flozminalways · 4 years
Saw you rb a top 5 post and I don’t think anyone’s asked a Flozmín top 5 in a while? So if your up to it, top 5 Flozmín comedy moments or from Las Estrellas in general. Funniest moments or lines or plots to you? Idk I think some humor is needed right now.
Hey! Thank you! God, we really need something happy right now. If I’m gonna go with funniest lines it’d be every other thing Flor and Jazmín said. Jaz is so fucking mean. I love her so much. 
Okay, funniest interactions between Jazmín and the Estrellas sisters. Five sisters, five moments. In the first 50 episodes because I haven’t rewatched in a while and I can’t remember all the moments.
Jazmín and Carla (aka Carla is an idiot and Jazmín can’t believe it):
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J: All out. I’m overwhelmed with the canapes. They have me like this. Canapes.
Let’s clarify that Carla is actually an idiot. She sees Jazmín crying her eyes out, nearly sobbing in the middle of the hotel hallway, and she thinks Jaz is having a breakdown over canapes. Canapes. Mind you, Carla says she has felt like that before and we know it’s the truth because Carla is always near having a stress-induced stroke. Still, Jazmín’s reaction is amazing. She can’t believe Carla is this dumb and blind. That smile. How she just says “let’s go canapes” as she goes to the kitchen. Even in a moment of deep sadness, Jazmín can take a moment to be sarcastic and talk back. Jazmín thinks Carla is an idiot, pass it on.
Jazmín and Lucía (or Jaz thinks Lucía is a bitch and doesn’t hide it):
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Lucía, since you are here. When does my shift end? Or is it eternal?
Let’s clarify that Jazmín and Lucía have had issues since day one. Lucía treats everybody like shit and Jazmín likes calling her out on it. Jaz’s first big conflict was with Lucía and she was more than ready to sue her when Lucía fired her.  But this, this is how Jaz deals staying for Flor and still dealing with Lucía’s shit: she’s sarcastic as all hell. They just bounce off each other so well. Jaz throws Lu a sarcastic comment, and Lu bounces it back, and Jaz can only say “how lucky I am!” They both know she’s not gonna quit, and they both know that Jaz would burn the hotel to the ground to get back at Lucía if she could.
Jazmín and Miranda (or Jaz treats Miru like the child she is):
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No! You touched the dog and now you touch the dough? A great pizza maker but very dirty. Go and wash your hands!
I think it’s easy to forget that Miru is the youngest because nearly all of them are more immature than she is. They tend to treat her like she’s in her 30s and not like 25. She’s even younger than Jazmín! And Jaz is the one that tends to treat her properly: like she’s a silly idiot with a very strong personality. It’s adorable how much Miru wants to show off her cooking skills, and how Jaz is just a little impressed by her pizza skills. But she’s mostly upset that Miranda grabbed a dog and then touched the dough. The way Jazmín scolds and tells her to wash her hands is kinda adorable because she’s treating Miru like she’s a bit of an idiot child, and not her boss.
Jazmín and Virginia (or Jaz can’t hate Vir):
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No, don’t try to buy me! What? No! [incomprehensible noises]
What can I say about this scene? Jazmín is angry that Javo quit. Virginia is so desperate to know where he is that she’s trying to bribe Jaz, who is secretly rich, by giving her a substantial raise. Gals, Jazmín is rich. So rich. She doesn’t need a cent. She couldn’t have been tempted by Vir’s money here. She just walked away because she didn’t want to get angry at her. Plus, I love the noises she makes when she leaves. Jazmín is so goofy sometimes.
Jazmín and Florencia (or Flor is too cute and Jazmín nearly dies):
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Listen, from this episode alone I could have chosen at least one more funny moment. But Flor being silly, cuddling Jaz, saying she wants to cuddle to do naughty stuff (not a tic!) and Jazmín nearly dying is hilarious and a perfect angsty moment for them. Flor has no idea of the effect she has on Jaz and that’s why I love her. Flor can always make Jazmín laugh. Flor is the one person that can make her laugh. They are just so happy together.
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flozminalways · 5 years
julieta meeting viole’s baby is one of the most precious things on earth
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julietanaircalvo Las flores y la lila 💜
(The flowers and the lilac)
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flozminalways · 5 years
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(requested by @macasfootstool)
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flozminalways · 5 years
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flozminalways · 5 years
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Can we please appreciate these two Argentinian women who have been part of the two best LGBT storylines in a very long time! Macarena Achaga and Julieta Nair Calvo could be sisters in real life...it’s uncanny! Long live Juliantina and Flozmin!!!
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flozminalways · 5 years
How to help Amazônia:
You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.
> > > ( ENGLISH: //doe.sosamazonia.org.br/en ) < < <
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And remember: - 1 USD is 4,04 reais. - 1 EUR is 4,47 reais. If you donate only $2,50 USD (10 reais) you’re helping a lot.
If you donate only $2,30 EUR (10 reais) you’re helping a lot. About people saying “the minimum value is $10”: Even if you’re not from Brazil you can donate in REAL instead of donating in USD or EUR via Paypal, so… YES, you can donate less than 10 dollars or euros. (Just don’t change the currency to USD or EUR, Paypal converts your dollars/euros to reais.)
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Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.
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flozminalways · 5 years
Let’s pinpoint the exact moment Florencia falls in love with Jazmín. It’s in episode 13 out of 171 episodes.
Let’s see, so Flor is having the worst time after accidentally outing Miranda being a prostitute to her mom, dealing with Lucía treating her like shit, and trying to keep Carla’s ex-bff away from Carla. She’s basically full of tics and full of guilty because she can’t stop fucking up and saying the wrong thing.
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Look at this poor baby freaking out. Her shoulders are up to her ears, she keeps touching her neck and shoulder like they are tight, she keeps having tics… She doesn’t want to talk about it at first but Jazmín very gently gets her to open up. (Side note, Jazmín’s back = art.)
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And Jazmín looks so proud when she manages to convince Flor that she can be honest with Miru and everything will be fine.
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Look how relieved Flor is. Her body language is completely different. And that smile. She seriously feels so much better and it’s all thanks to Jazmín just listening to her and helping her slow down her mind for a few moments.
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Jaz: I like seeing you well.
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And there is it! The face of pure love. Look how soft her eyes are, and that smile. Flor clearly can’t believe how amazing Jazmín is. This is exactly when Flor falls for Jaz, because Jazmín did the one thing no one ever really does: listen to her.
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flozminalways · 5 years
can we talk about the scene where Sergio was drooling over juls and how good she looked and then Val asked him: “Are you alright? do you need some air? do you need water?” sis been there 2 minutes ago 😂
Hah, that’s right. I love that the show literally had her have a breakdown over Juls in that dress and then minutes later have her visibly irritated and jealous over someone having THE SAME REACTION AS HER.
Look at her during Sergio’s initial reaction:
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Juls is taken aback but mostly just amused, looking to Val all “get a load of this guy” but Val is SO not amused, it’s hilarious. The level of offense she is taking at somebody thinking Juls looks good in that dress! A horrible crime to Val if the person committing it isn’t her.
And then of course
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The hair toss and everything! And remember, as we just covered again in the last ask, this is the guy Val was trying to set Juls up with! No more whispered “I think he likes you.” Oh, he does, and that is unpalatable to Val.
But the funniest part is, like you said, anon, two minutes ago she was the same. No, not two minutes, literally 15 seconds earlier while walking up to them!
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And 15 minutes earlier:
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And a few hours earlier:
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You all right there, Val? Need to get some air? Maybe water to quench your INCREDIBLE THIRST?
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flozminalways · 5 years
One of my favourite scenes is this hug between them. You can tell how much Valentina missed Juliana. I mean, look at her facial expression. It’s like she’s home again.
(posted as well on my twitter account)
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flozminalways · 5 years
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How do you want me to look at you?
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flozminalways · 5 years
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New Photo posted by Henry
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flozminalways · 5 years
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH GAYS!! 🌈❤️🧡💛💙💜💚 Let us all remember the gift that is flozmin
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will you give me a kiss? eighteen thousand kisses.
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flozminalways · 5 years
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Juliantina photoshoot BTS by Henry
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flozminalways · 5 years
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flozminalways · 5 years
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flozminalways · 5 years
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I didn’t think I would see you again.
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flozminalways · 5 years
If you're into 90s dance music Relax by Crystal Waters is my go-to pick me up song when I've had a bad day. Hope that helps. Sending good thoughts your way.
90s dance music is always welcome. Thank you!! ☺️
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