blognilu · 4 years
Marina Abramovic
Marina Abramovic is one of the most famous performers in the world.  She is  73 years old right now and she performed stunning performances throughout her life but I can say that most unforgettable one is Rhythm 0.
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Marina starts her performance by stating that she is an object and fully responsible for what happens during the 6 hours that the performance will last. People can do whatever they want to Marina in these 6 hours. There are even a few objects on the table for people to use on Marina. All Abramovic did was stand still and be unresponsive. Performance starts with innocent actions like people giving her a rose, kissing her, squeezing perfume on her. Things started to change as one of the spectators slap the artist slightly later in the performance. Then people start to cut her neck with a razor blade, they put a knife between her legs, they cut her clothes, and as well as sticking rose petals on her nipples. Even after a while, one of the audience takes the gun at the table and points it to Marina Abramovic. What Marina Abramovic wanted to tell was to show people what can they do when they don't get any reaction. She couldn’t resist and started to cry despite she wanted to stay still against the violence. Violence continued for a while but then a woman came out of the crowd and hugged Abramovic and wiped her tears.After 6 hours, when the performance is over and Marina starts to move, people start to move away from Marina. This performance surprises everyone with its horrifying results and it makes you think.
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This performance she performed in 1974 is among the most striking performances. Maria, who has achieved many unforgettable performances, is one of the most successful performers.
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blognilu · 4 years
Django Unchained
Django Unchained is a western movie directed by famous director Quentin Tarantino in 2012. It takes place in the United States a few years before the Civil War and the storyline proceeds around a slave. It is a standard revenge fairy tale and some images may be disturbing as the blood, fight and murder are the most important materials of a Tarantino movie. The movie’s name is coming from a slave which is Django.
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 During his slavery times, Django meets with a “dentist” whose name is Dr. King Schultz but he is a head hunter. Dr. Schultz makes Django a free man and they start to look for Django’s wife as a reward of Django’s help for finding and killing a man for Dr. Schultz. They go to a farm, which they know that Django’s wife is a slave in there, and they try to buy her. The owner of the farm, Calvin Candie, is a cruel man against the slaves. Django and Dr. Schultz try to trick the owner but they get caught eventually. Dr. Schultz and Calvin Candie shoot each other and they die. Django and her wife, Broomhilda, get caught and Django is sold to another man. Someway Django achieves to escape and he runs toward to farm. 
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The topic of the movie is fragile because it takes place in a time where slavery and racism are legal. The great players, who have got nominated for the Academy Awards in the same year, such as Leonardo Dicaprio, Christopher Waltz, and Jamie Foxx has put this film into another level. If you have never watched a Tarantino movie you can pick this one because it is a typical Tarantino movie with all blood and westernism.
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blognilu · 4 years
Lil miquela:unreal influencer
We follow a lot of people on social media and we like a lot of photos every day but would you follow someone who is not real?
Lil Miquela is an influencer with 2 million followers on Instagram. Her real name is Miquela Sousa. She is a model, also she interested in music. She has a little secret which is she is not real.
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In 2016, she opened her Instagram account called Lil Miquela and there was a great debate at that time. While some people thought she was a robot, some people said that she was a real person and that she looked like a robot just by editing photos. We now know that Lil Miquela is a virtual model designed by the owners of Brud company, Sara DeCou and Trevor McFedries. Miquela is one of the most famous influencers today. She is sharing on  her social media what she wears, where she went all the time and she works with many brands.
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She is working with many world-famous companies like Prada, Calvin Klein, Samsung. You can see her in some commercials. In one of the commercials, she posed with another world-famous model, Belle Hadid, is one of the most talked projects last year. She recently focused on music and last week she released her music video for her latest song.
Virtual model Miquela Sousa, whose brand value reached £ 100 million, has made a fortune to its creators. She has 2 best friends and they are hyperrealistic models too. Bermuda and Blawko. I think this trio, which gives interviews to magazines and is followed in social media, is one of the most real examples of the future. They are not even real but we are following them. We wanted to know what they are wearing and where they are doing. I wonder what is waiting for us in the future.
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blognilu · 4 years
Netflix: The Spoiler Billboard
In many countries, people do not leave their homes because of the COVID-19 outbreak. People don't leave their homes to reduce the speed of virus spread but there is a small minority still going out. Many companies are doing stimulating campaigns to keep people at home. Miami Ad School did the most interesting campaign. They endure people to stay in their homes. 
Miami ad school made a concept campaign for Netflix. Because we have been at home for weeks, we are spending a lot of time online and we are watching a lot of Netflix. They designed billboards and name of the billboards are “The Spoiler Billboard”. And on top of the billboards, they wrote spoilers of favorite and popular series like Strangers Things and Love is Blind. The idea behind this campaign is that if you go out you will see the spoilers of your favorite show so don’t leave home. If the virus cannot prevent you from going out maybe spoilers can. They prepared to draw attention to the importance of social distance.
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The campaign goes viral and Netflix tweets about the situation because people thought it is an official Netflix campaign. Also, Netflix thinks it is creative.
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I think Miami Ad School did a great job. They found a very creative way to encourage us not to go out these days when we all have to stay home. We all hate spoilers and who wants to know who got married on Love is Blind before watching the whole show. I'm going to share the video of the campaign if you want to watch but be careful there are some spoilers.
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blognilu · 4 years
Do What You Can’t
This week I am going to write about one of Casey Neistat video. Casey Neistat is a YouTuber and is shooting vlogs but today I am going to talk about one of his videos.
Casey Neistat
Casey Neistat is a 39 years old New York-based YouTuber. He is a drop out from high school and now his youtube channel has 11 million subscribers. I’m going to talk about his video called “Do what you can’t”.
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He shoots this video for the company Samsung and it is a commercial. The idea of the video is to do what people say you can’t. Casey has a lot of viral videos, for example, he made a video of snowboarding on the streets of New York in the year when there was record snowfall and the video was watched 20 million times. In the “Do what you can’t” he talks about the things he accomplished because of the internet. His vice principal said “you can't be good at anything” but look at me know. Casey, who argues that having a good idea, a phone and an internet connection is enough to tell a good story and also he says that a lot of things have changed now and what could not be done in the past can be done now thanks to the internet. In short, he says, do not miss this opportunity.
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He got into his career by making videos. He usually shot blogs but don’t think as they are basic vlogs. Casey, who is also a filmmaker, shows his success in each of his videos. The camera angles he uses in his videos and the way he edits the video, each of his videos is like a short film.It is a very successful channel with inspiring and entertaining videos wandering the streets of New York with his iconic glasses. I think Casey is a good inspiration for a lot of people. "The best thing I know is to take the biggest risk," said Casey, who moved to New York with not enough money and made his dreams come true thanks to the internet.
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blognilu · 4 years
Soul by Pixar
This week’s blog post is about Pixar's highly anticipated movie called “Soul”. Pete Docter, who directs highly successful and popular movies such as Monster Inc., Up and Inside Out, is also directing this movie. The movie's voice-over cast includes names like Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, and John Ratzenberger. Soul’s soundtracks are composed by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.
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The story:
Joe Gardner, who is a music teacher in a secondary school and his biggest dream is to be a jazz artist. Joe continues his work for the sake of this dream on the day he gained the first experience as a musician, he had an accident. As a result of this accident, his soul leaves his body and he founds himself in another dimension. Due to the absence of bodies in this dimension, he can no longer do exactly what he enjoys so because of that he is trying to escape and go back to the world that he knows.
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I think this movie will teach a lot, not only to children but also to adults as well. The reason I'm curious about this movie so much is, of course, its interesting subject. Death is a hard topic to explain to kids and I am curious about how Pixar did it. Many animations of Pixar are both fun and instructive. There is always a meaningful message in their movies that's why I love Pixar movies. While waiting for this movie, you can watch other Pixar movies that are my favorites:
Monsters, Inc.            
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I want to finish my post with one of Joe’s quotes: “We only have a short time on this planet. You want to become the person that you were born to be. Don’t waste your time on all the junk of life. Spend your precious hours doing what will bring out the real you. The brilliant passionate you, that’s ready to contribute to something meaningful into this world.”
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blognilu · 4 years
Dave Pollot
His works are very ironic and striking.when we look at the paintings, we see how the priorities, habits and multinational companies have affected our lives from past to present. Your first reaction is probably to smile, but after a while it makes you think and I think it's proof of the success of the works. As someone who loves popular culture, it's always fun to look at his paintings. Dave Pollot who always manages to add something fun to old and boring paintings is one of my favorite artists. I look forward to his new works. Dave Pollot is a New York-based artist and he is known for his paintings. He is painting today's pieces, symbols and popular culture characters on traditional drawings. The artist, who is both a painting and a popular culture fan, decided to bring these two passions together in this way.  
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This idea came to his mind when he talks with his wife about the paintings that had not been sold for a long time. We can say that he found this idea when looking for answers to “why they are not sold?” and ”whatever changes were made this table would be sold?”. I guess he thought If something fun was added to it, maybe people would buy it. After that, he started to buy paintings from yard sales and thrift stores and he starts adding things to the paintings. Because he is a software engineer when he first started painting, he painted the characters in the games. Then he started to add a lot of different things to the paintings. The purpose of the artist, who recreates the old works in this way, is to be entertaining and to show the characters he added later as if they were there from the very beginning.
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His works are very ironic and striking. When we look at the paintings, we see how the priorities, habits and multinational companies have affected our lives from past to present. Your first reaction is probably to smile, but after a while it makes you think and I think it's proof of the success of the works. As someone who loves popular culture, it's always fun to look at his paintings. Dave Pollot who always manages to add something fun to old and boring paintings is one of my favorite artists. I look forward to his new works.
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blognilu · 4 years
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova is a well known and one of the most successful tennis players of all time. Instead of her screams on the court, she is also recognized for her great achievements. She was born in Russia but after a short while at the age of 4, she and her father moved to the USA without being able to speak English. Her father worked at restaurants to finance her tennis courses. She went to one of the most famous tennis academies in the world which is the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy. 
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At the age of 14, she became a professional. In 2006, at Wimbledon, she achieved her first grand slam when she was only 17 against Serena Williams. After winning the Wimbledon she achieved the World Number 1 and won multiple career titles. In 2016 she arranged a press conference which the whole world was expecting for her retirement. Sharapova revealed to press that she had failed the drug test and she is taking the whole responsibility for it. The Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) banned her from tennis for 15 months. This was the beginning of the end. During that period Sharapova was not able to compete and she wrote a book which is called “Unstoppable: My Life So Far”. 
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She identified her book by not having a value of literature but more like a chat with the reader. The book is an autobiography and it is not about the life of a tennis player but a girl with big dreams. She also mentions her life outside the tennis and the rivalry with Serena Williams. In February 2020, after 28 years of her tennis life, she announced her retirement and the whole world was shocked. She was always a tennis player who does not like to be friends with other players because she was seeing them as opponents but she was admired by millions. She is the highest-paid female athlete of all time. No matter you like Sharapova or not she was the leading actress of the golden age of tennis and the sports world will miss her.
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blognilu · 4 years
Little Women
This week I’m going to talk about a movie called Little Woman.
Little Women is a famous novel written by Louisa May Alcott which takes place in the United States during the Civil War. There are four sisters and they live with their mother. Their father is with the army in order to serve the country. There are all talented and sweet young girls.
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Jo is interested in writing and she wants to become a famous writer. Amy is a beautiful girl who loves art and hopes to become a rich and elegant lady. Meg is great at dancing and she wants to build her own family and Beth is the youngest sister and she has a talent in music. Little Women which is one of the most selling books in history, is now adapted to the screenplay. The first adaption has been done in 1994. Winona Ryder was nominated to Oscars for the best actress for playing Jo. The second adaptation has recently done and it is still in the cinema. Leading actors and actresses are Saoirse Ronan as Jo, Timothée Chalamet as Laurie, Florence Pugh as Amy and Emma Watson as Meg. The legendary actress Meryl Streep also takes part in the movie as the aunt of the March Sisters. 
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The moral of the story is to show different aspects of women. The book criticizes the pressure of being a woman, the needs of women and how dependent they are. Each young girl wants to accomplish their dreams and they are strong without the presence of a man. One of the things I like the most in this story is the sisters have different dreams, but they don't judge each other for that reason. There is Meg who wants to start a family and there is Jo who thinks nothing but her writings and career. Don't miss the 8th motion picture adaptation of the novel” Little Women".
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blognilu · 4 years
Doodling is something I do every day. When I talking on the phone I get a piece of paper and start drawing doodles or when I’m bored at the lesson I do the same. Doodling is so fun and easy to do. Some people are drawing doodles a little more professional than us. Like Vexx and Mr. Doodle.
First of all, I’m going to talk about Vexx. Vexx is a young artist from Belgium. I found him on YouTube and I like his art so I wanted to share with you guys!    He was born on August 10, 1998, and he created his youtube channel in 2015. He is known with his colorful doodles and he is sharing videos about his doodles, some art challenges. 
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I’m following him since 2017 and I didn’t miss a video ever since. I like his art style and also his videos are really good. Watching him drawing colorful doodles is so much fun. He has more than 2 million subscribers on Youtube and he has 700k followers on Instagram.Some of my favorite videos:
 He also has a website where he is selling some of his work. So if you are interested don’t forget the check it out.
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The other artist is Sam Cox which knows as Mr. Doodle. He is a 23-year-old artist. His style is really fun. He has an Instagram account where he is sharing his doodles and he has 2 million followers. 
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His doodle style is two-dimensional and he draws thick black linework on white backgrounds. English artist mostly draws characters, animals, letters, and objects. There is no limit to the places where he draws the doodles. He draws on furniture, car and even he has a project where he draws doodles in every wall of the room.
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So try doodling. It is a very effective method of relieving stress and It is so much fun!
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blognilu · 4 years
Praise You by Fatboy Slim
Spike Jonze is a world-famous and award-winning director. He directed films such as “Her”, “Being John Malkovich”,” Where the Wild Things Are”.Another memorable work of the Jonze is "Praise you” video clip. The song belongs to Fatboy slim which is a British musician and the clip that Jonze shot for this song is unforgettable.
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In the music video directed by Oscar-nominated director Spike Jonze, we watch the dance performance of a group of 7 people. Also, Spike Jonze is in the dance group. This dance show that does not have a choreography that we expect. In the first few seconds, you can understand that dancers are not professional and they are like normal people. So, their dance moves do not require the skills of a dancer. They are jumping around and it feels like they are dancing the way that they want.
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When I first started watching the clip, I thought in my mind " What am I watching?”. Because they are like jumping around, dance moves are out of sync and It doesn't look like something I've watched before. At one point while watching the music video, I realized I was smiling and I felt good when the video ended. It must have felt that way to a lot of people that the music video was once at the top of MTV's top 100 clips list.
As a result of the survey conducted due to MTV's 20th anniversary, it has been ranked first among the 100 most popular music videos of the last 20 years. I think the lack of effort to get people to like their dances makes us like the video more. In a time when all the music videos are alike, a different and unexpected video is drawing attention.
To be honest, I sometimes dance like this in my room.No matter how ridiculous it sounds, it feels good to jump around and dance without thinking about what you're doing.
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Records, Skint. “Fatboy Slim - Praise You [Official Video].” YouTube, YouTube, 21 May 2010, www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruAi4VBoBSM.
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