#jack barakat fan fiction
aweirdkindofyellow · 9 months
The J.A.C.I.E. Project, Pt.5
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JACIE Jay-see \ d͡ʒˈe͡ɪsi \ See Jennifer Anna Clara Isabell Evans. An ambitious 21-year-old music student, striving to find her place in the industry. 
JACK Jak \ d͡ʒæk \ A guy ten years older than Jacie, who takes a liking to her.
Chapter 5
After our breakfast date, Jack and I kept messaging each other. We saw each other a few more times. Less for cute little meetups during the day and more for late night ‘meetups’. I was not complaining, though. Just like Sarah had said, once you find somebody as good as him, it’s difficult to ever go back to the mediocre sex you used to have. It continued to stay as good and thrilling, even after I had come over a handful of times. 
The first few times, I’d come over and leave almost straight after. It started with him only booty calling me after he had gone out for drinks in town. Then he’d also hit me up when he wasn’t drunk. Eventually, I started spending the nights at his place, which was just heaven because his bed was beautiful. Then, time started stretching, and we’d spend even more time together. We didn’t go on dates, but I’d be hanging out at his house for a few more hours after we woke up.
It was pretty difficult to cover and hide from my dad, but I somehow managed. I’d used the friends excuse a few too many times. Luckily, he didn’t question it. I often spent quite a lot of time outside the house, even back in high school, so it wasn’t much different. He just didn’t need to know that I was going off to a guy’s house to get my brains fucked out. 
By now, I had also figured out a bit more about Jack. I already knew that he had siblings, but I now also knew that he had a brother and sister. He also told me that he was originally Lebanese, and how his parents fled to Canada and the US. Mainly, however, I finally figured out which band he was in after he showed me one of the records up on the wall. The entire time, I was tempted to google him, to find it all out, but I was restraining myself. I didn’t want to be that girl, the one who would figure out everything about him online. That was just creepy. I didn’t want to ruin the little thing we had going. 
After yet another successful night, I found myself on Jack’s couch sitting in my panties and one of his black hoodies that engulfed me. He’d even let me touch and play his guitars. Not the ones up on the wall that were supposed to be an artwork, but the actual ones that he played as well. They were nicer than anything I could even dream about affording. 
It was actually bad weather for once in LA. The rain was pattering on the window and balcony, creating a white noise that filled the silence. Jack was just sitting on the armchair he had perpendicular to the couch, watching and listening to me play random songs. It was nice to spend time like this with him. We didn’t need sex to fill up all the empty time. 
“You have a nice voice,” Jack mumbled to adapt his voice to the quiet surroundings while I was strumming some chords.
“Thanks,” I smiled, my fingers still moving along the fretboard. “It’s actually pretty useful when I’m writing songs. And also for me to make a little money on the side.” 
“A little money on the side?” He cocked his head up a little from where he was resting it on his hand. 
“Yeah.” I nodded. “Some people on my course ask me to sing for their songs. Not everybody who studies music can sing. It’s fun and it brings in a little money.” 
“That’s a lot less sexual than you made it seem initially.” 
“Not everything I do is sexual. Actually, most things I do aren’t.” 
He hummed in response, listening to me play again. It wasn’t that loud, but I still had all of his attention. “Will you sing another song, please?” 
I nodded, thinking of another song I could both play and sing. My mind was always full of songs and things I could play until somebody suddenly requested I play them something. It was like my mind went completely blank. I switched to plucking some of the strings, playing random notes until I started hearing something that sounded a lot like a song I did know. Slowly, I transitioned into that song playing my own version of The One That Got Away. 
Everybody could say whatever they wanted about Katy Perry and judge her, but she had some bops. Including this amazing song. It was so calming and it sounded so good with the rain in the background. The weather decided to throw in some low rumbling as well, finishing the whole picture. 
Jack just listened and watched the entire time, letting me do my thing. I really wished that I could read what was going on in his head. He seemed content, but I had no idea what was going on behind those brown eyes of his. Was he enjoying this like I was? Or was he trying to figure out a way to make me leave? He was the one that asked me to play another song. But still, it was such a big mystery. 
I finished the song, playing the last chord and singing the last line. For the first time in the past half hour, I didn’t immediately start playing something new. Instead, I just looked at Jack, who was smiling at me, and cocked my head to the side. 
“You wanna take a turn playing something?” I asked, pushing the guitar off me an inch, but not really moving from my spot between all the pillows. 
He shook his head, leaning further into the armrest. “No, I play for a living. It’s nice listening to somebody else.” 
“I play for my degree.” I raised an eyebrow back at him. 
“Touché…” He rested his head against the back of the chair, continuing to stare at me. “But I like hearing you play.” 
I went back to playing. It was just some random notes. There wasn’t a specific song I was trying to play, I just played a few things that sounded right together. You know, like you do when you’re absent mindedly playing. Slowly but surely, I started imagining a melody over it and started humming along. There were a few words that came to mind, but nothing big enough for me to actually try singing on top of it. 
Not that I could ever even get to that stage. I was interrupted by a loud knock on the front door and it suddenly opened without a proper warning. Jack’s eyes immediately snapped towards the commotion, as did mine. How couldn’t they? There was some guy who I definitely had never seen before, but who clearly was close enough to Jack to just burst in like that. 
“I brought lunch!” The guy with black hair announced before he even noticed my presence, and held up a paper bag of some fast food place. 
I awkwardly scratched the side of my face before putting the guitar next to me on the couch. “I believe that’s my queue to leave.” 
I could feel the two sets of eyes on me as I stood up and went into Jack’s room to get changed. I closed the door behind myself, leaving it ajar for some unknown reason. It just felt like I wasn’t hiding myself, like I wasn’t trying to run away. Which was the truth. I had to leave anyway, and Jack’s friend was here to hang out with him now. Leaving the door ajar, though, got me a bit more than I bargained for. 
I pulled off Jack’s hoodie and was folding it up to put on his bed, when I realised I could hear every word being exchanged back in the living room. 
“Dude, that’s the girl you’ve been fucking recently?” Jack’s friend gasped when I gently put the hoodie on Jack’s bed.
I practically rolled my eyes when I picked up my shirt from the floor and slipped it on. Of course, Jack had been talking about our adventures. For some reason, I hadn’t expected any less. 
There was a short silence before Jack answered. “Umm… yeah. She’s pretty cool.” 
“And hot. You chose well with this one.” 
Like he chose me and I wasn’t the one who chose him. He was the one who came onto me. It was my choice to pursue it. I could have easily left him empty handed at that bar. Instead, I let him grab multiple handfuls of me in bed that night. 
I decided to throw on my blue jeans before I heard any more degrading remarks. 
“She’s a music student,” Jack added. “Pretty good one too.” 
“A student! Damn, Jack.” 
I picked up the small shoulder bag I had brought with me the evening before, and pulled out my phone to order yet another Uber. Almost all my money was going towards transport to and from Jack’s by now. But you win some, you lose some, right? I was winning a lot, but it did have a price. 
I walked out of Jack’s room and headed for the front door. “I’ll be leaving then.” 
“I’ll text you,” Jack promised as my hand grazed the door handle. 
“Sure ya will,” I teased back. 
“Hey, when haven’t I?” 
Yeah… when hadn’t he? There was a reason why I came back so many times.
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sarahbethimagines · 6 years
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Chapter 14: When It Rains It Pours
Chapter Log!
Sometime later on that same day, I'd found myself having drifted farther and farther from the group I'd been in. The longer we'd all lingered around, the more and more our numbers dwindled down. Sooner or later, the sun had begun to sink behind that great big screen, and now as I sat alone on the hill side, only small fleeting rays peaked out in its cracks. I'd sat up there for some time, left alone to my thoughts. Just collecting all the faces and names I’d learned and sliding them into their appropriate slots in my slow filling brain. But it wasn't long before the last of the ice turned to lukewarm water, and the last sip of beer was slugged back. And it was around the time that the Jeep playing music's gas started to drain that Alex began to find his way up on that hill beside me. "You alright?" He asked me once he'd drawn close enough to hear. Eyes bright against the sunset as they stared up at me. "You had me and Juubie a little nervous when you'd wandered off."
"I'm fine." I whispered. Feeling a shift in the air as Alex lowered himself down onto the dead grass. His thigh brushing up against mine. "It wasn’t too much for you, was it?" He wondered aloud. Concern evident in his tone as he turned to look at me from the side. "No, not at all." I smiled, dropping my head down. Eyes grazing my crooked-up knees, the tanned skin scuffed in spots with dirt and sneaker prints. "It was honestly kind of nice to feel normal for a bit." I saw him nod from the edges of my eyes. Then he turned his head back to where I'd been looking before. Watching in silence as the last few specks climbed into the last few cars. And once the dust cloud settled, only Alex's rusted pick-up was left all alone in that big wide field. "You remembered something earlier, when Jack came up to you, didn't you?" Alex asked after a while. His voice as soft as the summer breeze that had my short hair tickling the back of my neck. I turned my head slowly in his direction, thin brows raised. "How did you know that?" I asked him. "I know everything about you Kennedy," He shrugged, searching my eyes for something even I couldn't quite identify. "Even the stuff you're learning about yourself every day." I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks at the way he said that. It was soft, and it was sincere, but it ran just inches deeper than that. I turned my head away, praying to God my stumpy blonde strands would be just long enough to hid the color change on my skin. But to whether they were or not, Alex never let on. Instead he inched closer, his thigh pressing flush against mine. "So, what was it?" He asked, breath moving my hair he was so close to me now. I smiled softly to myself at the thought of Jack I'd remembered. Standing on Alex's truck, at the brink of being hammered, trying his best to give his friends a speech to remember. And being grateful I did. I swallowed hard, rubbing the sweat from my palms on my knees. "I remembered the first time we celebrated your album." I muttered. My soft-spoken words hard to make out, but I knew that he'd heard them. He shifted in his seat, and I could practically feel his smile shift the atmosphere. "I remember that day," He stuttered back, "You had a lot of fun from what I recall." I nodded, regardless of not being the star of my all too brief flashback. Every time I got one, while I was consumed in it I could feel everything I'd felt the first time around. And watching Jack drunkenly rant as I sat under Alex's arm all those years ago, still filled me with joy. Even just to think about it now, with the feelings faded and far out of reach. I felt happy. "What do you remember about that day?" I asked Alex. Expecting to fill in more and more blanks. Or at the very least have words to form make shift memories to hold my own's place in line for the time being. But instead I was answered with a brief passing silence, followed by one, single, heavily spoken word. "You" I snapped my head away from my knees and over to Alex, only to find his eyes already watching me. Golden orbs played with the light the same way honey teased a bee. Shiny, smooth and inviting. They sparkled at me. They were large and doe-like as they investigated mine. Innocent and all knowing, all at the same time. "What do you mean?" I questioned. Hardly able to get the words out as I staggered through the maze in his mahogany stare. Pupils never moving as they sunk through my skull. "That was the day I realized without a doubt you were the greatest friend I'd ever have in life." It was so simple, yet so complex in the same construct. His words both amazed and confused me. And I had to fight my head to turn and my gaze to tear away. Looking back down on my knees, a frown formed on my face. "I wish I could remember." "You do," He told me, reaching a hand up and placing it on my arm. "It's just tucked away in a place you can't get at yet." I nodded once again, defeat rolling off my shoulders and down to Alex's hand. Its grip stiffened. "Close your eyes." "What, why?" I questioned, scowling still at the grass between my knees. "Just shut your eyes, and listen to me, okay?" He whispered. I sighed but complied anyways and slowly let my lids hang shut. "Now just picture this, you're seventeen. It's the summer time, still the start of July. You're finally cutting loose, starting to drink a little more each time we all gather together. It's the most exciting day we'd had all summer. And Jack is on the tailgate of my truck rambling on and on with some nonsense spiel, when suddenly rain starts to fall from the sky." The more Alex talked, the harder I concentrated on each word he said. And it wasn’t long before I was drifting back in time to a day I'd briefly began to remember already. "Holy Hell!" I practically yelled as I threw myself into the cab of the truck, slamming to door behind me as fast as I could to get out of the rain. But it was already too late. Droplets ran down my legs and soaked my socks, my shirt drenched to the bone as it clung to my skin. I groaned, scrunching my face when the driver's side door swung open, slamming shut just as fast as mine had. But instead of letting out agreeing whines to accompany my own, the boy began to laugh; loudly. I turned my head to look at Alex, eyes so wide he could practically read the words, 'you're insane' in the depths of my pupils. "Well that was certainly unexpected!" The elder chuckled, shaking his hair that looked almost black with the water soaking through it. Locks lumped together dripped small droplets from their ends and onto his thin button nose. "You're telling me!" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and turning away. I pulled the visor down and sighed, seeing the only hint of makeup I'd even bothered to put on smeared down my face. Long streaks and little lumps of mascara littered my perfect tan all under my eyes. I heard Alex laugh, but chose not to listen. Instead I rubbed my fingers along my thighs, collecting remains of the rain before scrubbing at my cheeks. The skin was rubbed red in a matter of seconds, but still the stubborn smears didn’t budge. Not even an inch. I huffed another groan and slapped the visor back up to its original position. I sat there in a silent pout for a second, arms crossed over my chest so tight, water was beginning to ring out of my shirt and onto the beige seat cover. I only moved to snap my head at the sound of more laughter leaving my friend. My eyes instantly found his to already be staring back at me. He was just as soaked as I'd been, if not worse. His bright yellow t-shirt now looked orange as it stuck to parts of his skin and bubbled up in others. Once fluffy locks were pounded flat by the force of the falling water outside which was still pounding down on the roof of his truck. The sound being the only admirable thing the rain had done that afternoon. That is, aside from deflecting the still shining sunlight outside off the droplets pooled on the windshield. Small microscopic rays bounced into the car and through Alex's amber eyes. Igniting a fire in their golden flecks. "What?" I bitterly asked when Alex didn’t cease staring at me. His stare growing deeper and evolving into something indescribable. "What do you mean, what?" He asked, eyes never budging. The only thing moving on him aside from his heaving chest were his lips as they twisted into an almost less than playful smirk. "Can I not look at you?" I huffed, turning my head back forward. Staring now at the wall of rain crashing down on our once clear day. I wasn’t planning on feeding into his foolish antics. He was drunk, or at least mildly buzzed, and I was already too annoyed at the weather to play. But soon enough, the holes he'd been burning in the side of my head drilled a little too deep, and I looked over at him again. Finding his stare right where I'd left it. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I snapped at him. Deflecting my annoyance, but he didn't seem to care. "I'm not looking at you in any particular way..." He shrugged, scooching an inch or so closer to me on the truck's bench. My eyes jumped down to glare at the space between us he'd just lessened. As though in warning. "This is just how I've always looked at you." I rolled my eyes before staring blankly at him again. My expression not radiating even an ounce of amusement. "If you're going to make a joke about my makeup just do it." I muttered. And Alex clicked his tongue, eye brows scrunching as he scooted even closer, his knees now brushing my thigh. "Why would I do that?" He questioned, and I looked to him with my own brows furrowed. I could feel his breath against the chilled trails on my face as he breathed heavily. Hesitantly almost, and slowly lifted a hand to cradle the questioning expression I was shooting at him. "I don't see anything to joke about." "And what is that supposed to mean exactly?" I challenged. Trying my absolute hardest to appear composed under his close proximity and weighing gaze. But it was hard to do anything but focus on the way his calloused thumb rubbed the agitated skin on my cheek so gently. "Just that I think you're beautiful." He whispered, my eyes not even being able to help the way they softened. He didn't dare to move again, keeping his face inches from mine which he held in his hand. "I've always thought that, Dee." "Since when?" I tried to ask, but it came out in a breathless hush. Leaving me to bite my lip as I stared into Alex's eyes. Orbs so close to mine I could have gone cross-eyed. "Since the first day of freshman year, when you walked into me in the hallway." He said, my eyes lowering to watch his lips change shape while he mumbled his quiet words to me. "I thought it was so cute, how nervous you were, how you refused to meet my eyes, just like you are right now..." I could feel the lump in my throat form, but I fought myself to rebel against his words and look up. Regretting it instantly when I immediately got sucked back into his big doe-eyes. It was getting increasingly harder to breath with each passing second. But my breath nearly stopped all together when I suddenly began to notice his eyes growing bigger, slowly shutting with each millimeter closer they drew to me. All the same anxiety began to fill me from the night he'd drunkenly kissed me in my kitchen. A night we had never once discussed or even as much as acknowledged. But here I was again, too late to stop it as I felt Alex's lips brush mine. And instinctively my eyes fell shut, reciprocating it no matter how wrong the little reasoning voice in my head was telling me it was. It started out so innocent, his hand on my jaw, his lips on mine. A pure peck waiting to be released. And just when I thought he would with his hand leaving my jaw, I started to pull away. Only to be tugged right back in as his hand knotted in my rain-soaked hair. Something took over inside me then. I don't know what it was or where it came from, but I certainly had no control over it. Because the next thing I knew, I was tangling my own boney digits in the back of his head, deepening the kiss in my own wrong doing. Soaking in how perfect his lips felt pressed flush against mine. And just like the first time, when I felt Alex's tongue brush against mine. It all faded away. Just as fast as it came. "Dee... Dee... Kennedy!" Alex shook me from my thoughts, literally shook me with his hands on my shoulders. But he really didn’t need to with the way I felt my bones trembling on their own. "Are you okay?" He quickly asked me when I started to blink myself back into reality. "Kennedy, you're crying." I attempted to catch my breath for a moment. My chest heaving, my head spinning, and my nose running as I felt the tears in mention as they dripped down my face. Haunting me of the way the rain had felt on my flesh in the flashback. Slowly, and hesitantly I turned my head. Meeting the eyes, I'd just looked at so closely. Only now they stared back at me completely absent of hidden desire, and instead full of worry and concern. I chocked on the words in my throat for a while. Scattered mumbles and misplaced words fumbled from my mouth till I finally gathered up the strength to spill the one question that had been left to linger on my mind. "Why are you lying to me?" I tried to ask, but it came out more as a strangled sob than an actual question. Confusion beginning to build up, drowning me slowly from the inside out. "What?" He coughed, confusion of his own soon replacing his concern, but not entirely. "Kennedy, what would I have lied about?" "Being my friend!" I sobbed, my hands instinctively moving upward to cradle my throbbing head. "You said you knew I was your best friend that day, but it was a lie! You didn't want to be my best friend anymore." He hung his head at my words, buried his face in his hands and sighed. Leaving me there, sitting next to him in silence, sobbing and confused. I knew in Heinz sight, kissing your best friend wasn’t something to hysterically cry about right in front of them. Especially after they were the one who helped you remember it happening in the first place. But I really don't think those tears were coming from a place of sadness. Above everything else flooding my brain, the most prominent emotion of all was confusion. I was confused, and hurt, and scared. Up until that point, all anyone had lead me on to believe was that Alex was my best friend and nothing more, including him! But now, among everything else that didn’t make sense to me, even that I couldn’t count on as being the truth. It was hard enough as is to try and piece back a life I didn't remember living. But to have to navigate conflicting stories with memories and information I'm given made it all that more troublesome of a feat. "You remembered our fight, didn't you?" He quietly muttered into his hands. So quite in fact, I almost hadn't heard it over my own hiccups and sniffles. "What, no Alex!" I all but snapped, propping myself up on my knees and turning towards him as tears continued to rapidly spill down my cheeks. Completely disregarding his words. "I remembered what happened once it started to rain!" Alex's head slowly lifted at the sound of the sudden anger flowing into my tone. Confusion taking over his once defeated expression. Looking at me now as I stared back at him, pinch lipped and teary eyed. "Best friends don’t just do that!" I hissed once he finally met my stare head on. "What do you mean?" He hurriedly asked, "What are you talking about?" "You kissed me, Alex!" I wailed. My head pounding even harder now with all the emotions building up inside it. Conflicting and confusing me. "Just like you did in my kitchen, you kissed me. Friends don’t kiss friends!" His face suddenly softened once again, resorting back to that confused and worried daze as he gazed back at me. "You remembered that?" He asked, voice dropping dramatically in volume. "Yes!" I hissed, "So, I don't know why you keep lying to me if I knew all along we weren't justfriends." "Kennedy, we were just friends." Alex stressed, "We kissed yes, but we never became anything more." My head was spinning faster and faster with each conflicting sentence he threw at me. I couldn't keep it all in a straight line. Everything I'd gathered about myself was now scattered across the floor. A pile of messy confusion I once again couldn't even begin to comprehend. I looked at him, hurt and anger filling my soul to see nothing but disappointment and something I couldn’t identify clouding his eyes. "I have to go." I suddenly muttered. Not giving him a chance to stop me, I clambered to my feet and took off running back down the hill. Not a clue of which direction to go or how to even get home. I could hear him calling after me, his voice growing softer and softer the further I ran. and I continued to run till his screams faded away and all I could hear was my own conflicted sobs, and my heart beating away. I guess it's true what they say. When it rains, it pours.
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stonedmom666 · 3 years
hey everyone! so I’m gonna be staring to post my fanfics on here!! I have some stories already done/being edited to be posted ASAP, but I’m still taking requests/ideas!!!
I write about-
Criminal Minds (any character)
Sons of Anarchy (any character)
Various bands/musicians/actors
I’m also okay with writing pretty much anything!! Of course nothing that goes too far, but I do tend to write dramatically and there will always be a warning on all my posts!!
So, if you’d like, start sending in your requests!!
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jackinalex · 3 years
You know what would be interesting? if Lisa sort of gave Alex a hall pass, so that he and Jack have their thing but he and Lisa are still together. That could be good for drama and would be an interesting relationship too
I’ve thought about this before. Or at least, a don’t ask don’t tell kinda thing. I c ant imagine that it would end well, though. Honestly somebody should fic that!!
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Missing You- All Time low
“I heard that you’ve been having some trouble finding your place in the world. I know how much that hurts.”  “You’ll be missing out, and we’ll be missing you.”   “Grit your teeth, pull your hair, paint the walls black and scream “Fuck the world! ‘Cause it’s my life, I’m gonna take it back!” “I head that you’ve been self medicating in the quiet of your room, your sweet suburban tomb.”
    Jack sat crying in his room. He wasn’t even sure what was wrong this time, everything was just... wrong. No, he knew exactly what was wrong. The whole fucking world was wrong. He had almost been close to okay again...
    Then there was the concert. Then the pills... then the blood the stained his blue sweatshirt. Everything was fine, but then it wasn’t. This was all his fucking fault. He had ruined everything, he had embarrassed himself and his friends in front of the entire school. This could have gone somewhere or the band, but thanks to him the only place it was going was shit posts on the twitters of the people in his shitty school.
   And it might have been fine if he wasn’t so fucking dramatic... why the hell was he the one who yelled at Rian? but Rian had been right, and the words rang through his ears, “You’re so fucking arrogant!” He had yelled, “Just love yourself so no one has to. I hope you choke on your Misery.”
    He hoped he did. Anything would be better then this. He just wanted to stop disappointing everyone. his mind was so caught up, and maybe that’s why he didn’t think about his open window that faced that of Alex Barakat, his new neighbor. He didn’t think about anyone hearing him scream to himself or throw things around his room.
    He certainly didn’t expect a knock on the frame of his window, and he didn’t expect to see Alex. Jack burred his face in his hands, only sobbing more. How much of that did he hear? “I-I’m sorry for the noise... I’ll shut up a-and close my wi-”
   “Oh god dude...” Alex said, climbing in the window, rubbing Jack’s back, “I know how much this all hurts... Don’t be sorry.”
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Requests NEEDED
Okay so this is my third attempt at making this blog AND this post so bear with me. Tumblr is not as easy to control as it used to be.
I’m starting to write again and since I love bands so much I figure I would break open my fic writing again and see where it takes me. I am down to write just about anything so hit me up with some requests!!
Please request some shit! If my sad attempts at creating this blog are for nothing im gonna be so sad
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pop-punklouis · 3 years
Also I just remembered that back in like 2012 I randomly told this girl on here that I met Jack Barakat at Warped Tour and that he asked for my email address so that he could send me fan fiction he wrote about us. I don't even know why I said it, or why the girl believed me, but it was obviously a huge lie.
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sarahbethstories · 6 years
Remembering Sunday pt 3
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2
THREE: Young New England
The metal of the storm door rattled loudly as its edge crashed against the rubber heel of my sneaker. Building up and echoing into my house as I pressed the large white door open, somehow knowing it wouldn't be locked. But the sounds erupting around me only escalated from there as the brass hinges instantly threw the door into a pile of large cardboard boxes that had been stacked inside the entry. "Kennedy?" I heard my father called as I looked up from the scattered mess around me to see him emerge from another pile just inside the living room. "You're back!" He exclaimed.  
"I am..." I dragged softly, once again looking down at my feet. Right where I'd made a habit of kicking my shoes, boxes of varying sizes were now sprayed about like Jenga pieces. "I've been meaning to call you!" My dad added, swiftly swooping down to fetch the closest box and place it on top a now sideways one in front of the coat closet. Then scratching his balding head, "But I just couldn't seem to find the house phone in well – all of this!" I nodded knowingly now as he motioned to the vast piles of boxes which I learned had exploded all over our previously pristine living room and seemed to only just begun to spill over into the entryway. "What is all of this anyway?" I dared to ask, following in my father's step and lifting a box up onto the one he'd just relocated moments before. Making a home for my dusty sneakers in the process. "Your dorm!" He chirped as I peaked at the return label haphazardly slapped to the box at my feet now. Squinting my eyes to try and as casually as possible make out the offensively small letters printed on it. 'Tuscon, Arizona 85721' "Right..." I pulled, scratching the tip of my small nose. As though any of that was actually supposed to mean something to me in my current state. "I figured in the next few days or so, if you felt up to it that is, you could go through them and sort some stuff out to go into storage for the summer!" He said smiling at me. And I returned the grin warmly. Since the accident and having to digest everything, I've been able to tell how hard this has all been on my dad. And even though on moments recently I would have rather beat him with a photo album than actually look through it. I can tell he's trying, it's not like he asked for any of this either. It's just a difficult pill to swallow. And when someone who wants you to remember the life they seemingly single-handedly provided you is standing over your shoulder; well that only makes it harder. "I think I can do that..." I informed him, causing his grin to grow even wider before he waved me with his rough meaty hands as though to follow him. "Great!" He exclaimed, "I made a path into the kitchen if you were hungry we can look at what there is to eat for dinner! Any ideas?" "Uh... No, not really." I made out softly attempting to match my father's vast strides as he swiftly navigated the leaning towers of boxes with ease. Before, being in this house was weird, but not entirely abnormal feeling. Something about the sand-colored walls and hardwood floors felt comforting. And although I don't exactly remember the years I'm sure I'd spent inside its halls, the house felt like home in some obscure indescribable way. Some things now were a total guessing game, like which toothbrush on the bathroom counter was mine. But other things were not. Some things in my life I found to be innate and almost habitually remembered. For instance, while I had to guess whether I put normal or almond milk on my cereal in the morning, I knew without even skipping a beat that the utensils were in the drawer to the right of the stove, and the bowls in the cupboard left of the microwave. Why or how I knew that is beyond me, but the more I navigated through this life I didn't yet remember, the more I started to pick up on small things I seemingly knew anyway. And the survey of that house was one of the more prominent ones. I didn't have to question, even on the first investigation that just beyond the living room was the dining room, which I also had grown an inkling that we never actually used. And even then, a few days in as I followed my robust father around the last cardboard stack I knew exactly how the kitchen would look when it came into view. Chestnut colored cabinets lined the walls overhead and below. Thick granite countertops were accompanied by a tile backsplash of varying gray, beige, and taupe hues. And a small peninsula jutted out sporting two bar stools which I found myself sliding up onto as my father wrapped around into the heart of the space. "I was just starting to unload the dishes when I heard the door!" He informed me, breaking the brief silence as he made his way to the still ajar stainless appliance. He glanced at me briefly as he flipped the door down, "Where did you run off too anyway?" I signed softly, eyes falling to my hands which had naturally begun to twist themselves into knots. "I don't really know," I admitted thinking of how I'd mindlessly found myself in that field just earlier. Looking up as a glass bowl clanged against a pan as it lifted from the wire brackets of the washer. "I guess I just started to walk to wherever my feet felt like taking me." He hummed softly as he made his way to the cabinet beneath my elbows. "Well good." He nodded, a soft smile and a content expression adorning his tanned wrinkled face. "Maybe getting out of this house a bit will help you relax a little from the stress of everything, that's what you used to do in high school anyway!" "It was?" I questioned, my brows squishing together as my arms folded on the cool countertop. "Oh, all the time!" He brushed off, his smile spreading wider exposing his teeth. "Anytime anything was on your mind there was never any hope of getting you to talk. You'd always just throw on a coat, say you'd be back, and head out the door." I huffed softly to myself as he let the cupboard door slap shut and retreated back to across the kitchen. My lips contorted in an ambiguous manner as I watched the elder man move effortlessly through his actions. "And you trusted me to just up and do that?" I couldn't help but ask. "Of course!" He basically laughed. "You were always honest with me if you'd ever gotten into trouble, and well, I raised you after all, so I'd be damned if you didn't have a good head on those shoulders." That remark, though it made me laugh, settled thickly in the bottom of my stomach. I'm sure it was true. As I watched him smile over at me for a brief moment, his eyes radiated nothing but pride and happiness, and although my stomach was twisting itself into a friendship bracelet of guilt and confusion; the look in his eyes dulled the pain, even if just slightly. He looked so happy then to talk about the version of me he'd known so well, that knew him just the same. The little girl who'd grown into a seemingly independent college student whom he didn't have to explain anything too. I looked down at my hands again, crossed over sun-kissed arms and painted with small scattered freckles, and I thought to myself about the past few hours I'd had. Since returning small bits of me had been coming back, realizations or epiphanies. But never as full or as vivid as I'd experienced that afternoon. The memories I'd had – well, experienced really – of Alex and I were so drastically different than any other small bit of information I'd collected beforehand in ways I couldn't even begin to describe in a manner that would do the sensation justice. It was like flipping through television channels in my mind and falling smack dab in the middle of a movie I knew I'd seen before and yet knew nothing about. Where I didn't know or understand the plot line, or any of the actors, and yet I was the leading role. And everyone around me had the script encrypted into their memory. I knew these were my memories, and I was the girl whose eyes I was watching them through. But more than anything it felt like I was watching home films from a first-person point of view. And the more I thought about what I'd experienced that day, the more I began to contemplate the idea of sharing that with my father. The boy I'd remembered – Alex. I didn't even realize the mental manhole I'd fallen into till the clashing of pans and my father's voice pulled me out of it. Halting any and all developing intentions of entertaining such an idea of sharing. "You alright kiddo?" My dad asked as he pulled a frying pan from under the peninsula. I nodded, giving my head a small shake as I fluffed the haze from my eyes and unraveled my arms. "Yeah, my head just hurts..." I softly informed. Pressing my hands on the slick granite and flopping my feet to the floor. "I think I'm going to go lay down 'till dinner." He nodded softly as I turned my back on the kitchen and began to weave back through the boxes and clutter filling our home. Without even thinking, I wrapped my hand around the wooden railing and ascended the stairs making my way towards my bedroom. I don't know how I knew, or why it was then my feet decided to carry me to the third door from the stairs. The thin white wood with a prominent black 'K' painted smack dab in the center of it. But as I ran my fingers down the grooves in the thickly laid paint, the sides of my palms lightly brushed the edges of a few faded photographs I couldn't have been bothered to look at just yet. Instead, my hand continued its venture, taking in the soft indents of the grain before it reached the round silver nob. I'd yet to be inside my bedroom since I'd returned home. Mostly from fear. I was afraid of what would happen if I ventured through that door. I was fearful of being surrounded by everything I once valued so highly I desired to keep them as close to me as possible and wake up surrounded by every morning – and remembering none of it. But now, after all that had happened that day, and those few things I'd begun to remember I felt differently. Anxiety still contaminated my blood with every pump of my apprehensive heart. Fear of stepping through the threshold and examining all that laid behind it and remembering nothing still filled my mind and stalled my hand at the nob. But with every second I remained on the other side of that shut door, I kept myself from possibly remembering who I was. Maybe now that the memories had started to flow without even trying, they would just keep coming. And If I had any hope of remembering who I was beyond a girl with a sugar addiction and a possibly alcoholic friend, I needed to take some initiative. Above all other feelings that came with forgetting every aspect of who you are, frustration was by far the most prominent. Behind the guilt, sadness, confusion, and all too real headaches. The feeling of being so completely frustrated with myself had begun to slowly consume every breath I took in this new empty life I'd woken up too. And I wanted more than anything to make it go away. And I truly do believe looking back now, that the desire to rid my mind and being from the never-ending frustration was just strong enough in that moment to trump the fear that had been keeping me in the hallway those past few days. And finally, I built up the courage or frustration should I say, to wrap my nimble fingers around that glistening nob and turn it gently, pushing my bedroom door wide open with creaky ease. In a matter of seconds, I was consumed with the soft yet prominent scent of sandalwood and vanilla that pulled me slowly across the threshold by my nose. And I was greeted on the other side by light grey walls, their color only making its presence known in certain sections while the majority was masked by an eclectic collection of posters, photographs, drawings, and painted crafts. Right inside the door I stepped towards a large, open closet with two bi-folding doors painted the same color as the one I'd just pressed open. And as I made my way around to the front of it, I found a long white dresser, clothes still spilling from its drawers and onto the floor where I must have last left them. Placed on top, I found a small display of a few framed photographs I didn't bother to look too closely at and two large candles with their lids missing I assumed to be filling the room with the familiar custom scent I felt in my core belonged to myself. Continuing on my slow adventure of my own sleeping quarters, I hesitantly moved onto the white mirrored desk between two rather large windows. I ran my fingers across the slick glass that topped it, gazing quickly at the concert tickets and movie stubs I'd shoved beneath it, smiling at their presence although the headache in the front of my head remained dull and constant from before. That was until I moved right past the bookshelf overflowing with an obnoxious number of knickknacks and mementos and swiftly stepped to the small nightstand just beside my bed. On it I found a petite, tea light sized scented candle, and two photographs encased in glass. Subconsciously, my mind reached for one of them. A small black, perfectly squared frame with a rather poor-quality photo collage type image inside. Squinting at the picture, I couldn't help but brush the tips of my fingers down it as I sat on the very edge of my still unmade bed, the pounding in my head slowly beginning to increase in intensity. Four small photos were cropped together, a progression of one short scene and the closer and the longer I looked eventually I came to the realization that one of the two girls shown in the image was me. I was sat in a brightly colored stripped hammock with a tanned blonde girl.Scrunching my lips, I stared at the smiling figures as they – we, I guess – progressively fell off the hammock in our fits of laughter captured in these four tiny images. I almost let out an audible whine as a stabbing pain shot through the front of my head straight to the back of my skull. Shutting my eyes, I reached with my free hand to rub the small space between my thin brows and grimaced. The pain pulling me from the bedroom I'd just rediscovered and into a world, I knew but couldn't remember. "This is literally so unfair Em!" I whined, throwing myself down onto my puffy comforter as I pressed the large beige house phone to my ear. "How can he just rip me away from my entire life – and right before high school!" A muffled sigh came from the other side of the phone as I rolled to my stomach. My long brown strands softly falling to my cheeks as I pouted to no one at all. "I don't know..." My best friend quietly muttered from the other end of the line. "Did he give you any warning at all?" "Like no!" I proclaimed rather dramatically. "I knew he hated this house once Jack and mom moved out and all - but moving to a completely different state is just totally ridiculous! He can't actually expect me to do that can he?" I exclaimed to the blonde. "I don't know, Kenn" She whined in agreement, which only made the sinking feeling in my stomach feel even heavier. So heavy in fact I was almost certain it would leave a lasting dent in the memory foam beneath me. "How am I supposed to go to high school without you, we never do anything alone!" "Exactly!" I shrilled back. Crawling just slightly up my bed I grabbed hold of the nearest pillow my stumpy arms could reach and dragged it under my upper body. The soft pink fluffs not doing nearly enough to comfort the complete and total tragedy I was currently going through. After my parent's divorce finalized, everything was supposed to be great! It was just supposed to be me and my dad against the world, and now it just felt like the world and my father were only conspiring against me. I came home from school, feeling so excited for summer being right around the corner and thinking I'd just be able to goof off and do absolutely nothing with Emily every single day. And instead, I came home to my dad packing the fine china from the large glass display it never – ever – left and stuffing them in boxes. And as hard as I hoped he was finally just taking the gaudy stuff down and sending it off to my mother. That dream was quickly crushed when he sat me down at the dinner table and told me he'd taken a slightly better job offer in Baltimore, and we'd be moving in just a few weeks. Destined to downsize from the beautiful childhood home I'd grown to know and love for something subpar and suburban within driving distance of a city that could never compare to Boston. At least not to me. And this was all to go down in a matter of weeks! "This is so unfair!" I spewed again for what was probably the millionth time in just that brief phone conversation alone and I pushed myself to my feet. "How on Earth did he think that this would just be okay to spring on me after everything else I've had to deal with this year!" "So unfair..." She agreed yet again, I knew deep down as upset as I knew she was, and we both were, that to some extent she would have normally called me dramatic. But in my defense, if there were any time for a teenage girl to be dramatic this was that time! Emily and I had basically been attached at the hip well – our entire lives! And now that was alljust going to be ripped out from under me, and I didn't have a single ounce of a say in the matter. No matter how loud I screamed or how big of a temper tantrum I threw, I knew all attempts would be proven futile in mere seconds. My whole life as I'd known it had been torn apart that year and all I had left was my best friend and my finally perfect bedroom. And now, it was only a matter of weeks, no days really, before that too would be stripped from me and I'd be left with absolutely nothing to hold onto to my sanity with. I looked around my room and grimaced at the idea of someone else living in what I'd spent so long to perfect. Whoever it would be would only destroy it. They wouldn't care about how much time I'd spent and how much I annoyed my father in order to find the most perfect shade of lilac to ever exist for its walls. They wouldn't care how innovative the chalkboard I'd painted over my bed was. They wouldn't know when to shut the shades in the summer so the room didn't get stuffy, or to toss a sneaker in the door to keep the draft from making it slam. They wouldn't know the patch under the carpet by the closet where the wood panels squeak in the winter. They wouldn't know anything about this room. This was my room and soon enough someone else would be living in it and mucking it up with whatever garbage they brought in with them. Some teenage boy would probably get it and ruin the perfect scent I'd finally managed to have linger without ever having to light a candle. Taint it with dirty socks and hockey pads and mud-caked soccer cleats and ruin everything I'd done to make it my picture-perfect dream room after all these years. And the worst part was, I wouldn't even get to enjoy it now that I'd finally perfected it. I'd just have to leave it to let the carpet be rotted away by stale boy stench and filthy laundry. Sighing loudly down the now silent phone line, I walked over to my bedside and picked up the newest addition to my impeccable collection. Four small photos I'd mashed together of Emily and me just a week or so before when the sun had finally heated the New England air to hit 70 degrees, and all hell broke loose in Essex County. Pools were opened, jeans were shortened and sneakers had been ditched quickly for flipflops. It was a perfect day sitting on Gracie's pool deck with all our friends, and it was what I thought to be the perfect start to what was supposed to be the perfect summer. And now I stared down at the photos of Em and I falling off the hammock, the laughter still ringing clearly in my ear as I stared at it, but I couldn't feel the warmth the photos provided me when I'd slid them into their slick frame. Instead, I felt cold and empty. Everything I'd been smiling about in those photos wouldn't be even a possibility soon enough. I wouldn't have my perfect summer with my best friends. I wouldn't have more pool day's lounging around with Em and Gracie. I wouldn't get the movie-esc first day of high school me and Emily had been talking about and obsessing over since sixth grade. Soon enough, all I'd have to feel close to this place, and this room and Emily herself would be these photos in this small black picture frame. "You'll still be my friend Em, right?" I asked her tentatively, hands shaking ever so slightly as I sat on the edge of my bed. The anger I'd been feeling just moments before had quickly dissipated into crippling fear of yet another giant change about to shake my life up. "Always." She said, quickly and with certainty, her tone never wavering. "You're my ride or die Kenn, till the end!" Her remark gave me the slightest ability to smile as I nodded, even though she couldn't see, I knew she could picture my reaction better than I could even act it after all these years. "You'll always be my favorite sister, I hope you know that." "Shut up, twinnie!" She laughed fully then, I could practically hear her shaking her head nonchalantly. "You're moving, not dying, and if you think a few state lines are going to get rid of me that easily well, you're crazier than the cast of Laguna Beach!" "You're right, you're right!" I managed to giggle, feeling slightly better – but just slightly. Emily was my best friend in the entire world, and more than anything, more than leaving my house, my school, or my perfect room, I was terrified of having to live my life without her being no more than two blocks away at all times. Her reassurance filled me with a mild sense of comfort that moving wouldn't completely wash her from my life. But deep down I knew being states away would change everything for us in some way or another. And even just telling myself that, I lost any ability to stop the tear that had slowly been building from slipping onto my cheek from the edge of my baby blue eyes. Blinking, and wiping at my face, I almost didn't realize I had slipped from the memory almost as seamlessly as I had slipped in. Hands shaking, and slightly damp now from the streams that had been pouring down my face for what must have been some time now, I reached out to place the frame back where I'd snatched it from. Head aching from the flashback. In the small clean strip left on the dust-coated nightstand, I placed it back down perfectly beside the most ridiculous photo of Jack and Alex I'd taken our sophomore year. I was quick then to finish wiping my eyes before letting my head smack my stale pillow and my hands mindlessly find the edge of my puffy back comforter, pulling it up over my shoulders. It all happened so quickly, shutting my eyes and swiftly drifting off as I silently prayed for a moment of rest that was absent of nightmares or any more memories for that day. I almost didn't even realize what I'd remembered without even thinking about, I knew the name of the boy in the other photograph. That I somehow remembered Jack Barakat.
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shesahandsomewoman · 7 years
i was tagged by @i-am-the-dice-you-roll
1) first fictional crush? Charlie Bradbury, definitely.
2)how/ when did you read your first fic? When I was into one direction and I shipped Larry four years ago maybe? It was on facebook.
3) weirdest fanfic you ever read? this one or maybe this one
4) 1st fandom you joined? the one direction fandom (I was 11 ok?)
5) have/do you plan to name anything after a fandom? I named my guitar Jack because of Jack Barakat.
6) brief history of otps Larry, Ziall (don’t judge me pls), Destiel, Sabriel, Johnlock, Phan, Kickthestickz, Ryden, Petekey, Brallon, Joncer.
7) fan merch? None. </3
8) if you could be in any fandom what would it be? idk
9) when did you join tumblr? four years ago with another acc; but I’ve had this one for less than a year.
10)if you could date any fictional character, who would it be? Charlie Bradbury
[tag some people you love]
@wipe-the-tears-with-your-doubts (idk if gee tagged you srry) @trophy-wives @a-laquoart (is this pangs?)
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bytheriversedgefic · 9 years
Chapter 27
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" What's going on in that beautiful mind I'm on your magical mystery ride And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright My head's under water But I'm breathing fine You're crazy and I'm out of my mind " 
I remember back in 9th grade, I had a crush on this boy called Kyle, we were actually pretty good friends and man, I was head over heels in love with him. Then one day out of the blue, he introduced me to this girl, Annie, his girlfriend. I tried so hard to dislike her, tried so hard to find just a tiny little flaw in her personality or looks. But there were none. I couldn't help but like her and enjoy spending my time with her. So as much as I wanted Kyle, I knew Annie was perfect and there was no hope for me. That's exactly how I felt when Jack and I got to meet Georgie's new foster parents. They lived about 15 minutes from the new house in this picturesque little suburb. Their house reminded me of the one from UP, the facade was painted in a gorgeous light mint green while the roof was held in mostly pastel pink with a few mismatched tiles here and there. I knew Georgie would love this. They had a big backyard and I could see a shaggy haired bobtail dog run around the garden wagging his tail. The swing set in the garden, the self made window color paintings, the dog — everything seemed so perfect. I tried so hard to hate it. These were the things a kid in Georgie's age needed, the things I could've never properly given her. Sure I could've bought a swing set and a dog but it would never seem as perfect as this, It would seem out of place and forced. And then we met them and if I wasn't so sure it's not possible, I would've asked them to adopt me too please. Emily was this drop dead gorgeous woman in her mid 30s who looked like she just jumped out of a vintage 50s photograph. She was a pre school teacher and worked with special needs kids every second weekend of the month. She had won several prizes for her cooking skills and to top it all of, she wore a Bon Jovi T-shirt. Chris had made some money with real estates back a few years ago before following his dream of owning his own store selling custom made motorcycles. Those two were the coolest bunch I had ever met in my life and I was searching so hard to find a crack in their seemingly perfect personalities, but to no avail. They were just as perfect as it seemed. And they weren't even conceited or stuck up, no not at all. They had greeted us as if we were old friends, offering us a beer and asking us if we wanted to stay for their monthly BBQ. It made my heart swell, seeing Georgie run around in the garden with the family's little son, Noah, and the dog (who I was informed was called Ozzy). This was all I had imagined for Georgie and I would've to get over the fact that it wasn't me giving it to her, but someone who actually knew how to raise a child. The drive home to the apartment was rather silent. Both Jack and I were still trying to process the new situation. Georgie was here in Baltimore but not with us. " So ... what do you think ? " Jack asked hesitantly. It made me sad that he thought he had to walk on eggshells with me. Did I really give off such a vulnerable vibe ? " I think — I think they're so fucking cool they're on a completely new level of the coolness scale. Even cooler than we are and we're already pretty dope. " Jack let out a long breath. " Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one. Not gonna lie I kinda wanted them to be my foster parents too. I mean they have a slip n' slide so that's me sold already. " " Same, oh my god. They were so funny too, and she wore a Bon Jovi tour shirt from the 80s. How cool is that ? " Nodding his head enthusiastically Jack tried to keep his eyes focused on the road. " I know, I saw. So Fucking rad. Man I always thought we were cool. We're actually really lame. " " At least our sex is good. " " True that. High five. " And so we high fived and prided ourselves with this little victory we had. For a moment we drove in silence which was neither particularly comfortable nor awkward. It was just silence in the purest form there is. The silence where there's just nothing to say so you stare on and wallow in a quite moment — that's until your boyfriend disturbs the calm with one of his typical horny comments. " Can we fuck when we get home ? " " Dude, a bit more subtle ? A bit more romantic ? " " Since when do we do romance ? " He had a point. We never did romance for the sake of romance. There were moments when we did romantic stuff, Jack even more so than me, but it was never particularly planned or thought out just so he could tell everyone how romantic he is. We kept that to ourselves for us to keep and no one else. " You do have a point. I guess we can. Coop should be at school still so I don't see why not. " " Nice. Billie, you're the real MVP. "
Jack's hands softly caressed my hips as I was fumbling to get the keys into the lock and open the door. " Babe you gotta stop if you want me to open the door. " I said, my voice laced with amusement and a hint of lust. " I don't want to though, we can just do it right here if you feel like it. " his words were hard to make out since he mumbled them in between placing kisses on the back of my neck. " Geez, you've got neighbors. I'd rather not. " Eventually I got the key in and we stumbled through the door, hands roaming the other's body and lips connected. " You want me to bend you over the couch ? You want that ? " Jack murmured against my lips. " Oh god please don't. " It was not me those words came from. Jack quickly removed his hands from me and I turned around to see that we weren't as alone as we though we would be. Not only was my new found teenage brother standing in the doorway that lead from the living room to the kitchen, no there was another boy next to him. He seemed to be about the same age, messy ginger hair thick framed glasses, piercings through various parts of his face including the nose and lips and a lopsided smirk on his face. " Shouldn't you be at school ? And who's your friend ? " " Last period teacher got sick. What a shame. " his voice was dripping sarcasm. " You sound really devastated " " I am ... I really am. Oh and this is Miles we've been friends since basically forever. " Miles lifted his hand for a little wave. " I'd shake your hand to introduce myself but seeing how you just groped your boyfriend there I really don't wanna know where that hand's been today. " Jack and Cooper both couldn't hold back their laughter at that comment and I had to admit it did make me chuckle too. " Can't blame you really. So ... uh sorry for having to witness that. You guys gonna stay here for the day or ... ? " Cooper tried to get his laughter under control and looked at me with an eyebrow raised. " We were planning on it yeah we got this stupid ass project we gotta finish. But if you need us to leave you alone that's fine too. " Jack spoke up before I could. " Nope, you know what ? You guys stay here, we're going to our house. " Our house. The house Jack had bought without me knowing. The house I loved so much when I was a kid. The house we'll most likely spent a long time of our lives in, maybe even with kids someday. We hadn't had too much time working on making it ours. Some weekends had been spent painting the walls and doing some work here and there but we were nowhere near finished. All that was at the house so far was a mattress, a camping cooker, a stereo and a fridge. That's all we needed for long nights painting walls. " That's right, you guys have a house. Go 'bent each other over the couch' over there, you horny kids. " Cooper joked. " You know what ? That's exactly what we're gonna do " " Ew Billie. Stop ! " " Come on Jack, let's go do some bending. "
It was pouring outside. Thunder was clapping and rumbling and every once in a while a flash of lighting lit up the sky. It was loud and chaotic and the complete opposite of how I felt at the moment.
I was softly wrapped in post orgasmic bliss. Jack's fingertips left invisible lines up and down my arm, sometimes a swirl here and a heart shape there. His breath was warm on my skin and my heart had just found it's way back to beating at a normal pace. I felt so calm and yet so alive. " I wanna stay here forever. No touring, no recording, no grocery shopping, no clothes, no nothing. Just this. Sex and cuddles " he mumbled against my shoulder, his words being dulled by my skin. " We'd starve. " " That's fine. We'd starve side by side. It would be tragically romantic. " A chuckle left my mouth as those silly words of naivety were spoken. " Jack ? " " Hmm ? " " Can I tell you something and you promise me you wont laugh ? Promise me you won't make fun of me when I tell you the things I'm about to tell you. " He nodded against the side of my face and placed a kiss on my cheek. " I promise " My heartbeat was starting to pick up a bit as I was thinking about the words that were about to leave my lips. I could never take them back. It wasn't like the were some monumental confession or anything like that. But they came from that deep corner of my heart that I had just discovered when Jack walked into my life and that, despite getting better every day, I was still a bit afraid of. Deep breaths Billie, ok here it goes. " There's this quote by Oscar Wilde and it goes 'The very essence of romance is uncertainty'. My life has never had such a thing as certainty. I never knew what the next day would bring, when would mom collapse under all the weight ? When would dad snap and kick us out ? When would Mattie take her last breath and would I be there with her ? Who was gonna end up in my bed tonight ? ... shit like that. For a while I felt almost calm when looking into my future and not knowing what my next step would be, where I'd sleep the next night and who would be by my side. Uncertainty was something I was so used to that I felt comfortable in it. Uncertainty was the only thing certain in my life. And then you came along and for the first time in my life I don't crave what's coming down the road. I'm not thinking about the next party or where I'm gonna crash next Friday night. I don't look into the future and think about all that could happen and all the uncertainties and opportunities along the way. The only thing that makes my heart beat faster is knowing that whatever happens and whatever is waiting for me no matter how exciting or scary, You will be there by my side. For once in my life there's something 100% certain and it makes me so incredibly happy and less scared of whatever is coming next. I always thought Oscar Wilde was so right when he wrote that quote. Now I just feel like he didn't have the right kind of certainty in his life. " Jack only stared at me and I was almost 100% he was going to start laughing at me any minute. But then — nothing. He just kept looking at me like my face held the answers to all the question he had ever asked himself and to be honest, it scared me. People didn't look at me like this. I was so used to this tint of pity that was always present when people were looking at me—the girl with the dead sister—that when it wasn't there, when Jack's glance was completely void of anything but pure adoration and love, I was terrified. " Why are you looking at me like this? " " Because " " That's not an answer. " " It is though. " " Jack pl—" " I wanna post about us. I wanna make us official. You just gave me what I needed to hear. You just washed away this 0,1% of doubt I had about us not lasting. I wanna show you off Billie. I wanna show everyone how certain I am about us. Can we do that ? I love you so much Anabelle. " He only gave me time to nod before pressing his lips to mine. In that moment I decided that knowing who you're gonna wake up next to in the morning really isn't such a bad thing after all. We kissed for a while, no care in the world. No fear. No doubts. Eventually though we got out of breath and the physical activities from earlier took their toll on us and we fell asleep. Or at least I did. A while later I was woken up by a buzzing sound that seemed to by twice as loud since my phone was placed on the hardwood floor next to the head of the mattress. " The fuck is that ? " I grumbled picking up the phone and being met with a shit ton of notifications from instagram. " That's my fault sorry " Jack exclaimed before pulling me in his arms. He didn't sound one bit sorry though. " What did you do ? " He simply nodded towards the phone and I opened the instagram app. There were so many new followers, so many comments and then there was the notification of being tagged in a picture. Oh god.
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" Are you kidding me ? Seriously Jack ? " He propped himself up on his arms and looked at me with a sleepy expression. " Whut ?! ? " " The picture you posted. Did you have to post one of me naked —in bed ? " " You looked pretty fucking great. Really fucking beautiful." I was very well aware of the fact that he had just opened Pandora's motherfucking box and I would be the one who had to deal with it. Despite me always trying to act like a tough bitch, I was scared this time. I was scared shitless of those voices that would wash over me and use words they didn't understand to describe a person they didn't know through rumors and made up anecdotes. I was scared of what they'd say and think about me. Not because the fans' opinion mattered to me, it really didn't. But I mattered to Jack. He loved those people despite not knowing them and I was scared that whatever they'd think of me would influence the way he was feeling. " Hey, you okay ? " Nope. " Sure. " " Anabelle ! " " What if they hate me ? What if they find out about how much of a fuck up I am and make you realize just how much better you deserve. " I felt Jack's hand cover my lips to stop me from talking, his wide eyes looked back at me filled with ... anger ? " Shut the fuck up Shortie. Look I don't understand why you do this all the time and it makes me so god damn frustrated. Why do you always paint yourself as this horrible fuck up ? " " Because I am " was what I wanted to say but his hands still covering my mouth turned it into a muffled mess of sounds that no one could ever put into a full understandable sentence. " Let's see, you had a shitty childhood right ? Your mom was busy working to feed the family while your dad was being an all around asshole who didn't give two shits about his kids. You only had your sister. Then she gets sick, your boyfriend cheats on you and your whole life is shaken up. You're supposed to carry all this weight while you're still half a kid. And then ? Then your sister dies and you are alone. So what you had a few drinks too many, took a few things you shouldn't have and fucked a lot of people ? What does it matter ? You made it out alive and you're a real fucking great person. Life dealt you the worst cards it could've and you still made it. This could've broken you, killed you. But it didn't. And you give me too much credit for that. This isn't on me, it's all you. It's time you realize that. You're not half the fuck up you could've turned out after everything that happened to you. Be proud of yourself for once. I definitely am and I know your sister would be too. " I could count the times someone told me they were proud of me on one hand and never had I felt a sense of pride in myself. Not until this day. If Jack could believe in me, be proud of me, then I could to. He had reached anything a person could only wish for and he was proud of me. Let me tell you, that felt wonderful. Warm and cozy and all around blissful. " So if my fans have a problem with you or your past, that's on them. I don't care. I know about your past and I take it. Let me decide what I think of you, not them. I love you. I love you. " He took the hand from my face and cupped my cheek instead. " You get that into that thick head of yours alright ? " I nodded, not trusting my words. " Good. Now I'm gonna kiss you and you're gonna kiss me back and we'll pretend you never ever doubted yourself in the first place. " And so we kissed, for a long while, until I felt as if all my worries and doubts were gone for the moment. I hadn't felt this light and carefree in a long while.
We found ourselves tangled in the sheets with lazy smiles on our faces, the radio playing some Ed Sheeran song in the background.
" Tell me something I don't know about you. " Jack spoke up as his fingers proceeded to draw invisible patterns on my skin. " What do you want to know ? " " Doesn't matter, anything really. " " Hmmm ... I'm a huge smashing pumpkins fan." " Who isn't ? " " True." "Whenever I'm sad I put on 'The Goonies' and it makes me feel better." Jack chuckled and placed a kiss on my head "Makes sense it's a really good movie. What else ? " " Sometimes I feel like I'm living on a prayer " I could feel him pull away from me a little and as I looked up I was met with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. " Huh ? Like the chick in the song ? " " No, I feel like I am the song 'Livin on a prayer'. Like everyone loves that song, right ? Whenever you put it on at a party people sing along and go nuts. But if you ask people what their favorite song is, no one will say 'Livin on a prayer'. I feel like that sometimes. Like people are happy when I'm there and I'm a good time but I'm no one's favorite song. I know you told me not to doubt myself but sometimes I can't help it. I try my best to stay positive from now on though, I swear. " Little kisses were placed on my head then down my temple and on my cheeks until he reached my lips and granted me a soft, loving kiss. "I'm glad you're trying to be more positive, that's all I want. But just so you know, you are definitely my favorite song.
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aweirdkindofyellow · 3 years
Here I Am, There You Are, Snapshot 3
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Jack Barakat x OC ‘Rachel has been best friends with Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack since high school. What happens when one of them gets married?’
A continuation from the normal Here I Am, There You Are chapters. Under the same name, just a slightly different branding.
Snapshot 3
No matter who your husband was, waking up at 5 am with nobody beside you when there definitely should have been someone was quite jarring. There was a time when it was normal, when Archie would wake up multiple times throughout the night, but we were way past that now. At first I assumed he must have gone to the bathroom, but there wasn't any light coming from underneath the door.
I waited for a bit, hoping to just fall asleep. But he didn't come back and it was consuming my mind too much for me to even keep my eyes closed for a long period of time. It actually started to make me question if I had messed up my dates and woken up in some sort of daze. I even turned around, reached out, and grabbed my phone from my nightstand to see if Jack was actually on tour or something. But no. He was supposed to be home.
I sighed, knowing I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried, and decided to just get out of bed and see where he was. Maybe Alex had called him about music, maybe he couldn't sleep himself, or maybe–and this would have been bad–something was wrong with Archie.
The hallway was completely dark as well except for the little nightlight we had plugged into the wall. I stood outside our room for a second, listening to see if I could pinpoint any sounds. I was hoping for something like the mumbling of the TV, Jack speaking from downstairs or in the office, or hearing him talk to Archie.
But there was nothing.
I decided to first go to Archie's room to see if he was okay. The door was ajar, like we always kept it, but the lights were dimmed instead of off. I was sure I had turned them off after I had put Archie to bed. So, Jack must have been in here. But he wasn't in the usual chair we would sit in if Archie was having a bad night. Yet the lights that were still on told me he didn't leave the room.
Or maybe he did, but kept the lights as dimmed as possible for Archie.
I stepped further into the room to take a look at Archie and my heart melted. There, in the crib we had adjusted for Archie's age, was not just my baby boy, but also my husband. Jack had his legs up, curled around Archie's body, his arm protectively holding him close. It was adorable. Both of them had their lips parted, their breath rising and falling in sync, and both heads of hair were a mess.
As much as I wanted to sneak away and leave them be, I knew Jack was going to be in excruciating pain if he was going to sleep in that position for any longer. His neck was craned into an awkward position and his back was completely curved.
So, I got down to be at their level, put my arm through the bars, and softly put in on his shoulder to wake him up.
When he started stirring, I whispered, "hey."
He groaned a little in response, turning his head to me. In the process, he already flinched at the change of position.
"You should get back to bed," I told him.
He rubbed his eyes with the hand that wasn't close to Archie. "But Archie was having a nightmare..."
"And he's asleep now." I smiled softly. "But if you stay in here any longer, you're not going to be able to play with him tomorrow."
"Right," he nodded carefully and started trying to shuffle away without waking Archie up. "Will you help me out?"
"Of course." I nodded and got back up.
Jack slowly sat up. Almost every movement ended with him freezing and checking if he hadn't accidentally woken Archie. But that boy was quite a deep sleeper once he was gone. Eventually, Jack managed to get up on his feet. I held out my arms for him while he threw his one leg over the bars and then carefully dragged the other over as well.
"God, I'm already in pain," he chuckled, rubbing his neck.
"Come on," I ushered him out of the room, "let's get back to bed. I can help you get the knots out there."
"Oh, is that all you're going to do?" I said back smugly.
"Watch it," I warned as I switched off the light and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck, pushing him down the hallway.
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sarahbethimagines · 6 years
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Chapter 13: Get Along
Chapter Log!
Michelle had shown up at house unexpected, and uninvited later on that same Friday. And somehow, someway convinced me that going to the gathering would be a good thing. Sitting in the passenger seat of her 8-year old Camry. I was still trying to decide if she'd been right or not. KISS 95.9 was currently playing on the radio. Love in This Club by Usher blasting through the speakers. And at just number eight on their top-forty countdown, it had me counting the mile markers on I-83. Just praying each one would be the last we'd pass.
I'd asked Michelle just about a hundred and seven times since she'd shown up at my door where we were going. And each and every time I did, she gave me the same cookie cutter response. Just a small smirk, and a "you'll see" that had my eyes rolling and my brain contemplating just ending it all. But in Heinz sight, if shitty radio play and a sketchy best-friend were the worst things I had going on in my day, I guess I was doing okay. Still, I impatiently tapped my fingers on my tanned knees the entire remainder of the drive. Only stopping when she suddenly slowed down and pulled off the main road and onto an uneven dirt path. One that certainly didn't look like it was meant for any form of recreational use in the past generation or so. "Okay, where on Earth are we actually going?" I asked at the sight of it. Our small bodies bouncing and swinging around in the cab of her car as it jumped and jostled. Thanking God for the second time in my life for inventing the seatbelt. "Lord, is your patients as thin you are!" She joked, rolling her eyes. And I couldn’t help but start to mutter under my breath for a greater power above to give me some patience. Because if I was handed strength in that moment I probably would have just up and punched her. She was the one that dragged me out to the middle of nowhere and wouldn’t tell me where she taking me to probably get wacked and left for dead. But thankfully for both me, and Michelle's arm a second later she somehow managed to round a brushed corner without bottoming out her little gold car. Pulling into a large open field. We rode down the grass and destroyed patches of road, kept in a straight line by sporadic metal posts till we passed a small white structure caving in on itself. Other cars soon came into view. An array of varying vehicles from little ones like Michelle's to large pickups were parked in a semi-circle, people gathered in the middle. And soon I spotted the most bizarre thing just beyond the group. A towering fifty-foot-tall screen stood sky high. Small white panels pealing at places and completely missing in others leaving nothing but holes or exposed plywood. We were at an old drive-in movie theater. My eyes were probably the size of bowling balls by the time she'd parked her car and turned to me, calling my attention back to her. "You good?" She asked simply. And I looked out through her windshield at the group of people wandering around. Unable to make out exact faces. "I'll be right beside you the whole time if you get overwhelmed." I nodded thoughtfully and chewed on my lip. Not daring to make moves to unbuckle myself, even when Michelle did. There were about twelve or so people in the group if my math was correct. And all things considered, there was probably one person I knew for certain, and only two to three others whom I'd just recognize. "Tweedle Dee?" She called again, probably noticing my internal debate. I looked over to see her now up and out of her car, standing in its open door. "Just remember, all these people are your friends, whether you remember them or not." I nodded my head and forced my hands to move. "You're right" I muttered, crawling out of the car. I tried to repeat Dr. Walker's words in my head, telling myself how this would help me remember. But it was kind of hard to once Michelle ran around to me. She hooked her arm in mine and lead us off towards the crowd, rambling the entire time about how excited everyone would be to see me. But I didn’t need her assuring words for long. Because the second we drew close enough to identify, a long-legged, skunk haired kid was running right at us. "KENNERS!" He screeched, straggly arms waving through the air. A trail of dust being kicked up behind his brightly colored Nikes as he stormed towards us, throwing himself at me the second he could. His sternum crashed into my cheek with full force, knocking me back a few steps and clean into a memory. "Allright, everyone! Listen up!" Jack shouted, from behind me. Causing everyone in our small huddle to turn around and see the raven-haired boy by Alex's truck. His long limbs contorted in strange and certainly uncomfortable ways as he swung himself up onto the dropped tailgate and rose to his feet. Bible in his left hand he'd swiped from the glove box, was then used to tap the beer bottle clutched in the other. Once a gift from Alex's grandmother after his confirmation was now just a prop. His feeble attempts to make any sound fell short. But still, everyone around who hadn't already been watching on turned to see what the commotion was. The air was warm as it swirled around us, ice cold Coronas and Busch Light cans were in everyone's hands as we gathered in the center of our favorite spot in town. The old abandoned Timonium Drive In. It was the core of the summer, and the usually scorching sun just begun to set, dipping slightly behind the large screen which somehow still stood. But Alex's skin was still speckled with sweat as he threw a bare arm around my shoulders. Warm sun-tanned skin sticking to my own. I knew just as well as the boy beside me that the fleeting light wouldn’t stop that twenty-person party from raging on into the night. And as the golden hour shined down on Jack where he towered above us, it was as good of an assumption as any. "Tuesday, July 15th 2005 will be a day for us all to remember!" He shouted, beginning to walk back and forth across the rusted bed. "A day greatness was released from the womb of the greatest band to ever come from the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland and out into the world!" "Pretty sure were the only ones in the area!" Rian hollered from behind. His arm slung causally around Kara's waist. "Shut up, I'm giving a speech you, turd licker!" Jack laughed, "Today, we as a band, released our first ever full-length album, The Party Scene!" And on that note, everyone started to cheer. Hoots were hollered and beers were sipped but Jack wasn’t quite done there. He kept on talking, pacing and swinging his drink as though he here Charlie Champlin. And our small group of friends were watching his movie. "You don't get much for certain in this life, and we sure as Hell didn't think this little garage band would make it this far, that’s for damn sure!" He drunkenly rambled. "But as I stand here, managing to convince you all somehow that what I'm about to say may have some hidden wisdom or be sweet and meaningful to hold onto and laugh about in years to come. I'll tell you right now, you're dead-fucking-wrong." "Oh, then just get on with it!" Another friend yelled. "Well," Jack popped, coming to a stop and turning to face us all. "I would, but to be honest I forgot what I had to say the second, I climbed up onto this truck. So, I'll just say what mamma Merrick always has. All you're really given is the sunshine and your name!" "My mom doesn’t say that?" Zack chimed in, and not a second later the most miraculous thing I'd ever seen started to happened. As though mother nature was toying with Jack's mention of the sunshine pouring over us all. Not a second more passed before small drops of water began to fall from the sky. And I couldn't even begin to describe just how magical the chorus of our laughter sounded in that moment of time. "Look what you've done now, you fuck!" Rico manically yelled as one drop became two, and then three. And before we knew it large rain drops began to fall all around us from the still sunlit sky. In a matter of seconds, the mere drizzle was a full-blown downpour and people began to scatter. I was ripped from the memory almost as quickly as I'd been knocked into it. Looking up once I could to see Alex holding Jack by the shoulder and rolling his eyes. "You're going to crush her to death if you squeeze her like that!" "Well, I'm not going to apologize for it!" He laughed, turning to me and letting his black and bleached hair fall into his eyes. "I've missed you Kenn, like the dessert misses the rain!" His small, clueless remark made me laugh a little too hard at its relation to my memory. But still, my shoulders instantly rolled back. Now free from his death-like grip and much more relaxed than they'd been just moments before in the car. "I've missed you too, you crazy." I smiled. Not knowing exactly what I'd been missing, but the words felt right as they rolled off my tongue. He smiled at me, big brown eyes glistening in the fading sunlight. I could practically see the sporadic thoughts bouncing through his skull as he tossed an arm around my shoulder and started to walk. "Well how 'bout we say hi to everyone else who's been missing you almost as much as I have." I could hear Alex and Michelle's steps as they followed close behind. Talking softly to one another as Jack lead me by my neck towards the crowd. A few slowly turned around one by one to our direction. But not everyone had seemed to notice us approach, most just carried on with their loud conversations over the even louder music flowing from a Jeep. But one boy seemed to pick up on my presence instantly, a smile spreading across his face I could see clearly from even a foot away how bright and perfect his teeth were. He was a broader man, his head was buzzed, and subtle tuffs of scruff lined his jaw. He didn't look like anyone I'd pictured before, but for some reason my brain drew a connection I didn't even know was there upon seeing that smile of his. "Hey Rian," I waved. His already large smile growing even bigger as he managed to pull me out from under Jacks arm. Tugging me instantly into a brief, firm hug. "How are you?" "I'm good!" He nodded and let go. His smile still so wide I was beginning to think he would start to catch flies soon enough. "How are you, how have you been doing?" "I mean, I've certainly been better." I shrugged, trying to laugh it off like I'd been getting in the habit of doing. He just gave me a knowing nod. "I'm sure, but hey, Alex has been telling us you've been coming along pretty good!" He said motioning to the singer who'd stepped up beside Jack. Already blushing profusely by the time I'd looked over. "Is that true?" "It is..." I dragged. Watching for a second with a smile as Alex kept his hidden before I looked to my other side at Michelle. The shorter brunette shooting me a grin. "I didn't know Alex talked about me so much." "No more than he used to!" Rian laughed, receiving a swift smack to the arm by his shaggy-headed friend. "Alright, well that's enough of a re-introduction to Rian, I think!" Alex cut in right after, deciding that conversation was dead and buried. Being quick to replace Jack's place at my side as he grabbed my hand and hauled me off to the others. Being dragged around that makeshift party and being re-introduced to person after person in my life was a lot of things. For starters, it was outright just a lot. A lot to take in, a lot to digest, a lot of fresh names in the bank, a lot of faces I just straight up didn’t recognize, and a lot that I vaguely did but had no idea of why. It was confusing at times, but fun at others. For instance, when I was put in front of a boy with a rather interesting last name, I remembered him. Not much, but now at least I know Alex Grieco. And that I was assigned to be his guide when he came into Dulaney High just one year after the rest of us. And how we'd laughed the entire time at the fact that even I still didn't know how to get around that damned high school. And the entire time I had someone with me by my side walking me through it all. Either Alex, sipping a beer and sharing a story of something ridiculous and borderline unbelievable I’d done with someone. Or with Michelle, which I almost preferred, not that Alex wasn’t helpful. But purely because anytime someone that didn’t even begin to ring a bell would walk away, she'd turn to me and whisper a juicy bit of gossip on how I'd felt about them back in high school. All of which had the two of us laughing and snickering like immature school girls again. Eventually we'd all found ourselves gathered around Alex's truck. Zack was sat on top the truck's cab. Someone who I'd recognized almost instantly despite his drastic change in appearance from the dark and stormy kid I’d envisioned. I was perched on the tailgate, legs swinging over the edge. Wedged between Michelle and Alex while all the others wereeither sat in collapsible chairs or standing around. Each and every one having a story to share of a time they'd spent with me they just couldn't wait to get out. "And I just stood there, completely shocked," One kid Timmy, a rather robust individual told. "You just slapped the dude clean across the face, no warning or nothing!" "There is absolutely no way I did that!" I laughed along with everyone else. Leaning over and hiding my head in Michelle's long hair once Timmy was done telling his story of me. Large hands up in the air the entire time he explained it. "Oh, but you did, my little fire-cracker!" He pointed at me, exposing my bright red face to the whole group in the process. "Yeah that's a good one," Zack laughed from behind me, hopping down and making the truck jolt just a bit. "But not quite as good as the time we went to Dick's Last Resort!" "Oh, my gosh I almost forgot about that!" Michelle laughed, turning around to look up at Zack as he placed a hand on my totally confused shoulder. Everyone around me beginning to chuckle and nod. Each and every one seeming to recall the moment with ease. I on the other hand was having a much more difficult time. "Why, what happened at Dick's Last Resort?" "Well you know how the whole point of Dick's is that you go, and get those funny paper hats and the waiters basically just pick fun at and mock you the entire time?" Michelle excitedly asked, staring cheerily into my lost eyes. "I mean, kind of, I guess." I shrugged, trying to recall. Still not really seeing how this could lead to a memorable story. Unless my friends really thought a waiter laughing at me was just that hysterical. Which they just might of, honestly. "Well we all went there to celebrate something-" "My birthday!" "Yes," Zack sighed at Michelle's interruption. "And were just downright miserable the whole time! Our waiter was basically bullying you the entire meal. Calling you Scrooge, saying you could drive a preacher to drink with an attitude like yours all this crazy shit!" "Eventually you basically snapped!" Jack chimed in with a chortle. "What did I do?" I asked, genuinely a little worried to hear their responses. But I of course was only immediately answered with a wide variation of laugher. "You made some absurd remark about being able to charm the dew off a honeysuckle or something bizarre like that and went on this hilarious little rant about how cheery of a person you were!" Zack started again, "But then you made the big ole mistake of spewing out that you used to be a cheerleader!" "I was a cheerleader?" I asked, not believing it for a second as I turned to the grinning boy. Scrunching my nose up at his smile. "Not that we knew of!" He chuckled, shrugging a bit. "You cheered for a little later on in high school and hated it they were so bad, but I guess in Boston you were really good at it." "Yeah, you were smoking at the ears practically when our waiter only started to pick on you more, saying that you probably couldn’t get your scrawny legs of the ground!" Michelle laughed, borderline crying she was giggling so hard. "Hey, this is my story for Kenn!" Zack snipped, smacking her lightly on the top of her head. "But yeah, like she said, you were pissed as all Hell, and you made a bet with the guy that if you got up on their stage right then and there and did a back flip that he couldn't say one more word to you the rest of the night!" "I didn’t know I could do a back flip!" I chocked, looking wide-eyed at my boney knees swinging over the tailgate's edge. "Yeah, neither did we!" The boy continued to laugh. "We all thought for sure you were about to eat hardwood when you got up on the platform, but crazily enough you landed it! Still probably the coolest thing I've seen you do." "We did get banned for a year though because of it..." Rian muttered. And everyone started to laugh again. Including me this time. "I don't know, Zack..." Jack sang, taking his turn as he sloshed his beer around in its can. "I think the concerning number of drunk backflips she's done in Gaskarth's back yard would have that story beat!" "I did not do back flips drunk!" I laughed, shaking my head in utter disbelief. "Oh, sweet pea," Michelle sighed, "You've done so many, so far from sober we lost count after fifteen or so." An eruption of laughter exploded through the friend group after that. And I laughed along ever so slightly and I fell, red-faced into Alex's side. "I didn't realize how crazy I was growing up..." I chuckled. So soft probably only the singer had heard. He just sighed and wrapped his arm around my back. Pulling my blushing form closer into him. "It's one of the many, many things we all love about you. Kennedy Paige."
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stormbornsehun · 10 years
Science Class Pt. 3 ~ Jack Barakat
"Jack— OH MY GOD." the girl who called Jack ‘Babe’ gasped as she entered the room. Her eyes were wide opened as she scanned the room. There I was, almost naked and underneath her—I assumed—boyfriend.
"Liv, I can explain." Jack said as he stood up from our position and walked to ‘Liv.’
"How dare you, Jack?!" she screamed, slapping Jack across the face. His face flew sidewards and I can already see the hand-shaped bruise forming.
"I-I’m so sorry, Liv." Jack’s voice cracked, indicating that he’d be crying soon. I was surprised by this. It was like I was seeing a whole different side of Jack. The loving and caring one.
I felt the gravity of our deed as I saw the scene unfold. I was fucking my Science teacher who apparently has a girlfriend. A pinch of it was my fault, I agreed to this. I agreed to our daily fuck sessions and did not even tried to get to know Jack. Well I did but I didn’t try hard enough because I was too scared. A huge part of it was Jack’s fault though. He is a Science teacher and he KNOWS he has a girlfriend. Who the fuck even does that?
But I guess the heaviness of our parts did not matter. We were both to blame here. And I felt utterly disappointed at myself and completely sorry for the girl.
I snapped back to reality when Liv kicked Jak in the balls and ran away with tears still falling freely from her eyes. Instead of helping Jack, I ran after her and grabed her wrist.
"What the fuck do you want?!" she cried, her face was bright red from the tears an anger.
"I’m sorry. I didn’t know Jack has a girlfriend. I’m just so sorry." I said, crying a few tears too. Liv just cried and walked away, but at least she gave me a slight bit of sympathy in her eyes.
I walked back inside and found Jack sat on the bed with his head in his hands. I knew he was crying. He was sniffing and his hands were shaking.
I placed my hands on his cheeks and made him face me. Jack looked so vulnerable like this, eyes puffy and red and cheeks stained with tears. Instead of slapping him, just like Liv, I placed my lips on his for a good thirty seconds. I pulled away and gave him a small smile before standing up.
"Goodbye, Jack." I muttered and walked away, hearing Jack’s painful cries of my name.
****** Jack’s POV
I was bringing Sarah, my niece to her school today. I’ve been spending more time with her after our tour. And apparently, Sarah’s running late.
It was five years after that day when both Liv and YN left me. I loved Liv, I really did, but I guess I loved YN more. She had every right to be mad at me and I think I would never forget the most paidul slap I’ve ever received in my life. I didn’t expect YN though. I didn’t expect that she’d give me a kiss and just go away.
After that day, she never showed up in school. Apparently, she and her parents moved to New York. I was heartbroken, of course, but I was helped by my friends. A week after YN left, I was called by Alex, my best friend, and asked if I wanted to join a band with him, Rian and Zack, our other best friends. I agreed, needing something to do tha wouldn’t remind me of YN.
Five years later and we were already quite famous. I moved on, I guess. But even for a short time, I knew YN was my greatest love.
"We’re here, Uncle Jack!" Sarah cheered happily from the passenger seat. I grinned ag her and nodded.
I helpe her out of the car and held her hand as we half walked-half ran to her classroom. We finally reached the colorful room filled with smiling seven year olds. They were all intently listening to an angelic voice owned by a brunette the has her back facing me. I knocked lightly on the door. I breathed in as I started my speech.
"I’m really sorry. My niece stayed with me in Baltimore and we experience bad traffi-" I stopped midway as I my eyes widened at the sight of her again.
Her brown hair was now much longer and curly at the tips. Her face matured but it still held those cherubic features. Her brown eyes stared into mine.
Standing before me is YN.
So does that need another part? I hope you like it because I love writing bit of a drama! Hehe (;
Just message me if you wanna talk because I absolutely want a new friend c:
Much move, Jamie xx
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A Day Spent With Daddy Goes Wrong - Jack Barakat OneShot
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For Chloe:  I actually enjoyed writing this quite a lot! Thanks so much for requesting! I hope you like it!
Comments: You mentioned twins so I stuck with that. Also, mentions some talk of depression. 
"I'll be back soon enough, I promise!" You wave goodbye as you step out the door. Your twins were squirming in their father's arms, wanting to join you. You only laugh, watching Jack make dramatic worrisome faces towards you from the glass door. Blowing him a kiss, you watch him wink back at you. Getting into the car, Jack manages to get them into a civil wave goodbye as you pull away. 
"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Juniper was wiggling free from her father's waist hold, getting onto her feet and charging into the kitchen. He followed after her, Julius still in his arms. "Let's make breakfast!"
Jack grabbed up two chairs after setting Julius down to stand with his sister. He set them against the counters and motioned for them to climb up.  
"Up you go, little chefs. What are we gonna make this morning?"
"Pancakes!" Juniper yells, while Julius yells, "Frenchy Toasts!"
Jack grabs some bread and eggs then some cinnamon. "I think Frenchy Toasts would be more fun, a lot more mess. So let's do it."
Juniper handed Julius the bread who laid it in the mixture bowl. they both got to smush it around before Jack would take it and put it in the pan. Giggles and small comments floated around the kitchen, and somehow a piece of uncooked french toast had been plopped into Jack's hair. He grumbles loudly, turning to the twins. They screech and jump from their chairs. 
"I'm coming for you! The frenchy toasts monster!! Grrr!" He made a scrunched up face as he stomped after them. They ran around the living room for a few minutes, before Jack had to return to the pan and flip the last one. Taking the soggy bread off of his head, he wiped it off with a kitchen rag and then started dishing out breakfast. 
"This is really good, we're awesome chefs!" Julius says, mouth full of syrupy french toast. Jack piles a bunch of french toast into his mouth and says, " I know right!" as close to his face as he can get from across the table. 
Following their lead, Juniper stuffs her own mouth and starts singing a song from Frozen. Before they knew it, they were in the midst of a musical out break during breakfast. 
The television was put on so Jack could clean the kitchen and wash the pots and dishes out so nothing was left messy. By the time he was finished, they were completely zoned into My Little Pony. 
He tried to think of what he could do with them that day. It was a saturday, so no preschool. His wife had weekend work to take care of and Jack almost seemed lost. It always seemed like he was the one away, never her. That almost made him frown. Had he really never spent time alone with them, a long period of time? Surely he had. But not recent enough to fully recall. 
He sat himself next to them, turning towards them. 
"What are you guys up for today?' He asks, hoping they had an idea. 
"Can we play outside, Daddy?" Julius looks up at him from the tv. 
Jack looks to Juniper. " June, would you want to go out and play?" She jumps up from the couch and Jack can only wonder where she gets all that energy from. 
"Only if I can wear my new shoes!" she exclaims, giving him the tiniest ultimatum. Jack nods. 
"Fine, fine. You can wear your new shoes." 
He didn't think to dress them. It was nice out, a decent 68 degrees out. Maybe with a light jacket, their pajamas would be just fine. They would probably only get messy anyway. 
So he grabbed them a few sweatshirts, Julius his glow in the dark skeleton one, Juniper with her dancing carrots with smiley faces one. She put on her mini navy blue converse, making Jack tie the laces for her. She had wanted them because she knew Mommy had similar pairs. 
Julius put on his Dino slippers. Jack threw on old sneakers, and they were headed out into the yard. 
The sight of them running around in their pjs made him laugh almost. He was glad he hadn't dressed them. This seemed much more casual, and far more appropriate for the morning. Juniper with her Ninja Turtle sweatpants, Julius with his Spiderman ones. Looking down at himself, the wind blew Jack Skellington sleep wear. The thought of y/n in her matching Sally ones, like she had been last night, made him smile as he sat onto the steps and watched them throw leaves at each other. 
It was mid October. A decent amount of leaves had fallen, half of them still up there, turning different shades of sun dried death. The morning sun was pushing through the trees surrounding the fence on the yard. 
He found his mind racing back to you, like it did quite often. The more he was distracted, the more his presence started to fade. 
Leaves plummeted down over his head, and once again his children had succeeded at sabotaging him. Julius muttered something about team work before Jack chased them out into the yard. They dispersed in opposite directions, making him quickly turn right and follow Juniper. She was always the culprit of these pranks. Eventually he had caught her, swinging her in his arms as they laughed. They feel back into the leaves, and Julius came tackling down on top, trying to save his sister from her avenger. 
They decided on trying to climb one of the trees. Jack had consistently refused the idea but eventually gave in, promising to spot the as they climbed up. 
They began going too far up, and he called them back down. After a few whines, they obeyed and began climbing back down. To his unfortunate luck, Julius slipped and knocked Juniper out of the tree. Jack quickly moved to catch her, and completely missed as Julius took his own plunge from the tree. 
His cry pierced the air and Jack's heart started to race. Oh god, no no no. Jack raced around to the other side of the tree, Juniper right beside him. 
"What hurts, what hurts?" he asked, watching the tears run down his child's face. His heart sunk into his stomach. This was his fault, if only he hadn't let them climb the damn tree!
"My arm," Julius answers, sniffling now. Jack picks him up, " don't move your arm, okay?" Rushing into the house, he grabs car keys. Julius laid over his shoulder, crying softly. Juniper was crying too, scared for her brother. He rushed them both into the car, buckling them in. Off to the hospital they sped. 
You received a call in the middle of work, it was Jack. 
"Hmm, what is it babe?" He almost cut you off your first set off words. He was breathing heavy, sniffling. Your stomach flipped. Oh no, what had happened. 
"Juls got hurt," he says. " We're at the hospital right now, getting his arm checked out." 
"Shit, Jack! What happened?" You heart was pounding. 
"I'll tell, you when you get here, okay?" He hung up then, and you sighed. 
When you got to the hospital, you found Jack and Juniper in one of the emergency rooms. You quickly ran over and hugged your daughter. Thank god she wasn't hurt too. 
"Where is he?" You ask. "Where did they take him?" 
"They took him for X Rays, to see if his arm is fractured." Jack looked up at you, his eyes were red. He'd been crying. Juniper seemed to have stayed solemn for now though. That made you frown even more. She was always like this when sad feeling things happened around the house. She seemed to have trouble expressing her emotions, or maybe feeling like it was appropriate for her to feel that way. Maybe even that she tried to avoid it so she didn't have to feel that way. So you lifted her up out of her seat and replaced yourself in her spot, setting her down on your lap. She laid her head on your chest, tightly clinging to your shirt. 
"He'll be alright, Juniper. Don't worry. No worries, love." You pat her head with your one hand, the other reaching for Jack's hand. He grips yours tightly, almost squeezing it enough to break it. It was obvious he was beating himself up about it. 
You lean over and whisper in his ear, "You shouldn't worry either love. He'll be alright, fracture or not. Stop being so hard on yourself." 
He lays his head on your shoulder, your head resting on his now. The wait for him to return remained silent until a doctor rolled him in. He was smiling, a lollipop in hand. 
"Everything looks fine." The doctor declares. Juniper yelps with joy, jumping from your lap and racing over to her brother, giving him a hug. " Bone might be bruised for a little while, but no fractures or breaks. You're very lucky."
You stand with Jack, still holding hands as Julius climbs down and runs to you.
"They gave me a lollipop, Mommy! See!" You smile down at him, chuckling.  
"I see baby, I see." 
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mandie-june · 10 years
A (terrible) fan fiction that Jack Barakat is the main guy. Pretty much it's (so I've been told) a little more unique spin on a love story. Its probably full of grammatical errors and the structure is very, very simple.. but I tried.
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crxpricorn · 10 years
Did you guys know I started writing a Jack Barakat fanfiction, well if you didn't you should go started reading it -Click Here- Remember thought that i only started writing it the other day so there is only two chapters but i hope to post more soon ^-^
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