heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Sadly, I have reached the decision to drop Byakuya from the group and turn him indie. He has already been removed from the Master List at the time of writing this. Byakuya is a muse I enjoy, but not to the extent of a few others of mine. Due to this, I am on him highly infrequently to the point this is the second time I've nearly reach the three week activity rule. Not wanting to worry about his activity as well as being able to choose when to get on his account, I decided going independent will be for the best. This way I can roleplay with him how I like when I want. I will still be open to private threads as I have said in the messages I sent to those I was threading/plotting with. However, if someone else does wish to RP with me privately, I'll be glad to do, but if someone has an indie account, that might be better for the two of us. I apologize for my lack of inactivity and now sudden departure, but I do hope the best for AURP and the members inside it.
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Disgust, revulsion, loathing, horror, every possible negative word to describe even one of those filtered through his mind. He had never been so disgraced in his entire life, not even by Yoruichi when he was just a teenager. This woman had gone from being a pathetic swine into something more, a filth stain that plagued humanity. Her lecherous behavior was one he could not tolerate. It was not the fact that she simply liked sex, but her inability to process the knowledge her new target wanted nothing to do with her. Slowly, his mood went from utter disbelief and shock to outrage, ready to throw the female off of him, uncaring to where she might land.
Were it not for the red-headed female that came to pull her off, he may have done just that. Instead, he forced his breathing to slow, his mask of calmness quickly returning. When the lewd woman dropped back towards him in an effort to get closer, he nearly shifted to shinigami form to cut her down. Luckily for both their sakes, she was pulled back again. This time, anger filled the hedonist and quickly retorted as if in jealousy. From Byakuya’s own perspective, he could see where that envy came from. Then again, his new helper wasn’t covered in slobber, alcohol, sweat, and the stench of sex. In fact, were it not for her attitude, he would have stormed from this place the moment the girl was pulled off. She at least seemed sane and actually had some sensibility. Then she threw a curveball at him.
“Actually Maki, that is my guy so if you could lay off I think we can avoid this getting messier than it already is.”
Byakuya was silent for a moment as he processed the new statement. Seeing her side glance, he quickly came to understand the ruse. Whoever this lady was, he had to give her credit for the quick thinking. In his disordered state, he hadn’t thought of a way out. Now, with her help, he had an excuse to get this crazed fiend away from him. Taking only a second longer to glance at her badge, he heard the questions aimed towards him, and looked into the woman’s eyes. His silence held as he let the air still. Byakuya could lie, but he was an honorable man who avoided doing so. This time however, he cared far more for his self-worth than the honesty to a fool.
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“Yes,” He let out in a hushed tone, the word just barely coming out in over a whisper. “Kushina…and I are together.” There was no bloom of embarrassment or shade of red to cover his cheeks, but instead, a collected glare at the prospect of being put in this situation. If she felt let down or depressed at losing a more handsome man than all the others combined, he felt no sympathy. She could go drown her sorrows in more alcohol and sex. He would have no part with her and such activities. Byakuya simply wanted a small bite to eat and hopefully this red-haired woman would actually be far easier to deal with.
“Is there a problem with that?” Byakuya finally asked, his words cutting and harsh. He spared no comfort for the girl that had just humiliated him.
7th Hell
The bar had been more busy that usual that night, a steady stream of customers coming in and out every hour. Kushina leaned against the counter and fanned herself. For the first time since she had moved to Bunkyo she could feel the tight ache in her muscles, sore from exhaustion. She noticed someone signal for another beer at a table and nodded at them in acknowledgment. Grabbing a cold one out of the fridge, the red-haired woman made her way across the room to deliver the beverage.
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That was when she noticed him walk through the door. He fit the bill for one of those ‘tall, dark, brooding, silent and yet handsome types’ she observed. Kushina could sense the power residing within him and decided to take extra care to keep an eye on him just in case he decided to make a fuss. She watched him made his way to a table in the back and sit down quickly.
Not even thirty seconds after he had sat down a woman approached him, her intent obvious if the over-exaggerated sway of her hips said anything. Kushina recognized her as one of the regulars and sighed when she realized just which one. It was Maki. The seemed to like her men like she liked her liquor - in multiples and fast. The kunoichi had watched her slobber over one guy after the next and it seemed pretty safe to say that she had intentions to do the same with this one.
Kushina thought to just ignore it and go about her business, but she couldn’t help but overhead parts of their conversation.
“Hey there hot st-“
“Want to have a lit-“
It didn’t seem like the man was interested in Maki’s offers in any shape, form or fashion, but she had seen this before. Usually they would refuse her and then ten minutes later they’d leave hand in hand, mouths all over each other. Kushina frowned and turned around to pick up a few trays and empty glasses before making her way back to the bar counter. She threw away the trash and put the trays in the kitchen before walking back out to steal another glance at Maki and the stranger.
He had a look of shock and disgust on his face as the drunken woman proceeded to dance and grind all over his lap. His expression was so lost and Kushina couldn’t help but feel bad for him. It was obvious that the attention he was getting was unwanted at this point. So she sighed and walked towards them.
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“Hey,” she called out, reaching to grab the girl’s arm. “He’s not interested.” She tugged Maki’s arm a little for emphasis.
Maki turned watery and unfocused eyes on Kushina and frowned. “Don’t be ridiculous. We were just getting started,” she drawled, leaning in closer to the man.
Kushina sucked her teeth and pulled on the girl’s arm a little more forcefully. “I think you’ve had enough to drink. At least sit down…”
“Gods Kushina,” Maki interrupted, looking annoyed. “I saw this one first so unless you have a better excuse than that, you can find your own man for the night.”
An idea dawned on her and being the straight-forward girl that she was, Kushina acted without thinking her next words through. “Actually Maki, that is my guy so if you could lay off I think we can avoid this getting messier than it already is.” She gave the stranger a quick side glance that said play along and this will be over.
Maki turned from Kushina to look at the man she had been attempting to woo. “Is that the way of it? You’re a taken man?”
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
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Request by bleachever
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Incorrect Directions
Human clothing was one aspect of humanity that Byakuya had learned to appreciate. Not all of it of course as quite a vast amount was utter trash, but there were some gems that he had come to enjoy a fair amount. This was opposed to the traditional haori all thirteen captains were expected to wear practically every day. Only when he returned home was he allowed to change out of the cheap costume and into something more refined. Even then, the outfit was typically left on as his time at the barracks was almost never ending and duty always called. However, here in the Human World he was permitted, and even required, to wear mortal clothing. At first it had been a pain, but once a few select shops were found, he managed to grab some items.
Still, Byakuya was fashionable, not in the sense he liked to parade himself around, but it just wasn’t fit for a member of nobility to wear clothes constantly. Sadly, there was only a small selection of clothes he liked and any store he had found had been exhausted to his liking. Finding others within the city and even just outside the boundaries was becoming increasingly harder. Finally, holding back some measure of pride, the shinigami managed to find one male who had…acceptable tastes and inquire for a new business to buy from. With a glance over and an amused smile, the male had jokingly mused that his kind might find what was needed at an oddly named store. Byakuya had seen the place while moving about, but never once considered entering it. Not exactly fond of the man’s choice of words and even knowing there was a double meaning, Byakuya stared emotionlessly for a moment before offering a hushed thanks.
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In less than ten minutes, the captain remembered exactly why he had not stepped inside the building. He was one to pick out clothes for his body and knew them to be of higher quality than most, but this building looked…childish. This was the place his adoptive sister would rush into before him, and now he felt like the opinion he had gathered had been more of a joke on him. Were Byakuya to run into that man again at some other point, a soul reaper might be needed to purify the newly formed Plus. For now, he did not wish to have his time further wasted by attempting to find a new store. Also, if the business was indeed as he expected, he could easily pick up something for Rukia. Therefore, the trip wouldn’t be a total loss even if he were to add nothing to his slowly growing closet.
Without waiting another moment, Byakuya walked forward and stepped into Fairy Drop. He was more wrong than ever before. This was a place Rukia might enter, but it looked like the headquarters of the tiny brat, Yachiru Kusajishi. That thought in itself managed to momentarily break his cold expression into one of dismay. He would surely need to buy an object and leave quickly. After all, if the short girl did own the place and her relentless drive to gain pictures of him continued, he did not want to be seen in here. It would just be a pity to any worker that might interrupt his thoughts for while he was not the nicest person before, practically all kindness had fled. With one quick glance around, he found a female, brown-haired shop attendant and directed his voice towards her by uttering, “You. Where can I find a section for bunnies?”
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Clashing Elegance
In a human gigai, his body moved with fluid grace. As a captain, he was expected to know how to move in one like a human. As a noble, he was expected to move like a privileged lord. Other captains were allowed mistakes, the accidental miscalculation of their human world body. Byakuya was unable any such mistakes, his mastery of the shell complete and absolute. Walking swiftly through the streets of Bunkyo, he gave off an air of regal majesty. His clothes - a barely loose fitting white long sleeve shirt inlaid with red, black jeans which formed perfectly against his legs, a silver belt with a light gold buckle, and an expensive necklace holding a violet stone – all personified his image of a young, rich entrepreneur. Not a single person dared step in his way lest they get too close to see his scowl under the lavender sunglasses.
He despised walking amongst the humans, though he knew it required for long stays in the living world. He hated the need to eat human food, the constant travel by streets and mingling with commoners, and the fact he was required to keep his own articles of clothing and spaces clean. Granted none of those took any time, it was still an annoyance. He had better use of his time than to be spending it cleaning shirts or pants. Still, he had chosen this temporary lifestyle for a specific reason and there was no possibility of abandoning that person. Even if he had to deal with meager humans along the sidewalk or smell foul foods as he headed towards the place of residence. It was only troublesome that he was forced to stay in this gigai if he would be here for a long period of time. Luckily, at least the mod soul was of the servant class and could be somewhat useful when shifting into his shinigami form.
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Before long, he came to an apartment. His eyes narrowed at the structure and his walking halted. This was the place she had chosen to reside in? She had come from a down trodden lifestyle so it shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise, but still. She was a Kuchiki, one of the four noble families in Soul Society and largely the most prominent in recent years. To live in such a place after leaving the Kuchiki Manor, it was…squalid. Even now he could see rabbit droppings in various places. He was right to venture to the living world and remove himself from work to check on his adoptive sister. He hadn’t been told who she had chosen to live with, but was assured the person was completely trustworthy. That may have been so and the complex was better than previous others he had walked past, but it simply wasn’t…good enough.
Walking up to the single door he had been told to visit, Byakuya knocked lightly against the wood. Waiting only a moment to make sure the person had heard the sound, he announced from outside, “I have come to retrieve Rukia Kuchiki.”
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
What Characters Would Look Like Blad
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I don’t think these need a caption.
Source: WTF Wednesday at Capslock-bleach.livejournal.com
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
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Those artistic abilities…
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Meeting the ex-captain should have been little surprise for this city. The man had a natural affinity to be drawn towards stronger powers after all. Still, even with Gin’s pardon, the fact this traitor now stood but just a few yards away agitated him. Here, a quickly booming center for spiritual activity and a city that his sister had been assigned to was now populated by a shinigami many still thought to be a betrayer. It would be a lie to say Byakuya trusted this man or thought him containing even an ounce of honor. He had given his story after being saved, but how much could be truth from a deceiver’s mouth? His best evidence was Aizen’s attack on him and even then, that could have been just another plot.
Were the option available to Byakuya, he would have cut down Gin the moment he saw him. It was by this man’s hand that Rukia nearly died. Were it not for his own impressive speed, Byakuya would have seen the female he had sworn to protect cut down in front of his very eyes just moments after coming to the conclusion he had been wrong about her imprisonment. The very nature of that action made Gin his enemy, regardless of what Soul Society had ordered. Regrettably, he could do nothing to kill the white-haired snake for that would be disobeying an order and a traitorous action, and Byakuya was not of the same mold as the ex-captain. Of course, were Gin to do anything that would give suspicion of yet another betrayal, he would be cut down in an instant.
“What brings you to the world of the living?”
Set on his mouth was that trademark grin, a signature of Gin’s unreadable emotions. On the outside, he could look intimidating and simply creepy to most, but on the inside, his mind was rushing. The shinigami was not one to display his emotions or thoughts and as much as it sickened him to think about, it was a similarity they shared. Byakuya would never consider the two equals, whether it be in power or morals, but any connection between the two was unwanted. To him, Gin was an unreadable tome that cared for few, if any at all. He had of course heard the rumors between him and Rangiku, but the thought of any shinigami maintaining pleasantries with this man sickened him. The fact he was pardoned only helped shake his beliefs in Soul Society’s law system.
“Do you think you still have authorization to know a captain’s orders?” Byakuya asked, his tone dry and emotionless while his eyes stared on expressionlessly. While their ability to hide their thoughts and sentiments were similar, the way they did so was vastly different. Gin was one to frighten and intimidate, his face becoming a mask to confuse and distract a person. Byakuya on the other-hand held every fluttering of a feeling in tight check and rarely released anything. The only time one might have seen an ounce more of emotion from the noble lord was when his adopted sister was around, but even then he could be equated to a statue. In a vast number of ways, they were different, and he felt no shame in expressing that.
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“You relinquished that honor, Gin.” Just uttering the name of the man caused his eyes to narrow and fill his voiced with hushed venom. He would never again hold respect for the traitor, nor would he hide that fact.
Along Came A Snake
Light winds and warm sun always made for a grand walking day, as Gin always said. He enjoyed feeling the sun on his skin, despite his insatiable love for the winter. There were no more classes this afternoon, and he had no work until Friday. Strolling through street after street, nothing seemed to catch his interest. Just the typical couples walking hand in hand, or families dressed to the nines off to a movie or shopping, or just average pedestrians possibly walking for the same reasons he always had.
It wasn’t until he saw the whip of a Captain’s coat from the corner of his eye that he decided to stop and take a gander. Making a right down the side street, there was Captain Kuchiki, doing what appeared to be slaying a hollow. Always the hard worker, Gin thought. It was a rare occasion you caught Byakuya just doing nothing. He always had a plan, an intent, a purpose. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind behind any reasoning for his actions.
And pride. That man had more pride than anybody Gin had ever came in contact with. It was admirable, really. But not Gin’s style. He watched as the last stroke was administered upon the hollow, disintegrating into nothing once more.
“Too many snakes fill this city.”
A classic Byakuya response: an emotionless stare with a daunting remark. Though it wasn’t enough to phase Gin. He had years to perfect dealing with his way of speaking, and responds with equally taunting things.
“Why, hello, Captain Kuchiki,” he greeted, grinning wider than before, “What brings you to the world of the living?”
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Why won't you ship with anyone?
A little long so I’ll go ahead and place under a read more.
Hmm, this is actually a really important question, mostly in relation to Byakuya. I simply don’t see him as that shippable. I’m not one that does yaoi ships and I haven’t seen the appeal personally of him getting with any guy. Not against yaoi, I just don’t see Byakuya as being into guys. The only person we’ve seen him show any relationship feelings would be towards Hisana and well…she’s dead. Otherwise, a lot of his life has revolved around Rukia.Rukia was the one he sought out to keep his promise to Hisana, but after that, he pretty much kept his distance. That I think would actually be from the pain of loss and how similar the two sisters looked. Plus, that was the second “commoner” he brought into the Kuchiki household and had to ensure his family wasn’t ignoble or “fallen”. After Soul Society though, his views altered and I personally think he wished to make up time for the distance between the two. He has been more lax towards her and also more protective. He even considers her his “pride” and I think holds a lot of respect for Rukia while she in turn greatly admires him. Her death is also his greatest fear as shown during his major defeat to the point it would seem like he would put her above all else.So, yeah, I don’t really see him getting with any females. There’s one crack ship I’ve recently thought of, but that’s pretty cracky so I’ll stay hush on that. XD Primarily, I see him as just looking out for Rukia and making sure nothing bad happens to her. This of course means any guy wanting to get with her will have to go through Byakuya first and he’s going to be pretty darn selective. I see him scaring away any normal guy that might hit on her. XD On another note, I actually ship Byaruki, but it won’t go beyond platonic in this group.Not saying I won’t ship with anyone. It’s just very highly unlikely. I don’t know really any except for an incredibly small amount that could be his “type” and even then, he’s a shinigami. His sister and duties are going to come before his own feelings, especially if the person isn’t of high status. All those factors combined just makes him far from shippable, so I wanted to add to my page he likely won’t be shipped. I wouldn’t want anyone getting their hopes up only to be crushed later on.
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Wow I just love your Byakuya. I haven't seen all too much from you, but from what I have seen, I am looking forward to more. Your writings are great, you do well with portraying him, and you seemed to have adapted him well. And him and Rukia, I want to see more. I am really looking forward to your threads!
Ah, really? I don’t know who you are or if you are even still in the group, but thank you a lot for this. He’s the first really “noble” character I’ve played. I’ve done some others with egos, but he’s different and actually has a more gentle side (only really with Rukia though…). What little I’ve done, I’ve had a lot of fun writing. He’s just so arrogant and full of himself that he can be really amusing. He also fits Bunkyo with the atmosphere that Spica and Ouran give off with their “wealth/prestige over all” attitude.I do hope you are still here anon and I really hope you like more of my roleplays. These kind of messages are lovely to get, so thank you a lot. I want to do Byakuya justice! :)
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Does the mun have any character in mind that they would pick up as a muse in the future? If so, why? Would you prefer they be in the group setting or as an indie?
Hmm, I’ve actually thought about Kiba off and on. Yes, I know, big difference from Byakuya, but differences can be fun! He’s always been a favorite in Naruto and I hate the lack of attention he or really anyone not of Team 7 gets. He’s kinda crazy and rowdy and seeing a Kiba get reserved a while back had really gotten my hopes up. I personally don’t see many around. I just doubt I have the time in the near future for him as is evidenced by this blog…If I had to choose, I would think a group as he can be really social and Akamaru would provide lots of jokes. Of course, going indie would also be pretty nice, but I tend to like RPing with only one type of character, not something like five Narutos. XD Nothing against that of course, just not my thing.
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Is there a special meaning behind your URL? What made you choose that particular URL for your character?
Of course! I always try to give my URL’s a meaning. Heavenly is due to Byakuya being a soul reaper and also his ego. Principle is because of his beliefs. Anyone that knows Byakuya knows how to the tee he was with rules and laws. That’s changed a little after the Soul Society arc, but he’s still pretty adamant on his noble class and what goes with it. So, I guess you can consider it similar to “highest law”. He really does tend to think himself always right and while he may not disobey an order, he can definitely think it is wrong.
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
Wha? Anon-san, I’ve only made a few posts! But alas, I am back and will be ready to RP. Feeling a bit tired now, so I might rest for a bit, but be assured, I am here and I will be doing some replies today. Hopefully get a few starters going as well. There’s so many new faces here and I want to roleplay with multiple ones. I hope I can get Byakuya further off the ground (and into more awkward situations like with 7th Hell. XD)
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
So, this account has been getting neglected for some time. I'll have to change that, but sadly not just yet. I do fully intend to get some stuff done tomorrow though.
Let's see...I think I owe just Kushina and Gin? Then just wanting for replies from Rukia and Hitsugaya. There's been an influx of Bleach roleplayers, so I wouldn't mind some more threads. Though I'd like to do more out of the Bleach fandom if anyone would like to. If so, like this post and I'll try to get back to you. Don't think I can take on too many more replies (seeing as I've been super slow lately), but I would like some.
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
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heavenlyprinciple · 11 years
You're very good at fighting! ^-^
Ah, thank you. I actually have a couple years of experience in it, but I don’t do it too much on Tumblr. I feel rusty in it actually, though it’s nice to use every now and then. Thank you again for the message, anon!
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