emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
Smiling softly when he got her to agree, Will nodded. “Oh, I see. No matter… I’m just excited that we do know now.” It would have been nice to have been there, but he thought the way Emily went about telling him was very creative and quirky. He enjoyed finding out in a fun way much better. Kissing her back, he hummed against her lips. “Mmm… I know what you’re doing, you’re not going to convince me to let you skip the infirmary,” he smirked, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “You’re cute, though.” A chuckle escaped his lips, nodding in agreement that thinking of names would be fun. “Do you have any in mind yet?”
“I can convince you of a lot of things,” Emily narrowed her eyes at him playfully, kissing his cheek. “I know I’m cute. Pregnant wives are always adorable- especially yours.” She grinned, not having given up quite yet on distracting him. “I always liked James, and that is your middle name. But I honestly have hardly thought about it. What about you?”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
Ellie gave her a close-lipped smile, figuring that she could always press further into how she was feeling later. “I did. I figured it might be nice to have some things for the baby. Also, I made sure if could work for a girl or a boy, but my brother kind of told me you’re having a boy.” She set her gift for Emily on the counter as well. When she asked if she wanted anything to drink, she nodded. “Tea, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“I didn’t even get that far yet,” Emily laughed, realizing their gifts were a little different. “He did! Will can’t keep a secret for the life of him- not about the baby, anyway.” She really didn’t mind that Will had told Elizabeth, she just found it funny that he wasted no time about it. “Wow-- thank you,” she smiled as she sifted through the basket. “We haven’t gotten anything yet for him. Here- do you know what you’re having?” She nodded and started to fill the tea kettle with water, setting it on the stove. 
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“Not this second, no, it can wait, but please, today?” Will didn’t want to wait too long to go. He couldn’t help but laugh as Emily stated the obvious. “Yes, of course I’m excited.” He kissed her a second time, needing an outlet to pour his emotions into. “I was sort of hoping we would too, but I would have been grateful either way. How did you find out?” William hadn’t even known how to go about that, or that Emily would have known. “Yes, yes we can do all of that. After we take you back to the infirmary, as well,” he narrowed his eyes at her playfully, pecking her lips. “And we’ll have to think of names, soon.”
“Today, fine,” Emily sighed, letting herself relax into his arms. She was tired of pretending to be perfectly fine, it was actually exhausting. “One of the nurses accidentally let it slip out; she thought we already knew.” She wasn’t against finding out, either, but she knew Will would have wanted to be there. At least this way, she tried to make it special. Her lips formed a pout when mentioned the infirmary again and she leaned forward, pressing her lips to his as if to distract him. Her hands slid down his waist, pulling him closer to her. “We can think of baby names, that’d be fun,” she smiled, kissing him again. 
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
Ellie worried for a moment that Emily wasn’t in there, but finally the door opened and she smiled back at her. Still, she noticed that Emily didn’t look as great as she normally did. “I’m feeling fine,” she said, looking her over. “How are you feeling? I brought you some things for the baby.”
“I’m fine,” Emily gave Elizabeth a small smile, hoping it wasn’t too obvious that she wasn’t feeling well. It probably was, but she didn’t want anyone worrying. “You did? That’s really nice-- I have a few things for you, too.” She lead them inside, walking to the closet to grab a few of the things she’d gotten for Elizabeth and setting the boxes on the counter. “Do you want anything to drink?”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“Well I’ll go with you, again. Just to make sure, darling.” William wasn’t too convinced that this was all they said, if Emily did go, and he wanted to be sure. Even if it meant they were just going to tell him the same thing. When he saw the solution change color he almost couldn’t believe it. “We’re having a boy,” he repeated softly, smiling before turning to Emily. “We’re having a boy!” Carefully reaching forward, Will placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss.
“Right now?” Emily rose a brow, not sure if she’d agree to that little stipulation. Will was overprotective, but she actually appreciated that about him, even when it drove her crazy. She laughed at his reaction, glad that he was as happy as she was about it. “You’re excited,” she wrapped her arms around his neck, her baby bump barely separating them as he kissed her. “I was sort of hoping we’d have a boy.” Her fingers brushed through the back of his hair, glad that he wasn’t mad she’d found out the gender by herself by accident. “Now we can go baby clothes shopping and set up a nursery. Once I’m feeling better.”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“Or something… Darling, please go to the infirmary, just so that they can make sure everything is alright. If you’re sick it’s not just affecting you,” Will reminded her, gently. When she told him this is what they were having, he was a bit confused, though understood more when she told him to pour the strange liquid into a beaker. “I should have guessed you would get creative like this. It’s pretty exciting.” Smiling softly, Will held the dropper over the beaker, watching as the water slowly started to turn blue. “Oh my god…”
“I did go to the infirmary.” And he knew full well calling her darling would have gotten her to turn right around and do it again had he asked. “They said to just rest more and take it easy. It could be from the poison, but the baby is alright. I’d rather it affect me than the baby,” she nodded. She smiled as he figured out what she was trying to do, and watched his expression when the solution slowly turned blue. “We’re having a boy,” she said softly, keeping her eyes on him. 
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
After having spoken to Will about the baby, she had wanted to go see Emily and bring her the gift. She knocked on her door, hoping she would be there alone.
Emily took her time getting to the door, not having felt all that well lately. Her eyes lit up when she was Elizabeth at the door. “Hey,” she smiled, opening the door wider to let her in. “How are you feeling?”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“Emily, if you’re sick you should tell me. What’s wrong? Is it normal sickness because you are pregnant, or is it something else?” Of course Will was worried, especially since Emily had just been poisoned a while ago and he had gone through a similar fate before. “Emily…” he narrowed his eyes a bit, though let her pull him over to the desk. “What is all of this?”
“It’s just a cold or something. I was feeling more run down than normal and getting sick more often.” Really, she had been feeling pretty terrible for her to have to be seen for it. She rarely complained, but that was why she hadn’t told Will. “This is what we’re having. Here,” she handed him one of the droppers. “Put that liquid into that glass beaker there.”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“Are you sick? Why didn’t you tell me sooner, I could have gone with you.”
“I am sort of sick, it’s fine,” Emily sniffled and waved her hand dismissively. “I’ll live. But I have something to show you, and then I’ll lie down.” She pulled him over to her desk, where she had a few beakers set up, one of them with clear liquid. 
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“You’re new? It’s not bad once you get used to it.”
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“This place isn’t so bad I guess.”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
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Okay, fine, here’s the idea: it’s an app. Online Live Interactive Video Integration Application. That’s all I can say for now. 
Jamal, come over after school.
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“Yes and no. First, you should know that I wasn’t feeling very well and so I went to the infirmary to be checked- for a cold or something, not for the baby.”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
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Taking a bubblebath, the Rebekah Mikaelson way of dealing with 1000 years worth of stress (1x01 - 5x01)
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
William didn’t answer her when she asked what he did, but rather smiled softly. He could tell that she liked it from her expression, which was enough for him to be happy. As they kissed, William smiled against her lips, overwhelmed with joy that they were now officially married. Everyone there was clapping, and cheering, which he had expected, though he hardly noticed anyone else was in the room with them at all, drowning everyone out until it was time for them to walk back down the aisle. Once they were inside the palace doors, he turned to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly and swinging her in a circle. “I can’t believe today has finally arrived,” he whispered softly, kissing her again just because he could. “Although I’m going to miss calling you Miss Liddell.” He had gotten so fond of it. “Everyone’s going to be joining us soon, for the reception. Do you think your mother would mind if I asked to steal her for a dance?” he asked with a laugh, placing a quick kiss to her forehead.
Emily laughed as he spun her in a circle, her arms wrapped around his neck. “I can’t believe you convinced me to walk down a magical, flower-filled aisle and marry you,”she teased, her eyes still glittering from fighting back tears. “I’m not Miss Liddell anymore. I’ll miss you calling me that...but you can come up with another name for me.” One with her new name, one that she was now very fond of. “My mother would be thrilled if you asked her to dance, I’m positive. We do still have those dancing traditions...” her voice wandered off, she had sort of forgotten to ask Teddy about that part. He had walked her down the aisle, and since there was no way for her to have a father-daughter dance, she wanted a dance with Teddy, but she had never found the time to ask with everything that had gone on. “And you, you surprised me with this,” she smiled and lightly touched the tiara he’d gotten her. “You know I don’t need any of this. I would have married you anywhere.”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
“That can’t be at all possible, as she cannot talk, Emily. You’re worrying too much… It’s to be expected, and yes, you’re likely tired. It’s not as though I have much of a better idea at what I’m doing than you. It’s all a learning experience.”
“Thank you for such a scientific answer, William,” Emily rolled her eyes. “This is just showing how incredibly unprepared we are. I’m excited for our baby, but I want to be a good mother, at least.” She placed Evelynn down, smiling as she toddled around the room. “Come here, I want to show you something.”
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emilyxliddell-blog · 6 years
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