foxsized · 10 months
Fundy stared at her comm, bewildered. First her.. grandma? Now Callahan? mentioning her having a child.
She didn’t have a kid! She hadn’t even had a relationship before! She hadn’t even had her first kiss! And Callahan didn’t know about Conceda? Like.. like Niki?
She just... Stood at the railing over the chasm, her vision unfocused, trying to make sense of any of it.
(starter for @foxsized)
Callahan tucked the piglin onto the couch, and set about some food to keep him fed, and, once satisfied, told him that he'd "come back soon", and headed out the door.
He went to where he knew Fundy's cabin to be, and found...
an empty snowy clearing.
There was no trace of the cabin what was once there, of the chest that had held firewood. There was nothing.
The only thing she could think of was to message her partner.
Callahan whispered to FundyHD: Hey, are you and Yogurt alright? Where are you?
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foxsized · 10 months
Haha, I think I’d remember if my grandmother was a goddess, that means i’d be some kind of demigod, plus I’m fairly sure I’d remember if I had a kid! I haven’t ever had a real romantic relationship, so its not like I could . have a kid! Well, I guess taking care of my younger self is an exception but that’s different.
Hello Fundy! I haven't heard from you in so long... <3 How is my favorite grandson? - @hergoddessofdeath
waitwaitwait hoooooold. hold on ok . breathing
I'm great ! Fantastic! Living on the edge of a crater, and my home is nonexistent, and I'm taking care of a past, tiny version of me, and there is nobody else living around here for miles. I'm being a bit sarcastic sorry I'm having a bit of a Time
I'm a girl <3
Whoooooooo are you??
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foxsized · 10 months
If... we met, it was probably when I was really small. What do you mean Lady Death? Do. Do you like kill people for a living?
And Who Is Yogurt? You and Callahan both mentioned him- er I don’t- know if you know Callahan, he’s kind of the server god. Messaged me out of nowhere, dunno why..
Hello Fundy! I haven't heard from you in so long... <3 How is my favorite grandson? - @hergoddessofdeath
waitwaitwait hoooooold. hold on ok . breathing
I'm great ! Fantastic! Living on the edge of a crater, and my home is nonexistent, and I'm taking care of a past, tiny version of me, and there is nobody else living around here for miles. I'm being a bit sarcastic sorry I'm having a bit of a Time
I'm a girl <3
Whoooooooo are you??
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foxsized · 10 months
Fundy was still brushing down her fur from getting jumpscared by a giant lady when her comm pinged.
And she was a bit confused. Callahan and her had never been close- why were They messaging her?
FundyHD whispered to Callahan: im fine! im.. next to the crater. itssss a long story but Conceda is... gone? im glad youre okay though.
FundyHD whispered to Callahan: whos yogurt
(starter for @foxsized)
Callahan tucked the piglin onto the couch, and set about some food to keep him fed, and, once satisfied, told him that he'd "come back soon", and headed out the door.
He went to where he knew Fundy's cabin to be, and found...
an empty snowy clearing.
There was no trace of the cabin what was once there, of the chest that had held firewood. There was nothing.
The only thing she could think of was to message her partner.
Callahan whispered to FundyHD: Hey, are you and Yogurt alright? Where are you?
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foxsized · 10 months
Hello Fundy! I haven't heard from you in so long... <3 How is my favorite grandson? - @hergoddessofdeath
waitwaitwait hoooooold. hold on ok . breathing
I'm great ! Fantastic! Living on the edge of a crater, and my home is nonexistent, and I'm taking care of a past, tiny version of me, and there is nobody else living around here for miles. I'm being a bit sarcastic sorry I'm having a bit of a Time
I'm a girl <3
Whoooooooo are you??
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foxsized · 11 months
Something flickers despondently in Fundy's chest, but she takes a moment, breathes, and lets it flutter away. Everything goes on, and you'll be okay one way or another. This is just another hurdle.
She shakes her head a little as if clearing it out before she replies, "Yeah, an axe would be nice. You wanna help me punch some trees, little one?"
(Drista likes that in chaos, she can be wherever she wants all at once. Who cares about rules of space and time? All she knows is her search for players, after all. And here she finds an interesting situation that she, of course, noses into.)
ooh, what's goin' on here?
Fundy steps away from the crater and uses her free hand to brush the ash off the hem of her dress. She's bouncing the kit in her arm and shushing her, trying to calm her down. She's too busy with the thoughts swarming in her head and with the crying kit to notice the new arrival, though her ear does twitch, registering on some level that something was heard.
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foxsized · 11 months
Fundy fusses at the kit until he lets go of Drista’s hair, and moves him to her other side so the goddess is out of reach,
“Well, I got here a few hours ago. I.. think? And then this little guy just. Popped into existence while I was walking over here.”
She looks away, towards the crater. “I don’t understand. My home... It’s like we never even built it.”
(Drista likes that in chaos, she can be wherever she wants all at once. Who cares about rules of space and time? All she knows is her search for players, after all. And here she finds an interesting situation that she, of course, noses into.)
ooh, what's goin' on here?
Fundy steps away from the crater and uses her free hand to brush the ash off the hem of her dress. She's bouncing the kit in her arm and shushing her, trying to calm her down. She's too busy with the thoughts swarming in her head and with the crying kit to notice the new arrival, though her ear does twitch, registering on some level that something was heard.
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foxsized · 1 year
Fundy studies Drista, studies her being entirely unfazed by the sobbing kit, and tentatively reaches out a paw to shake. “Fundy. And this is. Also Fundy. Don’t ask how, I haven’t figured it out yet.”
She debates asking about what is going on, but goes back to focusing on the kit.
(Drista likes that in chaos, she can be wherever she wants all at once. Who cares about rules of space and time? All she knows is her search for players, after all. And here she finds an interesting situation that she, of course, noses into.)
ooh, what's goin' on here?
Fundy steps away from the crater and uses her free hand to brush the ash off the hem of her dress. She's bouncing the kit in her arm and shushing her, trying to calm her down. She's too busy with the thoughts swarming in her head and with the crying kit to notice the new arrival, though her ear does twitch, registering on some level that something was heard.
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foxsized · 1 year
The older fox stumbles back with a startled yelp, finally being forced to notice the.. floating being.
“Hey, woah.”
She wraps her free arm around her younger self protectively, not knowing this god and whether she’s a threat or not. “Who.. are you?”
(Drista likes that in chaos, she can be wherever she wants all at once. Who cares about rules of space and time? All she knows is her search for players, after all. And here she finds an interesting situation that she, of course, noses into.)
ooh, what's goin' on here?
Fundy steps away from the crater and uses her free hand to brush the ash off the hem of her dress. She's bouncing the kit in her arm and shushing her, trying to calm her down. She's too busy with the thoughts swarming in her head and with the crying kit to notice the new arrival, though her ear does twitch, registering on some level that something was heard.
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foxsized · 1 year
(Drista likes that in chaos, she can be wherever she wants all at once. Who cares about rules of space and time? All she knows is her search for players, after all. And here she finds an interesting situation that she, of course, noses into.)
ooh, what's goin' on here?
Fundy steps away from the crater and uses her free hand to brush the ash off the hem of her dress. She's bouncing the kit in her arm and shushing her, trying to calm her down. She's too busy with the thoughts swarming in her head and with the crying kit to notice the new arrival, though her ear does twitch, registering on some level that something was heard.
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foxsized · 1 year
She looked at Conceda, a frown on her face. The town she and her father had rebuilt by hand and paw to bridge the conflicts and pain. It was empty, impossibly empty. The lights were on and nobody was home. It wasn’t normal. Where she should have felt relief, she felt anxiety. Where was everyone? Why couldn’t her eyes focus? And why did the smell of old sulfur make the air taste so stale?
She took a step onto the wooden paths- and felt dirt beneath her paws. Confused, she stared down at the ground, trying to blink away whatever was making her eyes water. The path was there- and then it seemed to slide out of existence, replaced by pebbly dirt. She looked up, tried to focus on her house in the distance, and the buildings did the same thing.
Something was wrong here. Conceda wasn’t real-
And then she almost slipped, a yelp escaping her as her free arm grabbed at a broken fence to keep her and the kit in her arms from falling into the crater, which a moment ago had been covered in glass.
Fundy tumbled through scene after scene again, the odd comm in her hand. She chirped and wailed as she was thrown through spacetime, until she was dropped suddenly into one-
And immediately started rolling down a grassy hill.
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foxsized · 1 year
Fundy laughed and reached down to pick up the kit, looking her up and down (mainly to make sure he wasn’t hurt). There was no mistaking it.
“I am, kinda! Was..kinda.” She looks ahead towards her goal. “It’s been a while since I’ve been back. Do you wanna come with me to see it?”
Fundy tumbled through scene after scene again, the odd comm in her hand. She chirped and wailed as she was thrown through spacetime, until she was dropped suddenly into one-
And immediately started rolling down a grassy hill.
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foxsized · 1 year
Fundy was walking towards where she knew her home to be. She had left Niki behind a bit ago.
Thudding came from somewhere above her, and though she’d usually ignore it, it was accompanied by the wails of a small child. Wails that made her turn her head just before the child would have collided with her legs.
She reached down to stop him just in time, her paws bracing him to a stop.
“Hey there kiddo, watch where you’re rolling-” She stopped midsentence as she stared down at the fox. “You...”
The fox wore her uniform. Her uniform, from a time when she was too little to understand what it stood for. From a time when she knew so little.
Fundy tumbled through scene after scene again, the odd comm in her hand. She chirped and wailed as she was thrown through spacetime, until she was dropped suddenly into one-
And immediately started rolling down a grassy hill.
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foxsized · 1 year
A-an apple?
Why am I holding an apple, Tommy?
'ello fundy ow are you on this fine evening this jolly good night well i am fine you see i am doing just dandy in fact. how are you. - @biggestmanindsmp
Tommy!! Oh good, you're alright!
I'm ... Kinda confused, honestly. I'm with Niki right now and she's acting strange..
Well. Are you in Conceda?
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foxsized · 1 year
'ello fundy ow are you on this fine evening this jolly good night well i am fine you see i am doing just dandy in fact. how are you. - @biggestmanindsmp
Tommy!! Oh good, you're alright!
I'm ... Kinda confused, honestly. I'm with Niki right now and she's acting strange..
Well. Are you in Conceda?
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foxsized · 1 year
"No, I- I don't understand. How could you not remember? Look just- just come and I'll show you, okay? The others are probably there, too, it's where Wil and Tubbo would go at least."
She reaches out for Niki's hand again, her arm outstretched in the space between them.
hello? is someone in here?
Fundy whirls to the source of the voice and sighs in relief, taking a step towards the avian.
"Niki! Thank gods you're okay, that scared the hell out of me. Everyone just vanished just now and-"
She then stops short, a look of confusion filling her face as she cocks her head to the side.
"And.. you.. have wings?"
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foxsized · 1 year
Fundy stops and slides her paw out from Niki's grasp, withdrawing into herself. She even takes a step back.
"L'manburg was destroyed. We built over the crater to make Conceda. Me, you, Puffy, Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Wil, and Eret. Don't you remember..?"
hello? is someone in here?
Fundy whirls to the source of the voice and sighs in relief, taking a step towards the avian.
"Niki! Thank gods you're okay, that scared the hell out of me. Everyone just vanished just now and-"
She then stops short, a look of confusion filling her face as she cocks her head to the side.
"And.. you.. have wings?"
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