How to be a successful entrepreneur
The allure of being your own boss, along with the no-ceiling income that comes along with it is hard for most people to resist. However, more often than not, the odds will be stacked against you and that’s why 9 out of 10 startups fail, But what about the 1 out of 10 that have succeeded? Although there’s no single foolproof way to become a successful entrepreneur, success still leaves patterns and clues. Here are some powerful actions you can take today to make your entrepreneurship dreams a successful reality:
"Identify your goal" Goal-setting may not be the most sexy-sounding task, but it’s one that’s crucial to your success. Just think, if you don’t know where you’re going, how are you going to know when you get there? 
"Outsource tedious tasks" As an entrepreneur, you’ll likely be starved for time on a regular basis. Dedicating your time solely to high value tasks and outsourcing the rest will help you reclaim your sanity and grow your business faster.
"Invest in design" 
Investing in branding and design might seem like an action that is reserved for much bigger companies or more seasoned entrepreneurs, but it can increase profits exponentially when done right – even for smaller businesses. A professional visual identity not only helps you appear more professional, but in the long run, new customers will find you more trustworthy and at times premium. Naturally, you don’t want to go all out on branding by spending thousands when you first start. Instead, try using free online tools like LogoJoy or developing a single-page brand guideline[4] for the time being. If you need to develop collateral, try using some free icons available online for your projects instead of paying for expensive stock imagery.
"Get online"  In today’s digital market, if you’re not online, you don’t exist. Even traditional businesses can benefit greatly from leveraging digital marketing and developing a strong online presence. Start by getting yourself a hosting account for your company’s website domain, register all the name-brand social handles before they get snapped up by others and begin to populate these platforms with content.
"Use videos to target customers' ' Almost 5 billion Youtube videos are watched everyday. Aside from that, we’re seeing a rise in video productions used on a variety of social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and more. It you don't Know what type of videos to do, here are some ideas: for example Informational videos that educate your target audience to help them get what they want. secondly Product-specific videos to expound on the benefits of your services or offerings.
"Write a blog" Starting and writing a blog is one of the easiest ways to get noticed online. Regularly sharing useful and valuable information to your prospective customers via your blog can potentially increase traffic to your site as well as aid in building authority for your brand.
"Finally Try Networking " Getting connected to prolific individuals or magnates in adjacent industries can accelerate the growth of your business with opportunities that you may not have gotten, if you had not put yourself out there to meet new people.
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Who is an entrepreneur?
The word entrepreneurship is a general term that can mean a lot of things to different people. This is why I have decided to write on this topic ‘Who is an entrepreneur?' To enlighten us on who an entrepreneur is, what type of entrepreneur you might be, what qualifies you to be an entrepreneur, and the functions/roles of an entrepreneur.
Who is an entrepreneur?” is a question that aroused many controversies and debates. Among many articles that talk about the entrepreneur and the process of entrepreneurship I will focus on three articles that tried to answer this question or demonstrated the uselessness of the question. Analyzing many different points of view will lead to a better and deeper understanding of the phenomena. Therefore, this is not an exact science, like for instance mathematics or physics. It leads us more to interpretation, which means that there will always be a need for debate.
An entrepreneur is generally defined as an individual who organizes or operates a business or businesses.
In my own definition, an entrepreneur is an individual who sets up business or businesses, identifies and solves problems, is creative, innovative, opportunist, risk-taker, self-starter, and open-minded with the hope of making a profit from the enterprise.
There are different types of entrepreneurs. The major types of entrepreneurs include; social entrepreneurs, serial entrepreneurs, and lifestyle entrepreneurs.
'Who's a social entrepreneur?' A social entrepreneur adopts a style of which he/she can use to create and sustain social values. Most social entrepreneurs engage in non-profit activities and are overwhelmed by social responsibilities and conscience. 'Who is a serial entrepreneur?' This is an individual who continuously comes up with new ideas, starts the businesses and oftentimes sells to investors or shareholders. Serial entrepreneurs start-up several businesses with little intention to operate any of them for a long time. They are high risk-takers with lots of unique ideas and are not always interested in a career with a particular business/company.
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