self and is still pushing for Mark to go up as the votes will be the same regardless if he's up or not.
Josh joins to talk to Alex. He asks if POV will be used. She says she doesn't know but asks who he would  put up if she had to. He says Mark or Matt. She thinks those are good choices. Talk changes to his targets and who he would go after if he won. He tells her about his plans to put up Raven and Jessica and possibly backdoor Matt.
3:00 AM BBT
Most are in bed or are getting ready for bed. Prank wars are still going on, some chatting in bed. As of now, I believe Jason plans to NOT use the power of veto but there’s still 8 hours for him to change his mine 43253 more times. 
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bigbroforum · 7 years
[Day 18] Live Feed Update: Dom Makes Her Rounds; Mark To Be A Pawn
12:00 AM BBT
Feeds come back - Jason won POV.
Alex is warning Paul that Jason is going to use it on Jessica. Paul suggests she puts up Mark so he cannot vote for Dominique. She is cool with that as long as the group agrees to have her back. She's by herself. She says she didn't want to be a mean person in the game but she thinks that's what she has to do to get to the finals.
Dominique is talking to Christmas about what Cody told her wasn't true at all. Christmas says she reads people and she got the feeling based off of how they acting. Dom says she's pissed because her team put her up and she thinks they knew she was going up but didn't tell her. She says she observed how people changed [Maven] in regards to her, like Christmas did with Mark. She says she only has respect for Paul because he was honest about her talk show questions (he's responsible for her nomination and she's blaming everyone else). Dominique keeps rambling on about why she doesn't understand it was her even though Christmas gave her reasonings as to why she thinks she could have voted against Cody per her conversation with Cody before she left for surgery. Dominique wants to know who Christmas talked to about it. She wants to know if it was a female. Christmas won't say. Dom asks again. Christmas won't say. They go over the Talk Show and how that may have upset people but Dominique doesn't see that. She says she didn't even ask Cody any game questions (YES SHE REALLY SAID THIS). 
She now vows that things will be blown up if she leaves. Christmas asks if she thinks this is all coming internally from the alliance. Dom says she knows it is because she was told she was going after Elena and Christmas (literally wasn't listening during her chat with Alex earlier). Dominique keeps saying all these assumptions that she "knows as facts" and Christmas is just sitting there trying to make sense of it all. Dom asks if Christmas would ever betray her. Christmas explains she knows what it feels like to be betrayed so she didn't do it. Christmas starts explaining how Dominique is perceived by the others and that's why they may be threatened by how she talks and how she takes information but never gives.
Meanwhile, Paul is suggesting to Jason to talk to Alex about the new plan. Jason wants Raven up but Paul tells him to talk to Alex.
On the other feed, Mark is planning on asking Jason to use the POV on Dominique lmao. Elena doesn't think she's the vote but Paul thinks there's other reasons people wanted to go after her. They start wondering why Christmas and Dominique are even talking at this point.
1:00 AM BBT
Christmas and Dominique are still talking. Dom asks if she knew she was going up. Christmas says nope, just that Alex said a person was going up. She says she thought Alex was cool with the group and was surprised by the nomination. Christmas says she wants Dom to stay but she wants to sort out what Cody told her before she left. She asks for time to sort it out. Dom agrees to that. Dom wants her to know she gave her word. Christmas knows and wants to do her due diligence and wants to be fair about the whole thing. Christmas finally had enough and calls end to the conversation. She hobbles off.
Meanwhile, Jason is upstairs. He talks to Alex about his great idea. She asks if it's to nominate Mark and he says no. He is worried that they would vote Mark off if they did that. She says Paul wants him up though. She says that she can do what she wants because she is HOH. He confirms he's using the POV on Jessica. She doesn't want to put up Mark. She wants to put up Christmas or Raven instead. Jason thinks they should put up Raven. They talk about Kevin and how sneaky he is. She doesn't like he's tossing votes around yet no one has said his name. She wants to make a strategic move this week and he thinks Raven is it.  Jason wants to scare Kevin with a nomination to see if he tells the truth about the votes. They talk about putting Kevin up instead if he is playing both sides of the house. Jason thinks they should commit to getting Dom out. They don't want to risk losing Kevin if the group likes Dom more than him. Kevin joins. They cover up by talking about who they want the replacement nominee to be. She says they might put Mark up and he is cool with that. He thinks that's a bigger move than putting up Raven (he wants Mark out). Alex really doesn't want to put up Mark since she promised him and Elena safety. She wants to play honestly. Kevin now suggests Matt (He REAAALLY wants Matt out). Jason agrees. He does not want Mark up. Sounds like they confirmed Raven will go up.
Dom joins Mark, Elena and Paul. She tells them that Christmas said she might not vote for her to stay. Mark is pissed and reacts. Paul tells him to calm down. Dom goes over her conversation with Christmas. Paul talks to Mark. He tells him he has his best interest in mind and doesn't want him to get involved with anything. Paul's alone with Christmas. Christmas says her chat with Dom was horrible. Christmas says she told Dom she didn't know if she'd keep her. She says she just got back home and needs to find out more of what she missed.
Elena is talking to Maven about her chat with Dom earlier. She tells them how Dom thinks that this was an inside job because the group was afraid to get blood on their hands. Matt asks if Dom explained why she was talking shit about Elena to Alex. Elena says Dom hasn't brought that up. Mark and Elena go to Apple room to talk. They try to find out who is campaigning against Dominique. She asks why he's so sure Christmas is the one wanting Christmas up. Mark asks for this conversation to be kept private. She agrees. He hesitates before telling her. He wants to talk after the ceremony. She says no. He says that she gets upset when he criticizes people she is close with (Christmas) so he knew this about Christmas from the start. He says that his relationship with Dom is not game, it's personal. He says there's a certain person [that Elena is close to] ... he doesn't finish. She finally asks if he's going to say. He says he doesn't know how to phrase it because he doesn't want to upset her and he doesn't want to sound crazy. Feed swaps off to Dom and Kevin in the SR.
Paul is telling Maven that he's jumping off the Dom train because there's no hope in changing Alex's mind. Raven hopes she isn't the replacement nom She says she is going to be pissed off if she is.
Dom is asking Kevin about the talk show. He says he thought it was good. She says it was Cody who was talking but the group is upset because she was asking questions. She says she's upset that the group thinks she's apart of the vote. He asks what vote. She explains how the group blamed her from the vote and how the other side fed to Alex they didn't like her questions so they wanted her up. She says the house has no reason to put her up so this must mean it was personal. They leave.
Camera swaps back to Elena/Mark. Mark is the middle of talking about how she acts around other guys when he is around.. he thinks it's disrespectful. She asks if he thinks she is doing that to better her game and he says no. He doesn't like that she may have closer relationships to them than she does with him. She doesn't get why this is personal and what this has to do with Dominique being targeted. Kevin joins to say goodnight. Kevin leaves. Mark talks about someone that he doesn't like because he feels Elena is closer to that guy than him . She asks who but he doesn't say any names. He doesn't want her upset with him. She says fine and she can live with that. Cam swaps off to Kevin talking about his daughters.
Meanwhile, Dom is on Raven asking if she betrayed her and if she said anything about her being the mystery voter. Raven says no. Dom asks if Raven was upset about the talk show. Raven says she was uncomfortable about some of the questions. They talk it out. She asks for Raven's vote and Raven says yes. Dom again telling that if people lie in the house, it will come back and bite them. She now brings God into this as he sent her to the house for a reason so if she was evicted, she completed her goal he sent her on. Uh now she's talking about the devil.
Meanwhile to this, Paul is tying to talk Jason in to nominating Mark. He wants Jason to talk to Mark about being a pawn. I'm muting this conversation but it looks like Jason doesn't want it and Paul keeps pressing the issue.
2:00 AM BBT
Dom goes to talk to Elena. Elena says she's frustrated with Alex because she's not giving any names and she wants clarity about their group. Dom asks if Elena would betray her. Elena says 100% no. Elena says she heard from two people that Dominique was saying stuff about her but she hasn't spoken fully to those people so she's going forward with an open mind in case it's a way to sway her vote -- or it could be the truth. 
Dom says those people admitted Dominique never flat out said Elena's name but it was apparent to both of them. Elena says wouldn't betray her unless those things she told were true but she picks on Dom thinking she betrayed her. Dom says she's 30 years old and a straight shooter. She asks what was said, not who said it, but what was said and she will tell her if it's true or not. Elena explains that people came to her that Dom was saying Elena doubted Dom's vote. Elena says she didn't say that and doesn't think that. Elena then brings up Dom implied Elena was jealous of Mark. Dom laughs and thanks her for sharing. Dom admits she said that say the voting thing about Elena because Elena asked her twice about her vote.
Dom now explains she was praying to God and he told her who the head of the snake is and Elena saying this only confirms it. Dom now confirms that jealousy with Mark thing. She said she is waiting for God to confirm that with her too. She says it's jealous even from Raven too. God told her it's there and she is looking for it. She knows God told her this for a fact. People interrupt so the convo halts. She doesn't want Elena to admit it because she knows how it smells. She wants Elena to be secure. Elena says she NEVER had any issues with Dom and Mark at all - ever. She says she feels like Dom is on her team and helps Mark with her. She doesn't understand why Elena would sense jealousy when she never portrayed that or even felt that in any way at all. Dom apologizes for misinterpreting. 
Elena doesn't get why that would come up with anyone else. Dom says they're trying to play in the perception. Elena says she doesn't get why they would even think that [jealousy] to begin with, so that was her red flag. Dom now says the person who "did this" to her made a personal way. There is no way to do it otherwise. Dominique is still trying to get Elena to admit she was jealous. She says she tried to tell her the lines of her and Mark's relationship earlier but Elena is super confused and didn't pick up on it. Feed swaps to Raven, Matt and Paul.
MEANWHILE, Jason is talking to Alex about how Paul came up to him to press for Mark going up. He thinks Paul is trying to backdoor Mark so he doesn't want to do that. Paul joins. He keeps pushing for Mark to go up and want to talk to Mark and Elena at the same time to explain he's a pawn. Alex now agrees to put up Mark.
Raven is telling Paul about her conversation with Dom.
Alex is now telling Mark that she wants to use him as a pawn against Dom. He returns. They tell him they don't want him voting against Dom. They want him up as a pawn and says they'll only do this if Elena agrees. They spout off votes for him to stay. Mark says his biggest thing is that they're telling him he cannot trust anyone but he needs their trust for the votes? He says he showed his trust by going to Alex the night Cody planted seeds. Mark says he doesn't want to do this. Alex doesn't want to either but she can't go back now. She explains that Dom is making the house uncomfortable. Mark wants names. Alex says no. They go over the votes again and think it's Kevin. Even though it may be Kevin, they want him in the house. 
Mark appreciates her telling him and not blindsiding. He says he cannot trust Maven. He says it's not Elena or Paul. Alex says they're against Dom and not him. They call Paul to join. Mark says he is worried they will get rid of him over Dom because no one likes her. Mark wonders why she isn't going for Ramses this week. She says it's for the group. Mark says he cannot control Dom going around talking to people and making them feel uncomfortable. Paul interjects and says Dom has been going around saying his name so he asked to talk to her. They again go over the votes. They keep talking in circled - they want him to be the pawn but he doesn't see why him over the others/he is unsure of the votes. Paul tells him that Maven came to him and told him about how uncomfortable Dom is making them. Mark says he knows there's no saving Dom. Paul wants to talk to Dom. Mark asks for Elena to come up.
Paul pit stops to Maven in the couples room and tells him he told Mark about their feelings regarding Dom. He asks them to put in a word to Mark that Dom is bothering them but he is good with them. He thinks that will make him more comfortable and less paranoid.
Meanwhile, Alex is telling Mark that Dominique was the one who threw Christmas and Elena under the bus during their chats. She admits Dom did not name names but heavily insinuated both of them that it was obvious.
Paul quickly pulls Elena into apple room and informs her what's going on upstairs with the Mark Pawn plan. He tells her that Mark is only agreeing to it if Elena agrees. She heads upstairs. Elena joins. Alex runs the plan by her. Jason says he'd rather put Raven up and not Mark. He doesn't see the reason to put up Mark cause no one is going to vote out Raven. Alex wants Paul up here but he's talking to Dom. Elena is playing dumb and is trying to find out why Dom is the target. Alex says because she is annoying the house. Jason thinks this is causing more harm than anything. Alex keeps shushing him every time he tries to suggest Raven. 
Elena is goes over the Dominique conversation. She says she is offended that Dominique would thinks she's jealous of her and Mark because she doesn't feel that way at all, in the slightest, and questions how that's even game related [to mention Elena targeting Dom]. Elena says she wants to stay in the middle. If she doesn't partake, will this hurt them. Jason and Alex say no. Jason keeps trying to speak up that they can put up Raven. Alex keeps telling him to shut up. Alex wants to make a decision when Paul is here. Mark and Jason don't trust the votes and Jason keeps pushing for Raven. Alex finally says to him that she's trying to protect other people that she has trust with.
Downstairs, Paul is asking Dominique why she is bringing up his name. She says whoever told him that is a liar because he didn't name any names (she seems to know it's either Christmas or Raven) He keeps misting her. You can tell when she knows when she's wrong because she laughs. She laughs and says God is so crazy. She asks for his vote. He says yes because she's beside Jessica. He'd be stupid not to.  She says she's ruling out Elena based off of their most recent conversation as to who wanted her up. She narrows it down to Kevin, Maven and Christmas wanting her out. He says he's not putting any targets on anyones backs. She brings up seeing the heads of the snakes. Paul says if she ever has any doubts to just approach him, as he does with her. He flushing things away that he doesn't thinks applies. He continues his mist by saying he, the vet, is obviously the easy target to put the issues on.
3:00 AM BBT
Paul joins HOH.  Mark is still trying to make sense of the whole thing and to not go up as a pawn. Jason is still plugging for Raven to go up. Paul tells him to go to bed.
Dominique is talking to Matt about how this is an internal move. She asks him about the talk show and doesn't think it's fair they are upset with her because of that. She asks for his vote and he says yes.
They send Elena to get Mark. Alex is so mad at Jason and tells him he fucked everything up and shouldn't argue with her in front of others. Alex explains that she has to make no tracks with Dominique in case there is a buy back so she tells him to SHUT UP again. He says he will. Mark and Elena return. Mark says if they can name names, then he will agree to it. Paul confirms it's Christmas who said Dominique's name. He says Matt and Raven just confirmed that Dominique just threw Paul under the bus. Mark doesn't believe it. Elena now offers to be a pawn but Alex doesn't want to go against her deal. Mark immediately says no. Paul suggests talking with Maven to confirm but Mark doesn't want to include them. Elena talks out loud. She says she's in the middle and despite confirming Dom was talking shit about her, she still doesn't want to vote to evict her. She doesnt get the jealousy thing. Mark says Dom was saying in general. Alex explains that Dom shouldn't be talking shit about Elena to him to get in his head. He says it's not like that.
Paul brings up wanting to say something but wants the room to vouch to keep it quiet because only ONE person told him. The room agrees. He says Dom pulled her into the SR and told him about how people are jealous, intimidated and have ulterior motives (Elena) towards her. Elena says she doesn't want to go against the house but doesn't want to be the reason she goes either. Elena says that Dom told her people were campaigning against her. Alex confirms. Elena asks who but Alex won't say. Paul says she was cool with Dom until the talk show. She says that Dom told her people were upset that people thought she was using the talk show as a game strategy but she didn't know it was going to be like that. Elena asks about Christmas and Paul plays it off like she didn't give names or the vote. She says that Dom told her Christmas thought Elena called her the infiltrator earlier in the evening. They agree they need to watch Christmas.
Talk moves back to noms. Mark doesn't want to go up. Paul called to the DR. Dom joins HOH. She pulls Jason out of HOH to talk about the same shit.
Dominique now telling Josh she knows who the head of the snake is (Paul). She goes over the same questions over and over and asks for his vote.
Mark again tries working Alex. She says Dom is going home because she has to keep Jason and herself safe. He throws out Christmas' name to go after since she's the one who is being shady.
It's 4 AM BBT. I am going to sleep. See you tomorrow afternoon.
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bigbroforum · 7 years
Week Three: PoV Results!
Find out the juicy deets.
Jason won POV. He plans to veto Jessica. Paul wants Mark up. Alex agrees.
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