I can't decide what to write next...
I'm really sick right now so I can't write at the moment. I'll get started if I feel better next week.
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A Helpful Guide to STAYC's ELLE
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Early Life
Jeong Eunseo was born in Busan, South Korea on February 15 2003. Her biological father left her mother shortly after finding out about the pregnancy. After she was born her mother decided to start a new life for the two of them. They moved to South Australia where her mother had a close friend from her University days who helped them settle in. Her mothers friend became Eunseo's God Mother and chose her english name, Estelle.
For the first six years of Elle's life it was just her and her mother, however that changed when a warm hearted Australian man entered their lives. Three years later he officially became Estelle's step-father when he and her mother were married in 2012. The family grew even more when her little brother was born in 2014.
Her Passions
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As she grew up, Estelle has faced many changes in her life but one thing that's never changed is her love for dance. She first started ballet lessons at the age of four and over the years she's explored a variety of different styles such as; modern/jazz, contemporary, tap, street/hip-hop, she wanted to learn it all. To her dance is a way of expressing herself. Elle can be very reserved but when she dances her confidence rises and she feels she can do anything.
Her love for music came a little later. Her step-father, who used to play guitar in a band and is a music teacher, introduced her to many different genres. It was he who taught everything about music and he also taught her to play guitar. After learning guitar for a few years she began learning piano, furthering her love for music. But everything changed when Elle discovered her passion for singing. Starting singing lessons at age twelve, she quickly fell in love with it. Here is where her dreams of being a singer began.
The Idol Journey
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With her love of performing, Elle was fascinated by K-Pop. Singing and dancing on stage was her dream but her parents were a little hesitant about letting her go when she hadn't finished high school yet. She was only fifteen but young Estelle wanted this more then anything and she knew that she would regret it if she didn't try. So she convinced her family to let her go to Korea to audition but they made a deal: if she isn't excepted within a year she will come home and finish high school. She left for South Korea in late 2018.
In South Korea she stayed with her grandparents and spent a lot of time with her cousins. They made her feel at home and helped her get used to life in Korea. They also helped her prepare for her auditions and cheered her on. Unfortunately her first few auditions didn't go very well. Elle always let her nerves get the better of her and she was losing confidents in herself. She would cry on the phone to her parents at night that she didn't feel good enough. They would tell her that it's okay to fail but she shouldn't give up on something she wanted so badly. So she decided to audition one last time, this time for a smaller agency called High Up Entertainment. She put everything into her audition, leaving no room for regrets. She was overjoyed when shortly after she was excepted to become a trainee under their company. She began training in August 2019.
Elle made her debut as a member of STAYC on November 12, 2020. Having only trained for a year and three months, the least amount of time among the members, Elle felt she wasn't ready to debut. She was very anxious in the months leading up to STAYC's debut, but the members and staff always encouraged her and assured her that she was more then ready, and they were with her every step of the way. Elle is deeply grateful to her family, company staff and STAYC members who believed in her, she couldn't have done it without them.
Living the idol dream isn't easy and Elle soon came to face a huge challenge. Throughout the year of 2021, Elle was suffering symptoms of anxiety. At first she said she could handle it, she didn't want to burden anyone with her troubles. However as time passed and schedules got busyer, she started missing her family more and more. She tried to hide how much it effected her, not wanting to be an inconvenience when everyone else is working so hard, but as her anxiety got worse it became harder to hide. The members and company staff worried for her and eventually had to force her to take some time off. Although she felt awful for causing them trouble and missing out on group activities, Elle agreed to go on a short hiatus. She went home for a little while to spend time with her family, she returned a few months later. Anxiety may still cause her rough times but she knows she's surrounded by people who support her and will help her through it, Elle knows she's never alone.
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One thing about Elle that fan's adore is the huge contrast between her confident aura on stage and her shy demeaner off stage. Known to be the most introverted member of STAYC she's easily flustered and shy around people she isn't familiar with. The members say she's generally very quiet but that doesn't mean she can't have loud moments. She has a querky, silly side that comes out and she can be very playful, especially with the members, who say she's really funny when she's messing around.
Elle is gentle and friendly. Although she's really shy it's not that hard for her to make friends, she just takes a little while to warm up to them. Once she's over her shyness she can be really fun to talk to and others find her a delight to hang out with. Supportive and reliable, friendships are important to her, she will drop everything the moment a friend needs her. Whether they need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on or something to detract them she'll do whatever she has to do to help them feel better.
Caring and selfless, Elle is known as STAYC's angel. Her sweet nature has won the hearts of many and the small acts of kindness she does for others shows how pure she is at heart. She will happily go out of her way to help someone in need, even if she has to sacrifice something herself. She's helpful, ready to lend a hand. She will do small tasks like washing dishes or taking out the trash without being asked to. Elle is loyal and never asks for anything in return, just knowing she's the reason for someone's smile is enough for her.
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Accidently sneaking up on people. Elle's a quiet person, so much so that sometimes people don't realise she's there, until they turn around and she's standing right behind them. It's happened so many times that the members have given her the nickname 'Ninja' because of her habit of appearing out of no where. She doesn't mean to (most of the time) but she finds others reactions funny and laughs as she apologises for scaring them. However, she also has a habit of disappearing without notice too. While it doesn't seem like a bad habit it can cause worry when she leaves without a word.
Malfunction. Elle can get confused between English and Korean and sometimes stumbles over her words, or her brain just can't seem to process what she's hearing or she struggles so make sense of the words in her head and they come out in a jumble. When such things happen she jokes and says she's just malfunctioning. This has become a running joke within STAYC and SWITH who all think Elle is adorable when she doesn't make sense.
Holding on to people. Usually in crowded places Elle would cling onto the arm of somebody so that she won't get lost. But it's not only in crowds, Elle likes to link arms, hold hands or sling an arm around someone's shoulder when she walks with them. She also does this when she sits beside someone too. Such behavior is why her representative animal is a Koala.
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Music: Elle is a homebody who prefers staying home on her days off, with her guitar for company. She spends her free time learning new songs to play for Swith or sometimes writing her own. She has yet to show any of her lyrics but she's working to improve so she can one day show her songs to the world.
Cooking/baking: another activity she enjoys in her spare time is spending time in the kitchen making something to share with her members. Whether it's a healthy meal or a sweet treat she's always spoiling them with her food.
Tea party: no matter how childish it sounds, Elle loves throwing little tea parties. Bringing out one of her tea sets from her collection, making snacks and treats, she invites the members or friends to join her. Sometimes she turns on Weverse Live to have a little tea party with Swith and talk about anything. She finds this very therapeutic and comforting, all she needs is a good cup of tea and she's happy.
Going out: just because she's a homebody doesn't mean she doesn't have an adventurous side. If she isn't at home she's walking about exploring new places. Of course she rarely does this alone and always brings a member or friend for company. Whether it's shopping, finding new cafes or simply hanging out at the park, Elle is happy spending time outside with the people she cares about.
Basketball: while Elle isn't a very sporty person one thing she really enjoys doing is playing basketball. When she has time she'll take her basketball down to the court and shoot some hoops. It helps her stay active and she finds it really fun, especially when some of the members join her and play with her.
Thanks for reading 'The Helpful Guide To STAYC's ELLE'. I hope you enjoyed it. It took a while and there are some parts I'm not happy with but this the overview of Elle's character. Please let me know what you think of her, I would really love your feedback.
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Elle's Playlist
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[Official Covers]
Smile - original by Dami Im
WONDER WOMAN (Strong Girl Nam-Soon OST)
[Elle's recommendations] songs she plays/sings/listens to/recommends on weverse/live (updated regularly)
Standing With You - Guy Sebastian
Beautiful - Dami Im
Fireflies - Owl City
Born to Try - Delta Goodrem
Pieces Of Me - Ashlee Simpson
I'm in Trouble - NU'EST
Veronica - ONEWE
Let's Love - SUHO
U&I - Cha Eun-Woo
Rhapsody of Sadness - Lim Jae Hyun
Eternal love - BOL4
What are we - BAEKHO, PARK JI WON
Have We Met Before - Sarah Barrios, Eric Nam
Shiny Star - KyoungSeo
I'm in love - Yerin Baek
It's You - HENRY
Next Stop - IU
Room No.8 - Lee Mujin
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To my followers...
Anyone want to be moots. Send me a dm and I'll follow you back. I want to interact with you all more, let's be friends. ☺️
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[Profile] [A helpful guide to Stayc's Elle] [Friendship's within Stayc] [Elle's idol friends] [Family] [Elle's playlist]
[Star To A Young Culture] [STAYDOM] [STEREOTYPE] [YOUNG-LUV.COM] [WE NEED LOVE] [Teddy Bear] [TEENFRESH] [Fancy - Spotify singles]
JPN Eras - [POPPY] [LIT]
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I made some little changes to Estelle's profile. I changed her surname as she has an Australian step-dad and well as some other things. (I forgot to make these changes before I posted it)
I'm writing a post that details her backstory and personality so please look forward to that. I can't wait to show you more of Estelle, I love her already and I hope you will too.
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Stage Name: Elle
Birth Name: Jeong Eun Seo
English Name: Estelle Hartley
Position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
Birthday: February 15, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Goat
Nationality: Korean-Australian
Height: 170cm (5'7")
Blood Type: O-
Elle Facts
Eunseo was born in Dusan, South Korea
She moved to Australia with her mother when she was almost a year old. Her english name Estelle was given to her when she moved.
Estelle grew up in Gawler, a town in South Australia.
Her family includes her mother, step-father and a younger brother.
She moved to Korea in late 2018 where she stayed with relatives as the rest of her family still live in Australia.
She auditioned for three different companies before being excepted by High Up.
Trainee since 2019
She was the fifth member to join STAYC
She can play the guitar and the piano
She's roommates with Isa and Seeun
Her favorite colours are purple and blue
Her favourite singer is Dami Im
Her specialty is cooking and baking. Growing up she loved to cook and bake with her her Mother. Now she enjoys cooking and making sweet treats for the members.
She is the second tallest member of STAYC and she's often mistaken as the oldest because of her visuals.
In her spare time she enjoys watching movies, listening to music and spending time with the members.
Her favorite drink is tea, she even collects cute tea pots and tea cups.
Her official animal spirt is a koala
She's friends with Felix of Stray Kids, Lily of NMIXX and Jake of ENHYPEN
In October 2021 High Up announced that Elle would be sitting out on STAYC's activities for the remainder of the year due to her anxiety.
She sings the song 'WONDER WOMAN' for the soundtrack of 'Strong Girl Nam-soon'. Released in November 2023, she's the first member of STAYC to sing a solo OST.
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ELLE (STAYC 7th Member)
LUMINA (Big Hit Soloist)
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Elle is a member of...
(Here we go!)
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I've almost finished Elle's full profile. Are you ready to meet her? I'll reveal her group soon...
I have a lot of plans for this oc so I really hope you will like her.
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I have something to say...
So... I guess I've been losing motivation and interest in my svt oc at the moment... so I might not post anything about them for a while, I'm sorry.
However one of the reasons I've lost interest is because I've seriously been considering writing for a new oc!! I've been thinking about it for a while but I didn't say anything about it because I know how much some of you like my svt girls. I guess I just feel like a change and doing something a little different.
I know a lot of you follow me because of my svt oc and even if you might not be a fan of the group my new oc will be in I would be very grateful if you support me. I won't tell you which group yet but I haven't seen anyone make an oc for them before so... I want to be different hehe
This doesn't mean I'm abandoning the girls completely, I'll still post some things for them sometimes.
and just because I like making polls...
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does anyone have a request/ thoughts they'd like to share???
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Going Seventeen Special (Bunny Bunny Update Update)
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Sage was seated between Minghao and Dokyeom. When it was time to give her update she hesitated for a moment thinking about what to say when Sunnie called out "hair cut." Laughing at her friends sudden shout she said, "Yes I cut my hair." as she ran a hand through her hair that now sits nicely on her shoulders. "Oh pretty." the members complemented her. Yejin smiled and thanked them. She then went on to say that her younger brothers had recently visited her, she went out with them and a close friend (take a guess who that friend is). She finished by jokingly complaining about how her brothers still made her pay for everything even when they had been the ones to invite her. The members only laughed at her complaints knowing that she can't say no to her brothers and will happily spoil them when she gets the chance.
Zora, seated next to Joshua on the right side of the bench, was quick to give her update. "Lately, I've taken up a new hobby." She reveled, "I'm learning crocheting." she went on to talk about her resent projects and outings with friends. "I caught up with Yubin after a long time. It was very nice."
It was Sunnie's turn after Dino. Excitedly she announced, "I also released a solo recently." She talked about the preparations for 'LIAR'. "I've been very busy. I have been spending all my free time with my sister who's having a baby soon." The members showed excited reactions, all happy for Sunnie and her sister and the new addition to their family. "How long now?" Seungkwan asked. "Just a few more months." she replied with a wide smile. Her update ended with the members pointing out how Sunnie's been so much more energetic lately (then usual) because of her excitement at becoming an Aunty.
Haerim's update came after Sunnie's. She said she'd been resting and spending time with her family over Seventeen's break. "My parents have recently moved house, so I've been helping them with that." she explained. Haerim didn't share much more and they moved onto Woozi's update.
just what the girls talked about for their updates. It's not much but it's something, I hope you like it.
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Let's get my brain working with some 'most likely to' questions or reactions. I would be very happy if you could send some in. In the meantime time I'll look in my drafts and see what I can do...
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Heyy!! I hope you're doing well
Oh my gosh hello 🥹 I'm so so sorry for disappearing on you guys and things I've said would be done I haven't done 😫
I've been doing okay I guess. I've actually been sick this past week but I'm getting better.
Thank you so much for checking in I so wish I could hug you right now 🥰 ily
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Imagining Haerim being all smiley at the Follow to Incheon concerts because Seungcheol and Jeonghan are finally on stage with them. She'd stick close to them the whole time, especially Seungcheol. Please, she can't stop smiling when she looks at him she thinks he looks so good with red hair she's just so happy to have them back she missed them so much 😭
I'm soft for 95 line
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I like Diamond Dream better, should I do another vote??
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