cursedotcom · 3 months
Please help my best friend save their teeth!
Hello, my name is Tulip and I made this blog as a supplementary way to boost the GoFundMe campaign currently underway for my best friend Peyton's dental expenses.
Peyton has been my best friend for seven years now, and for as long we’ve known each other they’ve had to deal with a multitude of dental issues. They were recently able to visit a dentist for the first time in over a decade, and it was only after their broken tooth had gotten so bad, they were unable to eat, sleep, or do anything but try and distract themselves from the pain. We were able to get that tooth extracted, but due to the cost the remaining issues have gone untreated. If they aren’t able to get more work done soon they’ll end up needing root canals for the worst two.
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The priority right now are two teeth-- #19 and #29 in the diagram. Those are the pair causing the most pain and can be fixed with crowns--so long as they're treated ASAP. An appointment has been made for March 18th, with the estimated total coming out at $1,088.60 after the amount covered by insurance. This will be our short-term goal to reach.
I'm sure many of you reading this have personally experienced mouth pain, so you can imagine how hard this has been on Peyton. They've been dealing with most of these since they were still in high school. I don't want them to have to live with this burden anymore or have to give up teeth that can very much be saved! Any amount donated will put us that much closer to bringing them some relief. If you can’t donate, please consider sharing. Thank you for reading!
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cursedotcom · 3 months
Links to d*nate here: p&ypal, v#nmo + ca$shapp both deepseametro
details below
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Autistic trans woman who fled Florida for her safety last year is in need of urgent, temporary housing. She's been unable to get a job since moving here, and isn't able to access most state-run assistance programs due to not being a full resident yet.
Her current housing situation is unstable, and she needs to find temporary housing by Friday (3/1). She may have a couch to stay on until Monday (3/4).
We're hoping to get a Motel or AirBNB for her to stay in during this time. Ideally for the full 10 days she needs it.
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please even 1-5$ can really make a difference, any amount helps, especially this last minute. any money we get over the goal will be used for food and gas for her car (her only source of income is doordashing rn)
please reblog! please don't tag as d*nations!
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cursedotcom · 2 years
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cursedotcom · 2 years
“Hi my name is Sage. I’m a Black Native transgender woman. I’m raising funds because I need help affording laser treatments, my hormones, and the costs associated with my upcoming gender affirming surgeries. As a DJ it is difficult for me to make a substantial income at the moment due to how covid-19 has affected nightlife. Given that I have very little income at the moment, any donation would make such a huge difference for me as I continue my gender transition. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for supporting!”
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cursedotcom · 2 years
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cursedotcom · 2 years
This women's history month, be a real ally by giving a hardworking mentally ill, black lesbian funds to survive!! 🖤
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Had therapy today and it was $104! Here is what my account is looking like now!!
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I also had a $149 power bill and $65 water bill due yesterday that I haven't paid yet!
Here are my paylinks!
🖤 cashapp: $sailorsylvie
🖤 paypal: [email protected]
🖤 wishlist!
Thank y'all in advance!!!
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cursedotcom · 2 years
Happy women's history month, be a real ally by giving gals money and not just by writing hashtags in ya social media profiles 🖤
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Help a black lesbian and her Trans lesbian partner pay for expensive dental work, make up for days of work lost to illness and in general, just survive:
Cashapp: $sailorsylvie
Venmo: Serena-Manning
Thank yall!
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cursedotcom · 2 years
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cursedotcom · 2 years
i feel real bad making this post but i am entirely out of money other than like £20 for like food for me n my dog for the next couple months. im an addict and trying to quit. im trying to sell plants n clothes n stuff but no one is buying.
if you have a spare couple of pounds/dollars/etc for me n my dog i would appreciate
my PayPal email is [email protected]
if you cant pay ill take a reblog
🥲 i hate this but im £2k in debt and getting desperate
I can do plants and tattoo and botanical style illustrations if u wanna commission me
my Instagram is @wormsintheearth
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cursedotcom · 2 years
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cursedotcom · 2 years
Doll Collector Call to Action (please RB/boost)
The US National Black Doll Museum closed their doors due to Covid-19, and they lost their physical location.
During the month of February 2022, which is Black History Month in the US, they are trying to raise $100,000 for a new physical location in Attleboro, MA (USA). Please consider donating. You do not need to choose any of the default amounts. Click "Just helping" at top right (after clicking the support button) and type in the amount you would like to give. If 8,500 people gave $10 USD each, they would meet their fundraising goal. Donations are tax-deductible charitable donations in the US.
Also - please consider reblogging/boosting.
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cursedotcom · 2 years
PLEASE BOOST me and my partner need help
i’m autistic and transmasc and my partner is a disabled trans woman
im sorry for posting again but the other post lost traction and we need help. we have to get medication and some food.
i’m trying really hard to get a job right now but i haven’t gotten any responses yet and i just need some money to get essentials
c*shapp: $frogiess
v*mno: @finchfrog
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cursedotcom · 2 years
Trying this again sadly
Please help me get a wheelchair, I can't stand or walk for very long and I only have an ill fitting wheelchair that's missing parts
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cursedotcom · 2 years
hello everyone. very unfortunately, and unexpectedly, my mom passed away from covid on december 20th. because of this, my younger brother and myself are currently having to depend on other relatives that we aren’t all that close to and that don’t always necessarily have our best interest, for food, shelter, etc.
me, my brother and my mother had been living in an apartment in arizona, but for whatever reason, i guess since i am under the age of 21, after my mom passed at the hospital, the county told me that if we did not go to stay with family, that my younger brother would be placed in foster care. either way, we didn’t want to stay in the apartment that we had so many memories with our mother in and then had to resuscitate her at until paramedics arrived, so we left the apartment to stay with one of my uncles ex wife’s in las vegas, which i now regret because i am receiving no help from family with arranging my mother’s funeral or getting the things i need such as clothing. my “aunt” has gotten us food stamps which i appreciate, but they are on her terms, meaning she is keeping the food stamp card because she thinks we will misuse the food money??
anyway, i have two weeks to get back to arizona so that i can clear our things out of the apartment, throw things out and/ or place them in storage before the landlord removes our things herself and i will have to get them through the court system which would be a great inconvenience at this time as i am busy dealing with trying to bury my mother. my family here in nevada knows this and has not offered to help get me back there to handle this.
i have no money of my own and have not yet began working because i am dealing with my mother’s arrangements and also looking after my brother. if anyone out of the kindness of their heart would be willing to help my brother and i out even a little during this time, it would be so greatly appreciated!!
cashapp: azucarfaerie
paypal: bbymoonflwr333
thank you so much🤍
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cursedotcom · 2 years
ykw whatever haii good morning could anyone pleaze help me afford my medicines while my parents budget to pay our heat & internet bills for online school 💀 im waiting to hear back from an employer n i completed a bg check but since 4/6 people in my household tested positive i cant work quite yet!
i have a copay for like 16$ for my strattera + i need to get a re-up on medical 🍃 as ive ran out for a few weeks and have a hypermobility syndrome & stomach issues that cause me loads of pain + discomfort
cashapp $postobon / venmo / paypal @squidbagged
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cursedotcom · 2 years
This new bill has been introduced in both the house and the Senate.
Among other things, it will:
Raise the monthly disability income by just over 30 percent - bringing it to poverty level.
Remove penalties for recieving financial help from friends and family.
Increase the amount of assets a disabled person may have from $2,000 to $10,000 (this hasn't been updated since 1989)
Update outside income restrictions to allow disabled people to receive up to $399 a month without reducing their benefits.
REWARD, not penalize, people who want to receive additional income while on social security income.
For those unaware current regulations do a lot to oppress disabled people. In fact marriage equality doesn't even extend to disbled people who risk having their benefits reduced or outright taken away if they marry someone. This means that in common law states disabled people can't even live with their significant other or they risk losing their financial independence.
Current regulations mean that if you're disbled you can't have so much as one penny over $2,000 to your name. So buying a car and gaining more independence or freedom is largely out of the question for disabled people.
Current regulations penalize social security recipients who receive income from outside sources, even if those sources are reimbursement. Did you get paid to babysit for a few hours? That's income, and you get your benefits reduced. Did you loan a friend $10 and they pay you back? The government considers that $10 income, and you get your benefits reduced.
These aren't mere anecdotes - these are all examples of actual things that have happened to disbled people I know, and if you have any disabled friends in your life I'm sure they can tell you the same stories.
If you value marriage equality, if you value financial independence, if you value the rights of disbled people, please PLEASE support this bill! Contact your reps, vote, and make noise! This is a great thing!
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cursedotcom · 2 years
hey does anyone want to help me and lillie pay our bills and get cat food this xmas season? We need about 440 dollars to get by with groceries, electricity and medical appointments. I’d also like to get Lillie something nice for her birthday in a couple of weeks!!!!  have a nice picture of the cats we’re trying to feed if it helps warm ur heart
venmo: coquiprincess paypal.me/luquisgabriela
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