celibibratty · 1 day
Interesting in the game all the places has it's temple(ofc cuz every Sonic game has a lot to do with temples and all), every culture has it own temple, temples are a type of sacred/spiritual place and it's a place where people usually go when they are feeling lost and seek guideness, now gaia gate song makes more sense to me, i always found this song melancholic, i remember me kid feeling different when lurking at the temples because of that song, this song is melancholic, but still seem to have a little of a light with it, this song resemble well this feeling of wondering, feeling lost/down and trying to find light(cuz still has light).
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celibibratty · 2 days
the darkness at the night is the insecurity it has on people's heart, interesting notice that seem only the adults characters get strange at night, the kids don't seem to change, because kids don't have insecurities, they didn't experienced much the world to feel or let themselves get consumed by them
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celibibratty · 2 days
Now i will start my essays(this, i will write on english), but not really, funny, I imagined I would have a lot of things to say about unleashed, about the scenes, the characters and all, but i actually don't have much to say about it, I didn't Focus on study much the game like use to, I just revived/played, I wouldn't even say revived, i just appreciated the game💧🌸
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celibibratty · 2 days
é,..., eu ainda choro com o final do sonic unleashed, sim!💦, esse jogo mexe comigo de um jeito diferente, parece que a gente fica meio de luto quando termina ele, ugh, eu sinto que eu tô basicamente revivendo o dia que a gente terminou criança(não foi tão ruim doque quando criança 💦), mas é triste, ele não é que nem os outros, ele só acabou, não é que nem os outros que depois o jogo ainda tem coisa pra fazer e você só continua jogando e parece que tem continuidade, é difícil continuar jogando depois que você termina, me pegou muito a cena do chip na lava/indo embora e a endless possibilities(parece que eu me emocionei com o mesmo trecho de quando criança), quando eu faço/jogo eu não penso, mas quando eu penso eu me lembro, eu me lembro de gostando TANTO desse jogo, eu me lembro de como era, de como a criança se sentia vendo/jogando, eu ficava tão emergida no jogo,..., era tão fantasioso, ingênuo, tão "delusional"💧até💦, esse jogo mexe comigo, me deixa melancólica, mas foi diferente doque eu imaginei/imaginava, (risadinha), dá vontade de jogar de novo e reviver tudo de novo, sentir que o chip não foi embora e que a aventura ainda não acabou💧, mas não é a mesma coisa, esse jogo é uma experiência única,......, pensar que demoramos tanto tempo pra jogar ele de novo, só jogamos duas vezes a primeira(criança 6 anos) e essa(adulta 20 anos)
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celibibratty · 4 days
ai, ai, eu tenho medo de jogar o unleashed💦, eu tenho dois moods, eu tenho medo de jogar e ser muito normal/não sentir nada(tipo, esse é o jogo da minha/nossa vida!?) ou eu tenho medo de sentir muita coisa(eu me lembro do dia que a gente terminou o jogo, nós tão pequenas, a gente chorando pra caramba,..., foi um pouco traumático não vou mentir💦, eu me lembro de sentir um vazio), esse jogo é muito especial pra nós
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celibibratty · 4 days
now the fight is very fierce 8- 4, woman 8 points, and the man 4 points, almost every day Marina is getting a golden stamp in sifu, at this rate maybe we will get it all very easily in 1 year, go woman, go, don't let this man win (ha-ha, i already choosing teams😅)
come on, everybody wins these pro player things using this man, this man wins too much, we want the woman to Win too, not because we are women(soy mujer)winning with the woman, but because we really like her❤️and we want her to win!
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celibibratty · 9 days
i wish mom could watch us playing sifu, I think would be funny see her crushing on the woman😂
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celibibratty · 9 days
mom with the woman:😍😍😍"ai que boneco bonito"🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😘
mom with the man:🙄🙄🙄"he is okay"😐😐😐😶😶😶😑😑
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celibibratty · 9 days
do you think the story with our mother and the woman has ended, nuh-uh, still has more("vou te mandar mais, tá ligado"), when mom gone in the day we thought "aww, what a shame, now that mom knows that the woman is a woman, i think she won't like her in that way anymore😅😅, i think she will love the man tho", "love the man" my ass😂, we had said to her that it has a male in fact character, she said that we could show to her one day
one day we were playing with the man, mom was passing by, we were like "hey mom, here it is the male character we talked about", she just looked and said "he is cute too", ha-ha, she praised him, but it was so more normal compared to the woman😂, was like "he is Nice, but i think the guyish woman is better/cutier", we both got surprised cuz we were like "why do i feel mom continues liking the woman😂she didn't give much attetion to the man", and i don't think she likes in the normal way, nope, i think she got a crush on her indeed😂she thinks the woman is more attractive than the man(~so do I/we)
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celibibratty · 17 days
Happy birthday Daniel
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celibibratty · 19 days
sometimes I feel dumb, ashamed of myself, but i need to remind myself, that this dumbness it's what makes me realize things about myself, and makes me grow and also that i can always change, my past self is not what defines me, what matters is me from now
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celibibratty · 25 days
me and my paranoid episodes, I'm nervous now because in this right moment I feeling like I'm not managing to draw in the way that I draw (my style), I'm having difficulty drawing my head style and some mouth expressions, and for some reason I was changing the order that I draw things💢, I was drawing the eyes and then the head!, being that I draw the eyes, then the mouth!, and then the head (the mouth is essential to be draw before the head in my style), this makes me nervous/crazy, I get scared, "what if I I'm training so much other styles and I end up forgetting how to draw mine!!", "if i am forgetting my style?", I don't know, i not drawing much human characters in my style these days(cuz these years I not forcing myself to draw much sean and daniel💦), THAT MAKES ME NERVOUS AND SCARED, but i think i just overreacting, i remember that in 2020 had days that i felt the same way and was having the same exactly difficulty(i think in every year i always have a day that i feel i not managing to draw my style out nowhere), so i shouldn't worry much about that, i think i just tired, probably this has to do with stress, it's normal, you already had that, this doesn't prove anything, you still have your skills, you probably just tired for now/today, you will come back to normal, ana
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celibibratty · 28 days
College sysmtem is broken, how am I supposed to practice if i have to do everything in a rush?
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celibibratty · 28 days
i didn't did much justice to this day on the text I refer to it, so i will talk about it again, but more detailed, today the day is sunny and this makes me more in the mode to talk about it, we'll never shut up about this day, ha-ha, the day our mom crushing on the woman/thought she was a dude!😂(Aka the day sifu and Pikmin 4 arrived), that day was perfect, was more funny and cool than i described
The day was very sunny, Me and marina(more specifically Marina, she was the one playing)had already finished the opening, marina was just exploring the house with the woman(since we were just testing the game), then out nowhere our mother just pass by and glance at the TV and says "ouch, ~what a attractive doll🌸"(in english it doesn't express correctly cuz the word doll is neutral, but she said "ai, ~que boneco bonito🌸" and in portuguese has the word "boneco"(masculine of doll) and "boneca"(feminine of doll), and she used the "boneco"(that implyed that she thought... it was a male character😂), she said with such adoration😂, she thought the woman was a guy😂, me and marina looked at each other, like, "it's real, that mom said the woman is "attractive"!", "and she think she is a dude!", we started to laugh and say "it's a girl/woman😂", then mom came back like "why you two laughing?", marina say it is a woman, mom looked a little confused and marina said "look, i will show you", it was only showing the woman's back then marina was flipping the camera until shows her face, then mom said surprised "IT HAS LITTLE BREASTS!?", and she started to laugh very loudly, she even falled a little to the sofa, she laughed a lot!, her face was getting red, while marina start jockeling saying that the woman it's a trap😂, "she's a trap", and mom "yes, yes, she sure is", then mom tried to justify herself saying that she saw the face, but she glanced too fast, so she thought it was a guy, but then she said "but she is beautiful indeed🌸", marina putted on the character menu so mom could see the woman more cleary and she says "wow, she seem fierce/bit angry😂"("ela parece bravinha😂"), cuz they stay with a angry face in this menu, i got shocked cuz we always sensed the woman has a aggressive vibe, that she is a bit angry, but always thought that maybe i only see that because she look like Daniel, but mom also sensed that on her too!!
Here comes the moment that we love, mom stayed a little quiet, focusing on the woman and she says "she is a bit different, right"("ela é meio diferente, né"), i respond "yeeah, she is masculine!", mom says a little hyped "yes, yes, that's the word!, she is a masculine woman", yeeess❤️❤️❤️, we loved that she noticed that too, given that the woman only uses a tank top, which is a very neutral clothe, it doesn't mean anything, but here's the thing the woman transboard masculinity/guyishness, is on her way, is on her aura, the best part is.... that mom Just LOVED that of her!!!, she thought it was cool, mostly mom didn't enjoyed much when had a girl character that looked like some men🤔(but i think the woman hitted her different, cuz she is also cute🌸or maybe she just changed, I personally think the woman hitted her different😂), mom picked the art book, she flipped a little bit, she saw the page that show the concerpt art of the main characters, and she point out that in the image she seemed more feminine, then we say that we liked her more on the game/3d model, then mom responds "me too, I also think she is more pretty in the game"("é, eu também acho, também acho ela mais bonita no jogo"), ahhhhh💕, i don't remember how it get on that💦, but the conversation had ended with mom saying that the woman looked like a angry cute boy🌸("ela parece um rapaz bravinho e fofo"), loved that description😂(~resonates very well with daniel too), ha-ha, that day was Crazy, i think mom liked the woman
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celibibratty · 28 days
‘SEGA Superstars Tennis’ was released 16 years ago today in the US. Support us on Patreon
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celibibratty · 1 month
its funny how it seems things doesn't seem to mean much to the creators as it mean to us(the enjoyers)
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celibibratty · 1 month
nuh-uh😤, i don't think so now💢, I think they do die!, cuz it doesn't make any sense they weren't with the talisman in the moment and has nothing that says/proves that this yang revive dead people, okay, he revived the bird, but IT WAS A BIRD(and i sometimes question our characters sanity, sometimes i feel they imagine/see things), it says he has a miracle medicine, but i personally see this so called "miracle" more like a mental/cof trauma pain cleanse than revival Power, and first of all.........THEY WANTED TO DIE!, okay, that's what they wanted to, it has two moments in this frickin wude that proves that, I know the symbols/the gestures☝️, they close their eyes, this shows acceptance, they are accepting their "fate", they died at that night, they want to die in this wude, probably the game may can do the idea of they living to show more this forgiven/move on bullshit😒, but they dying still has this "forgiven bullshit"(i refuse to imagine that they forgive those bitches) the idea is that they accept what happened and the way things are now, which this include even their existence in this time(cuz they should have died), i still hate it, for me it's messed up, just seems like they are neglecting their feelings, anyway, they wanted to die, everything on the scene screams DEAD to me now, and imagining this yang reviving our characters just make this dude more bitch than he already is, our characters let him kill them(they wanted to die!, they were already kinda dead, the third phase for me is just a second chance of them trying to take this yang to the grave with them), revive them for what?, for them to live forever with the shame that they just couldn't do it, seems very shady of this dude to me, the ending model being them, well, in the arenas this yang base model is basically the m4n, and the old man is also the M4n, it can be the same thing, i know those indie game thing, sometimes they reuse characters models(specially the main characters ones cuz are the most detailed ones, has more rigs), idk, whatever the idea is, for me our characters died end of the story😤, their talisman is the only trace of their existence, period.
yeah people, now is confirmed, the sifu at the credit scene is our main characters!, if you play this wude ending using a different clothe, they will appear in the scene using this exactly clothe, so THEY LIVE🎊🎉(still don't like this wude tho)
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