dcryls-blog · 7 years
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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#slowed down #for scientific reasons
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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Norman Reedus dragged off the Sky News Sunrise set  
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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  The arrival of strangers within the Kingdom had been met with concern on Beth’s part. She didn’t want to risk it, to see who these people were. They could have been people from Grady or Woodbury, and she had no interest in either. And if they were her people… Beth didn’t want to see them. Not without warning. She had too many questions, and she’d rather they went unanswered.
  Instead, Beth focused her efforts on the kids she cared for, the ones who were without parents or whose parents worked on guard duty. She had enough smarts to teach them the basics, numbers, spelling, all the things they’d need to know to survive. The new world would need the basics, wouldn’t it? They couldn’t get by on guns and violence alone. It wasn’t any way to live.
  Another group cut through, and Beth kept her flock of five well away. She wasn’t about to stick her head out to check on them. Not when she still couldn’t stop her hands from shaking on the bad days, or how she got double vision. Dr. Edwards had warned her that too much stress might do her in – she had to stay safe. It was by sheer luck that she had been guided to The Kingdom by a passing group of survivors… It’s luck, and Beth knew her luck would have to run out soon.
  It was by luck that she saw Richard with the bow and arrow, and a broad man with a crossbow. She stilled, her arms crossed as she processed what stood in the distance; rather who stood in the distance. It was easier for her to take in, he hadn’t died in front of her. She may as well have, the scars across her face ached at the thought.
it’s still haunting. & it’s most likely where he found himself alone where his mind betrays him, wandering off into realms he hoped to avoid. the realm offers nothing more than the guilt he was forced to endure with beth. expectations of a simple pass fell through, terribly, & ended in tragedy, & in a fierce battle of fire & arguments, the group had barely escaped in one piece. they’d agreed she was, & that that was it, despite of this, however, with a painful weight buried into his chest, daryl had a notion that maybe she wasn’t dead. they’d abandoned her. albeit, they’d traveled to far to turn around now. it’d been quite sometime, & yet still he thinks of it. thinks of the quiet, white shack they’d settled. & his only way to protect himself from the override of regret was to abandon the idea all together. even along time. time where he finds himself approaching yet another sanctuary, & even still, no trust lasts, recollecting the traumatic end of what they’d considered homes ----------------------- he just couldn’t. they pass through those farming, standing in a group, discussing, & almost all at once, halts.
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his eyes, he knew, were lying, creating a phantom before him. the hand gripping his bow begins to tremble, those same eyes searching the sickeningly familiar face before him.
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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tagged by: @peletieriisms tagging: @lastprcttygirl @madeiit & anyone else.
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
You hurt. It’s okay. I hurt too. Hold my hand.
Neil Gaiman, The Sandman (via wordsnquotes)
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
Random Sentences Starters
“Alright, I love you, but you need Jesus.”
“Are you done?”
“Are you reading fanfiction?”
“Can I have your fries?”
“Coffee is the only substance I drink.”
“Did you get my text?”
“Eat my whole ass.”
“Hey, don’t insult memes!”
“How long have you been playing that game?”
“I don’t know whether to be insulted or impressed.”
“I like your taste in music.”
“I said I’m sorry!”
“I think your gayness might be affecting me.”
“It’s a damn shame.”
“I’ll be home in five minutes.”
“I’m just gonna nope out of this situation.”
“I’m sorry…”
“I’m three feet away from you, why did you text me?”
“Let me go.”
“Like a good neighbour I’m gonna take your shit and never give it back.”
“Me. I meant me.”
“Nice voice crack.”
“Our friendship is weird as hell. But so are we. So it’s perfect!”
“Please don’t do this…”
“Suck my ass through a straw.”
“Touching leads to babies.”
“Wait up!”
“What are you talking about?”
“What the hell is that?”
“… What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What’s going on?”
“Why are you like this?”
“Your taste in music is shit.”
“You’re trash for her, aren’t you?”
“You’re trash for him, aren’t you?”
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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I’ve been trying to guess what Daryl did before the turn.
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
[daryl and jesus in bed together]
jesus: are you nervous?
daryl: yeah
jesus: is this your first time?
daryl: no i've been nervous lots of times
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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An Interview With Norman Reedus
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
starter call. | @sospes
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a long stare.  ❝ ——– stop.❞
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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                    incandescent orbs fall behind lids  & a sharp inhale through the nose follows daryl’s inquiry.  chest falls as the shaky exhale falls past a curse.  ❝  i don’t understand why you feel the need to sleep outside.  we have nice houses, that keep us safe.  ❞  carol mutters softly, meeting with his gaze.  petals part, as digits swipe under her cheeks  &  she covers her trembling lip.
                                        where are you going  ? he asked.
                                                      ❝  —  away.  ❞
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                    the small, simple answer still is able to ripple an effect on him. despite what words of uncertainty fall from her lips, he’s been able to find everything he needed in the way she looks to him, the way her voice weakens. his stare stabbing, daring, & he almost hadn’t blinked since she passed him.  ❝  needin’ a walk? ❞ he knows the answer, he knows there’s more to the situation, yet he fights it.
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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kishserratos: *instagram* @bigbaldhead + *reality* @joshmcdermitt 
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
This place felt like a delusion to her and honestly she was waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under her. A splash of cold water hitting her face and maybe she would awaken back in those solitary walls of Grady Memorial. It all seemed too good to her– too good to be true. Even with that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she wouldn’t let it interfere with moving on– of finally L I V I N G now that she was free.
The woman named Deanna reminded her of her Mama. It was almost painful to hear her speak so eloquently because it brought her back to when Annette was alive, when she would come home to her extravagant house just like these and run into her mother’s arms. It hurt, needless to say, but she still would welcome her company with open arms. Still, the community party wasC R O W D E D and with the jolting pain in her right shoulder, it was seemingly difficult to find peace in the chaotic room. Beth needed air and just maybe that would help the dull ache of the bullet wound.
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Crystalline irises darted around the room once before she soundlessly slipped out the front door, a light breath escaping as she shut the door behind her. She already could H E A R  her thoughts again and if her mind wasn’t mistaking her, she could see the outline of familiar face disguising himself in the nearby trees. A reserved grin spread along her lips as she shuffled forward, crossing the deserted street to meet the archer in front. “Guessin’ parties aren’t really your thing? Or are ‘ya just thinkin’ ‘bout crashin’?”
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his mind is wandering, just as it would when he'd find a moment in solitude. clouded eyes are focused on the light broadcasted from the night stars he'd tried to calculate each of. the knife in a loose grip scrapes at a tree, an absentminded gesture, & he breathes in. he'd tried to attend the celebration, however, despite hiding away in a corner, downing available stimulants, it still overwhelmed him to be surrounded. he felt as if he'd been looked down upon, & as if he was a irresolute, outcasted teenager. moreover, he couldn't find shit in him to be able to simply ------------- relax. whether how they felt be the truth, it had him in a headlock. however, his skills surfaced as the sound of a crunch meets his ears. the knife vandalizing the tree is brought to a stance, ready to pounce. & he sees her. he releases a breath he hadn't noticed he was holding. the blade is lowered to the holster on his hip, & he nods at her, twisting for the angel wings to face her instead. daryl offers simply only an unintelligable grunt. a pregnant pause, & he speaks, ❝jus' quiet'a out here.❞
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
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lowkey, this is a shit bias list but, here we go. i literally just came back two? three? days ago, and i can’t believe that people are still stuck with my sorry ass. i just wanna thank my little family. 
the family that i will always love and always talk to.
@kxllercolt   /  @weathercd  /  @dcryl   /  @dcryls  /  @bctraycr  /
i don’t have many friends irl, but i know that i can always come talk to you guys.
and i want to thank you. you’re the best people i could ever come to talk to.
and i hope we can continue talking no matter what. 
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dcryls-blog · 7 years
two word starters
“ don’t stop ”
“ please don’t ”
“ don’t shoot ”
“ give it ”
“ shut up ”
“ damn it! ”
“ stop it! ”
“ you’re crazy ”
“ that’s insane ”
“ get out! ”
“ don’t leave ”
“ i’m tired ”
“ that’s bad ”
“ be honest ”
“ be careful ”
“ be nice ”
“ you’re wrong ”
“ go home ”
“ watch it ”
“ fuck me ”
“ kiss me ”
“ we can’t… ”
“ we shouldn’t… ”
“ you’re perfect ”
“ that’s awful ”
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