faydunbarr · 5 years
“Stop being cute?” Sophie asked her. She couldn’t just let Fay stay mad at her. Wasn’t the whole point to try and fix this little spat they were having? “You know I can’t just stop being cute. It’s in my blood. It’s who I am.” Sophie moved a bit closer to her, a faint smile spread across her lips.  “C’mon, Fay…” She pleaded with her softly. She didn’t want this to become an issue - to lay beneath the surface and bubble until something inevitably made it worse. They had bigger things to worry about then some little fight. “I know you’re upset and you have every right to be, but let’s not carry this out of this room, yeah?” 
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That wasn’t something Fay could argue with. From the day she’d met Sophie, Fay had always harbored some faint attraction to her. Everything about the girl exuded cute to her, though perhaps she was slightly biased. “You’re killing me. That’s not fair,” Fay whined, her voice losing it’s sharp edge as she let her arms drift up and around Sophie. Settling her hands just under the small of her girlfriend’s back, Fay pulled the girl in close, pressing a slow kiss to her forehead.
“Can’t promise that I won’t still think about it and feel...” Fay started to say, pausing to sigh and chew her lip before finishing. “...hurt. But. I - I’ll stop...being mad. I think.” It took a lot for Fay to admit being hurt ever and saying it out loud sent a twinge of anxiousness through her, but she would try for Sophie. They had too much else to worry about to let something like this hang over them. In a time where little went right and there was bad news around every corner, Fay needed Sophie more than ever and she’d like to think that Sophie needed her all the same. 
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faydunbarr · 5 years
It was nice, Millicent noted, to be out here with Fay. The company, absolutely, but there was also something a little comforting about being outside of the actual castle. The only thing you were at risk of being attacked by in the Greenhouses was a Venomous Tentacula, and if you got attacked by one, you were probably either eleven or idiotic enough to deserve it. She flashed a grin at her friend at her chuckle, adopting a wry expression.
“I’m not sure which of them would be most insulted to be compared to a Bubotuber,” she commented, before nodding. “Yeah, just do what feels natural —- it’s been waiting a bit long, so it should go pretty easily. Put on some gloves though,” she added, nodding her head towards some thick gloves to their side. “Bit poisonous in its undiluted state —- which is the same thing I guess you’d say about Pansy.”
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Reaching over, Fay grabbed the gloves as instructed, pulling them onto her hands before letting her fingers flex to adjust them. Without the reminder, she would absolutely have just gone for it, grabbing and squeezing the plant with no regard for the pus getting on her hands whatsoever. “Thanks, Mil,” she commented, eyes flickering towards her friend with a soft smile tugging at her lips. It was weird, the way her and Millicent had bonded, and Fay found herself just a touch softer with the girl than with most people. She wasn’t trying to prove anything or put up any fronts, she was just relaxed in the moment, and that meant something. 
“True, though. Pansy is that disgusting. Probably could melt something if she touched it long enough,” Fay snorted, amusing herself with the thought as her hands wrapped around the Bubotuber. The pus started to drain from it, the plant deflating back to a more normal size. “Enough about that bitch, though. Tell me more about you. You been like...good and stuff or whatever?” It was about as sentimental and invested as Fay could get, but it was better than what most people got. At least she cared enough to ask with Millie.
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faydunbarr · 5 years
he resisted rolling his eyes for what felt like the twentieth time in the past five minutes. as much as he wanted to stay on good terms with sophie, it seemed like the one person who continually could throw that off balance was fay. and though terry really didn’t care about sophie’s new relationship - not really, at least - it seemed like fay might not have been able to have the same mentality about sophie’s previous relationship.
terry’s eyes widened at the knife - more out of the fact that he rarely saw anyone here in the castle holding onto something like that. everyone seemed to prefer wands, after all. so of course it’d be fay who would have one. “as if you’d even try,” he muttered, before frowning. there were better things he could be doing than just standing here and trading vague barbs with fay. “whatever. i’m going back to the castle.” he pushed off of the tree before stopping right in front of her. “do you know where i’d find sophie? i need to talk to her.” 
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her immediate reaction was to argue against what he said, her gut instinct always hopping to do just that. he was, though, entirely right. fay wouldn’t actually attack anyone, not with anything that could really hurt them at least. “keep talking and you’ll change your mind on that one,” she grumbled, just to act tough. there was no reason for it, she simply couldn’t help herself. there was always some innate urge to act like she was above everything and that nothing could hurt her because she was tougher than anything else thrown her way.
with her own task in front of her, fay wasn’t going to stop terry if he wanted to leave. much as she was always looking for a fight or a useless argument, this was one time where she was happy to step aside. and then he had to ruin it. the sound of sophie’s name at his lips made her bristle, her already aggressive demeanor turning even more so in an instant. “she’s probably in our bed right now sleeping, so probably you should just leave her alone.” fay knew sophie still wanted to remain friends with the guy, but that didn’t mean fay was going to help it along at all.
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faydunbarr · 5 years
Anthony grimaced at Fay’s words, but he found that couldn’t quite blame her. Had their positions been reversed, had Terry been his boyfriend and Sophie just Fay’s best friend and unrequited crush, he doubted his reaction would be much different than hers. “I get that, I do,” he said, nodding solemnly, “I don’t blame you for being mad at Terry, for not wanting him to get in the way of you and Sophie.” He paused, taking the shot Fay offered him and downing it quickly.  It burned, but not as bad as the previous ones had. “But let’s not dwell on, on the sadness of it. It’s a party, right? We should start acting like it.”
He nodded eagerly at Fay’s suggestion, agreeing readily to the idea of getting properly wasted. This night, Merlin, this year was just too much and something told him that the bottle in Fay’s hands held all the answers he needed. “Fay,” he said, leaning towards her conspiratorially as he spoke, “have I ever told you how utterly brilliant your ideas are?” Anthony grabbed the alcohol from her, bringing it to his lips to take a large swallow directly from the bottle. “A toast to you and your genius mind,” he said as he offered a mock solute to her with the bottle before handing it back. He spared another glance to where Terry and Sophie were before turning his focus back to Fay. She really did have the best ideas.
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The man had a fair point and Fay had to agree with him. They were supposed to be having fun and enjoying the night, getting drunk and into shenanigans with no concerns or worries. They spent enough time the rest of the days worried about something, so why not let themselves just let loose and enjoy the night? “Gah, you’re right, mate. Fuck ‘em all, we’re supposed to be downing bottles and doing stupid shit, not being all mopey and disgusting,” she agreed, arm reaching over to pat Anthony on the back as a show of solidarity. They might both be hurting, they might both be upset, but damn it they were both going to be drunk if she had anything to say about it. 
Truth be told, nobody had ever told Fay that her ideas were brilliant, which was probably a good thing or she might have let it get to her head. Fay let her head lean in towards Anthony’s, her forehead pressing against his cheek with a bright smile before she pulled away with a nod. “Fuck yeah, to me and my genius mind. I like it,” she saluted back, taking another long drink from the bottle they had now claimed as their own. Her forehead furrowed downwards, hand reaching out to push Anthony’s cheek so he was looking away from Terry and Sophie. “Stop, nah. We don’t even need to look at them again tonight. We’re mad, Anthony, we’re better than that. No more pining, bottoms up, we’re not walking out of here tonight.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
she still wondered why she’d let out so much in so few words to fay, but tracey had never been the one to dwell on the past. it was – refreshing, to get a new perspective, to hear someone else’s voice other than the ones that belonged to the dungeons. maybe she needed to get out, like this, to forget. to hear something else, anything else, anyone else. “yeah, definitely.” she replied with a shrug of her own, “wouldn’t want to let it go to waste now, would we?” she turned to look at the sunset, coloring the sky, and thought of her mother’s smile as she pressed her favourite glass of wine against her lips. “i think i’d like that.” she turned to give fay a smile, albeit small, and tried to remember how it felt to be free. maybe they could have something like that, again.
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                – fin.
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faydunbarr · 5 years
“I feel like just because you really want a Gryffindor baby we’re going to end up with a bunch of Ravenclaws.” Sophie told her with a little giggle, pressing a playful kiss to her lips. “Which, I mean… Anything is better than a Slytherin, isn’t it? That would be the real problem.” She joked. Sophie didn’t really believe that about herself. She might not like the Slytherins she went to school with, but she thought it would be different if it was her own kids. There was nothing that could stop her from loving her children - not even that. 
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“Bunch of nerds, stop,” Fay whined, her entire face crumpling up at the mere thought. It wouldn’t be so bad, honestly, she’d still love them all the same, but she would prefer having a spitfire of a Gryffindor to look after if they did end up having kids. “But, yea, better than being a Slytherin. I’m not about to raise an evil monster. Not in my house.” Fay’s head shook a bit, against the idea of it all. 
Even if she’d met a few Slytherins that maybe weren’t so bad, she still knew that most of them were bad people. “We’d just have to give it away if it gets sorted into Slytherin I guess. Try again with a new one. Eventually we’d get it right.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
Sophie nodded. She trusted Fay’s judgement on this, and she had to be right, it really couldn’t get worse than this, could it? Sophie squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the tears. “I… I like the sound of that.” She didn’t know if either of her siblings would actually go through with it, but the thought of it was at least somewhat comforting.  She curled up close to her, clinging to Fay like her life depended on it. And in a weird way - Sophie was almost convinced that her life did depend on Fay being right there with her right now. That if she didn’t have her girlfriend there to keep her grounded that everything would just slip apart and Sophie would be left to collapse in the rubble of her life. “You… You’re so important to me, you know?” Sophie whispered to her softly. “I don’t know who I would be without you.” 
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Fay wasn’t sure how realistic of an idea it was, but she hoped she could find a way to arrange it for Sophie. Even if the girl couldn’t go home, at least being able to see her siblings would help in some way. Her parents would have no problem setting it up, they would do absolutely anything for Sophie, especially now. “Deal. I’ll figure it out on my end, see if my parents can’t get one of ‘em out this way for the next time we’re allowed out there,” Fay promised, nodding emphatically. She didn’t care what it took, she would find a way to make it happen if it would help Sophie feel better. 
“Hey, c’mon, nah. You’d be alright without me. Maybe even better off,” Fay mumbled back, her focus more on holding Sophie than anything else. Words weren’t her forte, the physical side of comfort something she felt more at ease with. “I have kind of been a bad influence...” Fay didn’t doubt for a second that without her influence on Sophie’s life that Sophie would have at least been in far less trouble around the castle. What a Sophie without Fay would look like, she didn’t know, and she was glad she didn’t have to know.
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faydunbarr · 5 years
“That’s… That’s fair.” It sucked that Fay was mad at her, sure, but it was better than having Fay’s anger being misdirected at Terry, who didn’t deserve it. “I’m sorry… It wasn’t intended to be hurtful by any means, Fay.” She assured her gently. “It didn’t mean anything, with anyone… But… But I understand why you’re upset.” She brought Fay’s knuckles to her lips to press a soft kiss. “And all I can do is promise that it won’t happen again.”  She hoped that would be enough - she didn’t expect Fay to get over her anger immediately, but it would be nice to at least know that she was doing something about it. She squeezed her hands. “I’m sorry, Fay. Really. I love you so much and… I wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt you.”
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Fay wanted to just be mad about everything and stay unreasonably irate for awhile, but her irritation was quickly dissipating as Sophie continued to reassure her that none of it had meant anything. Everyone else she’d been drunkenly complimenting and kissing on the cheek hadn’t really bothered Fay, it was honestly just Terry. It would probably always just be Terry that could upend her confidence the way that it had been. 
Sighing deeply, Fay nodded, curling her fingers in with Sophie’s. The feeling of being hurt was one that Fay spent a lot of time trying to avoid. By closing herself off and having the attitude she had, it helped her stay away from it, but not with Sophie. Sophie was perhaps the one person that had worked her way into Fay’s life enough to have that power over her. Eyes trailing down towards the ground, Fay let her throat clear awkwardly, the seriousness of it all becoming too much for her. They’d gotten out what they needed to say, she felt, and that was about all she could handle. 
“It ah - it’d be cool if you could stop being cute so I can just be mad, yeah?” 
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faydunbarr · 5 years
OPEN. when: january 28th, 1998; 8:50pm where: hufflepuff common room
“i might have nicked some of this from the party,“ susan confessed while pouring some more into the line of plastic cups, "but truly, what is the hufflepuff common room without a constant supply of drinks.” for her eighteenth birthday, the girl had decided on an open event, whispered around by the students - anyone who could get into the hufflepuff room was free to have a shot, or some of the cookies she’d last bought during the break, which were definitely not in their peak quality. all around, a pretty good birthday celebration. “you know, if this all goes to shit, i think i might have a future in bartending, right?” on the table she’d been serving drinks, enough to fill a whole bottle puddled up, and the floor definitely smelled like liquor. “oh, wanna see some of my tricks? i can juggle! sort of.”
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the fact that she didn’t know susan all that well wasn’t about to stop fay from showing up at her party. if there was a party and drinks to be had, fay would be there one way or another. of course, she hadn’t shown up empty handed, bringing a bottle of rather good firewhiskey to donate to the cause. finding herself plopped in front of susan at the makeshift bar, fay flashed her a grin, nodding once towards her. “you’re not bad. i’d buy a drink from you out in the real world,” fay chuckled, swirling her cup in front of her as she took a swig. “juggle, though, alright. impress me, bones. i’m drunk enough that you don’t even have to be that good.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
“I… I don’t know.” Sophie spoke softly, choosing her words carefully. “I don’t know it’s… It’s hard, right now… I feel like… I feel like I can’t think straight right now, Fay.” She explained quietly. “None of it… It doesn’t quite feel real yet.” She explained carefully. “I don’t know… It just…” But she couldn’t find the words. Whatever she meant seemed to be caught in her throat. Her mother was really dead, wasn’t she? And there was nothing that could be done about it… Talking wouldn’t take that away.  “Honestly, Fay… the only people I want to talk to right now are Lucas, Olivia, and my father… And…” She couldn’t do that right now. She hated that she couldn’t do that right now. She clutched to her tightly. “I just don’t know what to think or feel right now. I feel like I’m… I’m floating in syrup…” 
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Everything Sophie was going through and describing was bringing her right back to the days following the death of her brother. She’d been younger, making it a bit harder to process at the time, but she remembered being lost, feeling like none of it was really happening. It had taken years for her to get past it all, to finally stop looking for her brother over her shoulder, to stop calling out his name when the house grew empty and lonely. 
Teeth gritting together, Fay nodded over slowly, her grip only tightening further around Sophie’s grame. “It...feels like that for awhile, won’t lie to ya. But it gets easier, just...takes time,” she said, chewing down at her lip. The fact that her name hadn’t been included in the list of people Sophie wanted to talk to didn’t escape unnoticed by her, the pang of feeling like she wasn’t good enough rising up quickly. But, Sophie didn’t need her to say anything about it now, it wasn’t Fay’s place to make any of it about her. Right now, it was about Sophie and what she was going to. “Maybe we could...get one of ‘em over to my parents’ place for a Hogsmeade weekend or something. Keep it quiet, just...hang or whatever at the house.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
Sophie laughed softly. “I dunno. You know the Roper’s have some Ravenclaws in them.” She reminded her - both her father and sister had been Ravenclaws, while her mother and brother had been Gryffindors like her. “Would that be so bad?” She asked her curiously, lacing their fingers together and pressing a little kiss to her cheek.  Sometimes, Sophie herself wondered if she would’ve been better off as a Ravenclaw. If she would’ve fit in better with that house… But she pushed that thought aside. The Hat surely knew what it was doing in placing her in Gryffindor. And besides, this way, she had Fay as close as she possibly could.
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“Sure, so do the Dunbars, but not me,” Fay agreed with a wrinkle of her nose. She was, in fact, the only Dunbar to have been sorted into Gryffindor. She was from a long line of Ravenclaws, intellectuals who had made discoveries and changed the world in many ways. “I just want one to be like me is all,” Fay shrugged, letting her cheek turn so Sophie’s lips caught her own instead. 
Another miniature version of herself would be a hellion to deal with, but if she was going to have a kid, she wanted to be able to see herself in it. “I mean, c’mon, think about it. A tiny baby Fay running around Hogwarts again after a leave? It’s the best fuck you I can give the professors for all the dumb shit they’ve made me do.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
Anthony tipped back the first shot he poured for himself quickly, unable to fight the sense of relief that washed over him at Fay’s words. The reassurance that it wasn’t all in his head, that he wasn’t just seeing things, that there was something so obviously still between Terry and Sophie that was more than friendship. The bitter taste left in his mouth from the alcohol seemed fitting as he watched his friend smile at something Sophie said. There was very little he wanted more than for Terry to be happy, but to see him so obviously happy with someone else, someone who was decidedly not Anthony caused his lips to drop into a frown, brows furrowing at the sight.
“It’s stupid,” Anthony said, his second shot sloshing a bit over the rim of the glass as he picked it up. “Not that, not that Sophie’s not great and not that I don’t want, I don’t want Terry to be happy, but Merlin, it physically hurts to see how gone on her he still is.” He was pouting now, eyes still locked onto the object of his affections. Anthony normally didn’t allow himself to feel the surge of jealousy building inside of him. Sophie and Terry had still been dating when he had first figured out the depth of his feelings for his friend, and even then Anthony had been content to see Terry happy with the Gryffindor. Maybe it was the alcohol, far more than Anthony had told himself he would consume, or maybe it was the lingering feeling of Terry’s lips on his own, the heat of their kiss showing the potential of what they could be. At Fay’s question, Anthony looked at the still full shot glass in his hand before shrugging and downing it.
“Sure,” he said, “let’s have another.”
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Sure, Sophie was great and her happiness was important, but Fay wasn’t quite as good of a person as Anthony was. She would still be pissed to hell and back about it if Sophie went back to Terry, even if it was something that made her happy. “Yeah, whatever. Fuck him being happy if it’s with my girlfriend,” Fay grumbled back as a snarl pulled her lip upwards, eyes staring daggers over at the two exes. The blame in her head was placed solely on Terry, her affection for Sophie clouding the fact that she was partly to blame for the distress that had overtaken Fay. It took two to tango, but she found it much easier to be angry at Terry than at Sophie. Sophie was supposed to be the one person that couldn’t and wouldn’t hurt her and letting that emotion sink in would mean accepting that she could be hurt, rather than just angry.
Pouring up another set of shots, Fay downed hers just as quickly as it had been filled, letting the alcohol settle in her throat comfortably. She was already drunk, a main reason for the dark thoughts that were quickly overtaking her more rational side, but there was never such a thing as too drunk as far as Fay was concerned. “What say you, my friend? We finish out the bottle and get so toasted we don’t even have to see their stupid faces,” Fay suggested, slinging an arm around Anthony with a sigh. Misery loved company, after all, and there was no better company at the moment than Anthony. 
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faydunbarr · 5 years
Sophie wanted to be mad at her still - she wanted to keep yelling at her and get it out. “Me loving Terry first doesn’t mean I love you any less, Fay.” Sophie scooted forward, cupping her girlfriend’s face. “And he’s not going to make stop loving you either… I know… I know it’s hard, and I don’t expect you to like him either but… Please, for my sake at least, don’t fight him. If it’s bothering you, come talk to me, okay? Because you’re both so important to me. I don’t want to see either of you hurt.” Sophie insisted, pressing a kiss to Fay’s forehead.  “I’m sorry I hurt you,” Sophie told her quietly. “But don’t be mad at anyone but me, okay? That was all my fault. No one deserves any blame for that but me.” 
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There was still a clearly stubborn pout in Fay’s expression when Sophie’s hands drew around her face, not wanting to calm down and let the situation settle just like that. She was hurt, something she certainly didn’t want to open up and admit to. It was far easier to be angry at Terry than to be hurt by Sophie. Anger was an easy emotion to have, but caring about something and someone was entirely different. “Fine. I’m not going to like him and I’m never going to trust him, but I won’t hit him without a good reason,” Fay relented, deciding that was probably the best she could promise in the given scenario. 
Terry would always be a source of insecurity for her, which was something Fay simply didn’t handle well. He would likely never be someone she cared to be around and it would always give her a twinge of anxiety when it came to Sophie, but she knew that being unreasonable about it would get them nowhere fast. “I guess I’ll be mad at you, then. ‘cause yeah. It sucked. And I didn’t like it. And that wasn’t cool.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
 WHEN: 17 January, 5:22PM WHERE: Greenhouse #3 WHO: @faydunbarr
Millicent was glaring at the Bubotuber to her left, which had an air of anticipation around it, and seemed to her to be heaving slightly. Millicent did not trust it. She was fairly certain that it was only a few more shuddering movements away from bursting Bubotuber pus over everything—-which really shouldn’t be something at risk, but it looked like it needed to be squeezed out at least a week ago. She glanced longingly at the Screechsnap she’d come down to the greenhouse to care for, and then shuddered at the idea of the poor thing being attacked by the pus.
“Fay,” she called over her shoulder, “how do you feel about pretending this Bubotuber is Pansy or one of the Carrows and squeezing the hell out of it?”
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Though Fay had no interest herself in Herbology, there was something kind of relaxing about kicking back in a corner of the greenhouse to hang out with Millie. She was stretched out lazily against the back wall as Millie worked on things, chiming in now and again with conversation before drifting off into a half nap. Her head perked up when Millie called for her, grin flickering across her lips at the request. “You know the way to my heart, truly,” Fay chuckled, pushing herself up from the ground to scramble over to where Millie was. 
“So I just...squeeze it, yeah?” she asked, head tilting towards her friend questioningly. It had been a minute since she’d done it and she certainly hadn’t done a lot of her Herbology work back when she’d had the class. “Bet ya this shit is exactly what Pansy has inside of her. Bitch.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
“He wasn’t!” Sophie argued, pushing her hand through her hair. “Fay… You don’t need to be jealous, you know.” She said softly, shaking her head. “I love him too - but it’s not like that. He’s my friend, F-R-I-E-N-D.” She spelled out, a little bit frustrated with it. “You don’t have to like him, that’s not what I’m asking of you. But what I am saying is to maybe stop trying to pick a fight with my friend on everything! And stop assuming the worst out of him! Even if he was still in love with me, which I doubt, he wouldn’t do something like that and even if he wanted to, I’m in love with you, even when you’re being so stupid and pissing me off!”  And that was the end point of it all, wasn’t it? That she was in love with Fay. “I was drunk, Fay, and I wanted to lighten the mood. Spread some affection - it didn’t mean anything with anyone. Not even Terry.” Sophie promised her. “Do you not trust me?”
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The mounting frustration on Sophie’s part was hard to miss and Fay hated it. The hangover was bad enough, but to have Sophie this frustrated with her made it all the worse. Fay hated the idea that she was as jealous as she was, but it wasn’t something she could help. The insecurity she felt every day of her life that she just wasn’t good enough had too tight of a hold on her. Sophie loved Terry in some way and that was just something Fay had to compartmentalize and push aside as a non-issue. Sophie was with her now, not Terry. 
Her head dropped into her hands, fingers pressing into her closed eyes as she tried to relieve some of the tension. It took a lot of effort to stay quiet, but she let Sophie get out what she had to say, her head lifting finally at her girlfriend’s last words. Of course she trusted Sophie, right? She always had and she had no reason whatsoever not to still have full trust in the other girl. It wasn’t Sophie, it was herself. It was her own crippling insecurity. “I do trust you, Soph, of course I do. I just - you...loved him first. I was here the whole time and...you loved him first anyway.” Fay bit her lip, then, frown overtaking her face. “It’s just...it sucked is all. And that...it’s not...so easy to get past that. He just...makes me mad.”
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faydunbarr · 5 years
Sophie didn’t want to fight. She’d avoid conflict for all that it was for as long as she could - but this was something she needed to face, get out of the way, and move forward with. They hadn’t really talked about her complicated friendship with Terry, and if her being friends with Terry was going to lead to Fay acting out like that… They really needed to talk about it.  “Terry is my friend, Fay.” Sophie started out flatly, trying not to let the anger seep into her voice. She wanted this to be a calm discussion. “I’m sorry if me kissing his cheek last night was taking it too far and it upset you. I can understand that much but… I’m not going to stop being his friend. He’s important to me, and I care about him and… Especially right now, Fay. With everything going on… I can’t lose that.” 
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Terry was the last thing she wanted to have to talk about and even just thinking about him and his relationship with Sophie had Fay’s bloody boiling. What should have just been a kiss on the cheek to any normal person had turned into an entire delusion of something more in Fay’s mind. Terry was trying to steal Sophie back, Sophie was interested in going back, all the negative thoughts were pulling back into her brain as Sophie spoke.
He’s important. She cares about him. She can’t lose him. You’re not good enough. 
“He was trying to make out with you,” Fay grumbled back as a half excuse, explanation, she wasn’t sure what the goal of it was. Fay was fine with fighting with her fists, but this was a different type of fight that required a subtlety that Fay simply didn’t have. “You kissed him and he wanted to kiss you more and he probably still loves you. And you - mmph. It’s stupid.” Arguing with Fay and trying to have a rational conversation was pretty much as easy as pulling teeth, but she was at least trying to not lose a sense of calm.
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faydunbarr · 5 years
With her head still pounding, Sophie spent her morning trying to track down Fay. She didn’t want to wait around - she was angry about the events of the previous night, particularly how Fay treated Terry, and she wanted to air things out before things got worst.  However, her own anger faltered when she heard Fay - the angry tone that was in her voice made Sophie almost recoil. What did Fay have to be mad at her about? “I just wanted to talk to you, Fay. That’s all.” She said simply, containing her own emotions for the moment. If Fay had something to say - Sophie supposed it would only be fair for her to get her chance to let it out as well. 
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Hearing Sophie’s voice brought a cringe to Fay’s face, knowing that she absolutely should have looked behind her before mouthing off. “Oh, fuck. Didn’t know it was you,” she shrugged, spinning around in the windowsill, a halfway apologetic look in her eyes. The last thing she needed were more reasons for Sophie to be mad at her. 
She had a vague sense that Sophie was less than pleased with the way she’d acted the previous night, particularly when it came to everything that had happened with Terry. Fay didn’t regret it, but she wished Sophie hadn’t found out about it. “C’mon,” she mumbled, patting at the seat next to her to give Sophie a spot to sit and talk. Everything inside of her was screaming at her to just run while she could before she got in trouble. If Sophie couldn’t tell her she was mad, was she really even mad at all?
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