dame-boss · 12 years
Natsu started running away from the boulder, Just like old times. He thought as he kept running with a grin on his face. ” Let’s go that way— Huh? ” The other wasn’t running behind him anymore, he turned around and saw Tsuna tripping.Oh dear… 
” Look out! ” Natsu rushed back to Tsuna, grabbed him and quickly jumped out of the way, ” Phew…that was a close one ” He looked at the other. ” Are you okay? ” 
"Yeah. That really freaked me out...." He said as Natsu carries him up. Great, he thought, with his clothes now drenched with mud. He's gonna have to get a new fresh batch of clothes later. If they can survive this boulder rolling right towards them. "Can we even escape this thing?" It looks as if this boulder was following them since they can't even seem to get it out of their way. How it did it, he did not know.
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dame-boss · 12 years
” I’m sure we’ll find either money or our powers! ” He was just as excited as always, he started walking happily through the forest, but then stopped. ” Tsuna? Do you hear that aswell? ” He asked while looking around suspiciously, it was then when he heard something loud comming to the place where they were standing, oh crap it was a giant boulder, Run!!!
"What? What?" He asked as the sound came closer and closer to them. "Hiiiiiiiii!!"
The giant boulder reminded him of some Western movies his dad showed him at the rare occasions that he'd come home from "work". This is not time for reminiscing! He ran a bit slow, because he thought that the grass and the roots might trip him or something. As if on cue, he tripped over a big root from a big tree. I'm dead.
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dame-boss · 12 years
” Don’t think like that ” He said while getting all fired up again, cracking his knuckles. ” And if someone or something did, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter who the opponent is, I’ll beat the crap out of him and let him scream in pain ” Anyone who messes with his guild is screwed, but wait he’s not in the guild anymore atleast not now since he’s stuck on the island, such logic but then again Natsu didn’t had much logic.
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” Oh Oh! I know I know! ” He acted like it was some kind of guessing game. ” Our powers! I’m sure our powers are in that treasure chest ” Seriously Natsu what are you thinking? Or rather are you thinking at all.
"Uh, yeah.. You're right." Natsu's "ways" of dealing with enemies felt quite unorthodox for him. Surely they wouldn't go too far like that. The thought still hasn't left him, which haven't made him less demotivated. "Our powers? I sure hope so. Let's start searching for it!" He actually got a little excited about the idea of finding his powers, or maybe enough money to buy it back from that KMC guy.
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dame-boss · 12 years
He stopped with running and looked at the other with a confused look.
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” I dunno, but does it really matter? ” He asks while raising an eyebrow. ” It’s more fun this way! Finding things you haven’t seen before~ ”  He was fired up like always. ” Besides what could be better then this? Staying in an appartment all day? No way! ” 
He finally stopped running. He took up a lot of time panting. "I guess..." He looked around again at his surroundings. He basically saw an awful lot of greenery. "But.. uh... what if there was something that might suddenly attack us?" Ehhhh.. I hope not. But the idea of finding some secret treasure played on his brain. "If we do find it, what do you even think could be inside the treasure chest?"
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dame-boss · 12 years
He turns around and starts walking, like a happy chipper. ” Let’s go to the forest ” He was getting fired up. ” I’ve heard there’s a secret place there, maybe it’s a treasure! ” Yep he was getting too fired up, he started rushing towards the forest dragging Tsuna along with him….and trust me, he can run very very fast.
Having your hand pulled on by someone while running fast toward the forest wasn't exactly what you would call "fun". The place was getting darker, since there was on a few sunlight to shower the forest grounds. Tsuna saw what seemed to be some ferocious animal's eyes glint hidden inside the bush. Yep, this forest is way too creepy. But he went along anyways. "Uhhhh... Where exactly are we now in this forest?" He thought of the comfort and safety inside his apartment. Aah, I wish I was back there right now.
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dame-boss · 12 years
” Yo ” He grinned at Tsuna. But his grin soon faded as Tsuna said that he didn’t know where they were. ” They’re my guildmates, my nakamas ( friends ) ”  Natsu sighed. ” Just got out of your apartment huh… ” his grin soon returned, oh well he can always look for them later. ” You wanna hang out? ”
"Yeah, sure...." He wasn't that much informed about the other places aside from this building. Or maybe at least the lab, for that matter. It seemed creepy, but yes, he wants to go somewhere. It was boring here, after all. "Where are we going?"
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dame-boss · 12 years
” Man where are they ” Natsu mumbled to himself as he walked around the tower. He was looking for Gray, Lucy and Erza but he couldn’t find them anywhere. He stopped when he heard something comming from an other hallway. ” Oh maybe I can ask him! ” He says as he rushes towards Tsuna and almost slips over the wet floor. ” Excuse me but can I ask you something? Do you know where Erza, Lucy and Gray are!? ” 
"Ah, hello there Natsu!" The names that he mentioned are quite unfamiliar. They sounded like foreigners from a faraway country. "Eh, I haven't seen them yet, I just came out from my apartment. Who are they anyway?" Tsuna asked.
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dame-boss · 12 years
Tsuna just woke up from a good, long sleep. Quite the good one for him, at that. The dream during his sleep was wondrous, yet he felt like he would have been sleeping forever and woke up. Ehh, at least the dream could have continued~
He then proceeded to brush his teeth and comb his hair, which have seemed to be in disarray. After a little bit of grooming  up, he went out of the place to find someone he could talk to after that good sleep.
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dame-boss · 13 years
bucking-horse-dino started following you
Tsuna was a bit startled. What if all his friends was here? But it was good enough that he's here.
"Dino-san!" He went towards his direction. "How are you? I never found you in the laboratory. How long were you here?"
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dame-boss · 13 years
Gokudera looked at the shorter male infront of him. They dragged his Juudaime into something like this? How dare they! It will be Gokudera’s sworn duty to make sure Juudaime gets out of here safe, and who ever did this will pay!
“O-Of course Juudaime! I would be honored to team up with you!” Gokudera face lit up, and he almost dropped his lighter in excitement. He was asking to team up with Gokudera and not that idiotic baseball idiot! He can not let him down! “Whatever you need, I am at your service!”
"That's good! Let's help each other out of this maze, okay?" Tsuna made a wide smile and began going through the maze with Gokudera. After a few minutes later, the place suddenly seemed strange.
"Ehh, what's happening?" As soon as he said it, he heard sounds a vicious dog would usually make: The gnarls, and that dripping sound of saliva pouring down its mouth full of sharp teeth. Ew.
He went a bit closer, and the next few minutes he spent it with his legs being wobbly from being scared. A really big dog- No, a wolf- is in front of him, ready to attack. He went a few steps back as not to startle the beast and attack him. He reached for an arrow and got ready to shoot. As he let go of the arrow, it shot straight, then curved a bit from its supposed destination. Aah! Now he startled it.
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dame-boss · 13 years
sorry for the current inactivity. the internet keeps fluctuating, but i’ll be replying to all your rps today (especially since today’s the last day of the event, or at least in my timezone) and i hope you understand.
sorry just checking if anyone ditched me yet orz))
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dame-boss · 13 years
“Ehhh?!” Tsuna was shocked as he was brought to a lab while he was resting at his place. He couldn’t help it. It was dark, with a lone spotlight shining at him. There was no one to help him. Normally he would gulp down his Dying Will Pills but then since their powers are not...
Suddenly a voice reached his ears. It sounded familiar, but he couldn't guess. He came closer to the source of the sound. As he walked closer, he saw a small flame light up. Tsuna guessed that it could have been from a match.
He walked towards the source of the flame closer and closer until he saw who lit up the flame. It was Gokudera. "Ahhhhh, Gokudera-kun... I finally saw you. Would you like to team up with me and teach me how to use these bow and arrows?" He showed him his set of weapons that would have seemed useless if he didn't know what to do with it.
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dame-boss · 13 years
"Ehhh?!" Tsuna was shocked as he was brought to a lab while he was resting at his place. He couldn't help it. It was dark, with a lone spotlight shining at him. There was no one to help him. Normally he would gulp down his Dying Will Pills but then since their powers are not available and it's not with him would be pointless. And no one are with him except for a bow and a set of arrows. Tsuna then starts navigating the intricate maze, not knowing what awaits him.
Good thing I saw how Gokudera uses bows and arrows. I can use that to my advantage. The problem there was that he forgot all about it, just remembering that he saw how he fights. No-good to the bone.
He spoke to the cold air. "C-can anyone team up with me?" He hopes someone will respond.
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dame-boss · 13 years
kaerukouhai started following you
Thanks for helping us out in the future Fran. /bows/
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dame-boss · 13 years
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dame-boss started following you
Yamamoto grinned when he recognized his friend. “Hey Tsuna! You’re here to? Sweet!” He let out a light laugh.
Now that Tsuna found two friends, he felt secure, considering the fact that it was Yamamoto and Gokudera….
Tsuna felt like they were having their day-to-day conversations, but since they are in another strange place, he also felt worry. “I just got here. I was just getting ready for bed when I was transported here. How about you? Aah… I wish we could go home early…”
Yamamoto shrugged “I’ve been here for about a day or two….I don’t really ” remember ahaha” Yamamoto scratched the back of his head “I was getting ready to head to practice and then ….WHAM!… I’m here, and don’t worry Tsuna I’m sure we will be able to go home in no time!”
Yamamoto smiled a reassuring smile. 
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"Yeah! Thanks Yamamoto! Let's look for the others." Tsuna smiled and brought him along.
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dame-boss · 13 years
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dame-boss started following you
Yamamoto grinned when he recognized his friend. “Hey Tsuna! You’re here to? Sweet!” He let out a light laugh.
Now that Tsuna found two friends, he felt secure, considering the fact that it was Yamamoto and Gokudera....
Tsuna felt like they were having their day-to-day conversations, but since they are in another strange place, he also felt worry. "I just got here. I was just getting ready for bed when I was transported here. How about you? Aah... I wish we could go home early..."
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dame-boss · 13 years
iceicewizard started following you
This place is crawling with weird guys, Tsuna thought, although he is also weird in some way. "So, um, I'm Tsuna, nice to meet you, and please put some clothes back on."
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