emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
As someone who works w animals “animals are not mindless automatons, they actually do have feelings and individuality and are capable of feeling acute physical and emotional pain and of forming deep attachments with other animals and people” and “animals are not human infants and have a limited capacity to communicate with humans so you have to familiarize yourself with their boundaries bc if they feel threatened or overstimulated they will fall back on their basic instincts and if you fuck around you are going to find out” are statements that can and should coexist
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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Tie a string around your finger, so you won't forget...
The Carolina Parakeet was declared extinct in 1939.
Up until just the year before, people were still claiming to have sighted the yellow-headed parakeets in the wild—in the impenetrable depths of Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp; along the Santee River basin of South Carolina, where people still search for the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker to this day—but evidence suggested only escaped, feral species of pet birds, tinged by wishful thinking.
The last definitively identified specimen of Conuropsis carolinensis, a male named Incas, had died at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1918. As it happens, his last home was the very same cage in which Martha, the endling Passenger Pigeon, had spent her final years. 2014, the hundredth anniversary of Martha's loss, brought the publication of a number of new books on the topic of the Passenger Pigeon and even a documentary; the centenary of Incas' death, by contrast, warranted only a handful of mentions of our lost native parrot.
Hardly a hundred years later, our parakeet has faded from common memory—like the fading text on the tags that twine around the feet of the study skins that fill museum specimen drawers, where they should have filled the sky, should have filled roosts in hollow trees, should have filled our backyards; should have filled their lungs with air, and our hearts and imaginations and eyes with the sight of their iridescent green feathers.
The title of this painting is Memory Knot. It is gouache on 18 x 13 inch paper, and is the 9th piece in my series on the extinct Carolina Parakeet. It is also the final piece in the series as originally conceived (though inspiration continues to strike, and this is not the last appearance the species will make in my art).
Please, remember that there was a bird called the Carolina Parakeet. Remember what happened to it. Remember that we are the only ones who can keep it from happening again.
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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Watching omniverse and the reboot made me wanna do my own version of the little guys, it was originally an AU but I got lazy with it
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The onmitrix here it's actually a prototype, Vilgax attacked before it could be finish, which explains the glitches it sometimes has and why the need to recharge
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I'm not a fan of Gwen's pink magic, like yeah she's an anodite and they're pink or whatever, but blue is Gwen's characteristic color and she looks so girlboss with it!
Aso Kevin is not an alien but a mutant, in Ben's world some humans are born with powers because reasons, kinda like the xmens, this would explain characters like the circus freaks or Cooper
So yeah
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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I am in love with this 42 year old man
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
Transfem Ben 10 au!!
Idk i mostly think it has been done before...in some ways alteast lol-
I have made the equivalent of two chapters and i have posted it on amino. First, its in portuguese, and Second, its on amino- so ill try and post more of it on here! The concepts also from it i think it would be very interesting to do actually! The chapters are being made as in place of the first Ben 10000 episode!
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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4 of them
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
-Ben 101 Rewrite Note-
Every time Ben turns into one of his aliens, he tends to take on traits and instincts of them that can affect his personality. Some are more obvious than others, ranging from mild shifts in tone, to full on acting barely like Ben. Here are the OG series aliens and their personality shifts.
Heatblast - Has a bit of an arsonist side to him, due to his kind being used to being around fire, leading to many moments where he is careless with destruction he may cause. Young pyronites are a lot louder and bombastic, but as they age they noticeably mellow out. Wildmutt - Can be territorial with many dog-like habits, such as when he found an item they were all looking for, that Gwen tried to take from him, only for him to growl at her out of instinct. But he is very loyal to those in his ‘pack’, and gets protective when they are threatened.  Diamondhead - Chill, calm and collective, with an alternative nature. Though he can be rather over confident, which has led to both good and bad situations depending on what he is facing at the time. XRL8 - Hummingbird brain, always needing to do something, gets bored easily, and can get distracted easily. Also known to wonder and explore. 
Grey Matter - Highly smart, but not in a cocky way. Always thinking out loud to process thoughts better, and often seen fiddling with things or pacing. Four Arms - Competitive, daredevil and always looking for a challenge. Loves to get high off of an adrenaline rush, but has a noble side to him and is always ready to call out people.  Stinkfly - Has quite a cheeky personality, along with a curious mind, leading to him basically wanting to do things he seems fun or will make him laugh. Also has a bit of a hoarding side, and doesn’t like to share. Ripjaws - Comes across as fairly normal until in battle, where he becomes an absolute monster in his fighting style. Highly aggressive, doesn’t show mercy and leaves lasting damage. He also seems to listen to females more often than men, due to their matriarchal culture. Upgrade - Calculated, loyal and creative. Since they were designed by the Galvans, they are made to be perfect assistants, in both being able to follow orders, and being able to take matters into their own hands when needed. Ghostfreak - Rather quiet and a loner, but is known to be honest, even if it may seem harsh. Due to Ben’s conflicting feelings with this form, he can come across as unsure, depressed even, but still have an edge to him. When pushed, elements like Zs'skayr shine through, being aggressive, cold and eerie. Cannonbolt - Rather chill with a playful side to him, and lacks a bit of an impulsive control as he’s used to just rolling into danger, having faith he can tank it. Wildvine - Can act aggressive or harsh to those he doesn’t know or is close with, and prefers to use the area around to help fight, instead of being direct. The ambush predator side of him sometimes comes forward. Spitter - Since he does not speak, nor emote that well, he can come across as a little awkward to be around, often just standing there and staring, as if he needs a moment to process anything. Buzzshock - Trickster, always seems like he’s high on sugar, and very childish. Though he likes to have back up, being a creature that needs a group with it. He also has no impulse control and will just do whatever action comes first to mind. Arctiguana - Rather slow in their mannerism, and not very expressive, but can come across as wise as he notices all the little details that others may brush past. Blitzwolfer - Resourceful with a tactical mind, with a natural knowledge towards stalking and hunting prey. Thrives in the wild, and knows how to spook those he wishes to scare. Upchuck - Lazy, goes with the flow, with poor mannerism, yet has a happy personality. Not a lot seems to phase him, and his sense of fear is rather low.
Snare-oh - Slick, with a silver tongue. He has a way with words, his eerie body language matching with it. He also enjoys things he finds valuable, and will aggressive with those who mess with his things.
Frakenstrike - Smart and enjoys the art of crafting, able to spend hours on end working on something and rarely get frustrated. He also surprisingly has a family side to him, and wants to be there to make sure they’re safe.
Eye Guy - Takes in a lot of details around him, even when he shouldn’t be. Known to get involved with conversations he shouldn’t be snooping in on, or isn’t directed at him. His sense of personal space is lacking.
Way Big - When not in battle he is a gentle giant, very careful with his movements, and can come across as sounding reasonable, even if people are put off by his height and strength. Known to step into conflict to always try and put a stop to it.
Ditto - Playful with boundless energy, often diving into danger head first without a care in the world. Also does not have a filter, often saying what comes to mind, even if it’s not an appropriate time.
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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The way I conceptualize them, Anodites have ctenophore bodies with Dendrogaster execution.
They are gelatinous and amorphous with soft bodies capable of bending and contorting to most shapes and sizes. They can even extend limb-like pseudopods for better object manipulation. Their "hair" is a collection of specialized pseudopods lined with cnidocyte-like cells which produce mana. They use them like feeding tentacles.
An Anodite can hybridize with almost any species, and when they do, the Anodite DNA grows a sort of symbiont inside of the offspring's body, molded to their form. This symbiont exists essentially and functionally as the same individual as its host like an extensive mitochondrion.
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
Fanon Ben in (mainly) crossover fics: i cant take another persons life ): thats not what heroes do!!
Canon Ben: tried to kill kevin multiple times in classic, probably actually killed some criminals that summer when he was 10, had a whole arc about deciding whether to kill a reformed kevin (and got pretty fucking close), clearly threatened to kill a group of villians if they continued their genocide of alien life, probably tried to kill vilgax at some points-
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
Omnitrix Headcanons
Okay so the following is a list of headcanons about the Omnitrix and how I think it works. I apply them to any AUs that I create.
The Codon Stream uses Voliticus Biopsis to keep the database updated and in sync with population evolution. So, transformation biology can change over time to match the population it's based on
By collecting DNA from a mass population, the Omnitrix turns its host into the average or typical member of the species not the "peak" (whatever that means.) But if a species has variable traits, then the Omnitrix will try to find an analogue belonging to the host. If there is no analogue, then the Omnitrix automatically uses the most common expression of the trait, but this can be changed in what I call "Sub-Transformation Settings" Example: Ben 10k's Wildmutt is orange because that's the common trait for Vulpimancers on Vulpin, but he has brown stripes because of Ben's own brown hair.
The mixture of the host's DNA and the population averaging mechanic means that each transformation is unique to the individual. Even if a subject's DNA has just been scanned, with no extended database yet, the transformation will not be a 1:1 clone. Example: Whampire is not just a younger duplicate of Lord Transyl, Water Hazard is not an exact copy of Bivalvan
I hope this was fun and interesting, maybe y'all can help me xome up with more ideas branching from this
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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redesignsssss (not that they need it 😌)
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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some ben 10 aliens from memory 🤓
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
can i see some disability aids for aliens in ben 10
cause i liked the Xlr8 one
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I'll confess I think that the kineceleran's crutch was the peak of my creativity but here are a couple I came up with >.<
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emosaurus-tgirl · 2 months
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