Sacrifice (Kingdom of Unrest)
Session 39 -Once in the Castle of Yamato -Yamato is unwilling to help fight the Lich -Yamato says he will assist them if they can defeat Fushino -Yamato has a son who is a LOT cooler than his stoic dad -Yorou is his second cousin, WHAT??? -Yorou left after being cursed by a beast, he wanted to kick stuff hard -Yamato claims he has the god’s blessings but Aima does not believe this -During the debate with Yamato, Natlia is straight up like, “Fuck you, you SUCK!” And Yamato is like, “Meet me by the flagpole.” -They duke it out a bit, Yamato is impressed he even got scuffed by Natlia and decides he can consider joining their cause -Hotto has already sent a message of peace and wants to meet with Yamato -Hotto is tactical and rational, doesn’t trust monsters but won’t actively kill them -She only wants Yamato to split ownership of the Jade Kingdom and is willing to end the war -Hotto knows she cannot kill Yamato, so there is no concern in her mind -Hotto says they cannot be a unified nation with Yamato as their ruler -Yorou says, “Me think, Hotto come too.” -The party are welcomed to meet at the Jade Kingdom with the Yamato family -There, Yamato, Yamato II, and Yorou pray and await Hotto’s arrival -When she arrives she lays down the TRUTH bombs (even though shes still kind of shitty) -The original reason the Kingdom split was the demon son, ignoring the people’s wants, and attempting to repurpose the Jade Kingdom in their own image. Yamato fought on behalf of his mother in an attempt to hold onto their rule. Eventually the battle settled and the land decided to split into two separate Kingdoms. Yamato and the old ruler agreed to preserve the Kingdom in it’s original state. But the two Kingdoms still found themselves at odds for many years after. Now the main concern is over the legitimacy of Yamato’s rule and the recent mysterious raids of the Jade Kingdom (off landers stealing valuables). Concern remains over who is in charge of the Kingdom, as both Kingdoms own it. But Yamato claims it is still for the people of Kyosaka -When all four pray at the altar, they are visited by their dieties -Two wolves, one is silver (Moon) and the other is gold (Sun) -Sun believes the Kingdom should be for all, Moon suggests they destroy the Kingdom -Moon believes a Kingdom divided is a mistake, no peace can be achieved -Sun believes there is still hope believing the change is good as it can unify all -Yorou, Yamato II, and Hotto are blessed by the Sun as this new change -Moon warns them of an ominous future, “A great calamity is on the horizon. I can smell it.” -The Four Rulers (?) return to the Kingdom and begin planning for the future. Yamato remains unmoved -”I will not stand down. There remains tragedy in our future. Tsukuyomi’s warning is not to be taken lightly. I must keep my promises. After that... “ Yamato shakes his head and walks away -A few nights later, Merlin appears with Grobbler -Half of the city is killed in an instant as Grobbler uses her life drain -El Hueso talks to Yamato, saying he’s been dying to meet him -Merlin destroys the castle and everyone falls into different locations, there they must fight the Undead -The party is split and they are forced to figure out where to go and fend off the undead -Yamato, Natlia, El Hueso, Minuet, and Merlin end up in the same area -Minuet warns Natlia that she must go, giving her one chance -Natlia ignites -They have a scuffle and eventually, Yamato is stabbed by the Diamond Sword -However, with a smile he proves he had a fallback for preventing this and magically comes out okay with the sword lying at Natlia’s feet -She picks it up and must choose who to stab -Natlia hesitates -She chooses Merlin -Merlin looks at her and winks, “Alethia” before teleporting her in front of Yamato -Yamato is stabbed and turned to Diamond -”Perfect, that’s exactly what I wanted.” Ate’s voice rings in Natlias head -Merlin teleports Natlia away and Natlia pretends it never happened -The party gather together and teleport the FUCK out of Kyosaka -Yamato II, Yorou, and Aima decide to return to see what they can do to help the remaining people of the Kingdom -Narius requests that the party track down knowledge about the Lich’s phylacteries -They are sent on a mission to find an Abolyth (I can’t believe this is the same session???) -There the party encounter tricks and traps but most importantly they rescue a Manticore who becomes their buddy (Manny? What did we name them shit) -They also happened to kill a Beholder due to some MAD trickery and tomfoolery -In the end they killed the “Dwegon Queen” and got the fuck out -They also fight some Stone Guardians like in the 4th (?) session while searching for Understone -Finally the party meet with the Abolyth and in exchange for information about the past, they update the Monster about the present -Abolyth reveals the confirmed and also likely locations for the Phylacteries 1.) Lich’s Head 2.) Diamond Sword 3.) Dracolich 4.) Large Oak beside his hometown 5.) Vampire’s Chest (Proven to be wrong) 6.) The Ocean -Also learning more about the Lich himself -Used to work for royalty -Killed the rulers for their castle and wealth -Half Monster/Half Human... considered a freak by most -Sacrificed himself to return as a more powerful being.. a Lich -Cleric was a friend, a goatborn who saw their fellow Great Magician as a desperate and lonely being -Obsessed with Dragons -Abolyth also says that cannot defeat the Lich without being stronger, in exchange for their Books :’( -Party hand over their Books of the Gods and gain their Ultimate Abilities -Fein (Ultimate Parry) -Hachi (Roguish Precision) -Lilith (Nature’s Wrathful Smite) -Natlia (Ultimate Time Stop) -Nim (Warlock’s Rage) -Leonne (Soul Charge) -After all of this, they headed back to Narius’s via teleport because we always teleport lmao -Or we go directly to El Hueso’s hometown either way that's where I'm starting the next recap
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Journey to Kyosaka (Kingdom of Unrest)
Session 38
-After the fight, party and Narius talk to Draco about Gadu -Draco is hurt over this betrayal, realizes the Lords of Chaos is infecting the entire country -Return to warn the council -Narius also talks of the Phylacteries of the Lich -Try to contact Yamato, but no luck -Craig begs the party to check Bonka’s Factory after they tell him she is missing -Gummy Owlbear emerges from the woods, sad and scared -Inside the factory there is another Realm as a visage of the Ancient One remains, holding all of those within the factory trapped -Laffy is fighting off against a storybook villain within -While the Cherry Fairies find themselves slaving away in the streets begging for food as Humans mock them -Most of the party (except Leonne?) have entered this strange Realm and attempt to find out what is going on -After some exploration they discover it is merely a mind trick -The party meet with El Hueso and The Ancient One -Hachi and Lilith grew a newfound hate for the Lich -El Hueso excitedly plans on which one of them he wants to kill first -Finally after discovering how to escape the illusion (destroying the markings) the party release the illusion and know that Bonka is now a statue too -Now the party must travel to Yamato to warn him of the Lich -The world calls out for help as the Lich’s armies attack -Grobbler begins wiping out entire cities with just a single strike -There are Lords of Chaos piloting Valencian armies -Monsters call out to Narius and the council for help, as well as the Party -Valentin decides to help fight off the Lich and keep innocents safe -The best way to get to Fushino is via Nim’s village, there is a tunnel -Party have a brief interaction with Nim’s family and Nim accidentally reveals to them that she is now a tall blue tiefling -The party travels onward! -While officially in Fushino Country the party stumbles upon a troublesome human boy named Obu who demands a toll for the use of the road -Party decides not to do that -Obu is a Bard with a magical flute who can create paper mache creatures -Outsiders are always noticed within Kyosaka -Demons guard the gates of Kyosaka and all surrounding 6 cities, it is impossible to make it into the city -Soldiers patrol all parts of the land and every city they enter is occupied, Fairies also employed here -Aima is a Monk with the ability to turn into a Werewolf who works for Kyosaka, she is the defender of the Kingdom and has sympathy for the party leading them to the inner circle where the Emperor resides (Also Yorou is here! I forgot that woops. I need to take notes during sessions holy shit.... Next campaign!!)
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Breaking & Entering (Kingdom of Unrest)
Session 37
-Party reunite at the Keep and mourn their loses -Original party realize they are the reason for El Hueso’s return -Simone wants to find out what happened to Minuet -Valentin wants to go back to her people and save them -Craa says this isn’t possible and advises that they strategize instead -Valentin wanted to build a council to represent the people, but now it is not possible and decides the Kingdom should fall -They throw the King in prison -Valentin, ”The people are gone. We couldn’t change our history… But now we cannot even change our future.” -Felipe, ”Good riddance. The people were weak. Ellos eran ganado (they were livestock). Nothing more.” -Valentin, ”Callate! You will atone for your sins. Not only for the people you took advantage of. But the monsters you killed as well.” -The party enjoy a nice breakfast -Yorou, “We chose to live!” Smashes plate. Also smashes Leonne’s plate :( -Nim hears from El Hueso, he asks her if she wants to do dinner before the big meeting. Confident he will have taken over the world by then -Back to El Hueso’s castle, but this time with extra snoop -Leonne and Hachi discover some strange artifacts within and a portrait of a royal couple -Nim discovers a Diamond Statue of Destiny and Uxia (redact the royal couple, El Hueso didn’t have the sword when he killed them whoops) -It appears that El Hueso plans to get all the mages -Party bump into El Hueso himself as he returns from Valencio Kingdom -He is accompanied by the Ancient One and Minuet -”We have GOT to stop meeting like this.” (or was this later? sorry lmao) -Croaker recognizes the “Nice Man” -Nim possesses El Hueso’s body as Fein wishes to essentially kill him -(For some reason the details in my head are foggy, will need clarification) -Party fall back into a teleport to Narius’s College -Once there, Narius almost murders El Hueso’s body with Nim inside -After vacating the body, Narius destroys it revealing a Phylactery hidden within -She forbids anyone from investigating it before disposing of it entirely -Narius puts up a forcefield that prevents all magical teleportation leaving only the circle inside -Narius regrets sending out Destiny on her own -Narius holds another meeting in a week -Word incorrectly gets out that Valencio Kingdom was betrayed by Fushino, the two Kingdoms are at odds -The entire Kingdom of Valencio is destroyed, the people flee and attempt to find new homes -Surrounding powerful cities in Valencio attempt to stand up and fight for the right to rule, but their power struggle is essentially useless -Fushino is now without an emperor, a shogun steps in -Fushino Shogun, Hotto Gawatoku -The meeting finally happens and Draco doesn’t even show up -Holly, Seeker, Roz, and Bonka are all there -After a few minutes Bonka excuses herself, unwilling to be part of the council -Leonne gets a hunch and follows, Bonka is acting strangely -Leonne discovers that Bonka is missing and the person there was Gadu one of Draco’s generals who is revealed to be part of the Lords of Chaos -Gadu is a Gray Slaad and Leonne and him duke it out in a secluded location before the party arrives -Back at the meeting they determine they must speak with Draco -Narius also asks the party to talk to Yamato on her behalf as she keeps the children safe -They teleport to her base through Craa’s guidance and find it under siege -A Roachbeetle attack with Humans and Teletubbies as well as Collectors (?) -Narius dons her magic hat (introduced last session, Seshat a bloodthirsty magic eating hat) and her extra set of sewn eyes open once again ready for battle -Draco and Narius fight back to back, Narius casting her signature spell Prismatic Wall -Barnius and Skeever fight with Xulark, and Barnius is sadly killed -The party each perform badass attacks that wipe out a large chunk of the army -They managed to fight off the army but now there is nowhere left to go -Holly recommends her forest and Nim her Keep
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I Say We Kill the King (Kingdom of Unrest)
Session 36 -Meeting with the Great Mages -Natlia wants to stand for crop tops and Draco approves -Party gets together with Valentin and Simone and Crew for the infiltration of the Valencio Conference -Croaker wants to go to El Hueso’s place (the Nice Man) -Fein, Lilith, Hachi and Reaper Nim go there taking 30 points of Necrotic damage there and back -Hachi steals a few books -Zombies are sweeping the halls and dusting the walls -Fein, Lilith, and Nim stuck together and found Croaker’s room -Inside her closet the rotting corpse was still rotting so she left it -But Croaker then grabbed her lunchbox which was full of kneecaps she collected -Croaker wants to leave a drawing, Fein and Lilith approve and post it behind her door -Fein leaves a, Deimojho was here message -Next the party prepare for the coup in Valencio Kingdom -Hachi and Ulan go in and dress up as chefs, Chef Hachoo and Assistant Chef Blessu -Hachi and Ulan capture the chef -Zin is invited and pretends to be a turnip merchant, Natlia, Nim, Skeever and Tyrus are with -Simone invites herself to the meeting with Leonne and Wilbur on behalf of her father -Lilith and Yorou use the portable hole to sneak in -Fein under the guise of Valor, reports an attack planned from the Fushino side -They rush to the castle -Lilith discovers zombies in the city -Lilith, Yorou, Wilbur all remain at coat check in -Simone, Zin, Nim, Natlia sneak in and hide waiting for a moment to strike -Skeever waits outside -Reaper Nim sneaks around and finds Valentin’s room, Felipe’s room, and the old king and queen’s room -Nim discovers a strategy map of the whole continent and summons an imp of unlocking from Contract -Leonne later attempts to steal the map himself -Felipe is served a soup from Hachi herself and random attendees have poisoned soups -When news is delivered of poison, Felipe demands that kings of Francenshire drink their soup or else -Felipe also threatened those kings too, to be a mega dick. They are scared -Felipe believes this betrayal but before anything can happen, El Hueso shows up -Natlia and Nim grab Felipe and then meet up with Craa and Valentin -Valentin fights with her brother and cuts off his thumb in the process -El Hueso swears that blue blur looked familiar, calls for Minuet to investigate -Simone discovers Minuet is there, Leonne accidentally calls out and he attempts to stop her but she fights back -Later Nim and Minuet have a stand off after Minuet teleported all of the others to another plane -Minuet casts Geas and Nim tries to fight back, Wilbur remembers Minuet as his favorite -Wilbur helps Nim step down and Minuet teleports out -Yorou is also there and remembers Minuet, Small Lady -Party escape on a Dragon and get the fuck out
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Gawain’s Last Stand (Kingdom of Unrest)
Session 35
-Since we last saw our heroes! -Narius has taken in Urgg and Grrg to learn about them -Lilith goes back to save her village, the mission is an overall success but with one fatality -Milo is shot and killed -Treecka’s spirit is carried on and Lilith is blessed with a seed -Hachi is contacted by Craa who wishes to get her help to meet with Asi -Craa and Asi mourn the loss of Airo -In Edfura Valentin, Barnius, and Skeever arrive to help out -Diego and Holly grow plants and bring good weather to the country -They also helped construct houses -Valencio & Fushino claim Kyosaka was the source of the attacks -Even though Kyosaka was also attacked -Yamato nullified the threat mostly by himself -Francenshire has taken a neutral stance, only attempting to build their military forces for defense purposes -Edfura continues to distance themselves from the conflict, but their involvement of welcoming refugees “proves” they are on the side of Kyosaka -Hunting Monsters has been reduced, the war starts out mostly magic free -King of Valencio will hold a conference with the Fushino Emperor and a few Kings and Queens of Francenshire -Fein has finally managed to track down Gawain in a small village that was taken over -The party sneaks into the area outside the village which is full of Orks -Leonne is able to tempt the Orks by flaunting a field of eggplants with his spell -This does draw the attention of a few -While sneaking around the party find where Gawain is at and prepare to kill him and get Nurp and Zoom back (the horses of course) -Something something, the party has a showdown with Gawain himself -Gawain’s forces are nothing compared to the party and he defeat is near -And then, “This isn’t even my final form!” -Gawain crushes some soul gems which activates a transformation to turn himself into an Ork and take down the party once and for all -Despite his efforts, Gawain is defeated -The party get together and celebrate before leaving to the keep -Here they talk to the OG party and meet up with Valentin who wants to take down the King -Simone fucking PUNCHES Valentin because she got Xanth killed and everyone is like WHOA WHOA ITS COOL SHES COOL
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Search for the Journal & Infection (The Legend of Thwirrel)
Session 33 & 34
-Leonne’s nightmares get the best of him, he decides to go back to Fushino -Party assist Leonne and they are joined by Thwirrel and Strox -Strox was originally going to the place where Leonne uh… Was -Party travel through the mountains and eventually take a good long rest -Zov’s Tent’s special door FINALLY lead to the shower once again -Party had been drinking, Leonne, Nim and Natlia get nakey -Nim gets super drunk and falls off the mountain -Nim runs into two S’Gnomes and they are pretty upset by Nim’s arrival -Party threaten them and are very rude -The next morning, they arrive at their camp with an army of S’Gnomes and their warrior Queen -They are brought to the town (I think the party persuaded them things were chill) and beasts attack! -Abominable beasts attack and things get wild -Leonne absorbs the soul/energy of the beasts and leads a herd -Nim eventually trick them away with an illusionary terrain -Party make their way down the mountain and find a village -Human racist village happens to house a friendly face, Billy Goat -Billy Goat is about to investigate the same cavern with his freshly hatched Velociraptor -Party discover a dead land where Humans and Draco’s army are keeping an eye on the cavern -Xulark the General is there and is a tall building basically -Party attempt to get into the cavern, but are not permitted -Suddenly an explosion as Irium and some of his goons blast their way in -Party swooce on in -The walls are lined with a strange slimy skin like substance, Crawlers jump the party -They try to infect them, but they are quite weak -Party discovers their weakness to Thunder damage -Deeper in the cavern the skin continues to eat further into the rock -Party push further and fight off some sporelings -Eventually they discover a hole that goes waaay far down -They make their way down with varied success (Thwirrel’s hammer can stop in place, Nim owns a Frozen in Chime, chime, Leonne flies, etc.) -Party make their way down, fighting off more infection -Leonne meets his master Galder with a group of survivors -Party go around to chat with others, but they seem to ignore them -The infection on the walls is reduced here -But suddenly, almost at once the party discovers that this whole group of survivors are actually Husks -Leonne essentially kills his Master with the help of the party -Leonne recovers his Master’s Journal -Shit got really wild at this point if I recall, players were in various locations fighting off husks -There’s fire and a mess and yuck it got yucky -Party locate two tunnels which are tricky to traverse, one full of Crawlers and Sporelings, another just full of the infection -Party break through the infection via various means, Thwirrel riding the front of Bigby’s hand and busting through -Various party members trip and are attacked by the infection, but eventually they mak eit out okay -Party discovers endless tunnels and suddenly there’s Irium! Party bully him and will be given treasure if they save his ass -After finding some nasty eggs party are lead to the center of the mess -The Eldritch Horror known as Kaskor speaks to Leonne -Leonne learns about his masters demise and Kaskor’s desire to consume the planet -Kaskor sends out a couple of beasts to attack -Leonne and party attempt to fight back, the attack is successful but Leonne is dealt a fatal blow -Through the combination of his Master’s soul and the Collector, Leonne is revived as an Orkish beast -Kaskor is revealed to be small and weakened, Leonne finishes them off and collects it’s soul -The infection slowly dissolves and the party are home free
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Hellish Freeze (The Legend of Thwirrel)
Session 32
-Natlia, Nim, Lilith, Fein are introduced to Thwirrel -Thwirrel has appeared in this realm to defeat the Hellish Freeze -Craig has been stuck with this rodent and begs for the party to free him -Party travel far North to discover and destroy the source of this Hellish Freeze -Town is distrustful of them, Mooseborn elder (Gaana) will not offer directions to the Freeze -Party meet Salam, a Snowbird knows the way -While traveling they ran into two animated statues (Foo Dogs) belonging to Gaana -They attack the party, but the party fights back by Salam’s request -After capturing one of the party members, party realize the Dogs are trying to capture the party not kill them -Party is untrusting of Salam -They discover a village of peaceful Ice Giants and stay the night -Thwirrel acquainted himself with some local mice -Party reach the cave where the Hellish Freeze is located -Ice Golems attempt to fight off the party, Thwirrel’s destructive smash attacks prove quite useful -Party reach the innards of the cavern, a Drake is consuming the Hellish Freeze -Battle! -It is a nearly deadly encounter, of COURSE Salam betrays them -I think Natlia kills them -Thwirrel is blessed by his father Odeer and they manage to destroy the Hellish Freeze
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The Magic Tournament Part 2 & Finale (War & Creation)
Session 30 & 31
-Second and Third Rounds are combat rounds -Nim runs into Minuet and she is led to El Hueso -Leonne runs into Grobbler and they revive Urg and Grg to full cognitive thinking -El Hueso is interested in Nim, curious why she knows of the sword -Talks about himself a little bit too -Nim demands the Diamond Sword -El Hueso reminds her she is surrounded in a library full of undead -They decide the best and most interesting way to settle the sword, is through a battle -El Hueso uses Disintegrate on Nim to see how strong she really is -Nim is disintegrated, but her Reaper form is able to see -Minuet puts her back together -El Hueso is impressed by her ability to see after death and officiates the battle one year from this day -A few Dummy’s are spotted with cult symbols on them -Dummy’s are poisonous explosives, Narius teleports them away -Fein and Lilith capture a shit ton of Dummy’s -One Dummy goes off in the shopping district -They capture nearly all of them -Grobbler is missing -Strox facilitates meeting with Draco -Draco’s gift was ? -Party’s gift was Edfurian wine -Draco talked about her willingness to work with them as they have a lot of sway in the world around them and seem to want the same thing she wants -Meet with Narius, talk about Draco -Narius shits -Round 4 is another display of power -A Sphinx appears with a riddle and a free wish -Fein answers the riddle and is granted the said wish -The Lich is nowhere to be seen -Finally the party meets up with Narius who determines that an attack will occur during the winners announcement -Narius says the winners are: Princess Holly, Bonka Silly, and Roz who will join her new Mage Council -Narius is the head. The rest: Destiny, Yamato, Seeker, Princess Holly, Bonka Silly, Roz, and Draco if she accepts -Party prepare for battle and get all of the top tier magic users to help prepare for a fight -Party split up and guard the entrances and keep an eye out for mischief -Nim waits at the front, but suddenly runs into El Hueso, she follows -El Hueso says he wants to watch the show and see how it ends -Anxiously they await the announcement, as as predicted there is a large scale attack -Two or three explosions go off as cultists stand up in the crowd summoning portals from the Demon Realm. Orks, Teletubbies, Demons, and Reapers appear to fight -The badass magic users literally kick some super major ass, including Draco and her squad -El Hueso watches quietly and animates dead to assist Nim -At some point Hachi and Leonne flew up into the portals to see what was inside -Party fend off against various groups before coming face to face with a Reaper -They fight it off and kick some solid ass -While that is occuring, Narius’s hold on the floating tournament fails as the whole structure begins free falling as the party attempt to fight and stay alive -I believe it was due to the Fizzy Lifting Drink being rained upon the stadium that saved the lives of many who weren’t quite escorted out yet and some flying people -Some of Strox’s puppets got fucked -It turns out the explosions weren’t centralized here but in major locations like Valencio Kingdom and Kyosaka -This kickstarts the human war as they distrust one another unsure of the source of the attack -Party manage to get out alive with minimal casualties -El Hueso disappears -Party take some time to themselves as the world begins to fall apart -Natlia spends time with Misha and Sloan -But an army of Humans ambush their town and the three run away, pursued by the army -Natlia is powerful and manages to kick most of their asses but soon they are surrounded and she used her massive flames to fight off warriors -But, the Conquistador arrived, “It’s you.” -Sloan is bleeding out after being shot by many arrows, they all were. Misha knocked out -Natlia and the Conquistador fight, but he lands the final blow as Sloan runs up and stabs the Conquistador -Sloan catches a sword in his throat and he bleeds out entirely -Natlia had called the party and they arrived just a moment too late -Nim finishes off the Conquistador and Leonne revivifies all of them except Sloan who is unable to be revived -Due to the trauma and death of her father, Misha activates her powers -They return to the college and await the future
[Tournament Results Down Below]
Tournament Results of Round 2 (Bold name is Winner):
Princess Holly VS. Hotshot Dyypur VS. Bonka Silly Hotshot VS. Grobbler Xanth VS. Roz (Xanth did not appear for match) Hotshot VS. Zin Warlock Kid VS. Hotshot Motherfucking Soil VS. Natlia Laffy VS. Leonne Prettaton VS. Strox Hotshot VS. Croaker (Both DQ’d) Hotshot VS. Bastion Crowzart VS. Nim
Tournament Results of Round 3 (Bold name is Winner): (Warlock was asked to meet with Narius personally)
Princess Holly VS. Bastion Zin VS. Bonka Silly Roz VS. Grobbler (Grobbler did not appear for match) Strox VS. Nim Leonne VS. Natlia
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Magic Tournament Part 1 (War & Creation)
Session 29
-Natlia’s spirit wanders and discovers a mysterious entity -They walk through Natlia’s life and the entity gives her a second chance -But Natlia must perform a few tasks or lose her life for good -Natlia is reborn from the ashes of a tree -Natlia wanders the forests and finds her old wife and daughter with a new spouse -They invite her in but Natlia quickly leaves in the night, unsure of what to say or how to feel -Natlia discovers an old man whose wife was a Terfling -He assists her and gives her a dogsled? -Natlia makes her way out of the forest -The party arrive in a small town next to the sea and start a strip show inside a tavern -Leonne consoles a sad individual -Money is made and the party find a way back to Narius’s College where Malpa greets them -Narius is out by the sea working on the tournament -Bonka paid for the partie’s item insurance and they get everything back -Narius hires the party as bodyguards -Crowzart wants to participate too -Party visits Bonka & Laffy -Party shop for cool stuff (Portable Hole, Scrolls, Wand of Pointing, Deck of Many Things) -Bump into Croaker, Fein and Lilith adopt -Bump into Prett, Signs, Bastion, Dyypur, Goldenrod -Party find Natlia who has managed to get herself on top of the Tournament -Shit Wizards had teleported her on top of the forcefield -Natlia is able to flag down her friends and talk about her new powers excitedly -The first round at the tournament begins -Contestants: Strox, Princess Holly, Logan (Xanth), Croaker, Jescia (Grobbler), Prettaton, Motherfucking Soil, Bonka, Laffy, Roz, Bastion (Koko), Dyypur, The Jade Dragon (Leonne), Nim, Natlia, Zin, Crowzart, Warlock Girl, 6 Hotshots -Natlia’s performance was a light show, flames, firebolts, fireball where she was, misty stepped and lit herself on fire and landed on fire. Fire -Leonne’s performance involved his gun and it was sexy sexy, but mostly was able to capture the interest of the audience (or was this the second talent segment?) -Nim’s performance involved some hot magics at high levels and wowed the audience -Grobbler is revealed off screen worried they showed too much power -Croaker literally murders someone and is kicked out of the tournament
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No More Gods (War & Creation)
Session 28
-Omni Raccoon is missing -Leonne stayed behind to investigate -Leonne discovers the Mini-Collector that the Jackal had which is now with him -Now the party is reunited -Nim has not revealed her Reaper nature -Tuaa is given a bracelet -Hachi discovers her parents have been buried together -Chufu promises to help the people that have been neglected in the country -They are teleported to Narius’s College with Seeker -Narius tells the party that now the tournament has been pushed back a day due to her use of Wish, but that buys the party time to visit Lilith’s village which is under attack -The party take off as soon as possible -Minus decides to go back to the Keep, he is conflicted about seeing Nim die and become an entirely different person again -Party return to Maylar City to assist Milo and Treecka as it is under attack once more -Fein goes off on his own to sneak around Maylar as Valor the Monster Hunter -Lilith's Mother is missing -Party sneak around the city to try and rescue people and kick some ass -A few of the party members dress as soldiers after stealing some armor (Ulan, Lilith, Hachi?) -Natlia is off on her own and while sneaking gets caught by a powerful Hunter known as the Conquistador -The Conquistador and Natlia fight one another, but a weakened Natlia falls -Conquistador reanimates Natlia and uses her as a Zombie Sorcerer -Party then must fight Natlia and the Conquistador -Party goes down one by one, Leonne takes the Conquistador to the skies but the two fall damaged themselves -Ulan and Tyrus are all that remain, Ulan goes to Natlia to try and tell her to stop -Natlia attacks and the party is out -Party awaken in a Panopticon prison -Axolotls and Jerry the Roach are there -Party waits for rescue but the prison is untraceable -But not for Fein, he uses undercover information to track them down -Prison is on an island and Fein gets all of his allies to come whoop some ass -Fein breaks in and blows up a Beholder and the party are able to escape -Fein brought Natlia, but she only a corpse now the paper withering beginning to tear her apart -Party sail back toward land
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Starlight Temple (Buried Secrets)
Session 27
-After asking Chufu some final questions, Hachi and the party enter through the literal Dimension Door -Tuaa and Irium are joining them, Irium has a squad of hired help -Natlia strolls up to the temple without doors and attempts to knock, her approach grants access to a door -Natlia and the rest of the party glow with power, Tuaa a little bit, Irium not at all -Inside they find a mostly barren place, but upstairs there is a large room where traces of light reveal a map of the universe -There are orbs on a table, the party take them, the orbs glow and reveal stairs on the main floor -The whole group descend the stairs, feeling a shift in atmosphere -A wet environment is below, there are many caskets and while exploring various rooms Hachi finds strange moss -She touches it -Uh oh -The moss is alive and attempts to kill her good, but the rest of the party are able to help fight it off and save Hachi -Stairs lead very very far down below, Nim, Minus and Fein go down I believe sliding on shields -Once everyone reaches downstairs (minus Irium and his cronies, and Tuaa) they discover strange lights floating all around -The room has nothing of importance, but there is some flooding -Natlia and Ulan attempt to swim through, but are drained of energy and pass out -Nim used her Trident of Fish command to get strange fish to float her, but immediately attempts to save her friends when they go down -With a rope tied around them, Nim walks across the bottom of the water and pulls them ashore -Ulan and Natlia gain consciousness and make it difficult for her as they realize they’re drowning -Now, the plan is to send Nim to explore with one of Fein’s Water Breathing Beans, they tie a rope to her waist and let her go -Nim does not suffer from the fatigue and makes it out of the water -The rope is now taught, she pulls it and unties herself to go fourth -The party wait for half an hour, but Nim has not returned -Lilith then attempts to go herself -Minus asks for one of Fein’s Water Breathing Beans, but he refuses -Minus kickflip steals one and darts into the water, Fein angrily following -Lilith eventually makes it to Nim, but finds she has succumb to fatigue and her body is being digested by a strange slime -Lilith fights it off and the strange lights, but Nim has been killed -Lilith explores the area, discovering a crevasse and on the other side a throne awaits with a figure sitting upon it -She cannot get the attention of the figure, even shooting an arrow to get their attention, no response -Lilith makes it across and attempts to awaken the strange being -The rest of the party has now made their way through after Minus discovered Nim’s body -Minus cries out loud -Natlia tosses Lilith the last orb as the tunnels begin to rumble -A few seconds later the tunnel collapses, separating the group -The tunnel begins to collapse, the party is surely doomed -Watching from the beyond, Nim is once again a spirit -Nim is once again greeted by Death and tries to flee -Nim refuses Death -Death attempts to destroy Nim’s soul -They have an intense battle sharing strikes equally as powerful, but Nim is clever and gets the last hit in -Death calls out to Fein, unbeknownst to Nim, for assistance -Fein declines, saying he is too busy -Death wishes him goodbye forever -Nim is now alone, until Contract appears -Contract tells Nim she is now the new Death, or at least one of them -Contract and Nim explore the offices of the afterlife and he begins explaining all the duties and whatnot -Nim is upset and refuses to stay dead, her friends are in trouble -”Will my friends be okay?” -”Hold on, let me call the Fates on this one.” -What do you do? -The party call Narius, the Great Magician uses her Wish spell to save them -”Yeah your friends will be fine.” -Nim asks what she can do, but Contract tells her there is nothing he can do for her -Nim then mentions, she had a vision of the Diamond Sword -Contract matches her description of the wielder with a notorious Lich -Contract makes her a rule breaking ultimatum, she can postpone her death but only if she can get the Diamond Sword from the Lich, who will be at Narius’s Tournament -Nim accepts and Contract begins setting up a plan for a new body for her who casts Wish teleporting them out of the way of the collapse -Lilith awakens Star Seeker who is glad to have a visitor -Seeker teleports them out of the collapsing tunnel -The rest of the party are in front of the temple, the rumbles caused by giant worms -Tuaa is helping people escape the temple, the magicians have once more set up a Dimension Door -The party stand ready, prepared for a fight -Ulan and Tyrus are told to leave by Natlia, they run toward the door but a worm attacks splitting up the boys and destroying the door -Tyrus is safe, Ulan is not -They prepare for a sick battle -Hachi grows the rest of her Twiggy Beans and grows a few more plant friends and a super plant friend -Hachi is able to land some solid hits (with the harpoon?) and her plants do some damage to the Alpha Worm -Natlia blasts them with her Fire spells -Fein, riding Py is able to goad the worms and attack the weaker one with Tuaa -Natlia runs after the Alpha Worm and is essentially about to be chomped -Lilith and Seeker have now teleported there, Lilith lands two strikes -Hachi attacks from afar, Fein is right behind the worm -Ulan tried his best -Natlia is eaten by the wounded Alpha Worm, Fein goads it one last time and he too is swallowed whole -Nim appears in spectral form, in a desperate attempt to save her friends goes in for a powerful swing of her Reaper weapon, Hachi sees her for a moment -Inside the worm, Fein finds and grabs Natlia before setting off all of his bombs -They launch out of the worm, it is completely demolished -Seeker finds all of the wounded and revives them with a powerful spell before teleporting them back to Edfura Kingdom and passing out -Leonne is there waiting for them -The party are given the chance to rest, they wait eagerly for Nim to return -Nim and Contract go to a strange remote part of the world and find a Druid who performs the Reincarnate spell, Nim returns as a Tiefling Warlock -The party is reunited
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The Lost Princess Returns (Buried Secrets)
Session 26
-Once again the party are exalted as heroes for saving a village -A young woman named Tuaa takes them to see the council to offer them assistance -The head of the council is an older looking woman, it takes a moment but Hachi recognizes her -The woman, Tali, is one of Hachi’s childhood friends. They embrace -After some minor explanation, Tali offers them assistance to Edfura Kingdom -Tali also talks of how their friend, Chufu is now Pharaoh -Tali is angry at how Chufu is running the country -When Tali was still young she escaped the capital, founding a group to steal from the kingdom and share the wealth with the poor towns neglected by the old Pharaoh’s rule -This group was known as the Shabh (Ghost) -Tuaa, her daughter is also part of the Shabh -Tuaa and Tali offer to take the party to Edfura -Tali is old and it is difficult for her to travel, Fein offers to carry her -In the night they discover a group far away, Hachi and Tuaa investigate -A strange Monster is excavating the area with Dwegons -Lilith and Minus go into investigate as well, but get caught -Lilith pretends she cannot speak any language -Eventually Lilith’s cover is blown, and the Monster known as Irium the Nakkalian introduces himself as an Antiquarian, searching for artifacts -Irium is not from Emesyu -In the end, the party meet with Irium and they rest in the night -But not before asking Irium if he knows anything about Star Seeker -Irium reveals he has a map, but there are too many locations to search -Irium also attempts to sell them the map or an amulet, but they refuse -But, instead of sleeping through the night, Fein keeps watch outside not trusting Irium, while the others open the Tent’s strange door revealing a Labyrinth -Party split into groups -Team A: Hachi, Ulan, Tyrus -Team B: Lilith, Leonne -Team C: Natlia, Nim -Each group explores the strange Labyrinth stumbling upon various puzzles and challenges -And lots of pedestals -Lots of pedestals -Team A run into some water and with the help of Water Breathing Beans navigate quite easily -Team B run into a strange ghostly figure who offers them extra assistance, Fein appears inside the Labyrinth. He is not happy -Team C find a strange fortune telling stone, Nim sees a future where she meets the holder of the Diamond Sword, resulting in various outcomes. Some of which, include death -While exploring the Labyrinth, loud thunderous pounding is heard throughout -Eventually the parties manage to meet up together in an upper floor, a golden level -Party explore the strange golden rooms only to find there are 8 empty rooms -They each stand in a room alone, unlocking a new path -This path leads them to a Minotaur, sitting upon a throne -Edgar the Minotaur greets them and offers them gold for finding him and then letting them return to the inside of the tent -The party + Irium go to Edfura Kingdom so he can get them inside easily -Guards in towers halt the party, but their plan works easily -Party are there at night and rest at an inn -A bartender offers them some information of a Magic Shop, and the Princess’s royal meet and greet in two days -Party find the shady Magic Shop with a shady magic dealer -Smartwatch, Good Luck Stone, Staff of the Python, Pocket Pyramid, Mystical Miniature Hourglass, Mummified Lizard Foot, Scarab Glasses, and misc potions (Everything’s 50 GOLD!) -The next day the party swooce past some Sand Guardians and try to cross a bridge leading to the upper class section of the Kingdom -Also some minor shopping -Party are stopped by a Human guard, they convince him they are a band performing for the Princess -Guard takes them to the palace, trying to validate their claims -Party wait in a courtyard and decide what to do -A Jackal approaches, they speak with the party and seem to have an air of knowing -They ask strange questions about Edfura, testing the party’s knowledge -Onuris the Jackal also has a strange miniature creature floating around with some sort of concealment magic -The guard returns and claims they do not have a band hired for the princess, but Onuris says that they did -Guard apologizes and is directed to take the party to a guest home nearby -Party are wary but decide this might work out -They contact Minus back at the hotel to update him, and set up a plan -Minus will sneak into the courtyard and strike when needed.. Which potentially could involve kidnapping the princess -The next morning they went to perform for the Princess -The Princess would listen to the pleas of the people, and donate plants as an offering -Eventually the party were greeted by Onuris once more, after asking the Princess to see the Pharaoh -Onuris offers to take a couple of them to meet with the Pharaoh -Hachi and Nim offer up to go, Fein the bodyguard, also attempts to meet the Pharaoh -Onuris slyly accepts the trio -They are lead to the Pharaoh who is sitting at a desk -Onuris introduces the trio, Pharaoh Chufu recognizes Hachi after a few moments -Chufu bows and tells Hachi he serves under her and still wants to protect her -Onuris transforms Hachi and Nim (unsuccessfully Fein) into Lizards -Onuris claims this Hachi is a faker, attempting to steal his throne -Fein then takes this time to whoop on this mother fucker -Fein expends every action, every tactic, and manages to cut down Onuris into a bloodied state -But Onuris is quite powerful as well, and manages to knock down Fein with his soul in hand -The creature from before was a mini-Collector -But Fein had summoned Py who howls, alerting the rest of the party -Py curls up next to Fein’s disintegrating body -Hachi and Nim shimmy towards Chufu attempting to make contact -Chufu kicks Hachi away, knocking her out, reverting her back into Human form -Nim climbs up onto Chufu, doing her best to prove Onuris wrong -The Jackal smugly attempts to reassure Chufu, and then cuts off Hachi’s head to prove it -The party burst in to see this, and exact their revenge -Leonne Gentle Reposes Hachi’s body -Onuris is defeated, Nim landing the final blow -Hachi is healed by Tyrus and Leonne, but Fein is too far gone -Torihel appears, bringing the essence of Naughty Fein giving Fein essentially a 1-Up -Hachi alive once again talks to Chufu and explains her situation -Chufu agrees to listen -After discussing, Chufu meets with Tali and the three have a sort of awkward reunion -Chufu agrees to help Tali moving forward with a more beneficial plan to help those in need -Hachi gets emotional and pulls the two in for a hug -Chufu later takes Hachi (and the party) to the tomb of her father, he is laid next to her mother -Chufu then offers to help the party find Star Seeker, gathering Magicians to create a portal to her supposed temple
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The two boys from a really good D&D campaign I’m in. Tyrus(Quiet twig) and Ulan(Good boy) asked for adults to protect and help them through a dangerous world, instead they got morally conflicted children in adventurer bodies.
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Edfura Kingdom Awaits (Buried Secrets)
Session 25
-Party meet up once again after a month -Leonne spent a lot of time traveling and learning, working on development of a firearm -Nim spent her time training and being with family -Natlia spent time with her family and also adventuring with Zin and Nim -Lilith spent time at home, training, hatching her Duckgon Egg -Hachi toured with Record Scratch and did a lot of partying -Fein went on a secret adventure? -Ulan and Tyrus did a lot of training -After meeting up and exchanging stories, Narius contacts them asking that they go into Edfura Kingdom since Hachi is a native -There is Cleric, Star Seeker, who Narius wants to be in the tournament -The tournament is in 13 days -Suddenly a group of journalists bombard the party with questions -”Who do you work for?” -”Is there a secret 6th member?” -”How do you know Narius?” -”Is Fein the demon from Fein’s Fables?” -”Natalie! Natalie! Who’s your Demon ancestor?” -”Lilie do you think Maylar is in danger?” -”Kim, how did you obtain a castle?” -”Hachi are you dating Elfis Parsley?” -”Do you know Destiny personally?” -Party quickly answered/pushed them away -Afterwards Ulan and Tyrus try to prove their worth by fighting Nim -Ulan and Tyrus fight her until she is confident they can adventure with them -Strox has joined them, saying that Draco wants to meet at the Tournament -Party agree, but must provide a gift -That night they have dinner and party (of course) -Nim introduces everyone to her followers and new companions -Hachi tells the party that she needs an amulet to enter Edfura, but her amulet was stolen -Suddenly Craig is summoned and the party decide to do some shopping -Shopping time! -Zov’s Portable Mysterious Tent of Wonders ™ is bought by the party -Party discover a special door that changes each time they enter the Tent -Nim is convinced there is a magical metal rain machine behind the door -Now, planning to enter Edfura… But how? -Party decide to wait on the Edfuran border and steal a new amulet -Minus offers his services to steal it himself -To prove himself, a Rogue-off is proposed -Hachi and Minus must try to take objects from Fein, Leonne, and Nim -Both of them go for Fein first who has the prize worth 10 points -Hachi is sneaky like the wind, Minus not so much -Hachi got the 10 point object from Fein -The next object is also taken by Hachi, Minus can no longer catch up -Final holder is Nim who waits in a room, watching the door -Hachi sneaks in, and the two have a really badass exchange -Nim going beast mode, Hachi flipping, losing clothes, Hachi just barely escapes -Minus is still permitted to go, but Hachi is way more badass -Nim is visited by Contract that night, demanding the Diamond Sword -Contract offers Nim a final chance to get the sword leaving her until the New Year -Leonne is haunted by dreams of his master’s death -Party take off the following morning -While traveling down to Edfura party encounter a group being attacked by Roaches and Orks -Party pursues this villainous group and kicks some major ass -Finally the party reaches the border of Edfura -They realize they have no actual idea where they might steal an amulet -Instead, they decide to contact the Spirits guarding the desert in the demon realm -Fein makes contact and is able to let them in because of Hachi’s royal nature -They continue on smoothly into the desert -During their travels, the earth rumbles below -Hachi and Lilith investigate, a giant Purple Worm attacks -Party attempt to coax the worm into attacking -Eventually they successfully manage to feed the worm Fizzy Lifting drink, it takes off into the sky -Party move forwards -Encounter a starved and run down village, party decide to help out and provide them with food and water -Infinity Drink on some water, filling the well up, and casting Xanth’s eggplant spell for lots of food along with various seeds (pumpkins, corn, stuff like that) -Villagers proclaim the party as messiahs from the gods -Leonne rolls with it, everyone else is like, “No! Bad Leonne!” -A couple of villagers offer to bring the party toward Edfura Kingdom -One of their guides tells them a little bit about the country -Hachi’s father died of a broken heart after searching for her for 18 years, and her childhood protector is now Pharaoh, Chufu -Hachi takes some time to receive this news, Ulan and Tyrus reassure her and make her laugh -Party make it to another smaller city and sleep into the morning but are awoken by the earth rumbling -Outside, villagers are running as multiple Purple Worms raise from the ground, these ones double the size of the last worm -Party split up and attempt to take down the worms -Hachi and Leonne giving fizzy lifting drinks to villagers/guards -Fein and Natlia targeting and blasting ones that rise to the surface -Nim running and jumping, creating giant vibrations in the ground to lure the worms
-Fein and Natlia are able to do some damage to one of the worms after Natlia slows it's movements -The worm disappears back underground -Lilith and Nim are also able to draw the attention of a worm -Lilith attacks from above while Nim hits it from the ground -Leonne and Hachi are able to get many guards to float and they add to the ranged attacks -While fighting the worms, Py is attacked and poofed by a worm -Fein gets pretty bloodied up (?) -Party manage to deal some heavy damage to the worms, wiping out 2 of the 3 -The last worm calls for help but quickly gets its ass kicked by the party -The floating members of the party return to the ground -The towns folk and guards thank the party -Everyone can hear a worm approaching, and the party debates what to do -Eventually it is decided that the party would lead the worm away from the town -Nim and Fein resume their stomping around, heading out of town -Nim charges forward, being even more reckless than usual -A single, smaller worm appears out of the ground -The final worm approaches Nim at full speed and goes in to eat her -Leonne manages to swoop in, attempting to throw a Fizzy Lifting drink in its mouth, but in the end his arm is torn off and eaten by the worm -The worm swallows the Fizzy Lifting drink Leonne was carrying and flies into the sky -The party have defeated the threat
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Bonka Silly’s Wonder Emporium (Infamous)
Session 24 (Abridged)
-Party is together for the last time before the month long break -Fein’s birthday is today, hence a party of course -Craig appears and asks the party to help him find/save Bonka Silly -One of Craig’s employees was attacked when they tried to enter -Traveling in the caravan they manage to get to Bonka’s Emporium -Party approach the gate and are attacked by a Gummy Owlbear -Lilith shot it -(Lilith/Nim/Leonne?) Were able to tame the creature and fed it Hachi’s jelly bean tears -The party go forth and see a wonderland of sweets -But the wonderland of sweets is pretty destroyed -Party go inside and explore the area -Leonne is attacked by Chocolate while collecting a sample -Everyone attempted to free Leonne -Fein shot a claw at him -Nim suplexed Leonne out of it (well more like tossed) -Natlia attempted to do magic stuff and also got into the chocolate -Leonne definitely got knocked out -Lilith shoved Goodberries down his throat -Party discover some broken boats -They must pass through a molten liquid chocolate waterfall and improvise a cover -Nim cut down some candy trees and created a barrier -Fein and Natlia held it above the boat to prevent the others from getting melted -Tunnel is very creepy -Party end up further down in the Emporium -A Laffy Taffy Hyena/Gnoll discovers them, asking for help assisting the Cherry Fairies -Party follow them down towards the Candy Rock Wall, but Fein, Leonne and Hachi decide to sneak out of there due to Lilith’s suspicions -Gnoll rambles on about their favorite story, The Forgotten Sheep -Afterwards Nim rambles on about her life story -Trio enter into the Fizzing Lifting Drink room and buy some -Fein destroys it -Trio then enter into an abandoned Marshmallow Village -Following a trail of blood they find a small hole near the ceiling -Lifty Drinking it up there, they meet some untrusting Cherry Fairies -Gnoll (now called Laffy) then leads the four into a trap -An Everlasting Gobstopper Golem appears to attack them -The four run back towards the stairs -Lilith shoots Laffy to subdue them, but kills them surprisingly -Hachi and Leonne talk to the Cherries and learn that Bonka was working on an experiment for Silly’s Eve but things went crazy and Candy Monsters began appearing -They determine the best way out is to drain the Pixie Dust Pits and enter into the floor below -The four cannot seem to make a dent on the Gobstopper Golem, Natlia leads them to the Pixie Dust Pit and tricks them into it, causing them to sink down and clog the pit -Cherries and the trio meet back with the rest of the party and realize they cannot drain the pit -Cherries then use molten chocolate to melt through the collapsed hallway -Party enter into the Cherry Workshop and find another Laffy -Laffy threatens the fairies but leaves the party alone, talking about their fascination with Fairies -Party decide to kill Laffy, seeing them to be a threat -Bonka’s office is a mess and missing many books -Further down they find the Laboratory and check out the various rooms -Hachi and Ulan? test some sketchy Jelly Beans -Further yet, they find an area covered with crystallized Gobstopper candy and a giant Candyhemoth (also Trouble Gum) -Party get into a fight with the Beast -Party started attacking the Beast, but their attacks weren’t doing much -Fein charged in and was severely injured -Leonne used rulebreaker to cast ‘Crown of Dadness’ -The Beast believed that he was then Leonne’s dad and picked him up -It also held a now-unconscious Fein -The Beast was still ready to attack the party, now because it wanted to protect its children -Nim also got picked up by the Beast at one point? Because it believed she was another kid -Lilith used her ability to talk to creatures to yell at the Beast -She and the Beast started arguing, distracting it -Lilith took on the role of mother -Natlia casted a fire spell and that knocked out Leonne (I think) -Leonne’s spell concentration was lost, and the Candyhemoth began fighting once more -While the Beast was distracted Nim started eating it with the Glutton’s Fork -Nim was able to dig a tunnel deep into the Beast -Once Nim had a tunnel dug she beastformed and started tearing into the monster -The Party managed to kill the Beast, although Natlia and Ulan were knocked out as well -A final Laffy approaches and begs the party to leave -The Laffy helps heal the unconcious party members -They reference the story, The Wandering Golem, a story about a Golem that has no purpose -Laffy tells the party Bonka was attempting to create life, hence their existence -Laffy was able to split up into weaker forms, given books as their source of direction -Party offer to help Laffy for Bonka’s sake and ask Narius and Destiny for help -After some time Destiny creates a solvent that melts through the Gobstopper crystals -Bonka is revived, rewarding the party with a lifetime supply of Bonka Bars and to be Bonka Beta Testers -Bonka also reveals she visited Xanth to relearn the Trouble Gum recipe that her family had lost, to potentially create life/better candy -Party then split up, preparing for the next adventure
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Roccc & Roll (Infamous)
Session 23 [Abridged] -The party enjoy a show from Record Scratch and hang out -Nim and Minus have some alone time to talk and kiss???? -Ulan and Tyrus have a great time -Xanth flies around -Afterwards the party goes out looking for Nim’s Keep before visiting Roccc -On the way the encounter a Golem painter, they are selling magical paintings -The party buy a few to decorate the Keep -Eventually they manage to find it -The Keep is being controlled by some Monster Hunters, the party also bump into Fish Knight, Gesund Knight, and Crab Knight who also wanted the Keep -The party and Knights team up to take out the Hunters -Nim is thrown? She somehow ends up on top of the wall and wipes out tons of Hunters -The party break through and fight the Hunters, wiping them out to gain control -Nim recognizes the Keep from when she was young, it belonged to her Father’s friend Harlech Gobmetto, hence the official name, Gobmetto Keep -Upon looking through the Keep they discover a Frump -They attempt to convince the Frump Nim is the rightful owner -It fails -Fein grabs the Frump and is poisoned with cursed spores -Frump realizes they are the true heirs and heals Fein -They discover a treasure chest with some loot, including a cursed Crab Earring -Party takes turns getting curses with mixed results -I think Leonne’s legs go invisible -Hachi can now grow herbs -Lilith wanted some good brains -Natlia had everyone that first meets her, dream about her -Nim ? -Ulan ? -Fein’s effect seemed moot -Later that night, Simone, Asi, Yorou and a new face Wilbur appear -Simone and Wilbur failed to reclaim Cassovania -Asi and Yorou learned of her brother’s death -Party tell Asi they met her mother -After a few days of rest, the party encounter a few strange individuals -Kafra & Bjorn two thieves -Ulna, Terra, Yolando, and Babette four fighters -Kelnoth a wandering Wight -They wish to serve under Nim -Nim hires renovators and Misc the Baker to work at her Keep while she is away -Nim’s Slaad babies live in the moat surrounding the Keep -The party finally take out into the world once more towards Roccc -Within a day they reach Roccc but are stopped by a Crystal Gem -Nim (disguised as her regular form) is accepted in -Party drop off Tray and Minus who are in major trouble (must work in the mines for a weekend) -Nim goes to her home for the first time in many years and greets her mother -It was a very warm and welcome reunion -Nim takes the party around town, they visit a strange shop and gain some minor curses -One of Nim’s brothers (Twins) warns her about some gnomes going missing -Later that night they rest at Nim’s, but during the night Nim’s Hat of Disguise is knocked off -Nim’s Demon form is revealed to her mother and family -Nim explains her situation, her mother in tears, but she understands as mothers do -Early morning everyone is awoken as Tik Tok is missing -Party rush into the abandoned mines, after learning she had been investigating them -Inside they come into contact with Rust Monsters (poor Fein) -Party go in deeper, finding remnants of a cult -Deeper still they find the cult with a Demon -Attacking some guards and stealing their clothing they manage to infiltrate the cult -The cultists chants are similar to those heard when fighting Naughty Fein, The Lords of Chaos -In the middle of the cultists, various gnome villagers including Tik Tok -Cultists are scattered and defeated while Ulan grabs Tik Tok and escapes along with a few other Gnomes I think? Something like that -The Demon swooped down to fight the party, but after getting hit, disappeared -Party remain to finish off the Demon -Darkness has been cast after the party whoops on the Demon -Leonne is left to fight the Demon with little life left in him -Leonne then decides to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his friends, casting a Magic Circle preventing any Demons from leaving… Or entering -The Wizard tries to fight off the Demon, but fails to defeat his foe, falling in battle -Everyone desperately looks for Leonne in the Darkness -Fein and Nim, listening were able to find Leonne, but could not enter the circle -The Demon raises their axe, about to decapitate him -Leonne’s Combat Golem appears to protect their master, being destroyed in the process -The bloody Demon raises their axe once more -Natlia, catching a glimpse through the Darkness she blasts Magic Missile -Each hit lands, finishing off the Demon (Nycaloth) -Party drags Leonne back up to the surface, Ulan meeting them at the entrance with help -Nim and the party are hailed as heroes -After a day’s celebration, the party return to Nim’s Keep for one last hurrah before taking time for themselves
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Have all you Dungeon and Dragon players heard of Orc Pub? It allows you to easily and freely create a DND character. 
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It informs you about each race, here you can see I’m remaking my Aasimar from a new game. 
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It can calculate all of your abilities for you if that’s something you have trouble with. I certainly have a hard time. Or if you’re super awesome and can do it by yourself there is a manual way to do it!
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Basically it just helps you go step by step figure out what feats you might want,  what alignment you might want, what comes items (weapons, armor, and gold etc) come with your character’s background and class. 
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Did I mention its FREE?
Right now there is a kickstarter to help make a mobile app, but right now I can easily transfer this info onto my character sheet!
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