genderisareligion · 4 hours
"I can't be racist, I'm black" doesn't actually address the problem that TERFs use racist ideals of femininity to determine who is and isn't a woman. Black Women are specifically targeted by transphobic dogpiling because we don't meet white beauty standards, they don't care if we're real women, they attack anyway, and TRAs are the ones I see defending us by default while TERFs usually have to be told that "no, they're real woman" before they stop attacking us, and only a handful bother apologizing before they move on to harass some other woman who isn't white enough to be a woman. We have to face the truth, even if we are real women, TERFs hate trannies more than they want to protect black women, we can't trust them
What "TERFs" are going around calling black women men? Cause I really don't see this happening. If you're going to come back (I'd prefer it if you didn't) give me specific examples of this happening. Radical feminists are not "racist when determining who is a woman," the only thing that makes one female is the production of the large gamete, your race doesn't matter, any disease, disorder or disability you have doesn't matter, you just have to be female.
Harassment of black women calling them male and masculine does happen, like with racists and misogynists, but I don't see it happening among radical feminists. Y'all will call anyone regardless of whether or not they're a feminist let alone a radical feminist a "TERF," men, women who vehemently hate other women as well as trans people, any random Bible punting patriarchy loving conservative who hates GNC bi and lesbian leftists, as many radical feminists are. Racist women harass black women all the time, but those aren't radical feminists. Radical feminist is anti racist. Ever read Audre Lorde? Barbara and Beverly Smith? Claire Heuchan? Here's Claire's blog for what radical feminists actually believe, since you seem to be confused.
Regardless black women being harassed for not living up to white beauty standards is not fucking transphobia. It's misogynoir. Before TRAs and their white ass gender and "queer theory" starting attempting to colonize everyone's language, black women were calling it that and I'm not about to march to the popular drum that says I should start calling it transphobia just because dysphoric males need me to be "less female than other females" so that they can feel better about themselves.
Nice use of the t-slur, by the way. Almost everyone I've ever followed who's gender critical or a radical feminist is above using that word but apparently you aren't lol
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genderisareligion · 4 hours
I wanna take the term white feminism from all liberal crackers until they learn how to use it properly.
White feminism is not:
Trans/gender critical feminism (implying white trans people are somehow "less white" than their "cis" counterparts)
Prostitution/porn critical feminism (implying women of melanin need these dangerous industries more than other women)
What JK Rowling is doing (just because she happens to be white, also the great Alice Walker agrees with her, so)
What "pick mes" are doing (demeaning oneself for the approval of men is a multicultural activity)
Something white women can speak with any real authority on, because the term was invented by women of melanin intended to observe y'all from over here (freaks claiming it's racist to deny a white person's trans identity because historical third genders existed in a culture they don't belong to)
It is:
Feminism that prioritizes the wants of white females over the needs of all other females
Feminism that worships beauty trends that are often inaccessible to women of melanin
The current state of liberal feminism which confidently claims that I as a non trans black gender critical female hold both racial and gender privilege over white trans people
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genderisareligion · 13 hours
People have a problem with “hairy, man-hating lesbians” yet no one seems to have a problem with hairy, woman-hating straight guys, why is this
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genderisareligion · 13 hours
Sorry if this has been asked before but why do you use women of melanin instead of women of color? I’ve never seen that term before
It's a recent change, I've decided that color is too vague. Color/no color isn't actually describing what's happening, what we actually mean is usually where a person's ancestors are from/ethnicity. If I didn't have to use the language of race, including Black and white, I wouldn't, I'm just used to it and there are no better words for the American situation. Yet. Skin is an incredibly complex beautiful organ system and I hate humanity's insistence on assigning value to entire human beings based on it
When I started this blog 3 years ago it was because on main I was shocked how many cracker teenagers on this site had the audacity to tell me I'm not really Black because I started asking them milquetoast nicefem questions like "Do you really think it's the most sensitive thing to do to compare gender dysphoria to racism? I'm Black so I'm just curious" When they still told me "die TERFs all lie so you're lying" I snapped and started this space ranting about being a trans cracker lol
But eventually I got serious and started deconstructing not only gender but race in a similar way as well.
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genderisareligion · 2 days
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someone needs to show these posts to these people’s employers
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genderisareligion · 2 days
incels are so confusing to me because they will write a 100k words reddit thinkpiece on how dense and audacious and evil women are and on how women are just a distraction from their alpha male Grindset and then devote their entire lives to finding a girlfriend and go shoot up a random place like their local seal centre or whatever if they don't succeed. personally i would be very happy if a species i hate so much avoided me so i wouldn't have to interact with them at all but maybe that's just me.............
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genderisareligion · 3 days
When we see a terf we block and don’t engage. In theory that’s great - leaves them without an audience, saves us from accidentally helping them recruit.
In practice things are less than optimal. You see some feminism 101 take like “bitch is a slur” and your hackles go up. Go on OP’s blog and there’s a bunch of posts about women’s rights. That could be a red flag - I don’t have all day to vet this person. Better not reblog, just to be safe.
What is the effect on the tumblr ecosystem? Feminist posts with any teeth at all can never go viral in this atmosphere! Any discussion of surrogacy more nuanced than “it is an individual choice” will get no engagement; only the most milquetoast sentiments can prevail.
I don’t have a solution. I just want to point out that the atmosphere of (justified) paranoia has set feminism on this website back 20 years.
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genderisareligion · 3 days
Good read.
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genderisareligion · 3 days
can we just have, like, any feminist movement whatsoever. did everyone just stop caring?
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genderisareligion · 3 days
Men can nuke humanity to extinction but women who choose not to have children are the ones men fear the most to kill their bloodlines. Men develop weapons that can kill tens of millions of humans at once but it's women who need to be controlled so we don't bring nations to their knees. Humanity can be destroyed by men committing mass murder on an apocalyptic scale or humanity can be destroyed by women refusing to give birth.
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genderisareligion · 4 days
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genderisareligion · 4 days
I have come to a point in my life where I can no longer bring myself to care about male individuals. They are shallow, revolting, devoid of any real emotional depth.
Once you realize this hard truth, you'll quickly lose all interest in them.
Whenever a male approaches me, I can barely manage to hold a simple conversation without feeling the urge to roll my eyes.
Music, cinema, and books made by men are laughable and not worth my time or money.
The only route that remains is female separatism, or death by boredom.
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genderisareligion · 5 days
I wanna take the term white feminism from all liberal crackers until they learn how to use it properly.
White feminism is not:
Trans/gender critical feminism (implying white trans people are somehow "less white" than their "cis" counterparts)
Prostitution/porn critical feminism (implying women of melanin need these dangerous industries more than other women)
What JK Rowling is doing (just because she happens to be white, also the great Alice Walker agrees with her, so)
What "pick mes" are doing (demeaning oneself for the approval of men is a multicultural activity)
Something white women can speak with any real authority on, because the term was invented by women of melanin intended to observe y'all from over here (freaks claiming it's racist to deny a white person's trans identity because historical third genders existed in a culture they don't belong to)
It is:
Feminism that prioritizes the wants of white females over the needs of all other females
Feminism that worships beauty trends that are often inaccessible to women of melanin
The current state of liberal feminism which confidently claims that I as a non trans black gender critical female hold both racial and gender privilege over white trans people
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genderisareligion · 5 days
there's been a conversation on TikTok about whether women would rather be trapped in a forest with a bear or a man. i have yet to see any woman say man, while many men are furious about that. this poem really spoke to me
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genderisareligion · 6 days
TikTokkers will just theorize shit and be wrong and get 100k likes but I'm intrigued by this video I found talking about the trouble Diddy is in for his abuse of Cassie and probably a lot worse and how prior to this Jay Z has always been a close friend of his and apparently Ice Cube is saying he's more similar to Diddy than people think
A lot of rappers probably are. Personally I've been sick of these ugly misogynistic dime a dozen men being pedestaled as the peak of Black American success so much the last few years that whenever one or the other gets canceled I usually don't care or follow the news anymore but maybe it would really make people pay attention to domestic violence if Beyonce's husband is in a hot enough seat considering how secretive she's always tried to be
I mean no one really cared when he cheated and she stayed but. I hope she gets shit too if he's involved in some shit and she once again stays cause her "feminism" was always wishy washy, quoting Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on the same album Jay makes a Tina Turner "joke"
Saw another video saying Epstein's clients lists are being released soon, I really fucking hope so. More shitty famous men's reputations deserve to be trashed, more handmaiden women need to be stopped, and hip hop overall has been needed its rapist house cleaning done, such a potentially beautiful genre constantly ruined by scrotes jacking off about murder and bitches, hope it's a thorough job
ETA 4/2024
Have to do it this way cause Tumblr won't let me reblog and add videos but
They were right this time. Good.
Watch this one too
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Jaguar is a musician (for The Roots IIRC) who worked with Jay Z in the past and has been in the hip hop industry for decades and she's been saying Jay Z deserves to wind up with the same fate as Diddy
Please share this one y'all Beyonce is one of the most recognizeable women on the planet and it turns out she may be married not just to an ugly brick who "raised her" when was 18 but a criminal murderer and sex trafficker.
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genderisareligion · 6 days
re: beyonce
quoting Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
she actually removed that quote from the tour version after chimamanda made the mildest critique of gender identity. like "how dare you mention sex-based oppression, go back to africa you fucking feminazi terf!!!!" lmao. genuinely insane the way af-am women will throw other black women under the bus for white men in dresses.
Did she remove it? Lol spineless but good she was never really down
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genderisareligion · 6 days
TikTokkers will just theorize shit and be wrong and get 100k likes but I'm intrigued by this video I found talking about the trouble Diddy is in for his abuse of Cassie and probably a lot worse and how prior to this Jay Z has always been a close friend of his and apparently Ice Cube is saying he's more similar to Diddy than people think
A lot of rappers probably are. Personally I've been sick of these ugly misogynistic dime a dozen men being pedestaled as the peak of Black American success so much the last few years that whenever one or the other gets canceled I usually don't care or follow the news anymore but maybe it would really make people pay attention to domestic violence if Beyonce's husband is in a hot enough seat considering how secretive she's always tried to be
I mean no one really cared when he cheated and she stayed but. I hope she gets shit too if he's involved in some shit and she once again stays cause her "feminism" was always wishy washy, quoting Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on the same album Jay makes a Tina Turner "joke"
Saw another video saying Epstein's clients lists are being released soon, I really fucking hope so. More shitty famous men's reputations deserve to be trashed, more handmaiden women need to be stopped, and hip hop overall has been needed its rapist house cleaning done, such a potentially beautiful genre constantly ruined by scrotes jacking off about murder and bitches, hope it's a thorough job
ETA 4/2024
Have to do it this way cause Tumblr won't let me reblog and add videos but
They were right this time. Good.
Watch this one too
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