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Ayurvedic Supplements for Constipation Embrace Nature’s Goodness
Poop is certainly a topic that we rarely discuss. When it comes to constipation with side effects then the situation becomes miserable. Constipation problem occurs when a person gets difficulty to empty his large bowel. No doubt, the sufferers seek natural way or supplements for constipation to overcome the condition. Everyone goes through this situation at some point which may occur due to many reasons.
Causes of Constipation:
Changes in eating style 
Lack of water consumption
Consuming too much dairy products
Overuse of laxative  
Irritable bowel syndrome
Problems with nerves and muscles in the digestive system
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Symptoms of Constipation:
These conditions happen due to many reasons and make stool passage slow or difficult. It can be also a result of a blockage in the large intestine. To understand this condition thoroughly, we must know its symptoms, which are mentioned below:
Difficulty in passing stool
Few bowel movements
Lumpy, dry or hard stool
Cramp in the abdomen
Loss of appetite
Nausea and feeling bloated
If the symptoms persist then, of course, one needs to find the active treatment and manage this condition. Did you know that constant constipation may bring some serious conditions?
Complications that arise due to Constipation:
Rectal bleeding due to straining
Anal fissure or small tear around the anus
Inflamed blood vessels in the     anus
Piles or symptomatic hemorrhoids
Faecal impaction
Ayurveda and its attributes for well-being have influenced us and inspired to go for natural treatment rather than having harmful medications. Ayurveda products in India have offered us acidity products online an efficient approach to avail the benefits of nature without any impediment. BIO Constihelp Tablet is an organic solution that gives relief from constipation through its vigorous herbs and essential ingredients. Let’s know about the ingredients used in this herbal remedy to understand its execution and benefits:
1)    Senna (Cassia Angustifolia)
Senna herb is derived from the leaves and fruit of the senna plant, a rich source of anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic properties. It provides effective results for
Short term treatment of constipation
Also helps to cure haemorrhoids
 This laxative herb has been an FDA approved non-prescriptive herb for constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, haemorrhoids and weight loss. This herb contains sennosides that helps to infuriate the outer lining of the bowel and cause laxative effects to pass the stool. It is likely safe for kids over the age of 6 and adults.
2)    Nishoth (Operculina Turpethum)
This herb is abundant with great medicinal value, recommended for the treatment of constipation, colic piles and skin disorders. Used in supplements for constipation, this herb contains anti-secretory, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, abortifacient, laxative, and purgative and hepatoprotective properties. These properties make it an efficient herb to cure constipation. Nishoth’s purgative property assists to regulate the bowel movements and make the stool passage easy. 
Promotes bowel movements
Manages stomach bacterial infections 
Reduces the risk of gastric ulcers
Treats     gastrointestinal tract related problems
3)    Saunf (Foeniculum Vulgare)
Fennel seeds or saunf are very familiar for its benefits to regulate the digestive tract. This organic ingredient contains estragole, fenchone and anethole chemicals that contribute to enhance the digestive system through its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and deliver below-mentioned benefits:
Promotes gastric enzyme production
Regulates the digestive tract
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4)    Sonth (Zingiber Officinale)
Sonth or dry ginger has been a natural pain killer to relieve abdominal pain. This medicinal herb is useful in constipation, manages irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhoea. It has been used as a remedial herb in many Ayurvedic medicines over the centuries. Its therapeutic properties help to
Improves digestion
Cures bloating
Eliminate flatulence from the intestine
Relaxes the tract
5)    Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
Mulethi or Licorice is considered as the rich source of anti-inflammatory properties that treat many diseases. Being a natural laxative, it has been used in many Ayurvedic medications for constipation and irritable bowel symptoms. This herbal ingredient, used in supplements for constipation has active compounds glycyrrhizin and carbenoxolone. These compounds assist to:
Relieve the constipation
Relieve the stomach discomfort
Manages other stomach ailments i.e. heartburn, acidity etc.
Stimulates bowel movements
BIO Consithelp Tablet is approachable through the online or offline sales as well. The herbs and ingredients used in these supplements for constipation ensure a healthy and effective recovery from the constipation problem. Nature has allowed us to embrace the goodness of nature to promote general health. Hence, Ayurvedic products for general wellness such as constipation, immunity and acidity products online are easily available.
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ANTI-ITCH ‘N’ RASH CRÈME: For Itch Relief & Healing that is formulated for relieving inflammation and discomfort in case of skin rashes, allergic irritations redness and swelling. It sensitivity and soreness, hastening healing.
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Herbal Anti Aging Cream with Antioxidant & Anti-Inflammatory properties
Life is all about change and aging is the proof. When we age, our skin suffers many forces of the environment i.e. lifestyle, diet, heredity and personal care. Wrinkles, fine lines, laxity and rough-textured appearance are the symptoms that arise with the phenotypic changes along with the structural and functional changes of the collagen and elastin in the skin. The Anti-aging cream has been proven as the best companion to reduce the symptoms of aging. Let’s know about the features that make a cream as effective as required to delay the symptoms.
Antioxidants are the powerful ingredients; used in the effective and best Ayurvedic anti-aging cream in india to relieve the aging process by neutralizing ROS (an agent degrades collagen). Vitamin C, E and other antioxidative enzymes stop the degradation of the collagen and elastin level. Aloe Vera and Green Tea are the natural sources of antioxidants prevents skin aging, limit free radicals, promotes brighter skin and evens the complexion. Notably, adding antioxidants is beneficial if healthy cells of the skin are reducing. 
Anti-inflammatory compounds penetrate in the skin and prevent it from the negative effects of the UV absorbing elements i.e. mycosporine amino acid. The increased expression of inflammation in the skin affects the regulation of collagen depositions in the skin. Changes in the dermal part cause symptoms of skin ageing. Prevention is still the only way to stop the formation of wrinkles if anti-inflammatory ingredients are present in the cosmetics.
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Ayurvedic anti-aging cream in India is known for its realism that accomplishes the actual need of the skin to delay the aging process. Above-mentioned are the key elements that must be included in the cosmetics, recommended for a healthy texture. Sensitive Skin Anti-Ageing Face Cream from BIOAYURVEDA is considered as one of the best skincare beauty product that helps to get rid of ageing symptoms with a healthier texture. Its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory key compounds are the major reason that makes it special and effective as discussed earlier.
Ingredients Used in Ayurvedic Anti- Aging Cream
Below are the ingredients of an organic anti-aging cream which assures the skin’s protection from aging:
Aloe Vera – It is known as the ancient powerhouse of beauty because of its numerous healing properties. The gel from aloe vera plant is enriched with powerful antioxidant, antibacterial, vitamins and minerals. Its inclusion in an anti-ageing cream ensures the reverse of aging symptoms as it supports the production of collagen, a prolific protein of the human body. It significantly improves skin’s elasticity by reversing the wrinkles, fine line, sagging skin and appearance of the age. 
Aswagandha – This herbal extract from the ancient Indian medicine system has endless benefits for overall health. Contained of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it inhibits the agents liable for the degradation of collagen protein in the outer layer of the body. Its inclusion in an anti-ageing cream helps to boost the production of collagen in the skin. It helps to improve skin texture, repairs inflammation, prevents acne breakout and suppresses the ageing symptoms.
Garcinia – This herb extract is poplar known for its impressive benefits for weight loss. Did you know garcinia also improves the elasticity of the skin? Yes, it does as well as delays the signs of aging, tightens the skin and makes it smoother.
Pomegranate – This fruit has been used as the medicinal ingredients for beauty and overall health benefits since ancient times. This herb extract is a rich source of polyphenols, thus, it helps to detox the free radicals from the skin. It protects the epidermis or outer layer of the skin, boosts cellular growth, heals damaged skin and protects from the sunburn and other adverse effects. It firms the skin tone and promotes collagen production.
Brahmi – This antioxidant enriched medicinal herb is popularly known as the brain booster and a boon for hair and skin. Being a good source of antioxidant, it stimulates the collagen production to improve the elasticity of the skin. 
Coffee – This ingredient of an organic anti-aging cream is encompassed of the antioxidant and other essential nutrients, effective to reduce the effects of photoaging. It prevents the sunburn patches, fine lines and reduces the risk of hyper pigmentation. 
Mulethi – This antioxidant herb extract is extensively used in the skincare and medicinal products. It fights against free radicals and delays the ageing symptoms i.e. fine line, wrinkles and sagging skin. 
Jojoba Oil – This natural oil is a rich source of antioxidant, vitamin E & B that protects the skin from aging signs and nourishes it deeply. It has a great role to slow down the fine lines and wrinkles. It increases the softness of the skin while prevents the acne breakouts.
What BIOAYURVEDA’s Say About This Anti Aging Cream
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All ingredients of BIOAYURVEDA Sensitive Skin Ant-Ageing Face Cream have been picked from the treasure of Ayurveda. This luxury brand for skincare and overall health products are entrusted because of their authenticity and novelty to serve through organic products. All products of this brand have No Parabens and Zero Synthetics. Hence, it facilitates those particular customers who cannot compromise with the quality and always go for valuable products for their skincare. You can buy this best Anti-Aging face cream and other Ayurveda products in India from our vast  Ayurveda online shop and these products are 24/7 available in our online store.
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Age Perfect Polishing Face Scrub Cream: BIOAYURVEDA’S skin polishing scrub cream is a face miracle that delights the skin. It is a unique combination of organic herb, along with vital essential & natural oil that is expressed to revitalize, refresh and exfoliate. BIOAYURVEDA is an organic luxury brand with 100% natural gives the best range of neem for weight loss, toning face, ayurvedic anti dandruff shampoo, face polishing cream, and bio hair oil products.
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BIOAYURVEDA Joint Pain Relief Balm is enriched with anti-inflammatory properties which provide effective treatment alternative to decrease the inflammation and relief from joint pains.
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Ayurveda Liver Detox Tablets, for Liver And Digestive Health
Ayurveda is an extensive ancient treatment therapy that comprises a plethora of remedies, prepared with herb extracts. This evolution has enabled millions of people to move towards Ayurveda products in India as well as globally. Triphala is one of the herb extracts which is popularly known for its innumerable health benefits. It is considered as a Rasayana that promotes the overall health by rejuvenating and restoring the body. It has an incredible role to detoxify the blood, muscle, and fat tissues that soothes digestive fires. No doubt, it is a boon for human well-being. As per Ayurveda, this herb extract is powerful to cleanse various shrotas and dhatus that help the system to absorb the nutrients from the food. 
Triphala – Ayurveda Liver Detox formula
Triphala is a combination of three fruits such as haritaki, Amalaki and bhibhitaki. These fruits have significant essence that makes Triphala a miraculous remedy to boost human well-being.
Haritaki is a powerful nutrient which balances all three doshas, enhances the body’s capability to absorb nutrients from food, and cleanses the channels (shrotas). 
Amalaki or amla is considered as the rejuvenating herb that strengthens the digestion and purifies the toxins from the body. Like Haritaki, it also supports doshas and balances the stomach acid. It strengthens the livers system and helps to heal the constipation. 
Bibhitaki, another Rasayana element restores the lungs, eyes, and mucus membranes when Kapha is gathered over there. It is an ideal ingredient that assists to remove the mucus from the body and improves body capability to absorb the nutrients.
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Triphala Smoothens Liver Detox Process
As per Ayurveda's text, liver (Agni or fire) is accountable for the refining process in the body. The digestion system needs time to process the food. If the body gets interrupted in this process then a soil or ama gets created which causes and nourishes disease.
Triphala, Ayurvedic liver detox tablets contained essential nutrients that help to remove ama gradually from the body as a mild laxative which makes Triphala tablets the best liver detox supplement. It has been the slowest laxative that gently detoxifies and expels out the toxins from the body. 
This process ahead goes and helps to maintain a healthy weight. It just needs accompanies of a healthy diet and exercise to deliver long-term results to lose weight and keep it in the shape. The absorption of nutrients supplies a nourished and balanced energy in the human body.  
Triphala Ayurveda liver Detox With Numerous Benefits
Improves digestion – Ayurvedic liver detox tablet of Triphala works as a digestion tonic that cleanses the digestive tract and supports a healthy digestion. It also provides healthy results to prevent and cure the irritable bowel syndrome.
Sheds extra pounds – Triphala has been a natural weight loss remedy as it plays a significant role to enhance the metabolism and flush out the toxins from the body. 
Boosts Immune System – Being an antioxidant-enriched herb, it reinforces the immune system and works well to fight against the free radicals and oxidative stress.
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Boon for hair and skin – Triphala has a plenty of nutrients that provide healthy results for hair and skin as well as it cures some derma conditions like eczema and acne.  
Controls Diabetes – This Ayurveda Liver Detox remedy helps to inhibit the digestive enzymes and reduces the blood glucose level. 
Improves eyesight’s – This herbal remedy is effective to improve the vision and prevents eye diseases like cataract and glaucoma.
Boosts physical energy – It enables the human body to fight against fatigue and improves the energy level. 
Triphala - A Panacea for Human Well-being
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Undoubtedly, Triphala Ayurvedic liver detox tablet is a solution of all ailments. From the detoxification to the diabetes management, it enables humans to sustain a healthy life. Today’s busiest life doesn’t allow people to take care of their health and they wander among various therapies to find out the solution. Triphala tablet solves this issue and offers a herbal solution to manage various health conditions. BIOAYURVEDA Triphala Tablets help to maintain a healthy lifestyle with its innumerable benefits and ayurvedic liver cleanse for a healthy living. Researchers have revealed its efficiency as pharmacological properties for the well-being of human health as discussed in this post. You can always order this Ayurveda liver detox tablet and other Ayurveda products in india from our huge Ayurveda online shop.
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BIOAYURVEDA Licorice Tablet is a natural beauty solution provides the wholesome benefits that help you feel and look naturally healthy and gorgeous. This tablet contains Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and ant-ioxidant properties which supports hormonal balance as well as stomach and skin health. It helps to fade scars & blemishes and also repairs skin damage and boosts resilience and renewal. This organic licorice tablet also supports the respiratory system, menstrual health, skin health, immunity, vision health, stomach and liver health.
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Therapeutic Massage Products From BIOAYURVEDA is a vast range of body massage oils and Balms which is prepared with organic herbs and ingredients to get relieve the pain and accomplish the goals of healing technique
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Natural Joint Pain Relief Balm With Goodness of Ayurvedic Herbs
Bones connecter in the human body is called as Joints. This connection provides support to our body and helps us to move. Illness or injury to these joints interferes in the movement and causes discomfort, aches and soreness. As we get older, pain in joints become the most common health issue and we usually seek Balm for joint pain. A recent survey revealed that today’s youth suffer joint issues or symptoms of Arthritis in their 30’s too. And the reason for this prevalent issue among young age people is their busy life and lack of physical exercise so they will search for natural joint pain relief balm for instant and quick relief.
No doubt that the busiest life has lost its essence and invited many health problems. Joint pains are one of them. Stiff joints don’t allow the patients to live their life with comfort. It causes issues for their movement and makes flexibility worse. This condition may vary from person to person. Many therapies and treatments are available that depends on one’s condition and its symptoms. Today Ayurveda healing approach has come up as one of the best therapy for this ailment and recommended some effective herbs. BIOAYURVEDA’s Joint Pain Relief Balm is one of the herbal solution prepared with these herbs.
Common Cause Of Joint Pain
joint pain may be of different type but some of the common cause of joint pain are:-
Infection of the bone & Joints
joint swelling and redness
viral arthiritis and many more conditions.
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These all are the common conditions of joint pain which can be caused due to increasing in age and due to some health related issues. 
Herbs for Arthritis from the Treasure of Ayurveda: 
Gandhpura Oil - This antispasmodic property contained herb extracts has been an effective for instant relief. Its long-lasting effects with distinctive fragrance help to boost the relief factor. A gentle massage with this herbal oil helps muscle spasm as a balm for muscle pain does.
Eucalyptus Oil – This herbal oil is contained of anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that significantly works to reduce the joint inflammation and relieves pain. A gentle massage with this oil assists to improve the blood circulation in the affected area.
Camphor Oil – This oil has an interesting feature of dual-action. Its analgesic effects make it the most used herb for muscle pain and soreness in the joints. It warms the affected area and increases the circulation to relieve the pain.
Spearmint Essential Oil – This herbal extracts is popularly known as a natural analgesic and also a rich source of anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. This unique combination makes it an effective remedy for muscle spasm and joint pains.
Alsi Oil – This medicinal herb brings the complete solution of muscle ache and joint pain because of its alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid.  
Ayurveda Brings Goodness of Natural Joint Pain Relief
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Above mentioned herbs are used as a natural pain relief and helps patients to overcome their condition. Joint Pain Relief Balm is enriched with anti-inflammatory properties which provide effective treatment alternative to decrease the inflammation and relief from joint pains. Ayurveda online shops, as well as offline stores, offer a range of herbal remedies, formulated with this herb for arthritis. This balm for joint pain works to heal the condition from roots, balances the doshas and gives healthy way of treatment. Ayurveda has offered us many opportunities to embrace the goodness of nature in our daily lives. Ayush certified medicinal remedies such as Natural Joint pain relief balm,balm for muscle pain and other ranges skincare, body care and baby care products have made easier to follow our ancient tradition. 
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TRIPHALA TABLET: For Liver Detox & Digestive Health. It protects cells from free radicals, deeply detoxifies liver and kidneys, and enables smooth digestion, assimilation and elimination. This Ayurveda liver detox tabletprevents from infections, builds immunity and curbs allergic reactivity. It alleviates joint pains in arthritis. It has anti-ageing properties that bring vigor and youthfulness. It addresses skin disorders like acne and rashes. It enhances the body’s resilience to stress.
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Bio prostacare tablet from BIOAYURVEDA proffers an Ayurvedic solution to the men, suffering from the symptoms of Prostate Cancer. This prostacare tablet helps to maintain prostate health with its unique blend of organic herbs and nutrients.
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Ayurvedic Therapeutic Massage Products For Full Body Relaxation
Just thought of massage brings a soothing and relaxing feel!
A massage involves the gentle movements of fingers including pressing, rubbing and manipulating the muscles with hands and fingers. The movement of fingers over muscles eases pain and tension, thus, it is considered as one of the natural healing approaches. Therapeutic massage has been a vital part of today’s treatment plan with the goal of:-
Enhancing mood
Relieving stress, anxiety & depression
Eases muscle tension
Promotes deeper and easier breathing
Improves muscle tone
Nourishes skin 
Establish mind-body connection
Promoted well-being feeling
Therapeutic massage has a lot to offer with its countless health benefits for relaxation and curative massage. It ahead helps to induce a relaxation response, lowers the blood pressure and decreases the physical stress. 
When to go for a therapeutic massage?
Whenever a person is not feeling well or wants to enhance his mood, then he must go for therapeutic massage. Highly stressed people can get it every week to cope with their condition. 
How much time is enough to get the benefits of therapeutic massage?
An initial therapy massage begins ideally with 60 - 90 minutes session while a regular massage recipient can get the guidance of the therapist for the right duration, best for the therapy.
Which Massage Products is the best for body massage?
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The holistic approach of Ayurveda has proffered many therapeutic herbs with medicinal properties. There is a range of body massage oils, prepared with these herbs and deliver effective results to relieve the pain and accomplish the goals of healing technique. Here, some of the types of massage oils from BIOAYURVEDA which have been mentioned prepared with effective herbs and natural oils:-
Sensual Spirit & Stamina Body Oil 
This oil is recommended to revitalize the skin strength and release the muscular tension. Prepared with essential natural oils and herbs, it helps in alleviating the joint pain, reduces swelling, restores vitality and nourishes the skin. 
Herbs used: Aloe Vera, Amla, Cuscuta, Ashwagandha, Bala, and Shatavari, etc.
Cinnamon Perfect Poise Essential Body Oil
This oil prepared with Cinnamon essence has vigorous anti-inflammatory action. It helps to enhance the skin texture, alleviates the body ache and let skins to restore its vitality. 
Herbs used: Cinnamon, Ajwain, and Orange oil with Olive Oil base.
Heart Protective Massage Balm
The herbs present in this heart-protective balm are totally natural and organic. The ingredients present in this balm helps to maintain blood pressure and lower down the risk of heart problems and developing cardiovascular issues.
Deep Nourishing Therapeutic Full Body Oil
This formulation from Ayurveda enhances the body and mind coordination by relieving the stress, anxiety and body aches. This therapeutic massage oil delivers soothing effects to rejuvenate the body while improves blood circulation. Whether it is used for head or body, it enables us to enliven the human lives. 
Herbs used: Bala, Ashwagandha, Devadaru, Jatamansi, Turmeric, Aloe Vera, and Manjishtha.
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Anti-inflammatory Protective Body Oil
The herbs used in this body massage oil are enriched with anti-inflammatory properties. This specialty ensures optimum skincare by smoothening the skin, reduces the dark spots and heals the muscle tension.
Herbs used: Turmeric, Calendula, Chamomile, Green tea, Aloe Vera, Mulethi, Shuddha Guggulu, Pear Oil, and Gandhpura Oil etc.
Ayurveda has been accepted globally for its exceptional role. It establishes a relationship between our modern lifestyle and ancient holistic approach for a healthy life. Indian firms producing Ayurvedic products India have made it possible for us to achieve a healthy life. 
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ANTI-CELLULITE BODY OIL: For Detoxification & Drainage Support that is formulated for overall body tone and rejuvenation. Deeply detoxifying, this cellulite body oil curbs fat storage, improves blood circulation and stimulates lymphatic drainage for sculpted tone and smoother skin.
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BIO Prostacare Tablets For Prostate Cancer & Its Prevention
The human body and its glands have many tasks to perform for the specific functions. Prostate glands are a vital part of men’s reproductive system. This walnut-shaped gland under the bladder secreted fluid which nourishes and carries the sperm during ejaculation. This gland size depends on the age of a man. It may be affected due to significant changes in the DNA of a usual prostate cell. The outbreak growth of prostate cells causes cancer. This condition grows gradually and does not provide any harmful effects. Bio Prostacare Tablet Gives You Relief From the prostate and helps to maintain your prostate health.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
1. Trouble in urine passage, pain, burning or weal flow
2. Blood in the urine or semen
3. Pain in the lower pelvic area
4. Hurting ejaculation
5. Bone pain
6. Loss of appetite and weight
7. Unable to urinate
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Major Causes of Prostate Cancer
Researchers showed that abnormal cell production in this gland causes cancer. The accumulations of these abnormal cells form a tumor or may spread to another organ of the body. Still, the exact cause of this condition is not clear. There are risk factors that may contribute to raising this critical health issue among men.
Risk Factors of Men’s Critical Issue
 Age – Men over the age of 40 years are more likely to suffer from this health condition due to the damaged genetic material or DNA. Smoking and obesity are closely linked to this health problem.
Genes – If any male member in the family ever suffered this health issue then the risk of prostate cancer may be higher.
Ethnicity – Surveys have found that African-American men are more likely to suffer from prostate cancer. But the reasons for this specific ethnic difference are still opaque. 
Overweight – Men with poor eating habits are more likely to get the risk of prostate cancer. A lack of exercise, intake of animal fats, refined sugar and not enough fruits and vegetable results into obesity which is closely linked with this health condition.
Hence, Bio Prostacare Tablet Will help to protect you from all risks and condition which cause prostate cancer and maintain healthy prostate health.
Complications of Prostate Cancer
Metastasizes – The spread of cancerous cells from the prostate to other organs i.e. bladder or carrier of it through bloodstream affects bones badly.
Urinary Incontinence – This health condition among the men and its treatment badly damages urinary functions. 
Erectile dysfunction – It could be a consequence of the prostate cancer or the surgery, treatment, and medications. 
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Prevention of Prostate Cancer
A healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables – A diet with green leafy vegetables and fruits can help you to lead a safe and sound life. One must avoid high calories and fatty foods. 
Don’t choose supplements over a healthy diet - There is a lack of studies that shows that supplements can help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. But food with minerals and essential nutrients can boost the overall health of a person.
Exercise to maintain a healthy weight – Regular exercise assists to maintain a healthy weight as well as improves the mood. It reduces PSA levels and also lower the risk of prostate cancer.   
Is Bio Prostacare Tablet Ayurvedic treatment available for prostate cancer?
Ayurveda is a one-off solution to diagnose illness. Over 5000 years, this ancient Indian medicine system has offered a wide range of treatment techniques. This treatment accumulates specific herbal medication, meditation, relaxation techniques and bowel cleansing. Ayurveda blogs available on the internet mentions that this therapy helps to cure the disease by settling down three doshas such as Vata, Pitta & Kapha.
Precaution is better than cure. Thus, Ayurveda also suggests leading a healthy life and avoids complications. Bio prostacare tablet from BIOAYURVEDA proffers an Ayurvedic solution to the men, suffering from the symptoms of Prostate Cancer. This prostacare tablet helps to maintain prostate health with its unique blend of organic herbs and nutrients. Prostacare tablets uses for men are mentioned below: 
1. Assists to manage enlarged prostate 
2. Maintains the functionality of the urogenital system
3. Regularizes the urine flow
4. Improves the quality of semen
5. Keeps up the prostate health
All of these benefits provided by prostacare tablet ensure healthy urinary frequency and maintains a healthy condition. 
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Kanchanar – This herb extract in this prostacare tablet provides beneficial results to manage the prostate glandular concerns.
Kankola – This herb is also known as tailed pepper. This herb improves men’s reproductive system, reduces the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and treats genitor-urinary infections. 
Lajjalu – This herb extract used in Prostacare tablet has anti-tumor properties that treat urogenital infections.
Shudh Shilajit – This aphrodisiac herb helps to provide effective results for reproductive organs. Being an Ayurvedic Panacea, this ingredient supports normal cell production in prostate glands.
Salabmisri – It is also known as Salep orchid. An aphrodisiac herb increases the blood flow in the pelvic region and enhances reproductive functions. It has been an effective medicinal herb that improves the quality of semen.
Gokharu – This herb in a prostacare tablet is known for its multiple benefits for the human body. It regulates the levels of the hormones of men’s reproductive system. It delivers an effective result to keep uro-genital healthy.
Turmeric – Packed with anti-inflammatory properties, this herb boosts the mechanism of uro-genital and prostate health.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Did you know that practices done for a heart health keeps your prostate in good condition? 
Sometimes cancers spread gradually while sometimes it grows fast and become life-threatening without any warning. The treatment of prostate cancer depends on some factors which are below mentioned:
1. Stage and grade of the cancer
2. Risk category
3. Age & health
4. Treatment goals
Remember, prevention is better than cure. Hence, it’s better to maintain a healthy prostate therefore use these ayurvedic prostacare tablets before it’s too late.
Men with prostate cancer usually get ashamed to discuss about it and bear their condition quietly. This article will help you to know about this health issue, symptoms, complications and Prostacare Capsules uses. Ayurveda online shop presents an organic solution to improve prostate health. 
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JOINT PAIN RELIEF BALM: For Pain & Inflammation Relief that is formulated for alleviating inflammation, relieving aches and pains. Fast-acting, it stimulates blood circulation and fights fatigue. This balm for joint pain also heals and protects the skin.
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BIO Memorysharp Capsule from BIOAYURVEDA is one of the best Ayurvedic medicine for memory and concentration. It contains natural ingredients like Winter Cherry, Brahmi, Indian Valerian, Spikenard, Intellect, Indian Pennywort, English Speedwheel, etc which boost your brainpower and also improve your concentration. This Brain Tonic in Ayurveda is helpful in reducing the risk of mental disorders by improving brain functions, reducing stress and anxiety, empowering memory, confidence, clarity, and focus. You can always buy this organic brain tonic for memory From our vast Ayurveda online shop. 
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