elianastuckey · 11 months
Multi-Media Journal Summary
Breaking stereotypes about Asians is a major theme of the well-liked Netflix series Never Have I Ever, which also features many important moments for South Asian representation in Hollywood. The treatment of the African American community in the early 1960s is put into perspective by the film The Help. The Black Lives Matter movement is shedding light on the present and the ongoing treatment of the African American community. I realized that my life has been very fortunate, and this course has increased my curiosity about other cultures' perspectives through television and movies.
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elianastuckey · 11 months
Multimedia Journal Entry 3
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The Black Lives Matter movement was a significant initiative that was launched in 2013. According to its founders, the main objective of the organization is to "eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by state vigilantes. We are achieving immediate improvement in our lives by preventing and responding to violent acts, fostering Black creativity and innovation, and putting Black joy front and center (BLM, 2023). By providing loan forgiveness and student assistance, this organization continues to support the black community. In a manner like the actions taken during the civil rights movement, they empower the African American community.
We examined numerous instances of how people of color are treated differently in the United States throughout the course. Peggy McIntosh realized that society had barriers for people of color.  Since the beginning of our nation, this has been a constant battle. The fight against white supremacy has seen many attempts, all of which have been unsuccessful.
During the 1960s, Milwaukee experienced housing problems where black individuals were being forced out of their neighborhoods. When trying to rent or purchase a home outside their designated areas, they encountered little resistance. A photograph shows a group of counter-protestors exhibiting racial prejudice against the black community by holding signs that read "God is White." Sadly, these difficulties from the past persist in present times.
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The Black Lives Matter movement's goal includes telling the tragic tales of those who lost their lives because of white supremacy. This is done in the hopes of motivating a growing number of people to join the movement and effect change. Tyre Nichols' story is one of many that are shared on the website. The Memphis Police Department caused Tyre to pass away.  The police officers who beat Tyre to death were allegedly black, according to the media, but a board member of BLM says that ALL police "represent the interests of capitalism and impel state-sanctioned violence." White supremacy is maintained by anyone who participates in a system that supports state-sanctioned violence (Parker, 2023). This only serves to highlight the continued racial foundation of our society and political system.
“Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Statement on the Murder of Tyre Nichols.” Blacklivesmatter.Com, 27 Jan. 2023, https://blacklivesmatter.com/black-lives-matter-global-network-foundation-statement-on-the-murder-of-tyre-nichols/.
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elianastuckey · 11 months
Multimedia Journal Entry 2: Film
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The movie "The Help" portrays the reality of black maids living under the control of white families in Jackson, Mississippi during the early 1960s. This piece explores racism from three distinct perspectives, shedding light on the unjust and reprehensible mistreatment of black housemaids. The main character, Skeeter, intends to gather and publish a series of interviews documenting the lives of various individuals. The book is an artistic creation that provides a platform for the expression of diverse identities. Humor makes occasional appearances in the otherwise serious film. There are three women with distinct personalities, each with their own unique traits. The purpose of this digital display is to showcase the historical injustices experienced by black communities within this country.
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It showcases exhibitions that delve into contemporary culture's issues of racial, sexual, and historical identity. Additionally, it explores the enduring effect of artistic heritage and community across generations. As I thought about the movie "The Help," I became intrigued by this museum exhibit that also delves into generational racism.  One of the artists showcased in the exhibition is Patricia Ayres. She specializes in crafting anthropomorphic totemic sculptures that symbolize isolation and restriction. This reminds me of the confinement and separation that Black people experienced during the time of The Help. They were isolated from society and subjected to an unethical way of life. This led to racial animosity, psychological trauma that has been passed down through generations, and further isolation. In the movie, Aibileen Clark's fear is palpable when she sees a white man driving up, unaware that his wife has hired a maid. This scene represents the constraint that women may feel, a theme also present in Ayres' sculptures. Aibileen's reaction to throwing her groceries and running away from the man highlights the fear she experiences as a black woman.
Throughout the movie, class was a prominent theme. The maids, who are all black and female, remained silent when approached by Skeeter. Their living arrangements were small and impractical, while the white characters enjoyed lavish homes with exquisite features. It's easy to understand why the maids hesitated to share their stories. This reluctance to talk about race is what sparks important discussions in America. We should embrace these uncomfortable conversations, especially with white people, as they can lead to positive change.
“‘The Help’: A Movie about a White Woman Who Told the Story of the Suffering of Black Women.” POLITICO, www.politico.com/states/new-york/albany/story/2011/08/the-help-a-movie-about-a-white-woman-who-told-the-story-of-the-suffering-of-black-women-068832. Accessed 11 July 2023.
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elianastuckey · 11 months
Multimedia Journal Entry 1: Television
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One of the most popular Netflix original series is Never Have I Ever. It tells the tale of Devi, a teenage Indian American who strives to fit in at her school. However, she needs to learn how to get past the previous year's traumatizing fallout. Along with the challenges her family, friends, social standing, and emotions present to her. The series has received praise for breaking Asian stereotypes and has been referred to as a significant moment for representing South Asians in Hollywood.
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Devi displays a unique balance of her Indian and American identities while struggling to remember her therapy lessons and accidentally divulging secrets. Meanwhile, this season, Nalini's character develops further as she copes with the loss of her husband and tries to rebuild her life. Kamala feels restricted by her overly nerdy colleagues and her semi-arranged romantic relationship. Each character's story unfolds with depth and complexity. Like the Vishwakumar family, there are others who don't follow the usual path. Devi's friend, Eleanor Wong, the drama club queen of Chinese American descent, is struggling with the trauma of her mother leaving her to pursue an acting career. Her friends become worried when she starts dating an emotionally manipulative fellow actor.Paxton Hall-Yoshida, the school's popular jock who identifies as half-Japanese, spends most of the season trying to improve his grades and is anxious about how others perceive his intelligence. It's great to see the representation of religious diversity in the Asian American diaspora with Aneesa's addition to the show. This challenges assumptions about who is considered Asian American and Indian American. It also helps to break down stereotypes of Muslim American people, particularly Muslim American women. As a society, we need to continue to recognize and celebrate diversity in all forms. It's interesting to learn that Asian Americans are the most diverse in terms of religion in the United States, as well as the group with the broadest economic and education gaps. It shows that while we may share a common racial identity, many nuances and differences within our community should not be overlooked or ignored. I completely agree with your point about the importance of representation in media. It's great to see shows like Never Have I Ever breaking down stereotypes and allowing their characters to be fully human. Giving Asian Americans the opportunity to tell their own stories and be in control of their own narratives is essential for creating a more inclusive society. It's important that we continue to push for diverse representation in all forms of media to help break down harmful stereotypes and celebrate the nuances and differences within our communities.
Shivaram, Deepa. “‘Never Have I Ever’ Complicates Its Asian American Characters. That’s The Whole Point.” NPR, 16 July 2021, https://www.npr.org/2021/07/16/1016968651/never-have-i-ever-complicates-its-asian-american-characters-thats-the-whole-point.
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