colorelijahtheory · 10 months
Yep... It’s still true.
when you’re going through old stuff and you come across stupid shit you said years ago
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colorelijahtheory · 5 years
That’s always bugged me too. Another example would be Swat Kats. All the male characters look like actual anthro cartoon animals.
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And yet all the females have human faces, with the only animal part being the nose. 
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This annoys me whean it comes to comics and media in general. The top most character there is Melati Kusuma  Aka Komodo. a Marvel super heroine who has the same range of powers as the villain Curt Connors Aka the Lizard, But as you can see they made her this instead of a lizard person.  Give her a human female face, some elfin ears, a lizard tail and make her green. job well done. Oh and she can Shift from humanoid form to “lizard form” at will. Why it annoys me is because its the same type of lazy cop out every comic book or video game does whean it comes to have female versions of something. The males can be big monsterous hulking things but the female all have to be more human,slender and sexy in their design. The second character Is Gila from the 90´s spider man cartoon. episode “the lizard king” Where in its discovered that  some of the genetic formula that Curt connors used to become the lizard was disgarded and has leaked into the sewers to mutate colonies of lizards into a sentient Lizardmen. Now Gila is what i would want a Female counterpart to the lizard to look like: Gila would make for a intresting heroine in my opinion. To bad the episode ends with her going full on emo and ends up “killing” her entire race by using the genetic recombinator to reverse the serums effect.  So one character is a rather bland creation while the other has much more appeal and story potential but was severly underused and tossed aside by the writers.
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colorelijahtheory · 5 years
That’s... actually a reasonable explanation to why all the designs look different. Especially this Bom-omb.
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You know I’ve always loved how exotic-looking the traditional mario enemies looked in Sunshine, i mean just look at the way piranha plant, bloopers, boos and pokeys look in sunshine
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so good
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
october reblog
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June Character Challenge (3/30) Pelsie
This character was made as an art prompt from artprompt.org, (little troll girl) but for this month, I decided to draw more of her, and give her a name. Also, I was thinking about doing a drawing where she was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, or god help me very little clothing to show her full body, but if I was going to keep her as a little girl, and not an adult midget, I backed out. My own rule of drawing underaged characters, the lower the character’s age, the more clothes that need to stay on.
The design is a mix of A. Flea and Gossamer from Looney Tunes. Just with a pointy nose instead of a big round nose. If this were fully colored, the cloth would be brown, and the fur color would be red.
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
October reblog.
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June Character Challenge (2/30) Patty
For those who have been following me on other platforms, (which it turns out is not a lot) you may remember this character as the psycho kitty who may look cute and innocent, but has a bloodlust. I admit this character was based on Nostalgia Critic’s review of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, where his version of Alice turns out to be a psychotic killer, yet still acts innocent most of the time. (and yet that version of Alice is based on American McGee’s Alice.
For a while, she doesn’t have a name, but I decided to call her Patty, after Patty Hearst. 
Also, I still have this bad habit of not filling the page.
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
Normally, I don’t do reblogs. But seeing as I’m restarting this challenge, for the sake of the audience (and trying to not post on dead zones) I’ll make an exception, for a few weeks in October.
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June Character Challenge (1/30)
That’s right, I’m back and uploading some artwork, and hopefully not take month-long hiatuses this time. Long story short, I’m doing a new character challenge instead of the sketch every week challenge, and this time I planned out the characters and did the drawings, so I don’t fall behind. Mostly because by the time this is uploaded, I’m at New York visiting my brother.
This character right here is Daniel Aima Dog. (not to be confused with @sammiesquirrel ‘s Danny Dog, and I made my own Danny Dog in 2013) This is a 20′s inspired character that likes to play music to the point his own body makes instruments sounds. Just a happy-go-lucky weirdo character.
Music is the motif that makes the character since back in the 20′s, everything was about the music. His ears are upside down quarter notes, and his buttons are full notes. His long nose is inspired by SpongeBob, even that drawing mid-right I had SpongeBob subconsciously in my mind when I drew that.
You may see this character or other characters in Saturday Morning that will be either a webcomic or a series of shorts, I’m not sure how I can start this project.
Also, I have no idea if I want to make Danny’s hands either look like boxing gloves or separate fingers, maybe I’ll do both depending on the situation.
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
My new rating scale
So this rating system is inspired by AVGN's sh*t scale from his Darkwing Duck review. The main difference (aside from not having a literal piece of crap on the scale) is there are two versions of the scale. A positive scale which shows the good stuff and a negative scale which shows the bad. There's also a white zone for your absolute favorite and a black zone for your absolute hated.
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From top to bottom, the ratings go like this.
Pink Zone: The absolute best of the best. The stuff that you must play/watch before you die.
Purple Zone: Any flaws are minor, but that doesn’t change the great experience you’ve had.
Blue Zone: A solid, if not entertaining experience.
Cyan Zone: Not the best in the world, but there could be room for improvement.
Green Zone: Debatedly good, has enough redeeming qualities to avoid the negative zone.
L.Green Zone: Debatedly bad, somewhat good, but has a lot of flaws.
Yellow Zone: Possible to watch, even though you really shouldn’t.
Y.Orange Zone: Has one or two redeeming qualities for an otherwise piece of garbage. 
Orange Zone: After your first viewing, you may be scarred for life going through that ordeal.
Red Zone: The bottom of the barrel, those that should not even exist or be talked about.
I also have a wildcard zone for a personal favorite, or personal worst, for their respective zones.
White Zone: Your absolute personal favorite. One that stuck with you since the day you met.
Black Zone: Something that you personally hate more than anything, even though technically, there might be worse.
If you want to use the rating as a meme, you can as long as you give me permission or at the very least credit me.
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
After game thoughts: Kingdom Hearts
Welp, I completed Kingdom Hearts 1 100% (except for 4 Gummi Ship missions because F**k them) This was written in a Discord chat, but nobody really responded to that apparently. 
WARNING: Obvious first draft of long text incoming!
I think this one washed away my frustrations with Birth By Sleep. Because while the gameplay starts off kind of slow at first, it starts to pick up much better. Anything that was frustrating in KH1 mostly comes from the slowly teleporting enemies, and I mean there are a lot of enemies that do that, or the platforming.
The problems with platforming come from Square Enix experimenting with how to make a 3D real-time battle system, while also figuring out how to make the worlds. Unlike the later games where the worlds are mostly composed of big separate areas meant for bosses, and hordes of heartless, KH's worlds have this maze-like mentality where there's more than one way to enter a room, and even in Wonderland and Hollow Bastion there are a couple of secret rooms once you solve a puzzle or two.
I understand how that could be confusing to newer fans, or even fans who only played KH2 where the worlds are more streamlined or straightforward. But I do miss worlds like Traverse Town, where it feels more like a town with a bunch of other people from other places, and not just a bunch of areas.
The only way that that town could feel more alive and at home is if they have NPC sidequests and stories on par with something like Majora's Mask.
As for the Gummi Ship, I do get people's complaints about how the Gummi Ship starts slow at first, but once I started upgrading my ship, from its armor, to its weapons, to it's engines, to even a few gadgets and doohickeys, it's a bit more fun. Again, kind like upgrading your arsenal and abilities.
The Final Mix version adds in some missions for more parts and blueprints. Some of them are simple as getting a higher score or getting a high score while having a specific weapon. Some of them can go straight to hell like getting no score while not getting hit.
Speaking of Final Mix, the additions they made to this game is pretty impressive from new weapons, new enemies, new cutscenes, fixed glitches, and new bosses that mostly tie in to the next game. It just sucks that we common international people never got a chance to play this until it was released until the PS3 which even then I didn't think we'd get at the time. I played this on the HD remix collection on the PS4 and it still looks fantastic even if they didn't change much.
(I was hoping they would alter a lot of scenes where they have the low quality facial models for the HD remixes)
Despite that last parenthesis comment, the graphics still hold up for even to this day. Square Enix games have this tendency especially during the 64 bit era where they look good at the time, but will get dated about a year or so. But the graphics here, even though you can tell it was made during the PS2 era, is expressive, colorful, and cinematic. A lot of love and care went into making sure that the Disney characters and worlds look like their respective movies, even the original worlds have a lot of detail and imagination that Disney would do if they made an RPG.The choices they made for the Disney worlds, stand out on their own both in aesthetics and in structure, from Tarzan's Jungle, to the desert of Agrabah, to Halloween Town, and... okay a little confession to make.
The first KH I ever played was Chain of Memories for the GBA, because I didn't have a PS2 at the time. So I didn't know much about the first game, other than the trailers showing me which Disney movie is going to be represented, including the Nightmare Before Christmas, which I had vague memories of watching before playing CoM. So I thought that the Heartless originated from Nightmare Before Christmas. I mean can you blame me? The heartless are black creatures some of which with pointy antennae, and they mostly look Tim Burton-esque.
In fact, if Tim Burton himself designed some of the heartless, it wouldn't surprise me. 
Notice I haven't even gotten to the story yet. I mean at this point before all the sequels, midquels, and prequels, the story is actually easy to understand, with a few hints of complexity and ridiculousness that Square Enix put in. Now the crossover element isn't fully there, but that's okay as long as the original characters are interesting, fortunately, they are.
As much as people mock Sora for being a young idiot, he's one of the few Square Enix leads that is an optimist. Which even before Square Enix tends to not have anymore. He's not a brooder like Cloud or Squall, but he's not as annoyingly immature as Tidus. Although if I were writing the story as I was, I would have a small moment where Sora realizes that his home is destroyed, and everybody he knows might be dead or the very least missing, he could cry even though he's trying not to, and the others are trying to comfort him. Because I don't care if he's a teen, you'd be emotionally f*cked up if your home is destroyed by an unspeakable force.
Riku actually does have an interesting character arc throughout the series. He starts off as a troll who wants to leave his home, and then becomes manipulated by the villains to make him jealous of Sora join the dark side, becomes possessed by the real villain, and then redeems himself in the end. I noticed how the Final Mix main story cutscenes mostly revolve around him. One scene he's waking up in Hollow Bastion calling for Sora and Kairi, realizing they've been separated, and another has him walking in the Realm of Darkness realizing that he's lost everything, and wishes that he could apologize. This makes him a bit more sympathetic I'll say.
The only real issue I have, that I think is being brought up in KH3, is the world order stuff. Like don't meddle or chaos and darkness... I don't really know what, but it's never explained why it's a good thing. In that case, why would they bother with the other worlds, other than to find Riku, Kairi, and King Mickey? Wouldn't you want to tell them about the heartless so that they know what to look out for? It also makes King Triton kind of a jerk, I mean more of a jerk. What would he do if the Keyblade master never came to your world and saved it? You wouldn't do anything because it'll be gone, and everybody would've died. I mean the trio doesn't even try to defend themselves by saying he's trying to save the other worlds if that's what they're even doing, which they are, but it's not exactly their number one priority. There's responsibility as a king, and then there's responsibility as a protector.
But oh well, it was mostly dropped in KH2 because the villains f*cked up everything at this point, although I think it's being brought up again in KH3. But if I'm speculating based on the cutscenes I've seen, maybe most of the story could be about the world order collapsing, because the world's inhabitants are getting smart, and the only choice to have is to risk the world order or the universe will be no more.
All in all, Kingdom Hearts 1 is not my favorite, mostly because I have yet to play all of them again. But it's definitely up there, just for having all that Disney charm, and being a neat little experiment. I say play this first, if you want to know how the games evolved from here to Kingdom Hearts 3. But for Disney fans, this is the few KH games that still retain that Disney charm, and for Final Fantasy fans, there are many familiar spells, references, and cameos that I'm sure those fans appreciate. I might do another when I beat Chain of Memories.
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
This is how you do HD remasters. Take notes, Disney!
Smile Bomb
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
Original VS HD remake.
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Meet the Mona Lisa of the Prado, the earliest known copy of Da Vinci’s best portrait. Similarity in the undersketch of the painting indicates that this was very likely painted concurrently with the original Mona Lisa, by a student of Da Vinci.
There is much controversy in the art world over the question of whether or not to clean the fragile Mona Lisa, but her sister has been restored and some fairly odd later alterations removed to show the original vibrant colors and lighting. Some details, such as the sheerness of her shawl and the pattern on the neckline of her dress, have become utterly obscured in the original, but in the restored copy they’re perfectly clear.
It blows my mind a little bit to look at these two sisters side-by-side and imagine how much vivid detail could be hiding in the Mona Lisa under 500 years of rotten varnish. 
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
Hey Tumblr, instead of just blocking whole blogs with safe mode, why not just let us individually mark the posts as NSFW? That way I can have users pick and choose what they want to see.
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
Vegeta even has Soul Edge, because he didn’t doom the world enough.
so i got a totally not bootlegged Kingdom Hearts coloring book for Christmas
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it has all my favorite KH characters!
such as
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This Guy
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My Neighbor Totoro
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Unfortunate Kairi
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This Other Guy
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And of course my most favorite
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
Because Disney wants to make money with something new and/or super popular. That’s why they keep giving out diamond editions and signature editions specifically to Snow White, Bambi, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, and others, and slack off of any other DVD release. Because those are the home videos that sell the most. Don’t believe me? Check out these three links, and tell me you see a pattern. 
Not to say they aren’t bad movies, in fact some of them are great movies. But the shows are only a fraction popular than what Disney is pushing. Plus, they did make DVD boxsets for some of the shows, but they never complete them. It’s like they have a few seasons out, then they just stopped.
Disney Loves to make money, right? So why have they not released their old  Saturday morning cartoons in DvD Box sets?  No they just drip feed those to people and some they ignore all together. I´d be so god damned happy if i could get duck tales,rescue rangers and tailspin in  complete dvd box sets with episodes in chronological order, not the order they are aired.  
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
Love Beauty Youth
Of course, I read from the very top instead of all at once. So if I were to just close my eyes, then look right at it, the three words I would see the most is Popularity, Money, and Experience
What Word Did You See First?
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Type the first three words that come to your mind. Don’t read other people’s response.
Following the concept of projective tests used by the outdated Freudian theories, it is believed that we are controlled by our subsconcious.
The part of the brain that operates outside your awareness. Project tests were devised to help psychologists determine the unresolved or hidden trauma including wishes that a person wants but the person doesn’t have awareness to.
Continue Reading 
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
Not a very good kisser apparently.
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It is very important to have a balanced breakfast to start the day
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colorelijahtheory · 6 years
They have their own conga line!
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colorelijahtheory · 7 years
I noticed Chicken Little is in the list of Dreamworks movies. Not that it matters. It’s pretty much a crappy Dreamworks movie made by Disney anyway.
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