bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
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He could take his “almost” girlfriend to prom, right ? ;) 
Like he did in Chapter 11 & Chapter 12  :D
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
If the last link wont work for you, here’s the links to every single chapter :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
do you have a link to all of the chapters of the fic??
They should show up in chronological order :)
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Chapter 27
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" What's going on in that beautiful mind I'm on your magical mystery ride And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright My head's under water But I'm breathing fine You're crazy and I'm out of my mind " 
I remember back in 9th grade, I had a crush on this boy called Kyle, we were actually pretty good friends and man, I was head over heels in love with him. Then one day out of the blue, he introduced me to this girl, Annie, his girlfriend. I tried so hard to dislike her, tried so hard to find just a tiny little flaw in her personality or looks. But there were none. I couldn't help but like her and enjoy spending my time with her. So as much as I wanted Kyle, I knew Annie was perfect and there was no hope for me. That's exactly how I felt when Jack and I got to meet Georgie's new foster parents. They lived about 15 minutes from the new house in this picturesque little suburb. Their house reminded me of the one from UP, the facade was painted in a gorgeous light mint green while the roof was held in mostly pastel pink with a few mismatched tiles here and there. I knew Georgie would love this. They had a big backyard and I could see a shaggy haired bobtail dog run around the garden wagging his tail. The swing set in the garden, the self made window color paintings, the dog — everything seemed so perfect. I tried so hard to hate it. These were the things a kid in Georgie's age needed, the things I could've never properly given her. Sure I could've bought a swing set and a dog but it would never seem as perfect as this, It would seem out of place and forced. And then we met them and if I wasn't so sure it's not possible, I would've asked them to adopt me too please. Emily was this drop dead gorgeous woman in her mid 30s who looked like she just jumped out of a vintage 50s photograph. She was a pre school teacher and worked with special needs kids every second weekend of the month. She had won several prizes for her cooking skills and to top it all of, she wore a Bon Jovi T-shirt. Chris had made some money with real estates back a few years ago before following his dream of owning his own store selling custom made motorcycles. Those two were the coolest bunch I had ever met in my life and I was searching so hard to find a crack in their seemingly perfect personalities, but to no avail. They were just as perfect as it seemed. And they weren't even conceited or stuck up, no not at all. They had greeted us as if we were old friends, offering us a beer and asking us if we wanted to stay for their monthly BBQ. It made my heart swell, seeing Georgie run around in the garden with the family's little son, Noah, and the dog (who I was informed was called Ozzy). This was all I had imagined for Georgie and I would've to get over the fact that it wasn't me giving it to her, but someone who actually knew how to raise a child. The drive home to the apartment was rather silent. Both Jack and I were still trying to process the new situation. Georgie was here in Baltimore but not with us. " So ... what do you think ? " Jack asked hesitantly. It made me sad that he thought he had to walk on eggshells with me. Did I really give off such a vulnerable vibe ? " I think — I think they're so fucking cool they're on a completely new level of the coolness scale. Even cooler than we are and we're already pretty dope. " Jack let out a long breath. " Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one. Not gonna lie I kinda wanted them to be my foster parents too. I mean they have a slip n' slide so that's me sold already. " " Same, oh my god. They were so funny too, and she wore a Bon Jovi tour shirt from the 80s. How cool is that ? " Nodding his head enthusiastically Jack tried to keep his eyes focused on the road. " I know, I saw. So Fucking rad. Man I always thought we were cool. We're actually really lame. " " At least our sex is good. " " True that. High five. " And so we high fived and prided ourselves with this little victory we had. For a moment we drove in silence which was neither particularly comfortable nor awkward. It was just silence in the purest form there is. The silence where there's just nothing to say so you stare on and wallow in a quite moment — that's until your boyfriend disturbs the calm with one of his typical horny comments. " Can we fuck when we get home ? " " Dude, a bit more subtle ? A bit more romantic ? " " Since when do we do romance ? " He had a point. We never did romance for the sake of romance. There were moments when we did romantic stuff, Jack even more so than me, but it was never particularly planned or thought out just so he could tell everyone how romantic he is. We kept that to ourselves for us to keep and no one else. " You do have a point. I guess we can. Coop should be at school still so I don't see why not. " " Nice. Billie, you're the real MVP. "
Jack's hands softly caressed my hips as I was fumbling to get the keys into the lock and open the door. " Babe you gotta stop if you want me to open the door. " I said, my voice laced with amusement and a hint of lust. " I don't want to though, we can just do it right here if you feel like it. " his words were hard to make out since he mumbled them in between placing kisses on the back of my neck. " Geez, you've got neighbors. I'd rather not. " Eventually I got the key in and we stumbled through the door, hands roaming the other's body and lips connected. " You want me to bend you over the couch ? You want that ? " Jack murmured against my lips. " Oh god please don't. " It was not me those words came from. Jack quickly removed his hands from me and I turned around to see that we weren't as alone as we though we would be. Not only was my new found teenage brother standing in the doorway that lead from the living room to the kitchen, no there was another boy next to him. He seemed to be about the same age, messy ginger hair thick framed glasses, piercings through various parts of his face including the nose and lips and a lopsided smirk on his face. " Shouldn't you be at school ? And who's your friend ? " " Last period teacher got sick. What a shame. " his voice was dripping sarcasm. " You sound really devastated " " I am ... I really am. Oh and this is Miles we've been friends since basically forever. " Miles lifted his hand for a little wave. " I'd shake your hand to introduce myself but seeing how you just groped your boyfriend there I really don't wanna know where that hand's been today. " Jack and Cooper both couldn't hold back their laughter at that comment and I had to admit it did make me chuckle too. " Can't blame you really. So ... uh sorry for having to witness that. You guys gonna stay here for the day or ... ? " Cooper tried to get his laughter under control and looked at me with an eyebrow raised. " We were planning on it yeah we got this stupid ass project we gotta finish. But if you need us to leave you alone that's fine too. " Jack spoke up before I could. " Nope, you know what ? You guys stay here, we're going to our house. " Our house. The house Jack had bought without me knowing. The house I loved so much when I was a kid. The house we'll most likely spent a long time of our lives in, maybe even with kids someday. We hadn't had too much time working on making it ours. Some weekends had been spent painting the walls and doing some work here and there but we were nowhere near finished. All that was at the house so far was a mattress, a camping cooker, a stereo and a fridge. That's all we needed for long nights painting walls. " That's right, you guys have a house. Go 'bent each other over the couch' over there, you horny kids. " Cooper joked. " You know what ? That's exactly what we're gonna do " " Ew Billie. Stop ! " " Come on Jack, let's go do some bending. "
It was pouring outside. Thunder was clapping and rumbling and every once in a while a flash of lighting lit up the sky. It was loud and chaotic and the complete opposite of how I felt at the moment.
I was softly wrapped in post orgasmic bliss. Jack's fingertips left invisible lines up and down my arm, sometimes a swirl here and a heart shape there. His breath was warm on my skin and my heart had just found it's way back to beating at a normal pace. I felt so calm and yet so alive. " I wanna stay here forever. No touring, no recording, no grocery shopping, no clothes, no nothing. Just this. Sex and cuddles " he mumbled against my shoulder, his words being dulled by my skin. " We'd starve. " " That's fine. We'd starve side by side. It would be tragically romantic. " A chuckle left my mouth as those silly words of naivety were spoken. " Jack ? " " Hmm ? " " Can I tell you something and you promise me you wont laugh ? Promise me you won't make fun of me when I tell you the things I'm about to tell you. " He nodded against the side of my face and placed a kiss on my cheek. " I promise " My heartbeat was starting to pick up a bit as I was thinking about the words that were about to leave my lips. I could never take them back. It wasn't like the were some monumental confession or anything like that. But they came from that deep corner of my heart that I had just discovered when Jack walked into my life and that, despite getting better every day, I was still a bit afraid of. Deep breaths Billie, ok here it goes. " There's this quote by Oscar Wilde and it goes 'The very essence of romance is uncertainty'. My life has never had such a thing as certainty. I never knew what the next day would bring, when would mom collapse under all the weight ? When would dad snap and kick us out ? When would Mattie take her last breath and would I be there with her ? Who was gonna end up in my bed tonight ? ... shit like that. For a while I felt almost calm when looking into my future and not knowing what my next step would be, where I'd sleep the next night and who would be by my side. Uncertainty was something I was so used to that I felt comfortable in it. Uncertainty was the only thing certain in my life. And then you came along and for the first time in my life I don't crave what's coming down the road. I'm not thinking about the next party or where I'm gonna crash next Friday night. I don't look into the future and think about all that could happen and all the uncertainties and opportunities along the way. The only thing that makes my heart beat faster is knowing that whatever happens and whatever is waiting for me no matter how exciting or scary, You will be there by my side. For once in my life there's something 100% certain and it makes me so incredibly happy and less scared of whatever is coming next. I always thought Oscar Wilde was so right when he wrote that quote. Now I just feel like he didn't have the right kind of certainty in his life. " Jack only stared at me and I was almost 100% he was going to start laughing at me any minute. But then — nothing. He just kept looking at me like my face held the answers to all the question he had ever asked himself and to be honest, it scared me. People didn't look at me like this. I was so used to this tint of pity that was always present when people were looking at me—the girl with the dead sister—that when it wasn't there, when Jack's glance was completely void of anything but pure adoration and love, I was terrified. " Why are you looking at me like this? " " Because " " That's not an answer. " " It is though. " " Jack pl—" " I wanna post about us. I wanna make us official. You just gave me what I needed to hear. You just washed away this 0,1% of doubt I had about us not lasting. I wanna show you off Billie. I wanna show everyone how certain I am about us. Can we do that ? I love you so much Anabelle. " He only gave me time to nod before pressing his lips to mine. In that moment I decided that knowing who you're gonna wake up next to in the morning really isn't such a bad thing after all. We kissed for a while, no care in the world. No fear. No doubts. Eventually though we got out of breath and the physical activities from earlier took their toll on us and we fell asleep. Or at least I did. A while later I was woken up by a buzzing sound that seemed to by twice as loud since my phone was placed on the hardwood floor next to the head of the mattress. " The fuck is that ? " I grumbled picking up the phone and being met with a shit ton of notifications from instagram. " That's my fault sorry " Jack exclaimed before pulling me in his arms. He didn't sound one bit sorry though. " What did you do ? " He simply nodded towards the phone and I opened the instagram app. There were so many new followers, so many comments and then there was the notification of being tagged in a picture. Oh god.
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" Are you kidding me ? Seriously Jack ? " He propped himself up on his arms and looked at me with a sleepy expression. " Whut ?! ? " " The picture you posted. Did you have to post one of me naked —in bed ? " " You looked pretty fucking great. Really fucking beautiful." I was very well aware of the fact that he had just opened Pandora's motherfucking box and I would be the one who had to deal with it. Despite me always trying to act like a tough bitch, I was scared this time. I was scared shitless of those voices that would wash over me and use words they didn't understand to describe a person they didn't know through rumors and made up anecdotes. I was scared of what they'd say and think about me. Not because the fans' opinion mattered to me, it really didn't. But I mattered to Jack. He loved those people despite not knowing them and I was scared that whatever they'd think of me would influence the way he was feeling. " Hey, you okay ? " Nope. " Sure. " " Anabelle ! " " What if they hate me ? What if they find out about how much of a fuck up I am and make you realize just how much better you deserve. " I felt Jack's hand cover my lips to stop me from talking, his wide eyes looked back at me filled with ... anger ? " Shut the fuck up Shortie. Look I don't understand why you do this all the time and it makes me so god damn frustrated. Why do you always paint yourself as this horrible fuck up ? " " Because I am " was what I wanted to say but his hands still covering my mouth turned it into a muffled mess of sounds that no one could ever put into a full understandable sentence. " Let's see, you had a shitty childhood right ? Your mom was busy working to feed the family while your dad was being an all around asshole who didn't give two shits about his kids. You only had your sister. Then she gets sick, your boyfriend cheats on you and your whole life is shaken up. You're supposed to carry all this weight while you're still half a kid. And then ? Then your sister dies and you are alone. So what you had a few drinks too many, took a few things you shouldn't have and fucked a lot of people ? What does it matter ? You made it out alive and you're a real fucking great person. Life dealt you the worst cards it could've and you still made it. This could've broken you, killed you. But it didn't. And you give me too much credit for that. This isn't on me, it's all you. It's time you realize that. You're not half the fuck up you could've turned out after everything that happened to you. Be proud of yourself for once. I definitely am and I know your sister would be too. " I could count the times someone told me they were proud of me on one hand and never had I felt a sense of pride in myself. Not until this day. If Jack could believe in me, be proud of me, then I could to. He had reached anything a person could only wish for and he was proud of me. Let me tell you, that felt wonderful. Warm and cozy and all around blissful. " So if my fans have a problem with you or your past, that's on them. I don't care. I know about your past and I take it. Let me decide what I think of you, not them. I love you. I love you. " He took the hand from my face and cupped my cheek instead. " You get that into that thick head of yours alright ? " I nodded, not trusting my words. " Good. Now I'm gonna kiss you and you're gonna kiss me back and we'll pretend you never ever doubted yourself in the first place. " And so we kissed, for a long while, until I felt as if all my worries and doubts were gone for the moment. I hadn't felt this light and carefree in a long while.
We found ourselves tangled in the sheets with lazy smiles on our faces, the radio playing some Ed Sheeran song in the background.
" Tell me something I don't know about you. " Jack spoke up as his fingers proceeded to draw invisible patterns on my skin. " What do you want to know ? " " Doesn't matter, anything really. " " Hmmm ... I'm a huge smashing pumpkins fan." " Who isn't ? " " True." "Whenever I'm sad I put on 'The Goonies' and it makes me feel better." Jack chuckled and placed a kiss on my head "Makes sense it's a really good movie. What else ? " " Sometimes I feel like I'm living on a prayer " I could feel him pull away from me a little and as I looked up I was met with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. " Huh ? Like the chick in the song ? " " No, I feel like I am the song 'Livin on a prayer'. Like everyone loves that song, right ? Whenever you put it on at a party people sing along and go nuts. But if you ask people what their favorite song is, no one will say 'Livin on a prayer'. I feel like that sometimes. Like people are happy when I'm there and I'm a good time but I'm no one's favorite song. I know you told me not to doubt myself but sometimes I can't help it. I try my best to stay positive from now on though, I swear. " Little kisses were placed on my head then down my temple and on my cheeks until he reached my lips and granted me a soft, loving kiss. "I'm glad you're trying to be more positive, that's all I want. But just so you know, you are definitely my favorite song.
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Will there be a new chapter in the future?
I’m kinda meh about how to finish the next chapter but it IS coming. It’s in the works and it just needs a few more details :) 
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Hey you haven't been on in a while and I was wondering if everything is okay?
Hello :) 
Thanks for asking that’s lovely. But no, everything’s okay and I wish I had a proper reason to be absent for so long but the thing is, I am really stuck with this story.
I have bits and pieces I want to happen but I need a new bigger direction or plotpoint to keep it exciting. 
I would love if you guys could send in some ideas of what you want to happen of what you’d like to see and where you’d like the story to go. It would help me so much.
But even if you don’t, I will try to get something up soon. Please don’t give up on me, I’ll come back to this story, It’s my baby ♥
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Any updates on when the next chapter will be up?
I’m having issues with my internet connection atm but as soon as those are fixed I’ll try to update. I am super sorry I’m taking so long :/
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Hey! Reckon you could promote us? We were gone for awhile, but trying to make a comeback, and we are looking for new writers too! :) x
Yup I can do that. I’ll reblog this ask on my imagines blog so more people can see it :) 
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
I started the next chapter but I don't know when it'll be up.
Until then, I made a pinterest board for Billie. Check it out if you're bored :P 
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Chapter 26
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" Do you picture me, what do you see? Maybe a future full of unwritten things We hope to write from what's been done Look for a future no one else has sung " 
If there was one place I really didn't want to be, It was a high school party filled to the brim with hormonal teenage boys. Even worse, drunk hormonal teenage boys. They were obnoxious, loud and either cared too much or too little about their personal hygiene. I mean seriously there's IS such a things as too much axe body spray. But yet, that was the place I found myself at, trying to locate my newfound brother, in this crowd that was a complete train wreck. People were either clinging to each other or a red solo cup ... or both. Now don't get me wrong, I loved parties, there was just something about High school parties that made me cringe. Maybe I never really got into them because I didn't have this experience when I went to highschool, maybe I was just too old to enjoy this already. I didn't know, all I knew was that I wanted to find Cooper as quick as possible and get his ass, and mine out of here. " You have any idea where he is ? " Jack asked me, his lips level with my ear so I could hear him over the obnoxiously loud music. " No clue. You wanna look down here and I'll go looking upstairs ? " Jack nodded and placed a quick kiss on my head. " Don't let any horny guy get too handsy with you alright ? " " Please ... I'm so sexually attracted to pubescent boys I can hardly contain myself " " Yeah okay Miss Smarty Pants let's just look for your bro and get out of here " With that we parted ways and Jack went in direction of the makeshift dancefloor, while I walked a slalom around the countless couples making out in front and on the stairs. Uncomfortable. This house wasn't huge, it wasn't small either though. The upper floor had enough rooms for me to let out a deep sigh at the thought that I would have to look through all of them and probably encounter more than one teenage couple engaged in quite some intimate situations. Oh joy. But that's the things you do for your sibling right ? And though it still sounded weird to me because we only met each other that day, Cooper WAS my brother there was no denying it. I couldn't just ignore that fact only because his mother made some poor decisions (mainly in which man she chose to get impregnated by) and because of what a dick his dad was, to the both of us. No, all of that wasn't Cooper's fault and I wouldn't blame him. I would be the best older sister I could be, I would be Cooper's Mattie. Oh how I wish they could've met. The first two rooms were both locked and as I walked into the third one, I was greeted by just what I had expected. A couple making out, both only in their underwear. Beautiful, exactly what I wanted to see. I quickly turned around and walked through the next door. Everything was dark but the corner of the room. I saw Cooper cowered against the wall with one arm slung around his knees and the other fidgeting with his cell phone, the only source of light in the room. " Coop ? " I tried to keep my voice steady and calm, comforting even. Though despite how collected I seemed, I was a bit worried. His head snapped up and he looked at me with eyes wide as saucers, I can only guess that's also what his pupils look like. " Billie " " Hey kiddo, you ok ? " He shakes his head quickly from side to side and his mouth forms a frown. " Nu-uh. I feel like the floor is all squiggly and ... like a bouncy castle. " " Okay come here buddy. We're getting you out of here and somewhere safe. Everything is fine, the drugs are just playing tricks on you kiddo. It'll wear of, trust me. " Cooper looked up at me with his mouth opened in shock. " How do you know ? " " Oh trust me ... I do. " and I wished I didn't. But everyone does shit they regret sometimes .... right ?! Somehow I was able to maneuver a dizzy Cooper down the stairs and lean him against the wall while I was desperately scanning the room for my boyfriend. Who was nowhere to be found. " Jesus, Jack where are ... oh you've gotta be kidding me " But no, no one was kidding me. My eyes weren't playing tricks on me. There stood my idiot of a boyfriend, beer in hand talking to the teen boys who were hardly allowed to drink yet. I have to admit, I was a bit pissed. I know who wouldn't be having sex for a while. " Come on Coop, we need to take a short detour on our way out " I told my ... brother (still feels weird to call him that) and pulled him towards the kitchen counter where Jack was listening to some bloke, an amused smile playing on his face. " Jack ... are you shitting me right now ? " He turned around and I could see a flicker of fear in his eyes as he caught sight of me, his enraged girlfriend. Good, fear was appropriate right now. " Uh ... Billie uh ... oh you found Cooper " " Yeah I found him while YOU started drinking with teen boys " That's when Blondie McDouchebag opened his mouth. " Hey hey, Sweetie. Come on, calm down. ... oh you're little Coop's sister. Damn. " Shut up, little boy. " Ok listen Blondie, wipe that smirk of your face first of all. Second of all, never call me sweetie again, and then I will not 'calm down' ... I will take my brother and boyfriend and get the fuck out of here and YOU can thank your lucky stars if I decide not to call the police and tell them that most of these people drinking here are underage, oh and there's illegal drugs going around. Understood, sweetie ?! " He didn't stop or wipe the smirk of his face. No he kept going. " First of all, this is my house and little Coop chose to come here and take the stuff. That is not my fault or problem. Second of all, you're a bitch and I can call you whichever name I prefer to call you ... " " Woah Aaron dude, that's my girlfriend you better watch your words " Woohoo boyfriend of the year award goes to Jack. Or maybe not because he's the main reason I got into a conversation with this Aaron dude in the first place. " Geez dude, grow a pair. But honestly, it was quite funny to see little Coop getting all paranoid and crying for his sister. I'm a bit surprised he wasn't crying for his mom ... but then again she's probably busy spreading her legs for all the seniors in his school ... I heard she blew Scott Fraser last week. He's a senior in high school what is wrong with her, huh Coop ?" I could see that Cooper only understood half of what this Aaron brat had told him but the part he did understand, didn't sit too well with him. He started to bite his lip in frustration, trying to keep himself from doing something stupid in his drug induced haze. And just like that I knew what I had to do, being a good older sister and all. You have to know that I didn't get into fist fights often but I knew how to punch to make it count. See Trish, for example. So that is what I did. I pulled my fist back and smashed it right into Blondie's pretty baby face. What's the quote from Fight Club ? " I felt like destroying something beautiful " ... now granted, Blondie wasn't a bleach haired Jared Leto but he was pretty attractive for high school baby face standards. It was the third person I had punched in the last few months, and they all had so desperately deserved it. Trust me, I usually wasn't a violent person at all. Blood was dripping from the guy's nose and some girl hurried over with paper towels and started to nurse him while letting out some rather irritating squeals. " You absolute bitch " she hissed at me. Like I cared. " Hey Blondie you better stay the fuck away from Cooper or next time I'll hit a bit lower and then we'll see about that million dollar smile your daddy paid to get bleached. " Everyone was quite. Except for squeaky chick who ... well squeaked and squealed. I looked at Jack and it only took a second and a raise of my eyebrow for him to get into motion and we were on our way out of the house in less than a minute. " Shortie, I'm sorry " Jack was reduced to sounding like a puppy who knew exactly he had done something wrong. Despite being angry at his actions, I knew holding a grudge or giving him the silence treatment would just cause even more unnecessary drama and I really had enough of that for a while. " I know. Let's just go " In silence we walked towards our car and as I managed to get Cooper settle in the backseat, he looked at me with eyes full of wonder and a huge smile. " Did you just punch Aaron ? " " Hahaha, I most certainly did. " " Thanks Billie, that's .... badass-ish " " Thanks kiddo, you're badass-ish too " and with a laugh I closed the door and went to drive us lot back home.
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Cooper took quite a while to fall asleep. Poor thing. He wasn't a bad person, I hardly doubt he was used to drinking. I guess he was just really confused and angry with all the shit going on in his life at the moment. After I had tugged him into bed and was sure he was fast asleep, I had a good look at him. I mostly saw our dad in him. He was present in every inch of Cooper's face. His nose, his eyes, his lips, hell even the little mark above the eyebrow, it was all out father. But there was something else I saw in him, and it wasn't so much his looks but more his personality and how he dealt with things. I saw me. I saw pre-Jack, lost and hopeless, cynical, self destructive and confused Billie Harvey. And it scared me, because this was me shortly after Mattie passed away. I didn't want Cooper to get worse, start the sleeping around and the hard stuff. It wasn't worth it. I'd make sure he'd stay safe. It was my duty as an older sister to keep an eye on him. " Hey Shortie ? " I heard Jack call my name from the living room. He was sat on the couch, the same sad puppy look on his face he's been sporting ever since we left. " Hmm ? " " Come here for a second " he beckoned me over and I followed his request, sitting down sideways on his lap and linking my fingers behind his neck. " Yes, Jack ? " " Look, I'm really sorry for earlier. I was looking around for Cooper and asked this guy and he said he knew where Coop was and then he started talking to me and I didn't even notice what was happening. I'm sorry for being such a useless boyfriend. I should've been the one punching him as well, not watching my girlfriend do it. I'm just really new to this relationship thing and I'll fuck up once in a while but I hope you can forgive me. I'll try to be better, I promise. " What a dork. Seeing he was honestly sorry over what happened and hearing that he acknowledged his wrong doings and was willing to change his behavior, was making me feel all warm on the inside. " It's ok. No more freaking out over little things, we said that didn't we ? It's fine, no hard feelings. And it was actually quite fun seeing pretty boy's face after he got hit, by a girl " " Pretty badass girl that is " " I know right ? Gosh, I'm such a kickass chick. They should give me my own reality show. " " What would that be about ? You punching high school douchebags in the face ? " Jack laughed and buried his face in my hair before placing a few soft kisses to my neck. " MTV's - The True Fight club " " I'd watch it " After having another laugh over it, we looked at each other with pleasant smiles on our faces. " I love you Anabelle " " I know " " Oh my god are you serious ? I was being romantic and you're ruining the mood with a star wars quote. You absolute fucking nerd, oh my god. " " You know what, Jack ? You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life. " " Just shut up, nerd " And with that we made our way to the bedroom to fall asleep after quite the eventful night.
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It was the next morning that I found myself sitting at the kitchen isle next to a cranky Cooper while Jack was out getting breakfast for us. " You okay kid ? " " Could you please stop calling me that ? I'm not THAT much younger than you, Billie. " " It's cute though, I'm gonna stick with it. " " Ugh, I was expecting you would. " I ruffled his hair before getting up and turning on the coffee machine. There's nothing better than a strong black coffee to start the day. " You want some coffee, ... kid ? " Cooper looked up, hair messy and eyes still laced with sleep and exhaustion from last night. " Nah thanks. Uh ... hey Billie, thanks for ... you know, everything you did last night. For coming to get me, taking care of me ... and punching Aaron. " " Hey, we're siblings now, we have to stick up for each other. " A genuine smile spread on Cooper's lips and for a moment my heart stopped. Every time I looked at him, I only ever saw our dad in his features but apparently I hadn't watched close enough. Because I knew this smile, I had seen it so many times when I was younger. This wasn't only my dad's smile, it was also Mattie's. " I know you don't like my mom very much so ... it means a lot that you stood up for her and defended her honor, or what is left of it, when I was too fucked up to do it. " " This wasn't about your mom Coop, this was about me having your back. Because we're family now. I try to be the older sister to you that Mattie was to me. I'll never be as awesome but I can try. " Cooper looked at me like he was contemplating whether or not to say something. " What's it, spit it out ? " " Uh, well ... would you tell me a bit about Mattie ? She was my sister too after all, I'd love to hear about her. " This was nice. Cooper was such a lovely boy and I wished I could give him all the good and nice things in life and keep him from the bad. " Sure. You would've loved her. You have the same smile by the way. She was fierce and selfless and she made a mad chocolate cake, like oh my god it was so good. Mattie was the most fun person ever and she always knew how to make people smile. She was just one of those radiant personalities that just make you happy for no apparent reason. You would've loved her, and she would've loved you ... unconditionally. " " She sounds amazing. " " She was, she really was. " " Hey Billie uh, I feel so weird asking this and it's okay if you say no but uh ... would it be okay for me to stay with you for a few days ? I had a fight with my mom and I know I could go to my grandma but ... I don't really like it there either so ... would that be okay with you and Jack ? I mean I understand if it's not ... " I quickly placed my hand above his mouth to keep him from rambling further. " Yes. No questions asked. You can stay here for as long as you want. ... I mean technically this is Jack's place so we should ask him but ... you know that's all just little details. " " Thanks Billie that means a lot " " No problem. Mi Casa es su casa " " Yeah alright I dropped out of Spanish class last year. " As the two of us had a laugh about Cooper's comment, the door opened and Jack walked in, arms packed with grocery bags while his phone was held between his head and his shoulder. " Alright. ... Yes I'll let her know. ... We'll be there, thank you very much. See you then. Have a nice day goodbye. " he said and placed the bags on the table and ended the call. " Who was that ? " I asked curiously, while snooping through the bags for some food. I succeeded, finding a box of donuts that I quickly opened and handed over to Cooper who looked at me with hunger filled eyes. Teenage boys have a ridiculous metabolism. " That was the attorney ... they want us to come to the office. It's about Georgie ". My heart dropped to my stomach. This was it ! This was either me becoming a foster mother, or losing our case. " Billie ? " Jack tried to get my attention. " Yeah ? " " We'll be fine. No matter what happens, we'll be fine. " I knew he meant well, and I really wanted to believe in his words but I knew deep down in my guts, that should we not get Georgie to live with us, it would crush me.
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My legs were twitching as I found myself sitting at the attorney's office later that day. One of my clammy hands tightly held onto Jack's while the other nervously twirled my ring around my finger. This was horrible. I hated waiting. Waiting and not being able to do something about the situation was completely and utterly against my nature. I can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass I was right now but Jack never showed anything but love and support for me. I'd have to remember to show him just how grateful I was to have him here with me. After what felt like an eternity, the door swung open and the attorney walked in. I couldn't read her face. She didn't show any emotion that could've given away how the social services had decided. As she greeted us she granted us both a warm smile but that didn't help to calm my nerves, not in the slightest. People always smile warmly before they tell you bad news. " So, a decision has been made. " she said as she sat down at her desk. A decision has been made ? Where are we ? America's next topmodel ? " That's why we're here, isn't it ? " I know, I know. Turn down the sass Billie, this is important. " Yes. Anabelle, I really wish I could bring you some good news but unfortunately you probably wont see them as any good. " Ok, this was it. No Georgie. My grip on Jack's hand tightened and I could feel him squeeze back in reassurance. " So we wont get Georgie to live with us ? " Jack asked, knowing I wasn't able to form any words. " No. I tried my best but social services don't see you as capable when it comes to raising a young girl. " " Not capable ? I am 21 almost 22, not 12. I've managed worse things than a moody child. I know Georgie better than anyone else. Georgie isn't meant to live in Chicago or anywhere else for that matter. She's supposed to live here, in Baltimore, where she was born and where her mother was. " The attorney nodded her head with a sympathetic smile on her lips. " That's what I said. And they understand and agree. That's why they found a foster family for her who lives here in Baltimore. Which means you could see Georgie as often as you like. I've met the family and they are incredibly sweet. They have a little boy already and he is nothing but happy and joyful. Anabelle, trust me I wouldn't let Georgie live somewhere that wasn't a safe environment for her. We also see it as a very important factor that you get to see her regularly, being as you're the closest thing to a family that she has. Anabelle, she will be part of a loving household, I promise you " Not as loving as if she'd live with me. I knew I should've been grateful, happy even that they managed to get her out of Chicago and back home to Baltimore, but happy was the last emotion I felt in that moment. " Anabelle ? " " Huh ? " " I really am sorry but I need you to trust me on this. Georgie will have a good and happy and safe life from now on. I guarantee that. " I was only capable of giving her a short nod. I knew it wasn't her fault and I really was thankful for all the work and initiative she had put into this case but in the end, the result was not what I had wished for and no amount of sympathetic words could mend that wound. " I will of course keep you up to date and we will arrange a meeting with the Willsons as soon as possible. I am sorry Anabelle. " " You did all you could, thank you. " It wasn't me that said those words, it should've but it wasn't. It was Jack. He stepped in as my tongue, my conscious, my good manners because I was too much of a wreck in that moment. I don't remember walking out of the building or getting into the car. It was all a blur of sounds and pictures and moment that later on in life would hold no significance. They didn't see me capable of raising a child. I knew there was a big possibility of that happening, I should've been prepared for this outcome. So why did I feel so incredibly lost and broken right now? Maybe it was because deep down in the furthest and most negative corner of my being, the one I tried so hard to mute, right there I knew that they were right. I was hardly capable of managing my own life, a kid is a whole different story.
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I didn't notice where we were driving, hell I didn't even properly realize we WERE driving at all. It was all just a gray goo to me at the moment. It would pass, I was sure about that (I've been through worse), but it still sucked and It still made me feel sad and ... like a failure. " Billie ? " I looked up and was met with Jack's worry filled eyes. We had stopped. I scooted up a bit to look outside properly but didn't see much. We stopped in some driveway, trees around us making it almost impossible for my dazed mind to register just what driveway we were parked in. " Where are we ? " I asked, voice laced with confusion. Jack took a deep breath. That's never a good sign is it ? " Ok listen, I didn't want to do it like this ... or now. I wanted to have more time to make it special, make it perfect and not overwhelm you with it. But I guess today you need something positive to happen and ... I sincerely hope you will like this. " Oh my god, was he going to propose ? I think I might throw up. " That ... that didn't answer my question. " " Uh ... well, let's get out and you'll see. " He hurried out of the car and quickly came around to my side opening the door for me and holding out his hand. Cute things like that told me I made the right choice when I decided to take a chance with Jack. We walked up the driveway until we reached the house at the end, and I immediately knew where we were, but why we were here was still a mystery to me. " This is Rose's old house ... why are we here ? " " Well ... it WAS her house, now It's mine. " I was dumbstruck. Why in the world would he buy a house? " What ? Why ? " " Look, I'm gonna tell you this but you have to promise me you wont get mad. I mean no harm or offense. I love you. Okay ? " What was going on ? I was so confused. " Yeah ... okay. " Jack scrunched up his face as if he was reconsidering his words one last time before he let them leave his lips. " Okay so when I heard about the whole Georgie thing, I knew that you had your mind set on it. It was your one true goal and the thing you wanted with all your heart. BUT I knew that there was quite a big chance that it wouldn't work like you had planned it and I knew it would crush you. Now I know this is about Georgie having a good life and you loving her and all and trust me I would've loved to have her live with us. I fully trust our attorney and I think the parents will be lovely and if not we can always try again. But maybe we really aren't fully ready for a child. Maybe they'll do a better job then we would do. ...And I think this all might be a bit more about you then her. Because despite everything you still feel a bit incomplete and with Georgie you'd have something to take care of and something to keep you busy." " Jack what the ... " " Ah, I'm not finished. It's okay Billie. It's okay that you feel like that I know it was all with the best intentions for Georgie. Now I thought about something else that you'd really want and ... and I remembered your dream. About writing a book and all." " I can't do that, I have a job that takes time. I need to work to pay rent and shit " " See, that's the thing. You insist on paying rent even when you live with me ... this house is already bought. No rent. You love it here, there's water and nature and happy memories here if this isn't a place to get your creative juices flowing I don't know what is. Take a year, sit down and write. Work towards your actual goal. Do something for you, something selfish but not destructive. ... and your favorite place is close. " " The River's Edge " " Yeah. I actually wanted to work on the house a bit more before I'd show it to you but ... that didn't work. " And suddenly I knew why he had bought the house and it was so simple, and it was so clear. Because he loved me. He did it because he loved me. What a peculiar feeling, to be 100% genuinely and deeply loved by another person. " Okay. " " Huh ? " " Okay, yes let's do it. Let's move here, let's work on the book, let's life ! " Jack had me picked up and off the ground in a matter of seconds. If I didn't hate dirty dancing so much I would've made a 'lift scene' reference. (But let's be honest that movie is outdated and overrated and Baby is not a name.) After kissing for what felt like hours, Jack put me back on my feet and looked at me with so much adoration in his eyes, I felt like I could move mountains. " I have one more question ? " " Yeah ? " " Can we get a puppy ? "
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Good News :
The next chapter is finally done after such a long time.
It's almost 2:30 in the morning though and Idk when i'll be home tomorrow so it'll either be up late tomorrow OR on thursday.
Thanks for sticking with me ♥
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bytheriversedgefic · 10 years
To the anon :
I'm not gonna post your ask (for reasons :P) but yeah I was thinking along that way too. It's good to see you share my feelings about the way the story should go though, so thanks a lot for that ♥
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bytheriversedgefic · 10 years
Please write more!!!!
So here's what I wrote on my blog about this fic : 
I will. I know I'm lacking there but I'm stuck on where I want the chapter to go.
Do I want to continue with Georgie's part of the story and how that works out ? 
Do I want another conflict ? 
What's gonna happen with Cooper, or rather - how do I get there ? 
You know ? I'm really sorry it's taking so long but this time it's really not because I'm lazy but I'm going through an crissis with this fic. 
But I won't give up on it I promise. AND advice and help is always welcome so if there's a certain way you guys want the story to go, tell me! :)
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bytheriversedgefic · 10 years
I miss you. Are you okay?
I am okay :) 
Sorry for taking so long. I'm a bit overwhelmed right now with university and life in general.
I know that's not an excuse but I'm trying, I really am.
Thanks for caring, that's really sweet of you 
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bytheriversedgefic · 10 years
Where'd ya go?
I'm still here. I'm currently writing on a preeeetty long imagine for my imagines blog but that's gonna be finished tomorrow and then I'll work on the next chapter for this fic :) Promise.
I also already know what's gonna happen so I really think it wont take me too long :)
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bytheriversedgefic · 10 years
The new chapter was amazing, and so cute and just yayy
Awww glad you liked it :) Sorry for making you all wait so long, I hope it was worth it :P 
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bytheriversedgefic · 10 years
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* "Mattie’s Bucket List” was scribbled on the top of the page and Mattie was crossed out and there, in my sister’s handwriting it said ”Anabelle’s Bucket List” Nr 1 : Fall in love. *
The Meet Me By The River's Edge Playlist : Meet Me By The River's Edge - The Gaslight Anthem // Savior - Rise Against // Livin On A Prayer - Bon Jovi // Vegas - All Time Low // Star Wars Theme // I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry // Forever And Ever, Amen - Randy Travis // Must Have Done Something Right - Relient K // Moon River - Andy Williams // I Miss You - Blink 182 // I See The Light - Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi // Second Star To The Right - Jonatha Brooke // True Love - Pink ft. Lily Allen // If I Tremble - Front Porch Step // Goodnight Moon - Go Radio
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