gabriel-humble-bee · 1 month
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Happy Easter! 🐣🐰
(And don't worry, Beelzebub loves their outfits
They are just teasing. )
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gabriel-humble-bee · 1 month
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gabriel-humble-bee · 1 month
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gabriel-humble-bee · 1 month
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gabriel-humble-bee · 8 months
( A little side note of my version of death,
When he did live in heaven him and his lover/ friend decided to create life together
But due to complications, she ended up passing away, and because of the outcomes the child they created was a bit weak, he ended up passing away at the age of 16 )
I just thought of a random scenario
So I can imagine Michael is transgender but for the longest time, they were in denial
So they decided to go talk to death
Michael explained their situation and how they were feeling and thought it was quite stupid how they wanted to be something they were not
If the universe and God wanted them to be a girl, then they would make them one, but they are a boy...
So that's why they are set to not become a girl...
Death said fine I will respect your wishes
And if we're on the topic of not changing something, that would better our lives, but because God is set in stone by something.
Why should we stop at transgender? What about those people with prosthetic arms
This is not part of God's plan? If God didn't want you to have an arm, then you shouldn't have a prosthetic.
And don't get me started with people who uses wheelchairs.
They discussed me, god didn't create wheelchairs
If god didn't want your legs to work, then crawl...
See how stupid it would be to Nick picky everything because this is what we think that god wants... Do you really want to live your life? Worrying about how you should live your life
Because somebody who's living their own life might disagree... That would be a sad life to live
I'm not saying to drop everything in transition
I'm saying to test the waters and see how you like it
I know god is your parent, and you're a bit worried that they might not accept you
I am a parent
When you first become one, you imagine everything that your kid will be
You picture and imagine this life that your kid would have
A life similar to yours...
This new information might be new to them Something they couldn't even imagine
A false reality, what they build
Now, their reality has crashed down
Sometimes, it's easier to be in denial, hoping that things would go back to how things were
To be honest, change is scary
But I find what is more scarier. Is losing a child...
I did lose a child... I would do anything to get him back
I wouldn't even care if they were a new gender or have random pronouns
I picture a life that they would have, but the harsh truth is that they can never live it... They couldn't even live the life that they wanted...
Michael, being alive is a blessing...
Some people don't get this opportunity, and some do, and they're too afraid to live it...
Do you really want to worry about other people? How to tell you how to live your life?
Or are you going to live your life and worry about yourself?
It's your life, not theirs...
Michael spoke:
What about my name... I'm perfectly fine with the name michael... It's a masculine name, so maybe i'm a bit fine being a boy...
Death spoke:
A name doesn't define who you are.
who you want to be does
If you want to identify as a boy with a feminine name
That's okay
If you identify as a girl and still use male pronouns
That's okay
Names and pronouns do not determine what gender we identify as.
Michael spoke:
Okay, what if I did come out as a girl and all of a sudden I want to be a boy again
Death spoke:
That's okay
Like I said, test the waters.
No one said that once you identify as something, it doesn't mean you have to keep it that way
Living is trying new opportunities and new things.
Michael spoke:
What if I test the waters and identify as different things
But in the end, I came back to identify as a boy... Would that be ok?
Death spoke:
Yes, that is perfectly fine and okay
Sometimes, when you're trying new things, you might not get it right away, that's okay.
In time, you might find who You Are.
You just got to keep exploring and testing the waters
Because one day you might find who you really are
Just don't give up.
Michael spoke:
What if I identified two things
Girl sounds right, but it doesn't fully describe me
same with non binary...
I feel like I identify as two things... I feel like I have to choose one of them, but neither fit me fully...
Death spoke:
Good thing that there are more caligories and umbrella terms
You don't need to stay in one water if it almost feels right
You're living your own life, so explore.
Michael spoke:
What if somebody told me that what I identified as is wrong... No matter what, they don't respect me and how many times I try to explain it...
Death spoke:
Sometimes you might not be able to change how somebody thinks of you but you can change who is around you..
It might be difficult
But if they can't see who you really are, then they are missing out from the person who you really are. It's not your fault it's their loss.
Michael spoke:
Then what am I?
Death spoke:
That's not my say in this. I can not tell you who or what you are
That is for you to say and to find out.
I know you're struggling, and you want an answer
But it's not my saying to tell you who you are
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