elxpearson · 5 years
unfortunately i’m going to be dropping elaine. it’s been tough regaining my muse for her so i’m just going to give her up. i might bring her back in the future but for now, i’m gonna focus on ivy and sherry. i’m sorry to those of you who i’ve plotted with! trust that i will have no issues coming up with connections for any muses connected with elaine, with sherry or ivy <3
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elxpearson · 5 years
Send a space thing for questions
Planets: Life
Mercury: What’s your full name? 
Venus: What’s your first language? 
Earth: Where’s your home? 
Mars: What’s your sexuality? 
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? 
Saturn: Any pets? 
Uranus: What’s your hobby? 
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? 
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? 
Stars: Experiences
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol? 
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class? 
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster? 
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country? 
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness? 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about? 
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about? 
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret? 
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t? 
Constellations: Favourites
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Orion: Favourite month?
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Libra: Favourite colour? 
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
Aries: Favourite movie? 
Cygnus: Favourite weather? 
Hydra: Favourite sound? 
Galaxies: Love/Friends  
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? 
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? 
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? 
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills? 
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much? 
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to? 
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? 
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer? 
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? 
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? 
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? 
Other stuff: Wishes 
Comet: What’s your big dream? 
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like? 
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t? 
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be? 
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be? 
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years? 
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die? 
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be? 
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? 
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see? 
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elxpearson · 5 years
( @kevmorrissey​ )
elaine pearson was a rough individual. she upheld a certain reputation for being wildly unapproachable and particularly angsty. something pretty common when it came to anyone in a punk rock band, right? she had several steel walls up and bolted down for no one to be able to break down. past traumas, shit school years and a sailor’s mouth to fit -- but for some reason, well...for understandable reasons, one of the only people she let her guard down in front of was kevin. they shared a lot in common, especially when it came to that exact façade. so if there was one person who could understand her perfectly, it was him. she didn’t even remember when or how they were able to connect on a level she found extremely difficult to connect with anyone on but they did it and it stuck. “how the fuck are you able to write lyrics...emotional lyrics...and still look like you’re going to beat the daylights out of someone? see, that’s why i can’t be the lead singer or write anything. i can’t -- i can’t do that.” playing with her mallets on her thighs, the wood scraping at the material of her stockings as she laid down on her bed. she lifted her head enough to lock her gaze onto kev’s. “that’s so invasive...i don’t understand how you can do it so flawlessly. and don’t let this compliment get to your head, mate.”
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elxpearson · 5 years
i know i’m a little garbage fool for not being on el as much but i’m going to be dropping elaine’s threads from before i switched up her fc. i lost muse for her for a WHILE and i’m trying to revive her so if you’d like a new, random starter please let me know and i can whip something up :)))
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elxpearson · 5 years
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“there ain’t no monsters here, just me”
– tales of halloween (2015)
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elxpearson · 5 years
in order to try and restore my muse for elaine, i’ll be changing my fc from emma mackey to grace phipps! so i MIGHT be dropping some threads but i’ll be reaching out once i change everything up to get more threads down.
she’ll be the exact same! just a diff. face so i’ll be back on here probably by tomorrow
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elxpearson · 5 years
( @notkit​ )
there weren’t too many times where elaine would let her emotions show. not in public at least. just not in front of anyone. she kept everything locked deep within her and she thought she’d thrown away the key but every now and then it seeps through. today seemed to be one of those days and to anyone who only knew her in passing or, in this case, to any employees of violet’s who preferred not to get to know her (thankfully) she looked like she did every day. the only thing she feared was kit catching her and calling her out on it. she didn’t even check if he was working today when she came in earlier. el just wanted to show up, do as much as she could in the very back, practically hidden from everyone, and go home. but luck wasn’t on her side as she walked out to go on her lunch break and came face to face with him. instantly trying her hardest to seem like the normal, every day angsty el. “oh -- hey. didn’t know you were in today. where’ve you been hidin’, mate?” ironic how she questioned him but she remained deadpan, trying to shuffle past him as nonchalantly as she possibly could.
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elxpearson · 5 years
( @rndaisy​ )
just ten minutes before closing time was probably when violet’s was it’s busiest. at least it sure seemed that way with people rushing in after work to get try and get their hands on the latest vinyls. it was annoying every single time but el had slowly gotten used to it over the years. not to mention, during madness hour is when she was able to meet daisy. and el HATED meeting people. absolutely dreaded it but it never stopped her from talking. thankfully this time it gained her a friend. surprisingly, actually. “DAISY!” el practically hopped up when she spotted her warm aura enter the shop. she’d been expecting her today, close to closing as well. even though she didn’t have any new music to show her -- she’d enjoy her company. “i thought you weren’t going to show. usually you get here about one minute before now -- not that i have nothing better to do than time you or anything.” she joked.
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elxpearson · 5 years
Adam cocks his head slightly as he turns towards her, though he doesn’t particularly look at her, “I’m not mysterious, I’m just not very interesting. Not to mention, I would surely fail in such a scene as I have absolutely no musical talent, and am quite a terrible thing to look at. So, alas, I shall have to continue on as I always have.” At her expression, he runs over what he’d just said in his mind before realising it probably did seem a lot harsher than he meant. “I suppose I would notice, then,” he admits, “I do have a distinctive lack of human emotion, though, so it should never be counted upon.”
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“my dear adam...” she starts off with a teasingly sympathetic tone and a small tilt of her head. “how absolutely incorrect you are. maybe not about the musical talent but you’re probably the most interesting person i know because you’re a mystery. and don’t tell me you’ve never noticed eyes on you before -- because i have. plenty of times so please, spare me.” el raised a brow at him as a smirk appeared on her face. she was pleased to hear him admit he would notice if she left. it’s all she wanted to hear really. in his very strange way of showing he cared even just a little. “i’ve noticed.” sure enough she walked out to the front again to ring him up. the box of new arrivals dropping on the counter in front of her. “i’ll charge you half off of one if you keep me company after work. actually -- it’s no longer a choice whether you want to take my employee discount or not. are you busy today?”
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elxpearson · 5 years
Nat’s posture perkened when she heard a familiar voice speaking just behind her shoulder. She spun around in her stool to lock eyes with her blond haired band mate, relaxing herself a moment as she listened to her speak. She wasn’t always the most level-headed, but El always had a way of making Nat chill just a little. The brunette shrugged a little as spoke, then let out a small sigh, ““You know me, El. I’m very upfront she tapped the seat next to her for the girl to sit. ““Can I buy you a drink?”
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“yes and i adore that about you but...were you really just about to lose your shit over a seat?” she scoffed playfully as a smile played upon her lips, taking a seat in the stool beside nat. “and you didn’t even invite me to witness it first? unheard of.” el grinned. her chin was resting on the palm of her hand as she leaned on the counter. “of course. shouldn’t even be a question. you’re one of the only people i know who are actually fun to drink with, you know. what were you doing here by yourself anyway?”
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elxpearson · 5 years
Escape - Metallica (Ride the Lightning, 1984)
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elxpearson · 5 years
kind of want to change elaine’s fc please help me. 
do you think i should switch from emma mackey to diana silvers? yay or nay?
or maybe taissa farmiga? ana de armas? ALICE PAGANI? Y’ALL, WHO!?
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elxpearson · 5 years
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❛ I’m not scared of anything, dickwad.❜  –  Maeve Wiley
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elxpearson · 5 years
“Well you know I do love puppies.” Anya smiled at her friend as she sat up more in her chair, trying her best to look a little more alive. “You never have to ask if I want company you know the answer is always going to be yes.” She grinned at the girl before taking a little sip of her coffee. “What are you up to today?” She asked.
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“you look like shit.” el suddenly spurt out with a deadpan look on her face. which didn’t last more than a second or two as she broke character with a sly smirk. “not really but -- you look like you had a night.” taking a sip of her coffee a bit too early, she could already feel a bubble forming where she just burnt the roof of her mouth but her expression didn’t change whatsoever. “getting away from people. ironically, i came over to keep you company but...you’re not just people so, you’re the exception. but what about you?”
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elxpearson · 5 years
“Adults are far scarier, as you know they might be an idiot and vote,” Adam counters with a small smile, which disappears as quickly as it came. In spite of his habit of regularly making jokes, Adam knows full well that his deadpan delivery often made them fly over people’s heads. As this happened lass rarely with El, which was probably half the reason he appreciated her so much. Raising a brow, he inhales deeply, “I’m not sure what about my personality has possibly convinced you I’d have any interest in stardom,” he says quickly, “But I appreciate your supposition is practical.” He inhales deeply, his eyes fixing on hers as he steps back, grabbing the single record, “Yeah, I’m good. And to miss you, I’d have to notice, don’t count on that.”
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“dammit, well you’ve got me there.” she agreed, her lips pressed into a thin line as her head nodded. “all i’m saying is that you, being this ball of standoffish mystery, would do swimmingly in the music scene. i know it’s not your thing but i can use my imagination for you without your permission, you know.” beginning to put back a few other records and take the box of new arrivals out to the front, she paused before even being able to lift it. her head turning to adam with a look of shock spread across her features. it wasn’t too long before laughs could be heard coming from the perfect, wide circle her mouth was currently shaped like. “jeesh...ouch.” el chuckled under her breath followed by a click of her tongue. “you say that now but it’ll hit you once i move to california or new york whenever crimson takes off.”
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elxpearson · 5 years
Nat exited the club, her last shot of tequila still lingering with a warm sensation in her stomach. She had just abandoned the people that she had went to the staclub with. It wasn’t that she didn’t have a good time with them, but sometimes her mind made her wander off. She could never stay in one place for too long. It was late, but not to the brunette girl who seemed to never want to go to sleep. There was always something to see. Something to experience. Life was too short to just sleep it away, she made her way to her favorite casino, the lights flashing brightly, causing the girl to smile a bit. Something about the atmosphere made her feel safe. She made her way inside, and quickly found the bar, frowning when she saw someone sitting sitting in her typical seat.”Excuse you me, but you’re in my seat.” She spoke, shooing them away until they moved, planting herself on the stool. She looked over to see someone staring at her. ““Can I help you?” 
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solo-practice had gone on a lot longer than el initially planned but that was never a bad thing. her fingers were just throbbing but she was still pretty restless and needed to just get out and do something, anything. clearly it drove her to the busy streets of the vegas strip. even on her own, it would never bore her. from drunken tourists to drunken locals and drunken elvis impersonators, there was always something going on. the heat didn’t help much for people watching though and she soon found herself at the casino playing a couple rounds on the machines before heading over for some lonesome shots. that was until her eyes locked on her band member who looked like she was forming quite the scene -- for what reason? who bloody knows. “jesus fucking christ, nat!” el replied, brows pulled together with a small tinge of amusement. “i’m all for releasing your anger and saying what you want, when you want but -- for fuck’s sake, what are you on about?”
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elxpearson · 5 years
Anya had gone out the night before with some friends, she had a free night and she didn’t just want to spend it at home on the couch watching the same old stuff on tv so she hit up her favourite night club and danced the night away with her friends.  As she stumbled home in the early morning she found her bed and was out within seconds but morning came fast and the hangover hit fast and all Anya wanted was coffee. She laid in her bed for a long moment before she finally got up and changed from her pjs and into everyday clothes.  As she made her way down the road and to the local coffee shop she ordered, large coffee two sugars, nothing to eat this time due to her hangover. As she grabbed her coffee she went and sat by the window, like a view and to people watch. 
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violet vinyls was packed to the brim today. they had gotten in new shipments and apparently the whole town and their grandmothers were waiting for one thing or another to come in. you’d think someone who is in a band would be used to crowds and full areas but today she just wasn’t feeling it. being a usual to just eat something in the back during her lunch, elaine decided to head out for a bite and a good five cups of coffee at least.
she was surprised to see a friendly face in the corner as she waited for her first black coffee and puff pastry. as soon as her items were finished she head over with a lighter step and a signature grin. “fancy meeting you here, love.” she muttered, taking a seat in the empty chair across from her friend. “care for some company? you looked like a sad little puppy staring out of the shop window.”
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