bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/mandalas/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Mandalas: The universe in miniature.
Many cultures have used the mandala form in art, architecture, and dance as means of expressing wholeness. The clearest images that we have of atoms and their constituent entities are in the mandala form, as are galaxies and galactic systems like the Milky Way.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/peripheral-drift/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Peripheral Drift
Kinetic illusions are stationary images that give the appearance of motion. Peripheral drift is a fine example of this phenomenon.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/revival-meetings/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Revival meetings: Ecstasy, holy rolling, and other extreme states.
Faith healing, ecstatic movement, snake handling, and holy rolling are all instances of people experiencing extreme states of consciousness.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/flower-arrangement/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Flower arrangement: Beauty, simplicity, precision.
The purpose is to let “you” shine through the flowers, to let the you who arranges be the flowers which are arranged. No difference—you-flowers.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/tea-ceremony/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Tea Ceremony: Opening the mind and body through a ritual both rigid and serene.
Strict regulations guide the setting, the building, the implements, the participants, the sequence of the ceremony, and the tea itself. To be spontaneous within this rigidity, to let perfection happen despite all these prescriptions—this is tea ceremony (Cha-no-yu in Japanese).
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/yoga/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Yoga: It’s not just postures.
Hinduism brings man toward ultimate unity with the godhead, the Atman. Yoga is a means of achieving this unity.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/dance-therapy/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Dance therapy: Self-awareness and self-discovery through dance.
What we do while dancing is often more honest and direct than what we do verbally in day-to-day contact. What can be particularly exciting in dance therapy is the discovery of some new form of self-expression.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/art-therapy/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Art therapy: Healing through creating.
The object is to provide the patient with nonverbal techniques for freeing their feelings and affirming them through a medium of self-expression. In addition, it can often allow hidden talent to be exposed.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/thanatological-awareness/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Thanatological awareness: Contemplating death brings about altered states.
The experience of the death of another can reveal new horizons to the living.Life can often be seen more clearly, and with new eyes, in the face of death.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/psychoanalysis/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Psychoanalysis: Uncover your unconscious.
Freud pictured man as being highly complex: as living in reality and operating under rational principles and yet also living in fantasies and dreams, operating under conflict and confusion. The mature individual can cope with these inconsistencies and ambivalences. His very complexity is one major root of his maturity.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/mushroom-hunting/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Mushroom hunting: The forest has much to reveal.
As a treasure hunter in the forest, you can experience a new kind of calm, in quiet, peaceful surroundings.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/running/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Running: Nothing beats a runner’s high.
Running gets you high in the same way as many other tech- niques offered here: by altering your breathing. When you run, you change your breathing and the amount of oxygen reaching your brain. This in turn alters consciousness.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/profound-esthetic-experience/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Profound esthetic experience: The high of contemplating beauty.
For many, “profound esthetic experience” sounds far away and generally inaccessible but even looking at a natural landscape can evoke a profound esthetic experience
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/synesthesia/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Synesthesia: Blending of the senses.
The mixing of the senses can be expansive, confusing, even both at the same time; a true altered state of awareness. You can test yourself for synesthesia at www.synesthete.org. Even if you are not a natural synesthete, there are several ways to try to experience the world from this unique perspective.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/orgiastic-or-corybantic-dancing/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Orgiastic or corybantic dancing: Dance to orgasm.
Dancing by yourself will give you insight into the many ways that you may manifest your being. The only partner that you will have to satisfy will be your own projections, your own feelings. You will be allowed to do things you might never dare reveal to a partner. It will be your dance.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/hypnagogic-phenomena/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Hypnagogic phenomena: Drowsiness before sleep.
Hypnagogic hallucinations was the term, coined in 1848 by French psychologist Alfred Maury, to describe the visions and activities some people experience in the drowsiness that precedes sleep.
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bookofhighs-blog · 6 years
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“From The Book of Highs (https://bookofhighs.com/firewalking/): a high a day, each weekday, and high-kus on the weekend.
Firewalking:  A Greek rite and an altered state.
Fire walking and related acts are usually performed in a trance. These feats of physiological self-regulation are characteristic of the ecstatic states wherein other internal and external functions are controlled.
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