Can you compare the Feminist movement to Scientology (that cult that pretends to be a "religion")?
Well, there's quite a few modern entities that have taken on scientific or technical-sounding jargon to try lend a sheen of authority to their wild claims; a lot of psychology and the social "sciences" are not really rooted in anything real or verifiable, but are dressed up that way in hopes of being taken seriously. Scientology contains no science of any kind, only the whims of science-fiction author L. Ron Hubbard, but it sought to gain instant credibility by creating that connection with their name.
Most feminist terminology is rooted only in fantasy, but by presenting itself as a legitimate field of study it has successfully taken over the education system, the mainstream media and most political discourse.
Feminism is a mental disorder that pretends to be both a field of study and a political movement, which is why it has been so destructive.
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send me feet pics (platonic)
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This video from 8 years ago, of a woman harassing men on the subway for the purported crime of "manspreading", was just recommended to me on YouTube. I clicked to have a look at it, and was enormously heartened to see the like/dislike ratio that has arisen in that time: less than three thousand upvotes to a hundred and twenty nine thousand people sick of this exhaustingly predictable feminist bullshit hysteria about nothing.
It made me reflect on how I hadn't heard that ridiculous term in years, but also how much the culture has changed since then: in 2016, feminist propaganda would be pumped out by the mainstream media and entertainment industry every day of the week with very little pushback. 8 years on, and almost every movie pushing girlbosses and man-hate is losing hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office and virtue signaling games companies are going bankrupt. "Get Woke Go Broke" is now no longer a slogan but a generally accurate description of the state of big business today.
Change is slow and subtle, but it's always good to catch a glimpse of it here and there.
Oh and all 12,000 of the comments are gold, too:
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looks familiar huh?
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i think you dont quite understand what real feminism strives to do. i think you might be a little confused by the name. real feminists understand that men are harmed by patriarchal expectations, we care for the toxicity men are forced to perform to fit in, we mourn the men who think the only way out is suicide.
we advocate for conversations about subjects taboo between men: testicular cancer, prostate problems, breast cancer. however women cant just forgive and forget the systematic violence that is inflicted on us every day. you cant blame them for being wary. but real feminists do care for you.
i think you dont quite understand what real feminism strives to do
I don't think you've considered how the definition of "real" feminism you have accepted came about, or taken the time to objectively ask why and how it deviates so wildly from all real world feminist activism in practice.
i think you might be a little confused by the name.
I think you might be a little confused about reality.
real feminists understand that men are harmed by patriarchal expectations
Patriarchy, at least in the sense you are using the word, is a feminist construct, and I'm not a feminist, so I don't accept the ideological framework from which you are starting out. Only people indoctrinated by feminism believe that all societies and civilizations around the world are part of a secret worldwide conspiracy set up to benefit all men through the exploitation and oppression of all women. Any person with a working brain and pair of eyes can look around their own life and realize this is not the case, and that there is no historical evidence of any kind of any point in history in which men suddenly "woke up" from the imaginary Matriarchy, like Ken in the Barbie movie, and decided to come together to wage war upon the female of the species.
"Men", as a class are not oppressing or brutalizing "women" as a class, and in fact such behaviour is very rare in any woman's day to day interactions in the western world, so to actually claim that western society, which feminists call a "patriarchy", should best be defined and categorized in this way is delusional and completely at odds with real life.
we care for the toxicity men are forced to perform to fit in
"Toxic Masculinity" is yet another uniquely feminist invention, and a particularly mean-spirited one, in that, as with the concept of "patriarchy", it simply blames "men" for everything bad that happens to any man, and so the only "help" or "care" it offers is to tell men it's collectively all "their" fault. Masculinity is not toxic, any more than femininity is toxic: both are simply names for recognizable traits seen in both sexes across all societies and periods of history.
we mourn the men who think the only way out is suicide.
I've never seen a feminist mourn for men who commit suicide. But I've literally seen hundreds and hundreds of feminists gleefully celebrate any and all men suffering and dying. There are thousands of examples of this on this very website, and, without exception, all of them are carried out exclusively by people identifying as feminist.
This itself should be enough to make you question your starting assumptions about the movement, because other people don't do that: it is only the teachings of feminist propaganda that makes people behave that way. So once again, the claims you are making here run entirely contrary to actual, empirical reality.
we advocate for conversations about subjects taboo between men: testicular cancer, prostate problems, breast cancer.
Feminists do literally nothing to actively help men in any real-world way at all, other than, as stated above, informing them that whatever is happening to them is collectively their own fault, and attempting to emasculate them by making them view and talk about themselves as women, because feminists refuse to accept that many sex differences in behaviour are the result of millions of years of evolution, rather than being "societal constructs". Because of this flaw in their worldview, even the most well-meaning of them are incapable of seeing men as anything but faulty women.
Here's an idea for you: men are around 80% of all suicides: if feminists really did care about this, and were "mourning" every man planning to take his life, they would simply offer to listen to men in need and help out in any way they can, with warmth and love and understanding, and without any ideological framing and indoctrination and victim blaming. Men are 80% of the homeless: If feminists really did care about men, they would organize at head office to go around feeding those men or taking them home and giving them a bath and a bed.
But feminists have never done this and will never do this. Because "feminist" is the word the world has for people who have been rendered incapable of caring for men.
women cant just forgive and forget the systematic violence that is inflicted on us every day.
You mean "systemic", but even so, there is no systemic OR systematic violence being "inflicted" on women every day in any western nation, and it's hysterical nonsense to claim such a thing. Women have more legal rights, privileges and special protections than men in every first world country, so once again the claims you are making here are actually the inverse of any objective appraisal of the facts.
real feminists do care for you.
Real feminists - the ones who teach gender studies classes, write feminist textbooks, organize feminist marches and slutwalks and are active in any meaningful way in the movement - don't care for me at all: they have, instead, been taught to hate and blame me for every real and imagined inconvenience they come across in their lives, even though they may have never met me or spoken to me. This is precisely the same way that the Nazis viewed and spoke about the Jews, and that is why I say feminism is a hate movement.
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I've been thinking this a few times lately, seeing a series of glossy, professionally printed stickers and large posters saying things like "ARE YOU A COMMUNIST?" and pro-Palestine and various climate change slogans appearing across my city, stuck to lamp-posts and bus shelters and traffic lights, and it's been striking me that this is a nationwide poster/sticker campaign - yes, put up by naive students - but someone at a head office somewhere is designing and paying the tens of thousands of pounds to have them all printed up and distributed. The students don't even know who those people are, or what their larger agenda is: they just know they've been told this is a good thing to do, and so they continue on as ever-more radicalized foot soldiers for a political game that's too big for them to see.
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Men have been the canaries in the coalmine as far as this issue is concerned, because women naturally maintain more social bonds, especially with other women. But as more and more men just give up and walk away, and more and more people are getting used to living their lives through screens, more and more women are finding they can't find someone to come home to, rely on, build a life and/or start a family with. The great majority of women can fairly easily find a man to just have sex with, but find that to get them to stick around and bond deeply takes quite a bit more work. But that's the task at hand for all of us, if the human race is going to survive at all.
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the vast majority of fetuses who are aborted are female, look at studies no one wants girls
Which countries are you referring to here?
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Antisemitism is unusual, in that it is specifically referring to a race (the Semites), but I guess could also extend to the religion: Judaism is distinct from the other major religions in that it can be both. So antisemitism is referring to racism, but a particular strain of racism, the same way misogyny and misandry both refer to sexism, but narrow it down to the group being targeted.
I don't want to speak for OP, but for me the key point being got at is that there has been an observable rise in people - most surprisingly western liberals, including several old friends of mine - very openly deriding "The Jews" and negatively conflating all Jewish people with the political state of Israel to a degree I've never seen before in my lifetime. In my country this has been increasing for awhile, with 7 years ago the main left-wing Labour Party conducting 3 separate internal investigations into itself and each time finding itself to be rife with antisemitic sentiments. But the Palestine war has kicked this up several gears. This would seem at least partly due to the increase of the Muslim population in the west, their growth as a voter base and engagement in party politics, but it's quite bizarre how the liberal left have so enthusiastically gone along with it, given that Islamism as practiced everywhere in the world plainly represents the very greatest threat to all their other beliefs combined.
You’re thoughts on what’s taking place on college campuses and the anti semitism being blatantly displayed
There has been a major shift in the culture. In years past, whenever the Palestinian/Israeli conflict flared up, anti-Israeli sentiment in America was limited to the fringe of the Left; with both the political Right, and the mainstream political Left standing behind the only liberal democracy in the region, and both sides recognizing the cynical, self destructive tactics of Israel's extremist enemies which stalemate the situation (Hamas, The PLO and the PLJ).
But Gen Z goes into the evaluation of this long enduring conflict with a completely different mentality. That is because it has been significantly shaped by a radical cultural ideology according to which virtue comes from victimhood and suffering rather than from right conduct. People are entirely a product of their social circumstances (says Critical Theory) and the conduct of the oppressed is simply an expression of their desperation and suffering at the hands of powerful systems. Those systems are themselves the only truly “unethical” force that is in play, and they must be reformed in order to reform the individual. In the 2020 riots, violence (including against the livelihood of civilians) was justified by the cause: the alleviation of alleged suffering and oppression at the hands of law enforcement.
The Palestinian Israeli conflict plays into this Oppresser/Oppressed (stronger/weaker) narrative where there is no “morality” there is only “justice” (which means “equity”). It leads to a justification of a “By Any Means Necessary” ideology , just as long as the means is not sufficient enough to turn the stronger party into the weaker party. Israel is the powerful more militarily dominant liberal democratic nation so it must be wrong in this clash between itself and a poorer, chaotic struggling society. The advocate of traditional Western morality however judges each party whether small or great according to the morality of its intentional actions. According to that calculus Israel is, for the most part, a free nation attempting to defend its citizens, Hamas, The PLO and The PIJ are obscenely immoral terrorist organizations that intentionally target the innocent, and the Palestinian people are victims caught in the middle.
The truly unfortunate thing is that this debate is spilling over in the form of anti-semitic language and behavior toward normal American citizens who happen to be Jewish. And of course the rhetoric of this classical anti-Semitism uses the exact same language of the oppressor/oppressed, "the Jews run the world, they own and control everything and we are their hapless victims." This was of course the rhetoric of the Nazis.
And as with the other paradigms of oppressor v.s. oppressed it doesn't actually matter if it's accurate or not.
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I saw a comment saying that male babies should be aborted and I can't believe that there are evil people who think like that .
Every one of those comments came from someone who identifies as a feminist. That's what feminism does to your brain.
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You’re thoughts on what’s taking place on college campuses and the anti semitism being blatantly displayed
There has been a major shift in the culture. In years past, whenever the Palestinian/Israeli conflict flared up, anti-Israeli sentiment in America was limited to the fringe of the Left; with both the political Right, and the mainstream political Left standing behind the only liberal democracy in the region, and both sides recognizing the cynical, self destructive tactics of Israel's extremist enemies which stalemate the situation (Hamas, The PLO and the PLJ).
But Gen Z goes into the evaluation of this long enduring conflict with a completely different mentality. That is because it has been significantly shaped by a radical cultural ideology according to which virtue comes from victimhood and suffering rather than from right conduct. People are entirely a product of their social circumstances (says Critical Theory) and the conduct of the oppressed is simply an expression of their desperation and suffering at the hands of powerful systems. Those systems are themselves the only truly “unethical” force that is in play, and they must be reformed in order to reform the individual. In the 2020 riots, violence (including against the livelihood of civilians) was justified by the cause: the alleviation of alleged suffering and oppression at the hands of law enforcement.
The Palestinian Israeli conflict plays into this Oppresser/Oppressed (stronger/weaker) narrative where there is no “morality” there is only “justice” (which means “equity”). It leads to a justification of a “By Any Means Necessary” ideology , just as long as the means is not sufficient enough to turn the stronger party into the weaker party. Israel is the powerful more militarily dominant liberal democratic nation so it must be wrong in this clash between itself and a poorer, chaotic struggling society. The advocate of traditional Western morality however judges each party whether small or great according to the morality of its intentional actions. According to that calculus Israel is, for the most part, a free nation attempting to defend its citizens, Hamas, The PLO and The PIJ are obscenely immoral terrorist organizations that intentionally target the innocent, and the Palestinian people are victims caught in the middle.
The truly unfortunate thing is that this debate is spilling over in the form of anti-semitic language and behavior toward normal American citizens who happen to be Jewish. And of course the rhetoric of this classical anti-Semitism uses the exact same language of the oppressor/oppressed, "the Jews run the world, they own and control everything and we are their hapless victims." This was of course the rhetoric of the Nazis.
And as with the other paradigms of oppressor v.s. oppressed it doesn't actually matter if it's accurate or not.
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This widely promoted view each of us is now presented with of the opposite sex in the internet age - that of a troublesome annoyance that you're better than, and that you'd be better off without - is a sizeable factor in the continually growing loneliness epidemic.
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How does the moon cut his hair?
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Well, I thought I'd clearly, concisely, correctly and kindly answered your question, but now that you've entered into the court records a random quote from a green felt glove puppet, I see how wrong I really was. I mean, that certainly educated me.
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Hi there, I’m a bit curious about your name. As far to my knowledge, there has never been a single point in time where feminism has ever been a hate movement, nor is it currently a hate movement.
So, my question is: why did you name yourself after such a profoundly incorrect statement?
Feminism, particularly of the past 50 years, is founded upon a unique narrative of the world ("Patriarchy Theory") that divides all women and men up into classes of ‘innocent victims’ and ‘privileged oppressors’, and as such has done more to foster hate and drive a wedge between the sexes than any other political movement in history. Instead of seeing men and women as brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, friends and lovers, feminism sees only an endless "gender war" that it alone started and it alone propagates, with no realistic end ever in sight. 
Even fairly moderate feminists today think and speak of men almost exactly the same way Nazis thought and spoke of Jews, and that’s why I say feminism is a hate movement.
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