cinnamonbonne · 13 hours
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cinnamonbonne · 21 hours
i havent watched yellowjackets yet but im very intrigued by the fandoms ability to ship every single one of those girls with one another and also provide irrefutable evidence for each pairing. like im convinced by every single gifset. ill be damned if those two girls arent in love. which two girls am i talking about? doesnt matter. god bless
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cinnamonbonne · 2 days
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cinnamonbonne · 2 days
I hope western leftists know that standing for a free Palestine is not the end of decolonization. I've seen far too many white leftists who proudly stand for freeing Palestine which is good but then get nervous and apprehensive at the idea of decolonizing the very land they are on. Norway will recognize Palestine but actively tear down Sámi liberation. Liberation for one people means it for us all. If you support Palestinian liberation but deny it for the Indigenous people of the land you're on then you didn't stand for Palestinians or any of us to begin with.
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cinnamonbonne · 2 days
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cinnamonbonne · 2 days
You can also make monthly donations through this campaign! eSIMs keep Gazans connected and save lives. I’m so proud to see the disabled community show up for our siblings in Palestine.
In case the esim process confuses you or you aren't able to buy them yourself for any other reason, crips for esims for Gaza is collecting donations, they've almost met their goal of $150,000 raised. Donating allows them to buy esims in bulk which allows them to obtain more than individuals would be able to. I just donated and it was super easy as you can use paypal.
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cinnamonbonne · 3 days
Fun game for Pride Month:
When you're at a event, count how many people with mobility aids there are. If it seens low, think about why that might be. Count how many disabled bathrooms. Count how many unavoidable steps. Try and find one accessibility issue at the event and afterwards contact the organisers to ask them to fix it.
Many disabled queer people are left out of the Pride moth celebrations due to accessibility issues, so if you're able to be there, you're already in a position to make it better.
Don't forget your disabled siblings this Pride!
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cinnamonbonne · 3 days
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AND STAY OUT!!!!!!!!
patreon | storenvy | blm survival fund
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cinnamonbonne · 3 days
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Happy Pride
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cinnamonbonne · 3 days
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Some vintage validation and confirmation for bi lesbians. ⚡️
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cinnamonbonne · 3 days
Friendly reminder that LGBTQ+, Queer, and LGBT+ are the preferred terms for the community (x).
Friendly reminder that Queer is approved by 72.9% of the people, and the groups who don’t prefer it’s use as an umbrella term are straight people, exclusionists, transmeds, truscums, sex-negative people, and sex work critical people (x).
Friendly reminder that aros and aces are excluded only 9.2% / 8.1% of the time respectively while being included  78.9% / 81.2% of the time (x)
Friendly reminder that exclusionists are in the minority and aro/ace people are included in the LGBTQ+ community by the people within the community.
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cinnamonbonne · 3 days
A fun fact is that "can trans men be lesbians" discourse isn't nonexistent, but it's so much less obnoxious in the real world. I'm a bigender trans man, and I'm actually not comfortable with the lesbian label, but most of my offline friends have said that I have every right to identify as a lesbian if I want to. They understand that my gender is weird and complex and that means my sexuality might be weird and complex too, and if I was a lesbian bigender trans man, they would accept me because their brains haven't been consumed by discourse and radical feminism.
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cinnamonbonne · 3 days
“can straight men be romantically and sexually attracted to men?” sure, I’m not a cop
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cinnamonbonne · 5 days
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cinnamonbonne · 6 days
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cinnamonbonne · 6 days
in general if you believe that your job is to definitively describe, capture, taxonomise, or exhaustively define reality you are going to have a bad time imo. it's far more useful to ask "which model is useful for my purposes," "does this model basically make sense with what I know of the world," "might another model be more useful for another purpose," &c.
the best map is the territory--but describing everything about the material and social conditions of each individual person on earth, besides being impossible, would be useless. in order to be useful--to describe something about the part of reality that you're interested in, to have the power to make predictions or have insights about that reality, to propose actions in order to alter that reality--you are going to have to generalise. any time you propose to reduce reality to a model you are compromising and generalising something, somewhere. the question is where do you generalise, and how much, and what do you gain from doing so, and what do you lose, and in which contexts is this model useful (i.e. how should you constrain the field in which you apply this model), and in which contexts is it more trouble than it's worth?
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cinnamonbonne · 6 days
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