cryptidarticles · 4 years
Hi new influx of followers, unfortunately this blog is kinda dead.
I still love cryptids and the paranormal, just currently I have no motivation to write. I'd like to start this blog back up again someday but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
If you'd like to see my other work I have an art blog @ripossum where I currently make small comics about my life and sonic the hedgehog fanart!
Also thank you to everyone who reblogged the usps post! I've seen it multiple times on my dash and it blows my mind every time, I've never had anything get so many notes and it really gives me hope!
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
Cryptid Article’s Cryptid Categories
The definition of cryptid is, “Any creature that may or may not exist. Sightings of various cryptids have been reported, but their reality has not been proved”. Which leaves a lot of room for creatures and sightings to be labeled as a cryptid! 
If you ask people’s personal opinion on what a cryptid is you’ll get all sorts of answers. Some will say it’s creatures reported extinct that are still seen, or perhaps an undocumented new species, some will say urban legends, and some will say supernatural creatures! What people focus on is usually personal preference, but plenty of people are like me, I love to hear about all of them!
I love hearing about new species, misplaced animals, the supernatural, the extraterrestrial, everything! 
The purpose of this article is to write down all the different categories of cryptids I’ve noticed, and tell you some examples! 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The River Monster of Georgia
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Altamaha is one of the largest rivers in Georgia, broken up by islands, marshes, and old rice fields it eventually empties into the Atlantic sea. 
It’s a beautiful spot, but many people report seeing a terrifying creature in it’s waters. 
This is the river monster Altamaha-ha.
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Cow Ghost of West Virginia
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West Virginia University was established in 1867, known mostly for agriculture. In its early years a tragedy happened that haunts the university to this day. 
This is the Woodburn Hall Cow Ghost. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Sightings of Indrid Cold
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The Mothman is one of the most well known cryptids, and when he is sighted chaos ensues. During the first Mothman sightings there were strange occurrences with what appeared to be a man, and what is claimed to be an alien. 
These are the sightings of Indrid Cold. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The White Things of West Virginia
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Strange sightings are not uncommon in West Virginia, there seems to be an abundance of strange or unexplained creatures. One of these creatures has so many sightings and so many variations, you wonder if it’s a new species or dedicated hoax.
These are the White Things of West Virginia. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Greenbrier Ghost
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In Greenbrier County, West Virginia in the year 1897 there was a woman named Zona Heaster Shue. Born Elva Zona Heaster in 1876, a simple woman living in a simple country. Not much is known about her life, but there seems to be a lot known about her death.
This is the story of the Greenbrier Ghost. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Grafton Monster
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Grafton, Virginia is a small and quiet town, surrounded by rolling hills with a river cutting right through it. The small town is known for the first Mother’s Day, and recognizing memorial day the longest. There’s not much else to this town, except a terrifying story.
This is the story of the Grafton Monster. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Haunted Lake Shawnee Amusement Park
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It’s not a large and colorful amusement park, all that resides are a set of swings, a Ferris wheel, and the lake itself. It’s not very imposing, but the land has seen true tragedy.
This is why many people believe that Lake Shawnee Amusement Park, West Virginia is haunted. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Mothman, Part 2
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(part one)
Some people believe Mothman caused the collapse of the bridge, though evidence definitely suggests otherwise. There was a structural flaw, there was a crack in a single link and when it broke it ended up causing the whole bridge to collapse. There isn’t any evidence of foul play or outside influences.
Others believe that Mothman was possibly trying to warn people of the tragedy. Though there’s no way to solidly prove the creatures intentions.
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Mothman, Part 1
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Mothman is one of the most popular cryptids of all time. Many know about this strange creature through the book and movie The Mothman Prophecies, though he has also become very popular on the internet.
Mothman has become so popular there’s even a festival for him, a festival that I’m very excited to be attending tomorrow!
Which is why I’ve finally decided to write about the mysterious and elusive creature that terrified Point Pleasant, West Virginia.  
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Flatwoods Monster
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Flatwoods, West Virginia is a small town with rolling hills and deep forests. It’s typically quiet and quaint, not much goes on there.
Though back in the 50s on this very date, something terrifying happened in the small town. It terrified the residents of Flatwoods, and even people out of the state.
This is the Flatwoods Monster.
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Point Pleasant Dogman
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Dogmen are strange and mysterious creatures that are scattered around the US and other places. They seem to be the stories of werewolves come to life, terrifying creatures that stalk the night. Though could they really be men that turned to wolves? Or could it be something else?
No matter what they are their sightings leave us scared and intrigued, and this Dogman is no exception.
This is the Point Pleasant Dogman. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Sheepsquatch
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This cryptid of Virginia is a very good example of don’t judge a book by it’s cover, the name Sheepsquatch typically evokes laughter and the image of a fluffy little sasquatch.
In reality this creature has terrified quite a few Virginians and it’s description will leave you shaking in your boots. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
Werewolf of Henrico
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Werewolves are one of the most popular myths in modern society. Retelling after retelling has popped up in all forms of media, and many people love the myth.
The thing is, what if it isn’t a myth? Sightings of creatures fitting the old myth have cropped up in many areas, including virginia.
No one’s sure what this creature is, whether it’s even real or not. Though it still strikes fear into the hearts of the residents of Henrico County.
This is the Werewolf of Henrico. 
The Henrico Werewolf is typically spotted around Confederate Hills Recreation Center, which is a very open space with some patches of trees here and there, and no one has seen it leave. It’s typically described as black, dark grey, or just grey, with touches of silver or white. It’s also described as being 6 ft tall, typically walking on two legs until spotted then it runs on all fours.
The first sighting is unknown, and most sightings are reported anonymously with no date. So it’s hard to pinpoint how old this creature is and if it’s still running around.
Most people report that it runs away in fear, but occasionally will run after people. Some people said it growled and barked at them, while others say it just stared at them until they noticed it then it ran away. Some people have said it ran at them almost playfully. People have also said they hear it howling at night, mainly on full moons.
One woman reported that the werewolf slowly walked up to her, and just as it’s face was about to come out of the shadows she noticed it and it ran off.
One man says he lives near the Recreation Center and that he and his neighbors have seen and heard it multiple times and fear it.
One couple said they were sitting on a bench at the recreation when they turned and to their horror saw two huge white dogs staring at them. The couple were too scared to make a run for it, so stayed still and tried to remain calm. They said they stared at each other for 10 minutes when a car drove by and the dogs growled and ran off. This could possibly be related to the werewolf or possibly just be that someone lost their dogs.
Many people are skeptical of the Werewolf of Henrico. Many people point out that it would be hard for a werewolf to live and hide in that area because it’s so open. Also apparently there have been some proven hoaxes, which makes people think every sighting is a hoax. The only problem with that is that it’s reported the perpetrator was caught and punished, but the sightings still continued.
One theory proposes it’s actually a sasquatch, there have been many sightings in the area and since it’s dark most people can only make out it’s big, hairy, and humanoid. Though looking at the description of sasquatch noises and wolf/werewolf howls they don’t seem to be the same in the slightest. Also I’ve never heard of a sasquatch running on all fours.
Many people believe it is in fact a monster of some kind. Either a werewolf in the mythology sense, or a strange new creature.
Though whether or not the Werewolf of Henrico is a real werewolf or merely someone in a costume is up for you to decide!
(image source)
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Wood Booger
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As mentioned before, sasquatch sightings are very common throughout the United States. Virginia is no exception. Many sightings have been reported over the years, and some of these sightings have become so similar it’s been attributed to one creature.
The Wood Booger. 
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cryptidarticles · 4 years
The Bunny Man
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Most towns have their own urban legend. Some are strange, some are hilarious, some are intriguing. Then their are the ones that are downright horrifying.
This article will be going into the legend of the Bunny Man of Virginia.
(TRIGGER WARNING: this story includes graphic murder and mutilation of both humans and animals. I tried to tone it down a bit but the sources I used are VERY graphic, read with caution.)
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