"How can we make it clear it's for a Spanish speaking audience"
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i feel like hes gotta be fucking with people, right? or he's discovered the ultimate artistic productivity hack
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I love finance capitalism
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Zelda Reacts Part 5
Thank you for your patience while I lost my mind over how many layers this outfit has :') I had the idea for this one early on and I felt like doing it before I get to some of the other requested outfits! I would have been so happy if they hugged at the end of botw 😭😭😭
Part 4: Barbarian <<<
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Marcille: "Uhhh . . . I'm so hungry . . ."
Laios: "We should have waited until we were at the end of this maze to kill and eat the minotaur. Senshi, what do we have left?"
Senshi: "We're good on water due to that aquifer leaking into the maze, but otherwise all we have left is my spices and this unopened bottle of benadryl."
Laios: "Hmm . . ."
Marcille: "Laois, look at me. Benadryl isn't food."
Laios: "I know that, but what if we were to kill and eat the Hat Man?"
Chilchuck: "WHAT?"
Senshi: "What's the Hat Man?"
Marcille: *sighs* "It's a shared hallucination, generally induced by certain kinds of drug intake. Some mages have tried to study if it's real but were unable to prove that it stayed tangible or present after they sobered up."
Senshi: "So that benadryl would lure the Hat Man to us, and give us a chance to fight it? That will be tough. Sounds like we will have to kill, cook and eat it all before the medicine wears off if it will lose tangibility otherwise."
Laois: "That's it! If we need only one or two of us to kill the Hat Man, then the rest can be dosed up only right before the meal is done cooking."
Senshi: "There's one problem with that. Dwarves are basically immune to any tallmen drug that isn't prescription strength. I'll need half the bottle just to have enough time to eat the meal. Chilchuck, you'll be able to use it the most efficiently because of how little you weigh. I can make sure that the fire is ready, but you'll have to fight the Hat Man alone and dose Marcille afterwards to help you with the cooking prep. Laios and I shouldn't risk taking more than needed just to eat."
Chilchuck: "ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THE HAT MAN IS REAL! And I don't do the fighting in this group! There's NO WAY that-"
Narrator: And so with their plan formulated, Chilchuck took a heavy dose of benadryl and prepared to fight the Hat Man in single combat.
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A truly beautiful piece of American history is that the guy who is most responsible for the M1 Carbine, and who is arguably the godfather of modern autoloading rifles due to inventing the short-stroke gas piston, began designing firearms while he was in prison for murdering a cop that rolled up on his moonshining operation in 1921
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hey guys, what do you think of my dinner?
(choose your words carefully)
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How interasting.*gets into bed and falls asleep *
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Nothing ever happens
Culture has always been shit
Recently, I have been forced to wonder which Sam Kriss bit or bits will end up being repeated as fact by mainstream publications and whether or not this has happened already. When will he first make it onto Wikipedia? Or, rather, how much of Wikipedia is already, directly or indirectly, his work? What about the textbooks? How much of what we know of history was fabricated within the last decade by a lone blogger with a Borgesian sense of humour and a talent for plausibility?
But why not go further? In his commentary on Herodotus, now mostly lost, the Hellenistic philosopher Ephictitus of Kos speculated that all events conventionally regarded as historical were fundamentally mythological, a sort of mad reverse Euhemerism which subsumed all memory of the human past into commentaries on present-day neuroses and inner psychological archetypes. Herodotus, if indeed there had been such a person, was only engaged in the tradition of externalising the internal which had generated all culture since the beginning of time. To Ephictitus, there was no past: only the bit. But why?
Anthropologists have long speculated on the origins of the cannibalism taboo. Currently, their most favoured explanations revolve around the transmission of pathogens. When we consume the flesh of animals, we are exposed only to foreign sicknesses — diseases optimised to fell cows and deer and fish. When we consume each other's products, there is no such obstacle. Humans believe falsehoods because falsehoods, unlike reality, unlike even the real nature of human-created events, are adapted to the environment of the human mind. After all, they were born of it, squeezed out from its dark and twisting caverns.
Ephictitus, though he could not have expressed it as we do, understood this. He named the literary effluent of this endless, voracious, self-devouring cultural ferment ὁ πυλών τῆς σκωρίας: "the pillar of excrement".
To this, the modern world has given another name: shitposting.
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I find like, most interviews awkward to listen to, but there's the whole type of 'journalist asks political figure a question they are as a matter of policy incapable of giving an honest answer to, several minutes of weasel-words and deflected follow-up questions follow.' that's just actively painful. Like what's even the point. Why are any of us even here.
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Imagine hiding out in this house in 2099 under mortar fire from the neocascadian separatists and there's a bang and some rubble falls down into view and it's this panel
ok so we are remodeling our downstairs rn for context.
look at what my dad just sent in our family discord server
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this is going to be under our floors forever. maybe nobody else will remember. but i will remember. and it will haunt me until the day i die.
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nation of cringe
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3D Animation Commission
Character belongs to @wanderingwastelands
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fucking stupid
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i think every remaining monarchy should be torn down. completely forgotten. the king is just a guy now, no more notable than any other. if he wants to attain celebrity he can do it on his own; if he wants to buy a house on the outskirts of leeds and take up gardening and substack book reviews, he can do that. if, God forbid, he wants to go into industry, rise to the ranks to become the director of developer relations or the VP of sales or some other such neo-baron, the option is open to him, and he can apply to oxford and cambridge and the university of birmingham on a business track like anyone else. not out of any republican principle, not to free the people from the dead hand of a spectacle they're free to ignore, but to free the king.
can you imagine? you're born with the sole purpose of trying to outlive your parents. until then, you're a minor character in the tedious celebrity you and they were born into. if you die before them, which can happen, your life was a waste: born a side character in a drama that once was a kingdom, banned by custom from anything but the stage, you never made it to the stage. if you don't, you become... the king! the protagonist of the global media, shuttled from bournemouth to belfast to stand and be the king, your every object transformation kink sext with your lover printed in every tabloid in the world. to play the role of King forever, not for money, not for fame, not for fun—not for anything at all, but because you were born into it.
the windsors are not a family business; they're older than business, more inescapable, from a time of primogeniture, inheritance, and caste. the king is born a prince and if he lives he's crowned the king. even if he abdicates, like Edward the Married-to-an-American (for whom he left the throne), he's still the former king. he was still born into the royal family. you can't choose your parents. nor can you ever shake them off. he tried.
i'm not surprised that his painting looks like hell, you know? it must be hell. the american press will float, from time to time, stories about malia obama smoking weed, or some such tedious thing, but for the most part they have discretion: if you don't seek out celebrity, it won't come to you. not so for britain and its king. some people are born into things they didn't ask for and don't want, born into a life that must forge itself into an instrument in service of goals they neither want nor can escape.
there goes Charles the Odd, chief lolcow of the world. of course his painting looks like hell.
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The holy grail of searching through academic literature is coming across a string of publications that are like:
Here’s An Idea. Smith et al. 2016
Terrible Idea; a comment on Smith et al. 2016. Johnson 2016.
You’re Wrong Too; a response to Johnson 2016. Nelson 2016.
Guys Just Stop Fighting, None Of Us Know What’s Going On; a Review of the Current Literature. McBrien 2017.
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