I think being in preschool would save me.
Routine, being walked through the day with support and care. Circle time, reading time, playtime, snacktime, naps.
Being gently taught that it's okay to make mistakes, how to handle big feelings, how to make friends, treat others well, be treated well by others.
No exams, no future to worry about, no big homework assignments, just learning how to write my name and how to ask others to play with me.
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This is a little fic from one of my asks/prompts on @ghostbite0 page about their tiny 21 trio au, such a good au I literally bawl every time... anyways tadaaaaa (I will be posting more trust gang)
Sanemi could feel something felt off when he woke up. Like a little pulling In the the back of the head. He sat up and pushed away the little puppy dog he'd been sleeping with (someone keeps putting it in his arms he swears). Sanemi looks around the room he and the other babies had been staying in trying to wake himself up. He realized they weren't here in the crib with him, he was confused but he preferred it that way (no matter what the little voice in the back of his head said).
He pushed himself up and got up holding the bars of his crib getting ready to yell at someone to get him out of this thing before he hears it. He knows that laugh. The tugging in the back of his mind overtakes his whole little baby brain. An excited scream breaks out of Sanemi's mouth when he sees a flash of purple go by. 
Genya freezes, was that Sanemi? He froze thinking he heard wrong but he knew he was right. Obanai was with Mitsuri who was trying to give him a bottle and Giyuu was with Tanjiro. Sanemi got put down for a nap after he dumped his food onto the floor. Genya's nervous, ever since his brother got turned into a baby his behavior toward him totally flipped. Sanemi used to avoid Genya like a plague and now its like the two are the best of friends. It was overwhelming for the poor teen. His big adult angsty older brother who acted like Genya didn't mean anything to him was now a little baby who wanted nothing more than to hang out with him (when he's in baby mode again). A whine breaks him out of this thoughts. 
Genya hesitates for a bit longer until the whining because sobbing. He rushes into the room, almost tripping on a stuffed animal (Mitsuri swears it's to keep the babies entertained but everyone knows it's all for Obanai). Sanemi giggles through his tears and bounces in his place. Genya pauses and tries to think of the last time his brother looked even remotely happy to see him. He guessed he took too long because Sanemi throws his stuffed dog at his face and whines with as much anger his baby body can muster (he looks like a kicked puppy with his watery eyes, chubby cheeks and tiny bit of drool on the right corner of his mouth).
“Alright Nemi I'm right here, it's okay”. Genya reaches over the crib bars and picks Sanemi up. A happy coo comes out of the baby and his brother wipes his snot covered face with a blue rag. Rags and bibs were an absolute necessity when the trio was in baby mode or eating. Sanemi has a bit of a dribble problem, Obanai is always suckling on his pacifier or little mittens, and Giyuu… he's something else. Sanemi squeals and shoves his face in his brother's neck, smelling the smallest hint of gun powder and mint. Genya chuckles, “You're such a little dweeb” and bends over to pick up the stuffed animal his baby brother chucked at him. His brother babbles out what sounds like “You're a dweeb”.
Genya tucks the toy in Sanemi's arms and the boy screams in delight and babbles random unintelligible words. Genya caught maybe the word puppy and his name but you couldn't tell with the way Sanemi was shaking his head back and forth. Genya tickles his brother's side and soaks in all the happy laughter he gets as a response. The teen looks around the room for something to do before deciding to go to the comfy corner covered in pillows and blankets. It was made after Giyuu smacked his head on the floor trying to find a comfy spot to lay down. It also doubles as a playpen and calm down corner/time out corner which was very effective for the baby Genya was holding who was prone to meltdowns for whatever reason.  
Genya steps over the makeshift gate and settles in between the pillows and blankets with his brother on his lap. The babbles continued with Sanemi smacking the puppy on his big brothers tummy. Genya smiled softly at Sanemi smiling little face and sparkling eyes. “Be gentle Nemi, don't be mean to your puppy okay?” Sanemi crawled off Genya with a little pat to his puppy and picked up a dragon plush for Genya. Genya chuckled as he realized his brother wanted to play with stuffed animals. When his brother got like this he especially enjoyed playing pretend, it was really cute. “Alright Nemi, whats our little story?” Genya smiled as he sat up across from his brother with the dragon in his hand. 
The two played for what felt like hours and Sanemi began to yawn again. Genya wiped his mouth again and laid down with him. His baby brother laid on his chest sniffling softly with one arm curled around his puppy and a hand clutching his brother's clothes. Genya rubbed up and down Sanemi's back until his breathing slowed. “Goodnight Nemi, I love you so much…” Genya pressed a kiss to his brother's forehead before laying down to think about how his life had totally flipped on him.
Genya woke up to angry babbling and things being thrown at him. “Nemi what are you doing? Come here let's get you dressed and fed”. He stood up and cracked his back before turning towards a pouty and red faced Sanemi in the corner of the room, the puppy laid nearby. When Genya tried to pick Sanemi up, the boy exploded into angry babbles with hateful eyes. Genya sighed and left to go get Gyomei to calm his chihuahua of a baby brother. So much for bonding time. 
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I need carrying around a stuffed animal friend to be normalized
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you ever get surprised by your own recurring issues. like come on man. I thought we were past this.
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touya and shoto’s friends
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happy bday, tomura :)
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Inosuke giving Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Genya beautiful rocks and claiming they’re married because he doesn’t understand the difference between wedding rings and stones, nor does he understand the concept of a wedding, and so the other three modify the rocks so that they can wear them on their person at all times because they’re so so so scared of losing them and “divorcing” their “husbands” like if you agree
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