See What Happened Was... He thought he was going to enter teenytightened virgin me w/ rough ease!?. Thats a bit of a oxymoron , exacctly indeed. This particular piece n' post pertains to the infamous first time story...
See What Happened Was as a fresh away from home young adult (18 going on 19) femme bottom, the idea of a brand new dating pond with new fishes to see intrigued me. My first pump of penis is thanks to Tinder. John Doe O and I matched and had the standard converse moment where things were initating. I was in such doe and virginal innocence. Talks of a movie hangout was result of the convo. Being a lover of peliculas, I was legit sticking to this ' hot 'n mildy raunchy makeout whilst parts of the movie plays' montage birthed in my mind. Performing bottom tings was not remotely in mind. My friendgorl put it into motion. She said "Ya'll fucking" . just as plain and calm. I am quick to dismember what she saying off rip. Douching, which I did not even know existed at said time , was a foreign and unknown concept. Nor could I drive to get materials for I was car less freshman year ;/ . Really sitting on anx and a prayer, I await for the meeting time I do not remember.
Let us fast forward to him pulling up on campus to retrieve me.
I totally felt like hot sh*t. I was a passenger princess to this built ass chocolate hunk before the phrase came to be. Looks wise, he ranks a 7. The body was on 9.89. I was getting my collegiate taste and things in !!! He was a typical laid back male as far as his socialization skills counted. Exchange was neutral. There were laughs shared and some shit talking parring the course. The drive was bit lengthy it seemed to me. Alas, we make it to the apartment complex chy. He leads us inside a dim lit squared living room . A German Shepard is sounding off in an extra linen closet. He lived like a dude. There were a couple food wrappers around. His flatscreen and game console were pushed to the far right. He selects some movie and we watch.... until a brief-ish foreplay fiasco. I inform him of my virgin status. Things were consensual. Willld he threw a mild bitchfit because he had to get back out for a condom. Duh, you are not going to taint virginal bussy without your guards on cover. No glove, no box. That was such a turn off to witness. We make it back and get to it . -_- . I get him back hard and he insists on doggy. Nigga.... your penis is not small by any means. The girth and length was full and weighty. It was an instant shutdown. He kept trying to semi gently exert, and it slid back out like an ATM rejecting a wrongly inserted card attempt. I can admit I was contracting him out with my wall muscles. Then the stopping point came. He was over the missed attempts. Knowing what I do now, he potentially felt me doing that and oh whale. Why come in trying to give immediate jackrabbit ? No thorough romancing or nothing. Ready to willd out in a fresh flower. Tisk Tisk.
Therefore, in a way my first time was not that. It was not whole or a complete time at all. That was half a body . .5
I vividly remember my young hole feeling soo over it the next day in that communal shower stall :(
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Le Intro’
What to say for the first posting, nombre uno. Should I go straight into See What Happened Was ?
 or Do I make a vague note tied to personability ? That is sort of against the grain of remaining UI. Shit will all speak for itself I suppose. 
Quite sure people have explored the realms of roadhead..or fazing one on the roof. Is Heaven really clouds and golden pavements? Does God really hate queers? Why Do Black Americans catch slack from the Africans? Are celebrities social experiments? What's up with self hating gays?
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These blog compositions will be composed in a “See, What Happened Was” style and manner. Confessions will be revealed under the guises of anonymity. Furthermore, Factuals are delivered in an accurate and mildly exaggerative means. Life, love, lust, religion, spirituality and such are all to be discussed - -
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