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Art by xdtopsu01
Another "throwback," this time depicting Krysta on the verge of filming her infamous inaugural livestream at the end of her senior year in college. Yes, there's a story there.
There's a second throwback easter egg in there too, but it's not as interesting.
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[#]OrdinaryGirls: #sizeconmicro24mailbag
Krysta, have you ever ripped a bra?
Alicia: Yes, yes I have. Yeah, my lats are that awesome.
Krysta: Is your name ‘Krysta?’
Whitley: Come on N-Cup, you know we’re about as successful keeping to our own questions as we were that time we tried writing our names on our food.
Alicia: FYI: if you haven’t tried it, it is hard, but not impossible to write your name on juice.
Krysta: The carton! The juice CARTON!
Whitley: To her credit, she did pull it off though.
Krysta: And Whitley still drank it.
Whitley: Look at you squealin’.
Alicia: Oh, and the answer is yes. Yes, Krysta has absolutely destroyed bras with her enormous boobs.
Whitley: During a game of Mario Party, no less.
Krysta: You’re welcome.
Have any of you ever crushed a melon ?
Whitley: Unless ‘crush’ is slang for “eaten several in one sitting,” no, I have not.
Alicia: Of course I have. Between my big ‘ol tree trunk thighs. How else do you kick off a livestream?
Krysta: I have held one in my cleavage, but not crushed one, which, I believe, is the implication.
Whitley: What on Earth do people think her breasts are made of?
Alicia: Does the answer literally have to be, like, on Earth?
Krysta: I can assure you, my breasts are not extraterrestrial in origin.
Whitley: That’s just what someone with alien tiddies would say.
Whitley: Do you think that you'll ever stop growing?
Krysta: Why does only Whitley get that question? Does no one care about growing breasts anymore?
Whitley: Apparently not.
Alicia: Or growing stronger than any Midwest cosplay cutie—
Krysta: Or any person.
Alicia: —has any right to be? I didn't even get ONE question about my deadlift 😤
Whitley: Apples and oranges. You're actively trying to get stronger.
Alicia: But not necessarily bigger, even though I’m totally cool with that. But strength doesn't always equal size. I gave you a whole presentation about this at brunch last week.
Whitley: We’ve lived together long enough for you to know I can’t listen and eat three breakfast burritos at the same time.
Krysta: She even sent us the slides afterward.
Alicia: Did you not review my presentation? 🥺
Whitley: It's on my to-do list.
Krysta: I did. I even gave you notes.
Alicia: Thank you, Krysta. Besides, if size equaled strength, Krysta's boobs would be strong AF, and she can't even crush a melon with them things.
Whitley: But she can hold one.
Krysta: And I could not last year, but apparently the only growth that matters is Whitley’s.
Alicia: So, you think you’ll ever stop growing?
Whitley: Huh? Oh, uh. nah I'm gonna grow fifty feet tall, or something.
Alicia: Oh! Speaking of growing…
Alicia, do large muscles restrict flexibility?
Alicia: Eh, not really. I mean, don’t get me wrong, my muscles are definitely LARGE, but like my presentation said, I'm focusing strength over size, unlike some others I know.
Whitley: Rude.
Krysta: Right?
Alicia: I still do yoga. We actually have a weekly class.
Whitley: Private class, because apparently, the three of us are ‘a distraction.’
Krysta: Alicia for making up her own modifications.
Alicia: Upside-down flamingo!
Whitley: Krysta for her boobs constantly dropping into her face.
Krysta: Which should have only been a distraction for me.
Alicia: And Whitley for making the place smell like a dispensary.
Whitley: I needed to pre-game to find my center, and to not be distracted by y’all acting crazy.
Krysta: I should not be blamed for weak sports bras.
Alicia: What was the question again?
Which of you three is the best at poker?
Whitley: I am.
Krysta: I am.
Alicia: I have no idea how to play poker.
Krysta: Whitley, your poker face is not as good as you think it is.
Whitley: Says the girl who has lost several times to it.
Krysta: Okay, one: I was VERY intoxicated.
Whitley: Still counts.
Krysta: And two: I did not say you never won, I said I am a better poker player than you.
Whitley: You lost to Alicia, and she has no idea how to play poker.
Alicia: I REALLY don’t.
Krysta: We live in a universe governed by chaos. It is bound to prevail occasionally.
Whitley: You might even say, inevitably.
Alicia: You both still owe me money, btw.
Krysta: Whitley owes you more.
What's your favorite flavor of cake? 🖤🤍💜
Krysta: Banh da lon 🖤🤍💜
Whitley: Red velvet. 🩷💙💜
Alicia: Angel food cake with frosting and sprinkles. 🩷💛💙
Whitley, what's your favorite thing about being taller than most other people?
Whitley: More space for storage. I basically get top shelves to myself.
Krysta: Not the view?
Whitley: I’d call having a sh*tty view more of a shorter-than-most-people problem..
Alicia: I assumed it would be going to a concert and being crotch high to everyone on stage.
Krysta: So, the view.
Whitley: That is a plus, but not as good as the top shelves.
Krysta, any thoughts on a giantess-themed photoshoot?
Krysta: Alicia, did you submit this?
Whitley: Weren’t we talking about this yesterday?
Alicia: Totally. I wrote it on her yogurt, remember?
Krysta: Stop writing names on the yogurt!
Alicia: It was actually your name.
Whitley: And, to be fair, your idea.
Krysta: *sigh* Yes, I intend to do another giantess-themed photoshoot.
Whitley: What she means is, her analytics have spoken.
Alicia: Perfect because I just bought a 1/225 scale cityscape on Etsy.
Whitley: For your giantess content?
Alicia: Oooh, it would be good for that, huh?
Whitley: Wait, so why did you buy it?
Alicia: I honestly don’t remember.
Krysta: And you wonder why you never have any money.
Whitley: I’m going in on half of it for making foot stuff. If you want to split it three ways we can all write it off on our taxes.
Krysta: Deal
Ladies! If you had to swap your extraordinary trait for one of your friends', whose would it be?
Krysta: If I had to? Muscles. No offense, Whitley.
Whitley: Offense taken.
Krysta: You are too conspicuous.
Whitley: Says the woman with breasts literally the size of gallon jugs.
Alicia: I’d take Whitley’s height. I make all my own clothes anyways. And then I could see EVERYTHING.
Whitley: I’d absolutely take your tits.
Krysta: My breasts would look good on you.
Alicia: I’d love to see your breasts on Whitley.
Krysta: I’d put my breasts on Whitley.
Alicia: Do it! Do it! Do it!
Krysta: Going once. Going twice…
Whitley: Hold on, what’s happening right now?
Krysta: —no deal.
Alicia: Sounds like you just missed your chance.
If you could be a tree what kind of tree would you be?
Krysta: I used to say stone pine, but recently I have been feeling more rowan.
Alicia: Truffula.
Whitley: Pineapple Kush.
Alica, have you seen the movie Love Lies Bleeding? It focuses on a lady bodybuilder and her girlfriend. Really dark but fun romantic thriller.
Alicia: It’s far from the worst cosplay idea I’ve been pitched. Very retro look, and I do love my 80s. I think the real issue is I’m way more buff than the girl in the movie which is totally cool because she looked great and props to that actress for going there. Okay, new life goal: get a movie studio to pay me to work out so I can be in a bodybuilding movie. But a funny one. More like Everything, Anywhere—
Krysta: Everywhere.
Alicia: —All at the Same Time.
Whitley: All at Once.
Alicia: —but with more muscles and less cheerleading.
Krysta: There is no cheerleading in Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.
Whitley: Are you thinking of Heroes?
Alicia: NEVER MIND scratch that I was thinking of Bring It On…which I haven’t seen either. I think I just saw the sequel.
Krysta: How in the hell did you mix up—
Whitley: She was probably thinking of Bring It On: All or Nothing.
Krysta: How many Bring It On’s were there? Whitley: Seven. I watched them all during quarantine. That series really went downhill.
Alicia: But yeah, I haven’t seen Love, Lies, Bleeding. It didn’t look very funny. I liked the part in the trailer where the woman grew out of her clothes, though. I give it a 7/10.
Krysta: I watched it. Not bad.
Whitley: Giantess scene gets a solid eight.
Why are you still living together?
Whitley: Because making money on foot stuff and tall stuff is only lucrative if you can keep your costs down. Also, I never have to cook or do my ridiculous taxes.
Alicia: Cheap rent, I always get to cook, and I manage money worse than Faye Valentine.
Whitley: Also, you’d be getting audited up the *ss if it weren’t for Krysta remembering to do your taxes.
Alicia: Getting audited sounds fun!
Krysta: I own the house. I never have to cook, and I get to prepare three sets of complicated taxes.
Whitley: Girl got her CPA license during quarantine “for fun.”
Krysta: I would prefer, “thank you.”
Whitley: Thank you.
Alicia: Thank you.
Krysta: You’re welcome.
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Special SizeCon[micro]'24 Q&A!
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The return of the inaugural group portrait, a special gift for SizeCon[micro'24] . You'll have to excuse the clothing modifications, as not everything fits the same as before.
Also, because Alicia gets one demand per week: ⭐Q&A! Time!!!⭐ Leave questions in the comments. Up to two per person. You can leave more, but they'll only commit to answering two (of their choice).
The trio will take additional questions during this weekend’s online SizeCon[micro], event. So, stop by my booth if you’re in the area (which yes, means you'd get more questions). All responses from this week and SizeCon weekend will be posted next week.
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Art by @trentharlow-blog
Yumi's text: そこで私のパンティーだよ!
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Art by khabirkozak
Note: This is a 'throwback' of sorts from the Patreon [#]OG run. The image is old, but the captioned version was unreleased. I'll be gradually [re-]releasing these contents from time to time...like now, for example.
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Art by Ryald666
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hashtagordinarygirls · 4 months
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Art by AyylaGTS
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hashtagordinarygirls · 5 months
Higher quality version available on the [#]OrdinaryGirls website.
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Art by Ryald666
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Art by JCache
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Art by ZeroHour99
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Art by @trentharlow-blog
A continuation, of sorts.
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Art by @bakkibakk
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Art by Lushaani
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...who is Sydney Lorraine?
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