grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
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19 . 9 . 2022
Mondays class we went over design aspects and how simple it can be and how we should incorporate it into our campaigns within the class we were able to view previous campaign posters and had taken some images of the ones I felt would relate to my campaign and the ones that looked intriguing to the eye. I also have taken some images of the design aspects that I illustrated during the lesson.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
27 . 07 . 2022 
today i chose to bring the book called the help it was given to me by a relative and it really opened my eyes to the problem back then within the book it explores the fight between freedom and human rights and it has really inspired me especially to talk more openly about my topic even though it might be different scenarios but all these victims fight for the same cause and i want to help bring attention to this issue.  
it represents my topic because it explores the fight between freedom and human rights and it has really inspired me especially to talk more openly about my topic even though it might be different scenarios but all these victims fight for the same cause and i want to help bring attention to this issue.  
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
25 . 07 . 2022
This is what I know 
With the amount of research done and the given nature of human trafficking its not fully understood to the whole issue. Trusted sources of this global crime research done by the International Labour Organization (ILO).   ILO's most recent report on forced labour:
An estimated 40.3 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery.
Of these:
24.9 million were exploited for labour.
15.4 million were in forced marriage.
There are 5.4 victims of modern slavery for every 1,000 people in the world.
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Men and women of all ages are victims of human trafficking and modern-day slavery; there is no age restriction.
By Gender
Women and girls make up 71% of trafficking victims worldwide, while men and boys make up 29%.
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By Age
30.2 million victims (75%) are aged 18 or older, with the number of children under the age of 18 estimated at 10.1 million (25%).
37% victims of trafficking in forced marriage were children.
21% victims of sexual exploitation were children. 
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By Industry
There is forced labour in a wide range of industries.
While every industry is susceptible, those highlighted in the report are broken down as follows:
16 million (64%) forced labour victims work in domestic work, construction or agriculture.
4.8 million (19%) persons in forced sexual exploitation.
4 million (16%) persons in forced labour imposed by state authorities.
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Half of all those who were subjected to forced labour by private actors were debt slaves. Debt bondage serves as a form of restraint and keeps victims of human trafficking from fleeing.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
25 . 07 .  2022
Hashtags that relate to the topic
There was not alot of information to do with hashtags that are used on social media but these are some I found and I have the links to where I got my resources from at the end.
#IAsk is the theme of the Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center has a library of resources for spreading the message about asking for and respecting consent. They have social media shareable graphics with simple messages about consent such as “Consent is a skill, you get better as you practice.” The NSVRC also hosts a #30DaysofSAAM contest on Instagram with open ended prompts related to preventing sexual violence and supporting survivors that any Instagram user can participate in.
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence created #1Thing for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which mobilizes people and communities to commit to one thing they can do to prevent domestic violence and support survivors. Social media share graphics include prevention education messages like the importance of modeling respect and equity in various types of relationships.
The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault‘s campaign is #BoldMoves, which is also a full website with ways everyone can learn small actions that translate to bold moves that prevent and end sexual harassment, abuse, and assault. Bold moves for prevention can be actions, questions, and conversations that everyone can do to change the culture to one without violence and that supports safety and healing for all
NO MORE and Uber partnered to create #DontStandBy, a call to Uber riders and drivers and others to be active bystanders in rideshares, nightlife, and elsewhere to ensure everyone has a safe, fun experience free from sexual violence. #DontStandBy offers scenarios, resources, and safety tips for how to intervene and support friends and others to prevent sexual violence.
Women are sharing their experiences of sexual violence on social media under the hashtahg #ItsNotOkay to mark Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, which started on Monday.
The hashtag was created to raise awareness and tackle the stigma that discourages people from openly discussing sexual assault and abuse and has already garnered thousands of responses from individuals around the globe and UK police forces.
Here are more tags but mainly searched on twitter 
Twitter hashtags
#SAAM #youth #HealthySexuality #TweetAboutIt #SexualAssault #prevention #stopthetrafficking
I also did more research on other related crimes to human trafficking and with this site it gave me a list of hashtags to help join the fight to go against these hateful acts.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
25 . 07 . 2022
Why I chose this topic 
I decided to write about human trafficking since it is a widespread issue that affects millions of people. I wanted to base my topic on this because, in addition to being a sensitive subject, it is also something that needs to be brought to peoples' attention more because, over the past 15 years, it has gotten worse, especially when the pandemic hit, and the crime rate of human trafficking has increased while being little discussed.
what is the problem? What is human trafficking 
The main issue I've discovered with human traffickers is that they use force, fraud, or other forms of exploitation to extort labour or sex acts for a fee. Globally, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked each year.
What is sexual exploitation
"Sex trafficking" refers to the unlawful act of forcing one or more individuals to participate in sexual behaviour for profit using force, deception, or other types of exploitation, however if the victim is under the age of 18, the commercial sexual activity does not need to include any of these tactics.
Why is it a problem
Human rights should be available to anyone and everyone, and violating these is a crime against humanity. When people are coerced to labour against their will while being held prisoner, as in human trafficking, their rights are severely violated.
When we don’t talk about this crime its the first problem to removing the issue or or if we don’t express concern to this specific crime how will our anyone in that fact be aware of what is happening or how to be aware and safe in our communities if this is a global issue it should be more talked about so that we can help keep our people safe from those committing this crime.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
20 . 07 . 2022
Modern Slavery
We Protect vulnerable people from trafficking and exploitation. Human trafficking is an organised criminal activity that deceives and coerces people into modern slavery.
The vast majority of victims trafficked into sexual exploitation are vulnerable women and girls, robbed of their freedom and dignity.
In the Asia-Pacific, workers also face the horrors of forced labour, child labour and exploitation, particularly in the garment industry.
Tearfund has a deep compassion for the oppressed and a yearning for justice. We believe the exploitation of poor and vulnerable people is a gross injustice that must be confronted.
Human trafficking is a massive violation of human rights, as the perpetrators are holding a human being in captivity and forcing them to work against their will. Everybody should do what they can to eradicate this issue from modern society.
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Through our partners on the ground, we:
Help to protect people vulnerable from trafficking and worker exploitation by running empowerment and education programmes.
Assist authorities to investigate criminal networks behind trafficking and slavery.
Work with local law enforcement to prosecute traffickers, preventing more people from becoming enslaved.
Give survivors a safe place to heal, recover and restore their dignity through rehabilitation and supported reintegration.
Effective public awareness and outreach efforts can lead to the detection of human trafficking cases, build public support for governments and communities to act, and ultimately help prevent human trafficking.
How can we be more aware of human trafficking? Use your social media platforms to raise awareness about human trafficking, using the following hashtags: #endtrafficking, #freedomfirst. Think about whether your workplace is trauma-informed and reach out to management or the Human Resources team to urge implementation of trauma-informed business practices.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
Each year, 400 people continue to be killed or seriously injured on New Zealand roads in a crash where the driver was over the legal alcohol limit. While the message to not drink and drive is widely acknowledged, many drivers have developed a sense of complacency. They know the drink-driving limits, the consequences of being stopped by Police and that drinking increases their chance of having a crash, but they’re still willing to take the chance. Everyone makes mistakes when driving but alcohol impairment can turn ordinary driving mistakes into serious events, sometimes tragic events.
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By sharing their own experiences, the movement’s proponents make clear just how common sexual harassment is. The hope is that, if people are more aware of sexual harassment and how casually it is sometimes treated, then tolerance for it will decrease and support for victims will rise.
The Me Too movement is an effort to effect social change, organized primarily through social media, where it’s often expressed as #MeToo. Originally founded in 2006, it became prominent both online and in the mainstream in late 2017, when several high-profile actresses opened up about their experiences with sexual harassment in the film industry.
Since then, the movement has provided a source of solidarity for women from all backgrounds who have experienced sexual harassment, most often, though not always, perpetrated by a male colleague.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
20 . 07 .  2022
HOME AND PLACES To bring awareness that all people have the right and opportunity to live in secure, healthy, and affordable homes, as well as having access to a range of public  places and amenities that are inclusive, accessible and contribute positively to modern living.
YOUR CAMPAIGN SUBJECT?  Sexual assault, rape and harassment
WHY DOES YOUR CAMPAIGN SUBJECT NEED TO HAVE AWARENESS BROUGHT TO IT? To helps support those who have been silenced by their abuser or by the world creating awareness that its is okay to to speak up and break the silence surrounding sexual assault, rape and harassment, and empower women and men through empathy and strength in numbers.
WHAT WOULD BE A SUCCESSFUL OUTCOME TO YOUR CAMPAIGN? The empowerment of women and men through empathy and strength in numbers.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
18 . 07 . 2022  Today was our first lesson with Raul Sarrot through Teams as he introduce GRAD502 to us today. The lesson started with a few of Raul's inquiries regarding our opinions on design and our previous experiences, within the last semester. Within our first class, we were welcomed and given an overview of the course, the assignment, illustrations of dynamic communication design campaigns, and tools for research and mapping to stimulate our creative thinking about connections, key ideas, and potential awareness campaign topics.
Throughout this week, I will be using the keywords listed below from canvas to sketch and map out what will be needed in my research based on selected awareness campaign.  STORIES (FOUND OR PERSONAL), INTERVIEWS, ARTICLES, DATA, ISSUES, TARGET AUDIENCE/DEMOGRAPHIC, DETAILS, EVIDENCE, CASE STUDIES, AND POULAR CULTURE.
PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIN -  A public awareness campaign is, to my knowledge, a marketing initiative to publicise or increase awareness of a certain concern. utilising marketing strategies from social media to news articles ect.
When I choose the awareness campaign for which I want to use for this project, I believe it is necessary for me to understand why this issue is crucial, why it affects so many people, and why making the public aware of it is so critical. Overall, my interpretation of the requirement was that I was able to grasp the campaign's core concept and bring the problem to life in a design form, communicating the issue visually by using research and mapping tools and linking meanings.
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grad502-chereseatua · 2 years
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I read the brief more carefully, underlined the key ideas I felt where important, and added my own commentary on where it was necessary for myself.
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