dewaxar · 6 months
Chapter 6
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(Not proofread)
For months Aegon kept close to her, breaking the frustrating monotony of her new life with his dry humor and offering his shoulder to cry on when his younger brothers subtle insults cut a little too deep, Eliana found herself slowly seeking out Aegon's company. Despite the guilt she felt every time she saw Aegon's wife passing her in the halls or dancing with many men at the balls.
Stasha was very pretty, Eliana could admit that to herself pretty easily. She had golden hair that always seemed to be perfectly styled. She always moved with grace and elegance. She was very mature, It was clear without even speaking to her. Eliana saw that very well considering the woman was 5 years her elder.
As months passed within the confines of the Red Keep, Aegon's persistent presence became a lifeline in Eliana's isolated existence. His dry wit and easy banter provided a respite from the stifling monotony of courtly life. Despite her initial wariness, she found herself gravitating towards Aegon's company, drawn to the semblance of understanding and comfort he offered.
Aegon's clever quips and irreverent humor cut through the suffocating formality that surrounded her, and Eliana found solace in the moments of levity he brought into her life. His willingness to listen and offer support during moments of vulnerability, especially when the subtle insults of Aegon's younger brother pierced her defenses, fostered an unexpected closeness between them.
When the weight of courtly obligations became too much to bear, Eliana sought refuge in the secluded corners of the Red Keep, often finding Aegon already there, a knowing smile gracing his lips as if he anticipated her arrival. His company became a sanctuary amidst the relentless demands of her new life.
On occasions when Aegon's younger brother's disdainful remarks left her feeling isolated and vulnerable, Aegon offered a sympathetic ear and a comforting presence. His understanding of the court's treacherous dynamics and his ability to navigate them lent a sense of assurance to Eliana, however cautious she remained.
Their interactions became more frequent, Eliana letting down her guard in Aegon's presence, seeking his advice and company in moments of distress. The gradual erosion of her defenses stemmed from a desire for connection, a longing for someone who seemed to understand the turmoil she faced within the gilded confines of the Red Keep.
Despite the warning whispers in her mind, Eliana found herself drawn to Aegon's charisma and apparent empathy. The comfort he offered, however fleeting, became an anchor in the storm of courtly obligations and the growing distance between her and Prince Aemond. And in the slow unraveling of her guarded demeanor, Eliana unwittingly edged closer to Aegon, seeking a bond in the midst of a life she had never chosen.
Everytime Eliana found herself linking arms with him to walk through the gardens or turning a corner hoping he'd be there she felt as though she was narrowly avoiding the executioners sword. One wrong move, one slip up of the feelings she felt developing towards her husband's brother and she'd quickly be sentenced to death.
Perhaps death would be merciful, at least in her eyes it would be stuck between craving a connection with the man she was forced to marry but being denied even a look her way and pining over a man she'd be killed for even looking at in that way seemed worse than any hell she'd be sent to.
Though Aegon's company brought much needed comfort, it was as if he always knew what to say and he wasn't afraid to talk down upon people he certainly shouldn't, including his own wife. It made Eliana more confident in the little rebellions she could get away with like refusing to wear anything green, black or red, she stayed comfortably in her blues, pinks, whites and greys.
Maybe no one noticed but she could comfort in herself she distanced herself from the politics she finds herself forced into. She wasn't a Hightower and despite what everyone insisted upon her she certainly wasn't a Targaryen, she was a Stark and she was holding onto that name with everything in her.
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dewaxar · 6 months
Chapter 5
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(Not proofread)
The following morning, Eliana awoke with a sense of unease lingering from the previous day's encounters. She tried to shake off the feeling as she went about her morning routine, but the familiarity with Aegon during their casual stroll through the courtyard weighed heavily on her mind.
As she stepped into the bustling hallways, Aegon spotted her and sauntered over with an easy smile. "Ah, Eliana, good to see you again," he greeted, his tone casually pleasant.
Eliana nodded curtly, her guard back up. "Prince Aegon," she acknowledged, her voice tinged with caution.
He fell into step beside her, seamlessly blending familiarity into their conversation. "What say we take a stroll again today? Perhaps find some respite from the courtly chaos?"
Eliana hesitated, wary of the ease with which Aegon seemed to draw her in. "I... I'm not sure that would be appropriate," she replied, her tone uncertain.
Aegon chuckled lightly. "Oh come on. The Red Keep can be stifling, and a breath of fresh air wouldn't hurt anyone. Besides, it's not as if we're conspiring to overthrow the kingdom," he quipped, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
Despite her reservations, Eliana found herself agreeing to accompany him once more, her desire for a moment away from the suffocating expectations overriding her caution. As they walked through the serene gardens, Aegon's charm and easy banter began to chip away at her defenses.
Their conversation meandered from courtly affairs to lighter topics, and Eliana found herself reluctantly drawn into Aegon's tales of adventure and his opinions on the intricacies of court life. His nonchalant demeanor, a stark contrast to the formality of Prince Aemond, offered an escape from the rigid constraints of her existence.
Meanwhile, Aemond remained distant and cold, his interactions with Eliana limited to the bare necessities. His absence in her life left a gaping void, and despite her reservations about Aegon, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his company—something sorely lacking in her marriage.
As the day wore on, Aegon's presence became a fleeting refuge in the chaos of courtly obligations. Their encounters seemed innocent enough to Eliana.
In the quiet of her chambers that night, Eliana couldn't shake the feeling of being adrift in unfamiliar waters. The growing camaraderie with Aegon offered a reprieve, but an unsettling sense of manipulation lingered at the edges of her consciousness, a warning she couldn't quite decipher amidst the conflicting emotions swirling within her.
In the days that followed, Eliana's unease deepened. Aemond's distance grew into outright rudeness, his interactions with her curt and dismissive. His sudden change in demeanor left her bewildered and hurt, amplifying her sense of isolation within the Red Keep.
As she navigated the courtly affairs with a heavy heart, Aegon's presence became a persistent fixture. He sought her out more frequently, his easy charm a stark contrast to Aemond's coldness. Aegon's casual demeanor drew her in, his probing questions slowly prying at the cracks in her guarded exterior.
One afternoon, while Eliana found herself sitting alone in a secluded part of the gardens, Aegon appeared, a practiced smile gracing his features. "Hey, Eliana," he greeted, taking a seat beside her uninvited.
Eliana's guard went up immediately, but Aegon's relaxed posture seemed disarming. "Prince Aegon," she acknowledged warily.
"You seem troubled," Aegon remarked casually, his eyes keenly observant despite his relaxed demeanor.
"It's nothing that concerns you, Prince Aegon," Eliana replied, her tone guarded.
Aegon leaned back, feigning nonchalance. "Ah, but it seems we've grown quite familiar, Lady Eliana. Surely, you can confide in me," he pressed gently, a soft warmth in his voice that drew her in like a moth to a flame.
Eliana hesitated, torn between the comfort of someone showing interest in her well-being and the underlying suspicion of Aegon's motives. "It's just... things with Prince Aemond have become... strained," she admitted reluctantly.
Aegon's expression shifted into one of concern. "Ah, my brother's demeanor does usually leave much to be desired," he remarked jokingly, though Eliana sensed a hint of underlying satisfaction in his tone.
"He's become... different," Eliana continued, her voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.
Aegon leaned in slightly, his voice lowering conspiratorially. "Perhaps you're not the problem, Lady Eliana. The ways of court can be treacherous, especially for someone as pure-hearted as you," he remarked, his words laced with a subtle mockery.
Despite the warning bells ringing in her mind, Eliana found herself drawn to Aegon's words. His apparent understanding and empathy provided a stark contrast to Aemond's coldness, and a part of her yearned for someone to confide in, even if it meant risking vulnerability.
As the days passed, Aegon's presence became a constant in Eliana's life, his efforts to pry into her emotions and situation growing more persistent. His charm and seemingly genuine concern created a fragile web around her, blurring the lines between trust and suspicion, leaving her torn between seeking comfort and guarding herself against a potential trap.
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dewaxar · 6 months
Chapter 4
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(Not proofread)
The next morning when she woke up she felt damp, she had been sweating through the night, she felt gross when she begrudgingly pulled herself out of bed.
Eliana's frustration grew as she reluctantly navigated the morning rituals. The persistent dampness on her skin made her feel uncomfortable in her own body, and the relentless gaze of the servants only added to her irritation. When she encountered the overly cheerful servant at the foot of her bed, she suppressed an exasperated sigh.
"Where can I have a bath?" Eliana's tone, tinged with annoyance, betrayed her growing impatience. She craved solitude, a moment away from the watchful eyes that seemed to follow her every move.
The servant, undeterred by her curt demeanor, offered a chipper response. "Of course, my lady. I will have people bring in the tub and a few handmaidens to assist you in your bathing."
Eliana scowled at the thought of additional eyes invading her personal space. The promise of assistance felt more like an intrusion, and the prospect of not having the coveted alone time she sought only fueled her frustration. The vision of a solitary bath, a moment of respite from the suffocating atmosphere of the Red Keep, began to crumble.
As she prepared for the bath, Eliana couldn't shake the sense of entrapment that surrounded her. The luxurious chambers, while grand, felt like a golden cage, each ornate detail a reminder of her constrained existence. The scalding water poured into the tub did little to soothe her simmering frustration.
The handmaidens entered the chamber with practiced efficiency, their presence amplifying Eliana's irritation. As they assisted her in disrobing, she couldn't suppress a resentful glance in their direction. The intrusion of others into this private moment only heightened her feeling of vulnerability.
Throughout the bath, Eliana's anger simmered just beneath the surface. She yearned for autonomy, resenting the constant presence of attendants who seemed oblivious to her desire for solitude. The intricate decorations on the edge of the bath seemed to mock her, a symbol of the life of luxury that most would kill for but left her wanting to kill someone to escape it.
As the bath concluded, Eliana emerged from the tub, the weight of her damp hair and the clinging robe, a physical manifestation of her discontent. The grandeur of the Red Keep offered no comfort, and the realization that her every move was scrutinized left her seething with frustration.
Draped in a new gown, Eliana exited her chambers, determined to navigate the day with an air of defiance. The elaborate halls echoed with the sounds of court life, and Eliana, despite her tumultuous emotions, moved through them with a regal facade.
The sunlit courtyard beckoned, and Eliana ventured outside, seeking a breath of fresh air to dispel the lingering tension. As she walked, the distant laughter of courtiers mingled with the rustle of leaves overhead, creating a dissonant symphony that mirrored the conflicting emotions within her.
A familiar figure caught her eye—aegon, Prince Aemond's older brother. Aegon approached with a casual charm, a stark contrast to Aemond's formality. "Eliana" he greeted with a slight smirk.
Eliana's initial response was guarded, her anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Prince Aegon," she acknowledged with a nod, avoiding direct eye contact.
He fell into step beside her, an easy camaraderie developing between them. "The Red Keep can be overwhelming, can it not?" Aegon's tone was light, almost conspiratorial.
Eliana hesitated, her defenses slowly softening at the possibility of a bond after all of hers had been severed. "Overwhelming is an understatement," she admitted, her gaze shifting to meet his. The shared acknowledgment of their discontent formed an unspoken bond.
As they strolled through the courtyard, Aegon regaled her with tales of the city, his anecdotes infused with a wry humor that elicited a reluctant smile from Eliana. The walls she had built around herself began to crack, and a hesitant camaraderie developed between them.
Their conversation shifted to more personal matters, and Eliana found herself sharing snippets of her life in the North. Aegon listened attentively, his easygoing demeanor creating an unexpected sense of comfort. Eliana, though still guarded, felt a glimmer of connection that transcended the constraints of courtly formality.
The day unfolded with a series of encounters and distractions, each moment revealing a different facet of court life. Despite her initial resistance, Eliana found herself drawn to the unexpected companionship with Aegon, a respite from the stifling expectations that surrounded her.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Eliana returned to her chambers, her exhaustion now mingled with a complexity of emotions. The day had been a tapestry of contradictions—frustration, camaraderie, and an undeniable yearning for a semblance of control. In the quiet solitude of her chamber, Eliana grappled with the shifting dynamics around her, uncertain of the path that lay ahead.
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dewaxar · 6 months
Dresses I think Eliana would wear in home
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Lots of blues cause it's her favorite color and what her mother wore a lot of when she was younger (her mother also wore a lot of reds but Eliana doesn't want to show any alliance with the Targaryens)
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And this is kinda how I imagine a lot of her winterfell clothes r (mostly cloaks) bcs she didn't attend many celebrations or anything except when she was like rlly young so it was mostly just cloaks and furs for her then
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dewaxar · 6 months
Also Eliana is like not the best person. In the beginning you don't really see it but I'm hoping it becomes more prominent as time goes on
Also just wanted to put it out there that my fic 'home' is very much a slow burn and initially starts with Aegon x oc and idk how well it's gonna convey in the writing but Aegon is very much manipulating Eliana not only is he married (not to Helaena in this he's married to my other oc Stasha Lannister who shall be making her entrance soon) he's also 4 years older than her (Eliana is 15 when she marries Aemond, Aemond is 16 at the time and Aegon is 19)
Sorry for the little ramble but I've developed this story sm and I'm scared my writing won't convey all of what I want it to bcs my thoughts on it are so elaborate
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dewaxar · 6 months
Also just wanted to put it out there that my fic 'home' is very much a slow burn and initially starts with Aegon x oc and idk how well it's gonna convey in the writing but Aegon is very much manipulating Eliana not only is he married (not to Helaena in this he's married to my other oc Stasha Lannister who shall be making her entrance soon) he's also 4 years older than her (Eliana is 15 when she marries Aemond, Aemond is 16 at the time and Aegon is 19)
Sorry for the little ramble but I've developed this story sm and I'm scared my writing won't convey all of what I want it to bcs my thoughts on it are so elaborate
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dewaxar · 6 months
Aegon x oc drabble pt 2
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The sun had set, casting long shadows within the Sept as Eliana stood alone, trying to comprehend the whirlwind of emotions that had just unfolded. Her heart raced, torn between the principles of her faith and the unexpected intimacy with Prince Aegon. She took a deep breath, attempting to steady herself.
In the following days, Aegon's presence in the Sept became a regular occurrence. No longer a stranger to the sacred space, he would often arrive without the solemnity he once lacked, seeking solace in the quietude of the religious sanctuary. Eliana, torn between duty and her own inner turmoil, found herself grappling with the conflicting emotions that stirred within her.
The initial shock of their shared moment lingered, casting a veil over their interactions. Aegon seemed different, less abrasive, and occasionally he would steal glances that left Eliana both uneasy and intrigued. She couldn't shake the memory of his lips on hers, the taste of vulnerability and desperation that clung to that forbidden kiss.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the Sept grew dim, Aegon approached Eliana with a somber expression. "I can't stop thinking about that day," he confessed, his gaze heavy with a mixture of regret and desire.
Eliana, her own inner conflict bubbling beneath her composed exterior, replied cautiously, "We mustn't dwell on it. It was a moment of weakness, for both of us."
Aegon's eyes searched hers, a silent plea for understanding. "I can't promise it won't happen again," he admitted, his vulnerability laid bare.
"We cannot allow it," Eliana asserted, a firmness in her voice betraying the uncertainty in her heart. "It goes against everything we stand for."
Aegon nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words, yet the tension between them remained palpable. The confines of the Sept seemed to amplify the unspoken desires and regrets that lingered in the air.
Days turned into weeks, and their interactions became a delicate dance of restraint and longing. Aegon struggled with the weight of his position, the expectations placed upon him, and Eliana grappled with the clash between her devotion and the undeniable pull she felt toward the prince.
One evening, under the soft glow of the Sept's candles, Aegon spoke in hushed tones, "I don't know how to navigate this, Eliana. I feel trapped."
Her gaze met his, and for a moment, the world outside the Sept ceased to exist. "We must find a way to resist these urges, for the sake of our beliefs and responsibilities."
As their eyes locked in shared turmoil, it became evident that the threads connecting them had unraveled into something complex and entangled. The Sept, once a sanctuary of solace, now bore witness to a clandestine struggle that threatened to shake the foundations of both faith and desire.
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dewaxar · 6 months
Chapter 3
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a/n: this is the last one I had pre prepared so it might be awhile before the next chapter
(Not proofread)
The trip was long and exhausting, Eliana found crying becoming one of her least favorite pastimes but a near constant one, she found no solace in the places they stayed in on the way there, filled with cold hearted old women who complained about Eliana’s tears.
The first thing eliana noticed about kingslanding but specifically the red keep was the air, the only way she could describe it was thicker, the air back home was quite fitting for the constant snow as it was undoubtedly cold but it felt clean as it filled her lungs. The air here was borderline suffocating, it wasn't even that hot yet the stone walls of the keep kept the stench of smoke. It overwhelmed her the moment she arrived, such a strong difference to her home in the north. The smell hurt her throat.
The second she had a moment to herself in what would presumably be her new chambers, she quickly asked the handmaiden that had not left her side since she arrived for some water. Maybe the maiden was there to make sure eliana didn't run, as if she'd have the guts to try and escape the red keep, the moat of spikes she saw when she arrived were enough to intimidate eliana into obedience. She chugged the water from the cup quickly when she was handed it, no longer caring how it might look to the poor woman watching her with slight distaste as some water rolled down her chin.
“Are my older brothers also being watched?” eliana asked, her tone wasn’t gentle as it had been the rest of the day. It seemed unfair that she could not have time to herself after her journey to kingslanding.
“No, my lady” the maiden spoke so politely eliana wanted to apologize for her tone towards the woman who was simply doing her job, but she didn't.
“And why not?” eliana continued to pester the woman with her questions.
“I am not sure, my lady” eliana sighed at this response as she flopped down on the bed of the room she had been escorted to, it was significantly softer than the ones back home, she felt almost as if she might fall through the bed. She glared at the ceiling as if she could express her anger to the gods for throwing her into this.
She was dressed in one of her mothers old dresses. It was white and flowed out before it reached her elbow. She was frightened for the day she would outgrow her mother's hand me downs. She was already so far separated from her mother in death and as the years dragged she felt further and further, simple fabric being almost all she had left of her late mother.
Eliana's gaze lingered on the unfamiliar ceiling, her mind wrestling with the harsh reality of her new life. The Red Keep, with its oppressive air and suffocating atmosphere, felt like a gilded cage. As she traced the delicate embroidery on her mother's old dress, the weight of the fabric seemed to mirror the burden she carried.
The handmaiden, ever attentive, spoke softly, "If there is anything you require, my lady, do not hesitate to ask."
Eliana nodded, acknowledging the gesture, but the ache in her chest persisted. The water had provided only a temporary relief, and she longed for the crisp air of her northern home. She couldn't fathom how she would endure the days to come, bound by duty to a marriage forged in the flames of political necessity.
With a resigned sigh, Eliana rose from the unfamiliar bed, the softness of it a stark contrast to the sturdy beds of Winterfell. As she moved towards the window, she caught a glimpse of the sprawling city below. Kingslanding, a city of intrigue and power, seemed to hold secrets within its stone walls, and Eliana felt like an unwilling pawn in a game she had not chosen to play.
The distant sounds of the city drifted through the window, a cacophony that further emphasized her isolation. She wondered about her brothers, free from the watchful eyes that now followed her every move. The unfairness of the situation fueled her frustration, and she couldn't shake the feeling that the Red Keep held more than just the scent of smoke and confinement.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Eliana found herself lost in thoughts of a life left behind. The journey, the new surroundings, the weight of expectations—all of it pressed upon her shoulders like a heavy cloak. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for the challenges ahead, vowing to find her own strength within the intricacies of courtly life.
In the midst of the bustling preparations for the wedding, Eliana stole moments to seek solace in the company of her older brothers. Cregan, the eldest, and Theos, the younger, provided a rare comfort in the sea of unfamiliar faces. Their shared glances spoke volumes, silently acknowledging the weight of the impending union and the changes it would bring.
Cregan, always the stoic figure, offered a reassuring presence. In stolen moments within the Red Keep's labyrinthine corridors, he would give her a subtle nod, a silent encouragement to endure the challenges they faced. Eliana found solace in his unspoken support, a reminder that amidst the grandeur of courtly affairs, familial bonds endured.
Theos, on the other hand, displayed a more overt rebellion against the stifling atmosphere. In the rare moments they managed to steal away from prying eyes, he'd scoff at the elaborate customs and mock the courtly pretenses. Eliana couldn't help but smile at his irreverence, a flicker of rebellion that mirrored her own inner dissent.
As the day of the wedding approached, Eliana sought her brothers' company more frequently. In the hushed corners of the Red Keep, they would share whispered conversations, reminiscing about their home in the North and the adventures they once undertook together. Cregan's measured advice and Theos' candid humor became pillars of support in the face of the impending union.
During a particularly chaotic moment in the pre-wedding festivities, Eliana managed to steal a brief interlude with Cregan and Theos in a secluded garden. The air, though thick with the scent of impending change, seemed lighter in their shared company. Theos, ever the jester, attempted to lighten the mood with a joke, earning a rare smile from Eliana.
As the trio parted ways, each returning to their assigned roles in the grand spectacle, Eliana couldn't help but carry the warmth of those moments with her. The bond with her brothers, though tested by the unfolding events, remained an anchor in the storm of courtly obligations.
The morning of the wedding dawned with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Eliana, confined within the lavish chambers of the Red Keep, felt the weight of the day bearing down on her. The gown chosen for her was a masterpiece of silk and lace, a vision of opulence that seemed to swallow her as it cascaded around her in ivory waves. As the servants worked diligently to fasten the intricate corset, Eliana couldn't help but feel as though she was drowning in the fabric that surrounded her.
Cregan, her steady and supportive brother, entered the room clad in formal attire. His eyes held a mixture of empathy and determination as he offered a supportive smile. Today, he would walk her down the aisle in place of their absent father, a role he embraced with quiet strength.
The scent of fragrant flowers wafted through the room as attendants adorned her hair with delicate decorations. Each pin and ornament added to the elaborate coiffure that framed her face, and though the result was undeniably beautiful, the process was not without discomfort. The intricate pins pricked at her scalp, a constant reminder of the meticulous preparations for a day that was feeling more and more like a death sentence by the second
As she stood before the mirror, the reflection that stared back seemed both regal and distant. The gown's weight pulled at her shoulders, and the elaborate decorations in her hair created a crown of beauty that masked the turmoil within. Cregan, sensing her unease, offered a reassuring touch on her shoulder.
"The people may see a princess today, but I see my sister, strong and resilient," he whispered.
Eliana managed a faint smile, grateful for Cregan's unwavering support. The corridors of the Red Keep buzzed with activity as the final preparations unfolded. The distant strains of music and the hum of excited voices signaled that the momentous occasion was drawing near.
As Cregan escorted her through the grand halls toward the ceremony, Eliana couldn't escape the feeling that this was a performance rather than a celebration of love. The heavy gown and the pins in her hair felt like chains, constraining her spirit.
Entering the ornate chamber where the ceremony would take place, Eliana took a deep breath. The sight of Prince Aemond waiting at the altar, and the sea of expectant faces, added to the gravity of the moment. With each step down the aisle, Cregan's presence served as a steadying force, a reminder that amidst the orchestrated splendor, a bond of familial love endured.
The weight of duty bore down on Eliana as she reached the altar, where Prince Aemond awaited her. The elaborate ceremony unfolded, and as the vows were exchanged, Eliana couldn't shake the feeling that her heart was a distant spectator to the grand spectacle. The pins in her hair continued to poke at her scalp, a subtle discomfort beneath the veneer of royal elegance. And as the celebrations commenced, Eliana found herself caught between the scripted expectations of courtly life and the yearning for a connection that eluded her on this orchestrated day of matrimony.
The wedding ceremony flowed seamlessly into a lavish celebration within the opulent halls of the Red Keep. As the evening unfolded, Eliana found herself amidst a whirlwind of courtiers and nobles, the sounds of music and laughter filling the air. Yet, amidst the splendor, a sense of isolation weighed heavily upon her.
Eliana watched as couples twirled across the ballroom floor in a graceful dance. The longing to join them, to share a moment of connection with her new husband, swelled within her. But Prince Aemond remained cold, his attention drifting elsewhere, leaving Eliana feeling like a mere ornament adorning his arm.
With a heavy heart, she extended a hand to her husband, hoping to share at least a fleeting moment on the dance floor. But Aemond's polite refusal and his distant demeanor left her standing alone in a sea of revelry, the weight of her isolation intensifying with each passing moment.
As if adding to her sense of discomfort, Prince Aemond's older brother, Aegon, appeared with a charm tainted by the headiness of wine. His jests and flirtatious remarks, though perhaps intended as light-hearted banter, only served to deepen Eliana's unease. She excused herself politely, seeking refuge in the shadows of the grand hall.
Eliana observed from afar as Aemond remained engrossed in conversations with dignitaries and courtiers, his family members included. The distance between them felt insurmountable, and the realization that their union was merely a political alliance cut deeper than she anticipated.
Her thoughts turned to her brothers, their departure looming like an impending storm. Cregan's steady presence and Theos' irreverent humor had provided her with moments of solace amidst the grandeur of courtly affairs. Knowing they would leave tonight, returning to the North, heightened Eliana's sense of desolation. She stole glances at them across the room, their expressions mirroring her own emotions—resigned to the reality of their impending separation.
As the festivities continued, Eliana found herself retreating further into the shadows, the weight of the day bearing down upon her. The music and laughter surrounding her felt distant, a stark contrast to the ache in her heart. And in that moment, amidst the grandeur of the celebration, Eliana longed for the familiar warmth of her brothers' presence, finding solace in the fleeting memories of shared laughter and unspoken understanding.
When she finally was able to return to her chambers that night every part of her body was aching, her feet from the stupid shoes that barely fit her to the weight of the dress's heavy fabric dragging down her shoulders and finally the hair decorations that had yet to stop poking her.
She couldn't help her eyes beginning to water as the handmaidens helped her undress, the only one that seemed to notice was the one who had been assisting her since she arrived who she had recently learnt was named Willow. Willow gently caressed Eliana's hair and shoulders as she helped lessen the strain on them. 
When Eliana was young her mother used to spend most days playing with and braiding Eliana's hair, if she asked Willow to braid her hair, would she? It doesn't matter it wouldn't be her mother so it wouldn't bring her any comfort anyway.
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dewaxar · 6 months
Chapter 2
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(Not proofread)
There was an ache in her back, it was the first thing she noticed when she woke up, falling asleep sitting up isnt the most comfortable thing unsurprisingly. The second thing she noticed was the unmistakable screaming between one of her brothers and her father. She quickly pulled on a robe over her nightgown and wrapped herself up to run downstairs towards the conflict. Eliana could see both her brothers and her father at the table but the yelling quickly ended the moment elianas feet hit the last step, cregan and her father were still standing as theos awkwardly sits in one of the chairs seemingly finding the edge of the table to be the most interesting thing in the world right now. Everyone except theos turned to look at eliana when she walked in, theos remained staring down at the table clearly uninterested in meeting his younger sisters eyes.
“Whats going on?” eliana was worried, this wasnt the first time their father had chosen to speak to her brothers without her present but it had never involved a screaming match and theos never had much hesitation telling eliana exactly what was said but that didnt seem like it would be the case this time around.
“Nothing, return to your chambers.” her fathers voice was stern there was no room for argument despite the urge to. She walked back up the stairs again with a sigh, she notices theos finally look up out of the corner of her eye as she’s leaving. He still remains silent as he stares at her leaving.
She gets dressed for the day with help from one of the servants. She hears no more screaming that morning. There is still an odd tension in the room when she returns downstairs but it in now silent, and their father is no where to be seen. Eliana leaves quickly before anyone even notices her presence.
Eliana wandered through the castle's corridors, the tension from the earlier conflict lingering in the air. She decided to escape the suffocating atmosphere and find solace in the woods that surrounded her home. The morning sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a dappled pattern on the snowy path ahead. As she strolled among the trees, her mind raced with unanswered questions about the family dispute.
Eliana's fingers absentmindedly traced the bark of a tree that she sat at the base of, as she pondered her next course of action. The strained relationships within her family weighed heavily on her, and she yearned for a way to bridge the widening gaps. The distant murmur of voices reached her ears, prompting her to turn back toward the estate, uncertain of what awaited her upon her return.
As Eliana approached the entrance of her home, she caught sight of her father standing in the foyer, a grave expression etched across his face. The atmosphere seemed thicker, more oppressive, as if the air itself held the weight of unspoken decisions.
"Eliana," her father's voice cut through the silence, and she felt a chill down her spine. "Come closer. We need to talk." Never once had her father come to her for good news. She always received it afterward from Cregan or Theos.
Her heart quickened with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. She stepped forward, her eyes searching his face for any clues to the mysterious events that had unfolded that morning. They were as cold and emotionless as they always were, but deep below where anyone usually dared to look she saw guilt, the same guilt she saw the day her mother died at his request for another child.
"There have been decisions made for the future of our family," her father began, his tone measured but tinged with an underlying tension. "King Viserys has proposed an alliance between our houses, and Prince Aemond has been chosen as your betrothed."
Eliana's breath caught in her throat as the weight of his words settled upon her. She blinked, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what was being presented to her. An arranged marriage, a union decided for political reasons rather than matters of the heart.
"Theos and Cregan will be accompanying you for the journey and may stay for the celebrations before returning home. You will be staying in kingslanding with your future husband" her father continued, "you will arrive in a fortnight to formalize the arrangement. This alliance is crucial for the stability of our house, and you, as my daughter, must fulfill this duty."
A swirl of emotions overcame Eliana—shock, resentment, and a tinge of fear. She glanced away, her gaze fixating on a distant portrait of her mother she held the portraits gaze for a moment as she tried to collect her thoughts. The once familiar halls of her home now seemed like a labyrinth of expectations and obligations.
With a heavy sigh, she finally met her father's gaze. "What of my feelings in this matter? Is my happiness not a consideration?"
Her father's expression softened for a moment, but duty quickly resurfaced. "The well-being of the house comes before personal desires. You must understand, Eliana, this is a sacrifice for the greater good."
As the weight of her impending fate settled upon her shoulders, Eliana grappled with the realization that her future had been decided without her consent. She thought of running, but she knew she wouldn't survive out in the cold woods. The woods, once a sanctuary, now felt like a prison within the confines of duty and expectations.
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dewaxar · 6 months
Chapter 1
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a/n: finally beginning to release this. idk if it's any good, but I hope you enjoy
(Not proofread)
Eliana felt the cold of the snow around her as she rolled. She could hear her brothers laughter from the top of the hill as she got to the bottom and slowed to a stop. She laid in the snow, staring up into the sky for a moment.
“Eliana!” Cregan yelled from the top of the hill. She could hear the smile in his voice as he laughed at her from his place next to their brother Theos. She couldn't hear what Theos said to Cregan but the next moment she heard a yelp and saw her brother, Theos, falling down the hill towards her as Cregan laughed more, now the only sibling not sprawled out in the snow.
She finally stood when the ends of her fingers began to numb. Theos was still sprawled out in the snow when she stood, until Rell, Theos’s direwolf, came and began licking his face. This finally got Theos to his feet to avoid his entire face getting covered in slobber. Eliana and Cregan’s direwolves, Knight and Queen, were still inside, probably laying by the fire.
Knight hated the noise outside, and Queen was staying with Cregan’s wife Maelysa Tyrell.
Maelysa was pretty. Eliana frequently caught herself staring at her sister-in-law in admiration of her beauty. Maelysa kissed Eliana a few months back, it meant nothing, it was simply a conversation about whether or not Eliana liked any of the men she might end up betrothed to and it somehow evolved into whether or not Eliana had ever kissed another girl. One thing led to another, and Eliana ended up with her face in Maelysa’s palm as she brought her close enough for their lips to touch. It was nice, but Eliana found herself quickly running off the second they stopped kissing. Maelysa was not only another girl but also married to her brother. Though Eliana didn’t feel that bad about it, despite it all, she was mostly just worried about someone finding out.
As she trekked back up the snowy hill she stopped about halfway, waiting for Theos to catch up so she could push him back down the hill and continue up to her eldest brother flopping back down at the top of the hill next to Cregan’s feet. She was tempted to try and push him down as well, as he was the only one to not yet take a tumble down, but with his stature she wasn't sure with her full body weight if she could manage to push him hard enough for him to fall.
It was getting too cold to stay outside any longer. All three siblings knew that, but for a short while, they stayed at the top of the hill, staring up at the cloudy sky. Theos and Eliana laid, Cregan remained standing, staring up, he didn’t like the snow soaking into his clothes.
It was beginning to get dark by the time they found themselves back inside, curling up by the fire place with the wolves and Maelysa, she had laughed when they walked in damp and cold from the snow. But now everyone was sat on the rug in front of the fire in an attempt to warm up, they knew if they got sick from messing around in the snow for hours they would never hear the end of it from their father.
‘Where is our father?’ Eliana wondered to herself as she took a quick look around the room everyone was in.
She saw a few servants running around preparing dinner and drying the Stark’s clothes, but her father was nowhere to be seen. It made Eliana’s stomach churn. She never saw her father much and preferred to be away from him as much as possible, but he never made himself this scarce, he hadn’t shown up to any dinners in the past three days but whenever Eliana asked her eldest brother about it, Cregan always brushed her off and said their father was busy and that there was no reason to worry, but Eliana frequently pent her nights tossing and turning.
The last time their father was like this was in the last weeks of their late mothers life. Eliana feared what this meant as she quietly picked at the thread of the simple dress she was wearing. If her mother was still around, she would’ve scolded her for it.
Dinner was quiet. Afterward everyone was quick to return to their rooms but as they were walking down the hall to their separate chambers they heard the firm voice of their father.
“Cregan, come with me.” He always had a slight rasp to his voice and a finality that made Eliana’s muscles tense. She watched as her brother walked off, following their father to whatever corner of the castle he chose to hide them in to speak. Eliana returned to her room and spent another sleepless night perched up on the edge of her bed, back against the bed post as she stared out the window.
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dewaxar · 7 months
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THE HEIRS OF THE DRAGON House of the Dragon 1.01
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dewaxar · 7 months
Aegon x oc drabble
Note: This is completely unedited srry
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Eliana always loved the way the sun came in through the window of the Sept. The crystal glass covers the large room in many colors. She was dusting the strangers altar when she heard the doors to the Sept open. The eldest prince, son of King Viserys, walked in. He rarely came to the Sept unless forced by his mother, who came almost daily, so it was a shock to see him without her pleading as they entered. Eliana was quick to welcome him with a small smile and stopping her dusting to leave him to pray, assuming he wished to be alone due to his usual hatred of the place.
"Eliana" his tone was quiet but in the silence of the Sept she could hear him just fine, she turned to look at him to see his glassy eyes and his overall gloomy appearance. She was used to people coming to the Sept in sorrow, and she had been a confidant to his mother in her frequently depressed state, but she had never seen the prince so clearly close to falling apart.
"Yes, my prince?" She wasn't sure what he wanted, but she was there to provide, being the only septa in for the rest of the evening she had a duty to help him, whether it was to confess, pray or simply cry she had helped many others before and she knew she could help him. What she was not expecting was his quick approach and grabbing of her dress, pulling her in until his face was buried in her shoulder and his tears were dampening her dress, she didn't know what to do, most people didn't touch her unless she prompted the contact but the prince grabbed her with an authority that had her frozen for a moment before her brain caught up to his actions and she began gently caressing his back, hoping this was the right response.
"How can I help you, my prince?" She was hesitating this time. She didn't know him well and knew how quick people are to outbursts when in such a precarious state. He didn't respond, but he tightened his grip more, digging his fingers into her hips. She let him hold her for a while longer until she guided him by his shoulders to sit on the stairs in front of the looming statue of the stranger. His crying slowed, but his breathing remained uneven. One of her hands was still rubbing up and down his back while the other had moved to his hair, running her fingers through his silver hair, though it was illuminated with a light pink from the setting sun through the window. She had always thought he was quite beautiful but his drinking tendencies and blunt attitude had kept her at a safe distance, as well as her religion pushing any attraction to the very back of her head but at this moment with his heavy breaths on her throat she couldn't think of her Gods, only him and how to calm him in whatever way he wanted.
"Why did you choose to be a septa?" The question caught her off guard, especially with the shake in his voice.
"You could've chosen many different positions, hell with your looks, you probably could've gotten any high lord to put a ring on your finger and live your life in riches but instead you choose a boring life where you are restricted from everything fun in life" He was looking at her now, fully staring into her eyes, his own quickly rid of his previous tears, she felt intimidated and nervous. With his clear distaste for her lifestyle, she was a little unsure whether or not to be defensive or defuse the situation.
"My life's not boring" she didn't sound confident in her statement, but she was hoping Aegon would ignore it.
"You know that's not true. No sex, you will never marry and I've never once seen you outside the walls of this gloomy fucking hellhole" now she was irritated. How did he go from crying into her shoulder to attacking her way of life.
"Don't talk to me like that, Aegon" her attempt to make her voice firm and intimidating had seemingly worked as he straightened up and looked a little guilty.
"If you want to talk about what's bothering you, I'll be here, but you don't get to just walk in and insult my devotion" she continued. Wanting to make it clear to him that she wouldn't take being walked all over because if she didn't she had no doubt he would continue with his harsh attitude towards her, likely to deflect from his moment of vulnerability. He mumbled an apology, looking away from her and fidgeting with his hands, though he didn't pick at his nail beds till they bled like his mother did, he just twisted his gold ring around his pinky finger.
"Why did you come here, Aegon? I've never seen you here unless forced" her voice was gentle, or at least she hoped it was.
"I wanted you" He whispered. Her brows furrowed in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"My mother always talks about how great you are and that you're so comforting, and I just, I wanted that" Eliana was very rarely unknowing of what to say, her talent with words she always considered to be one of her greatest qualities but looking at this man who she had only ever seen annoyed and stand offish be so wanting for comfort left her brain empty of any words to say. After a few minutes of silence she finally managed to string together a sentence.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Just- just let me touch you?" She didn't expect that, the rushed way the words came out of his mouth broke whatever assurance she had that this would be like all the other times she had held crying men.
"W-what? What did you say?" He didn't answer. He moved his hand to her waist, gripping the fabric there and gently pulling her closer. She could run. She could scream, even being alone in the Sept if she screamed loud enough people would hear, but she didn't. She wanted to help, so she let him pull her until her side was flush with his own.
"Can you, can you put your arms around me? Like before" his voice was softer now, he wasn't commanding her, he was asking. The look in his eyes gave away how desperately he craved the physical contact, so she obliged, slowly and gently wrapping one of her arms around his shoulders and the other moving to the ends of his hair. She had expected him to lean into her once more, but he didn't. He just stared at her. It was intimate in a way she wasn't expecting, but she held eye contact, hoping it would offer some comfort.
"Do you want to talk about what is bothering you?" She whispered, scared to break the tension between the two of them
"No." it was simple and quick before he pushed his lips onto her own. It was so sudden she froze for a moment. If she was expecting anything, it certainly wasn't this. After the brief freeze of surprise, she felt herself rapidly giving into his advances, closing her eyes and letting him drag her onto his lap. He kissed exactly as she would've guessed he did, desperate and messy. When his tongue prodded at her lips, she had no hesitation opening her mouth and letting his tongue explore hers. It wasn't until one of his hands moved from his tight grip on her waist to her thigh, where her dress had scrunched up to when he moved her on top of him that she pulled away, breathing heavily. She grabbed his hand as he attempted to snake his way underneath her dress.
"No, Aegon" she reprimanded, the action had snapped her out of her daze. She was on the prince's lap. She had let him shove his tongue in her mouth with no attempt to stop him. It went against everything she believed in, everything she was. But she knew if he kissed her again, she still wouldn't stop him. She felt overwhelmingly warm, so she moved to remove herself from Aegon's thighs, but he still held her.
"Why not? Were you not enjoying yourself?" His tone was mocking her, but underneath it, she could sense a hint of insecurity. She gently removed his hands from her body, and he didn't attempt to keep them there, letting her pull herself away, standing up and backing a little away from him.
"It doesn't matter!" she was slightly panicked, unintentionally raising her voice at him.
"That was wrong, we shouldn't have, I shouldn't have let you do that" Now it was her wringing her hands. She was on edge and trying to deny how much she truly wanted to settle back into his grip and kiss him until neither of them had any air left, and his fingers were imprinted into her skin.
"You're right, I'm sorry" is all he said before leaving but his tone was not apologetic it was blank, void of anything to give away whether or not he actually felt guilty for almost tainting her but Eliana knew deep down by the way he walked out of the Sept she would be seeing him attend prayer much more frequently.
(Any constructive criticism is welcome. Also, i might make a part 2 idk)
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dewaxar · 7 months
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house of the dragon fashion: queen alicent's hairstyles in season 1 (requested by anonymous)
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dewaxar · 7 months
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Like mother like son
House Of The Dragon| 1x07 1x08
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dewaxar · 7 months
Some songs that remind me of Stasha
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Stasha Lannister
Hotd oc
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dewaxar · 7 months
Just some songs that r very much Eliana
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Eliana Stark
Hotd oc
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dewaxar · 7 months
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