hearthfeelings · 2 years
Parenting is a hard thing and parents are often not sure if they doing the right job. Can bad parenting cause anxiety in your child? Find out more about it.  Every parent should know 25 examples of bad parenting and there side effects on child, Because some time unintentionally parents treat bad behavior with child and it cause a big problems.
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hearthfeelings · 2 years
Are you stressed and think tha =t no body likes you? or think that   why does everyone hate me then read this blog and find rhe reason about your problem.
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hearthfeelings · 2 years
Are you ever feels like you're useless, like everyone hates you. Are you ever feels jealous from those girls and boys every person love and you don't know why? The reason behind it you are real not fake and you are also loyal. This type of kind heart people are exceptional in this earth don't let them. You are a exceptional. More details are available at website go and read the complete blog.
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a medical condition that impairs your ability to pay attention, sit still, and regulate your behaviour. ADHD disorder is a common condition that affects around 3% of school-aged children. Males are 6-8 times more likely than females to be afflicted. 
This begins before the age of seven, and the vast majority of individuals begin to show symptoms by the age 4. The ADHD is a particular and frequent behaviour problem in children that is characterised by hyperactivity, short attention span, and poor concentration abilities, impulsiveness, irritability, explosiveness, variability, and poor school work. view:  adhd diagnosis
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
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The primary symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity (ADHD). Academic achievement frequently hinges on a child’s ability to focus on activities and meet teacher and classroom standards with minimum distractions. If proper teaching approaches and treatments are not applied when a child shows behaviors linked with ADHD, the implications may include difficulty with academics and developing connections with classmates. Identifying children with ADHD Although for years it was believed to be a childhood disorder, which became apparent by the age of 3 and then disappeared with adolescence, the disability is not limited to children. It  identify adhd
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
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If your child has recently been diagnosed with autism, you’re undoubtedly looking for answers to a variety of questions, including what autism is, what are its causes, and how it may be treated. We know and understand it may be overwhelming to look for the right answers. Here are the questions you’re probably asking yourself right now. Autism, typically referred to as autism spectrum disorder, is a developmental disorder marked by difficulties in speech, social interaction, and behaviour. Communication and social interaction difficulties are common in these illnesses. People with ASD frequently have restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped interests or patterns  type of autism
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
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Diane Baumrind, who developed a new method for classifying parents, was the first to describe authoritative parenting. Her plan was to concentrate on how parents sought to manage their children. Authoritative parents take a different, more moderate approach, emphasizing high standards, caring and responsiveness, and respect for their child as logical, autonomous people. This type of parent demands maturity and cooperation from their child and provides them with a great deal of emotional support. While an Authoritarian Parent is completely opposite and demands full control over the child’s life. They set the rules, and boundaries for the child to follow view:  authoritative parenting style meaning
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
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The word authoritarian means favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom. In parenting, this style is popularly known as tough love! Parents want their child to obey the rules without debate or compromise. Many people choose this approach because it is dictated by their ethnicity, culture, or ethical beliefs. It could also be the way they were raised, have no experience with anything else or may have it embedded in their subconscious mind. They believe that the greatest way to keep power is to rule with an iron hand. On the other hand, Authoritative  Authoritarian parenting style
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
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Are you constantly indulged in your child’s day-to-day life or activities? This type of parenting is called Indulgent Parenting or Permissive parenting style. Permissive parents are comparable to domineering parents in several ways. It’s a wonderful thing that both sorts of parents are emotionally supportive and sensitive to their children’s wants and desires. 
Both types consult children while making policy choices, which can be beneficial. Permissive parents, on the other hand, aren’t as demanding as Authoritarian Parents. They don’t give their children many duties, and they don’t push them to follow adult-imposed rules.
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
Here's your know-how guide on the parenting styles types to help you assert your parenting style types and know how it affects your kids.
The four primary Authoritative Parenting style — lenient, legitimate, careless and tyrant — utilized in kid brain research today depend on crafted by Diana Baumrind, a formative analyst..more visit website.
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
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Uninvolved or negligent parenting, as the term implies, is a parenting style in which parents have little or no participation in their child’s overall needs. With other words, in this parenting style, the parents are least involved in their child’s emotional, physical, intellectual, or other essential parts of life. To various degrees, parents may be uninvolved. While most parents provide for their children’s fundamental requirements such as food and shelter, other parents entirely disregard their children’s basic needs. They are unable to respond appropriately to their child’s needs and provide just a little amount of affection, assistance, or direction.  uninvolved parenting style
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hearthfeelings · 3 years
In today's era, where stress anxiety and depression are common, especially in teenagers, it is very much important to make them aware of emotional intelligence. 
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