gwandastacys-a · 5 years
It didn’t occur to Peter until the girl started talking that she might actually try to make him face some kind of consequences for his… hobbies. He’d done this song and dance before, of course. He’d done it all across the galaxy, with the Nova Corps and the Kree Empirical Guards and the Brotherhood of the Badoon. Sometimes, he talked his way out of things. He’d gotten good at that over the years,  gotten decent at using his charm to slide on by. More often, though, he relied on his rocket boots to fly him out of trouble… and that was looking like the more likely option tonight. “Uh, I have a web allergy, actually,” he said seriously. “If you web me to the wall, I’m going to go into shock. And that’ll be awkward for both of us when the cops show up. Me, dying valiantly. You, trying to explain your decision to rid the world of such a handsome face. Neither of us want that.”
The click of a gun drew his attention pretty quickly, because that was one thing that transcended planets. It wasn’t entirely universal — every weapon sounded different, but they all had a very distinctive feel. The way they made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up before you even saw them. Glancing towards the sound, Peter was surprised to find the gun not pointed at him, but at the white-clad vigilante. “Are you kidding me? All this time you’ve been threatening me with cops when we could have been doing crime together? That’s seriously not cool, Webs. My feelings are all kinds of…” He trailed off, realizing she was about to ditch him at the same time as the cop’s gun moved over to point at him. Maybe now wasn’t the best time for jokes.
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To his surprise, though, the vigilante didn’t ditch. Instead, she planted herself between Peter and the cop, put herself in the line of fire and apologized to him. And, for a moment… Peter almost left. He turned on his heel, he took a step towards the direction she’d indicated, he got ready to run… and he stopped. Groot’s face flashed before his eyes, hiding his affection behind his annoyance, muttering a quiet I am Groot that made Peter grin. This girl couldn’t have been much older than him. Suddenly, Peter threw his head back and groaned loudly. “I hate having kids,” he muttered kicking his foot against the dumpster. “I hate having kids.” Turning back towards the situation at hand, he drew his blasters from their holsters and pointed them at the cop. “Okay, Nova Jr.,” he said, bringing one hand up to deploy his mask over his face, “here’s the deal. These guns I’ve got here will turn this entire neighborhood block into goo, and I swear to god I’ll use ‘em. You wanna go down as the cop that got half of New York gooed? Everything within a three block radius, man. I’m not bluffing.” He was bluffing… but he was good at it. Peter hadn’t lost a game of poker since he was fifteen, and it was only partially because he’d learned to cheat. “If you like this city goo-free, you’re gonna let me and Webhead get outta here. Or, you know, you shoot me and trigger the failsafe protocol in my blasters… That won’t be pretty. You’d be praying for a three block goo radius if that happened, man.”
“A… a web allergy?”‌ This was one of those times when Gwen wished she didn’t have a mask so he could see how little she believed his bullshit. “You are as bad a liar as you are a thief, huh?”‌ Gwen quipped, putting her hands on her hips. Though she had a feeling that he had been at this for a while and she had just happened to stumble upon him by pure luck. (Which, as much as Gwen hated to admit it, catching people in the act randomly like this was pure luck.) “That’s a clever story -- I mean it’s a complete lie, but at least it’s clever. And points for creativity. But even if you were allergic to webs, mine are actually a nylon blend. So...” Gwen shrugged lazily. “Like I said though, solid effort.” 
Gwen was looking at her dad at the end of the alley, her stomach doing flips while she was trying to keep it from looking like she and the thief weren’t in on anything together -- and then he started rambling and her stomach sank. “Do you ever think before you speak?” Gwen hissed lowly, turning her head only slightly to glare at him -- knowing full well he wouldn’t be able to see it but maybe he’d be able to feel it if she glared hard enough. 
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Everything that happened after that though -- surprised Gwen. The man had turned to run and Gwen got ready to run in the other direction to draw her father away from the thief (or at least keep him from getting shot -- if he got caught later, that wasn’t her problem). But he stopped and said something about hating having kids, and Gwen looked over her shoulder and saw him pointing a gun at her dad and Gwen was screaming inside her head. Goo? That was a relief -- if he was telling the truth at least. The alternative was well... he would be more of a bastard than she thought if he shot at her dad. “He’s serious, we’ve done it off-planet!” Gwen chirped in, hands still in the air. “You remember the cleanup after that series of earthquakes last year? It’ll be so much worse. And way grosser. And it’s not even water-soluble. Like, good luck washing it out of your hair. It’ll just clog the drain. So, lots and lots of flooding.” 
Her father slowly lowered his weapon, but she could see the tightening of his jaw, that anger in his eyes that he rarely brought home. He was careful around Gwen. But around Ghost Spider? He never held back. “Haven’t you taken enough from this city?” 
Gwen felt her hands clench before she even realized she was doing it -- and for a moment, all she was, was sad. “I think this is our cue to get lost,” Gwen said, turning her head slightly towards the man. “We should go,” she said again, but she wasn’t moving. 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
beep (jessica)
13. Awrong number text
(✉️ ➡️ scooty detective jones ): mom texted me and said she’s going back???(✉️ ➡️ detective jones ): are you going with her?? can i go? it’ll take me two seconds to get the suit and be with you guys (✉️ ➡️ detective jones ): pls i just want to help 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
Beep || Miles
23. A text asking for advice || @ofmilesmorales
(✉️ ➡️ muh muh miles ): what would you do if there was a space thief on our planet?(✉️ ➡️ muh muh miles ): he doesn’t /totally/ suck but he’s part alien and he’s sketchy af 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
beep (scott)
26. A hyper text || @ofscottlang​
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
Beep (JD)
3. A scared text || @spyderwomcn
(✉️ ➡️ jay dee ): how did you do the whole “i’m spider-woman” reveal? (✉️ ➡️ jay dee ): did you get that?? or was the secret identity thing like, not a thing for you?(✉️ ➡️ jay dee ): [unsent] i think my dad might be putting things together
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
beep (nadia)
17. A comforting text || @ofhopevandyne
(✉️ ➡️ mom ): i’m taking a few extra classes this semester (✉️ ➡️ mom ): don’t need them for my major but i have no idea what the hell i’m doing with pym tech so i figured a few business classes couldn’t hurt? (✉️ ➡️ mom ): i know what you’re gonna do is important. i don’t want you to go but i get why you have to (✉️ ➡️ mom ): i love you. and i’ll be here when you get back
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
(✉ → Ghost Spider): I am quite skilled in the practical application of mathematics. It is part of my design. Biochemical engineering is a very useful subject as well! If you are skilled in that, you should be very proud of yourself! My master, he was also quite skilled in the subject, he taught me a great deal.  (✉ → Ghost Spider): I thought your mask was very lovely, and I have missed seeing it.  (✉ → Ghost Spider): If you require assistance with studying, perhaps I can help? 
(✉️ ➡️ wandering, not lost ): i was almost a music major but yeah, biochem really fits with me. it’s ridiculously hard but i like it. /master/?  (✉️ ➡️ wandering, not lost ): you are one of a few then eve, most people don’t care for it (✉️ ➡️ wandering, not lost ): i /could/ use a study buddy actually. i’m losing my mind staring at the same page for 20 minutes
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
          That was something you didn’t really see any day. Sure, maybe from a kid, but… This was amusing. He was watching the stranger with a small smile on his face, attempting to hide it with the newspaper in his hands. Apparently, that didn’t work. The moment after, he couldn’t help but laugh, ducking under the paper to attempt and stifle the noise. Holy cow, this girl had some sass. “Sorry,” Wally called over, folding up the former shield and taking a few steps towards the other. “Just kind of funny seeing that out in public. Figured I was the only guy who still blew bubbles~” Not a total lie, but still a jest nonetheless. 
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The fact that he was trying to hid behind a paper was... actually kind of funny. Gwen arched a brow and kept her eyes locked on him though, knowing -- well, assuming that he’d look back up when she continued to make noise, and he did! She grinned slightly as his apology and sat up a little straighter. She figured she’d get a more annoyed response but he seemed to be actually enjoying it. Gwen waved to the seat across from her, figuring the guy was already on his way over, so why not invite him to sit. “I should lie and say I don’t do it often, but...” Gwen shrugged and swirled her drink again. “It’s like white noise sometimes, ya know? Helps reset my brain when I’ve been looking at this book for a few hours too many.” 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
“Nothing too exciting.” Bruce smiled, raising his coffee in greeting. “I’m just thinking how times have changed since I was at college. When I studied I used to lock myself in a study for hours on end and hit the books until my eyes hurt.” He nodded pointedly at drink in front of her. “Is bubble blowing used by all the kids these days? Or is it a personal mnemonic device?” He chuckled. “And most importantly, does it work?”
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Gwen hadn’t recognized him at first -- and if her father ever found out that she had sassed Bruce Wayne in public, he would have her head. But thankfully, he didn’t appear to be bothered at all by what she had done. “Oh, there are still a ton of people who do that I’m just... trying something different this year.” There was a grin on her face when he kept talking, and she shrugged her shoulders. ‘I think this is unique to me, but maybe my stats project can be me watching other students study and see what they do. And... no,” Gwen swirled her drink and sighed. “It’s not really working. Thought it’d help release the tension in my brain so I could keep studying but I just want to blow more bubbles. And maybe take a long nap.” 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
Kara was two-hundred words from finishing. It might as well have been one-thousand, for as much time as it was taking her. In her defense, she’d yet to land herself a good beat in New York City, and the article unfinished on her laptop was hardly captivating. It was beyond easy to get distracted, and someone blowing bubbles in their drink was all but asking for it. It was no wonder she found herself staring, lips ticking up in a smile. She didn’t balk at the eye contact, and could only laugh when the bubbles only seemed to get more intense. “Sorry, it’s…” She pulled her own drink in front of her, “You’re making me regret not getting a straw.”
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Gwen was almost positive that she was distracting the other woman from whatever work she was doing, but when they made eye contact, she didn’t get the scolding that she had expected. And at first, that encouraged Gwen. Until she realized who she was looking at. She couldn’t place the name, but she recognized the face from the crowd of reporters that would swarm around when her father held a press briefing for the police department. (And there was that flicker of worry in her chest that this woman might recognize her from the times that she stood at her father’s side when he made his announcements.) But maybe the woman had no idea -- maybe Gwen had blended in! She held onto that hope as she grinned at the woman. “It’s never too late for a straw, I’m just sayin’,” Gwen said with a playful shrug. “Not really conducive for focus though.” 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
It was kind of hard for Clark to focus on his paper, he had to write something for the daily planet.  And he hadn’t had a good report lately, and  well here he was.  But his hearing had picked up on someone blowing bubbles. He had to smile at that.  “Sorry, didn’t mean to look over, its not every day I see someone still act like a kid, and make me smile>” he said as he would love to do the same thing sometime, but knew it wouldn’t go anywhere
Gwen looked at her straw and then looked at the bundle on the counter next to the waiter station, and quickly, Gwen got up from her seat and grabbed a straw and put it in the man’s drink. “The real trick is that I am a kid,” Gwen quipped. She was nineteen, sure, and she’d be twenty in two months, but she wasn’t about to let anyone take being a kid from her. She had seen enough horrors as a vigilante that she was holding onto this part of her life as hard as she could. And knowing Scott helped with that, he was at least over forty and he was still such a character. The kind that Gwen aspired to be. “You should give it a shot. Bubbles are great.” 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
Gwen was supposed to be studying. That was the whole point of heading to a quiet cafe and spreading her books across a table instead of heading home -- because at home, she had the mask tucked away and the temptation would kill her focus before she had a chance to get started. Not that she was doing much better now. Gwen had a drink in front of her and she was blowing into the straw and watching the drink bubble up and slowly sink back down. Doing that a few times in a row, she noticed someone watching her, and she looked up, made eye contact. “What?” Gwen asked, shrugging a shoulder before slowly leaning back over and doing it again but this time with gusto, making it twice as loud as it had been. 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
Laura listened as the masked spider attempted to conceal her fear, but her ears picked up the sound of the other swallowing a lump in her throat and she could smell the sweat beneath the other’s costume, despite the cooling weather. “These are bad men. The police cannot handle them. I will.”
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Gwen shook her head. “You’re going to take care of them? How? Killing them?” She didn’t want this to be the type of hero she was -- but she wasn’t sure that she could actually stop the other girl. Those claws looked like they could really hurt Gwen. Superstrength, she could handle, but those claws? Gwen wasn’t so sure. 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
This girl talked a lot and with far more words than necessary. Even with the mask on, the girl seemed to be eyeing Laura’s claws with interest – probably something like self-preservation. Laura had threatened her, so the girl’s instincts were not far off. Though, Laura had no intentions of actually killing the girl. She had not done anything deserving of death, and, although unnecessary, she had tried to help Laura.
“You do not need to stay,” Laura decided. The girl did not need to witness Laura’s more advanced methods of interrogation.
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Hearing that she could leave made Gwen double down on staying. She had done enough running to last herself a lifetime. “I know I don’t have to,” Gwen said with a shrug, tension still in her shoulders despite her words. “Unfortunately, I’m trying this new thing that involves, you know, not leaving. Did that once, didn’t leave a good taste in my mouth.” Looking at the men she had stuck to the light post, Gwen swallowed. “Put the claws away or I contact the police and this all gets cut short.”
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
“There you go,” Carol said, nodding approvingly. It was probably wrong to corrupt the youth, but she enjoyed it so. The bartender gave them a long look, but Carol just slung an arm around her newfound companion. “At least you didn’t order something ‘on the rocks.’ For the record, that just means with ice,” she quipped, smirking at her as the bartender walked over.
He held out the bottle, and Carol reached for it, but he didn’t let go. “IDs,” he said gruffly. “For her at least.”
Carol glanced at the girl and then back to him. “She’s with me. And I don’t carry my identification on a little card,” she said, arching a brow. 
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“What are you, some kinda conspiracy nut?”
“No,” Carol answered. “I’m just not from around here.” With those words, she smirked at him. Her hand, still wrapped around the bottle started to glow. The liquid inside started bubbling, until the cap flew off. The guy had to let go and duck to avoid getting hit in the head. “Thanks!” Carol said brightly, turning on her heel and slinging an arm around the girl. She led her towards a table in the back. “I figure we have ten, maybe fifteen minutes before he gets over the shock and gives us a hard time again,” Carol explained, sliding down. “Until then, we’ve got tequila on a Tuesday.”
Gwen was practically vibrating with excitement. She had thought that the second she was found out, she would have been thrown out. But whoever this was, was a lot cooler than anyone else she had met. And from her spot at the woman’s side, Gwen watched as the woman claimed not to be from around here (which even Gwen knew wasn’t going to fly) -- but then the woman’s hands started glowing and Gwen had to pretend like she wasn’t totally surprised by what she was seeing. After all, they were supposed to be partners in this! 
Still, the fact her hands were glowing -- Gwen couldn’t help but look at her own as they walked towards the table. Of all the people to randomly run into, someone who was powered? And someone who was open about it? That was an idea that Gwen had been flirting with herself, but seeing what the Avengers put up with? She wasn’t sure if she was ready for that. Gwen grabbed a glass and pushed it towards the other woman, not sure if she was supposed to do shots with this... or how she was supposed to drink it. “I guess we should get started then,” Gwen said with a grin. “My name’s Gwen by the way,” she offered, casually leaving off her last name in case anyone could hear -- the last thing she wanted was her dad showing up. “That, uh, glowing thing, can you do more than that?”
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
“ don’t take my stuff. “ || @vengeancedemon​
There was one thing that she had been raised on that she missed since being home, and that was homemade meals. And sleeping on Robbie’s couch had become a more stable thing, she started filling up the cabinets with things that she wanted, the fridge too. (He was really lucky that she hadn’t decided to paint the walls pink while he was out... vengence-ing.) Tonight was the first time Gwen had actually cooked in his apartment, she had even set the table and made him a plate (something she used to do for her dad). And while Robbie had his brow wrinkled -- Gwen was sure that he wasn’t really bothered by the gesture. Or maybe he really was bothered, she wasn’t sure what kind of food he liked to eat so she made what made her feel better. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. 
Gwen had already finished her plate, but her super-human metabolism wanted more. So she sat there for a beat, looking at a piece of chicken on Robbie’s plate that he hadn’t touched yet -- so she reached over with her fork and claimed it quickly, but not quick enough because Robbie noticed. Gwen looked up and stared him in the eyes as she brought the fork to her mouth and then touched it to her tongue. “I licked it, it’s mine now.” 
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gwandastacys-a · 5 years
(✉ → Ghost Spider): I hope you do not mind this text. It is Eve Lavenza. Using an algorithm I designed myself, I was able to identify the cellular number most likely to belong to you.  (✉ → Ghost Spider): I have not seen you in a few weeks. I know it is not exactly a typical situation, however, I have come to consider you a friend. I am merely ‘checking in’ to make sure you are doing well. Please text back if possible. 
(✉️ ➡️ wandering, not lost ): you got my number through an algorithm? that’s so impressive ngl. i would have gone into coding if biochemical engineering wasn’t screaming my name (✉️ ➡️ wandering, not lost ): [unsent] i’m not really big on friends eve, you’re nice but everyone around me tends to get hurt (✉️ ➡️ wandering, not lost ): [unsent] listen, you’re really sweet bu (✉️ ➡️ wandering, not lost ): i’m just buried while trying to study for midterms. figured new york had enough of the mask for a while 
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