gretnavanfleets · 2 years
RED CARDINALS (series, chp. 5)
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 2.2k
AN: sorry for the repost, i accidentally posted the unreviewed version. enjoy <3
RC Masterlist
tags @celestialfauna <3
You and Jake had been consistently making plans over the last 2 weeks. You found yourself spending almost every waking moment with him, his presence made you warm inside, and all felt right with the world. However, you felt bad for how your plans almost always excluded Sam. Not that you ever meant to exclude him, just that it was easier with your schedule that perfectly coaligned with Jakes, so it just worked that spent more time with him. Sam was still a sophomore in high school, he had more going on which resulted in less freedom with his class and work lives. Danny had been busy with his accelerated courses too, so you often found that plans were just with the two of you.
“Yello’?”, you rolled over in bed, answering the phone.
“Hey, do you want to grab breakfast?”
“Of course, I do.”
“Sweet, meet you in the street in 10.”
You entered his car, the sweet aroma of Spice Market Little Trees filled the air as you buckled yourself into his passenger seat. His smile greeted you, his hands clasped around the steering wheel.
“So, I was thinking iHop?” You petitioned, plugging your phone into the aux charger connected to his dash. Someone New came on first, Hozier’s voice rung quietly through the speakers as you shuffled through your collaborative playlist, which he had suggested you both make on Spotify. Every day he would add new songs and you’d do the same. It was sweet, he would include songs he liked but also songs he thought you would, every morning you’d wake up to his 3am texts which followed somewhere along the lines of ‘Hey, I added this to the playlist. It reminded me of you.’ It always made you smile, your heart flutter slightly.
You’d gotten slightly better at suppressing the feelings which arose for Jake, that to which you blamed on Josh, for obvious reasons. The more you grew to learn Jake the more you realized how absolutely different the twins always were. At first, it was difficult to separate them, but now you had the pleasure of knowing Josh and Jake. Jake’s smile was only slightly different than Josh’s, though you found comfort in the similarity. That was the only part you couldn’t derive from your mind, but it wasn’t a bad one. You were happy to remember Josh in his smile as you got to know him.
Singing along with Jake, he left turned at the intersection which led you onto the highway.
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit / Every day with someone new
“I feel like I relate too much to this song.” You joked with him, mindlessly scrolling through the playlist to check the new additions from the night before.
“Do you?” Jake chuckled, merging into the four lanes which laid out ahead of you.
“Yeah, I do, hopeless romanticism is kind of my thing.”
“I would have never guessed!”
“Well now you know, the secret is out.” You replied, the My King Will Be Kind intro beginning in the background of your conversation had you focused on the playlist. You wouldn’t have seen Jake’s eyes glued to you hadn’t you reached to turn the volume up to fill the silence. His low-lidded eyes seemed like they had something to say, the ever so slight smile on his lips, the complete relaxation in his body. He turned his gaze back to the road as your eyes met his, adjusting his body to promptly tense back up against the seat.
“What?” You beckoned the question as the light turned green.
“Nothing, just trying to see which song you had up next.”
From the tone in his voice, he was lying, but you wouldn’t pry. Sometimes you would catch him looking at you like he just had, and it always made you giddy inside. Despite your resistance of feelings, something about moments like this had your cheeks pink and your stomach fluttering. It was a small moment if anything, but the small ones were the ones you were happy you got to share with him. You’d always wondered what would happen if you just kissed him; if you just placed your hand on his cheek mid-sentence and cut him off from an ongoing rant or simple conversation. You shook the idea from your mind.
His voice cut off your thoughts, “Destination pancakes!” he shouted, pulling his keys from the ignition. You followed him inside, taking a seat at a booth. You sat across from each other, peering up at him over your menu, he did the same.
“Whatcha gonna get?” You asked, shooting your eyes back down to the lists of options.
“Um, pancakes?”
“Okay, I might get a burger.”
He dropped his menu, plucking yours from your hands. “A burger?” He questioned you, jokingly of course, but loud enough for the table next to you to look over. “How are you gonna get a burger at the international house of pancakes! I am offended. You have offended this entire establishment.” You laughed at him, taking it back from his hands.
“Okay, fine! Would blueberry suit your fancy?” You answered him, your voice facetiously stern.
He nodded in response, “Now that’s a good girl.” His focus caught back to his menu; the sentence made your breath hitch. Your cheeks were surprisingly red behind the cover of the menu. Luckily, the waitress had arrived in just enough time for you to brush off the comment completely and focus on the task at hand. She took your orders and menus back with her before she brought back your drinks, setting them down in their respective places.
“And might I add, what a cute couple the two of you are!” Her voice was filled with delight as she smiled at you.
“Oh, no-” you started, Jake’s voice cutting you off.
“Thank you so much.” He smiled up at her from his seat as she walked away. You gave him a look, raising your eyebrow in confusion at him.
“Oh c’mon, we are a cute couple.” He took a drink of his water. “Plus, it’d be embarrassing and awkward for us all if I’d just said, ‘Oh God no’, you know?’” He laughed, checking the notification on his home screen.
His words stung. You found yourself just agreeing with him, but you couldn’t help but feel slightly curious as to why. Not a simple no, an ‘Oh God no’. It’d only hurt a little bit, though it shouldn’t have at all. What could be so wrong with you that someone asking if you two were dating would result in an ‘Oh God no’? Okay, it hurt a lot. The thought, now replaying in your mind, had completely soiled your mood. When the food arrived, you ate quietly, nodding or humming in agreement, sometimes disagreement, to any questions or statements he made during the rest of your breakfast. When the check came, he offered to cover the two of you and handed his card to the woman before you were able to make any objections. The walk back to the car was just as quiet, after you’d buckled yourself in Jake put the car in reverse, then promptly back into park.
“Okay, enough, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” You assured him, though his suspicions hadn’t let up.
“Actually, what’s the matter? Did I do something?” He seemed confused... like he wasn’t even sure he had done anything wrong, just wanted to make sure.
“No, everything is fine.”
“Something is obviously the matter,” He protested, crossing his arms over his chest, “and I’m not taking us home until you-”
“Dude, I said nothing is wrong. Can you fucking stop?” You recoiled at him; his face hardened at your words. You immediately felt regret, you didn’t mean to come off so harsh. After a few moments of silence, you spoke again. “I’m sorry.”
The drive home was silent. As you approached a red light, Jake took the aux charger from your side of the car, plugging his phone in and shuffling the playlist. Vienna filled the empty air as he drove. You desperately wanted out of the car, his eyes were intent on the road and his jaw was locked. You could see how tightened his muscles were as his neck vein had begun to become more prominent the longer he clenched his teeth together. He was mad, obviously, you’d basically just cussed him out for no reason besides your own stupid little crush. He had every right to ‘Oh God no’ that situation despite how it made you feel.
Finally, he broke the silence. “Why were you upset.” His voice was low, still lingering in confusion, but he was seemingly giving you an opportunity to explain yourself.
“It’s stupid, Jake, I just don’t want to talk about it.” You turned your face to him, “I should have just said that. I’m sorry I yelled at you.” Your eyes pleaded with a desperation that he would understand and drop the conversation altogether, forgive you so you could go back to having a normal day with him.
His eyes made no effort to look at you, still on the road. He turned off the interstate and onto a road that you knew did not lead to home. “Where are we going?” You asked, his demeanor did not change. Soon he pulled into a parking lot, one off the side of the road that was lingered with the occasional car. He let his head fall back onto the headrest before bringing his attention to yours after parking.
“Was it because of what I said to the waitress?” He asked, his gaze fixated on you. Your chest felt tight as you contemplated the ways you could answer his question without being completely honest.
“Yes.” You finally huffed out, “It just took me by surprise was all.”
“Is it because you don’t like me?” No hesitation from him at all, his focus still fixated on you and his eyes curious. You felt your chest tighten, unsure of how to respond at all. You shook your head and the two of you sat in silence as Leaving, On a Jet Plane played quietly in the background. It was the only thing you could focus on besides the look on his face.
“No, no, that’s not why,” You finally spoke, “It’s not a big deal.”
Jake’s facial expression did not move in the slightest, though his eyebrows creased together some more than before. He went to speak, though caught him.
“Okay.” He shifted in his seat, sitting up slightly from his last resting spot. “Do you?”
“Do I what?”
“Like me?” He propped his elbow against the edge of the seat, turning his body slightly towards you as he watched you intensely now. You had no idea what the hell was running through his mind, but this all felt wrong. Like he was testing you somehow, the pit in your stomach grew as you let out a nervous laugh and swallowed hard on the words in your throat.
“Jake, come on,” he swiftly cut you off.
“No, tell me. Do you?” His voice was flat, you felt your heart flutter at his leading tone. Your face flushed with it and the quiver in your lip probably gave it away that you were completely unable to muster up any sort of response to his stern manner and request.
He had always been so difficult to read, especially now. The tension, which could clichély be physically cut with a knife, was something you knew you couldn’t get your way out of without giving him an answer.
Before you could begin to speak, Jake brought himself closer to you over the console. “What are you-” He grabbed your jaw, pulling you into him, and pressed his lips into yours. He swiftly moved his hand from your cheek to the back of your neck, pushing his tongue through your teeth, and matched his movements with your own. His touch was rough yet gentle, he was so overtly aware of any move he made. The encounter caused heat to bubble in your abdomen. Your tongues swirled together, his head taking the lead as you whimpered against his lips and let a small whiney groan escape from your throat between a moment of disconnection. Your hand came up to touch his face, you circled your thumb over his jaw before running your fingers through his hair.
You’d both closed your eyes at some point when he pulled back, your foreheads touching as you attempted to let your breath catch up to a normal pace. His hand still rested on the back of your neck, he let it slide down your back as he inched your body closer to his, your fingers still entangled with his soft brown curls. You let your arms drop and he trailed his hand back up, placing his two forefingers under your chin to lift your eyes up to meet his. He gave you a soft smile and asked again, “Do you?”
“Maybe.” You whispered back to him, the grin on his face widening with your answer.
“I knew it.”
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
Ah, thank you for the tag! <3
Fic Rec: Week of 02/13/22
heheheh on my old blog I used to do fic recs of what I’ve read during the week, so I thought I would try it out here.. tbh its mainly just a way for me to save all my favourite fics 
if you don’t want to be tagged/have your work on the list, let me know!
Bold = horniness 
Keep reading
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
if i don’t babygirlify that grown man who will?
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
bars / jtk 18+ (pt. 1 of 2)
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
AN: this is going to be a 2 part collab with a friend of mine! she wrote this part <3
Summary: You're Jake's phone call after his arrest.
Warnings: 18+. Cursing, oral (m receiving), mentioned exhibitionism, sexual content.
tags @celestialfauna <3
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You were sitting in your room, it was a normal night, despite the fact that Jake should have been to your apartment 45 minutes ago. You’d called him several times already and on the 12th try, you gave up. His Snapchat location was off and his location hadn’t updated on Find My Friends in over an hour. It was getting late, 10:12pm exactly. As much as you were worried, you also didn’t want to let your mind wander too far into the worst of worsts and just assumed he’d accidentally fallen asleep. That was until your phone rang. SAGINAW COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT lit up your screen in bold white letters and you felt your stomach drop. Hesitantly answering the phone, your mind jolted through every single horrific situation that could have happened. “Hello?” You answered and were met with a familiar tone, it was Jake on the other line. “Hey baby, it’s me. I need you to come get me. I’m in a bit of trouble.” His voice was low and you could tell he was embarrassed, maybe a little worried. You let a sigh of relief drop the tension from your shoulders and stood from your position in your bed, ready to slip your shoes on as you responded. “Jake, did you get arrested? What the hell did you do?” “Babe can we please talk about it on the way home. I just need you to come get me please.” “I’ll see you in fifteen. I love you.” “I love you too.” ••• The officer let you to the back cell, it was a one-person, maybe two holding. His name badge read “BARNES”. Officer Barnes ran his ID card to the door, the metal cranking against itself as the wide down slid open. You followed in behind him to find Jake leaned back against the cell walls, his arms crossed and by the look on his face, he was definitely pissed off. When your eyes met, he lifted from his slumped position and came up to the bars, “Thank god, can I have out now?” Barnes shook his head, “Sorry kid. She has to sign some paperwork and pay bail first.” Jake groaned at his denial, turning his head to you. “Hi baby, miss me?” You scoffed, giving him a light laugh. “Maybe, now tell me what the hell you did?” “I might have ran a stoplight or two.” He danced around the question, you knew there was more to tell. “Or two?” You questioned him, raising your eyebrow. Jake rolled his eyes, “Okay, okay, three. I didn’t see the lights the first time.” Officer Barnes was shuffling the paperwork at his desk, riling through piles, and being menacingly slow at his job. Jake, you could tell, was becoming slightly impatient. His rings tapped against the bars as he attempted to hide the displeasure on his face. “With all due respect sir, can we quicken this process?” He asked, receiving zero response from the officer. “Impatient, maybe? What are you gonna do about it, you’re behind bars.” You teased him. Jake shot you a quick glare, his face half-covered with one of the silver rails keeping you two separated. You covered your hands over his as he held onto the bars, smiling at him through the slits. You liked this funny feeling of superiority over him, something you didn’t quite get to experience so often due to his dominant nature. It was a nice change of pace, and quite funny. Jake smirked at you, he could read the energy you were giving him. He leaned in close, beckoning your face closer to his. “When I get out of here, I’m going to ruin you.” His voice was low as his eyes darted from yours to the officer at his desk, making sure his comment wasn’t as easily heard as he might have thought it was in the small room. You felt your face rise in heat, your cheeks burning as you thought about the consequences of riling him up. But it also filled you with excitement you could practically beg to continue. “Maybe we don’t have to wait.” You smiled at him, turning away from his confusion as you approached the officer's desk. “Sir, I have a quick question.” You twirled your fingers around your hair, smiling at the officer, almost flirting it felt like. “Of course, ma’am. How can I assist?” He asked, peering up at you as he filed his case. “Well, I was just wondering,” you trailed off your sentence, looking up at
the ceiling through your eyelashes and back down to meet his focus, “it’s always been a fantasy of mine to give someone a blowjob while they’re behind bars, I just think the whole bad boy trope is so sexy and this opportunity is perfect.” His eyes widened, his focus dropping from the files at hand. “I could pay you to leave, or maybe you could stay for free?” Officer Barnes darted his eyes away, seemingly towards the camera directly pointed to the entirety of the cell. He nodded at you, “5 minutes. I’ll be back.” He gathered his things and promptly exited the room. The look on Jake’s face was astounded. “That was fucking hot,” his voice was rough, the smile on his lips told you everything you needed to know as you approached his figure at the bars. “Was it, daddy?” You asked through innocent eyes, running your fingers down his stomach and hooking one into his belt loop. “I think you look hot here, too.” you teased him, pulling his hips further into the bars and closer to you as possible. “Knees.” He commanded. You kept the ‘innocence’ look up as you kept them locked with his and made your way to the ground. His hands gripped the bars, his rings scrapping the bars as he did. The hungry look in his eyes you could tell came from his lack of ability and mobility to move you, adjust you, face fuck you how he wanted. Even if he tried, he couldn’t have had the ability. You fumbled with his belt, pulling his jeans over his hips and letting his hard cock slap up onto his stomach as it caught on his boxers and give it a small kiss on the shaft. “Don’t be such a tease,” Jake hissed through his teeth, watching you intensely as you took him in your hand and delicately slid your thumb over the head. He shuttered under your touch, his tongue licking across his bottom lip, eyes promptly locked on yours. He let out a deep throaty moan as you slid your tongue from the base of his cock to the tip, taking him in your mouth as you finished. His hips bucked, his cock deep in your throat. You used one hand to hold yourself on the bar while the other pumped his cock simultaneously as you blew him, you picked up a pace that sent moans of pleasure to escape from his chest, his knuckles turning white the harder he gripped the bars. “Come on baby, let me cum in your mouth, huh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” His tone was breathy and harsh, you mumbled back in agreement, lightly nodding your head. “Come in as close as you can.” You obliged, his hand slipped between the bars and rest on top of your head as he thrust his hips the best he could with the given space before letting himself release into the back of your throat. “Fuck,” he groaned as you pulled your head back. To some divine timing, you heard a knock on the door. ••• After finishing his paperwork, Jake was released from his cell. Officers Barnes brought him into the lobby, hands cuffed behind his back. When you made eye contact, your stomach lit with butterflies. The smirk on his face and the sadistic glare in his eyes caused you to squirm in your seat. Barnes whispered something to him, resulting in a laugh before he was released from his cuffs, his eyes never leaving your body. As you walked out, you thanked the receptionist. His voice was low in your ear as you made your way to your car, “I’m driving, take your panties off.”
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
pls add me to ur taglist! i just read lust and i can’t wait to read ur series and more of ur writing
AH omg my first tag <3 i would love to add you! i’ll definitely put it in my notes, thank you so much!
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
clementine's masterlist
all works are my own unless otherwise stated :)
Red Cardinals (series, WIP)
Lust (18+)
Bars (18+; 2-part collab)
the rest of the boys are soon to come :)
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
lust / jtk 18+
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 1,907
AN: I might have gotten a little carried away, oops!
Warnings: 18+. Rough, cursing, oral giving & receiving, light CNC (with aftercare), degrading kink, explicit sexual content. MINORS DNI.
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Jake scoffed, absentmindedly running his fingers through his hair before shooting a quick grimmace at you. He was laid across the couch as you stood crossarmed in the hallway. “There is no fucking reason you should be being such a bitch right now.“ He spat the words at you, causing you to flinch in shock before dropping your jaw.
“How dare you speak to me like that, what the hell is wrong with you?” You protested, tears welling in your eyes as you choked back your emotions and mustered up some sort of confidence to make yourself seem unphased. He groaned as he sat up from his spot, throwing his legs off the couch and straightening his back out. “Like what? You’re being a bitch and there’s nothing else to say about it.”
“I am not being a bitch, you’re being an asshole actually.” He could hear the shake in your voice, you noticed as he stood and walked towards you. “An asshole?” He questioned, his body meeting yours only a few inches away. “Tell me how.” It wasn’t a demand, it felt more like a command.
“Well, you-“ You were cut off by his hand slapping over your mouth and your body hitting the wall behind you, you shot your eyes up to meet his with a ting of fear bubbling up.
He bent his head down, his lips barely grazing your jaw as he slightly snuggled into the crook of your neck to exhale a long hot breath on your skin before lifting his stance up to whisper into your ear. “I don’t know who you think you’re talking to little girl, you should know your place by now.”
You felt yourself sink beneath him, his hot hand still covering your mouth with a force that left you pinned to the wall. You felt as small as a bug with him hovering over, a look of sadistic delight in his eyes despite his smug frown. His warmth was fire against your skin as your back dug into the cold drywall behind you. You muffled something, trying to make any words fit through the gaps of his fingers. “What was that?” He beckoned, pulling his frame from your body and locking eyes with you. This was torment, he knew what he was doing. You whimpered against his skin, swallowing hard on the thick tension between the two of you. You turned your head slightly, as much as you could, away from his attention.
He tightened his grip onto the skin of your cheeks, forcing your face back to his. He smirked slightly before grinning at you, you could feel the heat in your stomach brewing as he scanned you top to bottom. He leaned into your neck again, kissing softly below your jaw, “I like it better when you’re silent.” His voice was harsh and rough, he loosened his grasp on your face and let go. He backed up, standing straight with his arms across his chest. You brought your hand up to your cheek, touching over the presumptive red marks his finger tips left and kept your eyes to the ground, attempting not to make eye contact with the tightening of his jeans between his hips and praying the pink on your cheeks read to him as actually upset rather than sexually flustered.
You thought to yourself, thinking of what you could say that would piss him off just enough. “Fuck you.” You mumbled, a short but sweet string of words you knew would have his hands death gripping your hair as he pushed you further down onto his cock. That’s what you wanted.
Jake grabbed your wrist, yanking you to his chest, his eyes enflamed with with the dominance you so wanted to invoke. “Excuse me?” he growled under his breath. His other hand soon grabbed your ass under your dress and you could feel as he dug his nails deep into your skin. You whimpered in pain, only receiving a smirk in response. He forced you to back onto the wall where you once again found yourself pinned by his weight and strength, one hand shifting from your ass to the wall for support and the other from your wrist to your throat, his grip was forceful, but you could breath just enough for you to know he was safe.
“You don’t want to play this game,” he provoked you, you squeezed your legs together and tried to swallow some of the saliva which pooled below your tongue. He kicked up his knee between your thighs, pushing your legs apart for himself before slipping his hand from the wall and down, his two forefingers slid against the silk of your panties as he a smug smile rolled off of the corner of his mouth. “Oh, you’re so wet already? You’re a fucking whore for me, huh?” His words made the pit in your stomach tingle as you buckled your hips into his fingers for more friction. “Daddy’s little slut” he spat at you, pointedly driving his fingers into your clit. This invoked a moan from the room which was left between his hand and your throat to speak, to which he loosened his grip ever so slightly. “Say it for me.”
You continue rolling your hips and buckling into his fingers as he swirled his fingers to the rhythm of your movements, the pleasure making you breathy and weak in the knees. He already knew you were all his, his little fuck toy, but you knew the longer you fought back the hard he’d drive into you. You shook your head in response, your eyelids dropping as you attempted to keep eye contact with him. He gave you a look, one that caused so much heat to rise in your skin before you gave in completely. “I’m a whore for you, please don’t-“
His mouth meeting yours quickly stopped your words, his tongue forcing its way behind your teeth. He curved his hand around the back of your neck as you kissed him back, your tongues gliding together slopply as his fingers below pulled back at the soaked fabric letting his finger tips meet you. You let a moan slip into his mouth as he maniacally picked up a rhythm on your clit with the movement of your hips. You moved your hands to his chest, clawing and grabbing at the matrial as you tried to hold yourself up for him despite your legs wanting to give out.
Jake pulled his hands from you and swiftly helped your dress off of you himself, leaving you standing against the wall half-naked. He returning his kiss to you as he undid your bra, dipping his head down with it as he dropped it to the floor as to take your nipple by his tongue, swirling it around before sucking it into his mouth. You watched him as he cupped your breast into his hand and bit down softly on the skin.
“Jake, please,” you pleaded him as he flickered his eyes up to you before he grabbed your hips and lowered himself onto his knees. You had no time to react before he slipped your panties down your hips and onto the floor and ran the flat of his tongue between your lips, his nose brushing your clit gently as he moved up to it, sucking it into his mouth. You balled your hand into his hair, pushing his face into you as you prodded yourself against him. “Please, fuck,” you were barely able to manage the words between whimpers and heavy breathing. You could feel his excitement rise as you rode his face, him coming up slightly for air every so often. He laid into you with his tongue and a passion that you could only whine and shutter under, his sounds of pleasure drawing your body further onto his.
As you began to reach your climax, Jake pulled off of you, grabbing your hand from his hair. He stood quickly and pulled you up to him, kissing you hard, his face and lips still slick from the encounter. The disconnection made you want to cry and you had already let a couple of tears fall from his hand to your throat minutes before. Jake grabbed your face with his hand, your chin in his palm. “You’re such a fucking mess, so pretty when you cry for me.” His eyes wandered your body, red and heated. You grew increasingly more insecure of his gaze on your bare skin. You could feel yourself sinking again, you wanted him to use you so badly and yet you wanted to slap him across the face just as much. “Though, I love seeing your mascara run more when you’re gagging on my cock.” his words made the breath hitch in your throat as he pushed you to your knees. You looked up at him from the floor, he watched you sit below him, his eyes continuously wandering. The determination on his face caused you to wriggle under his frame as he undid his jeans, pulling his boxers down. Your met eyes with his cock as he let his pants drop and relocated one hand back to the wall and one into your hair.
“Open,” he commanded and you obligated, soon you were succumbed to the demand of his hand holding your head still as he thrust his cock into your mouth. Your hands gripped to his thighs to hold steady as he moaned and mumbled under his breath, the mascara running streams down your face as his head hit your gag reflex. “You love taking my cock huh?” He breathed out, accompanied by a deep throaty moan. You nodded the best you could and looked up at him through your eyelashes. His thrusts became harder, his body was shaking and you could feel him pulse in your cheeks. “Fuck, baby,” Jake stuttered on his words as he pulled out of your mouth, you rose your hand to him and helped stroke out his orgasm, your tongue stuck out to clean the mess which was soon to come. He let his hand loose of the death grip in your hair as you pumped him, his cum soon filling your tongue and dripping onto your chest as he cursed under his breath, watching you intensely. You let your body drop when he finished, feeling exhausted and ready to just sleep on the carpet here if he’d let you.
You let your eyes shut for a moment as you tried to regain control of your breathing when he came down beside you, pulling your body into his chest. His hands stroked your hair and you found yourself resting in the crevice of his neck as he wrapped his arms around your limp frame.
“Are you okay, baby?” his voice was soft now, smooth and warm as he comforted you. “Yes, I’m okay.” You responded back smally, burying your face further into him. “Was that okay?” He asked again, more apprehensive this time. You rose from his chest and smiled at him, the sweat on his face glistened in the dim light of the house. “You’re everything I could ever want.” You reassured him, his concerned expression left his face as he stood, lifting you with him. He kept you wrapped in his arms and softly kissed your cheek, trailing his way up to your ear.
“Let’s finish you in the bedroom.”
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
RED CARDINALS (series, ch. 4)
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 1,066
AN: this will be the last short chapter, the rest will be throughout and connected and longer than 1-1.1k words <3 these first 4 short chapters i hope were enough to keep you coming back! i'll be posting weekly from here on out <3 probably on fridays!
“What about a drive?”
I agreed.
The sun was beaming, my eyes squinted to the west as Jake pulled up the car. Despite the stress of the morning, it was a nice day. The wind was cool, and the sun was warm as I entered the vehicle, the cold breeze of the air conditioner hit my shoulders as I slumped back into the passenger seat. “Where do you want to go?”
The question lingered in the air as I contemplated my ideas quietly, thinking of any and every joint in our town. Jake observed quietly, quickly turning his focus to pop open the overhead sunglasses compartment and adjusting them on the bridge of his nose. “No ideas?” He asked again, reaching his arm across the middle seat for his hand to rest gently on the back of my headrest. “Not in the slightest,” I replied with a laugh, he smiled back at me and shifted the car into drive.
We drove, circling the town just to extend the time. Jake’s mood increasingly got more playful the longer we talked. “No really, I genuinely actually hated The Mandalorian.”
I slapped his arm, “You genuinely actually cannot say that, how the hell could you hate baby Yoda?” Jake scoffed, laughing in response. “I didn’t hate baby Yoda, just the show. It was way too drawn out and I can’t sit through that! If that makes me evil then, so be it.” He gave me a quick smirk; I knew he was messing with me. There was no way he hated it. Trying to get under my skin, but with Star Wars? Okay.
“Okay, that is enough, just tell me you’re joking so we can move on,” I teased.
“I’m not joking though! I think your skull thickened the last few years,” Jake provoked. As we came to a stoplight, he turned and grinned at me. His smile was wide and his demeanor loose. I smiled back at him, letting myself take in the moment of him. I reached my hand up to push his hair behind his ear absentmindedly, I guess my brain hadn’t completely comprehended what I had done until I pulled my arm back to myself and spoke, “No, I think your brain just shrunk.”
Jake looked to me, his eyes brows began to furrow, and his expression looked only slightly confused, yet also amused. He smiled at me. “You want a slushie? I need to fill up, you’re wasting all my gas.” He asked.
I stared at him unable to even attempt to stop mentally punching myself for doing that, was that weird? I hope that wasn’t weird. “Uh, yeah maybe,” I stated back as he pulled into the gas station. After Jake pulled into the stall, he looked at me. His eyes were deep in thought with one arm still stretched out, palm to the steering wheel. He reached his other hand out, softly caressing my cheek and trailing his fingers down to my jaw. My words hitched in my throat, it left like I had swallowed superglue, unable to let out even a shaky breath in response. His face stayed the same, his cold fingers on my flushed hot cheeks. He seemed to be studying my face, watching for any slight movement or reaction. He smirked a bit before pulling his hand away to shift his gear into reverse.
“What are you doing?” I barely choked the words out, swallowing hard on the built-up tension.
“We’re driving, of course.” He puffed, a laugh escaping his chest as he darted his eyes to me, smiling slightly. “Are you flustered or dumb?”
I scoffed, “That is rude,” but I couldn’t help but also laugh. He reached down, grabbing my hand into his. I stared at his hand in mine, fingers entangled together. He squeezed three times and let go, returning his attention to the road ahead of us. It was winding, long, and endless. Until it wasn’t.
We never actually got slushies.
The whole way home, I thought of all the possibilities which could have come from that moment. The way he could have moved his hand from my cheek to the side of my neck, his fingers into my hair ever so gently. His thumb could have urged my chin up ever so slightly. This way there would be more skin, more room to leave more kisses than if he hadn’t before.
“Hey, are you okay?” His voice snapped me back to the present moment, the shock causing me to shift in my seat slightly. “Just lost in thought,” I responded, my eyes darting to his figure which was illuminated only ever so often by our passing of yellow streetlights. His eyes were on the road, I watched as he flicked the turn signal and moved my eyes to the window. We turned onto our street; he pulled the car into my driveway and flicked the keys off. “So. When are you free next week?” Jake asked. My stomach flipped and churned. I felt sick to the idea that I was imagining all this sensual bullshit in my mind while he seemingly just needed a friend, but I also couldn’t deny him that friendship. In terms of everything, and besides Sam, we were all each other had left of our other. My face was slightly heated, which was luckily difficult to probably see in the dimly hit front cab.
“Well, I’m taking dual enrollment, so my schedule is mainly online. I can hang whenever you’re free.” I informed him, unbuckling my seatbelt, and turning my body in the seat towards him. He leaned back into his headrest and tilted his chin up towards me, nodding in agreement. “Sounds good, so I’ll just text you whenever?” I nodded back. “Anytime.” He chuckled and pushed his hair back, readjusting in his seat as to straighten his back. He sighed and turned to me. Our eyes connected, for a good 20 seconds, and I thought he was going to say something. He had that same hesitant look, that same contemplative look. Until he quickly turned his sight back to the steering wheel, I realized that he wasn’t.
“Goodnight, Jake. Thanks for hanging out with me today.”
It broke the short silence, which felt like a lifetime for the moment being. A smirk rolled out of the corner of his mouth as he started the car, “Anytime.”
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
RED CARDINALS (series, ch. 3)
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word count: 1502
Summary: sorry for the slow burn, bare with me hehe
Red Cardinals Masterlist
‘i missed yours too, do you want to come over tomorrow?’ Almost immediately.
I haven’t stepped foot into that house since the wake. The boys lived in a small house across the street, adjacent to mine. It was paneled in a pale-yellow eggshell color and the wood was dark oak, the contrast was pretty, but their mom always complained that it resembled a rotten tooth. She never got around to repainting the house though, despite talking about it for years. Their garage had been renovated into a man cave by their father when we were younger, last I heard Jake and Sam use it when they throw parties and it doubles as their own personal living room, full of all the things they enjoyed rather than their father.
I felt the urge to banter with him, though I wasn’t sure how he would react to that so soon. I was never sure how Jake would react to things, his emotions were always off, and he often hid behind a curtain when it came to having to talk about his feelings. He never truly meant what he said, or at least I never thought he did. He was hard to read, hard to reach, and hard to crack open. He lived on the sidelines, always in the background of his own life. He isn’t someone you’d spot from a mile away, but he didn’t want to be either. Jake liked being someone who blended in, he never wanted a spotlight or an audience or anything of the sort. He just wanted to breeze by, he is the wind and Josh was the leaves.
Before even thinking of replying, I looked up onto the trail entry lined with a wooden fence and signs, above the fence and planted before the horizon were trees of many shapes and sizes. My eyes caught something in that moment, a small contrast of color in the overall green aura which escaped from the forest. A small, red cardinal perched a tree branch was ruffling its beak into the fluff of its chest, it turned its head before flying further into the forest. It’d been a while since I’d seen a cardinal, after I took the bird feeder out of my window seal they stopped coming by. A calm, quiet feeling took over my brain, and for a second, I felt at peace. Only to be awakened from the false reality moments later. I liked to think they were visitors from heaven too like Danny said they were.
Oh, fuck, Danny. I needed to text him. ‘hey, we’re done- wish u could have come! we talked for 4 hours and it was nice, u need to come next time. how was esu?’ That’s good enough.
On the drive home, I couldn’t get the image of Jake’s look out of my mind. He looked confused... like he wasn’t sure what to do. Hesitant, almost. I couldn’t get Jake out of my mind, his tall slender frame, and the way his lips parted ever so slightly when his mouth was closed. I mean, I always thought he was handsome, but I never imagined myself as attracted to him. Maybe it was the time we’d spent apart that made me think like this, maybe it was because of something else. I decided not to let it get to me, I needed to make this normal for us both. We are friends and that’s it. He would never look at me like that, I could never look at him like that. But he was just so reminiscent…
Something felt off the next morning. I hadn’t responded to Jake’s text from the night before, maybe I could now. Lie about falling asleep... something of the sort to get me out of the situation I put myself in. I’m overthinking this. God damn it.
‘i’d love to, when?’
Simple, sweet, to the point. I kicked off the blanket which pooled around my legs and stood up, brushing my hair through my fingers as I made my way downstairs and into the living room. My mom greeted me as she was walking out the door for work, it was a Saturday, but the hospitals don’t close on the weekends. As I stood in my kitchen, I pondered how today might go. Yesterday was bliss but that was with the company of Sam, one of the most outgoing people I have ever come across in my short life on this floating rock. He was funny, could make you laugh even on the worst day of your life. I don’t think he has gone a single day without a smile, a truly pure heart. I mean, thinking back on it, Sam prompted a lot of our conversation, what if it isn’t the same today? What if I can’t hold a conversation with this… man? It’s hard not to think of ourselves as children still, we are 18 now, which I guess is still being a child in a way. But he looked like a man. It feels wrong to catch myself thinking about him like a man, when all I can think about, even when I specifically attempt to focus on Jake, is how Josh would look now.
‘good morning to you too, how’s noon?’
It was 9 now, which gave me a few hours to gather myself and my thoughts. However, I found myself using most of my time to pick apart cutie oranges and wander the first floor of my house. I liked mornings when I was by myself, which were many. Mom always worked the morning shift on the weekdays, so she’d leave by 5, on Saturdays she clocked in at 10. Gave her some extra rest, I suppose. I liked to think of myself as a kindred spirit, I didn’t need much company and I liked to keep to myself during the day. Sure, I had friends. I had Casey and Amie; they were sisters. That made life easier when planning to see them. They only lived a town over, so it was never too long of a trek. Other than them, I really had a lot of time to myself.
I wanted to opt-out, to hide under a rock for the rest of my life. I don’t know how to walk into his house. I don’t know how he walks into his house.
Jake sat across from me, his corduroy jacket was beaten up and his hair was pulled back half up half down. He was leaned into the soft plush of the love seat across from me, one leg tucked under the other. I had my knees up and curled into my chest in a stand-alone chair, the kind of chair with wooden legs that smelled of old cotton and thrift stores. We sat and we talked, he was calm. Not happy, not sad, just in the moment. “You know, I always was envious of you. I feel like I lost out on a lot of memories because I never came along, and I should have.” His face was dull, his breathing light.
“I don’t think I would consider it missing out, you two had your own memories. Those memories matter too, you know. You wouldn’t have liked my music taste anyways,” I joked, trying to ease the tension in the air and help him relax. He was physically relaxed, but not so much emotionally or mentally. I could see it in his face.
“Maybe, I just feel like I missed out on him,” he was fiddling with a loose thread which spouted out of the hem of his jacket, “and you.” Though I couldn’t control it, my stomach had butterflies. He didn’t mean it like that, but God did I want him to, or did I want someone else to? I am being selfish; I am so selfish. “We can make up for lost time, I wouldn’t worry about that.” Brush it off, the best way to handle this situation… maybe? We are friends.
“Yeah,” he smiled, a real genuine smile I hadn’t seen in a while. “I was thinking, you know it would be cool to hang out more often. I’ve kind of distanced myself from people but that’s usually how it goes, or so I’ve heard. Maybe we could routine this.” He looked at me, waiting for my affirmation. I smiled back and nodded, “I would love that.” He stood from his seat, glancing away for a minute before reaching his hand out to me to stand up from my spot across. I took his hand, soft and sincere, and stood. He stood a good 4 inches taller than me; he’d always been taller than Josh but not but too much. He was warm, he was tender and sweet. He wasn’t like he looked; his personality shone through the rough exterior. His actions were genuine. His facial features were soft and worn. His eyes, though heavy lids, felt welcoming and constantly focused. I could look at him for a lifetime.
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
AN 02/14: The first 4 chapters + the beginning give a bit of background, slow-burn, understanding, and are 1-1.1k words each. Think of them as an introduction to the writing style and idea of the storyline.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 on the way<3
feel free to ask me anything!
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
RED CARDINALS (series, ch. 2)
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 1354
Summary: background chapter.
WARNINGS: descriptions of grief & mention of death, medical diagnosis, hospitals & funerals. this will one is probably the saddest so i am sorry in advance!
Chapter 1
I'd loved him since I was a child. We were neighbors, I was new to town. I was 8, Jake and Josh were 8 and Sam was 6. Sam always tagged along with us wherever we went, which we didn't mind. Jake and I fought as kids, I had gotten myself caught between them in some sort of sibling rivalry and sided with Josh. The school split the twins between classes, so I usually got sorted into class with Josh due to Jake and I's natural urge to tussle. We sat next to each other; our last names bordered together in the alphabet. We became best friends. Through the end of elementary, all middle and the beginning of high school, we were inseparable. Our parents always joked that we would marry, to which we gagged. He was my date to every homecoming. He was my first call for good news, my first text in the morning. I don't know if he knew I loved him then, but I hope he did.
In the spring and summer, we liked to go on road trips. Jake was always busy with girlfriends, Sam with soccer. We would gather our things the night before and he would pick me up in his gray 1999 Toyota 4Runner and we would drive wherever our hearts desired that day. We never had enough money, but we always made it work. I oversaw packing the food. Josh would put down his back seat with the intent to stuff a small mattress into the trunk, which never fit correctly so we would secure it with an assortment of pillows along the perimeter and tons of soft blankets. We would sleep back there on the nights it would be too late and we were too tired to drive home as well as the nights we couldn't afford local motels. We took turns driving. He would fall asleep in the passenger seat the nights I drove us, his soft curls leaned against the tan leather exterior and his mouth slightly agape. Sometimes, I would turn down the radio just to listen to him breathe, just so I knew I wasn't alone. Though, I never felt alone with him. His eyelashes would flutter against his cheeks when we'd hit the occasional pothole or if I braked too fast, but he never woke up.
Usually, we would drive to state parks or distant lakes or anywhere the scenery where was nice and the sky was open. Josh loved astronomy, he loved everything beyond Earth’s atmosphere. He loved watching the clouds during the day and in turn, seeing the stars at night. He would complain about the light pollution in our city and how he could never see the little dipper. I would laugh at him, and we could hike up to our camp spot to see the stars together, on our little picnic blanket, far from the city lights and busy highway. Josh always seemed to fall asleep, even on our nights stargazing at the campgrounds. I always tried to not fall asleep, I didn't want to miss a moment of him. I don't know if he knew I loved him then, but I think he did.
On a spring break weekend, when we were in Tuscan, Arizona, Josh had a headache that would not go away. We decided to come home early. The headache continued for three weeks, it became debilitating for him, and he couldn't even open his blinds during the day. He always loved the night, even before, and he would call me after sleeping all day and we would talk on the phone quietly. He would update me on his headache, he was convinced he had a concussion from the cliff jump adventure we had had the prior week. He hit his head, and concussions are an easy fix if treated, he knew he would be alright. His mom bought him blackout curtains. He eventually felt better.
Though, the headaches never truly stopped. Finally, when he had had enough of the ongoing pain, and he was able to get ordered a CT scan by his doctor. We waited the week for his CT scan results, though his headache slowly got worse every day and the ringing in his ears caused him to lose balance for a short period of time before it let up. He had a hard time walking because of it. This went off and on for a while. Jake kept me updated as even the phone screen was too bright for him to text me at times, and he claimed that talking to people made his head hurt worse. I tried not to bug him too much, though sometimes I would come lay in the quiet dark of his room with him and quietly read to him when he felt up for it. The last few months, he just laid in bed all day. No sound and no communication from the world, minus family, and me. We were all worried, Jake especially. I remember crying, praying to a God I didn't believe in. It got to the point where he stayed at the hospital as to monitor his health as they awaited more and more test results. Josh was diagnosed with a brain tumor that the doctors predicted had gone unnoticed for about three years, something no one could have seen coming. First, he was started on medication. Then scheduled for surgery, several times. Every time, surgery went well, but the doctors couldn't get it all out. It always grew back those several times. They did what they could over the next few months. Our time together then all blurs now, I would go visit him as he went in and out of the hospitals. He passed away the week before winter break, it will be 2 years in December. It's been a year and 8 months.
The funeral was quiet and quick. Their mom had been doped up on some tranquilizing anxiolytic that doctors prescribe to, I presume, grieving parents. I was numb, though not by drugs. Pure shock, I think. The feeling when the one person you love, the one person you trust, the one person you call... dies. Is one that is indescribable. The pain quickly became anger, the grief slowly became hatred. Something someone young should never have to feel, to live through even. There were good days, then following the good would come your brain playing tricks on you. I would think to myself, I can't wait to tell him about this, about that. I experienced explosive anger directed at anyone and everyone in my sight, the permanency of my situation hadn't quite set in. It still truly hasn’t. I read online that open casket funerals help deal with the understanding that the person you love is dead and not coming back. It didn't help.
The last text message I had sent to Jake was a month after the funeral, asking if he needed a ride to school. We hadn't spoken since, prior to today. How the fuck do you follow that up? I stared at my screen, my thumbs hovering the keyboard as I read the last two messages repeatedly. 'hey, thank u for today. i missed seeing ur face, when are u free next week?' I stared at it again. Was that too quick? I left no room for emotion, straight to the point. Is that what he wanted? What did he want? To talk about Josh? To not? To move on like nothing had happened? I will never be able to move on like nothing happened.
Tears welled in my eyes as I sat my hand into my lap, phone still in grip. I leaned my head against the steering wheel, letting the salt burn my dry eyes. He was real. I must keep reminding myself he was. But so is Jake, he also has a life outside of this now. We both do. Closing my eyes, I wiped the tears onto the sleeves of my shirt and let out a sigh, letting heavy shoulders drop with the release of air.
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
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⏳Work in Progress
❤️ Romance
🧸 Fluff
💔 Angst
😂 Comedy
😭 Sad
👻 Includes Mythological Characters
🛑 Trigger Warning
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Gemini II by @garbagevanfleet 🔥🎉
Abaddon by @garbagevanfleet ⏳👻🔥
When it hurts you 1 2 by @obetrolncocktails 🧸💔❤️🔥
Bells and Whistles by @groggyvanfleet ❤️🔥
Keep breathing by @basiccortez 🛑😭
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As the world caves in by @tlexx ⏳❤️
Tested 1 2 by @t00turnttrauma 🧸💔🎉
I’m not wearing any underwear prompt @greta-van-fics ❤️🎉😂
Say that again by @gretavanwinkle ❤️🔥🧸
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Lazarus by @garbagevanfleet 🎉🛑👻🔥❤️
Lost Boys by @tlexx 🎉👻❤️🛑
Gemini by @garbagevanfleet 🔥🎉
Wreck by @vetaglanfeet 🛑🧸❤️
Hey baby, Hey Mama by @capturethechaos 🧸❤️
Stress Relief by @joshysgf ❤️🔥
Red Cardinals 0 1 by @gretnavanfleets ⏳😭❤️
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Little Twin by @urmindisastreamofcolors 🧸🎉🛑
Forgotten by @basiccortez 🧸🛑💔
It’s always the quiet ones by @obetrolncocktails 🔥
Speak now by @joshkiszkas ❤️💔🧸
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An indecent proposal by @gretavanfleetposts 🔥🎉
Behind the lens by @godlygreta 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
RED CARDINALS (series, ch. 1)
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 1331
WARNINGS: a small portrayal of grief, mention of death.
The walk felt like it had lasted over a million years, and I wouldn’t have blinked an eye if you told me it had. Sam was the one who broke the silence with a simple sentence, “how are you?” I knew he was talking to me.
“I’m okay, how are you?” I beckoned him. I didn’t want the attention on me, I wasn’t here to be the center of attention. I didn’t even want either of them to ask me that question because honestly, I don’t know the answer. Anything else would have been better. I could go on and on about the last two years, how I almost flunked out of high school but got myself together finally yet still can’t figure out what I want to do with my life. How every night I am haunted by the same three dreams on loop. I wrecked my car over the summer. I took the ACT seven times. I don’t know.
“You know, better than I was.” The silence fell over us again.
Maybe the regret of losing trust was slipping from me, or maybe I just wanted the walk to end. The silence to end. There are friends you have in life who you can continuously pick back up with after months, even years, of not speaking like you hadn’t left each other’s presence at all. But there are also friends who you see after months, even years, and it’s hard to even speak a word to them. That’s how today was, and I knew why but I wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up. I missed them, I will admit, but nothing will be the same. Why did I expect it to be? Perhaps it was a lapse in judgment or a childlike hope that my 15-year-old-self agonized and craved for. Maybe I was too old for that, but maybe I also wished I wasn’t.
When we arrived at the campsite, it looked almost the same. The logs sat around the circular fire pit, the black ash and soot were wet from the rain and the grass was green and tall. There were empty beer cans tossed about, a sure sign of life where life felt lost for us. Presumably, some other group of kids found the spot and use it now, I couldn’t help but feel jealous of them. On the fence post which bordered the end of the camping grounds stood the same rusty ground rules sign and below it on the wood, engravings of our names. Jake crouched down to the ground and sat down, waving his hand for us to join him. I sat opposite him with Sam to my left. The weather reflected the mood, muggy. It felt hard to breathe and my hair was frizzy.
Jake signed, letting his backpack slide off his shoulders and into the grass beside him. He looked the same, just slightly more tired than before. He kept his eyes on the ground, tugging down the sleeves of his jacket which he had rolled before we started on the trail. He looked up, eyes closed to the tree branches, and took a deep breath. I could tell he was just taking in the atmosphere, letting the memories soak into his skin and pores, and attempting to gather his thoughts.
“I’m glad you came,” he said, eyes still closed. “I know it’s been a while and we haven’t talked but it’s not because I don’t care about you or that I forgot about you it’s just that I thought it would be easier on the both of us if we didn’t talk and I’m sorry I should have talked to you anyways and I-”
“Dude, chill,” Sam blurted out mid-sentence, with a smile rolling out of the corner of his mouth he looked at me and laughed. I felt something click inside and laughed with him. It felt normal, and for a split second in time, everything froze.
“Jake, it’s okay. Thank you for inviting me. I’m glad I’m here.”
He let out a sigh of relief, letting the tenseness of his shoulders drop before opening his eyes and smiling back at us both. “I was worried you hated me; I was rehearsing what I needed to say this entire time. I didn’t want to make it all about...” his voice trailed off and he swallowed his words, “but I didn’t know what else to say.”
“No, really, it’s fine. I honestly should have reached out too, but now that I think about it I didn’t for the same reason.” Which was a lie, a blatant one at that. I thought about it every day, every day I wondered what would happen if I did and it just never felt like the right time, and soon it had been a month. Then two months. A year. A year and a half. It was never going to be the right time and I had accepted that, until this morning when he texted me and my heart dropped down what felt like a twelve-story building.
If we are being honest, and I’d hope that we were, I was in love with him. Not Jake, though. Sometimes when Jake and Sam were busy, we would make this hike together with blankets and snacks and we would lay down together as nightfall came. He would point out the constellations and we would watch for shooting stars; I never knew if he felt the same way and I guess now I never will, but he will always be my first love. Looking at Jake I felt all those emotions come back up, but he wasn’t him. I knew that deep inside, but I still felt the lurking inside me ponder if he could be. That was selfish of me because he is his own person. He is different now, anyway, and I’m not evil.
Sam was sitting crisscross, twirling his fingers around the grass in front of him, “I miss him. I think he would be happy we’re here.” He said, looking up at Jake. He was right, he would be happy. Sam was younger than us, 14 when it happened. I don’t know if he remembers much about the day or if his emotions just didn’t do him dirty like mine did me, but he talks about him the most amongst us four. I see it on his social media, I think he wants to keep the memories alive. Which is fine, and I’m bad at doing that, so kudos to him.
Jake nodded in agreement, though I could tell that statement panged him.
We talked for four hours. We caught up and we walked back to our cars, laughing, and reminiscing on old times. Sam was going to meet up with his friends, so he left first. We embraced and waved him goodbye as his car pulled away, the trail of dust kicking up as he sped off into the distance. Jake and I stood side by side, his backpack draped over one shoulder. One hand on the strap and the other hand in his jacket, he looked taller than he did before. He kicked a rock at his shoe and looked down at me, “It was nice seeing you. I hope we can do this more often.”
I smiled back at him and agreed, “Me too, maybe we can grab lunch without the youngin,” I joked, “but of course, he can come too, I missed that kid.”
Jake paused for a second, seemingly contemplating saying or doing something before he digressed and let his facial features rest back to their natural positions. “Yeah, maybe we can.” He pulled his keys out of his pocket and let the keyring slide down his finger, holding them securely in his palm. “Text me.”
Before I knew it, he was gone, and I was sitting in my car as the sun slowly crept behind the trees. When was too soon to text?
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gretnavanfleets · 2 years
RED CARDINALS (series, beginning)
Pairing: (soon to be) Jake Kiszka x female!reader
Word Count: 633
Summary: this is an ongoing series, and this isn't a true "chapter", more like an introduction to the writing style and a little bit of background (but not all of it)!
WARNINGS: a small portrayal of grief, death.
It was sunny, not too sunny, but sunny enough for the beams to blister on my skin every few seconds as we walked the trail. The rays escaped the tree’s branches as they attempted to shield us from the light which came down so heavily onto the dirt path. It was noon, the sun at its peak for the day and ever so hot. It was muggy and wet. The river which crossed our path dampened the soil and made it harder to trudge through the mud the further we ventured into the woods. We hadn’t been out here in years it felt like, though it had been two the last time I checked. We were all seniors now. We graduate in the spring, and it was mid-August now. We still had time to be children, we still had time to let go a bit, for the next nine months. Josh used to love to make this walk, he would beg us to come with him even once the magic disappeared. He would dirty his shoes and make a mess of himself every time we crossed the river, every time it had rained the day before, every time he could. The last time we made this walk, it was sophomore year. I think my soul died with him then. We didn’t think we would come back again, but I guess time makes you regret falling apart and not keeping up despite the loss. It had been two years since we trudged this mud, and even now it felt the same, but the lack of presence snapped me back into reality. It had been two years since we were all together, laughing and talking amongst ourselves and building campfires as the earth and people with lived within it fell asleep. It had been two years since I saw his smile, ruffled his hair, and held his hand as we jumped over logs. As much as I wished that I had taken the brunt of it all, Jake and Sam held that medal. Losing a child is hard on parents, hard on siblings, and hard on marriages. Their parents divorced that following summer before junior year and they hadn’t seen their father since. Their mom very rarely looked Jake in the face. Josh had a way of reading people that kept everyone on their toes. He always knew what the answer would be depending on the person he spoke to or asked the question to, we always joked that he was psychic or something of the sort. Sometimes I dream of him and wake up to forget he is gone, but maybe that’s just him checking in on me... though the realization hurts as much as it did the first time. He had a way with words that I will never be able to grasp myself, and no matter how hard I try I don’t think I will be able to find anyone who is able to place together feelings so perfectly. I never had to tell him anything, he always just knew. My mind pondered how to begin a dialogue of sorts, to say a word to their faces. Sam and Jake just walked alongside me as we trudged in silence. Danny opted not to come; he was the only one I still spoke with, which made this walk feel even longer. He would have known what to say, but he was off visiting schools and working his way towards a full ride to any university of his choice. He seldom spoke of Josh, only the occasional mention when Elton John played on the radio. He also would send me photos of the red cardinals which landed in his front yard, he called them his visitor from Heaven, I knew what he meant.
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