The problem is I can't do this without literally shouting. It's so difficult!
I'm getting core pilled. Planks and a bunch of things facing up like that. I'd basically been ignoring that muscle group
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I'm getting core pilled. Planks and a bunch of things facing up like that. I'd basically been ignoring that muscle group
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3 lectures in, having a good time. Really easy to follow, pretty basic, I should try some proofs
I feel like I didn't learn enough category theory before I decided to resist the urge to be a schizophrenic "the patterns are everywhere, man" crank. I should've tempted fate a little more
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In aztec lore there was a king who demanded "a woman with buttocks four spans wide" and people keep bringing him women and he says "no didn't you listen to me I said four spans wide" until eventually all the women get sacrificed for not having butts big enough which causes the people to rebel against him
"I like big butts and I cannot lie" is a legendary work of art--- it's just a guy with a preference, what's purer than that
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I wanna do dirty stuff with u like farming
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Does anyone know any good first steps? Robotics maybe. I have an arduino kit but it was a little too basic
Experiencing urges to learn microcontrollers, embedded and cyberphysical systems. For like weather balloons or some shit, idk
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Moots, take note
Gf who sends nudes 🤝 bf who gives praise and attention.
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I feel like just from an evolutionary perspective we should expect humans to be mostly bisexual. Humans aren't that sexually dimorphic, sex is a least as much a bonding behavior as a reproduction behavior in humans (conception rate even at its peak isnt particularly high, and why would it be! Reproducing after Single mating wouldn't be adaptive, raising a human baby alone in like...any premodern times would have appreciably lower survival rate. Obv community support but still). Anyway my point is. We shouldn't expect there to be a strong evolutionary pressure weeding out bisexuality (bonding!) AND it's difficult (low dimoprhism). This is kind of bullshit evopsycj logic but it's 1 am here. So cut me a little slack
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How did reblogs get turned off for my post? How do I turn them back on?
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I would be so bad at this
Experiencing urges to learn microcontrollers, embedded and cyberphysical systems. For like weather balloons or some shit, idk
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Experiencing urges to learn microcontrollers, embedded and cyberphysical systems. For like weather balloons or some shit, idk
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"Ohhh my god u think we should drive certain bugs to extinction?"
yeah I mean gene drives that just target a species' ability to, say, carry specifically the malaria malaria (or whatever) parasite are also on the table, so I'm not going to say this is literally the only way to eliminate malaria within our lifetimes, but:
A) one species can be vectors for a lot of different diseases, like:
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( we didn't start the fire! no we didn't light it but we tried to fight it)
B) How many hundreds of thousands of dead children a year does it take before driving a particular insect to extinction is on the table? like, do you have a number? if not now, when can we revisit the issue?
"should we tell everyone? should we throw a party?
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In days of yonder there was ye olde PredictIt and ye elder Intrade, built on top of the US Dollar. Later arrived your good old Augur, which sprang from the calf of Ethereum. But PredictIt and Intrade limited betting amounts. Augur didn’t, but as the price of Ethereum’s currency rose, as Augur resolutions proved slow and cumbersome, and as Augur’s developers moved on to other things after offloading their hot tokens on expectant fans, the people grew restless.
Enter Polymarket, a site built on Matic (now Polygon), a chain that inter-operated with Ethereum, but was cheaper and more convenient. The people flocked to it, and were content, for a time.
But Polymarket’s success and PredictIt’s promise stirred envy in the dark heart of Kalshi, which conjured the black spell of plausibly-deniable revolving doors to set the powers of the CFTC on Polymarket and PredictIt. PredictIt and Polymarket were inconvenienced, for a time, and Kalshi gained bad karma, as their would-be clients noticed that Kalshi’s gain through regulatory capture was their loss.
But there were market forces protecting Polymarket, and they spoke words of power, which read “the Net interprets censorship as damage, and routes around it”, and “regulatory arbitrage”. And so the peasants living under the tyrannic reign of the CFTC got some respite, as the CFTC proved unable or unwilling to build the totalitarian surveillance regime that would be necessary to stop people from making bets over the internet.
There were also words of power protecting PredictIt, but their name was “yo, the CFTC can’t just create a monopoly on political betting in the US and give it to Kalshi, bro” and they were less powerful and so took longer to act. Crucially, though, Kalshi failed to capitalize on the year or two of disruption of its competitors, so now it just has the black karma.
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I'm reading a nonfic book about the aztecs, and the start is just a pile of definitions. A dictionary. It's on audiobook, too, not optimal way of absorbing that information.
It made me wonder: has any experimental novelist done a story in dictionary form?
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"I like big butts and I cannot lie" is a legendary work of art--- it's just a guy with a preference, what's purer than that
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Nic cage movie about showing up in peoples' dreams was upsettingly scary, the way people in his life had no compassion for his predicament and blamed him so hard for not being a perfect angel about it
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Oh look at me--- see I wasn't even thinking about invisibility I just assumed that was table stakes, below the threshold of registering as a "cost". It's very real but easier to be tough about than the suspicion and constant thin ice (epistemic status: aware that this part is skill issue and I should just be less agreeable and less neurotic)
I basically think if you freak out about people asking you out you are burning the commons. Surely someone not finding a suitable partner is much worse over their lifetime than having to deal with unwanted attention sometimes
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