countcrfcit · 2 years
Kasey glances back towards the cup in her hand, tilting her head to the side as she brushes her fingers along the side of her cup. “Some of the stuff they serve at these things truly terrify me but I figured we could be… adventurous.” She picks up one of the colorful beverages. “Sugar,” she chuckles. “Are you saying I’m chaotic, Drew?”
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There was a shrug to his shoulders, tilting his head slightly to example the cup in his hand. “I’m sure they all have weirdly festive names to match, but I’d say being adventurous was a good thing.” Drew laughed a bit at her response, taking a slow sip from the beverage before nodding his head. “Yeah — here’s to drinking sugar.” He teased, looking over at her. “I’m saying you’ve got enough ideas to keep us entertained all night long.”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
Jameson furrows his brows as he turns his head to look over at her. “So, kind of like art?” He mutters. Honestly, the man is obsessed with colors, art and anything that has to do with painting. Most of the time he paints in an apartment he owns on the strip so Isa doesn’t find out what he’s been up to but it’s one of his favorite things in the world which is why he compares everything to it. “Yeah, you know… It sort of did.”
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“Yeah, I’d say it was like art.” Katerina nodded her head, trying to decide which was the better one to try. It was always easier when you had something to compare things to, especially when it was creative — at least in Kat’s opinion. “I’m glad that random fact of knowledge was good for something.” She laughed. “Why don’t you try one and I’ll get the other — we can compare notes.”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
open to: everyone location: your character’s doorstep, respectively
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It felt like his life had stalled back at that train car. He didn’t remember much before the explosion, only the tear of his shirt and a blade slicing across his chest. The only thing stopping the blood had been his palms, but even blood had managed to seep between his fingers as until something else shot off. He remembers a mixture of smoke, sand, and dirt entering his nose, crawling down the back of his throat until it felt like he was suffocating. Brooks was having trouble remembering how he got out of there - didn’t know if he was dragged, got up on his own somehow, or was aided in getting up. All he knew now was that his footsteps were staggered as he moved along the alleyway, hidden by the shadows that used to keep him and the other Foxes tucked safely away into their own corner of Vegas. That safety was no more, evident in the way the coughs were becoming so violent that his throat became nearly numb to the action, and in the way his palm dragged across the bricks to keep himself upright.
He collapses eventually, on some kind of doorstep (inside, outside… he’s unsure), and nearly curls into himself to see if it would stop the pain in some kind of way. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t and he’s left in his own puddle of grunting and coughing after hitting the ground with a thud. If that didn’t give him away to the LVPD, then he was sure whoever’s front step he ended up at would do the trick. He didn’t care much, though, because Brooks was tired above all else in that moment. He knew somebody would come for him the next day, maybe slap some cuffs on his wrists and haul him away, but for now? For now, he could just hope he didn’t die right there in front of their door.
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“Brooks?” She stared for a moment, peering out the crack in the door before pulling it open further. Audrey ran to his side, dropping to her knees before scanning over his body in attempts to survey the damage. “It’s okay…I’m going to help. Do you think you’ll make it back to your feet?” She was already tugging him upward, thankful that her upper body strength was enough to at least inch him past the doorway.
The blonde helped him back to his feet, pushing the worry she felt for him to the back of her mind so she could get him situated on the couch. “Tell me what hurts? What’s going on?” She questioned, her eyes looking him over again to try and fill in the blanks herself.
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countcrfcit · 2 years
Talia looked around at the desserts, trying to find something that caught her eye, but in all honestly, she was tired and ready to leave the market. She was tired of playing nice and was ready to act like herself finally. “You’re fine, Azra,” she looked at her “cousin” making sure there was nothing on her, “calm down.” Talia’s eyes, finding the pumpkin cheesecake and ordered a slice for herself. “It better be good, because I’m getting a slice.” Talia had managed to take a few moments to herself, without Berkan hovering over her. She wondered if he was exhausted of babysitting her.
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Azra smiled once her eyes settled on Talia, feeling more at ease that the person she almost bumped wasn’t a stranger. “There’s nothing worse than wasted whipped cream.” She laughed softly, nodding her head as the calm set in. Her fork dug into the slice, quickly placing the bite in her mouth. “It’s not going to let you down — promise. It’s delicious.” She paused. “How are you enjoying the festival?”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
If he wanted someone to give him an honest opinion, he came to the right guy. Franco was a sweet guy, but he wasn’t usually one to lie just to spare someone’s feelings. He treated others the way he wanted to be treated, and if he preferred honesty over sugarcoating, then he would do the same for others, “Alright, let’s see,” he waited for the other to finish doing whatever he was doing, and carefully studied it, before giving his answer, “Looks pretty good in my opinion.”
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Jesse thought for a moment as he stared at his reflection, turning to Franco with a smile on his face. “I thought I was feeling it, so if pretty good means you’re on board then I’m sold.” His hands moved in an air drumming motion, spinning on his heel so he could wave over the piercer on the clock. “Let’s do this.”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
Lucia moved directly for the desserts as she had a big sweet tooth. The plethora of choices was a bit overwhelming but she decided that the cheesecake was likely what she was going for. It was why she stood close to the impact zone when the fumbling happened, making her step back to look over her own person. When she finally shook her head, she flashed her a smile. “I don’t tend to whine about whipped cream but I don’t think you got me.” It wouldn’t be the end of the world and Lucia wouldn’t have made a fuss about it either. “Seems like I made a good choice then. Maybe you should try it and let me know just in case before I cut another piece.” Of course she was teasing as she took a plate in hand.
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“I’m just glad my reflexes worked in my favor.” Azra told the girl with a laugh as she readjusted the plate in her hands. The excitement caused whipped cream to spread onto her fingers, but it was a small price to pay compared to losing her entire dessert to the floor. “There’s plenty to go around.” She began, motioning over to the can left for customers to add their own toppings. “I don’t mind being the judge, I’ve invested so much in this slice already that I can’t stop now.” The brunette reached for a fork, scooping a small piece to place a bite in her mouth. She took a moment to savor the flavor, the freshness of ingredients before worth the almost spill onto the floor. “It’s an amazing choice, whipped cream included.” Azra joked before taking another bite. “It’s something I’ll fully recommend, but please try it for yourself.”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
open to: @heldfate (dealer’s choice) location: styxs
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“I’ve got twenty bucks riding on the red head over there.” Andrew said with a motion of his head in their direction. “I’m hoping there’s some Irish blood running through his veins that’ll be unstoppable.” His reasoning was weak, but with a room full of strangers eagerly wanting to chug down beer for fun it left the man with little time to gather intel. “What do you think? Is there someone here that you feel screams the word winner?”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
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“I don’t know if I would have been able to go without watching it. I saw it all over the place and it felt like I was missing out.” A feeling she’d gotten when she had chosen not to get on the whole game of thrones bandwagon and was left out when everyone talked about it. “I feel like every painting is either about love and loss and those are two things in life that I’m trying to avoid.” Which was why she wasn’t all that sure about art but would ultimately do it. “Great. You can pull me out of the darkness if I try to slip in it.” Or feel sorry for herself.
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“It’s all I heard about for weeks, so I get it, but it didn’t seem like something I could get myself to sit through.” It wasn’t something that peaked the blonde’s interest and still to this day she didn’t feel like she was missing out. “I think most of them depend on how you interpret them, I know there’s one hanging inside that just reminds me of the feeling on the sun on your skin — happiness. It can’t be all bad, right? There’s got to be a happy artist out there somewhere.” Audrey had a tendency to see things for the better, a quality her father would always admire after a long day. “You can count on me, I’ll be there to pull you out if it gets to be too much.” She offered her a smile. “Then we can ditch and go play pool instead.”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
open to: @latinoblxod​ location: daedalus studio
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“Alright man, this is important.” Jesse began as he stared at his reflection in the front of the shop. “Today’s the day I finally decide if I’m getting my nose pierced and I’m going to need your honest opinion.” He reached for the nearest marker, a black sharpie to draw a small dot to resemble what a stud could possibly look like on his face. “Nose ring or no nose ring?” He questioned, slowly turning to reveal his masterpiece.
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countcrfcit · 2 years
open to: @crrisptrepidation​ (dealer’s choice) location: ambrosia cafe
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“What do you think goes into making an apple pie frappuccino?” Kat thought allowed before looking over at the person sitting beside her. “Actual pieces of pie? chunks of apple slices? — I’d like to know what I’m signing up for.” She shook her head, letting out a laugh before her lips curled into a smile. “Why don’t you order it and we can figure it out from there?”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
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Nadia wanted to come by and see the literal competition that was going on - and of course the diner and their little deserts were a contender for what Nadia had in her bakery. She rolled her eyes, looking at their run of the mill little treats, but just ass she was about to turn, she found herself running into someone, by accident. Raising an eyebrow, she looked up at the brunette and looked down at her plate. “No, love - not at all.” Nadia kept staring, eyebrow arched. “Fresh bits of cooked pumpkin? That could be rather dangerous, if it isn’t cooked properly. Who knows what these diners can bring? I hear Killer Cupcakes is a lot better, didn’t you know? Have you ever been?” She asked, a mischievous smile on her face. 
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“I’m glad, I’d hate to ruin an outfit.” Azra began, licking away the bit of whipped cream on her index finger caused by saving her dessert. “Dangerous? I’ve never heard of that before...” The woman continued, setting the plate down against the table for a moment. “Please tell me that it’s hard to mess up, I’m not up for getting poisoned tonight.” She paused, thinking a bit about the other location the woman spoke about. It was a name she’d heard before, no bad reviews in question, maybe she had a point? “I’ve heard good things, but never been. What do they have on display tonight?”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
location: toddy leash’s ice box opened to: everyone 
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“Goddamn, I didn’t realize it was going to be this cold in here - although I should have guessed, shouldn’t I have?” Altan smirked, shaking his head as he grabbed a drink from the ice bar. “How are you enjoying yourself? It’s my first time here - the coolness is nice though, I think it’s about ninety degrees outside. Some kind of fall, right?” 
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“I wasn’t sure what I was walking into, but the word ice was a good clue.” Audrey told the man with a laugh. “It’s an honest mistake, you never know if a title is word play or literal — this case was definitely a warning.”  The blonde reached for her glass, looking over to offer him a smile. “It’s my first time too, but it’s been really refreshing so far. The drinks are fairly strong and it’s a nice break from the heat, but I can’t help but hope for some cooler weather. Fall is one of the best times of year, what about you?”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES  w/ @countcrfcit​ (Andrew Whitmore) 
Kasey sits at one of the picnic tables with different food items in front of her. “So, I hit up a little of everything.” She lifts her eyes up towards the man sitting across the table from her. “I figured we could eat then go create some chaos in some of those tents, what do you think?”
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Drew pressed send on the text he’d written up before looking up to meet Kasey’s eye, tucking the phone away safety as he took a moment to look at all of the variety. She was thankfully saving him the effort of walking around and checking everything out himself, instead gathering the best of each for the two of them to tackle together. “I don’t even know where to start...” He began but reached for one of the colorful beverages. “Is this coffee or just sugar?” Andrew questioned, slowly bringing the straw to his lips. “You had me at chaos — though I can’t help but wonder you’re definition of the word.”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES w/ @countcrfcit (Jesse Valencia)
Julian holds the bowl of he thought was homemade potato soup. He furrows his brows as he glances in the direction of the other man across from him. “I don’t know why it’s green,” he mutters as his dark orbs drop back down to the contents of the bowl in his hand. “I don’t even think I could try to eat this even though it was like fifteen bucks… Can you believe that? Fifteen bucks for this steaming heap of shit.”
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“Green potatoes?” Jesse questioned as his face scrunched up in disgust. He hadn’t bothered to read through the list of soups available at the festival, but the more he looked at the contents of the bowl in his friend’s hands he didn’t regret it. “Please tell me you’re joking, fifteen dollars for whatever that is? It doesn’t even smell appetizing...is there a return policy if you physically can’t eat it?” The man questioned before shaking his head. “We’ve got to get rid of it.” 
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countcrfcit · 2 years
ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES w/ @countcrfcit​ (Katerina Devereaux)
Jameson walks down the road, glancing at the tents as he thinks back to the list they were all handed before the market opened. The flood of the people flowing into it makes things a little more difficult to spot and get to. He steps up to the tea tent, glancing at the different tea leaves there are. Furrowing his brows for probably the hundredth time of the evening because it truly shows him how helpless he is without Isa. “What’s the difference in the tea leaves?” He asks the nearest person. 
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Katerina walked along the tents, eyeing each of what everyone had to offer before approaching one with a variety of teas. “From what I know the color says a lot, tea leaves that are heavily oxidized are darker or redder and teas that are less fermented are lighter or greener.” She explained with a shrug of her shoulders. “I don’t really know much beyond that — was that helpful at all? Maybe we should just try what’s on display and rank them from best to worst.”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
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Benny took a seat on a stool beside Andrew, leaning onto the bar lazily as he allowed his arms to cross over the surface. “Yeah, yeah. Give the underdog a chance one fuckin’ time and I’ll never live it down for the rest of my life.” For someone who was part of the White Snakes, Benny spent an awfully large amount of time with people at Styxs. he was in a bit of limbo, trying to keep himself in check while also trying to impress those in charge in order to progress further. He still had quite a way to go, but at least fighting kept him occupied. It took no more than a nod at the bartender for them to understand his order – his usual when surrounding himself with company that just wanted to get absolutely plastered without a care in the world. At least it made the physical pain from fighting seem minuscule most times. Tossing back one of the shots, the glass was pushed forward and Benny had to roll his shoulders slowly to adjust to the taste. “What the fuck’s been goin’ on, though, man? I haven’t heard from you in forever, and I doubt you live a boring life outside of all this, too.”
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“You can give the underdog as many chances as you want, but I’d probably wait for me to be out of the ring if you want a chance to see your money again.” He shrugged as the words fell out of his mouth, the man knew he had his record to back him up. Benny wasn’t a member of the Brotherhood, but Drew would of been lying if he said he minded the man’s company. Ben had a good right hook and was someone that was easily profitable in the ring, but there was still bits of respect that hadn’t been earned like there would be symbolized with a jacket.
He shook his thoughts out of his mind as the glasses landed in front of them, knocking back two shots before turning his attention back to his friend sitting beside him. “I barely know where to begin with that one...” He trailed off, signaling over the bartender for another round of shots before continuing. “I’ve been seeing my ex again, sort of, if you’d classify that under a drunken night...but I haven’t minded the extra time with her. I think I might want to organize some sort of tournament soon too, really up the stakes and prizes for everyone — that’s a work in progress.” The man reached for another shot. “What can you tell me about you? How the hell have you been keeping yourself entertained all this time?”
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countcrfcit · 2 years
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“You’re not gonna kill whoever it is, right?” Being anything other than blunt wasn’t in the cards for Liv, eyes giving him a once-over as she shrugged a bit in return. Her body shifted in the slightest, head canting as she glanced over his shoulder to make sure he was alone. “C’mon, I’ll check the front desk for whoever you need.” The femme didn’t bother changing out of her pajamas, figuring it’d be a complete waste of time at that point while she brushed past Jesse and made her way down the steps to get back to the lobby area. It looked more like a waiting room, but it did the job. Taking a seat behind the desk, Liv hiked one leg up onto the chair and reached forward to turn the computer on. They didn’t usually close down the front desk, but staff shortages were very prevalent and Liv just didn’t have the man power that night. “What’s the name?”
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“Kill? — No, you’ve got the wrong idea. It’s just a package.” Jesse looked over at her, raising an eyebrow as he tried to figure out more about the woman in front of him. “Thanks.” He answered, nodding his head as he followed her lead to the front desk. They walked in silence for the most part, leaving the man alone with his thoughts as he looked around at the decor displayed throughout the building. “It’s uh — ” He paused, grabbing his phone to double check the name in his names. “Simon...Young. Hopefully he was smart enough to use his real name while staying with you.”
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