The UA kitchen was filled with a smell quite foregin to it's halls, rich with with sugary sweetness, cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate and more. Michael would have never dreamt he'd one day be baking cookies in the school he taught. The cook had overheard him talking about how how he missed baking cookies around this time of year like he did back home and practically steamrolled Michael as he excitedly declared that they could do it here. Of course a very important condition was that Michael would teach him his recipes but he did so gladly.
It was bittersweet actually. Michi was glad he could indulge in his seasonal habits though in a way to just made his homesickness even worse. He was wondering if perhaps he could request some time off to go back home while the students were working at the agencies.
That was far off though. For now he'd focus on cutting the cookies in shape and giving his two dogs the occasional attention so they'd forgive him for being stuck in the kitchen all day long...
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“So now you know the answer to my riddle? Face smudged with ashes, but it’s not chimney sweep. Hat with feather and crossbow, but it’s not hunstman. Dress embroidered in silver, but she’s not a Princess. Who is it?”
Tři oříšky pro Popelku (1973), dir. by Václav Vorlíček.
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“Uhm…” Miho fiddled her fingers together, childish and sheepish. The pads of her fingers pushed together in some hope they’d offer her reprieve or, even better, an escape. No such event happened. “I suppose I’m not so…super…duper…successful, Sensei. I get bad nose bleeds when I try to work with other metals. So, yeah, guess I can’t move anything that doesn’t have iron in it at all.” 
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Miho the type of girl who required time to process information when it came to her quirk. Not much of her knowledge had gone into understanding it, merely using it to get by. It only started by accident really. Chess pieces being played with like toys when she much younger. Without iron, her tongue swelled and tasted of copper. Blood gushed from her nose and her head twirled around like fly caught in a wind tunnel. To say she nervous about the various points of interest he suggested not very accurate. This was not nerves. This was sheer anxiety. “Buuut!” she began, grin and bear it just as her mother told her, “I’ll try all the stuff you suggested! Could work since, you know, you’re an expert at metal stuff! I mean, you moved my equipment around so totally amazingly! I’m sure I’ll learn how to do better!” What a lie. 
"Nosebleeds? That is definitely problematic. We will make a few attempts but if the only results in damaging you then we won't drive it too far with trying to get you to use different metals." The impression he was getting from his conversation with Miho definitely was a mixed one. It seemed like her training, as diligent as it sounded, had been lacking in some aspects of scientific method. It was largely different to the way he had been educated. The school he'd visited was strongly influenced by it's science and engineering department and Michael had drawn the attention of a lot of those students, who wished to see his quirk in action and understand how it functioned. In the end learning the scientific background of the fields he created became a must. Meanwhile Miho seemed absolutely oblivious. It was strange to him but at least she showed enthusiasm and a will to work.
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"I am certain we will be able to make good use of your quirk. The result may be different from the dimensions you have thought to use your quirk thus far. That's why we will experiment a lot in the beginning. I will talk again with your homeroom teacher and also borrow some of your equipment until next time we meet. Until then I ask you to consider if there is any more you can tell me about your quirk. Also-" He handed her a note with a list of 3 different books that dealt with the science of magnetic fields. "Make sure to get these."
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A playdate would lift Chanpu and Banira’s spirits. Maybe Chanpu would keep himself awake for the entire duration. The stubby dog had quite the habit of taking impromptu naps. Banira would be thrilled as she typically was when around other dogs. Vlad admitted he hadn’t been socializing them as much. The time crunches between his students and the madness of the recent past put a hefty roadblock into the hero’s routine. “I’m down for a meet and greet.”
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Though it seemed Vlad wasn’t the only one adjusting. “That so? Where are you all from originally? Dogs can get real bummed out about separation. Part of the reason I have a camera set up so I can check in with them every couple of hours during downtime at work.” 
"Wow camera set? That’s dedication but I absolutely understand. I'm very lucky that I mostly work outside in combat and quirk training. Because of that I’m allowed to take my dogs here so they aren't alone all day long. It’s better for them. I'm afraid they still don't quite like the new apartment..." Though Michael could not blame them for that. They all hardly spend any time there making hard to build any sort of familiarity, same for him honestly.
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"Well, actually we come from the other side of the world. I'm scheduled to stay here only for a few years before going to back Germany. Unfortunately makes it very hard for my dogs to visit their old friends."
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“Oh, not necessarily.” As Viola relaxed, as she thought about her work and her pokemon, her face lit up. “Most of them are from rescue organizations in the cities. The Mareep are from a textiles factory that was busted for rights abuses a year ago. I was just going to hold onto them until they could be homed, but they took to farm life here so well and most of them haven’t been adopted.” 
Viola lead Michael through the home and to the barn and heaved the heavy red door open. The barn was cozy, full of hay and fluffy napping electro-sheep. It opened to a large field where more of the sheep and other of the more gentle-type pokemon romped and played. Fields rolled on and on, fences split off groups of horse-pokemon and bulls and larger predator-types. “I do sheer the mareep when they get too fluffy. Some local artisans use the wool. And I’ve trained the miltank to use the milking machine on their own, so they can take care of that on their own. It’s a pretty clever trick, if you ask me. Maybe you can help me, actually.” Now that she thought about it. “There’s a few pokemon coming in from an illegal fighting ring, and I know there’s a houndoom or two in the group. You wouldn’t be able to, maybe give me some discipline tips, would you?” 
"Textile factory eh? I think I heard of that story." Well, not just heard of it. He'd actually lost a business partner back then. The Rockets had been selling them workforce, and also the Mareep. Now it was somewhat ironic that Viola had gone the opposite route as him and was involved in their saviour. However perhaps, he could use that to his advantage...
"You really have a passion for this. Glad to see you found something that gives you fulfilment. Doing good for Pokemon and even making a business out of it at the same time. Deserves a lot of respect." Michael stuck closely to Viola's side as she showed him the barn and the fields in the back. He wasn't too keen on being attacked by the any random Pokemon because it felt disturbed by him. Nevertheless Michael reached out to pet one of the Mareep when it closely passed them.
"Well, usually my first advice would be to show them who's boss but that doesn't quite work with Fighting Ring Pokemon. They aren't raised to socialise, actually the opposite. They are starved and trained to attack as soon as they're released from the ball and don’t understand social structures beyond who gives them rewards and punishment. I'm frankly not sure if you'd be suited to do this but if you really have no choice I'd say start out by putting them in a well sized enclosure and giving them time, then very slowly introducing them to others of their kind."
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by  Joon Ahn
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Flinched slightly when one of the pieces equipment had been removed so easily. Watched it guide into the palm of his hand where came under scrutiny. So soon she felt like shrinking away to hide. Be someplace else where she wouldn’t be so bombarded with assessments and questions. The weight she knew to the mark out of necessity. Anything heavier than that moved sluggish and spiraled or sometimes didn’t move at all. 
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“When I was first starting out using my quirk, there was a material that was easier for me.” Miho reached behind her and opened one of the pouches. Yet she didn’t retrieve one of her weapons but something much smaller and harmless. “The balls are made of primarily iron with a mix of other metals, both ferrous and non-ferrous. I do this to, uhm, expand the different metals I can control. Originally, I worked with this.”
In her palm she showed him a small pawn chess piece. Miho fondly recalled playing with it in games and moving it across the board. “It’s iron, which is the material I work with best.” The chess piece wove between her fingers and danced around her arms and hands smooth and regal. 
“If iron isn’t present somewhere in the metal I…have a hard time using it. The spheres are what I use the most. Anything else…I’m not able to move it well…”
“Perhaps your quirk responds to the chemical makeup of the material better.” Then it must work differently from his own. The question is just how much. It seemed he might have to chose a different approach to training her. “How successful have you been at getting your quirk to work with other metals after training like this? Have you been able to move anything without iron so far? It might be that you are just not made to use anything but iron.” 
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“So far I am thinking that we should focus your training on three aspects. For one strength training, so you may lift heavier. Though considering the weight class you play in right now I don’t think we can make you a heavy lifter. That’s why we should also focus on training you to become better at manipulating lighter objects with precision and using them more with more variation, not only in your fighting style but also outside of it. The third point stays working with other metals. Even your quirk might not be able to cooperate with them, iron is often involved as a component in metallic objects, so perhaps the better approach is to train you to detect it and use it to manipulate what is not iron in majority.”
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Viola lingered for a moment, processing his request. It shouldn’t have been a big deal; she gave passing trainers and professors and tourists and all manner of people tours all the time, and put them to work when they were willing and able, and she didn’t know who among them were shady! Michael was her childhood friend! The more she rationalized all this, and told herself that everything was fine, the more she believed it.
“Well, as long as everyone behaves,” she said, leaning against the door frame. “You’ll have to leave your houndoom at the gate or in a pokeball when we go through the barn. Some of the rescues get skiddish around large pokemon. If it makes you feel better, Granbull can stay with them.” She lingered there for a moment, thinking to herself. “It would be nice to catch up with you. I can show you what I’ve been up to, and you can tell me what brings you out all this way.”
“I will be on my best behaviour.” Michael promised. He could not use a ruckus anyway. He was trying to hide from the police, not draw their attention. “If they just wait at the barn entrance then I think I can part from them for the moment. You won’t have to worry about them running off or causing trouble either. They are well behaved, not like when we were younger.” Back then they had been rowdy. They had all been from the same litter and Michael had insisted on keeping all three of them even though he could not control their chaotic whims.
“So rescuers, is that what you are up to now? You always had a heart for Pokemon but I never took you as the type to settle down like this. Do you collect them from the wild?” 
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A bear? Did he just say his dog tried to fight a bear? He did, didn’t he. My god…what an experience that must have been! Suddenly Vlad had an imagine of his dogs dressed in costumes by his side helping him take down villains. Now that’d be something
“A bear you say? What brave friend you’ve got there!” Brave but more brave than his two treasured dogs? Hardly, no way. Perhaps it should be put to the test…”You definitely have a good pair on your hands.” 
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“My dogs-” sure they didn’t hunt or fight bears but they were still of the highest quality of friendliness and companionship. “are outstanding partners! I take them for walks often and have them run around at the park they go to. They can catch any toy I throw midair. They are a tenacious duo!”
“Hahaha, yeah stupidly brave and way too stubborn for his own good sometimes.” People say Michael and his dog were the same in those aspects.
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“I’d love to meet your dogs sometime. Maybe we could arrange a play-date. If yours are fine with it of course. I bet mine would enjoy playing together. They are missing their friends back home.” At times, he felt bad taking them away from their home but it was too late for regrets now. Perhaps this would make them feel less lonely.... and also himself.
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Vlad drew his eyes towards the smaller photos the other carried. Smaller dogs indeed. His Banira could step on the pair with one paw with ease. He held his chin in his hand, examining the picture closely while listening to the information provided to him. 
“Mhm, mhm, I see.” He nodded along. “Look at the coat on that Jagdterrier!” Almost as magnificent as the sheen on Chanpu but still one to be admired. “And look at his little friend, a Dachshund, huh?” Damn those were cute. “I bet those tiny legs carry him real fast.”
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Vlad rested his elbow against the surface of his desk and leaned his cheek onto his fist. “What do they hunt? Bet they’re pretty good at it by the way you’re talking about them.” 
“Well, yeah, I make sure they both get enough movement to stay fit. Unfortunately so many people let their dogs become couch potatoes.” Especially on Dachshunds it looked horrible, like walking sausages. Michael felt like he had an aneurism whenever he saw it!
“Well, the Dachshund, his name is Rüdiger, he hunts small animals like mice, rabbits, oh and of course badgers. Hunting is something I learnt from my mother, so I trained him to crawl into their tunnels and chase them out like the breed was made for. And Jürgen, well... he hunts pretty much anything. I had to actually stop him from fighting a bear once!” That sure was a wild experience. Michael has heard before that Jagdterrier don’t fear anything but it just seemed so crazy seeing that relatively small dog pinned against such a large animal!!!
“What do your dogs do?”
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Fellow dog owner detected. Vlad put his pen down and diverted his attention away from papers and to this supposed other dog enthusiast. “Yeah, they’re pretty great ,huh? Definitely the greatest canines anyone could ever want. That girl right there,” he gestured to the photograph of his bloodhound, “her name’s  Banira! She’s a smart girl, I tell ya. Can sniff out just about anything!” 
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Next Vlad pointed out the photo of the smaller of the two. “And that’s her brother, Chanpu. Toughest guy packed with some fierce digging skills.” 
It seemed like Michael has brought up just the right topic. Lucky. “Oh, they sound amazing. Love them both! My dogs are rather small compared to yours.” Michi pulled his wallet out of his pocket where he kept a picture of the two of them. “This one is a hunting dog.” Michi said, pointing out the black and brown Jagdterrier on one side of the photo. “He‘s the older of the two and definitely much better behaved, than his little buddy. He’s a rascal who causes chaos whereever he goes if you don’t keep him entertained!” Despite the Dachshund’s antics Michael had a delighted expression on his face as he talked about him. “I trained them both for hunting, very smart dogs the two of them.”
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“I like your dogs.” Michi comment having seen the pictures on Vlad-King’s desk earlier. “One of them is a hunting dog, right? I also got two.”
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An assessment of her quirk. Yes, that’d only be a natural course of action for circumstances such as this. If she expected to be properly trained, Miho would need to divulge all the information surrounding her quirk. There a rather large obstacle in that path. The potential and abilities of her quirk, Polarize, where a mystery to her. 
It felt unnatural to have and wield it. Miho seldom enjoyed speaking about it. Even the thought of it brought her troubling thoughts that she’d continue to push back. Just as she did now. A large smile spread her lips wide, the curls that framed her face bounced with a nod of her head.
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“Sir, yes, sir!” Miho removed her sash and presented it to him. “I keep this sash with me most of the time! It contains metal balls weighing about 2.25 kilograms or 5 pounds. I use these primarily and focus on a long ranged combative style. I practice moving them and increasing the distance I can manipulate them from. Oh, I keep quite a few of them in case a few are destroyed or go out of my range so the sash can get a bit heavy but it’s all okay! Gotta be prepared, right?” 
“Hmmm” Michael seemed hardly impressed by Miho’s presentation of her fighting style. With a flick of his finger a ball was freed from her sash and flew all the way over to land in Michael’s hand. He considered the object that had already heard so much about in Miho’s report with scepticism. What concerned him most about all of this was why exactly she was struggling with anything but there particular objects. Her quirk should work either way...
“2.25 kilograms. You seem to know the weight of these quite well. I’m guessing also the material? Was there a particular reason for why you chose this exact make up for the balls? Did some materials, shapes and weights worked better for you? Also what were to happen if you were to alter any of these aspects? Would you still be able to move it? And how well?”
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It had been just as any other day would. Attended her classes and walked home on the usual route. Passed by the familiar faces while giving them waves or smiles, just like she always did. The day moved on like the rest of them up until she entered the door of her home. Her mother had been there waiting for her. Her slender fingers folded atop each other and her smiling pushed into a satisfied smirk. 
I have some rather splendid news for you, my little darling. 
Miho recalled the day she learned of her new tutoring with a sullen frown. This not, by any means, the first time she received tutoring. Tutoring had been a part of her upbringing but it had always been for other talents. Her quirk’s ability not touched upon until now. Supposedly this new instructor of hers possessed an ability similar to her own. That had only made Miho feel worse about this upcoming encounter. 
Though she quick to hide it behind shimmering eyes and smile. Her nerves only worsened at the sight of him. Intimidating a harsh understatement. The words he spoke she barely knew. The factors against this recently formed arrange were already stacking in the negatives. Not to mention the rumors concerning the man were rather unsettling. How was she to succeed if those conditions mentioned in the rumors were true? Ever foolishly optimistic, she kept her smile and gave her introductory bow.
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“Hello, Sensei.” It sounded far too impersonal for her liking. “Yes! That’s me! I’m Takeda Miho!” This time she gave him a nod, one enthusiastic and paired with a feigned grin. “The pleasure is all mine, Sensei. Thank you considerably for agreeing to tutor me. I’ll be a very studious understudy!” 
Perhaps she shouldn’t promise something such as that but the response was routine like all the others. “I’ve never encountered someone with a quirk similar to mine so this is really exciting!” More accurate to say terrifying. “I appreciate the wisdom you can offer me, Sensei!” 
It pleased Michael very much to see that his new student seemed just as enthusiastic about their little private sessions as he was. Whether endeavours such as this one succeeded or failed always greatly depended on the motivation of those involved and he’d hate to waste his time on a student who was not even interested in learning.
“I am glad to hear that. It is also the first time for me to meet someone with a similar quirk and I am happy to teach what I have learnt in my career so far. Of course, we can’t assume our quirks are the exact same. So, I have decided that for the beginning I would like to learn everything there is to know about yours, so I can better assess how we go about training it.” While naturally, he has read reports on how Miho’s quirk functions Michael was more interested in hearing it from her own mouth and to see a demonstration.
“Have you brought your equipment as I requested?”
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“Oh! Where are my manners.” Viola picked herself up and shook off the strange lingering feeling. He was probably right; she knew that Michael had enemies, and she should’ve expected this sort of thing, but there was something still so disturbing about it. She wasn’t used to that kind of thinking anymore, and something about the way he said for their own good and keep them strong and guard dogs didn’t quite sit right, and she could already feel those thoughts lingering uncomfortably in the back of her mind. 
“There’s a guest room. It has a few beds you can choose from; I usually get groups of trainer kids passing through, so they’re all bunk beds. There’s some drawers and a closet that you can stash your things in, and the bathroom, with a small tub, is down the hall. I don’t usually get many trainers this time of year, so you probably won’t have to share, and even then, if someone does come by…” she thought about it for a moment. She could find something, probably, but for the moment, banishing Michael to the mareep barn. “We can work that out later. You must be tired,” she said, scuffing her bare foot on the floor. “Would you like me to leave you to settle in a little bit?” 
“Sleeping in a bunk bed with several other trainers in the house? Really takes me back to when I was a kid. Don’t worry about it. I will be fine.” Michael reassured her, though it was hardly like anything he was used to by that point. By now he usually preferred staying in high end hotels, where he slept in large, cosy beds, with room service and lots of space to tend to his Pokemon. Luxury was something that had become a necessity to him the more he could afford it. Forfeit of it was most definitely going to be strange but something he could bear... for her sake.
“I can settle later it’s not a problem. You know the number one rule for travelling, never take more than you can carry comfortably. I’d rather do some more catching up with you, take a look at your farm, if you’d show me around.”
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Field Training
Miho’s first training lesson was on a Thursday afternoon, when all of her other classmates had already finished their lessons and were ready to enjoy themselves for the rest of the day. It wasn’t promising to be a particularly fun class. The teacher, thank god Miho didn’t have to deal with him thus far, had a reputation for being overly strict, training students until they fainted and for punishing anyone who failed to keep up with his gruesome exercises by giving them even more work to do!
Although these rumours weren’t quite true, Michael never did anything to refute them for it greatly helped upholding the discipline in his courses.
He awaited his new student on the training field outside, actually quite excited about the prospect of having special quirk training with someone who has an ability so similar to his own. Yet when Miho arrive he hid his childish excitement under a neutral, somewhat judging expression. Standing straight like a soldier, arms intertwined behind his back, he greeted her with a short nod.
“You must be Miho. It is good to meet you.” As Michael started speaking to her in English a scrawny, somewhat afraid looking student from the Gen-Ed courses translated it to Japanese. Michi had personally requested for the teen to be there, even paid him for it, as he did not want the language barrier to cause them any misunderstanding between them.
“You can just call me sensei.” Michi explained, not in the mood to have his last name butchered again. “I’m looking forward to working with you.”
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// Haha, remember how I said months ago id come back here and then didn't? Yeah, anyway. I decided to make this blog an independent OC blog now and its gonna be p much friends only.
As for APH rpers: I still have his APH verse. If you want to continue our really old threads hit me up, if you want new ones we can do that too. If you wanna unfollow bc its not APH anymore go on.
I have 3 big verses for this blog so far:
1) His main verse, where he is “half-immortal” (which is still work in progress bc Ill have to do historic research for it but I do not have the energy rn)
2) his old APH verse
3) his bnha verse (bc that’s the fandom im very active in rn)
I might also make a pathfinder verse a thing here, not decided yet.
any other verse u got ideas for hit me up
Oh yeah also: Anni’s blog will be permanently terminated. If you really want her I can arrange smth of discord but yeah...
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