frowncider · 1 day
"Why does our town have a pride festival?"
Well, because a bunch of people got together and said 'we want a pride festival.' And they worked very hard on permits and insurance and sponsorships, and vendors and programming. And they did a lot of work to make sure it was safe and fun and enjoyable. And they were successful one year, so they did it again the next year. And then they kept doing other things too because it turns out the emotional payoff for running a successful event is really good.
"Why doesn't our town have the kinds of festivals that I want?"
Well, because a bunch of people didn't get together and say 'we want to throw a festival.' And they didn't fill out the permits or get their insurance or get any sponsors and they didn't plan any vendors or programming.
So there isn't that kind of festival here.
I promise the City doesn't just decide to have a pride festival. Its put on by a team of people who want to see it happen. If there's a kind of festival you'd like to see, then I'm sorry- you're going to have to do that yourself.
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frowncider · 1 day
Stopping yourself mid-conflict to change your perspective is allowed! It’s okay and normal to be mid argument with someone and realize you disagree with your own stance. Often I find myself and others caught up in trying to win the argument (not the point of arguments!) or too embarrassed to back down and be wrong. I promise there is so much more pride in going “Stop! I’m wrong. I hear you and I see how I wasn’t in the right and I want to amend my view” than digging your heels in.
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frowncider · 1 day
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frowncider · 1 day
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frowncider · 1 day
daily reminders
no human being is 100% happy 100% of the time
being a person is extraordinarily difficult even in the best of times
this is not the best of times
someone is grateful you exist (don't argue, it's true)
a bad day does not predict a bad existence
it's gonna be okay
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frowncider · 1 day
I have "commitment issues"?? Uhhh well The Bit begs to differ
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frowncider · 1 day
I keep seeing people use this image as a reaction to people's original posts:
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Which I think is really incorrect, because with an original post they haven't come up to ur window, u've come up to their window.
So I made this, as a more accurate reaction for original posts:
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frowncider · 1 day
Nobody wants to admit ageism is a real thing but if you like look around at how (capitalist) society treats the elderly it’s kind of insane actually. Especially if you take into account intersections of misogyny and racism & how nearly all of them are disabled in some way. Some ostensibly progressive white kid will be talking about “ugh I hate old people” cause they think they’re all bigots or whatever but you gotta stop projecting your issues with, like, uncle dale being weird at thanksgiving dinner. Yknow. Old people are just people who got older
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frowncider · 1 day
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frowncider · 1 day
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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frowncider · 1 day
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Punk legend
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frowncider · 1 month
I could be a terrible mayor for pretty much any midsized american city, I would begin building a light rail and then immediately start a fight with the police union
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frowncider · 1 month
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Columbia University protest suppression, 4.30.24
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frowncider · 2 months
$20 to rent a movie online for 48 hours i need yall to get so real right now bc that is insane. “that’s the average cost” which is a problem!! if im paying $20 i better get the film on dvd to have and watch forever
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frowncider · 2 months
It is 1880s America, you are about to spawn as a Historically Significant White Guy. Choose a class:
Special Power: Good Christian. Your vague adherence to American protestantism will ensure that law enforcement does not bother you whatsoever.
Victory condition: Fuck enough of your followers wives to start an inbred theofascist micronation.
Special Power: Basic Literacy. You're poor, but you know how to read. They'll never expect it. You may forge literally any document and it will be believed 100% of the time.
Victory Condition: Steal enough money to fuck off to Latin America. A Spanish speaking nation might as well be the moon to your debtors.
Special Power: Colonial Wealth. Your funny accent, foppish dress, and noble title, will make any American think you are totally good to buy it on credit.
Victory Condition: Become the boytoy to the wife of some borderline-gangster politician and save up enough political capital to run for office and get addicted to opium.
Special Power: How The Fuck Are You Alive. Your freakish diet of pork, whiskey, and maple syrup, makes you entirely immune to all physical injury and disease. Somehow.
Victory Condition: You have one mission, and one mission only. You need to piss off some completely friendly natives. You need to piss them off so bad they leave your stupid ass to starve in a food forest they've been cultivating for literally thousands of years.
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frowncider · 2 months
A lot clicked for me when my mom said the reason she was so reactive towards me as a kid was that she assumed intent behind things I did, rather than recognizing my behaviors for being normal kid behaviors or normal autism behaviors. So I got treated as if I was an adult who was intentionally doing things to upset her. She'd react to me like I had the maturity and wherewithal to do things in a cruel or manipulative way, making her life harder, when I was just existing. Just trying to learn how to cope and be a person myself. When she told me this I stopped in my tracks trying to process. Why would anyone's default assumption be that a kid is trying to antagonize them instead of like, struggling with something they're experiencing? But she was also raised the exact same way, treated like everything she did carried the weight of adult responsibility, not seen as a kid.
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frowncider · 2 months
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