dukewrios · 7 days
help me forget (until my only memories are you) ft. wriothesley
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in which wriothesley is plagued with dreams of his past, tucked away in the quietest corner of the fortress until you find him. a thermos of tea, an ocean view, and a heartfelt conversation later, you both decide your memories only matter when they’re of each other
contains: 2.1k word count ; female reader ; established relationship ; hints at wriothesley’s backstory, including mentions of blood and murder ; nightmares and trauma (wrio) ; reverse comfort ; fluff and (cheesy) banter
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“thought i’d find you here,” you say quietly as you walk up to wriothesley—it’s quiet enough that’s it’s almost as if you’re trying not to startle him.
(and yes, it’s a bit of a pointless gesture. you know he can hear your footsteps approaching him for a good distance before you even reach him, but, all things considered, you don’t think a little extra gentleness will hurt him.)
“well, looks like you found me,” he hums, legs spread out before him as he stares through the glass. he’s eyes the ocean, his pupils following the schools of fish and casts of crabs as they swim past the glass tunnel that separates you from the water.
the glass tunnel in the fortress is wriothesley’s favorite spot. for a number of reasons, really—first, the inmates aren’t allowed here without official permission, so he has the area to himself for the most part. second, there’s some sort of sign of life to witness, something breathing and moving apart from the rowdy bunch of prisoners he’s in charge of every day. and third, it’s nice to see colors, something vivid and lively outside of rusted metal and dingy lighting.
wriothesley loves this tunnel. it helps him appreciate his life, his home, when he’s especially regretful he doesn’t get to live up at the surface. that regret doesn’t come very often—he’s happy with the life he’s made for himself and the family he’s grown here, but he’s only human.
sometimes even the warden would like to know what it feels like to wake up under the sun, feeling the rays kiss the skin of his cheeks like a mother does her son, so warm and gentle and endlessly filled with love.
he supposes a mother’s love is as unreachable as the sun for him, a regretful conclusion he’s long come to since the tender age of early teen hood.
you plop down beside him, tucking yourself against his side as you hand him a small thermos, making him quirk a brow up.
“tea,” you explain, “i figured it would help.”
“aren’t you sweet?” he chuckles, unscrewing the top and pouring the warm, freshly brewed tea into the lid as he takes a slow sip. he turns, pressing the rim to your lips, letting you take your own sip before he sighs and wraps an arm around you. “did i wake you?”
“of course,” you huff theatrically, “i was so cold. do you have any idea how cold the fortress gets at night without a big, strong, muscled warden to keep you warm?”
he snorts, eyeing you with an amused glance as you bite back your own grin.
“well, my dear lady, i offer my sincerest apologies. you will never wake up cold again.” he indulges your banter with a tight grin.
wriothesley is good at that—good at pretending his feelings don’t exist, pretending he doesn’t feel them in favor of putting on a brave face. you see through the tiny cracks of his mask, though. you can see the tousled hair and bruised under eyes from his lack of sleep. you can see the sore knuckles of his hands from punching bags. you can see the distant, hazy look in his eyes as he stares off into the never ending sea ahead, not sparing you the usual soft gaze he sends your way.
wriothesley is good at pretending everything is okay. just as good as you are at knowing when it isn’t okay at all.
“i’d rather i don’t wake up alone,” you trace the scar along his chest with a finger, visible from the neckline of the tank top he wears to sleep. he doesn’t say anything, swallowing as he swirls the contents in his makeshift cup, purposefully avoiding your gaze. “wriothesley.”
“i’m sorry,” he mumbles, “i figured i’d let you sleep.”
“you don’t need to apologize,” you furrow your brows, hooking a finger under his chin and gently coaxing him to turn and meet your eyes, “i’m not mad, baby. it’s okay.”
“i know,” is all he says.
“will you talk to me?” your head lays against his chest, grabbing one hand and fiddling with his fingers, lacing them with yours as you compare the size of his rough, rugged palm against yours while his other hand lifts the cup to take a long, slow sip of the tea.
it’s hot against his throat, soothing the raw, dryness that builds.
“don’t i talk to your ear off enough through the day?” he tries to tease, deflecting the topic that you try to breach. but you’re good at following just as he is at running—you bring his knuckles up to your lips as you kiss them one by one, so gentle, so feather like in touch, he can’t help but shiver.
“so you’re tired of talking to me?” you tease back, making his lips twitch fractionally.
“nah,” he breathes a small laugh, “never tired of you.”
“that’s good to know,” you exhale a relieved breath, still playful and lighthearted as you add, “i thought you were running away from me while i slept.”
“i’d have come back.” his voice is low, barely audible—you hear it anyway, feeling the rumble of his words through the vibrations in his chest. “you kick the blanket off. someone’s gotta tuck you in.”
“well you didn’t come back before i had to come find you,” you point out. “so tell me, what’s on that mind of yours? can’t be nothing if you leave me cold and alone in our bed.”
“just a silly old dream,” he shrugs off, laughing dryly as he says, “nothing a tough warden like me can’t handle.”
“oh yeah?” you press gently, leaning up to kiss his jaw with a delicate, warm press of your lips. it makes him swallow thickly, inhaling a shaky breath as he nods.
“you don’t have to handle it,” you offer carefully, “not alone, at least. you know that, baby?”
“do i look that troubled?” he smiles weakly, but it drops as soon as your hand cups his cheek, pulling him to lean in until his forehead is pressed against yours and his eyes can’t leave their spot of looking directly at you.
“do you trust me?” you whisper. he nods, unable to speak. “i love you, you know.”
“i know,” he croaks. “i love you too.”
“so then talk to me.” your hand falls from his cheek to his chest, laying right on his heart while your other hand squeezes his as it keeps it in its hold.
so he does. with a shaky sigh, he tells you about them, the things he sees in his sleep.
sometimes, wriothesley has dreams. dreams of his mother brushing back his hair with her fingers as she wakes him for breakfast. dreams of his father patting his back as he throws a ball to one of his brothers. dreams of childlike, gleeful laughter ringing through his ears in a muffled, distant sound before it morphs into pained, horrified screams.
his legs carry him down the hallway of his childhood home, bare feet pounding against the hardwood until finally, he turns to corner into his living room. and there he stands—face to face with himself. one version of him in crumpled pajamas and another in oversized, scuffed up clothes like he’s drifted from street to street. he stares at himself, only he notices he looks older, more distant, more tired.
and then he notices the blood. it’s everywhere—on his hands, splattered on his face, dripped onto his clothes, pooled on the floor.
blood is everywhere. it coats the same floors he ran on, stains the same walls his height was marked against. it dirties every happy memory of this house of his, no longer a home.
w-what have you done? he asks his older self.
the boy—the one with his own face—glares down at him, so angry and betrayed, so unlike his happy self as he mutters, what had to be done.
and then he wakes up. he’s always covered in cold sweat, panting, and shuffled far, far away from your peaceful and beautiful sleeping figure. how can he wake you? how can he disrupt your pure, sweet state to wipe the blood spilt on his hands? how can he ask you to carry the heaviness of his sins when you’re so free and weightless from that darkness that plagues someone like him?
you listen as he spills his heart, quiet and unmoving against his side as your palm never leaves his chest. his eyes follow the movement of the fish outside of the glass while he speaks, and your eyes trace over the new red, angry marks on the back of his hand.
“just thought i’d come down here to clear my head,” he confesses, “you looked like you were tired.”
“i’d have woken you,” you admit, looking up at him. he meets your stare, furrowing his brows in confusion until you add, “if i had a bad dream, i mean. because you’re the only place i feel safe.”
he breathes out a soft chuckle, cheek laying on the crown of your head as he whispers, “it’s ’cause of the muscles, right? years of boxing will do that to a guy.”
“so what i’m gathering is that i have to take up boxing for you?” you grin, nudging him with your shoulder playfully as he bites his bottom lip to fight back his grin, shaking his head at your antics.
“i just don’t want to wake you every other night.”
“i want you to wake me every night if you have to,” you frown, reaching over and giving his forehead a reprimanding flick with your fingers, “it’s what i’m here for. what’s the point of being together if you’re going to be all alone, wriothesley?”
“i’m not alone,” he argues, lifting your joined hands before his warm lips press a lingering kiss to the back of an equally as warm hand. “i have you.”
you blink, staring at him blankly. “you just kissed your own hand, you fool.”
“right,” he nods, flushing a slight shade of pink before he twists his wrist to kiss the proper hand, “it was on purpose. it’s self love and all that good stuff, you know?”
“uh huh,” you lift a brow, snorting as you shake your head. he gives you a sly wink, leaning down to kiss your lips briefly as you shuffle closer against his side. “you know,” you breathe against his lips, “sometimes we dream about our pasts because our minds want to change something about them.”
“oh? i suppose i could think of a thing or two to change about mine. maybe a happy childhood. maybe the ability to trust people. that’d be nice, don’t you think?”
“i would change mine,” you admit, making him stare at you for a moment as he ponders over your words.
“would you now? and what would you change?”
“i’d meet you sooner,” you hum, “we could be like the cute stories, you know? childhood friends turned destined lovers. wouldn’t that be sweet?”
he looks at you quietly for a bit—dazed, awed, slightly bewildered. you couldn’t possibly want to know a guy like him in your youth, he thinks. how utterly foolish. but there’s no denying that unbearable, pressured clench of his heart, right where only you can reach to squeeze.
“of all stories,” he chuckles, shaking his head, “that’s what you want for yourself? childhood friends to lovers with a premeditated homicide convict that reforms a prison in his adulthood?”
“a traumatized homicide convict,” you correct, “that’s the part that gives it nuance, you know?”
“oh, you’re right,” he nods sarcastically, “how silly of me.”
“don’t laugh at me,” you huff, pouting at him as you poke his chest, “i’m serious. i’d meet you sooner if i could.”
“me too,” he murmurs, pecking your lips in a wordless apology. you accept with a soft kiss of your own in return. “i’d have met you way sooner too, sweetheart.”
“maybe you’ll dream it some day,” you wink cheekily.
“let’s hope i do,” he laughs, pulling you to sit between his legs, your back to his chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder and sighs in content. “you’re the only place too, by the way,” he adds after a few moments, breath tickling the shell of your ear as he whispers the words.
“hmm?” you tilt your head in confusion, gasping when his arms wrap tightly around you, his face burying into your neck as he presses a tickling kiss into your skin.
“where i feel safe.”
“oh,” you breathe, smiling slightly in wonder, “good. then you’ll wake me next time?”
“will it keep you warmer in this cold, unforgiving fortress of ours?”
“oh yes,” you nod, giggling lightly. “very warm.”
he smiles into your skin, replacing the vivid images of blood in his mind with the soft hues of your eyes. “then i suppose i have no choice but to wake you.”
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childhood friends to lovers with wrio where reader flips neuvillette off and marches down to the fortress and drags wrio back up to the overworld by the wrist when he’s convicted bc she makes the rules around these parts
jk i love you neuvi my sweet angel dragon
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dukewrios · 10 days
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: you notice a beautiful ship and are excited to see what human you can lure out. surprisingly for you, it’s not an entranced sailor, but rather a man who jumped off the ship to chastise you. ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 3.2k ⋆。˚ ❀ genre: mermaid!reader; suggestive, 16+? ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: fyi reader is kind of morally gray just like the slightest bit LOL like they don’t wanna gravely harm anyone yk but they get in a silly goofy mood sometimes -3- happy somewhat-unhinged mermay! xo
There was always a slight thrill that accompanied the satisfaction of seducing a human. 
The way they looked at you with such enamorment, as if they would follow you off the face of the earth; the clumsy way they would leap off their boat just for the chance of being in your presence… 
It was one of your favorite pastimes, to be honest. 
Now, it wasn’t something you participated in a lot, but the days when you and your friends had a contest of who could lure the most men at sea were certainly ones you always remembered. 
There was a line you didn’t cross, naturally. 
While you did indeed lure sailors out of the comfort of their own ships and into the waters, you didn’t leave them there. Sure, there were a few cases of people almost drowning, but you were certain you hauled most of them onto a rock or island to be found. Hopefully. 
You just found humans so fascinating, with their helpless little legs and inability to breathe underwater. How easily they became entranced by your alluring song. 
None of the merpeople you have met reacted to you in such a way. In fact, you found most of the mermen particularly annoying even. 
It was a nice day above the ocean today and you spotted a beautiful ship sailing by—The Wingalet it read. A ship of this beauty must have had a captain just as so. You swished your tail in excitement. 
And so your song began. 
A ringing, melancholic beauty slowly filled the air. When you closed your eyes, you could visualize the fog spiraling up from the sea, carrying your voice to the inhabitants of the ship. Could the humans envision it too? You let your mind wander as you sang. 
When you finally opened your eyes, you saw a figure emerge from inside the ship. He stood on the edge, and though you did not see his face, you could sense that he was looking right at you. 
A chill ran up your spine as you giggled in excitement, the playful wavering of your tune only adding to the appeal. You watched as the man leapt off the boat, swimming towards you. To your surprise, he was able to navigate the waves with relative ease—for better than any human you’ve lured before.
“Hey,” he called in a firm tone as he neared you, startling you to a stop. No human has ever reacted with such a tone. 
You didn’t let that phase you as you smiled coyly at him, shifting your hair to expose the skin of your neck and collarbones. With all the flattery you could muster, you greeted, “Hello, Captain.”
He nodded. If he was affected at all by your antics, you honestly couldn’t tell. “It’s ‘Your Grace,’ actually. Or simply Wriothesley is fine.”
Your brows raised, unsure if you should be impressed by the title. It certainly wasn’t as grand as ‘Your Highness.’ “Well, simply Wriothesley it is, then. What a unique and lovely name.” 
“Thank you for the compliment,” said Wriothesley, wiping a water droplet from his forehead. “But I do have to ask— Could you please stop singing your song around here?” 
You blinked. “Pardon?”
“It is beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but are you aware of how many civilians I’ve had to drag back from the rocks?”
Feeling chastised, your face heated up and you no longer felt the trance flowing from you. “Are you not grateful I dragged them to the rocks?” 
Wriothesley sighed, treading water significantly better and longer than most humans could. He wasn’t falling on his face at the sight of your beauty, nor did he seem seduced by your song. You gazed at him curiously. Just who was this man aboard the Wingalet? 
Whoever he was, he ruined your fun. 
Where was the helpless, strong sailor who bowed to your every whims—for the few moments they could last in the ocean, at least. This reaction, or lack thereof, was new and you weren’t entirely sure if you liked it. 
It had been a while since you last lured a sailor… Did you lose your touch? Your friends would have had a field day if they learned about your humiliation. 
“All things considered, I appreciate you don’t leave my people behind after toying with them, but I would appreciate even more if you didn’t toy with them altogether,” he said after moments of contemplation. 
Your mouth dropped. In all your life you have never been spoken to in such a way. Or rather, not by a human. Some mermen you knew could be just as fussy. “I would appreciate it if my hobby wasn’t judged so harshly.” 
Wriothesley shook his head. “It is not my place to judge. But as you are in the borders of Fontaine, it would only be fair if the rules of the region applied to you as well. Including not bringing harm upon others. Is that what your hobby is?”
“I’m not harming anyone!” you protested, folding your arms defensively. 
As you frowned, you couldn’t help but notice the way Wriothesley’s gaze followed the water droplets down to the curve of your breasts. A hint of mischievousness made its way back to you. Perhaps he wasn’t as unaffected by you as he tried to seem. You decided to adjust your tone to one more…appropriate for the situation. 
“Your Grace,” you said apologetically, lips slightly parted as you shyly batted your lashes. He wet the corner of his mouth but didn’t blink an eye. “I truly mean no harm to you or your people. I only wanted to sing for you all.”
Wriothesley raised a brow as you fluttered over to him. 
“The merfolk back home don’t care for my music,” you said with a sigh, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “You humans have much better taste.” 
As you drew nearer, you heard the labored breaths coming from him; his movements grew languid as well. You blinked. He had seemed so unbothered and confident, you almost believed he had no trouble keeping up on his own. Still, you reminded yourself he was a pitiful human—no matter how big and handsome he was. 
“Let me help you, Your Grace.” You offered him an arm to guide him along. “I know a cove not too far from here where you can rest.” 
Though tired, he managed, “Or, you could help me back to my ship that’s also not far from here.”
“But then how would I get on board with you?” you pouted, splashing water up with your tail. “I’m still not done with you yet.” 
Wriothesley choked out a laugh, slightly incredulous. Still he decided to humor you and nodded. “Sure, then. Lead me to your cove. Not that I have much choice, if you think about it.”
“I could also leave you on a sharp rock if you annoy me,” you offered. 
He sighed, an amused look littering his face. “Wherever you wish, darling.”
Your stomach jumped at the pet name, pleased at the sound of it. Sure, this man may be difficult compared to all the others, but maybe that would just make this more fun. 
Deciding against the large rock for today, you began to lead Wriothesley to a nearby island. It was small and quaint but the waves were calm and the vegetation was fruitful. Plus, there was a cove on the other side where you enjoyed picking shells. Perhaps you could show Wriothesley your shell collection if he kept his mouth shut for long enough. 
As you continued swimming, you noticed the grip of his hand tightened. You looked back and he was showing more signs of fatigue. 
“We’re almost there,” you murmured, not necessarily out of concern for him, but rather concern for the extra work you’d have to do if you had to haul an unconscious person onto land. “Don’t pass out yet.”
“Since when were you so sweet?”  he drawled. 
With a huff, you pulled him the final stretch of the way, not letting go until you were certain he could stand steadily on his own.
To your surprise, he did not stumble as he collected himself, even after you let him go. You hummed in delight, Wriothesley must be really strong if he could withstand all that. 
Once he was settled, you hauled yourself further along the shore. When the water become too shallow to comfortably maneuver around, you cleared your throat and looked up at him. When the two of you made eye contact, you lifted your arms, prompting him for assistance. 
Could you haul yourself to land without help? Yes, you’ve done so a million times before. But why would you do it yourself when you knew someone else was capable of doing it for you? 
Wriothesley let out a surprised laugh, voice sounding strained. “Are you asking me to carry you?”
Your eyes widened with indignation. “Of course not!” How could he possible have mistaken your gestures to mean wanting to be carried? “I’m only asking you to drag me over to the shore…”
He almost choked at your words before shaking his head. You twirled you hair around your finger. Was that strange of you to say? “Does that not hurt your scales?”
You thumped your tail down and splashed water on the both of you, displaying your tail’s capability. “My scales are strong,” you chirped.
Wriothesley hid a smile. “Allow me to be a gentlemen this once.”
“What do you mean—?”
You cut yourself off with a yelp as you felt yourself being lifted into the air. Dread filled your body at this unfamiliar feeling and you began to squirm around, wanting to get out. 
“Hey now,” he said in a soothing voice, arms tightening around you to offer a sense of security. “I’m only helping you get to the sand with me. I’ll make sure you are still close enough to the water. And I won’t drop you, if that is what you are fearful of.”
“Are you certain?” 
You heard the horror stories about humans. Some would cut off the tails of merfolk and sell the scales. Others who simply wanted to sate their morbid curiosity and know how your kind tasted… You shuddered.
“I promise no harm will come to you,” stated Wriothesley, slowly kneeling to the ground and placing you on the sand. “See, it was only a short trip. It’s over now. I’m sorry for starling you.”
You sniffled, folding your arms across your chest. “I forgive you. But I am not showing you my shell collection anymore.” 
He chuckled, placing his hand to his heart. “That wounds me.” Wriothesley took a seat beside you in the sand, letting out a sigh of relief as he stretched out his legs. “Maybe next time then.”
“Perhaps if I find you worthy enough,” you said haughtily. “Only a select few can see my collection. Or…perhaps it would be enough if you managed to get one of those orange-looking fruits from the land over there.” 
Wriothesley followed your gaze. “The bulle fruit,” he said in understanding. “You want me to get you one?”
You nodded eagerly, your mouth watering at the thought. You had never tried one yourself—to be frank, the sand was just a bit too hot for your tail and you weren’t able to stand up and reach the fruit on those rare occasions you did make it far enough. But you imagined it was juicy and delicious.
Despite how tired he must’ve been after treading the ocean water for such a long time and carrying you to shore, Wriothesley still stood up and walked over to the nearest fruit tree. Your eyes widened as he punched the trunk of the tree, catching a fruit as it fell, instead of reaching up and picking one from the leaves. 
You grumbled, wishing you had thought of that method yourself.
Wriothesley returned shortly with two fruits in hand, one for each of you. You graciously accepted the bulle fruit and the two of you munched together.
As the juices hit your tongue on your first bite, you let out a noise of satisfaction. It was both sweet and sour, the perfect balance that made you want more. While you had a preference for salty things, seeing as you lived underwater, you had to pay respect where respect was due. 
Wriothesley looked over at you with a chuckle. “Is it to your liking?” 
“Enough so that I may even show you one of my shells.”
“I’m honored.”
As you continued eating your snack, you began talking to him about whatever came to mind—what you had for breakfast the other day, the pretty seahorse you recently befriended, and the unsung horrors of trying to date your fellow merfolk.
Throughout it all, Wriothesley paid the utmost attention to you. He responded and reacted when appropriate and seemed like he was genuinely interested in what you had to say. He wasn’t even entranced by your powers, yet he acted in such a way… To say you were pleased was an understatement.
When you finally decided to take a break from talking, Wriothesley finally spoke up. “Is this the only reason why you choose to lure sailors to you? So you can sing and talk and get fruit?”
A human may have felt ashamed at his words, but you simply nodded. “And so they can pay attention to me and give me compliments.” You looked at him pointedly. “None of which I have received from you, by the way.”
He let his eyes trail down body, from the slightest protrusion of your collarbones down to the tip of your tail, then back up to your face. You squirmed against the heat of his gaze, your throat feeling dry at the intensity.
“Do you want me to begin complimenting you?”
Never once had you shied away from flattery, but the look in his eyes were different—darkened and sincere, not the glazed-over and enamored ones you had grown accustomed to.
“Maybe later,” you managed, feeling bashful under his earnest stare. 
Wriothesley smirked but he did not push further. Instead he asked, “Do you want to know what I think, darling?”
You raised your brows, wondering why it sounded like a challenge. “Why not?”
“I think you are charming and beautiful, but lonely.”
Your mouth dropped in surprised. Was he trying to insult you?
“You want someone who is obsessed with you and only you, and you think it’s fun to see just how smitten you can make someone, no matter who they are.”
Curiously, you looked up at him, staying silent as he talked. 
“But I think you find this more fun.” 
“This?” you questioned.
Wriothesley nodded. “I’m not under your little siren spell, yet here I am—hanging onto your every word like it’s the best thing I’ve heard in my life. It’s a different kind of power you have over me. Is that not thrilling to you?”
You sat in your thoughts for a few brief moments. As fun as it was to make people fall over their own feet at the sight of you, Wriothesley was right. This was a different kind of attraction. You felt it in his stare, in the way he examined your every move. It was addicting in its own right.
“I have a proposal for you,” he offered, fishing something out of his pocket. It was a necklace with a dainty, yet regal shell attached as the pendant. “Instead of enchanting some innocent civilians with your song, why don’t you call on me wherever you get the urge?”
Wriothesley softly placed the necklace on your hands and you brushed your fingers atop the smooth surface. It was a gorgeous, vibrant blue.
“Sing only for me, into the shell, and I will come to you as fast as I can.”
“And if you don’t come?” you tested. 
“I will.” 
You hummed, considering his words. Did he enjoy your presence that much? Or was this some sort of trick? How he was immune to your song was a mystery in itself. Maybe the only way you would find out is spending more time with him, to begin with.
“Something troubling you, darling?”
“Just you,” you said honestly.
He laughed, drawing circles in the sand between your body and his. “I understand your reason for skepticism. But my reasons aren’t entirely selfless. Do you find it hard to believe that I want to see you again, too?” 
Wriothesley glanced at you and grinned, bringing his hand up to wipe your plump lower lip. Your eyes widened.
“Bulle fruit juices,” he said, bringing his thumb to his mouth. You saw the pink of his tongue jut out to take in the leftover fruit.
You looked away, flustered. You were not sure how to react. Something about him felt so indecent…so daring. Had he no shame? And that was coming from a merperson! 
Yet you still craved more. 
“It also helps to know the more time you want to spend with me, the less time you’ll be seducing other men for your enjoyment.” 
“Who says I won’t do both?” you challenged. 
He had a confident look on his face as he said, “I’ll make sure it’s only me you will want to see.” 
Heat filled your face as you bit out, “Such arrogant words for a human.” 
“Such beautiful innocence for a siren.”
“Mermaid,” you corrected. 
“Mermaid,” he said. “Apologies.”
“You’re forgiven.” 
Wriothesley laughed as he stared off into the distance. You looked along with him and noticed his ship drawing closer. Frowning, you avoided his gaze. 
“You’re leaving already?”
“I have some Duke duties to head back to,” he said apologetically, patting the top of your head as he stood, “but don’t forget the necklace I gave you.”
You placed it around your neck, satisfied when Wriothesley’s gaze zeroed in on where the pendant fell between your breasts. “You better come when I sing to you, Your Grace.”
“I’ll be there, darling.” Wriothesley kissed the back of your hand before he waved goodbye. “And who knows, maybe next time I can take you back to my place for a bit. There’s someone I’d like you to meet. A Melusine nurse. She may have a few tricks up her sleeve if you’re interested in some land legs for a day.” 
Your eyes widened as you looked down at your tail. You loved it, very much so, but you were always curious about life above water. Eagerly, you nodded. “Okay! Then, you better come quick.” 
“As soon as I hear your pretty song,” he called out his promise. “Until then, farewell.”
Admiring the pretty new necklace you acquired, you waved goodbye at Wriothesley. He was handsome and you knew the both of you wanted more. But you wondered just how upset you could make him if he were to find out you sang your song for another sailor before you called on him.
You smiled to yourself, pressing a kiss to the shell once his ship sailed away. “Don’t be too mad, okay, Wriothesley? I’m just having some extra fun.” 
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dukewrios · 11 days
we’ll have a ball ft. wriothesley
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in which you and your boyfriend are due to arrive at fontaine’s most prestigious event, but not before you give him a hand with a slight wardrobe malfunction
contains: female reader ; reader wears a gown ; established relationship ; quite a bit of suggestiveness but overall just fluff ; wriothesley hates fancy events he told me himself, and reader just wants to live her ballgown dreams—he indulges her because he’s a real man ; flirting with wriothelsey using his tie lol ; wriothesley has a brief jealousy induced existential crisis
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despite wearing one every day, wriothelsey doesn’t know how to tie a tie.
it’s why it’s so loose around his neck—a stylistic choice, of course, but also a decision based around convenience. he doesn’t need to learn how to tie one if it’s already tied and loose enough to slip over his head. it’s easier that way, letting a complicated set of steps reduce down to just a quick garment to throw on around his neck, allowing him the ability to forgo the trouble of tying it altogether.
you think it’s a rather endearing shortcoming of his, especially when he stands in the mirror confused as he grumbles, fiddling with the material as he tries to properly tie it for once.
“you’re doing that wrong, you know,” you sing, walking up behind him in your gown as he pauses and meets your eyes through the mirror. “you’re hopeless.”
he ignores your quip, gulping slightly as he mumbles, “you look gorgeous.”
“and you look like a fool,” you snort, glancing at the messy knot at his chest.
“maybe they don’t need us,” he licks his lips, spinning around to properly look you up and down without the mirror. a reflection doesn’t do you justice, he thinks, he needs the real thing. “we should just stay here. and do other things.”
“and have lady furina behead us for canceling last minute? i don’t think so,” you wave him off, but your arms slip around his neck as soon his hands grab your hips, letting him pull you flush against his chest as his nose runs along your collarbone, inhaling sharply at the scent of your perfume.
the duke of meropide is, in its own right, a prestigious title. prestigious enough to extend wriothesley an invitation to the annual ball the hydro archon holds for the sake of extravagance. wriothesley manages to weasel his way out of it on most years—but this time, you’ve been newly added to the guest list as well, courtesy of your blossomed relationship with the warden.
you seem far too excited to attend for him to decline in good conscience. love is sacrifice, as they say—and wriothesley can happily suffer through an evening of small talk and formality while sporting an uncomfortably tight fitting suit.
the only problem he can’t manage to overlook so far is this cursed, wretched tie.
“you’re no fun,” he pouts slightly, trailing the tip of his nose to brush along your collarbone until it finds your neck, lips pressing a soft, lingering peck as you hum and play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. “i’ll show you a good time. better than a silly ball.”
“that’s a big promise.”
“well, i can think of a way or two to make it worth your while,” he grins against your neck, and you’re certain you’ve memorized that curve of his lips by heart. you can recognize it instantly when it sears against your skin.
“nice try,” you laugh, pulling away as he begrudgingly does the same. he sighs at your dismissal while you reach over to the tie around his neck. “but we’re going. and you need this tie looking…not how it’s looking right now.”
“m’trying my best,” he grumbles, looking away to the side, cheeks dusted a precious shade of crimson that you lean over to kiss gently.
your fingers undo the messy knot at his neck, expertly weaving the tie into a new and neat, flawless knot as you tighten it to fit around his neck perfectly. it’s unlike the loose, rugged knot he usually wears—much more proper, much more professional, much more formal.
wriothesley doesn’t look particularly thrilled at the adjustment, sighing as he watches you inspect his appearance and straighten his collar. your hand smooths over his chest as you give your nod of approval, and he wonders if you can hear his thundering heartbeat under your palm.
if you do, you’re gracious enough to cut him some slack from being teased.
“there,” you hum, “you look quite handsome.”
“does it have to be so tight?” he complains—and then his brows twitch, furrowing deeper as he pauses to look at you briefly with a puzzled look. “hang on. where’d you learn how to tie a tie?”
you raise a playful eyebrow, letting out an amused huffed out breath as you say, “well, you’re not the only man i’ve gotten to know.”
“so you’ve done this before? for another man?” he asks incredulously, miserably looking down at the thin piece of fabric wrapped around his collar as if it’s choked him before he adds, “i think i’ll be taking that dip in the primordial sea like i mentioned.”
“oh, quit being a drama queen,” you swat at his arm, chuckling as he gives you a theatrically pained look before burying his head back into your neck again, hand fitting in the small of your back as he rubs slowly circles into your gown.
“is this punishment for my crimes? because i’ve already served a sentence and according to fontaine laws, you can’t try a man twice for the same crime.”
“if it makes you feel better, i think you of all men pull ties off the best.”
“i suppose it minimally raises my spirits that you think i look good,” he concedes.
he does look good—whether it’s his usual loose, improperly fit tie or the fancy, silk material of tonight, you think wriothesley is most handsome when there’s a thin piece of fabric decorating his neck and chest, perfectly hanging and waiting for you to tug and pull him in.
you decide to demonstrate the wonderful opportunity his attire grants you, too, when you murmur, “in fact, i quite appreciate your habit of wearing ties.”
“oh? is that so?”
“yes,” you say slyly, pushing him back gently as you question, “want to see why?”
“do enlighten me,” he grins, eyes mischievously narrowing, a knowing glint sparkling in them as he waits for you to finish what you started.
so you do—reaching over and grabbing the silk, giving it a firm yank so he leans down, forehead pressing against yours and lips just a few millimeters away as you breathe, “i can do this whenever i want when you wear one. it’s very convenient for when i need a kiss or two.”
“i see,” he nods, his breath fanning over your lips. it’s hot and searing—you shiver at the feeling of him even when his lips haven’t even touched you yet. “well, if it keeps you satisfied, then i’ll have to make sure i’m always dressed appropriately for your needs.”
“well,” you bat your lashes, biting your lip as you give him a cheeky giggle and say, “there’s a good chance i might need something that requires very little attire, too, your grace.”
he closes his eyes, and you stifle a victorious laugh.
“you’ll be the death of me,” he says through a strained groan, leaning in to finally close the gap and kiss you deeply. his lips are hungry, pressing into you for another taste every time you manage to pull away for even a brief moment. you hum against his mouth, cupping his cheeks and holding his face as his fingers grip at your waist and feel the curve of you against him.
you always wonder if you and wriothesley were once the same person in a previous life. perhaps split in two, destined to find each other in the next. it feels like he completes you when you meet like this, pressing against you like one half meeting the other to make a whole.
it’s dizzying, maybe even downright risky the way you kiss so passionately just moments before you need to leave—you’re not sure either of you have the self control to break away if it comes down to it.
luckily, wriothesley travels his mouth to find your jaw after a few more moments, kissing through breathless pants as your eyes flutter open.
“we have to go soon,” you whisper.
“are you certain we can’t just stay here? i promise what i offer will be far more fun than listening to random wealthy folk running their mouths for a night.”
“but we get to dance,” you point out.
he pretends to think about it for a moment before offering, “i’ll dance with you here.”
“no,” you scold, swatting at his shoulder as you roll your eyes, “this dress is expensive. it needs to be appreciated.”
“oh i’ll appreciate it alright,” he drawls, grinning against your jaw as he whispers into your skin, “i’ll appreciate it all night.”
“no. we’re going, and that’s final, you sleaze.”
“hey,” he pouts, pulling away as you reach over one last time to straighten his hair and fix up his appearance, “i’m nothing if not a doting boyfriend.”
“wonderful. then i expect to have a drink in my hands all night,” you wink teasingly, patting his cheek, “you’ll be in charge of grabbing me them.”
he deflates in defeat, grumbling a quiet, “alright, fine.”
“you can appreciate my gown after,” you lean close, whispering against the shell of his ear and making him pause with a hitched breath as you press a kiss to the skin under his earlobe and murmur, “maybe you can appreciate some other clothing i’ve purchased too.”
“well,” he inhales sharply, grabbing your wrist and tugging you along as he nods seriously, “in that case, i look forward to it.”
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ok so basically i went to the mall today and i walked past this store with mens suits and one of the posters on the window with the models was a woman pulling a man in by the tie and then i was like oh that’s so me and wrio and that’s how this drabble came to be 👍
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dukewrios · 15 days
loving is easy (it didn’t used to be) ft. wriothesley
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in which a familiar face brings wriothesley to a dark place, a place from where only you can pull him out. you always find a way to staunch the flow of blood from his broken knuckles, one delicate kiss at a time
contains: 2.7k word count ; female reader ; spoilers for wrio’s backstory and quest—briefly touches briefly on murder and child exploitation and trafficking ; mentions of blood and injuries (pankration rank) ; reverse comfort ; established relationship ; angst with a lot of fluff too ; this is slightly a character study of wrio i suppose
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“—thesley, stop—wriothesley! you need to stop!”
“your grace, that’s enough!”
one voice calls out to him after the other. slowly. one by one. they register in his ears after being muffled for so long, after only the sound of his own voice rang in his head for so long.
more. he can take more. again. give him another. one more. don’t stop. another punch. punch. don’t stop punching. just keep punching.
he can hear the words repeating in his head as he lands a fist one after the other to the swollen, bloodied face under him.
finally, he stops—he doesn’t have a choice. his shoulders are grabbed, strong sets of multiple hands holding his arms back before his knuckles can make another precise landing to their target.
typically, wriothesley doesn’t participate in pankration rank matches very often. the place is entirely reserved for him to use after hours, when his boxing gloves can come out and a punching bag can take the brunt of his hits.
it’s better that way. it’s less likely to cause injury of inmates, it’s an effective method to get rid of his pent up frustrations through the day, and it’s a wonderful way to exercise and get in a work out.
today, however, he can’t wait that long. the thought of waiting until everyone’s off to their quarters to sleep, until the rank is his alone in the dead of night, until hours have passed and he’s had to suffer simmering in his thoughts is not something he thinks he handle today.
today, on a rare whim, wriothesley decides to join a match himself. he’s done so before—and in all fairness, it’s never exactly turned out poorly. sure, he wins a bit too easily, and, of course, the inmates are typically too nervous to really give him a proper fight. but it’s not the first time, he joined.
but right now, as his senses return to him, as the guards pry his body off the opponent he’s pinned to the ground, as your concerned gasp rings in echoes through his ears and sigewinne’s shocked face quickly approaches the unconscious and bloody figure crumpled on the floor, he thinks this might just be his last match.
“wriothesley,” you whisper, voice shaky and disbelieving, “what in teyvat has gotten into you?”
he stares down at his fists.
so, so much blood. just like that day—just like that cursed day. his hands shake as they ball into tight fists, nails digging into the meat of his palms. the pain feels good, he faintly registers. it feels like something, anything against the numbness he’s starting feel spread across his entire body.
he’s fairly certain the only reason he’s standing upright anymore is because the guards are there to stabilize his body.
“someone should take him to the infirmary,” you set your shoulders back, a firm tone taking over your voice as you decide to handle the clear poorly tamed situation. you gesture at the limp form on the floor, making guards nod as they rush over and lift the body. “sigewinne, will you be able to take care of him?”
“of course,” she nods, quickly following after the guards as they leave.
wriothesley’s not fit to do anything but stare off in a trance for the moment. you’ll tackle that issue in a bit—first, you turn to the surrounding crowd, voice strict as you say, “everyone is to leave the rank. now.”
inmates at the fortress know better than to question you. at times, they even wonder if you have more authority over wriothesley than he does himself over the entire fortress. they quickly file out of the room, hushed murmurs between them all that you pay no mind to.
what do you reckon has gotten into his grace?
you think that guy’ll be alright?
it’s a good thing i didn’t participate today.
me too.
you catch the faint words every now and then as all the bodies quickly empty out of the rank, leaving you, your boyfriend, and the few guards still holding him upright.
“my lady,” a guard quickly walks up to you, urgently handing you a first aid kit as she adds, “the head nurse has requested for this to be delivered to you.”
“thank you,” you murmur softly, taking the kit in your hands before smiling at the guards that slowly but surely let go of wriothesley’s arms, letting him stumble over until he stops just before your figure.
his eyes are still so distant, so hollow.
“we’ll be off,” one of the guards nods, “we’ll leave his grace to you.”
“of course,” you return the gesture, watching as they slowly exit too, leaving you and the duke to yourselves.
you look at him in concern. he doesn’t meet your eyes, focusing on the blood stains on the floor not too far away.
“baby,” you say gently. delicately. like approaching a small, caged animal as you carefully reach a hand over. he doesn’t pull away, but he stiffens as your hand cups his cheek, “you should sit down. i’ll just clean your hands, okay?”
“c’mon,” you guide him by the wrist, slow steps that he follows, completely silent, completely resigned to letting you pull him along as he blindly follows.
you softly push him to sit on a bench at the side, grabbing a hand and slowly setting to work. he doesn’t even let out his usual exaggerated hiss when the sting meets his broken skin as you disinfect it with a cloth.
“i didn’t mean to,” he says quietly after some time, overwhelming guilt coating his words. “i don’t…i can’t figure out what came over me.”
“i know you didn’t,” you reassure, pausing when his eyes stare up at you unsure. “you’d never mean to hurt anyone.”
his face tells you he doesn’t believe you—don’t you know what got him sent here in the first place? how could you say that so confidently when you know his past?
he scoffs bitterly, looking away as he mutters, “yeah, sure.”
“so you meant to hurt that guy?” you raise a brow, making his lips curl into a frown as he pauses, contemplating your words before slumping in defeat and glumly shaking his head.
“no,” he mumbles lowly, voice hardly audible if you weren’t so close, so intent on hearing him.
“okay, what’s on your mind, baby?” you press a sweet kiss to his forehead. his hand is still in yours, cleaned and bandaged now as your thumbs trace over the tough, dried calluses of his palms. “talk to me.”
“nothing,” he says gruffly, not meeting your eyes as you look at him and sigh.
“i’d believe you sooner if you told me you were trying to kill that guy,” you reply—you think you might immediately regret the choice of words as soon as he flinches.
was he trying to kill the man? it certainly feels like he might’ve been. he didn’t mean to lose control like that, he’d never purposely hurt an inmate in such a manner. but one taunt turned to two, and it’s easy for the cocky opponent of his to get under his skin—something that’s so unusual, so unlike wriothesley.
he can’t remember the last time someone’s, let alone an inmate’s words mattered to him. someone apart from you, perhaps sigewinne.
“you haven’t been yourself since the newest prisoner,” you note, voice taking on a careful lilt as you brush back sweaty strands of hair from his forehead, pressing a lingering kiss to the skin.
he closes his eyes, letting out a stuttering breath.
“what makes you say that?”
it’s a deflection—wriothesley is certain you’ll see through him, but it doesn’t stop him from avoiding the heart of the matter nonetheless. he doesn’t look at you, opting to stare down at the bandaged knuckles of his hands, imagining the blood that was just there moments ago.
he’s familiar with blood on his hands. this wouldn’t be the first time, and he’s certain it won’t be the last. he wonders why he was destined at such a young age to always feel the thick, crimson liquid coat his skin. why he of all people is cursed to feel the warmth of life spill across his knuckles and turn cold.
wriothesley doesn’t even blink, doesn’t even register your hands covering his own, squeezing as gently as possible so you don’t disrupt the sore skin under the cotton.
“wriothesley,” you call, hands moving to cup his cheeks, “it’s okay, i promise.”
i’m here now. you can trust me. i won’t betray you. i won’t let anyone betray you.
that’s what you mean—he can hear the words hidden under the ones you speak, whispering to him like echoes that speak over the calls of his childhood.
they’re enough to make him bury his face into your shirt, inhaling the scent of you to try and forget the wretched scent of blood. he’s so tired of blood.
“that new inmate,” he starts, voice hoarse, croaking so weakly, your hand cups the back of his head to bring him closer, “he was my older brother. when i was a kid.”
wriothesley’s childhood is not foreign to you. you’d read the files before you came down to the fortress for work, and even after your relationship shifts from colleagues to lovers, he tells you. the version that’s seen from the haunted eyes of a little boy forced into the reality of a man. the version that doesn’t speak through the codes of law, but the horrors of a child with no way out. the version that makes wriothesley human, not a criminal.
he doesn’t speak of his siblings, not often anyway. too many of them left before him, before he could have known they needed to be free. he doesn’t know what happened to them, and you think he might never want to know. the ones he set free have lives of their own, he tells you. he took it upon himself to find out, just to be certain.
just to know they’re safe.
you’re sure this recent prisoner must be the first of his older siblings that he’s ever come across past his youth.
“he doesn’t recognize me,” he whispers, fingers hooking into your shirt as he grips you, “i can tell.”
“do you want him to?”
“no,” he admits, “i don’t…he doesn’t know me as wriothesley. maybe that’s for the best—i don’t think knowing it’s me would be very good for him.”
“i’m sure he misses you,” you soothe your fingers through his hair, raking your nails across his scalp as he shivers at the tenderness of your touch. “just like you missed him.”
tenderness has never come to him without a price. his mother’s gentle hands and his father’s kind words all came at the expectation of mora. mora through his mind and body as though it were theirs to sell away like he was nothing. a mere commodity to come by and own rather than a child to love and nurture.
your tenderness comes without a price. without so much as an expectation for the affection in return. your love comes because it wants to, because loving him is the price you earn, not the price you pay.
“i’m too different now,” he says quietly, “i can’t be what he needs. not as a brother—i was too late.”
“too late for what?” you scoff, pulling his face from your shirt much to his disapproval. the soft flesh of his cheeks spill over your palms as you squeeze them together, forcing his head to tilt up and meet your gaze. “too late to what? to setting him free? you were a child.”
“i know,” he sighs, fluttering his eyes closed once more as your thumb strokes the scar under his eye. “we all were.”
wriothesley hates this scar in particular. it’s right under his eye, the first place he glances to when he looks at his own reflection. he can’t even assure his hair isn’t unruly without being reminded of the unfairness life has handed to him—but you love it. he thinks you must, with the way you kiss it so often. feel it under your delicate thumb. look at it so fondly. trace it with your index finger when you think he’s sleeping.
you love such ugly parts of him, he wonders if he’s ugly at all. if maybe he’s just bent, waiting for your hands to come gently mold him to be smooth, undamaged.
but you never try to fix him. instead, you try to love him for all the dents and scratches that he is, unwilling to change him despite all the flaws that stick out like a sore thumb.
that must be what love his, he realizes one day. not spilling blood on your hands for the sake of the ones you love, not leaving them behind so they won’t be tainted by your sins, not pretending they don’t exist so they can be free from being of reminded the horrors that cling to you.
love is you, when you look straight into his terrible, shriveled heart, stomped on and shattered over and over, collecting the shards in awe. loving each piece no matter how tiny, no matter how difficult to hold onto. love is choosing not to put them back together in a cracked, messy version of what it once was, choosing to file away and soften the sharp edges slowly, even as it makes your fingers bleed. love is keeping him close, even when he stands so far, walking extra steps even when your heels and calves ache from closing the distance he puts between you.
love is so easy to you, he wonders why it’s been so difficult the rest of his life. how can something seem so effortless now, after it took blood and tears from his for so long before?
he doesn’t know. but he doesn’t want to return to those dark, wretched days. his mothers hands weren’t kind, they didn’t hold him, didn’t protect him like they should have. his father’s eyes didn’t hold light, they never glowed at the sight of him, never shed a tear for his sake. and his siblings—oh how he once loved his siblings, how he considered himself so lucky, so gifted to run among them with his tiny, innocent feet.
but that’s gone now. those days are over. he no longer uses that cursed name he once answered so gleefully. he’s wriothesley now—duke. administrator. warden. your lover.
he’s fine with just that.
“what’s he here for?” you ask after some time, breaking the comfortable silence as he stays buried into your embrace.
“murder. just like me—the family he was sold to.”
“he’ll be okay,” you hum, trailing your hand to find his back, rubbing up and down the planes of his muscles through his shirt. “i’m sure of it.”
“how can you be so sure?” he asks disbelievingly, “i was at my lowest after my sentence.”
“you didn’t have an administrator as capable as you,” you point out. “he’ll be okay. he has you—whether it’s as his brother or as wriothesley. it’s up to you. either is more than enough.”
“you think so?” he looks up, pressing a kiss to the pad of your thumb as you trace his curled lips.
you nod, grinning gently as you say, “of course. when have i ever been wrong?”
“i suppose never,” he chuckles—his knuckles feel lighter now, as they mold to fit over your hips, holding your waist securely as if he holds his whole world.
he does. he doesn’t tell you, but he does.
“you have an injured inmate you owe an apology to, by the way,” you remind him, laughing as he pouts into your hand, laying his cheek further against your palm.
“i’m injured too,” he protests, “it’ll have to wait until i’m healed.”
you raise a brow, giving him an amused look. “and where exactly are you injured, your grace?”
he holds his hands out to you, the evidence of your tender love and care evident through the careful bandaging. but he’s selfish. because you let him be.
so he asks for more, in a simple plead of, “i need to be kissed better. please?”
you shake your head and laugh as he bats his lashes, but you don’t dare deny him. never saying no to more love, never running out of the affection he doesn’t know if he quite deserves.
“will it allow you a speedy recovery?”
“most definitely,” he confirms, nodding in all seriousness.
“fine then,” you snort. you kiss his knuckles, one press of your feather-light lips at a time.
the haunting feeling of blood goes away—all that’s left is the easy, simple feeling of being loved.
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i headcanon that wrio recognizes an inmate when they’re new a bit after he becomes warden as one of the older children he was adopted with and spirals for a few days because their crimes are so similar to his but as an adult. and he mourns that he was too little back then to set the children before him free. and i wish i could tell you why all of my hcs about wrio are so depressing but he’s more fun to write that way bc then he’s that much more in love with reader when she comes into the picture ;)
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dukewrios · 15 days
wriothesley x gn!reader . sfw . established relationship ノ petnames [ baby + darling ] ノ ‘s just fluff ! ૮ ◜ᵕ◝ ྀིა ღ 0.5k wc
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“yeah, baby?”
“if…” you look down abashedly, shuffling your feet.
“if?” your boyfriend urges.
“i— you’re gonna think it’s a silly question.”
“no such thing. c’mon baby, please tell me?”
and how could you ever say no to that soft tone of his? especially when you tentatively raise your head and meet your boyfriend’s adoring gaze.
you close your eyes and take a deep breath. “alright, fine. if you had to choose between me or the world, what— which would you choose? which one would you save?” your voice trails off and you decide you find the piece of tile wriothesley’s standing on quite captivating, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. you watch his boots move forward until the toes of your shoes are nearly touching.
“darling, look at me.”
he knows your tells well, that boy.
wriothesley huffs out a soft breath, tinged with amusement, and raises a hand to cup your cheek. the warmth of his rough hand against your skin grounds you and you let yourself lean into him, let him tilt your head up, let your eyes find their home in his. a smile plays at the corner of his mouth.
“i’d save you,” he murmurs, “of course i would.”
his thumb smooths over the lift of your cheek, other hand reaching out to hold yours.
“perhaps it’s selfish of me to neglect the world, especially when i’m charged with protecting the part of it here in the fortress, but i can’t find it in myself to care.”
he brings your hand to his chest, resting his hand atop yours over his heart. your fingers curl ever so slightly into the fabric of his vest, and though you can’t quite feel his heartbeat through his clothing, you’ve spent enough nights cuddled into his chest to have memorized the rhythm of his heart.
“because i value you above anything and everything else in the world. because the world doesn’t exist without you lighting it up. or— it does, but nothing has any meaning. not to me, at least.”
your heart beats in time with his.
“as long as i’m with you, i can face anything. as long as you’re with me, i know i’ll be just fine. whatever disaster befalls the world, i think everything would be okay if i just had you in my arms.”
there’s more he wants to say but the words get stuck in his throat, make his tongue feel like sandpaper in his mouth. he swallows harshly. he can’t bring himself to voice those thoughts just yet, but he hopes the kiss he presses to your forehead manages to convey a modicum of those feelings.
you hold the world in your palms. everything i’ve been looking for i find in you — all the comfort i’ve ever wanted and all the comfort i never knew i needed. being with you is like coming home. i couldn’t bear a life without you by my side, helping me through it all; i feel myself coming apart at the seams just thinking about it.
he rests his forehead against yours, gaze so tender your heart aches.
“you see? you are my world.”
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dukewrios · 19 days
Hi, I saw your 1k event, congrats btw ^^!
I can't decide between 05 and 06 with Wrio 😭, but I go with 06 Voicelines about you with Wriothesley
⋆·˚ many voicelines about you for wriothesley because he can't stop talking about you (and tea) and the traveller can't really seem to pull lovesick wrio out of his daydream about you ... poor paimon
note: sfw work & gender neutral reader.
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"After many days of rain, feeling the bright rays of the sun is truly what a person needs. Needless to say, this also calls for a picnic or perhaps a tea party ? Whichever you prefer but... tea party is suggested since it is also what me and my lover, both prefer, they makes great tea ones to die for ahem."
"My beloved oftentimes opens the window of our house up here in Court of Fontaine when the gentle breeze blows. It has them humming and in a lively mood but when the breeze turns into a storm, they get even more ecstatic because of the thought of the free bulle fruits that fall from the trees. sigh I have to admit that the thought of free bulle fruits do sound quite enticing so we both embark to the nearest tree to pick them up and enjoy them with tea."
"Good morning traveller, hm? I look lively today? haha perhaps it's because I was graced by an angel's face the first thing when I woke up in the morning? not that I would tell you but you're quite smart enough to know who it is."
"Incase you are having trouble sleeping at night, feel free to give either me or my partner a call. We will give you a big supply of tea that helps you sleep at night. I would suggest tasting their brew because more often than not, when I was in the earlier years of bring a Warden in the fortress, their tea helped me get adequate amount of rest."
"Take an umbrella lest you get wet, Traveller. I hope my lover has also taken one ... hmm... perhaps can you go and check on them? take another one with you. Oh, me? don't worry, a mere rain won't get me sick in bed"
"What are your plans now since it's snowing? There are quite a lot of things you can try now that you are here in Fontaine. Although there aren't many lakes here that freeze over, due to the sake of our friendship, I will tell you where to go looking for the frosted lake. It's a secret! Don't go telling others... especially you, Paimon. Me and my darling both visit this place and it has become a haven for us now."
"We have been together ever since they started keeping me company from when I was still a prisoner. We have spent days and memories, happiness and sorrows, and vows and promises with eachother. They have undoubtedly scored a precious place in my heart that is reserved only for them."
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dukewrios · 19 days
ੈ♡ alhaitham x fem reader
a/n: i have been thinking about how alhaitham is canonically messy, which turned into his little drabble. i really love this man
warnings: sfw + one suggestive comment, fluff :’) minors dni with me i am an 18+ account
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(Alhaitham cannot find your engagement ring.)
You arrive to your boyfriends house for your date, a little earlier than usual but you do enjoy saying hello to Kaveh, inspecting the fridge to see if there’s any baklava, and of course, to get in all the time you can with Alhaitham.
“Oh there you are,” Kaveh bemoans when you walk in through the front door, shuffling in and greeting the blonde with a curious look at the tone of his voice.
“He’s lost something in that ridiculous mess of his. Muttering while making an even bigger mess as he sorts through it all, and can you believe he won’t even let me help? I’m just trying to be a good roommate!” Kaveh throws his hands up, and then with a heavy sigh he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“He listens to you of course, maybe you can help him find whatever it is he’s misplaced.”
You laugh lightly with a shake of your head, knowing that the both of them argued about Alhaitham’s habit of a cluttered space for awhile by the sounds of it, and make a beeline for your lovers room, “alright I will, thanks for the info, Kaveh.”
You open the door without knocking as you usually do, and stifle a giggle at the sight of Alhaitham bent over comically over a stack of books against the wall of his bedroom.
“I told you Kaveh, I don’t need your help, and in any case you -“ he stands up straight and casts his teal gaze to you, eyes widening uncharacteristically so.
“Oh, it’s you.”
“Is that how you greet your girlfriend now?” you raise an eyebrow as you try to open the door further to allow your body inside as Alhaitham crosses the room until he’s standing in front of you, pulling you in by the hand.
“Not at all, my apologies love. Hi.” he kisses your cheek and you hum with a small pout of narrow satisfaction, turning your attention to the wreck that is his bedroom.
“Haiyi….what happened in here?” you’re bewildered by the books and papers and clothing that though usually he has in an organized mess, to now be strewn about everywhere.
“I uh…can’t find something. But not to worry, I know I’ll find it soon, feel free to wait in the living room with Kaveh. I’m sure he’d love to chat.” he nods you towards the door and your hand goes to his chest to lightly push at him.
“Oh I can help you honey, remember that time I found my panties you swore were missing?” you raise a brow, knowing full well at the time Alhaitham had hidden them for…reasons. Alhaitham shifts, floundering in his spot. Even more uncharacteristic for him.
“I really don’t think that’s necessary.” he assures with his typical solid stance, holding you gently by the shoulders with a forehead kiss, “I won’t be too long, I promise.”
“What you’re looking for must be really important though? Especially if you’re essentially tearing your room apart…” you reply with wide eyes, your hand reaches up to grasp his that sets on your shoulder and you squeeze softly. Alhaitham sighs, his lips turning up in the slightest,
“It is….very important that I find it. Imperative, actually.” he licks his lips and looks at you for a moment, foregoing his hold on your shoulders to cup your face so he’s able to crane your face up for a loving kiss that melts against your mouth like warm and silky chocolate.
“But, I need to look for it myself, alright?” he murmurs with an affectionate tone that you’re more than aware is reserved for you.
“Is this like a find yourself thing?” you quip, and Alhaitham huffs out a chuckle,
“No it’s not something psychological I can assure you.”
You laugh at his amused smile and turn on your heel to allow him to continue his search, eyes inexplicably falling to the small table that resides just inside his room, beside his door.
A music box lays there, it has always been there since you and Alhaitham even became a couple. A gift from his father given to his mother - now passed down to Alhaitham. It’s intricate with greens and shimmering gold paint, and the song, a lullaby of sorts, always brings a smile to your face. Your fingers reach out for it, lifting the lid to once again hear the tune even for just a moment on your way out - you figure perhaps Alhaitham could have something to listen to while he’s looking for whatever he’s misplaced.
The melody plays, a gentle and honey sweet symphony - and your breath is stolen away at what lays inside the music box.
Another box, much smaller but the shape is unmistakable, the rose colored velvet square that lays within the space surrounded by a few other precious treasures and heirlooms given to Alhaitham. Your fingers shake, reaching for the small box before a hand darts out to grasp your hand and you glance up at your lover whose chest is rising and falling rapidly with the abrupt development.
“Is….is um, is this what you were looking for?” you lick your lips and watch as Alhaitham’s eyes grow impossibly soft, pillowy with ardent adoration. There’s a smile on his face at how of course, you come into his life and are able to find things, to see him. He leans over and takes the box in his lithe fingers, holding it delicately as he sinks to one knee.
He wanted it to be different, proposing to the love of his life, but even Alhaitham with all of his knowledge and wisdom is aware that life doesn’t always go as planned. He wasn’t looking for love when he found you. But he did. And he found it abundantly.
You bounce on the balls of your feet with elation, hiccuping and wiping your already tear soaked face as Alhaitham takes your other hand in his,
“It is. And if you have a moment, I have a question for you.”
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reblogs and feedback appreciated !
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dukewrios · 20 days
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dukewrios · 23 days
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the duke
(forgot to post this here lol)
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dukewrios · 23 days
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Lady Furina ✨
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dukewrios · 24 days
jealousy, jealousy . . .
- everyone can see his rageful eyes as he looks at the both you, except for you (genshin men)
Murder. Execution. Homocide. These were the words echoing in NEUVILLETTE's mind as he looked at the two of you.
How can you sit there and laugh and look so beautiful?
The chief justice can't do jokes, unlike him. He can't smile and jest so easily, unlike him, and that's what infuriates him. But little did he know, that precious smile of yours can only be made because the topic of conversation was him.
The God of Geo gave prosperity and stability to the land of Liyue and that is about to crumble if ZHONGLI looked at the both of you dancing for even one morea second.
A childhood bestfriend, huh?
Then why was he so eager to grab your waist?! That was his to grab! Didn't you say you were his and that we was yours? Enough. That guy won't mind a bit of indestructible power of earth and contracts? He... was about to face the wrath of the rock.
At this rate, WRIOTHESLEY would have a brand new prisoner. Every single one of his friends is forcing him to keep his fists in his pockets and so far it has not been working.
Don't give my spouse some puny ass flowers, you punk!
His mind was going into the direction of violence, chanting the ancient languages of tevyat to send this guy into Celestia. But as you saw him and smiled happily and gave him a flying kiss... why was he mad again?
LYNEY was not the jealous type, he thinks so. So when he say you with him out of all people, it popped off twelve bloodvessels. You shouldn't be near him, that was your ex! He was taller, much more muscular..
He can't be insecure, he was Lyney after all!
He was deeply insecure, more than everything. No more glints of rage and sadness, but rather, a sad cat in need of cuddling and as you see this poor sight you immediately dismissed your ex. He was your home after all, the love of your life.
So it wasn't normal to destroy several properties after learning your significant other kissed someone in the cheek? ALHAITHAM knew it was a 5 year old but it didn't make a big of a difference. That for me him was betrayal.
Oh so you want cuddles now? After everything you did?
It took you 71 hours and 56 minutes of constant cooing and cuddling and reassurance for the big baby to forgive you for kissing an actual baby. In the end he hugged your chest in front of that 5 year old and smirked for him to know his place.
KAEYA was a natural flirt who gives flattery to everyone who surrounds him, so when another guy gives you that type of flattery then he wishes to relish the depths of hell.
What do you they look like most echanting rose?! Don't compare them to a mere flower!!
And the list of argument comes on as he mades on his way to you both with a sparkle in his eyes. A mission. To wipe that guy's stupid smirk off his face. Forever.
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dukewrios · 26 days
"I am an unforgivable creature. But darling, I will love you. I will love you through all my disgusting perfomances."
- The Short Poems Series by Royla Asghar (via poems-of-madness)
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dukewrios · 26 days
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Domestic life with Wriothesley means you never have to struggle opening jars of anything ever again. He was genuinely hurt the first time he heard your groans attempting to twist off the stubborn cap containing strawberry jam. He’s wondering why you’re even bothering with something so trivial when you could have asked for help. He finally steps in the second you reach for a nearby paring knife to force the cap open, and takes the jar from your hand and loosens the lid with ease before handing it back to you. When you adorably pout and quip that you almost had it, a smirk forms at his lips with a playful expression. “I’m sure you almost had it, sweetheart. Don’t hurt yourself.”
Domestic life with Wriothesley means pampering and spoiling the hardworking duke. You don’t think he partakes in leisure baths and only takes routine, quick showers. But you knew it’s something he couldn’t possibly say no to the suggestion, and so he follows you with your hand in his to the bathroom and you both help one another get undressed and dip your toes into the warm waters. He feels like he’s floating as you tell him to just let you take care of him—sweetly washing his hair, taking a bit of soap and sudsing him up, making sure he’s comfortable and perfectly relaxed, all while sharing giddy smiles and soft kisses across each other’s face.
Domestic life with Wriothesley means casual hip squeezes anytime he passes by you. Along with the fleeting kisses to your temple, a soft embrace from behind as he tucks his chin on your shoulder, a cheeky grab of your cute bum to elicit your squeal and giggles. Those little moments are where intimacy is created for you and him, and he loves that he can be openly affectionate with you and have it reciprocated. That absolutely includes well-wishes of you dreaming of only sweet things as he kisses you goodnight, and wakes you with gentle kisses early in the morning before he heads back to the Fortress of Meropide because you insisted it’s not a good morning unless you wake up to him and not an empty bed.
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dukewrios · 1 month
hello! you don´t have to answer/publish this message but i just wanted to say- thank you so much for the kind words you left in the tags to my wrio rambles!! (reblogs are totally ok btw)
everything you added had me going YES and EXACTLY and i´m glad there´s people who /get/ him like that ahhh!
have a nice day~
HI OMG just wanna say i love that ramble u did, especially that part where you said forcing wrio out of meropide fortress is like forcing him to shatter the pot he's molded himself in, and his form wouldn't make him fit in the fontaine society (non-verbatim). you could have never worded it better than that i'm so serious that line got me staring into thin air. maybe that's why he chose to stay in the fortress because he doesn't feel like he fits to stay on the surface, and that the land he reformed gives him a place of security—something which he never had until he became the administrator himself. ooh just many many thoughts... he's so worthy to study under a microscope and psychoanalyze him like what a mad scientist would do
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dukewrios · 1 month
it’s still dark outside, the sounds of the city reduced to a sleepy murmur when wriothesley makes it home.
“it’s late,” you yawn when he slips into bed behind you. “i thought you were going to sleep at the fortress.”
he smiles as his lips brush your shoulder. “what good is the couch in my office if you’re not sharing it with me?”
you hum, shifting around and whispering i’m glad you’re home before pressing a kiss to his lips. wriothesley wraps an arm around you, pulling you in so you're tucked comfortably under his chin. the heat of you against him settles him, easing him towards a comfortable slumber.
“how was your day?”
“went to chiori’s,” you mumble tiredly, but wriothesley can hear your smile. “had my last fitting.”
“oh…wedding dress or after the wedding dress?”
“both,” you tell him.
he hums thoughtfully, deciding to try his luck one more time. “is there any chance—”
“you are not seeing either of them before the wedding.”
“fine,” he groans, pouting. “can you at least describe them?”
you twist around to face him, excitement twinkling in your eyes like the engagement ring on your finger. “first one, lots of lace. second one…” you pull back a little, dragging your fingers down the solid planes of his chest. “lots of skin.”
“that settles it.” he decides, quite serious. “we’re skipping the wedding and heading straight to chenyu vale for the honeymoon.”
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dukewrios · 1 month
A trope that gets to me: 'guard dog' character and their partner who are both fully aware of it and honestly don't care/kind of like it. Someone says "call your guard dog off" and their partner does call them off. That person, their 'guard dog', is someone who is unreservedly, irrefutably loyal to them. Someone undoubtedly dangerous who is willing to kill, to maim, to obey, simply because of their love for one another. There's no manipulation involved— it is loyalty, brutal, dogged loyalty. And it goes both ways.
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dukewrios · 1 month
Hi hi! I saw that you're accepting req & i want to send a req if you don't mind (you can decline it, up to you)! Sfw headcanons/thoughts/one-shot (it could be anything) for wriothesley with gn reader who secretly writing a fanfic about him with the reader, wrio finds out about it 'cause he finds the paper with their handwriting (oof). Thanks in advance!
hiii! so I'm not usually accepting specific story reqs, but this tickled my fancy for some reason so I wrote a short-ish one shot, I hope you like it!! <3
(gn!reader, reader is an adventurer, one light swear ('asshole'))
Wc: 860-ish
Life Imitates Art
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Tea with Wriothesley in his office was normally an innocuous affair. You'd come down to visit between your quests across Fontaine, and share a pot of whichever blend had taken his fancy recently while discussing work or literature or the latest performance you had seen at the Opera Epiclese. All of this while desperately trying to hide your attraction to the surely unattainable Duke.
So, when Wriothesley brought up something he had read recently, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. That is, until you had asked that fatal question.
"What was it about?"
Wriothesley's face lit up; he couldn't wait to tell you what the story had been about.
"Well, it was a romance story, about an adventurer and a Duke." His answer came in a light, conversational tone.
The whole world seemed to stop for a brief moment. The steady chug of machinery outside of his office went quiet. Even your heart had stopped pounding in your chest. Those papers you had lost...Archons, you prayed you had not left them in his office.
Meanwhile, he sipped his tea casually, hardly even looking at you as he continued to speak.
"The story was written from the adventurer's point of view, so you get to hear all of their deepest thoughts and secrets." Wriothesley said, glancing up at you with the slightest glimmer in his eye.
"I see..." was all you could manage to say, a hot flush growing in your cheeks as you dropped your gaze to stare into your teacup. He was toying with you, and you knew it.
"The adventurer had invited the Duke on a quest with them to Liyue, and they were staying the night in a hotel by the harbour. But, when they got there to check in, disaster struck- there was only one bed." He went on, an unmistakeable smirk in his voice now. "You see, it seemed the adventurer had some hidden feelings for the Duke. So, as you can imagine, sharing a bed with him would be quite the embarrassing situation for them."
"Yes, I can imagine." Your voice came out quietly.
"But, lucky for the adventurer, it turned out that the Duke had also been harbouring some...intense feelings for them. They barely lasted an hour in that bed together before the plot turned rather obscene."
You sighed, barely resisting the urge to facepalm.
"It was well written, all things considered." Wriothesley went on further, leaning back in his chair. Even without looking, you could feel the grin he wore in his words, the predatory gaze burning into your red cheeks as he knew full well he had you cornered.
"And I thought the plot was quite realistic, too."
That brought your attention back to him properly. Your head snapped up to stare at him, confusion written into your expression.
"What do you mean?" You asked in a low voice, a frown tugging on your brow. You didn't love the way he was toying with you in this moment, but his vague statement was enough to give you pause.
"I mean that I think a Duke like that really would reciprocate the adventurer's feelings." Wriothesley stated as though it were a simple fact. "After all, 'the warmth of their smile was enough to melt the ice that had shrouded the Duke's heart in coldness for so long'."
As he grinned wickedly at your gaping expression, you weren't sure whether to laugh or cry. This had been so humiliating for you, and this was the reason for his teasing?
"You're an asshole." You murmured, still burning bright red in a haze of embarrassment. Wriothesley chuckled softly, and pulled a couple of sheets of paper from his desk drawer.
"You left these last time you visited." He informed you with a wide smirk.
"Yes, I worked that part out." You huffed, snatching them from his hand. "And this is how you decided to tell me?"
He laughed again, a lopsided yet handsome grin on his lips.
"Can you blame me for having a little fun with it?" He asked, leaning forward in his seat to rest his elbows on the desk, mirthful eyes surveying you closer from this angle.
"I can, and I will."
But your voice didn't hold the bite that it should, and he recognised that.
"I thought the adventurer liked the Duke's 'dry wit and caustic sense of humour'?" Wriothesley teased.
"They changed their mind. The adventurer thinks the Duke is a cruel, cruel man."
Wriothesley laughed again, an expression of such smugness on his face, you couldn't help but stare. He was so handsome like this, so relaxed and gleeful.
"Well, if you ever change it back, I'd love to take you out sometime." The Duke said simply, dropping all pretence and glancing down to run his thumb over the rim of his teacup. Was that...a hint of pink in his cheeks?
Floundering. That was the word for what you felt. Like a cat tossed into a bathtub, you were in unfamiliar waters. Wriothesley was asking you out, but what could you do but accept?
"Alright, but you have to promise me you'll never bring this up ever again. Like, ever." You emphasised the words heavily, desperately, and Wriothesley flashed a mischievous grin.
"Sorry sweetheart, I'm not promising anything."
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