graffitiwebs · 1 year
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. . . Terrific. Then again, familiar friends hadn't experienced the most graceful landings in his universe either, so the grounded vigilante now understood the pain. A defeated exhale escaped a masked expression, laying against the pavement if only to take time and adapt to new surroundings. Until the sound of web-slinging caught Miles' attention and he instantly lifted his head. Those weren't his webs. (Another Spider-man? Most likely.) Lo and behold, his questions were immediately answered as someone called for his attention.
Miles lifted his head, hands grasping at cement to support him getting up, before realising the other stood before him - and a sensation sprung at the back of his neck. Tingling senses caused Spider-Man to energetically jump from the ground and stand straight, gazing at the new hero before him. " Hey! You- You didn't see that, right? " He asked, feigning a smile underneath the mask. " I'll be fine, ground surprisingly doesn't hit as hard as Kingpin. "
A pause, before Miles held his hand out to the other, " I'm Spider-Man too. Just... not from around here. Actually, I don't know where here is. " He mumbled, trying to veil the slight fear in his tone.
A scream outside of Peter’s window pulled him from a deep, midday nap after an exhausting marathon of a patrol that’d run too late for him to get any meaningful sleep before needing to head into the lab for a time-sensitive experiment followed by a small crisis or two on his way home that’d needed a certain web-slinging hero’s help. Still in his suit (sans-mask, of course) he rushed to the window and opened it to look out at the alleyway below. Though he was a few floors up (about two or three levels above the highest window of the building next door), he easily spotted the likely source of the noise- someone dressed in a suit sort of like his but… different.
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With a quick web shot to grab his mask off of the arm of his couch, he put it back on, swung out to the side of his building, and closed the window all in one practiced, fluid motion. From there, it was a quick swing down and a cautious walk up to where the kid (?) had landed. “Hey,” he said, hoping that he was conscious after a fall like that. “Hey, are you ok? I’m, uh…” He hesitated, a familiar sensation tickling at the back of his mind like when he’d met the other Peters. The suit didn’t look like the ones he’d seen them wearing so maybe for now he’d just stick with- “I’m- I’m Spider-Man.”
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
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. . . UH OH. Spotted. Lensed eyes had briefly discovered the presence of Mary-Jane amidst his inconspicuous snooping, only for the woman, when alone to suddenly start marching his way as if on an important mission. That alone caused shoulders to spike upwards in alarm, and the teen's body backed off the glass until only feet were touching the building, as the window opened and he was addressed. ( Oh no. Should he just talk to her? She looks angry though. ) He wasn't the enemy! But, he'd never spoken to the woman before, even in his universe!
However, something MJ said struck a chord, and Spider-Man's defensive stance eased, morphing into genuine curiosity as he latched back onto the building completely. " Hold on... Is Spider-man called Miles here? There's more of me-?! " He shouldn't have been so astonished by that fact, having learned of such possibilities in class, but the thought of standing in front of another version of himself... Did that mean Mary Jane was aware of his identity somehow? " S-Sorry. Uh, I'm Spider-Man, just not the one you know. It's nice to meet you? "
This was going just swimmingly.
MILES || @graffitiwebs​
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… Remaining inconspicuous was harder than it looked, outfitted as a vigilante in foreign territory with prying eyes everywhere. ( He can’t stay camouflaged all day! Or can he? ) Regardless, Miles had several questions that warranted answers and what better destination than a place that accumulated public information on a daily basis? The radio gave one fact, that he was indeed in New York, but not HIS VERSION. Everything appeared differently, from people to environments to the very essence of the world.
Except, he was still… new to this. And Miles rose his head above closed window sills, peering among offices alike at the Daily Bugle. He had suspicions, but that was it, nothing with hard evidence. ( He hoped no one was watching him from outside. Please don’t look! )
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Call it experience if you like, but MJ had quite the talent for spotting SPIDERS clinging to nearby walls. She’d spotted the pops of black and red at the window long before anyone else did, alerting her to Miles’ presence. But something about it wasn’t quite right. Well, SEVERAL somethings if she was being honest, chief amongst which being that he was dropping by unannounced. Miles had her phone number - why hadn’t he CALLED to let her know he was here if he needed something? Was he HURT? Had his comms capabilities been damaged in a fight somehow? MJ tried not to stare, lest she draw attention to him from anyone ELSE on her floor, but she couldn’t help it …
The more she looked, the more she realized that it was more than his silence that made this feel WRONG. His suit looked slightly different, he had a smaller frame and less muscular build, and his mannerisms were … MJ couldn’t explain it, but she was positive - Miles at the window? WASN’T Miles. As soon as the others in the area left for a coffee break, MJ made for the window and abruptly threw it open. Green eyes blazing, she stared down at the masked man (boy?) in front of her.
“Who are you? And where’s MILES?”
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
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. . . Well, he THOUGHT he was alone, occupying the construction site in a slight daze, but with bewilderment hinting as well. After gaining his bearings, Miles took a single step forward before a voice reached his ears and made the Spider instinctively freeze. Like caught in another's web, the adolescent was struck by racing thoughts and almost forgot to breathe during his surprise. ( Is it a civilian? Wait, that came from above! ) After recognizing the source's location, he slowly raised his head upward to see... Spider-Man. Peter? Maybe not, he shouldn't automatically assume.
Aches gradually waned into nothingness, and Miles straightened his posture with a slight sound of discomfort before he cleared his throat. " Uhh, all good! " Wait, no he should've sounded more mature, and capable! " I mean- I'm fine, thank you! You uh, come from this universe? " With an internal groan, he smacked his head, rubbing it infuriatingly as he glanced around again. " I'm definitely in the wrong one, but yours looks nice too! Really... different. "
the multiverse... peter knows it well. TOO WELL, if he's being honest about it, but that seems to be, at the time being, a secret that will die with him. unbeknownst to peter, it must be the spider-man fate to cross paths with the multiverse in some way or another. he's only peeked behind the curtain, and found some variants of himself. what else lies deep in the web is unknown.
but that doesn't mean he hasn't thought about it. he wonders if there are more of him. more peter parker's running around worlds, more spider-men, possibly even other people behind the mask. anything is possible, right?
perched on rooftop is where the hairs on the back of their neck to start to stand, and the view of the world seems to draw in. the noise below- traffic of the evening and endless honking- muffles. he shifts in his spot, not sure where he's meant to be looking and merely giving in to where their senses take them.
​​​​​​​he falls forward. with a long swing he manages to the top of construction site, staring down at a fallen stranger. "hey, you alright down there?
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
// hello everyone! i've recovered and i'm back to writing again! i've missed this boy so much. i finished the miles morales game today and it was so good. might take some inspiration from it, especially powers-wise for my muse.
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
// hello! i promise i'm not dead. i've been dealing with a kidney stone and as such haven't been able to sit down and write. but as soon as i can i'll be here <3
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
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@stcrkz || “ you’re going to be fine. i can help you. “
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. . . Skepticism was the dominant factor of his rejecting attitude, not to appear impolite towards outstretched generosity but as Spider-man, backstabbing, and selfish villains stood around every corner. Maws snapping and ready to take him down. Lost, and with panicked rationality spinning him in various directions, Miles wasn't sure what to do. People were STARING from below, whether out of judgement or not the teen didn't care, he just needed space; breathing room to properly dissect the situation.
Scattered glass crunched beneath the weight of feet, suited form retreating from the ledge of the office building he'd flown into. ( He knows who this is. Everyone does! ) But... " How do I know I can trust you? " Miles finally replied, caution holding him in a defensive stance. Different universes meant different variations of people. A hero there could be a criminal here. Even though it was an indescribable HONOUR meeting the man.
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
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. . . " What? I-- I mean, I am? " The inquiry came with a flustered attitude behind it, turning to look at Gwen for confirmation. Again, she said. ( Is he doing it that often?! ) Both hands faced upward, and a flicker of static traced his fingers while he thought out loud.
" Soooo... I shouldn't consider the possibility of accidentally blowing something up one day with this? "
( @graffitiwebs​  )   ›    starters from a tired spider.
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       ❛     you want my opinion on it ? you’re overthinking things again.   ❜
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
@dangerstxrlet || starter call
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. . . The continuous sound of slinging webs was a satisfying one that he'd come to appreciate and found COMFORT in. Like a steady rhythm, a beat running in tandem with the overall chorus of New York's populace. Though, this wasn't his New York. That had been made painfully aware upon Miles' arrival where dimensions were shaped differently, and the ORIGINAL Spider-man still reigned over the city. TRUTHFULLY in his better judgement of the situation, he should have sought out Spider-Man or whoever wore the mask of the Friendly Neighbourhood vigilante.
But in the midst of swinging above the littered streets that night, the teen witnessed the questionable behaviour of a jacketed man trailing a woman from a distance. Hands SUSPICIOUSLY stuffed into hidden pockets, stepping closer with each stride that Miles narrowed his lens. ( He should follow. Just in case. ) And fingertips attached to the aged bricks of an apartment building, the Spider sitting on the side.
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
// i'm adding it to miles' power list that he can absorb electricity from things, after playing the miles morales game last night. i want him to absorb a whole nuclear reactor. for reasons
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
// hello! i'm here to write now <3 hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night!
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
spider-man: into the spiderverse sentence starters.
“ no matter how many hits i take, i always find a way to come back. “
“ we all make choices in life. “
“ it doesn’t feel like i have a choice right now. “
“ you have to say it back. i want to hear it. ‘i love you, ____.’ “
“ i liked your joke. i mean, it wasn’t funny. that’s why i laughed. “
“ you’re trying to quit. and i’m not going to let you. “
“ there’s a lot of history on these walls. “
“ i don’t want to be a hero. “
“ it’s not up to me. why won’t you quit?! “
“ i thought i was the only one. you’re like me. “
“ you’re going to be fine. i can help you. “
“ you don’t know what it can do! you’ll kill us all! “
“ listen, we need to team up here. we don’t have much time. “
“ i’d say it’s nice to see you, ____, but it’s not. “
“ i know what you’re trying to do… and it won’t work. they’re gone. “
“ our family doesn’t run from things, ____. “
“ i can’t do this without you. “
“ then this weird thing happened. and i gotta say, weird things happen to me a lot. but this was real weird. “
“ are you a ghost? are you a zombie? am i a zombie? “
“ don’t you dare finish that sentence! don’t you do it! i’m sick of it. “
“ i’m making you feel guilty. is it working? “
“ you have money, right? i’m not very liquid right now. “
“ i think you’re going to be a bad teacher. “
“ most people in the workplace try to kill me so… you’re a nice change of pace. “
“ this is pretty standard stakes. you get used to it. “
“ that’s bad. actually, everything they said before was bad. i was lying before. “
“ do you know how painful that would be, ____? you can’t imagine. and i, for one, can’t wait to watch. “
“ everyone knows that the best way to learn is under intense life-threatening pressure. “
“ we’re a little team! me as the teacher who could still do it. you as the student who can do it, just not as good. “
“ i don’t do friends anymore… just to avoid distractions. “
“ no, this is good. this is very, very good. this means you get what you want. “
“ i know how hard this is. to have to figure stuff out on your own. “
“ i mean, this place is pretentious. “
“ you think you’re the only one who thought to come here? “
“ i’ve got to do something, and i don’t know if i can do it. i’m scared, ____. i’m just tired of letting everyone down. “
“ you’re the best of all of us, ____. you’re on your way. just keep going. “
“ you won’t know when you’re ready. it’s a leap of faith. “
“ sometimes people drift apart… and i don’t want that to happen to us, okay? “
“ i see this spark in you. it’s amazing. it’s why i push you. but it’s yours. whatever you choose to do with it, you’ll be great. “
“ i love you. you don’t have to say it back, though. “
“ that’s all it is, ____. a leap of faith. “
“ i love you! i am so proud of you! “
“ i didn’t teach ____ that. and you definitely didn’t. “
“ how do i know i’m not going to mess it up again? “
“ you’re not stopping this. not today. “
“ i am stopping this! right now! “
“ i never thought i’d be able to do any of this stuff. but i can. “
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
first time meetings & icebreakers
starter sentences for breaking the ice and first time meetings! feel free to change pronouns/tenses/etc. as needed!
❝ you must be new! i didn’t catch your name! ❞
❝ hey there! i’m [name]. looks like we’re working together! ❞
❝ i’m supposed to meet [name] here. any chance that’s you? ❞
❝ i don’t think we’ve met. let’s fix that, shall we? i’m [name]! ❞
❝ i’m sorry to bother you! i’m new here, and… lost. can you help me? ❞
❝ you look lost, do you need help? ❞
❝ um, can you break this bill? i need coins for the vending machine. ❞
❝ hey i’ve got extra time on the dryer; you’re welcome to it. ❞
❝ excuse me, could you hand me that– ❞
❝ i’m sorry; do you mind if i sit here? ❞
❝ it’s your first time too, huh? ❞
❝ i know a new face when i see one. ❞
❝ you stick out like a sore thumb here. ❞
❝ usually this isn’t a place to meet new people, but here we are! ❞
❝ hey you! being a wallflower won’t gain you friends, come say hi! ❞
❝ kind of a loner too, huh? maybe we can stick together? ❞
❝ let’s stick together, yeah? i’m [name], how about you? ❞
❝ oh no! let me help you with that! ❞
❝ help! please?! ❞
❝ uh! a little help here?! ❞
❝ thanks! for a moment there i thought i was a goner! ❞
❝ well that’s one way to make an introduction! ❞
❝ oh no! i’m sorry! this is a horrible first impression! ❞
❝ i think we got off on the wrong foot. can we start over? ❞
❝ wait can we start over, i prefer to leave a good impression. ❞
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
@defectivexfragmented || starter call. for matt
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. . . Distant thoughts occupied the mind while indifferently gazing up at a starless sky, hanging over the city like a blank sheet. A place - or universe rather - in which the adolescent had been literally tossed into just a few hours prior. Miles missed his HOME. But no amount of childish complaining to himself would rectify whatever issue transpired for the Spider to land here. ( Though rationalising it helped! What little there is to work with. ) The imaginative sight of his parents alone caused an inward curl of shoulders, slumping DEJECTEDLY from where Miles sat on the rooftop, with legs casually dangling over the edge.
Perhaps though, with a bit of initiative on the matter, he could find someone to help. The idea sparked a sliver of hope, but not enough for his downtrodden posture to change that much. That was until the distant sound of BODIES impacting the pavement reached his ears and the teen peered around swiftly in fright. Fighting. Miles distinctly knew the sound well by now, and hurriedly stood up. He leapt from one roof to another, then another by inhuman means, before finding the source after tracking the sounds. ( Who is that? )
A man in a half-mask?
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
// hello i'm here to do things <3 realising with this blog i have to deal with the new editor and it's killing me. pain. agony even.
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
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" It's a leap of F A I T H . " indie / sel / priv MILES MORALES SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE
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graffitiwebs · 1 year
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All my Spider Heroes art!
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