eighteenoheight · 2 days
Haven’t finished the fallout tv show yet but definitely enjoying it a lot. Ella Purnell steals the show for me she’s done such a good job.
But because I’m a progression spiral and have to know what’s going to happen next before I finish the first thing I’m feeling out a season 2. Now chances are it will be a continuation of season 1, if we even get a season 2 who knows probably a simple Google search will say but I can’t get distracted lest I forget everything I’m currently thinking.
I think back to when fallout 4 first came out and before I learned anything about what came of the protagonist’s baby while playing I had this morbid thought of what if this ends in a really sad way. Imagine you’ve been cryogenically frozen for 200 years, you see your baby get snatched and you have no idea when that happened because it only felt like a few minutes before you were unfrozen. You spend the whole time tracking down your child, not knowing how old they are that this point. By the end you find out your baby was taken like 100 years ago, lived a whole life and now is dead. How devastating that would be. Doesn’t work so much for a game mainly about shooting enemies to pieces in a post apocalyptic hellscape. But for a TV show??? One has to wonder how it would all play out. I think it would make for a powerful albeit depressing narrative. I don’t recall this kind of plot for a cryogenically frozen protagonist. I know Fry from Futurama had this with what happened to him, at some point he freezes again with his girlfriend thinking he’s gone 1000 years into the future again only to find out barely any time passed at all, but can you imagine the opposite?
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eighteenoheight · 6 days
Don't mind me, just trying to conceptualize a look for Claire Redfield in hopes of manifesting a Code Veronica remake. Feel free to ignore I'm just writing another essay it's not that interesting.
Starting off with a complaint because duh all I ever do is bitch and moan about everything. This is quite a big gripe I've had that's only gotten worse over the last two weeks. In Claire and Jill's redesigns, yes we know they're kind of twinning with the layered tanktops, skinny jeans and boots. But the bigger problem for me is they don't really give the 90s vibes I'm looking for. There's a nostalgia factor I'm missing here. And I figured out the problem. The skinny jeans, bitch. They go in and out of style quite a lot and unfortunately for Capcom, they were out in the 90s. I did a google search as well as sought first-hand accounts. My mother said absolutely not, and she knows a bit about the fashion trends after her traumatic experience with a pair of green flared trousers back in the 80s. What gets my goat a little is it seems whoever was in charge of these character designs didn't really account for the era or that there would be a miserable bitch nitpicking over something so inconsequential. As a consumer I often want my sweet sweet vibes. My excitement seeing Ashley Graham's pink flip phone in the 4 remake is unmatched and I love to see it. I think it was a prime missed opportunity because at this time the 90s trends are back in. I could go into how confusing it is to see how cyclical the fashions are, not to humble brag but I got super into tie-dye just before it was back in style. Another minor brag that actually annoyed me is I spent hours cutting up and shredding a knitted jumper back in February only to find pre-shredded jumpers are coming into stores now. And those are the only times I've been at least within the current trends, otherwise I don't know what's going on.
But TLDR: Factually Claire and Jill's redesigns aren't giving 1998 and I'm butthurt about it.
Now lets get Claire's original CV look out of the way, will be short because I don't really have anything negative to say about them.
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These are among my favourite Claire looks, which isn't hard considering the decade of outfit repeating going on. I just think they're neat. And they actually give 90s. Peep the jeans, we've got the original with straight-leg, and the DSC version has a bootcut fit, both of which were the style. We've got cropped torso pieces which, again, very 90s. We can see differences in the two looks, but overall they're the same framework. Love them, cherish them, praying Capcom doesn't bastardise them. These are good templates for recreations and honestly you could take them in a few directions while still maintaining the spirit of the original.
While we're still on our 90s bullshit lets maybe go into some inspo. Won't do too much with this because I shouldn't really be listened to when it comes to being stylish.
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Got a little annoyed trying to find pictures of actual 90s fashions. It's all moodboards and the current trends I was ready to call it a day. Whatever. I wholeheartedly believe Claire would suit the 90s grunge style. Perfect fit for a college student who rides her motorcycle around town picking up chicks. A lot of the vibes I gleamed from the google is the styles tended to be comfortable, casual, and there was an emphasis on layering. Flannel was also a big thing, and I'm not just saying that to project my lesbian headcanon onto everyone else. A more simple-minded reason is Claire's main colour is red and you see a lot of flannel in red. I'm pretty sure there was also a lot of band tees going on, and as we know Claire has a lot of Queen references going on. Food for thought. Also found another image that makes me more upset at her remake design.
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Imagine if we got something more similar to this. This might be unpopular and a little bit controversial to say but I wouldn't have minded Claire having a simple red leather jacket and the made in heaven decal on her shirt as a band tee of sorts. That way her jacketless outfit would still maintain her vibes. Just a throwaway thought. This is more my realism brain wanting to overcorrect what I can't unsee as implausible with her managing to have a customised leather jacket, and having a second one too?? Gee, bill! How come your mom lets you eat two wieners? See me complaining and saying a look is pedestrian and basic yet something actually unique I'm like no absolutely not. At least I'm self aware enough to say the two thoughts don't coincide.
Now I'm ready and willing to talk about more specifics.
One of my only problems with the original CV looks are they aren't the most appropriate Weather attire. Allegedly Claire's adventure continues three months after Raccoon City goes boom boom. That would mean it was the end of December when Claire was doing her thing in Paris. Europe gets cold af during Fall and Winter so wtf is she doing wearing short sleeves with her midriff out? Maybe she's autistic like me and doesn't know how to dress for the weather, but I'm not willing to accept that until further assessment of her brain. This is where layering comes in clutch.
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This amazing design by (90% sure) Jaeon009 on twitter is essentially the blueprint for what I would like to see. The button-up really adds to the look. For the purposes of Claire not freezing to death I would go for a long-sleeve, maybe a thicker material for extra warmth. Could talk about how great this redesign is but I don't have time or the ability to form words when I'm focussed on something else. Let's just remember where we are in the world at what time and that her OG look wouldn't fare well in a Wintery Paris, let alone when she ends up in the Antarctic.
Next bit is more for me needing to know exactly what's going on, just being a nosy bitch. It will go into her clothes but at this moment I'm wondering what she was doing in those three months. We know at some point Leon told her to fuck off and find her brother, unless the remake canon would change that. My concerns for her safety are would she have been able to go back to where she was living? Would she have kept a low profile in case nasty bitches were after her? In that case would she have gone back to her college or wherever she lived to get a change of clothes? It literally doesn't matter whatsoever but I'd like to know, plus these factors could/should affect the look she's giving us. Perhaps she had to thrift her clothing and she put together what we end up seeing in a hopeful CV remake? Yes, I know I get stuck in the smallest of details. We could scrap this entire section and nothing would change but sometimes I need to get it all out.
I've played around with redesigning Claire (as well as other characters) on the sims 4 that I may post at some point but even with cc it's kind of limited for what I'm trying to convey. Don't draw anymore so that's not happening. I'd love to find some other way of getting what's in the brain put into physical form. That's probably why I feel the need to make long essays overexplaining everything. I really should learn to draw again it would make life so much easier.
Bonus concept art from way back when the original RE2 was in development. Perhaps Capcom should go back through all their old concepts to get some valuable inspo.
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eighteenoheight · 13 days
Ranking Claire Redfield’s outfit repeats because I’m a huge bitch and also proving a point a little bit
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Revelations 2
The blueprint. This is Claire grown. She’s got her dress shirt under a more sophisticated/business casual red leather jacket with blue skinny jeans and heeled boots. Perfect way to serve looks at a Terrasave welcome party before you get kidnapped and trapped on an island with infected. Started the trend and as the great Sidney Prescott once said; “you forgot the first rule of remakes, Jill (Valentine). Don’t fuck with the original”.
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Resident Evil 2 Remake
The second incarnation of the template for a Claire Redfield outfit. A solid interpretation. A red leather jacket with the now essential layered tank top for a female protagonist. Blue skinny jeans again with brown biker boots. Pretty standard and practical for a girl with a motorbike. Safety first though she wears her helmet. Kept mostly fresh and appropriate for a 19 year old.
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Infinite Darkness
Downhill from here. Now we’re just mashing the two previous looks together. We’ve got the red leather jacket, this time the dress shirt is collarless and ill-fitting. Blue skinny jeans yet again, and black boots. The combo is a little odd to me, like wearing flip flops with a tuxedo. Maybe I’m thrown off because the button-up looks to be business casual, if it were black instead of white it would change the look. But I’m not here to give fashion advice, I’m just policing repeat offenders. Maybe not the worst but most definitely not the best.
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Death Island
This is the worst one probably because it’s the most recent version of this look and I’m tired at this point. I wouldn’t say it’s a terrible outfit on its own but this is the fourth time we’ve seen this be done and while the last one was a little bit of a fashion emergency, this one’s just a snooze fest. I see no soul in this. Here we yet again have a red leather jacket this time paired with a plain black undershirt. We’re not done overcooking this repetition because, you guessed right, she’s wearing blue skinny jeans and black boots. A revolutionary take on an outfit we saw almost 10 years ago I must say. I’ll give Claire some credit though, she’s got the red leather jacket industry on lock. She’s only wearing the same shit to keep the economy together. It is so bad, I want to give you a zero. But that’s not possible. So I give you a one.
There seems to be a distinct lack of creativity going on and it’s really sad. I could point out so many artists who have posted their own fan redesigns of Claire that are clearly recognisable as her that are so varied and brilliant. It’s possible to separate Claire from her red leather jackets, skinny jeans and boots. People will still know it’s her. It’s a beyond dead horse at this point and I don’t see it resurrecting (zombie joke) so I beg of whoever is in charge of the character designs over there, please get it together.
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eighteenoheight · 13 days
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I don’t know how to feel. There are aspects I like… such as the buckles and the hoodie. It’s not giving ninja apart from the katana and the tabi shoe (the split toe part of the boots). The hoodie seems vaguely Asian inspired but not enough to say ninja. I guess it looks stealthy, kind of assassin adjacent. Put a gun to my head and I still couldn’t scramble to explain the devil horns.
Back to the hoodie though. I think the cropped part looks dumb. I’m not talking about sexualisation, my issue is more it’s not stylish and it’s just weird to pair this “urban ninja” getup with a bikini top. They could have done something a little more on theme, or just bring down the crop so we can see more of the hoodie design.
I can get over the blonde hair but the blue eyes? I’m my humble opinion Moira has the best eye colour of any RE character so why change it. It makes her resemble Sherry Birkin. Neither an insult nor a compliment I just don’t understand the need to change the eye colour.
Might as well do a little side note on the sexualisation topic even though I don’t have much to add. If it is a sexualised outfit and was intended to be so I’ll trust that judgement but I can’t see it past how silly the costume looks. Same with Claire’s western one. Of all the revelations 2 DLC costumes, Natalia is the only one I really like because it’s so adorable. The rest are kind of a miss for me. I’m guessing the aim was like a costume party or something? I don’t know for the only DLC looks we got it’s a little depressing.
I think I developed a bit of a disdain for this costume because of what we could have had.
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Life is so unfair sometimes.
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eighteenoheight · 15 days
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eighteenoheight · 15 days
My obsession is immeasurable
I need to follow more people in the fandom with thoughts and ideas for the future of Resident Evil
Mainly creatives showing off their redesigns for characters in the event of remakes. I would but I can’t draw anymore and the sims 4 even with CC is limited as to what I envision.
Also more headcanon stuff
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eighteenoheight · 17 days
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Unpopular opinion but I actually like Jessica’s diver outfit. I think it’s camp and tacky which is very much her personality. The one leg and the high heels are so stupid I can’t help but love it.
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eighteenoheight · 17 days
Fun fact the pandemic was actually when I started regularly going outside. I’ve always been a hermit crab but I had to help out my elderly neighbour by walking her dog so it got me going outside. Also fun fact that’s when I started getting seasonal allergies
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eighteenoheight · 28 days
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This is me explaining that we’ve already been told what to expect for resident evil 9. The signs are everywhere it’s all laid out ready to be stumbled upon.
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eighteenoheight · 1 month
Mild thought but probably major if I’m correct. Obviously it’s about resident evil I’m on that train still.
I don’t entirely see the first game being remade again. Based on the release of the remastered version as well as zero being awfully close to the release of the 2 remake I think they’re sticking with that continuity, I think I already said this before just reiterating I have a bigger point to make. I think the purpose of the remakes is not only for newer audiences/the originals are super old/money but to establish a consistent narrative and lore that may not have been present before. Tweaks have been made to fit more with the future games, and the only way I could see 1 being remade is if in the next titles or other remakes require things in terms of character development with the OG characters. But again I don’t really see that happening because regardless of all these things, the remake we already have is perfectly playable in current year and I’m not certain another remake would get the same reception as the first did. I doubt they’d want to fumble their reputation like that.
There was a neat little April fools joke on Twitter about it and so I had time to think about if it were real.
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eighteenoheight · 1 month
The vague stories of Mia Winters
Thought I’d go for a punchy title for this here tirade. Because much like any conversations Ethan tried to have with her, Mia as a character is all half-answered questions.
I’ve seen a lot of fans of the Resident Evil series really dislike Mia. For being a bio-terrorist, what her lies and deceit did to Ethan, never giving a straight answer. There’s so much drama surrounding her but we still haven’t gotten much of an explanation. Shadows of Rose concluded the Winters’ story for now, yet as is now common for Mia, I have a lot of questions. I haven’t been given enough information or backstory to know exactly or even partially what Mia’s deal is. Where does she fall on the morality scale?
The Connections are a gross organisation that, despite being a huge player in the last two games, has been flying under the radar this entire time. As someone working for these bitches, Mia would have absolutely spilled the beans on every last detail to the BSAA, otherwise there’s no way she would have gone unpunished to live in “safety” with Ethan. She clearly knew way more than we do at this point in the series for whatever reasons. Maybe we will find this out at some point, but as it stands now where is the truth?
Another part of why it’s hard to get a read on Mia’s character is we still don’t know what her motivations were, or her level of involvement in The Connections and the creation of Eveline. Did she know Evie’s true purpose? It’s a slightly rhetorical question because she most likely did but Mia girl, you’ve had enough time to tell us what’s going on. Stop keeping secrets ffs. And as for the BSAA keeping quiet about her involvement, she must have given a LOT of details in order for them to not only give her a free pass for bio-terrorism, but also keep Ethan in the dark about how much she truly knew about what was going on. She was a risk to his life, and ultimately paid that price in the end. And because they never let him know, his blood is on their hands. And I want to know for sure, did the BSAA relocate the Winters’ because the connections were after them because they got infected and experienced all that, or because Mia worked for them and needed to be dealt with? Will we ever know the truth? And if my theory is correct that the BSAA were using them as bait for The Connections, would this be revealed in the next game and how would Mia react to this after it cost Ethan his life? Sure she has her responsibility in what happened but, again, the BSAA played a huge role.
Despite the Winters’ story allegedly being over, I can’t see how this era of the story is going to continue without Mia. She has to be around in some form, likely through files or recordings. She’s the only link to the illusive company that we know of so there has to be more to her story than what we’ve been given. Because fans are still stuck on whether she’s a villain, a hero, an anti-hero, whatever she is, answers need to be given, otherwise we’ll be stuck wondering forever.
Also big shoutout to Katie O’Hagan because her voice acting was phenomenal and I don’t think she gets enough credit because Mia’s character is so confuddling.
Did I repeat myself in numerous places because I put this dissertation away a few times and add bits when they popped into my head? Probably most likely. We’ll just say I’m trying to heavily emphasise what I’m talking about even though we both know it’s because I don’t read what I write out and forget. I like doing these kind of word vomming essays on an interest because while writing this out I had another big thought. Very excited.
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eighteenoheight · 1 month
Listen up, Mia Winters. I’m coming for you. I don’t know when, don’t know how, don’t fully know why. But I’m coming.
I’ve had it with the lies, the trickery, the audacity, the drama. Your time is up and you have a lot to answer for.
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eighteenoheight · 1 month
Chances are we’re probably going to see re5 remake before or if we ever see a code Veronica remake. And honestly that’s dumb to me. Chronologically, thematically, logically, anything else that comes to mind later. It didn’t make a lot of sense to remake 4 first either but we got what we got. Code Veronica was released 24 years ago, most younger players probably never played it because it’s old and not a numbered title. Yet it’s a very important game in the series.
And if we think about this properly, there was clearly some stuff going down to prime players for the remakes. We got remasters of 0 and 1 in 2015/16 which were bundled into the origins collection, then we got the RE2 remake in 2019. Clearly there’s been an effort to keep new fans in the loop. Again, Code Veronica is important for the precious precious lore. The game that reveals Wesker is actually alive after getting his flat ass handed to him by a tyrant. The big bad in the fifth game??? Also establishing the intense rivalry between Wesker and Chris? The losing battle that results in Chris deciding to bulk up for a future fight? Plus the sciencey stuff with the T-Veronicas virus that leads into 6? Lest we forget the sweet reunion of two siblings. That’s the good shit right there.
This point is more for the next flop multiplayer title, but bear with me. A Code Veronica remake is the opportunity to give us Chris as he was in 1998. We’ve only seen him in the RE Engine as a 48 year old and as an imposter. REverse had most the core characters in their 98 incarnations, then old man Chris. It was kind of odd to look at. I’m a little shocked at this point that the poster boy of Resident Evil hasn’t been shown in his “prime” with the new graphics. Also confused why the return of Albert main villain Wesker was relegated to a few cutscenes in a DLC campaign and mercenaries. Bitches who are new to the series and maybe don’t have the time or interest to investigate the full lore of the franchise may have been shook seeing him again when last they saw he was dead, and even if they saw him dead again in RE5 they might be like ummm how did he survive the first time what happened? Why is he just chilling in RE4 now?
Fans have been begging for a CV remake, and I hope to God it’s coming. Either the next announced game, after 9 or even Revelations 3/another spinoff title. If we don’t and then 5 remake is announced then I’d sincerely doubt we’ll ever see it come to happen. Staying positive because I can’t imagine why Capcom would want to throw that opportunity away. They wouldn’t need to write a full story, the groundwork is already there.
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eighteenoheight · 2 months
Baker Incident Report
I 100% believe this little piece of content in RE Village has massive implications for the next game and also started my main theory for what's going to happen in the future. But also upon rereading I have a lot more questions and I'm just excited about it leave me alone. Probably long so gonna put in the read more thingy.
I numbered all these screenshots but can't exactly remember why they're in that order and structuring stuff has never been my strong suit. I'll work it out as I go and probably do a lot of repeating. Let's get into this bitch. Only got screenshots of stuff that really stuck out to me so it's not everything.
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I think this has at least two points of hmm resident evil 9 hints?? First is what's going on with the BSAA and/or other players in this situation which I'll go into later on but I think I'm starting with the second thing, which is Miss Zoe Baker.
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My theory/wishful thinking that Zoe will be the next protagonist or at least have a role in RE9 is reinforced by this whole thing and ties in really well with what happened at the end of Village. Chris Redfield and Zoe Baker seem to be on the same page when it comes to the BSAA at this point. I'm pretty sure the corruption of the BSAA will be a big plot point, and perhaps this report is giving us an insight into who will be at the centre of this story.
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Maybe I'm looking into this a little too much, but getting details on a character like Zoe who was a supporting character in the previous game is a little strange to me. Should probably dive deeper but RE has a lot of single appearance characters that are never brought up again, so why are we getting this info for a character who was only playable in a short DLC? Whatever, the detail of being a reporter gives me lightbulb moments like playing as a reporter would work so well in a Resident Evil game with gathering files and collectibles. I can imagine a lot of fun gameplay elements like writing information in a notepad or something, maybe more emphasis on finding certain files to progress. Also puzzle solving for someone whose job is investigating all the little details. If she's not the playable protagonist she could have a role similar to Ingrid Hunnigan where she's on call to find out stuff to help the player navigate through whatever nasty shit is going to happen in RE9. Outside of a new character, I could only imagine Zoe being the protagonist for the sake of the survival horror. A civilian with limited combat experience would be better than Chris Redfield who has plenty of experience and resources to fight.
Okay that's that on that for now until another ramble happens. Something I'm super ready to get into is what's the BSAA up to???
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Initially I didn't pay much attention to this part, and due to bad reading comprehension I'm still unsure of the meaning. In my mind this is either explaining that the Baker incident was another outbreak to happen. Or... Something potentially darker, is that it was one of many coverups that we don't know about. I'm leaning more towards the latter because the BSAA is widely known for combatting bioterrorism so this would be a useless piece of information, and finding out that the BSAA has other indiscretions lets us know that something fishy is going on and has been going on for a while.
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Oh great, back on the ramble. No I'll keep it brief. Another maybe hint that Zoe will lead the next game, she's going to see her investigation through to the end. Okay done.
The main point here is allegedly (don't sue me BSAA) someone doesn't want any of this getting out, and have tried to stop Zoe finding out the full truth. What I want to know is whom. The BSAA isn't the only bitch with something to hide. This could just be referring to them, but I can't help but wonder if The Connections have a hand in trying to cover up everything going on. Also would like to know HOW Zoe's been impeded in her investigation.
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So what we can gleam from this report is:
The BSAA has been aware of The Connections for a while
They failed to prevent what happened in Dulvey despite having the opportunity
They covered up the Baker incident in an attempt to avoid responsibility
The biggest thing here is they knew The Connections were up to something in Eastern Europe, which brings us into the next thing, and also a huge red flag.
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For added context because putting everything here would be a chore, which I'm glad for because Tumblr is struggling with these screenshots. This is Ethan being interviewed by someone from the BSAA, relocating the Winters' because of what happened in Dulvey.
Now bitch, we know the BSAA was aware of The Connections' activity in Eastern Europe. So WHYYY send the Winters' there for their "protection" when that's almost guaranteed to have negative consequences. That raises some questions, and none of the answers are particularly good. So either the BSAA planned on using Ethan and Mia as pawns to draw out The Connections. The other thing is a little conspiracy theory of me but I just realised what else could be happening. What if they were hoping The Connections would eliminate the Winters' so the BSAA wouldn't have to. It's less likely but it's been established that they are willing to do what it takes to look as clean as possible while getting their hands mega dirty. Something I believe needs to be answered is why this happened. Why send Ethan and Mia to Eastern Europe where you know The Connection are operating?
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We already knew but this makes it clear that Chris is not involved in the questionable choices the BSAA is making. And it seems that he is actively disregarding the BSAA at this point. This I think is one reason why I wonder if the previous little conspiracy theory might have some weight. Why are they so concerned that Chris is in Eastern Europe? Is it because they knew he would do what it takes to protect the Winters'? Another little flat-earth moment from me is the one part of harsh language is in regards to Miranda. Keep it professional, especially with someone who basically created the BSAA. Did they already know who Miranda was perhaps? Were they shocked that Chris knew about her? This goes into my theory that The Connections and the BSAA are more... Connected... than we think. Pun not intended because I think it's a stupid one but what other word can I possibly use? I can't help but wonder if the BSAA was infiltrated by The Connections at some point, and that's why they "failed" to get rid of Eveline until she escaped the control of The Connections. In this report was a series of comments by civilians at points, and one did stick out to me. Probably could have added a screenshot of it but hindsight is four years ago. Essentially people knew about the shipwreck, though dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Apparently there were satellite photos of the massive cargo ship. In the three years of it being sat there in the bayou why was it never investigated, unless someone already knew about it and had it covered up... Who else has been involved in concealing the truth to the public? The BSAA. What if they already knew and were monitoring Eveline's evolution? May explain how they arrived so quickly when she turned into that huuuuge mold monster. Again conspiracy theory brain, maybe they were just inept? Maybe it was The Connections hiding this.
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Great yet again, this also contributes to my belief that Zoe is going to reappear in the next game. Why else would someone send her a copy of the BSAA letter?
Bigger question for me here is who sent it. The actual answer is probably Chris but I don't really buy it. Especially looking at his actions towards Ethan from Village, he doesn't want innocent civilians getting involved. He would probably know that Zoe is desperate to uncover the truth, so why encourage her in a way that could endanger her life? I think there are plenty of options for who sent the letter. I don't have a clue who. Could venture Ada Wong because that seems like her vibe. Despite popular perception of being a self-serving villainous type, she's always down to help those in need (such as helping Sherry and Jake in 6 just because she could). Also I do believe she will be involved in The Connections plot as she was supposed to be in Village. There are also BSAA agents who may have access to their communications, such as Jill, Barry, Rebecca, a member of the hound squad. Perhaps someone close to Chris who could access his mail like Claire Redfield. Could be someone with an axe to grind with the BSAA, or maybe someone, perhaps a secret company or a counter-terror organisation, who intends on leading Zoe to her death to tie up loose ends......... Spooky stuff.
If anyone does read this I apologise. I've been stuck on stupid thanks to this series and desperately trying to work out what happens next even though I could simply wait until RE9 is announced. It started off as fun and now here were are looking like that meme of Charlie from Always Sunny in front of his conspiracy board. That's me. I already have a whole thought train about Mia Winters and wtf is going on with her. The fixation doesn't have an end in sight.
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eighteenoheight · 2 months
I’m onto something big here, I think we’ve been given some huge hints about what RE9 will be with the Baker incident report. It’s all coming together
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eighteenoheight · 2 months
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SHEVA ALOMAR resident evil 5, 2009.
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eighteenoheight · 2 months
Me having many thoughts on one specific subject that’s taking over my brain?? Colour me shocked. We’re back on the RE9 train with whatever I’m thinking about, coherent or not.
Can’t remember if I’ve said this before but I 100% believe Ada’s scrapped role in Village was because of bigger plans for the connections but got cut due to story reasons. Two games in and we still don’t really know what the deal is with these bitches. I think we’re going to see Ada come back in the next game because she’s gonna be linked to The Connections in some way, either she’s working for them, she’s going to destroy them or she’s a double/triple agent. She’s got a lot going on so it could be any of those.
Next is more of a wishful thinking and there’s no evidence to even believe this will happen but I think Jill making an epic return would not only send the fandom into a frenzy but also make for great storytelling with the whole BSAA plot. There’s going to be a big thing in the next game with Chris uncovering the corruption of the BSAA, and I think a little bit of drama would push the story forward with Jill pointing out his hypocrisy. I’ll have to go into this at some point because I don’t know if canonically she’s considered a BOW or not. Some say super solider, for the sake of my theory/desire I say that’s semantics. Point is Chris was pissed at the end of Village after the BSAA sent in a BOW. If Jill were to side with the BSAA she would point out that she’s a BOW and Chris doesn’t have a problem with her being an agent. I’m shaky on the canon as always but if Chris omitted a lot of details surrounding what happened to Jill in Africa, he would be a hypocrite for being upset that the BSAA is also involved in coverups. I think it would serve for a good back and forth dispute for the morality of bioterrorism and how far one would go to protect humanity. Allegedly this will be the conclusion of some kind of story, again not sure no reading comprehension, so imagine it ends where we began, with Chris and Jill as the protagonists on their separate journeys. Poetic stuff. Big but here, I have a thing with over complicating a lot of things and these things end up with too much crammed in. I don’t know, we’ll see. I don’t particularly want to see the end of our favs but who even knows. If I could be a fly on the wall of wherever capcom discusses the writing I would be so happy.
Again with The Connections because there’s so many questions and whatnot. One thing I would like to see would be they’ve either been kind of running the BSAA for a long time or they’ve wormed their way into control. Like destroying it from the inside because they’re a pain for them. I keep thinking back to the Zoe Baker article from Village. Covering up what happened to the Bakers would really only benefit The Connections. The BSAA would have caught some of the blame for failing to deal with Eveline when they had the chance (apparently in 2014) and only catching onto where she was three years later after countless deaths. But at the same time a full coverup doesn’t make sense. Unless the BSAA and the Connections have some ties that are yet to be revealed.
This is also why I think Zoe Baker would be a good protagonist for the next game. After the incident she became a journalist, and seems willing to expose whoever she needs to in order to get her family’s story out there. She has the motive to want to go after The Connections, as well as the BSAA for their role. And for the survival horror vibe we don’t want to lose, she’s not some kind of agent with special weapons and gadgets at her disposal. Chris wouldn’t work as the lead because he’s got all of that plus the experience, I can’t him being really affected by the horrors around him. Plus for the storytelling purposes Chris dealing with someone who has no faith in the BSAA would bring him closer to the truth. If I don’t get my Jill wish, those dynamics would still work here. I think the question of the protagonist for the next game is an important one because RE7 learned from the mistakes of 6. Every character was already capable and ready to fight against the BOWs which took away from the horror. Ethan Winters was a decent protagonist because he was just a guy. But for RE9 I don’t think a new character could just be plucked from a street corner. There has to be a connection (I guess it’s a pun even though I hate it) to what’s been going on and where the franchise has been heading.
Next little thing is I’ve been looking at wish lists for the next game and don’t plan on stopping. There have been some, maybe one, talks of getting the OGs back together for one last mission, because again it’s been alleged to that 9 is closing a chapter. Not sure if true but regardless I don’t think that would be a good idea right now because Death Island only recently came out and despite enjoying it I don’t think every character really got their chance to shine. These are beloved characters and realistically for me there’s not enough time in the world to give me what I want. Whatever, timing wise it would be a little bit like okay that’s just been done what else do you have. If it’s true that re9 will be the ending for something, I believe it will be Chris’ story, likely with him retiring. Depending on where the story goes with the BSAA he either destroys them or saves them, then he’s ready to call it a day. He probably wouldn’t stop working to end bioterrorism but maybe step away from the action and instead work as an advisor or something. He won’t die because he’s mentioned by Rose Winters in the future, so let’s not worry, he’s safe. Regardless of what and who is happening where in the how, if we’re heading towards the end of the legacy characters, they should have been ushering in others to take up the mantle by now. Also goes into my theory about why we’re not getting numbered titles anymore. The numbers indicate the timeline going forward, so just using a catchy title means they can move around in time. Village took place in 2021? Well guess what mimi three games from now we’re in 2002. Don’t have to rely on remakes to stall the future of the games we’ve got all the time in the world to fuck around. With this theory we can establish the protégés from whenever, maybe some we’ve already met before. Because she’s my favourite character please let Moira Burton be one of them. Her nemesis could easily be Alex Wesker/Natalia the blueprint is there I can see it.
Can’t remember if I talked about my barebones concept for the next game but nothing much else has been thought. Still a town that’s been covered by mold within a forest. Depending on the timeline it was kind of destroyed by the mold either in the 50’s or 80’s and ever since has been stuck in that time for some fun aesthetics, similar to bioshock and fallout in ways. If we’re dealing with the end of an era perhaps go back to what remains of raccoon city? Meh whatever. Need to learn how to read before I get any sense of what I want to see in resident evil.
This is going to take over my life again for a while so I’m gonna be looking everywhere at theories and wish lists and all that jazz. Also hyped for remakes so any creative fans out there I need to find your art of reimagined characters.
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