dungledrags · 5 years
It’s Dungle Drags Time! (90: Duck Duck Geese)
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dungledrags · 5 years
It’s Dungle Drags Time! (Session 89: Let’s Make Him Quack)
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dungledrags · 5 years
It’s Dungle Drags Quests And Adventuring, LLC Time! (The Ground Floor) 
(It’s a oneshot! Run by @benjamindisco! All new characters!)
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dungledrags · 5 years
It’s Dungle Drags Time! (Session 88: Roll Them Bones)
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dungledrags · 5 years
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The city of Lon and Serene the dryad
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dungledrags · 5 years
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happy holidays, from our family to yours.
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dungledrags · 5 years
Extended recap for 87 below the cut!
Initiative reminder: Adelaide, Reverence, Guards, Noah, Merit, Pen, Mallard.
Mallard starts off combat this session, in Boss Form 2. He casts Branding Smite, and attacks Merit, hitting him, but Merit poofs away using Misty Escape. Adelaide gets healed by Noah a bit, then casts Zephyr Strike, moving to Mallard and hitting him. Reverence gets healed a bit by Noah, and misses the guard next to her with both Hell Star and her Spiritual Flail. On the guards' turn, the green light coming from the crystal engulfs all the guards, alive and dead, including the coward guards in the corner, and changes them all to spooky smoke-filled Possessed Guards, whose icons can be found at this [link]. The guard nearest Reverence casts Compelled Duel, but she passes her Wisdom save. Pen, Adelaide, and Noah all get the same treatment, but only Pen fails the Wis save. Reverence gets hit once, and Pen gets hit once. There is an aura around each of the guards, which is pure shadow, and those inside the auras cannot see anything outside the aura. Noah scoots out of an aura, and then teleports across the room through the shadows. Lilith slashes at but misses the guard nearest Noah. Merit poofs back into existence, and is still Frightened, so only one of his Eldritch Blasts hit Mallard, though Hex does damage. Pen reaches into Hector and pulls out the potion of I Don't Know, which is the mystery potion. Pen drinks it, and water comes pouring out of their mouth (they cast water breathing at the start of the day though, so that's fine.) Pen's mouth now has properties of the Decanter of Endless Water.
Mallard attempts to casts some sort of charm at Merit, who passes his Wis save, but Mallard moves to Merit. Adelaide kills one of the formerly-coward guards, and on their way to Mallard, passes through Healing Spirit and gets healed. Reverence gets healed by Healing Spirit, and casts Cure Wounds on herself (3rd level). There are five Possessed Guards remaining, Reverence catches a crit, Noah, Lilith, Pen catch one hit each. Noah swings and misses, and so does Lilith, unfortunately. Healing Spirit's time is up as well. Merit Dodges away from Mallard, as he's still Frightened. Pen opens their mouth and Geysers a guard, who crit fails and falls prone. They then smack the guard while he's down. But the guard doesn't lose concentration on Compelled Duel, which is admirable when a gnome spouts water at you and whacks you.
Mallard casts Inflict Wounds at Merit, but misses, thanks to Dodging. Reverence misses with Hell Star and Spiritual Flail both, unfortunately. The guards attack, hitting Reverence, Noah, and Lilith once, and Adelaide twice. As Pen is spouting water at him, the guard on the ground can't get up without a strength check, which he fails. Noah casts Healing Spirit again, bringing back the Healing Owl, placing it on Lilith, who very much needs it, and (after it is determined that the ABI + bonus in the Tail Whip means 8+str modifier+proficiency) Tail Whips and horn-rams a guard, killing it. There are four guards remaining. Lilith doesn't hit. Merit Dodges again, and scoots slightly. Pen spews water at their guard and smacks them with shillelagh.
Mallard casts Searing Smite on himself and hits Merit once, lighting him on fire, though Hex stays up. Adelaide misses their swings on the guard, and scoots out of the shadows. Reverence heals with Healing Spirit, and casts Guardian Of Faith which 'rides' Lilith. The guardian holds a shield with Reverence's symbol on it, and is fuzzy and hard to distinguish. She then casts Shield Of Faith on herself. By DM Law, the guards must roll dex saves from Guardian Of Faith, and the Guardian hits all of them, and kills two, knocking the guards down to two, the one fighting Pen, and the one that was fighting Adelaide. The Geysered guard gets up, and hits Pen once, the other hitting Reverence twice, knocking her to one health. Fire damage kills the non-Geysered guard. Noah casts Cure Wounds on Reverence, and Lilith beaks the last guard. Merit gets singed by fire and fails his con save, he is still on fire, and loses concentration on Hex. He Dodges again. Pen spews more water on the last guard, who gets knocked down again, and they whack him with shillelagh again. Pen's potion apparently lasts more than one hour and they should probably not swallow.
Mallard hits Merit and Merit goes unconscious. He's not dead though. Devil's Tongue deactivates, and Merit is down. Mallard says "Who's next?" Adelaide casts Zephyr Strike and hits Mallard twice. Reverence heals with Healing Spirit, and realises she can't cast a helpful spell without touching him and setting Merit on fire. She casts Inflict Wounds and hits Mallard, and re-casts Spiritual Weapon, which misses Mallard. There is one guard remaining, currently being Geysered by Pen. He gets up, and casts Daylight, dispelling the darkness aura around him, but making Adelaide flinch visibly. Noah hits the Geysered-guard to death, bringing the total alive guards to None. Noah moves his Healing Spirit over Reverence and Merit, and flies to the cluster of Merit, Adelaide, Mallard, and Reverence, landing and casting Cure Wounds on Merit, waking him from unconsciousness. Lilith goes away from the fight to retrieve Noah's trident. Merit is healed by Healing Spirit, and stands up with Noah's help. He is no longer on fire, but is still Frightened, and fires an Arrow Of Travel to the corner farthest from the cluster of combatants. Pen turns down the Geyser to climb the stairs, and casts Produce Flame, hitting Mallard. They then unfortunately miss Mallard with Geyser, and hits Noah. Noah doesn't take damage or fall prone, he's just wet now. (This is the fourth turn of Geysers, meaning 120+ gallons of water are now on the field.)
Mallard doesn't recognise Noah, despite being face to face, though Noah is dragon-y at the moment. He makes Noah roll a Wisdom save, which he fails, and so Mallard casts Crown of Madness on Noah. Adelaide hits Mallard. Adelaide uses Zephyr's Strike's speed to zip to Merit to cast Cure Wounds and zip back. Reverence heals with Healing Spirit, misses Mallard with Inflict Wounds, and hits him with Spiritual Weapon. Noah, under the influence of Crown of Madness, claws at Reverence, but misses. Lilith returns to the close range, and hits Mallard. Noah moves away from close range, getting hit by Mallard with an Attack of Opportunity, and fails his wisdom save to break the charm. Merit moves, and hits Mallard with Eldritch Blast. This is the second last turn being Frightened for Merit. Pen misses Mallard with Geyser and hits Reverence, who fails her save and falls prone. (Reverence is still on fire though. She also has the Phoenix Egg on her.) Pen drops down from the stairs, casts Healing Word on Reverence, and misses Mallard with a quarterstaff.
Mallard hits Reverence unconscious, which uses his action so Crown of Madness dissipates. Adelaide goes through the fire to reach Reverence and they cast Cure Wounds on her, waking her up. Reverence stands up, and heals with Healing Spirit. She hits him with both Hell Star and Spiritual Flail. Noah flies across the room and grabs his trident, and casts Eldritch Blast at Mallard, hitting him both times, one critical. Mallard uses his reaction to cast Hellish Rebuke, hurting Noah. Lilith crit hits Mallard, who screams, and starts to eat the crystal from the floor which saps the rest of the green from the floor, but then he chokes, and gags up neon green, and dies.
Out of combat, Reverence begins to cast Spare The Dying, though she is still on fire, and taking damage from it constantly, as is Adelaide, who is still affected by both the fire and Daylight. A good deal of math is done, and Reverence drops Spare The Dying. She takes a handful of Mallard's teeth and his eyepatch, and tosses his coat at Noah, who puts on Mallard's coat. Pen takes some of the green goo, and Noah takes some crystal shards. Adelaide is hurting from the Daylight spell. Merit takes in the room with an Arcana check, and knows what is going on, but will absorb the information later. The party begins to move out of the room, sheltering Adelaide as best they can. Adelaide leaves the room, and Noah stabs himself with some crossbow bolts to add to his dead act, and he and Lilith play dead, acting as if they were casualties. Reverence hands a piece of hair to Pen, just in case, which prompts Noah to offer Pen a few feathers from Lilith and some of his own hair.
Before they leave, Noah tells them that he wants them to know he loves them. Reverence says she has a certain degree of fondness for him too, and leaves through Dimension Door out to the river, texting her friends to let them know where she'll be if she dies.
Pen turns into a bird, leaving Noah and Lilith in the crystal room, and carrying Merit away.
And that's it.
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dungledrags · 5 years
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Relevant to Session 87!
[id: a screenshot of the description of the dungeons and dragons 5e item “Decanter Of Endless Water”]
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dungledrags · 5 years
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dungledrags · 5 years
The Hunt Dreams
Noah’s Nightmare, Session 36 7:26 [link]
Noah, you have a nightmare. It's the first time in a while that you see her face. And it shakes you. You... almost forgot? (Chance, soflty: fuck.) You almost forgot. This dream, this terror, takes you back to those years and makes you feel sick. You're cold, through the whole dream you feel like you're freezing. You see her, she dies. You see this... child, but you don't know what its face looks like. It looks like... her? And then, its gone, and you are alone. You almost forgot why you're here. (Chance: yeah.... okay.) You wake up, nearly suffocating under Lilith, it's familiar and it shakes you from the dream pretty quickly but you are shaken. In the last second of the dream, you swear you saw this flash of white, and you didn't catch what it really was, just some sort of animalistic shape and then it's gone, and when you wake up the dream's already fading away, you just feel like you're forgetting something. And now it's morning!
This post will be updated as I transcribe more of the dreams! 
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dungledrags · 5 years
“I.,,,,…,. wanted to KISS THAT LIZARD. I wanted to KISS him RIGHT on his
I..,,. was… alSO thinking that m i g h t be a CHALLENGE because HE doesnt have
but I thought we’d
—an actual line from an actual podcast
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dungledrags · 5 years
Combat for 86 below the cut!
Reverence, trying not to set her friends on fire with her Hell Star powers, waits at the top of the stairs, holding her action until she can move without hurting her friends. The guards closest to Mallard and Adelaide are hurt by Pen's Moonbeam, but attempt to stab Adelaide, though not very successfully. The guards that were tackled down the stairs by Lilith get up and hit her with their halberds. The two remaining coward guards do nothing but cower in the corner. Noah uses Healing Spirit to heal a rough-looking Lilith, and flies sideways off of the staircase, and also casts Cure Wounds on Lilith. Lilith grapples one of the two guards facing her. Merit jumps off the side of the staircase, careful not to touch the glowing green crystal, and casts Blight on Mallard, which while it hits hard, does not do double damage, as Mallard is not a plant, apparently. Merit is now out of spells, but Hex is still up. Pen casts Produce Flame at Mallard, rolling a natural twenty for critical damage. Reverence uses her held action to move down the stairs now that the path is clear, using a Dash action to move next to Adelaide on the green crystal, which is slippery, but otherwise feels like rock. Mallard doesn't get a turn, as he is surprised by getting stabbed. Noah doesn't really recognize Mallard under all the blood and weird lighting, so the question of why Mallard's background is Noah-Purple is unanswered still. Adelaide leaves her blood blade in Mallard's head, pulls a guard's helmet off, and drinks some of the guard's blood.
Reverence pokes Mallard, and catches him immediately on fire, thanks to Hell Star, and she moves her Spiritual Weapon into the lower room. The guards in the center of the room attack Adelaide, and are harmed by Moonbeam. The two guards facing Lilith get some hits in, and the coward guards cower in the corner. Lilith drags the guard she's grappled into the Moonbeam, and Noah Ice Breaths the now three guards in the center of the room, also dealing damage to Adelaide and Lilith. Noah still cannot get a clear look at Mallard, and likely wont until Mallard sits up. Merit casts Eldritch Blast at the remaining guard at the bottom of the stairs. Pen casts Cure Wounds on Lilith. It is Mallard's first turn in combat, and he's not looking very happy. He sits up, still on fire, and still stabbed, and takes his action to remove the blood sword from his face, which dissolves into blood. Mallard looks at Adelaide, and asks what in tarnation they're doing, and stands up. Noah does not recognize Mallard. Mallard summons a dark metal halberd to his hand, and asks who the hell the party is. Mallard might be a warlock. Adelaide is looking rough, and turns into some bats, which swarm and eat at the un-helmeted guard.
Reverence misses Mallard with the Hell Star, but her Spiritual Flail does hit him. Un-helmeted guard attempts and fails to remove bats from his face. The other two in the center of the room move away from the Moonbeam and the grappled one breaks grapple. Noah misses his attack of opportunity, and a center guard hits Reverence. The guard at the stairs hits Pen. Noah moves Healing Spirit onto Pen and Lilith, and attacks the guard nearest him and Reverence. Merit replies to Mallard's question with "We are the folks who will bring you down" and a couple Eldritch Blasts, though they don't hit. Pen swings at the staircase guard with Shillelagh, but misses. Mallard points at Reverence, and as she passes her Wisdom save, he frowns, and hits his halberd against the floor, casting Branding Smite. Adelaide, still bats, continues eating the un-helmeted guard.
Reverence, using Luck, unfortunately misses Mallard with the Hell Star, though her Spiritual Weapon does hit. Mallard is at 69 health. The un-helmeted guard is still in Moonbeam (which also hits Reverence and Mallard), and dies, effectively vaporized by Pen. The center guard attacks Noah, the staircase one misses Pen, and the remaining one hits Lilith. The coward guards, seeing a guard poof into dust, cower even further into a corner. Noah heals Lilith a bit with Healing Spirit, and moves it so it also heals Pen. Noah flies over to Merit, and blows a kiss at him. He picks up a long-sword off of the ground, and chucks it at Mallard. The sword snaps in half against Mallard's breastplate. Noah then flies closer to the coward guards' corner. Lilith attacks the guard near her, who is looking rough. Merit blows a kiss back quickly as a bonus action and shoots an arrow at Mallard from Devil's Tongue, meaning that in the future Merit might be able to locate him. Pen is healed by Healing Spirit and is at full health, and they move Moonbeam onto Mallard, and the next round will be the last round for Moonbeam. Mallard fails his save for Moonbeam, taking full damage. Mallard is still on fire, and will be for an hour, which may pose an issue for keeping him alive, but Reverence has Spare The Dying, which is a cantrip. Which, theoretically, could stabilize Mallard over and over even as he takes fire damage. Much discussion of the rules ensues. The DM rules that yes, Reverence could do this and Spare The Dying as long as he's on fire, but there will be consequences to that, i.e. a coma. It is still Mallard's turn, who causes the entire party to make a Wisdom save against magic. Merit is the only one who fails, and he becomes Frightened for one minute. Mallard lost concentration on Branding Smite. He advances on Merit, and Reverence's Attack of Opportunity misses. Adelaide becomes a person again, and draws another blood sword. They advance on Mallard, but are not in range.
Reverence misses a guard with Hell Star, and moves the Spiritual Weapon closer to the guard. There are now five guards remaining of the original ten. Reverence gets hit by the center one, and the guards collectively roll four natural ones, and Pen gets hit hard enough to lose concentration. Lilith kills the guard facing her. Noah moves Healing Spirit onto Reverence and Adelaide. Merit is afraid, and backs away from Mallard. He casts Eldritch Blast at the guard nearest Reverence and Adelaide, and Hexes Mallard with Disadvantage on Strength. Mallard hits on his Attack of Opportunity against Merit. Pen casts Blight on Mallard, who drops to zero health. He falls to his knees and shouts, and the crystal in the middle of the room breaks. Mallard doesn't die. The crystal releases green acidic light, and fills up his body. Mallard has now entered his second boss form, which comes with cool art at this [link]! His eye is green, and he says "You're in for it now." It's Mallard's turn next, and that's where the combat ends for this session!
Pen has two spell slots left! Adelaide is above half health. Next session will start with Mallard's turn. Shillelagh has five turns left, and Hex is on Mallard with Strength Disadvantage. Merit has been Frightened for one round. This session consisted of five rounds, which is 30 seconds of in-game time.
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dungledrags · 5 years
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dungledrags · 5 years
Combat for 85 below the cut!
Reverence starts off this session’s combat with an unfortunate miss. Next is the guards, forked guard is still forked, but not tethered, and the guards don’t roll particularly well on their attacks. Forked guard goes down the stairs, gets hit by Noah as he leaves range. Noah’s arrow tings off a guard’s armour, but Lilith gets a few hits. (It is determined that it is a bonus action to drink a potion yourself.) Merit looks down into the lower room, to see if he can use the Arrow of Travel into the stairwell. Pen, in the lower room, casts Blight on a guard, who is unfortunately not a plant, so Blight doesn’t do much damage. Adelaide harms a guard.
Back to Reverence, who smacks a guard with Hell Star, as well as with her spiritual flail, which inflicts Catholic Guilt. There are nine guards remaining, of the original six and the four downstairs. The upper guards hit some things, and one jumps down. The lower guards cannot attack, and so they cluster at the bottom of the stairs. Noah's Tail Whip misses, but his... his Feelin Horny attack hits. Lilith scratches a guard. Merit calls out for Pen to mind their head, and pushes fork guard down the stairs. Or, he tries, and ultimately fails. Pen, realising they are outnumbered if they stay downstairs, Disengages, and goes up the stairs. Adelaide has apparently been enjoying the fight. Pen uses Cure Wounds on Merit as they run past. Adelaide is sexy is terrifying and the party is glad they don't have to fight someone with Slayer's Prey as an ability title. They hit a guard.
Reverence leaves a trail of fire in her wake as she goes to smack a guard. The guards hit Merit, Pen, Adelaide, and Noah. Noah sneezes on Ice Breaths three guards who are coming up the stairs, and Lilith pecks at some more. Merit moves a bit more up the stairs and Eldritch Blasts two of the guards. Pen casts Moonbeam and Healing Words Noah. Adelaide grapples a guard, and tears the guard's throat out.
Reverence moves her Spiritual Flail to the guard fighting Pen and Lilith. A guard jumps down to fight Pen on the staircase, Lilith getting a swipe in as he goes, and the guard fighting Reverence switches targets to Adelaide, grappling them in a heroic sacrifice. Fork guard has de-forked himself, and now holds the fork. Lilith charges some guards, goes bowling, killing the Heroic guard. Merit Eldritch Blasts a guard. Pen bonks a guard with Shillelagh. After a brief break, it's Adelaide's turn, and they unfortunately take damage from Moonbeam. Two of the upper guards take a tumble down the stairs into the lower room. Adelaide isn't undead, they were born undead. Adelaide is now downstairs.
Reverence sets more of the room on fire by moving, and finishes off a guard. The two remaining upper-level guards cower in the corner of the lower room, because they've never been down there before. One of the guards is named Possessed Guard, and attacks Adelaide. Chance doesn't think that Mallard is Noah's secret dad, but everyone else does. Noah's dad taught him Ranger things. Chance mentions that he might be Catherine's dad, but no one knows who Catherine is, because Noah's backstory is shrouded in mystery. Noah casts Healing Spirit in the shape of an owl so that it heals Pen and Merit. Merit goes farther down the stairs, but can't see too far into the room. Pen follows, and can see further into the room, enough to move Moonbeam down into the lower room. There are six total guards in the lower room, including the two very scared guards, who get hit with Pen's Moonbeam. Adelaide turns into mist, and mists past the two guards blocking their path on the stairs.
Reverence uses a Dash to zip through the Healing Spirit, following the others down the stairs. The coward guards get hit with Moonbeam, and they move away, avoiding the green crystal. The party decides to avoid the green crystal as well. A stair guard swings and misses at mist. Noah moves Healing Spirit, and follows down the stairs, casting Cure Wounds on himself. Reverence is still on fire, and that might be an issue in the future. Merit moves onto the lower map, and Hexes and Eldritch Blasts a guard. Pen moves Moonbeam onto a guard, and heals thanks to Healing Spirit. Adelaide de-mists, and casts Hunter's Mark and Slayer's Prey on Mallard. They stand over him ominously.
Reverence holds her turn until Lilith moves down the stairs, so that she doesn't set her on fire. A stair guard gets hurt by Moonbeam, and the two that were guarding Mallard's sleeping body advance on Adelaide. The two coward guards huddle in the corner. Stair guard hits Pen and Merit, and Adelaide gets hit as well. Lilith jumps over Pen and Merit onto a guard, tumbling with the guard down the stairs. Lilith, unfortunately takes a bit of damage from Moonbeam. Reverence sets more things on fire, which might go out after an hour when the Hell Star goes away, but surely can't go wrong. Merit Eldritch Blasts the guards by Adelaide, but unfortunately misses, meaning the guard's AC is above 18. Pen does some more damage with Moonbeam, and uses Healing Word on Adelaide. Adelaide stabs Mallard in the face, right through the eye patch, for quite a bit of critical damage, seeing as Mallard is both asleep and prone. Mallard is now down 45 points and... stands up? Wakes up, and screams. Mallard rolls a low initiative, and that is where we end it!
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dungledrags · 5 years
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You’ll never see the end of the road while you’re traveling with me.
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dungledrags · 5 years
The Extended Questions Recap of 83.
Pen asks a cavalcade of questions, which consist of, with no breath or even punctuation, really, inbetween: "How come you can boss guards around? Are you really Thaleia's friend? Wasn't she a guard here? Why did she leave if you're also her friend and in charge of everybody? Why are her and her sister in like, a weird plane? What's up with that? How come you can't get them out? Aren't you mist?" Adelaide asks them to run that by them again. Reverence asks if Adelaide is mist, to which they say no, and they're not lying. (Reverence doesn't trust that.) The guards listen to Adelaide because they are his right hand man. To the questions of "Is Mallard a duck" and "Can (the party) kill him" Adelaide answers no and yes. They don't really clarify which is which.
Pen pulls out a rope. It's a truth rope! Probably. Adelaide takes the rope.
According to Adelaide, holding the Truth Rope, Mallard put Thaleia in the plane, because he doesn't like her, for complicated reasons. They say that the party cannot trust them, also for complicated reasons. They want to get Thaleia out of the plane, but as to whether the party can trust them to do specifically that, the answer is both yes and no. They do not give any answer as to whether Mallard is controlling them.
Adelaide was the one who wrote the letter that brought them to Thiebaut in the first place. Adelaide can't say what's wrong with Thaleia's sister, Vivian. (Reverence remembers Vivian being "not in the best of health" when she last saw her.) Killing Mallard would help Adelaide, but they don't know how to help Thaleia out of the Ethereal plane. They aren't an expert on the ethereal plane. Adelaide worries that if they kill Mallard, Thaleia and Vivian will be trapped. Mallard is, in fact, magical. Neither Reverence nor Pen are quite sure how Mallard trapped them there, Pen assumes that Mallard is a druid, specifically a duck.
Merit asks if Adelaide knows of the Winter Court. They do. Mallard is not part of the Winter Court. Merit asks if Adelaide is part of the Winter Court, to which they ask who is asking. Merit is. Adelaide says that they are not part of the Winter Court. Reverence starts listing magic types in the hopes that Adelaide will indicate that Mallard does one of them. They don't. It's apparently a complicated answer, to whether or not there is any faerie magic at play, and Adelaide is sure that if it is, it is unrelated. Mallard is a small man. Adelaide wants to help the party, but seems to be incapable of doing so. Mallard stays in the palace. He doesn't have any powerful friends like Adelaide. Noah asks if Mallard has any fears, and we don't get much of an answer.
Adelaide does not want to disclose where they get their mist powers from. If they fought Mallard, Adelaide would most likely be forced to fight them. Adelaide says the party couldn't kill them. Adelaide doesn't want to kill them, and they would not like to kill them, but things are complicated. Given the choice, they do not want to harm the party. Tying Adelaide up while they fight Mallard won't work, because Adelaide has tried that. They're not sure how useful being turned into a squirrel or a bug would be. They don't really want to be a squirrel. The party offers a choice of rodents. They say that they don't have to fight them, but if they do, then the party may turn them into a squirrel. To avoid confusion on the battlefield, if the squirrel plan goes, then Adelaide will be a green squirrel.
They were following the party because Adelaide has orders, but what they do with the information they gather, it doesn't always have to go somewhere. Adelaide knows that they are not trustworthy, and they are not asking for trust. Adelaide operates on loopholes, and sometimes there aren't loopholes.
The party tries to test the Truth Rope, to some hilarity. Apparently the Truth Rope works.
Again with the Truth Rope, Adelaide says that they did not seek out the party during the day, because they are not themself during the day.
Reverence asks if they're a vampire. Adelaide does not answer.
Merit asks what a vampire is. Reverence reveals that what she knows of vampires comes from smut novels, and she thinks vampires have sex powers. (Adelaide laughs at this.) Pen asks them solemnly to please not drink their blood for sex powers. Merit adds the caveat that they may so long as they have consent. Adelaide does not seem to be enjoying this discussion.
They turn the discussion back to Mallard's weaknesses. Mallard doesn't often leave the castle, and is escorted by at least four guards, and during the daytime, Adelaide. Everyone in the city hates him, apparently. He sleeps armed and with several guards. Adelaide is skipping guard duty to talk to the party. It would be very difficult to get to Mallard at this point. Adelaide didn't see Reverence and Merit sneaking around, because they didn't go looking for them. They might be less likely to kill the party if they go at night. If the party doesn't succeed at killing Mallard, then Adelaide wouldn't be themself anymore. Mallard is not allergic to nuts.
Adelaide doesn't want them to attack that night, they'd like a little bit of preparation before they give up their free will. They reiterate that there will be consequences if the party fails.
The possibility of vampires being patrons is brought up, and Adelaide says that certain vampires can. Adelaide says it's not vampires, that they are the only vampire in this situation, and they are not going to eat the party for sex powers. The following discussion is A Lot and should be experienced [link(1:40:43)]. The long and short of it is that the question of how Noah tastes is discussed and I am not going into that in this family-friendly for tumblr dot com recap thank you.
Adelaide doesn't sleep. The party isn't very knowledgeable in vampire lore.
Adelaide was always a vampire, and was at one point, a baby vampire. Thaleia does know of the vampirism, and they've been friends since they were young. Thaleia isn't a vampire, nor is Vivian. Adelaide and Thaleia, at one point, were more than friends.
Adelaide won't speak of their plans to anyone else. They ask that the party ensures that no matter what happens Thaleia and Vivian get out safe. If they must, take Adelaide out of the battle however possible. Adelaide apologises for whatever they may do. Mallard has beein in their mind constantly for several years. At one point, the back of the tavern was a safe place for Adelaide, and they brought Hector there because they have moments of clarity. The scratch marks are from them. Adelaide has fangs. Pen hugs Adelaide.
Adelaide is the one who broke Thaleia out of the jail. They regret this.
Noah joins the weird group hug. It's pretty awkward. Lilith is very cute, though.
There are no further questions.
Adelaide hands the truth rope back. They'll find the party tomorrow night. Adelaide leaves, the fog stays.
And that's all! That's a lot of questions! Follow this [link] to go back to the recap!
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dungledrags · 5 years
sometimes I get distracted by the friendship bracelets and holding hands and forget that sometimes Pen’s reaction to things is “Oh, just kill it!” I love Pen very much.
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