Logged back on here for the first time in months. Idk what I was expecting?
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sailor scouts fighting evil: haruka tenoh
Guarded by Uranus, planet of the skies. I’m the soldier of flight, Sailor Uranus!
pic credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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hearing the freelancers are back like
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Cat ownership in a nutshell. (x)
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Okay but nonbinary Wash
“Are you a boy or a girl” “I’m a freelancer.” “Yeah but what’s in your pants?” “Various concealed weapons.”
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This padlock is made from transparent material so you can easily learn to pick locks.
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You are in so much trouble.
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Send my muse prying asks about anything and everything… please?
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For those of you who downloaded the new Xkit, they just updated with an extension called Editable Reblogs, which restores the ability to cut posts!!
Pass this around so people know !
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poly ships are so fucking perfect and i wish there was more. i wish there were more fics exploring three people falling in love, or two people building a friendship and growing closer because they’re both in love with the same person. i want art and head canons and all of it. there’s so much that’s untapped because not enough people seem to want to go in that direction and it’s really sad
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Write a Headcanon about my character
If it’s good, it will become official.
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How The Signs Act Around Their Crush
Normal: Capricorn, Aries, Gemini, Taurus
Crazy: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra, Leo
Cute: Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Virgo
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Signs in a Bad Mood
Aries: self-centered, impulsive, bossy, reckless
Taurus: over-indulgent, stubborn, lazy
Gemini: restless, distracted, judgemental
Cancer: isolated, hypersensitive, competitive
Leo: aggressive, melodramatic, arrogant, distant
Virgo: self-pity, critical, preachy
Libra: vain, indecisive, manipulative
Scorpio: obsessive, possessive, secretive, jealous
Sagittarius: argumentative, reckless, flaky
Capricorn: pessimistic, unforgiving, cold
Aquarius: guarded, detached, self-destructive, irrational
Pisces: clingy, whiny, self-pity, self-destructive
(check moon sign as well)
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The signs in a gang
Leaders: Aries,Capricorn
The ones in charge of ‘‘cleaning’‘ : Aquarius,Virgo,Capricorn
The cutie pies who are dangerous asf: Pisces,Cancer
The ones in charge of the weapons: Scorpio,Taurus
The sexy gang girlfriends: Libra,Sagittarius,Leo
The ones who always have to clean the image of the gang: Gemini,Pisces,Leo
The ones who still go to school: Virgo,Capricorn,Libra
The ones who always start the gang wars because of bad temper: Capricorn,Scorpio
The one who ends the wars: Pisces
The parents of the gang: Taurus,Cancer,Virgo
The ones who throw the drug parties and bring the money in: Aquarius,Sagittarius and sometimes Capricorn
(requested by anon!)
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the signs and love
Aries: aries are fierce lovers, but don't expect it to be all sunshine and rainbows. there will be fights and arguments in a relationship with an aries, but they'll always pull through. they look for commitment and also sex probably.
Taurus: a taurus is dependable and trustworthy, and will always bring comfort and structure to a relationship. when they are in love they are lovesick fools, making eyes at the one that gets their heart beating, but often being too shy to do anything about it.
Gemini: geminis take their casual relationships lightly, but when they're in love they're committed. they're often seen as two-faced but when it comes to their heart they have a one track mind. they want a fun relationship, not too serious or tight, and they will bring laughter and spontaneity to it.
Cancer: a cancer in love will be jealous of everyone that nears their partner. they will radiate a threatening air when they are with them, to ward off others who dare to come closer. a cancer looks for control and structure in a relationship.
Leo: love for a leo is all about making their partner happy. they will bring fun and joy to a relationship, they forgive and forget the little things. a leo loves easily, but once they find someone they truly love, they don't let go without a fight.
Virgo: a virgo lover is such a treat, they're sweet and kind to those they adore. they will put their partner first in every way, and they look for honesty and trust. they will bring laughter and pure love to a relationship.
Libra: a libra in love is insanely flirty and touchy, they may be a bit much to handle. intensity and fixation will be brought to a relationship with them, however they are easily jealous. they look for physical attraction more than any other trait.
Scorpio: scorpios are a hard bunch to love, and they find it hard to love too. if they do fall in love, however, they will show it to their full capacity. they waste no time in telling the one they have feelings for, and may become clingy and protective.
Sagittarius: sagittarians are soft lovers, emotional and careful. they will panic if they think they've hurt the one they love. they look for compatibility and personality, and will bring care and affection to a relationship.
Capricorn: believe it or not, capricorns fall the hardest. they become starry-eyed and their 'me first' demeanor fades away, only thinking and caring about the one they've fallen for. they want honesty and security in a relationship, and will give it their all.
Aquarius: people of the aquarius sign are often seen as cold and selfish, but when in love they're warm and protective. they look for someone they can trust, someone they can open up to. they may push their partner away in fear of hurting them.
Pisces: a pisces in love is soft and gentle, they will hold the one they care for like they're going to break them. they want romance, cheesy romance, when it comes to a relationship, and will love to their fullest.
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signs as rolls
looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: taurus, aquarius, pisces
looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: sagittarius, virgo
looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: cancer, capricorn, libra
looks like they could kill you and would actually kill you: aries, leo, scorpio
sinnamon roll: gemini
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How the Zodiac Signs Handle Rejection
How Aries handles rejection: Not very well…. at all! They almost refuse to be rejected.
How Taurus handles rejection: Does a lot behind the scenes to avoid it. They can push rejection under the rug when it happens.
How Gemini handles rejection: Just thinks the person who rejected them is a jerk or feels that the organization is missing out!
How Cancer handles rejection: Could get butt-hurt or might take a while to get over the rejection.                    
How Leo handles rejection: They can go from being outraged to being sulky over rejection.
How Virgo handles rejection: They can beat themselves up and over think the reasons why they were rejected.
How Libra handles rejection: They get super self-conscious and starts doubting themselves.
How Scorpio handles rejection: They can get mad and will either take their anger out on the organization/person or try to prove them wrong.         
How Sagittarius handles rejection: They can be shocked but then builds a bridge and gets over it.
How Capricorn handles rejection: Beats themselves up and can go to great lengths to prove themselves.
How Aquarius handles rejection: Rejection is one of their greatest fears, so that fear comes to life! They can feel hurt and/or anxiety.
How Pisces handles rejection: Becomes sad and angry but knows how to move on.
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