dlzbgvs · 2 years
This is awful, hopefully t hey reconsider
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Playing with filters looks like my diaper needs a change
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Best part of being diapered and high is it makes little space FUN!
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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SONGS FOR BIG BABIES - Music for Adult Babies!
So, being the music junkie I am, I decided to make a whole playlist / compilation of music that could apply to us, the adult babies of the world! I mean, there are playlist about everything: Books, Movies, songs to do exercise, songs that talk about love, songs about friendship. You can make a list of songs that relate to anything, but do we have one?
I don’t know if there is an AB/DL music playlist out there… and that’s NOT okay!!
So, I compiled a playlist and made it on Spotify and YouTube so you can listen to it. The songs are rad! And I made the cover using the image of my book, The Book Of Changes, with Robin and Carter chilling and a lot of baby-themed cliparts.
And the playlist goes like *drumroll* this!
1. I Don’t Want To Grow Up (feat. Marty Mar) - Sleeping Sunset
I just love the chorus of this song, the lyrics are golden!
“I don’t wanna grow up! I just wanna live my life like it’s three in the afternoon! I don’t wanna grow up! If I have to go to work then I’ll miss my Looney Tunes!”
Isn’t it ridiculious or is it us? Tell me you can feel it too I don’t ever wanna change at all
I don’t wanna grow up!”
2. Little Boy - Kosheen
This is just one of those songs to reminds us not to grow up so fast.
3. (I Don’t Want To) Grow Up - Spiraling
This one speaks about remembering our childhood and the dread of growing up. There are some nice lyrics. 
“You have always been there Searching for the answers to the universe And I have always been here In the basement with my action figures But it won’t be long before I learn you can’t come out and play And it won’t be long before I’ve got to put the toys away And it won’t be long before I learn that time’s not going to stop But until then I don’t want to grow up”
4. When I Was A Boy - Electric Light Orchestra / A Great Big World
Another one that reconnects to the dreams we had as kids, and we, as Adult Babies, know that we CAN make them still true. Even if just for a little while
5. Grow Up - Simple Plan
This one is a classic! Who doesn’t agree?
I like to stay up late spend hours on the phone. Hanging out with all my friends and never beeing at home. I’m impolite and I make fun of everyone. I’m immature but I’ll stay this way forever, Until the day I die, I promise I won’t change. So you better give up! I don’t wanna be told to grow up! And I don’t wanna change, I just wanna have fun. I don’t wanna be told to grow up, and I don’t wanna change. So you betta give up, cause I’m not gonna change. I don’t wanna grow up.
6. I Won’t Ever Grow Up - MiniMaxKiddo
This one isn’t avalaible on Spotify, but it is on the Youtube Playlist. A song written and composed by an Adult Baby himself, our very beloved @minimaxkiddo
He was awesome at his lyrics, about how we AB have to hide, but no matter what, we won’t ever grow up.
7. Innocence - Avril Lavigne
There really is no other way to describe innocence but this song. Avril Lavigne and Evan Taubenfeld wrote together in what I imagine was a very emotional journey backwards
8. I’ll Never Grow Up, Now! - Twister Sister
A bit of hard rock to give pump to the list! It is about being rebellious and immature and telling everyone who tells you to grow up to walk to them and shout “I’ll never grow up!” in their faces.
9. Stay A Kid - Ticklefish
This song is a very chill and rythmical song about realizing you’re not a little kid anymore, but the other way to make life easier is to stay a kid at heart, being a little immature because being a little kid was cool.
“So jump up and down, get crazy, spin around Until you’re dizzy and falling on the ground Hey, what you say? Act my age? No way! Today I will stay a kid.”
10. I Don’t Wanna Grow Up - Thommy
I just LOVE this song! The chorus is awesome!
“I’m gonna be a kid for the rest of my life I’m gonna have fun, stay up all night! Cause, I don’t wanna grow up! No! I don’t wanna grow up!
“Chugging on my ice cold Yoo Hoo! Making stupuid big baby woo hoos! I see a train and I’m still saying “Choo choo!” I get a cut and I still say “Boo boo.”
“I’m gonna be a kid for the rest of my life I’m gonna have fun, stay up all night! Cause, I don’t wanna grow up! No! I don’t wanna grow up! “
I’m pretty sure this Thommy guys is an ABDL… maybe he’s around here
11. Here’s To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
That song about cheering with your friends the fact that we can choose to grow up and become boring adult or stay adventurous, rebellious, and in our case… a little soggy.
12. Younger  -  A Great Big World
Another song that reminds us the simple things of childhood, and how being younger is what we need now.
13. Being A Baby (feat. Edwin McCain & Will Hoge) - Calhoun Kids
This one is a bonus on the YouTube playlist. It is really about being a baby!
“Being a baby is kinda cool But the bad thing about it is that you drool You habe to eat your baby food that doesn’t taste so good But your mom rocks you fast asleep and that feels good”
Yes you rock! Yes you rock! As you rock! It’s kinda cool!”
And so here are the playlist! Do YOU have a song that would fit this playlist? Share it!
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Little boys should always wear protection!
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Sog Monster Attacked last night
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Close up my number is 9
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Little Kings diaper peakage
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
Alpha Gatorz to a Cushies
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Order finally came….Love these, so comfortable and cute
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Instant little space
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Don't be ashamed for needing diaper as a physical or psychological need 🙂.
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
DIY - Volante gamer semiprofesional barato
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
50 things to say to your diaper wearing little!
1. I’m glad you’re home from work sweetie, why don’t you tell me about your day while I put you in your diapers.
2. Come over here little one, I thought I smelled something stinky and I need to check if it was your diaper!
3. Is your diaper squishy baby? It looks like you’ve already had an accident.
4. Behave baby, there’s only 2 ways that diaper is coming off: when mommy/daddy needs to change you, and when they need to spank you.
5. Let me check your diaper honey, I need to make sure I put enough powder on you so you don’t get a rash today.
6. I think this store has a family restroom, let’s go inside and do a quick diaper check to see if you’re going to leak prince/princess.
7. You can’t sit on the couch baby, sit on daddy/mommy’s lap. Your diaper has more than enough padding to keep you comfy.
8. I hope your hungry baby, because you’re not getting out of that diaper until you make stinkies for me.
9. Bend over baby, I need to check the leg cuffs of your diaper, otherwise you’re going to leak with how much pee pee you make!
10. I think you’re just too little for pull-ups baby, let’s try again later. For now, let mommy/daddy put your diaper on and we can forget about the potty for a while.
11. Uh-oh, I think I smell poopies! Did you make a messy in your diapies baby?
12. Up on the changing table little one, you know the rules, it’s either a padded bum or a paddled bum in this house.
13. Now that’s a thick diaper you’ve got on baby! I guess you’re just going to have to crawl around the house now.
14. Do you want daddy/mommy to hold you while you make a pushie baby? It’s okay, mommy/daddy will help you get comfortable.
15. Of course you need to wear a diaper to the park baby, a little one like you isn’t going to want to stop playing to go to the bathroom!
16. Let’s practice counting by seeing how many diapers we have left before we buy you new ones baby, I think we’re running low!
17. Well, I could put a plug in your bottom if you aren’t going to go poopoo, it’s your choice baby.
18. You’re waddling again prince/princess, mommy/daddy knows that means your diaper is full. Come over and let me check.
19. I’m putting a booster in your diaper baby, and don’t fuss over it, you know you can’t control yourself on long car rides.
20. Sit next to me baby, that way I can check your diaper under the table during dinner.
21. I can’t believe I have to change you in the backseat! You must be just a little baby if you can’t make it through a car ride without a diaper change.
22. I love how these jammies have a flap in the back baby, perfect for checking for stinkies before bedtime!
23. I think I’m gonna put you in the crib for nap time baby, but not before I put a nighttime diaper on you, you’re such a heavy wetter when you sleep.
24. Hold still for your diaper change little one, mommy/daddy needs to put cream on your bottom so you don’t get a rash from your stinkies.
25. Don’t make me tie you down during nap time baby, you know not to try and use the bathroom. Mommy/daddy will change you when they come to wake you up.
26. If you’re such a big girl/boy, why did mommy have to change your diaper when you woke up wet today?
27. Baby, you haven’t made poppies in nearly 2 days, does mommy/daddy need to give you medicine to make it better? Let’s go to the changing table and put a suppository in your bottom little one.
28. I think it’s time to go honey, you always get fussy right before you have an accident in your diapers.
29. It doesn’t matter that you don’t want to wear diapers baby, I want you to wear them and what mommy/daddy says goes.
30. Don’t hide from me baby, I can smell that stinky bum all the way from here!
31. Did you just leak through your diaper into your pants? Okay, come over my lap baby, you’re getting a spanking for not telling me you were already wet.
32. Now that your home let’s lock up all your big boy/girl clothes, I think you need baby time for this whole weekend. Changing table, now.
33. Look at how cute this onesie is baby! It’s for crotch snaps so mommy/daddy can clean up your messy bottom, and it would go great with your pink diapers!
34. Don’t pretend like you don’t like your diapers baby, mommy/daddy sees how excited you get down there when they change you.
35. It’s been almost 2 hours since I changed you baby, are you sure you aren’t wet yet? I think we need to do a diaper check.
36. Cry all you want baby, maybe that’ll make you feel better for having an accident in your panties yesterday. It’s diaper time for you from here on out.
37. Hush baby, daddy/mommy will change you when you fully use your diaper. One wetting doesn’t cut it when they’re that thick.
38. I love it when you wet your diapers baby, it’s so fun to squeeze and squish your soggy bottom!
39. That’s your third cup of juice today baby, you must really like wetting your diapers since you’re definitely not using the potty today.
40. Don’t touch your diaper baby, if you need something come to mommy/daddy first, they know how it needs to fit best.
41. I’ll check on you during the night to make sure you don’t leak baby, so don’t be afraid to have an accident while you sleep.
42. It’s too bad you can’t touch yourself like mommy/daddy, you’ll just have to rub the front of your diaper if you want to cum.
43. I love the way these tights fit you baby, they really show off the diaper you’re wearing!
44. Don’t move a muscle baby, I can smell that poppy diaper from a mile away! Let’s get you changed in the nursery right now.
45. Don’t you love your diapers baby? They’re so soft and thick, perfect for mommy/daddy to pat your bottom over.
46. You’re not leaving that bouncer until you wet your diaper baby, end of story.
47. Oops, I think I put too much baby powder on you little one, I can’t wait to see it poof out the back of your diaper when you sit down!
48. Shhhhhh it’s okay prince/princess, daddy/mommy knows you can’t control yourself, that’s why you had your diaper on. Come on, let’s check and see the damage.
49. Rise and shine baby, let’s get you on the changing table right now, mommy/daddy knows that you can’t wake up dry.
50. Mommy/daddy loves you little one, diapered bottom and all!
What’s your favorite thing to hear while you’re wearing diapers?
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dlzbgvs · 2 years
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Workout For Daily Life
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